

Dan Winter's original site goldenmean.info - Index Options
350 lectures, 3 million views
FractalField.com TheImploder.com FlameinMind.com Theraphi.net FractalU.com Goldenmean.info Facebook.com/fractalfield
Dan Winter's New Book: planckphire.com
-Negentropy & Charge Collapse Physics of THERAPHI

Phase Conjugate Fractality: The NEGENTROPY Principle behind THERAPHI ... AND - HOW Gravity is CAUSED

PlanckPhire: Perfected Fractal Implosive Charge Collapse-Cause of Gravity & Consciousness ( film below)

..It's SOOO convenient- learn the simple electrical reason ^ objects fall to the ground..
THEN you can quickly understand the electrical cause of consciousness!

(above) PlanckPhire: Planck x Phi ^ Integer N

exactly hydrogen radii .. and.. and.. and..-> PROOF this is exactly the phase conjugate CAUSE of photosynthesis: fractalfield.com/fractalphotosynthesis

Golden Ratio / Conjugation / Fractality CAUSE Both Gravity and Mass- because only they permit charge to be efficiently ( and in the case of gravity- IMPLOSIVELY) ..COMPRESSED!

Dan Winter's new 2023 (5th) book is OUT! Planckphire.com

Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE! - Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! Recursive Feedback=Self Awareness=Fractality. 100 Years of Writing Field Equations, yet has physics investigated whether the same fractal field that causes gravity could also most nourish DNA-
ONE Simple Electric Symmetry (Fractality:Visualize a Rose, In 3D it is the PHASE CONJUGATING- Dodec Stellated)- to CAUSE AND STABILIZE: 1. ALL DNA GROWTH+ Healing (Concentrates LIFE FORCE),
GRAVITY & Atmosphere Maintenence

Dev 2016 Updates from Dan Winter/Implosion Group:

Understanding the Longitudinal Wave Science of Alchemy and Spirituality: www.fractalfield.com/alchemyoffusion

Phase Conjugate Fractal Wave Mechanics of Perception / Bliss- 3 Compelling New Spectral Charts
compelling new summary and scientific tour de force

BioActive Fields: Life Creating Field Effects-new Major Index Commercial Applications

Major Breakthru on the Physics: Dan Winter's PHASE CONJUGATE/FRACTAL CAUSE OF GRAVITY Electromagnetics gets New High Level Proof/ Equation from Mark Rohrbaugh: The Charge ARC (THE Gravity!) Which Embeds the Proton IN the ELECTRON IS CONJUGATE!

New interviews/physics accompanies the clinical release:our breakthru PRIORE Plasma REJUVENATION FIELD/HEALING Tech:

4 new interviews (top_

our latest tech updates-

latest newsletter:Try IMPLOSION SOUND yourself- THE psychoactive binaural ( key to bioactive electromagnetics as well)

NEW: GROZINE Magazine Feature Article
Announces Major Successful SUPERIMPLODER
Trials - Dramatic Improved Growth Rate AND Nutritional Brix Measure -Films & Pictorial Documented):


our blog/ updates/ conversations:

Jan 2015: The Cold Plasma Revolution:
Life force and rejuvenation- centripetal plasma- key to cohering the vacuum for energy AND
how your aura becomes projective- as cold plasma- This-' a rotating conjugator'
also abreak thru in the physics of propulsion and plasma containment-secrets of the VIMANA and the NAZI Bell!
w/2hr new radio

Oct 2014: Blockbuster success- new release-Dan's New Book: Fractal Space & Time-Origins of Gravity, Negentropy, Life Force and Perception. Conjugating Life: Geometric Origins of Biologic Negentropy- fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime (3 ways to order)

April 2014: Origins of Negentropic Fields-
Literally FIRE IN BLOOD..
& Dan's latest:

Aug 2013: MINDWAVE: A compelling testable wave mechanical description of human attention- Mechanism of the Measureably Centripetal and Self-Organizing Electrical Nature of Human Consciousness: Conjugation and Longitudinal Wave Compression-11 Part HD Video Documentary- detailing the wave science - real wave mechanical understanding of consciousness!

May 2013: Complete New- University of Girona - Lecture series films- with Dan Winter-
Deep Science of Life Force Architecture

Mar 2013: FLAME in the MIND-Dan's complete new Barcelona lecture films- www.fractalfield.com/conjugatemind
+Animations of Longitudinal Waves 'in mind'

Dec 2012: Fusion in the BLOOD- Dan's lectures from S.France: fusionintheheart.com
INCLUDING new-Understanding Draco/ET/Nephalim BLOOD CHEMISTRY!

Nov 2012:Major Updates to Implosion Group/FractalField- many exciting RESEARCH PROJECT SUMMARIES + Latest Dan Winter Media Interviews

May 22,2012-Golden Ratio/Fractal Geometry of FUSION/ Implosion Proof-new wave equations. Physics confirms: Centripetal forces requires golden / fractal principles. Pure principle for cohere the vacuum /zero point tech:

Feb 1,2012:Dan's new analysis- The SCIENCE of REINCARNATION - > fractalfield.com/reincarnation

Nov13,2011:Dan's major newsletter: FRACTAL ALCHEMY-The Real Science of Plasma Fusion/Oneness.

Sept 11: Scientific Clarity:What Is a SACRED Frequency? + TheImploder.com New SuperIMPLODER- web site completely new - research news update

July31: Revisited from Dan:
Jesus was actually a PHYSICS TEACHER!

June 29,2011: Restoring Centripetal Forces for LIFE and Self Organization - 20 New Films with Dan Winter + Centripetal Natural Solutions to Radioactivity

May 14,2011:Breathing into GAIA-Photosynthesis:Precisely Fractal/Phase Conjugate-new equations +ALL NEW SuperImploder redesign & film - at fractalfield.com/fractalphotosynthesis

April 18,2011:SuperIMPLODER-Next Generation for Imploded Water- Announced-REAL Phase Conjugate Magnets! + 2 New 1+Hr Films:PERFECT FLAME -ALCHEMY Science Complete / Natural Radioactive Solutions - fractalfield.com/superimploder

Mar14,2011:Starseed:Stars Need DNA-Peacemaking the SUN-the Most Intense & Quality Film EverI Is it possible- to describe a deep meaning for THE PURPOSE OF LIFE- in simple engineering terms? Dan Winter talks in detail about how stars - like our Sun -have their need for centripetal force- served by the maturing of human genepools- like ours. A fast and moving dialog about the many present issues of spiritual growth enlightened by a serious physics.Then Dan Screiber joins us- teaching about the biology of life force, Terra Preta- the "holy grail of soils"fractalfield.com/starseed

Feb 14,2011:Alchemy, Fractal Compression, Plasma Fusion-The Geometry of Human Group Mind ONENESS Experience
Perfect Valentine 2011 Film in 8 Parts with Dan Winter -PLUS 2011 New Events
see: www.fractalfield.com/perfectvalentine

Feb 1,2011:Australian Research Project & Events Announcements- fractalfield.com/feb11fractalimplosionnews

Jan 2,2011: New Years Newsletter from Dan Winter ,New December Videos from Implosion Group Plus-News about the New Commercial Imploder Also- the Breakthru-Technology.com New Years Newsletter

Dec 14: GiaFilm:(real) Frequency of Genius-Interview w/Dan,-Implosion Makes Waves Perfectly SHAREABLE.(end of secrets..for waves.&PEOPLE!+Commercial Strength IMPLODER- fractalfield.com/frequencyofgenius

Dec 5: Over the Rainbow: where all waves (& your aura) go AFTER they get fractal/phase conjugate (implode)-KEY to self organization out of chaos/ pollution. AND physics of 'salvation' -electric doorway to 'communion of saints'- 'the collective unconscious'> fractalfield.com/overtherainbow
& Laboratory Evidence:TheImploder Removes Chlorine!

Oct 13:Imploder&WATER Science Update: fractalfield.com/bloomthedesert/imploderupdate.html Growth Effect - Results now compelling.. fractalfield.com/implodernews Hydrodynamically AND Magnetically Imploded- Viktor Schauberger's dream of Implosion for Water.

Nov 1: Holloween:Fractal FUSION with Ancestral Memory-Communion of Saints meets Electrical Engineering goldenmean.info/objectiveimmortality
& Nu Imploder Breakthru Tech Update

Oct 2,2010:Coherence:Deep Science & Biologic Meaning:Film- Int'l Conference on COHERENCE
+ NEW Imploder Shower Nozzle Released!


Sept 1,2010:Gravity IS Love:NewAttractive Physics&BLACK HOLEs CENTERS on PHI
+FilmGolden Ratio Physics of KABBA
-&Imploder News AND PYRAPHI WORKS! goldenmean.info/gravityislove

July(7-7,10:goldenmean.info/malta<TWENTY NEW FILMS & VAIROCANA Effect:REAL HERMETIC Revolution
&Newest THEIMPLODER:fractalfield.com
AND!!ThePyraphi Ultimate LIVING FIELD EFFECT: fractalfield.com/pyraphi

May 5,10:Real Fractal Plasma Science of the 2012 Story:Carrington Event-Geometry / From Incube-ation to Implosive Self Organization(films) www.goldenmean.info/carringtonevent

Mar 25,10:Calling Angels-Physics Breakthru- Ophanim Enochian as Simple Plasma Vortex Nests- Embedding AND Steering- Stellar Fields
w/ Vincent &Dan +Amazing Graphics

Mar 15,'10:DEATH OF THE BEES- (CCD) -
Compelling Scientific Evidence -
The MECHANISM- How (Monsanto's) GMO CORN - Wiped out the BEES - GLOBALLY

Mar10,10:Blockbuster Physics Summary:Overwhelming Evidence: Golden Ratio Fractal Phase Conjugation causes Gravity, Perception, Color, Life, Time: All Centripedal Forces. PLUS:Best FILM SERIES EVER-Aussie10Reviewed, PLUS -ElNaschie GOLDEN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY - PLUS:NewRelease THEIMPLODER-Ready goldenmean.info/selforganization

Jan15,2010:Deep Science in "Avatar" Movie: Fractal 'Roots' of Biologic Democracy: How Biology Finds Shareable Waves- Teaches The Purest Form of Democratic Process../NEWS & Latest 6 Films w/Dan goldenmean.info/avatar

Dec 26,09:Reinventing Life Fractally-"Best Overview I've seen on Alternative Technologies / New Physics !" - Recent Breakthru-Technology Conference has Participants in Tears - Event Reviewed: by Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D. ( Ed: SpaceofLoveMagazine.com )- & Four New Radio Shows.

Dec 1,09: Dramatic Nu Release-15 Major Film Exerpts from Intn'l Scientists BREAKTHRU TECH Conference-Calgary> fractalfield.com

Nov9,09:Fractal Field Technologies..New Articles..1000 join us in Riccione>See 2 new films & Phase Conjugation&Healing by Tom Bearden goldenmean.info/phaseconjugate

Oct 22,09:Newest Film:Barcelona-GRAVITY SCIENCE - in honor of Occult Radio with Dan Winter

Oct 11,09:ELECTRIC FIELD which Causes LIFE-the evidence-BioArchitecture & Phase Conjugate Dielectric/FRACTAL FIELD:
Nu55min Flash Vid from 2nd International Biologic Arch.Conf.Cardiff.&PHASE CONJUGATING MAGNETS(LIKE Poles attract!

Oct 1,09:Calling AllAngels:the Plasma of Stars: The Science..Next Step to Learn Ophanim..
John Dee, Shakespeare and REAL Alchemy,with Vincent Bridges&Dan Winter..
Events, Courses.Press Rel: goldenmean.info/ophanim

Sept 26,09:Soul Retrieval- the Fractical Plasma Science- Dan Winter, & New ONLINE VIRTUAL VIDEO EDUCATION launched! & New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> fractalfield.com , Breakthru-Technologies.com , TheLoveTuner.com , Pyraphi.com AND fractalgold.net

Sept 9,09: Co-Incidence Defined:
Science Re-Examines 2012:
There IS Evidence for FRACTALITY in the Plasma Storm!

Is THIS How Our Living Plasma is Sucked (or Invited- if you steer the tornado ??) - Into Stars...

Aug 23,09:Breakthru-Technologies.com
Applied FRACTAL Quantum Field Theory

(newsletter: www.fractalfield.com
Commercial Opportunities- (Calgary in Nov.) Worlds Leading Scientists Converge: Fractality (/phase conjugation) & SELF ORGANIZATION> breakthru's:
energy from hydrogen, water treatment& life force tech.

Aug 5,09:FRACTAL Solutions to Climate in Chaos:Climate Scientist-Data+ 8 New Films! goldenmean.info/fractalitynotcarbon

July 1,09: 2nd International Biologic Architecture Conference & Design Festival Press Release - A New Science of LIFE FORCE in Buildings-Centering Force in a BUILDING- IS a New Unified Field!The same FRACTALITY in SPACE -defines LIVING SPACE in ARCHITECTURE

June 21,09:Gravity Explained: HOLY GRAIL Of Science. goldenmean.info/gravityexplained
Flash Film /Follow up &great feedback from GOLDENPROOF &Preview Grail Sci Conference

June 15,09:Mathematic 'golden' proof: - How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity-GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN: PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIOx PLANCK LENGTH. GOLDEN RATIO:holds these waves of charge together!Producing-Gravity: goldenmean.info/goldenproof

June 9,09:Teaching ONEness:Science of Fractality & PEACE UNIVERSITY &5New Films: goldenmean.info/peaceuniversity

June 1,09:Dictionary of Jesus Physics- and the Grail: Manifesto- a cross reference table for priest / scientists: goldenmean.info/jesusphysics

May 10,09:PoleShift &"Earth's Force Field":Fractal Solution to the Solar Wind, (with film) Earth's Magnetosphere is LOSING in the Solar Wind:The GRAIL (Fractal) Solution can put Humpty Back Together!

May 6.09:SHAKESPEARE-learned(Science) Alchemy&Angelics fr JOHN DEE'007' &Kelley-in Prague! >Project:Calling All Angels - Ophanim.. Enochian- Vincent Bridges-bombshell>more exciting & more true than the DaVinci Code!!6hrs Film

April 7,09:New filmseries:HeartTuner BlissTuner Training with Dan Winter+Includes new Fractal Science of Life Stories..

April 3,09:New Scientist Magazine: FRACTALS Make Sense of the Quantum World+Comment>Dan Winter &new Rimini FILM:Fractal LIFE AFTER DEATH

Mar 26,09:Phase Conjugate Visuals- Newest FILM SETS (6!), Eye Candy.. Physics Insights.. & News:goldenmean.info/phaseconjugatevisuals

Mar 6,09:"An Electron in a FRACTAL Electric Field-
is So Well Distributed - You Call That GOD!"
"Pure Intent is the Wave that's SHAREABLE With ALL of DNA - Because it Serves Survival. How Fractality defines PURE INTENTION: A Perfectly DISTRIBUTEABLE Wave.
"New Feb09 film from Barcelona: Winter's clearest explication yet - of his Fractal / Phase Conjugate Field Theory of GRAVITY - AND- Consciousness. goldenmean.info/barcelona

Jan 29,09:WHO.. in Physics- is YALWEH?(newFILM
The Name of Plasma Bodies- Became Our Names for "GOD"- Self Empowering Physics: How The NAMING PROCESS - Teaches You How to EMBED In the PLASMA FIELD -Giving your aura leverage on the charge envelope called LIFE- at ANY SCALE!

Dec 29,08: New Science of LIFE!-the Real Secret Sacred Geometry of LIFE FORCE: Film Series Just out from Puivert,France- +more..

Dec 11,08: REAL Science of Alchemy& AlKHEMy of DEATH/with Major New FILM Release- Bath UK Conference-

Nov 15,08: Real Science of Angels:Girku / Vril/Tuoai /Silmarion Memory Crystals...+ the REAL Enki's Voice Recorder..

Aug 28,08: FRACTAL Water: Zaragosa World Expo on (Fractal)Water- New Films&Photos-w/Dan Winter,Dr.Korotkov, Emoto, Lazlo..

July 25,08: Ecology and Water-Peace&Unified Field,World Expo-Saragosa-Spain:New Fractal Science of Life-w Dan Winter+New Films+New Turin Advanced

June 22,08: Ending Religion Wars:4 Dramatic New Films Released-"ET Origins of DNA"-Angels Exist!.. from the Grail Tour..

June 14,08: Mayan Fractal Time Code: How Energy Rotation Becomes Life - 'Conjuring Up' Perception..The ONLY Exit from CHAOS

May 23,08:Budapest08 Unified Field Physics Conference-Climaxing with Phase Conjugating Profound NEW FRACTAL SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL+New Rennes 5 Film Set

May 8,08:Physics World Implodes:FRACTAL Phase Conjugation Causes Gravity, Color,Perception,Bliss-Scientists Consensus Reaching Critical Mass

Apr 23,08: New Film, Powerpoint &Gallery Greek Isles Cruise-Fractality+Science of FORGIVENESS;+ Budapest Physicists Reconvene

Mar 25,08: the latest-Golden Mean/Fractal Physics VINDICATED:HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS=GOLDEN FIELD THEORY! + another new film!

Mar 15,08: Dramatic New Film Release: Fractal Science of Life AND Gravity-from Melbourne's Swinborne University

Feb 28,08: Is Fractality the(Electric)Cause of GRAVITY&All Centripedal Self Organization-Especially Consciousness+LIFE,dialogs w/Prof El Naschie-The Solid Science..

Feb 3,08: State of the World-Spirit: Assessing our Collective Chances - from Faces Around Earth..+Exciting Updates on Europe Tours

Feb 11,08: TWO Ways to Measure ATTENTION SPAN using-HeartTuner's EKG Cepstrum Coherence Measure + Dramatic New BlissTuner Example

Jan 2,08: Caught in the MATRIX:Why Tetra/Universe Models are NOT Fractal+Do Not Account for Gravity Creation+ Latest 'Surfer'Lisi's E8 THEORY OF EVERYTHING is BASED on Golden Ratio!

Dec 15,07: DNA-Wave:7/5 Braid Language in S.American CHACANA-Mirroring Hebrew/Hungarian.+Gariev's Latest DNA Physics-WITH NEW MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY FILM:NEW FRACTAL SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS- ONLINE

Nov 2,07: New FRACTAL Science of LIFE:University Lecture new films online with Dan Winter (from Columbia)

Oct 15,07: FRACTAL COSMOLOGY:Global Acceptance,Proof: Fractality CAUSES Gravity-Mathematic Solutions-Financial Prize

Oct 8,07: TWIN TOWERS-Grail Science: RennesChateau>Canigou<Girona"Phase Conjugating"NECROPOLES-in CHARGE for Successful DEATH


Sept 27,07: Dragon Script Grail in DNA:RINGlord/Hungarian= Seraphim'Gold Plates'=Alphabet>DNA Charge Symmetry

Sept 8,07: Immortality: Can Science Know How it Works? Death Visuals Derive from DNA's Braid Sequence, & Color / Sound Harmonics Healing- Heart+Voice-article updated with Marysol's new pdf's

Aug 29,07: Microwave Tower REMOVED by SICK PEOPLE-Legal Precedent+Iran Attack news..

Aug 14,07: Secret of Biologic Architecture:FRACTAL Symmetry CONCENTRATES LIFE FORCE!-Celebrating our International University Symposium on BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE - Mexico City Oct 12-14, 07

July 22,07: BIOLOGIC Architecture:Electric GRAIL of Sustainable Environment-Fractal Field makes LIFE! (University Conferences World Tour Announcement)

June 29,07: Real Dragon History: Healing the Schizophrenia-God's Names in EVERY KultURe-ONE Dragon ANnunaki Family with a DNA Problem?

June 21,07: The SCIENCE of Elementals + Nature Spirits:Using EEG / EKG Biofeedback - HeartTuner / BlissTuner - (also GDV) to measure work with Nature Spirits and Elemental Forces.

June 6,07: GrailQuest-New Magazine Article: Fractal KEY to ALL of Life

Apr 14,07:Orb of Life: Egg Shape of Charge Creating LIFE FORCE-Eye's REAL Twinkle IS Dodeca!Hi Res 'Orbs' Photos- showing Dodeca in the Twinkle.

Mar 26,07: 3D Physics of COLOR-Breakthru:Golden FRACTAL Attractor (Dodeca Tilt PREDICTS Primary Colors Wavelengths! ) Implications:Healing/Fusion!

Mar 24,07: Labyrinth / Geomantics + Geobiology site completely updated, reloaded - many new images.

Mar 23,07:Grail Story FINAL PIECE: How+Why Hapsburgs Paid Sauniere at Rennes +Announcement HENRY LINCOLN Joins Tour! -New Evidence: Power of Fractal / GRAIL Ignited Blood.

Mar 20,07:Global Bee Death: The Golden Globe Disaster.Einstein as the Emperor with No Clothes... AND - No Midas Touch +Bet You Didn't Know the REAL Reason you Like Sex?(Let's embed and phase conjugate shall we?)

Mar 12,07: Proof-Phi Fractal Self Similarity CAUSES the Gravity that Holds Atoms Together(added Mar14-International Physicists Conference Version in PDF)+Photon Torus TRUE 3D ORIGIN OF COLOR

Mar 9,07: Fractal Universe-Physics from NEW SCIENTIST-vs-Inhabiting Dragons in your DNA:Gravity of the Situation

Mar 5,07: Perception IS the Physics of PHASE CONJUGATION-the Evidence, +Yet Another Breakthru in BlissTuner EEG: New-Geometric FFT-Measures COHERENCE at ANY Ratio (Phi or Octave) + Shows the Ratio!

Feb 14,07 Hex vs Pent: Emerging from the MATRIX: Brainwave Octaves vs Phi-Proof with new Fractal Synth Software-WHY Golden Ratio Charge Wave Constructive Interference is the Electrical CAUSE of Gravity, Life & Consciousness!

Feb 07,07: The 'Fractal Vacuum'-Ultimate DEFINITION of ENERGY EFFICIENCY (& Energy Sustainability)will ALWAYS be FRACTALITY!- Golden Ratio in EEG Evidences Fractal Electrical Nature of Bliss / Life Force / Gravity Phi Golden Ratio Implosive Symmetry = charge attracted into faster than light fractally perfect distribution - versus - Octave / cubic wave symmetry = charge stored in a matrix.
1. Fractal Vacuum allows Perception by Phase Conjugation: Golden EEG Research- illustrative example- transforming A.D.D. / Addiction into Bliss.
2. WHY Fractality is the key to environmentalism / sustainability / energy efficiency - because it is the key to sustaining charge attraction.
3. Fractal Synthesizer - New Phi Harmonic Interactive Software - demo - download - animations. + Frank's view of perception= phase conjugation.
4. Fibonnacci / Golden String & the Perfect Knot in DNA- pictorial literature examples.
5. 'Observer Physics': Phase Conjugation MAKES AN OBSERVER- out of the CHARGE COMPRESSING electric field CALLED ATTENTION.
6. Fractality and the 'Nature' of the Vacuum / Physics and the Djedi.-with review and link to Nassim's film on the FRACTAL VACUUM.
7. How Fractal Self Similarity between electrons and nucleus - creates the gravity / charge collapse that holds atoms together.
8. Maharishi's Mistake-REAL Brain COHERENCE - Biofeedback vs: the 'Maharishi Mistake. The Maharishi University (of COHERENCE) Graduate Dean Responds.. Learns..
9. "Oe-dipal" origins of human evolution- where the ANU urge-turns wave inside out.
10. new- Science of Fractality - articles reference index (from heartcoherence.com )

Jan 15,07: Brain COHERENCE Measured & Golden Ratio vs Octaves in EEG: 2 Breakthrus Together - Revolutionize Brain Biofeedback / Meditation Training.. Even the very Definitions of Neuroscience..

Jan 3,07: new "Bliss on a Mac": HeartTuner / BlissTuner support announced for Apple/Mac!

Dec27,06: The DNA Manifesto plus Film Trailer WITH the DNA Physics -12 Snakes into Fiery Serpent Mouth ... of EGYPTIAN AFTERLIFE ENTRY. addend:Jan19,07- Anastastia:The FORCE is with those who BLESS THEIR GENES-Shamanic Example of Learning the Magic of DNA!

Dec 17,06 HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured.

Dec 20,06: Physics of CREATION>
Visual Illustration that SELF-SIMILARITY between Electron vs Nucleus is the CAUSE of GRAVITY!

Bo, BoHeme,Bugarach, Baal, The DRAGONS EGG and the Essene Roots of the Grail in South France.. How Humpty Dumpty fixed his Egg!

Nov 21,06: now-TWO Ways to Measure Empathy with HeartTuner + 'TM Tuner'+ Exciting Report Conference of Physicists on Consciousness +Nu Article:Pattern Recogition in EEG

Oct 13,06: BIOLOGIC Architecture: ReInventing Architecture Using the Electrical Symmetry of Biology.The ability to "Tect"(build) an "Arch" is the skill to fabricate a biologic (fractal / phase conjugate + therefore LIFE giving) CAPACITOR!

Sept 12,06:FRACTAL FIELD: Redefining the FIELDS of Healing, Peacemaking, Genetic Self Organization, Bliss, Energy Science.. + The EDIN BO UR G- Fractal Lens: Why so many ET's are behind the Gene / Bio Science "phase shift" in Edinburgh.

Aug 31,06:Phase Conjugation-Universal Biologic Solution/Healing/Path from Chaos+NewHeartTuner HRV Breath Software-Animations&The LAST Grail Secret

July 15,06: Fractal Charge Compression is CAUSE & RESULT of - a) HUMAN ATTENTION,- b) GRAVITY,- c) NOURISHING DNA

June 29,06: HeartTuner Major New Release:Caducceus Breathing /HRV-and the REAL (fractal)Heart Coherence (vs."The HeartMath Mistake")- The Harmonic Inclusive AND Coherent Heart.

June 24,06: Origin Synchronicity.. Self Organization+Awareness in Phi Electric Fractality..Once fractality recursively multiplies the phase velocities into the implosive compression point - radiance of charge is made infinitely efficient.. This is why it is so profound and self-empowering when we learn (with biofeedback ..or?) from within to MAKE these golden ratio metrics in EKG and EEG- because we then become a massive charge attractor- accounting for not just bliss and creativity - but the end of parasites and the BEGINNING of self-steering (by implosive suction) our own aura. Death survival / lucid dreaming - even ensoulment are the result. Altho the problem of getting self-empowered from an electrical viewpoint is quite simple (attract charge or die) - the psychology of DOING that is the fun part. It literally means determining which intention or wave is shareable -and embedding ourselves in that (pure coherence is always fractal). It means the REASON we don't eat most red meat is we recognize the WORK it is going to take to restore the internal memory structure to fractality (from anger/ destructive inner electrical interference symmetry). It means the REASON we eat only happy DNA and live in fractal pristine magnetics is we realize it is only from there can we radiate the charge called immortality. Etc.This is literally the physics of becoming the diVINE.

June 19,06: Calling All Angels:AmeriKA's Secret Destiny..REAL History of America's Origins(film review)+Destiny.. America's Roots film online-Ophanic / Rainmaking - international Pics.. new Essene film..

June 5,06: Essene Saint 'Grace from Mt Shasta' presents her personal BLISS experiences, her resultant shamanic vision- into the SUN, the hygiene, and the LOVE.. new film online accompanies- intro from Dan Winter:Essene History+Bliss Science- here is a living example of Bliss Lifestyle - the beauty - the hygiene- the science in practice.

May 19,06: Real Physics of the Grail -DiVINe code + Science of Death - NEW DVD+ FILM exerpt ONLINE and Grail Article +History of Hermes..meets the Jesus >Tut Connection....

April 26,06: Geobiology-with Stephane Cardinaux - Science meets Geomantics-Visual Tour- Fractal Grid+Elementals+Clairvoyance, also new films and announcements..

April 21,06: HealingPhase:Phase Conjugation (phi caducceus) principle of all energy healing,bio-ceramic & Re-Dox? - Phisciences + how Fractality Measure Chemically Predicts Which Liquid CAN Support LIFE.

April 3,06: Rosy Cross:..the REAL Grail.. a Threshold/Door/Gate- Timeportal.. (PRAHA/Prague- Rose/Secret Design.)Perfected PHASE CONJUGATION (scalar / torsional / implosion / scale invariant / global scaling) - IS- The Rosy Cross..The only cause of gravity (infinite collapse) and LIFE

Mar 3,06: Charge Self Similarity/Fractality: The Cause of Gravity / & Fusion / & Phase Conjugation-THE EXPERIMENTAL PROOF

Feb 6,06: Making Waves: Golden Mean Physics Breakthrus:Implosive gravity making charge field 'Consciousness'-Sucks its way thru the Universe

Dec 1,05: Physics of HEAVEN!+Phosphene Flares Mystical Synapse Alphabet - Chryst-Mass Message..

Nov 1,05: The True Physics of the Holy Grail: Infinite Fractal Compression. +"EartHeart!"-in print!+HeartTuner Magazine Article

Oct 8,05: Hell's Mouth:Celebrating -SHAMANIC RECAPITULATING-100 Years of MURDER & LIES That are the U.S. Government! - as we enter the INNER WORLD (Hell's Mouth)> NINE LAYERS? - Dante's INFERNO, Jason and the ARgonauts, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Mayan "Nine Lords of the Night", the Egyptian ENNEAD, Virgil's AENEID, Hopi's PESHMEHTEN, the NINE Tiers of Palenque, DEEP SPACE NINE, and Puharich's THE NINE +"Free Energy" AND Parasites of America-++ Microwave Sattelite Animated Evidence- Hurricane Rita was Pumped Up & Later Shot Down..

Sept 8,05: All PENT-UP- Why were Katrina et al Hurricane centers all FIVE SIDED / PENT?(Implosion Fed Charge?)-Physics Q&A:If Einstein knew about FRACTALITY-would he have Compressed Charge into Gravity, + Valerie's Letter + New Pic /Article- Joe Cell Car -Runs on WATER!

Aug 14 ,05: 4 Great New Film Clips Up at ImplosionMovies-Web TV:1)Charging into the Symmetry of LIFE FORCE & Gravity Making -15 min. & 3 HeartTuner /BlissTuner Realtime InAction Clips.. new window in window training tech. - See if Dan Winter can make his own BlissTuner sing??

Aug 4 ,05: WHAT IS SALVATION?-Science Cure(Self Empowerment)for the Dying Jesus Myth..

Aug 1 ,05: Physicists FINALLY Redefine GRAVITY..Lovingly!! Physicists DEAL WITH THEIR EMOTIONS..discovery REAL Gravity Physics!..saying "golden section" in nature is not accidental, because the basis of it lies in the de Broglie waves.

July 24,05: TRI-PLOSION:FEELING Within-Quantum Bounce to REAL Center-Triangle-ating INWARD-to help you TRY IMPLOSION -Physics of PHI-Triangulation-to Tri-Plosion+Michael Heleus new site+Physicist Responds(Conic Theory of Gravity agrees:Self Similarity MAKES Gravity

July 8,05: Attention=Perfected CHARGE DISTRIBUTION Created by Successful COMPRESSION-the GEOMETRY OF ATTENTION:Neurofeedback for A.D.D.hygiene approach +pictorial look at BlissTuner Solutions

July 3,05: COHERING the Vacuum: Making Gravity in Biology- The PHYSICS WITH HEART! Heart's Fractal Electrification - IS physics creation principle ( how to compress well ) for what symmetry COHERES the vacuum - & MAKES gravity ! "

June 30,05: Squeezing the TRUTH Out- Applying the Self Sort Principle to Your Life..More on Gravity Science Made Social..

June 30,05: New: HeartTuner / BlissTuner - FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions + Users Intro for Dummies..

June 17,05: Gravity Politics- Why Governments DON'T Want You to Know HOW GRAVITY IS MADE..+ Real Story-Scientist Discovers how from INSECTS&Uses that TO FLY!

June 6,05: 12 Strands - 7 Views - New Physics on Black Hole/ Gravity Making in DNA - the Geometry AND the Psychology..of Genetic Bliss Ignition + New Web TV !!.

May 21,05: new book SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY-on Dan Winter's Implosion Physics-reviewed + Hurtak Enoch Orion History Decoded/Debunked..More..

May 3,05: The LOVE Vibe: Does Love Have a Freqeuncy- Music of PHI - vs Implosion -Self Empowerment vs. Mechanical Implosion

April 25,05: Galaxy Superwave - and Steering the BIG Volcano..predictions both Indigenous and Scientific..:

April 19,05: Gravity Code: World Responds to Winter's new 'Charge Self Similarity CREATES Gravity & Self-Awareness'-AND-Poincare (Dodec) Symmetry Agrees!

April 15,05: Phi Optimized Charge-Self Similarity Causing Gravity&Awareness- PDF- Invited (Hadron) Physics Journal Paper -also HeartTuner BlissTuner tech updates+ More info on water rising/Krakatoa.. ( /hadron )

Mar 30, 05: Einstein revisited- new-Self-Organization&LIFE Permeate Where Charge Compression&Distribution is Fractal/Self-Similar- - IS SELF SIMILARITY THE CAUSE OF GRAVITY? -- - -- Hadron Article

Mar 15 05: New- HeartTuner BlissTuner- reveals DRAMATIC -EEG Difference between Bliss State- Versus Telepathy / Channelling - Bliss=Phi Cascades, while Channelling/Telepathy Appear Preliminarily as OCTAVE EEG CASCADES!

Mar 4, 05: What is LIFE-answered electrically -AND - Newest Science TEST - DO YOU HAVE A SOUL!!

Feb 6,05: - "What the 'Bleep'- Implodes- Film Doesn't See the (Imploding) Heart.+Physics gets 'attracted' to the PHI-lial - Fractally! Does the Bliss / Kundalini of Cellular Microwave (the 'MicroTubule') STEER THE WEATHER ?

Feb 6,05: Phire Up my DNA! SOLUTION to:The REAL Terminator Story - Dan Winter takes Fun Questions & Some Real ET Advice!

Jan 29,05:America Bush Raped-Consequences Coming FAST- Burning Bush - and the Collapse of America-Predictions for Coming Months..

Jan 16,05: Your Life Depends on Learning to MAKE GRAVITY- Mayans:5 Continents Next After Tsunami..story- Uruk -Iraq - Babylon

Jan 6,05: Redesigning civilization for BIOLOGIC CHARGE COMPRESSION/BLISS-It's Life or Death, and Peace University Demonstration Community PLAN

Dec 25,04: COSMIC CHRIST - Seyfert Galaxies - Christmas Notes..Prepare for Cryst MASS- Dialing ARK-angles:Galaxies go on+off like the blinking lights of a Christmas tree

Dec 16,04: BlissTuner Redefines and Teaches Creativity by Measurement

Dec 15,04: Knot Slipping - Into the Coeur of DNA-Alphabet of Genes! IF a charge slip knot can be compressed into the throat of DNA - as the origin of symbol (the Alphabeta of the Symmetry of Genes?) - AND the ONLY way anything in biology becomes immortal? ..
Imagine that what we call "biology" is the way the mechanical world invented how to build a toroidal charge vector thruster device using molecules. DNA is the device biology used to store this compression into a 'holy communion' / IMPLOSION or burning fountain of charge at it's core. DNA and every protein alive - is pent: mechanism of IMPLOSION's Grand Attractor

Oct 24,04: The SHAREABLE WAVE- Fractally Attracting CHARGE:Making Bliss,Ecstasy &Creative Insight States-Teachable with Science and Measurement.
.. waves which discover the perfect branching (Scion-ce) by perfect compression (Implosion) at the coeur of DNA - become SHARE-able (Immortal).

July 22,04: Seed Germination-Knowing what electrical symmetry PRODUCES life-might save our genepool? Designed to Prove WHY All Ecologic (Agricultural & Architectural) Structures
to Acheive Life & Sustainability - Must Ultimately be Electrically Fractal

June 04: Holarchy:Solution to COHERENT&FRACTAL Heart--Coherence 'Wars':Heart Math vs. HeartTuner:Freezing a Frame"may be "DETRIMENTAL"

June 04: Is Golden Ratio in Spectrum (Harmonic) Analysis the Ultimate Tool to Prove Global Scaling (Scale Invariance)? COMPRESSION enabling principle behind the FUSION..Implosion.

May 04: Bliss Tuner Announced:Ecstatic&Insight States as Science in Feedback

April 04: Caducceus-Breathing the Heart to Bliss- versus Heartmath- Breathing Trainer Announced.& Newsletter

Mar 04: Was that the Papal We?-Popes role in War Crimes+ Enlil/Yalweh Rites of Parasite.-more on Enki drama..

Global Heart Articles - recently republished - Incunabula-Gilgamesh & Immortality .... Mathematics of Self-Awareness:Coherence & Recursion -Consciousness & Gravity asWave Attractors

Latest 2016 Breakthru Science and Announcements from Dan Winter, Implosion Group research: ImplosionGroup.com-

StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education

Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (Priore):
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment:

Our Leading IOS Biofeedback Apps
Brainwave/EEG Meditation : FlameinMind.com
itHRVe.com Heart HRV/Breath: www.HRV-App.com

All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects
Origin Implosion Group
Dan Winter - Index
Implosion Group Main Film Library (original FractalU courses
Implosion Group recent FractalU courses
Dan Winter -YouTube Channel:
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site:
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy
DVD Complete Set Updated: goldenmean.info/tools
Star Mother Kit: goldenmean.info/kit
Dan Winter 's Theraphi.net / FractalField.com / (tech) ImplosionGroup.com updates - Aug. 2020 - To our partners- appreciate your interest
- Notes/film re infections vs plasma: goldenmean.info/holarchy , also Physics of Ensoulment/Aura Plasma-escape from 'machine culture' fractalfield.com/aicontroltheonlyescape
- Teaching kids to see without their eyes /w EEG .. ‘inner vortex’ flameinmind.com/outervision
- Newest amazing theraphi plasma report theraphi.net/mairas-report-theraphi-clairvoyance-lucid-dreaming-synchronicities-birds-healed-building/
- Alchemy /Dee/Kelley/Shakespeare film project new review: implosiongroup.com/filmprojects/alchemyfilm.html
- Newest lecture- international breakthru energy conference fractalfield.com/vacuumenergy
- I
nternational conferences- films / updates fractalfield.com/2019 , fractalfield.com/2018 , fractalfield.com/2017
- Major upgrades- our worlds most powerful brainwave / meditation / bliss biofeedback: flameinmind.com - Bliss Binaurals: flameinmind.com/flameinsound
- Our new Real Heart Coherence/ Empathy trained 2ch EKG app! realheartcoherence.com - All our apps: craniosacral-app.com
- Our- Theraphi.net plasma rejuvenation project- (proof of conjugate physics of negentropy fractalfield.com/physics).
about 20 centers listed there in USA, now a commercial success in about 20 countries. New plasmaphire.com
- Our water implosion tech theimploder.com , fractalfield.com/implodermagneticresearch in use worldwide. New- Commercial Scale: fractalfield.com/ultraimploder
- Our Fractal University- Global Education outreach fractalU.com has reached millions
- Our www.bioactivefield.com tech is updated at flameinmind.com/lifeforce
- Star mother kit perfect 3D fractal (complete video and instructions goldenmean.info/kit
- Dan's latest book- pdf: Physics of Negentropy fractalfield.com/onlinebook
-- Skywalker spiritual science for kids project! www.jedischool.science
- Dan Winter -YouTube Channel: YouTube.com/c/DanWinterFractalField
- Blog- Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site: Facebook.com/FractalField
Contact: info (at) fractalfield.com

If someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS- centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: theraphi.net)- you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractality/recursion/embedding called phase conjugation- is proven to be negentropic/ self-organizing - 'self aware'. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths- but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: fractalfield.com/conjugategravity Dan Winter

Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. ..So- if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problem in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers.. the physics of human (peak)perception/bliss.. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression?
Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime - by Daniel Winter-
212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winter's team ( fractalfield.com , fractalU.com ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( fractalfield.com/mathematicsoffusion ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical 'key signature' of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( goldenmean.info/goldenproof ) , 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( fractalfield.com/fractalphotosynthesis ) , 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( goldenmean.info/coincidence ) , 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( fractalfield.com/conjugateperception ) , 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (/ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure/ HRV LF and HF , and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality- is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE/Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winter's original successful TheImploder.com water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations- ( for hydrolysis : fractalfield.com/hydrogen ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in Theraphi.net - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis.

-Implosion Group Dan Winter main film library 250+ films, Dan Winter- may be the most prolific teacher- in history..
- over 20 yrs- has lectured multiple times in most every western culture large city on planet Earth..
Note: Dan Winter / Implosion Group blog/current updates have migrated to facebook.com/fractalfield - Join us there- we're having fun!
Film Resource IMPLOSION GROUP - alternate index: 200,000+ Films with Dan Winter listed on video search
or: Vidgrids.com - if you search Dan Winter - you get 18,000+ of his teaching films- the highlights..

Implosion Group/ Dan Winter- Announcing: New Fractal Tech>
goldenmean.info -2 mil. hits/ month- TheImploder.com - fractalfield.com - Breakthru-Technologies.com - new HeartsRing.com , Pyraphi.com , BloomTheDesert.com
Upcoming Events Calendar: w/Dan Winter, Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: implosiongroup@yahoo.com ,
TWO Million hits/month, - WHY?are there: 132,000 Websites which link to goldenmean.info
> Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian(new Sci&Consciousness Mag. Article) - new Polish, & Czech & Dutch
>SiteSearch or Search Site w/Yahoo -
DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">2011-Events Calendar
Newest Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor,
4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
--with Dan Winter- (Not to mention the famous project - Language-Science of Angels: Ophanim

Do not use Google to find Dan Winter- use Bing, Goldenmean.info stands proud to be among the sites Google has blackballed, appleinsider.com/articles/15/03/22/google-news-buries-news-of-googles-ftc-investigation-under-daniel-lyons-fluff, theregister.co.uk/2015/03/21/obama_and_google , Google only lists 2500+ sites linking to goldenmean.info, Yahoo list 18,000+??How Embarassing to Google's exCIA Owners Report to their Advertiser's
Immediately After they COMPLETELY BLACKBALLED ALL INDEXING of goldenmean.info - after 1 letter of legal stupidity from Stan Tenen, THEN - we climbed not only to average approaching ONE MILLION HITS PER MONTH- - PLUS - we delivered a record 1,360 GIGabytes in the month of March 08!-
Who is Google a 'tool' of? IS GOOGLE EVIL? +Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google...detailing Google's relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency, +naming Google's CIA point man.

Dan Winter's Compelling new Book- A Scientific Tour de Force- Implosion Group Publishing..see: www.fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime

Announcing: www.FractalU.com - New The Fractal UNIVERSITY- from Dan Winter- and our complete Implosion Group Team - Scientists

Announcing: Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University with 4 latest conference films up-to celebrate launching-and announce our themes
www.FractalU.com in association with LearnItLive.com/FractalU
Sponsored by FractalField.com - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad practical applications of the new fractal field sciences
- like BioActiveField.com
Inexpensive- highly interactive- real telepresence into your space- your questions answered- media rich!
We have the world's most compelling teaching team and state of the art- teaching environment- right here- to learn the real new physics AND new physics of consciousness.

Fractal Space Time

Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.

FRACTAL SPACETIME -Book Update Dec. 2016, Dan Winter,  www.fractalfield.com -     info at fractalfield.com    
For Origin of Biologic Negentropy Book- 3rd printing
Our proof- phase conjugate negentropic charge collapse- cause of  negentropy, gravity, perception, color, life force –
paper is being reprinted for physics journals at:     
Key new summary graphic analysis spreadsheet table –  graphically reveals our compelling new theory:

This clear line shows how the new DAN WINTER EQUATION: INTEGER (perfect phase conjugation) exponents of Golden Ratio x Planck length/time-  stunningly predict:     -3 hydrogen radii, -ADP(ATP)bond length, -exact 2 frequencies of photosynthesis,  - ‘sacred’ English foot,  - virtually exact frequency series of the Earth’s Schumann resonance harmonics – AND the human EEG brainwave frequencies of bliss/peak perception,  - the MAYER wave and the HRV peaks LF and HF,  -the Earth year, -the Venus year, -Precession, and the Galactic year!
This means it is now UNDENIABLE- that all of these factors entered into virtually perfect PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC IMPLOSIVE CHARGE COLLAPSE-  in order to emerge from chaos! This also tells us HOW to tune the frequencies of Earth and Brain and Heart and Breath and plasma- to CREATE NEGENTROPY. – Our successful examples include our new IOS BIOFEEDBACK APPS:
itHRVE.com   , HRV-app.com,  CranioSacral-app.com,  and coming soon (EEG)     www.FlameinMind.com
--And finally- with these EXACT frequencies applied to broad spectral phase conjugation in plasma- our    www.Theraphi.net  is now in over 12 countries- with hundreds of documented reports of rejuvenation, pain reduction, and many benefits. See also new conjugate REMOTE healing:    www.theraphi.net/static/remoteconjugatingplasma.html

Also see the new discussion ALCHEMY and LONGITUDINAL WAVE SPIRITUALITY: www.fractalfield.com/alchemyoffusion

"Everything Centripetal, Negentropic, Gravity Producing, or ALIVE
- becomes so - by BEING a (perfect wave fractal) PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!"

Winter’s work (with his mathematics team- including Martin Jones)- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation – well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy- now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic / self  organizing). Originally- just Dan's theory – that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time – the universal key signature of the vacuum- would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence- that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: * photosynthesis frequencies, * schumann resonance frequencies, * brainwave frequencies causing peak perception/ bliss, *(new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate , * new table showing the ear ringing ‘sound current’ frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate !, *almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years,  - the list goes on ... (dodeca /icosa conjugate geometry of d,f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals- physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse- new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy! They fit the pattern far too well- for this to be arbitrary.

Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but until Winter- no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized- as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression- but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time- he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos- fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos- are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable- you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding – in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals- called time. How to emerge from chaos- starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground- now for the first time both questions are answered- in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates!

Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of 'sacred space' (bioactive fields- the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics- eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship.. AND religion wars.

(The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see new PICTURES Priore hardware-at link for the book : www.fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime )

3 Ways to Order Now:
Fractal SpaceTime - Dan Winter's compelling new book -
*1: PDF Full Color Online, *2: Amazon Kindle Color Online, *3. Printed 192 Page Softbound -Color Covers -Full A4 Size

1. Order the Full Color 192 Page PDF
-for immediate reading online: 10 Euros ( = approx $13.00 USD)

Fractal Space Time-PDF color

2 Order the Full Color Amazon Kindle Edition - for immediate reading online: www.amazon.com/dp/B00OP4IFN6





or 3:
Order the Beautifully Printed - Soft-Bound Color Cover - 192 Page PRINTED Version - just published-Implosion Group Publishing
Australian $29.50 + 10 Air Shipping =Total 39.50AUD
(=Approx 35 USD)

Fractal SpaceTime:Printed Book



Qualify for your FREE copy of Dan Winter's new book: Fractal SpaceTime (recorded publication date: Oct 20, 2014)

Just provide evidence you are a professional scientist, and answer these few questions ( email to info -at- fractalfield.com )

1. I agree that Dan Winter has discovered the generalized wave geometric cause of gravity, life force, and biologic negentropy? TRUE / FALSE

2. I have no other answer as to why an object falls to the ground? TRUE / FALSE

3. I have no other answer as to how/why wave geometry creates negentropy so well proven in phase conjugate optics? TRUE /FALSE

4. I have no other answer as to how Earth and it's Schumann harmonics creates the self organization evidenced in the GAIA HYPOTHESIS? TRUE/FALSE

5. I agree that golden ratio phase conjugation is the only wave geometry which defines a 'fractal field'? TRUE / FALSE

6. I have no other explanation why virtually exact integer exponents of golden ratio (phase conjugate) times PLANCK length & time predict:

- multiple exact radii of hydrogen

- the exact only 2 frequencies which motorize photosynthesis

- virtually exact Schumann Planet harmonics

- the brainwave (ALPHA / BETA) frequencies of peak perception / bliss

- virtually exact duration of the Earth year and Venus year

- virtually exact frequencies PRIORE and also RAUSCHER used to heal

- exact frequency and geometry used to create commercially proven life giving (bioactive) fields at TheImploder.com (hydrodynamic implosion) and Pyraphi.com (capactive implosion)- the PRIORE rejuvenation field. (phase conjugate plasma time-reversal)



We made the App Store! Global Heart Oneness Biofeedback iPhone : www.HeartsRing.com ....< 2 New Demo / Instruction films!
The only lo-cost IOS- iPhone/iPad/iPod - app with:
real -HRV Power Harmonics Plot- including time history

- real Heart Coherence measure

- real breath biofeedback cue- to directly see the result of your own conscious breathing

- real EMPATHY training, micro-motion / heart tuning- BIOFEEDBACK

- real group process BIOFEEDBACK - for group concensus building with real biologic entrainment

HeartsRing Animation

You immediately SEE your heart beating on the screen- to confirm your input (from finger on the iPhone light- or from chest strap/receiver- which is necessary for iPad- optional on iPhone)
Breathing cue instructor- is the light blue vertical slider top left-(changes frequency when you click on your goal / person to link to )
to bring your heart key frequency to WHERE you wish (another person / another group / or your Rave concert key..?- this frame sequence not contiguous)
In the newest version we also display (for your rock band conductor)-
the musical key signature of your heart at the moment- AND the key signature of your goal point
(where you clicked to put the white line- could be your lover or healer - or your group's concensus point).

The vertical height of your HRV interactive water fall time history power spectra plot-
is the AMOUNT of your HEART COHERENCE- the right /left x-axis value is the frequency key (also listed on top).
You have all the benefits of medical HRV training - PLUS coherence training..
AND broadcast server- other iPhones / iPads for CONSCENSUS TRAINING / CONFLICT RESOLUTION...
and ultimately 'group ONEness experience' training.


see HeartRing.com - for the iPhone - / iPad - Biofeedback tools- a simple breath entrainer for HRV Heart Entrainment..- Empathy Training

See also Implosion Group November 2012 - latest research updates!

masterprinciple grailconsciousness

What's wrong with this picture: The fact that planck length (and time) whole mulitples form every wave that physics ever measured is SO important that it is one of the first thing EVERY physics student must learn
- BUT - Dan Winter's discovery that the same planck length (and time) GOLDEN RATIO mutiples exactly form hydrogen radii
(and by implication CAUSE FUSION AND GRAVITY! - defining wave collapse / implosion)- - this those same physicists say is just a COINCIDENCE?????


Growth Increase Revolution for Agriculture: TheImploder.com & Latest Imploder Research Results Page: fractalfield.com/implodermagneticresearch

Upgrade for Superimploder


Now included with the DVD set:- Latest Book in color..
Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy & Immortality


Getting access to Dan Winter's great new film set AND the book: Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter -
25 DVD Education Set 144 Euro+10 Ship- as described at goldenmean.info/tools
, Secure Direct - PayPal / Visa /MC Purchase-order online or email visa/mc/paypal to danwinter @goldenmean.info

25 DVD Set Implosion Group

Download Dan Winter's original paper-from the Proceedings of the First-(in the series) of UNIFIED FIELD PHYSICISTS -Budapest 05(&08)-
Exerpt from First Conference Proceedings: Dan Winter - in 05 & 06- First to Hypothesize- FRACTALITY as CAUSE of GRAVITY:
The First to Predict: Gravity's Electric CAUSE- is Golden Ratio FRACTALITY!-Paper -"Is Fractality: The Electrical Mechanism of Gravity,
(and Perception and Color Descrimination)
pdf - from the CD / Proceedings: (w/ color graphics) 5.1 Meg : Ch19ADanWinter.pdf ,
Conference Links(w. Nassim, Eliz Rauscher, Richard Amoroso & Many others): goldenmean.info/budapest08/physicsoverview.html

grandattractor EartHeartBook

(We don't imagine the ex-CIA owners of google expected when they banned all direct link and search of goldenmean.info,
they would end up having to list 82,500 EXternal sites that LINK to goldenmean.info ! )
- Speaking of which: since 2 million hits / month often visit here- it would be irresponsible NOT
to express a political view: American's would be absolutely foolish to elect another Republican president: read this:Obama's LONG GAME- will win..

This is the precise animation of Dan Winter's new equation for the radii of hydrogen- in relation to Planck- (length AND time):ref goldenmean.info/goldenproof
It is also the proven precise geometry of photons angles for the primary colors- which is the reason color AND photosynthesis exist (phase conjugation): goldenmean.info/fractalcolor
This also precisely the geometry of the relationship of the proton, to planck, to black holes (ref:Nassim) see goldenmean.info/selforganization
It is also the proven geometry of the DNA, Earth's magnetic lines, and arrangment of masses in the UNIVERSE!
It is also the basic geometry of (golden ratio based) E8- Unified Field by Lisi
It is also the precise geometric relationship of brainwaves during PEAK PERCEPTION/ BLISS (the reason attention is electrical CENTRIPETAL)

In summary- this PHASE CONJUGATION optimized by golden ratio is the CAUSE and MECHANISM of:

- HYDROGEN (+ all atoms have gravity/'implosive collapse' only because their nuclear geometry is golden ratio fractal to their electrons)


- all FUSION / black holes / all centripetal forces / all self organization

- all LIFE / PERCEPTION / BLISS / - and the CAUSE of color / and photosynthesis (goldenmean.info/fractalcolor

New Film Series: Restoring Centripetal Forces- to Restore LIFE FORCE: fractalfield.com/centripetalforces --Who has provided a meaningful description of the nature of consciousness? - Here is the raw data that needs to be accounted for: 1. Focused attention causes electric fields to compress (Bill Tiller's extensive measures), 2. Focused attention reduces radioactivity measureably (Geller measured). - If you look at ISSEM or What the Bleep- or Gary Schwartz and Stuart Hameroff- gathering of hundreds of scientists on consciousness - do they have an answer as to the electric nature of consciousness to explain the measurements? No - nothing close. - Dan Winter has proposed a simple and compelling and MEASUREABLE explanation: Focused attention is a centripetal and golden ratio / 'implosive' - phase conjugate (donut shaped) plasma or charge field - (Golden Ratio in EEG as he has pioneered). COULD ANYTHING BE MORE SIMPLE- LIFE HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET CENTRIPETAL ELECTRICALLY. Death happens when you don't! This is more than a real electrical engineers phase conjugate phenomenology of perception- it is a recipe for how to create life.

Understanding 'Get FRACTAL or Get Dead!' (Architecture of Life/ our bumper sticker):
the stubborn fool scientists of Earth understood HOW golden ratio fractality CAUSES gravity..& all centripetal forces
THEN they might be competent to give you some decent advice on how to hold your aura together..
(hint: only way to get sustainable OR immortal OR thru death...)> otherwise you're stuck with obsolete religion for info-on that..

Implosion due to Charge Fractality is the ONLY Cause of Life, of Gravity,and ONLY Cause of ANY System to Emerge from Chaos!
- Here is Proof ! goldenmean.info/goldenproof <
The CLIMAX of our Research.
What is the possibility that Planck Length x Golden Ratio= The Hydrogen Radii (Winter's new equation)
happens by accident? Answer: ZERO!! Einstein's (&modern physics) failure to figure out why an object falls
to the ground, directly resulted in the incredible stupidity not to learn what (FRACTAL) field effect CAUSES LIFE
all of this SPECIFICALLYbecause of the arrogant ignorance of the simple observation that Golden Ratio SOLVES the problem of constructive wave interference

and therefore of the perfected charge distribution causing life and mind..
read about it (&see films): goldenmean.info/selforganization



goldenmean.info actual traffic data -taken Oct 19,2010
averaging well over 1 million hits / month, 100 - 400 gig /month
If companion sites
were included- it would surely be more than double...
The message: self empowering understanding of spirituality as science IS alive and well..
Human peak perception (bliss) (a fractal field) has (& is reaching) critical mass & it IS contagious..

A self empowering science COULD show a true concensus path to ending religion wars...

This week> THREE Important- Classic Dan Winter films-reloaded/refreshed at Implosion Group-Film Library:Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter - 25 DVD Education Set 144 Euro+10 Ship- as described at goldenmean.info/toolsSecure Direct - PayPal / Visa /MC Purchase- or email visa/mc/paypal to danwinter @goldenmean.info
25 DVD Set Implosion Group
Ending Religion Wars: Using The True ET History of DNA- Newest Most COMPELLING VERSION EVER RELEASED goldenmean.info/endingreligionwars

Galactic History of DNA - new- and Fascinating Q&A with Live Audience.. - starts with a profound question and answer set - in stimulating dialog mode- Then the major part is- The GALACTIC HISTORY OF DNA - Story..



The inconceivable stupidity of modern physics: The intelligence it takes to figure out that Golden Ratio is the electrical cause of constructive wave interference, is right up there with the smarts it takes to determine the best shape to use to make a wheel is a circle. And yet-because modern physics has not yet figured this out- is specifically why they have not discovered the electrical cause of gravity or life force or consciousness! Constructive wave interference (compression) is the cause of gravity - and the cause of life, and consciousness.. So of course they do not understand why golden ratio fractal symmetry is the only way to stabilize gravity, and life force, and bliss... nor even the right (fractal) shape to build a container (architecture) to cause life!

Nassim has evidence protons are entangled making a black hole- into the nucleus. Dan's work goldenmean.info/goldenproof (golden ratio times plank length= hydrogen radii) shows HOW their are entangled! - namely by the (Golden Ratio) Phase Conjugate FRACTALITY which CAUSES gravity.. and the black hole!

Dan Winter's Phase Conjugate/Fractality Powerpoint ANIMATED
Heart~Tuner- BlissTuner - key links:HeartTuner/BlissTuner special offer info - with training
HeartTuner/BlissTuner new- 2 ways to Measure Empathy+Physics of Golden Ratio in Brainwaves
HeartTuner/BlissTuner new- Measuring Heart to Brain Link Up
HeartTuner compared to the 'HeartMath Mistake'
HeartTuner /BlissTuner Users Guide / Manual
HeartTuner BlissTuner Pro 04 Complete Working Demo Download
Frequently Asked Questions
HeartTuner Research History
BlissTuner - Info
HeartTuner / BlissTuner and Attention Deficit Neurofeedback
Users Group / Message History is Open to All 
Now- Special Arrangement (if you would like to see the training first) - Most Complete HeartTuner and BlissTuner Training Set Ever-
Seven DVD + One CD (English Language Set) -
All Deal With HeartTuner, EKG Biofeedback+BlissTuner actual teaching sessions- DVD are 2-3 Hours Film Each -$99 US / 85 Euro ( AUD =133) + $13.50 US shipping-anywhere

Observe something you arrogant physicists:
Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE!

- Dan Winter- is arguably the worlds foremost expert on the physics of meditation, the physics of kundalini, and the electrical nature of consciousness. Using the pure charge symmetry language of physics, he argues that that western scientists are fools and leading the race to death because- they do not have the barest clue to the electrical nature of life, the function and purpose of life - even the immortalizing coherence making electrical function of DNA. Current scientists in their fabulously arrogant ignorance ("Why does an object fall to the ground, Mr Einstein?") have not the least clue to how gravity is made and stabilized (fractality) and therefore how DNA creates an implosive and gravity making (phase conjugate) coherence field that CAN get immortal. In effect - western science is literally blind to everything that makes life meaningful- namely - that which brings charge (fractally) into DNA to the point of the BLISS (see how it's measured) - that makes you sustainable (how surviving death is measured in charge coherence). Follow us as we explore how the simple physics of fractal charge deeply explains - to the point of true self empowerment - the deepest mysteries of LIFE!
The electric field you call your conscious self, your "I" (Ahh-'eee' sound makes a vortex sonically connecting inclusive to exclusive harmonics) - is actually a double cone phase conjugating vortex. It sucks and implodes charge thru the speed of light into connectivity at coeur. The result is an information communion whose fractal coherence allows you to have a 'self correcting' phase conjugate mirror for charge - you call ME. This little superluminal multiply connected charge wormhole navigates its way thru charge space- as the YOU that lives or dies depending on whether you know you to FEED its (fractal) electric PHIRE! Unfortuneately this means that every time you follow Earth's insanely stupid biophysicists into cities which are unfractal metal electrosmog hell - you soon murder everything sustainable about your own DNA's 'soul'. The simple truth is - that if you want to continue having the privelege of inhabiting this phase conjugate tornado you call LIFE ITSELF- you are definitely going to have to learn about what electric fields KILL it. Arrange about 5 transformer power supplies (from all your toys) spitting out their poison around your body- take 5 minutes- and notice the absolute nausea and complete loss of attention (& loss of digestion). Next step: fire your idiot university biologists if they cannot explain WHY you felt like shit in the center of electrosmog. EVERY electric wave which cannot be EMMBEDDED or nest non-destructively (fractally) -based on the Sun's (hydrogen fractal) master wave- is inherently going to KILL everything that lives (especially germinating seeds, the bliss and souls of your kids). The fact that your university biology department has not taught you this - means they should be reported for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Relativity's replacement announced by Dan Winter - "The Word 'Relativity' is obsolete to describe the relationship of mass to energy because that relationship (which allows charge to compress and thus be called MASS) is more precisely FRACTAL. Thus geometric self-similarity perfected (Golden Ratio) allows charge (energy) to compress (non destructively) and thus become MASS. Fractality (of charge) creates MASS , life force, and self-organization (because that is what permits implosion). That Fractal path permitting non-destructive charge compression simultaneously produces charge ACCLERATION -(recursion in velocity heterodynes) which is the only source of the phenomenon called GRAVITY. The rotation of energy which stores the inertia called mass - which is also our only definition of time - is always only held in place by the centripedal charge force (gravity) caused by fractal self-similarity - being the only way any wave system (time or space) emerges from chaos."

Google only lists 2500+ sites linking to goldenmean.info, Yahoo list 18,000+??
How Fabulously Embarassing to Google's exCIA Owners Report to their Advertiser's
Immediately After they COMPLETELY BLACKBALLED ALL INDEXING of goldenmean.info - after 1 letter of legal stupidity from Stan Tenen, THEN - we climbed not only to average approaching ONE MILLION HITS PER MONTH- - PLUS - we delivered a record 1,360 GIGabytes in the month of March 08!-
Who is Google a 'tool' of? IS GOOGLE EVIL? +Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google...detailing Google's relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency, +naming Google's CIA point man., with the parasitic takeover by village vampire George Bush, some of us think the US may not be the best place to hang out, since the US dollar down FULLY 50% in 4 years, has only begun its crash..with most of US economy..

 My status
skype phone danwinter with a click
or-regular phone US 310-651-8123-
for free callback

NEW: Easy Communication with Implosion Group via skype.com (internet phone) or regular phone
If you are interested in the new international online video conference call interactive VIDEO education with Dan Winter - from Implosion Group - or have questions about the HeartTuner/Blisstuner - or Books/DVD's - or have something important to say or ask... Just Click.. You can phone danwinter at SKYPE by just clicking(left), or US inward phone rings globally- 310 651 8123, or email danwinter@goldenmean.info , course calendar indicates where we are... (the click icon even says when we are on live phone).. - even when we are offline- leaving a message is easy & effective
- Getting immortal- means getting SHAREABLE! ..

Dan Winter is most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His invention's HeartTuner and BlissTuner have earned him literary credit (book:'Instinct to Heal') for inventing the term Heart Coherence. Discovering the harmonic content of compassion in EKG and bliss - even enlightenment in EEG - lead him to a radical new physics: that IMPLOSION - the electrical -geometry of fractality- is the cause BLISS - as it is the cause of gravity in general - and the destiny of DNA in particular. He teaches that the hygiene for bliss - creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites and matures DNA into BLISS. He has dedicated his life to teaching - and is personally known around the entire Earth - with web presence (5 languages), 3 books, films and DVD's. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field - generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Egypt- is what creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail - and the essential good news at a time when the solar wind can only be steered by Sun God's. It is not so hard to see thru the Sun like an eye. The physics is embedding, the psychology is discovering that- like the birth canal-and what happens in DNA during successful death, what emerges from perfect compression (implosion) is only the SHAREABLE wave. Redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measureable and teachable -
but actually a loving gentle story of the Sun inviting us home.

New- famous - Dr.Dan Burisch (Solfeggio Cube..et al) Analysis of Dan Winter's Work on Implosion, Alphabets and...
. Dan Burisch: "...phi and Phi I hope. 1.618 vs. 0618. Look to a genius -- Dan Winter. I have, in my searches..."

After a Billion or so Years of Evolution-Nature found the symmetry for LIFE - from DNA- to plants to people to galaxies - they are all GOLDEN RATIO based FRACTAL! This (perfected compression) creates perfected DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE- 'the fractal field'. How could ANY biophysicist today imagine there could be any other electrical definition for LIFE & CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF! (The engine which distributes CHARGE efficiently is the physics of 'spirit'). And yet - look how the stupid humans build clothes, houses, cities today - the CHARGE FIELD is not fractal ... so people DIE! - All because bio-physics has been too stupid to know the ONLY electric field pattern (looks like a rose) which can optimally nourish DNA - and every living thing. Fractality by compressing perfectly, distributes charge perfectly and THAT is LIFE! (from goldenmean.info/indexdw.html )

This web site is based on one simple yet entirely revolutionary, testable and TEACHABLE concept- that FRACTAL or non-destructive (golden ratio optimized / implosive) CHARGE COMPRESSION is the essential symmetry and CAUSE of all: 1. mass creation, 2. gravity, 3. biology, 4. healing, 5. self organization from chaos, 6. symbol making, 7. consciousness, and 8. all BLISS / PEAK EXPERIENCE / ENLIGHTENMENT.
Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! - Since fractality is the perfect geometry for compression, it is therefore the perfect geometry of distribution - AND the RADIANCE of charge efficiency which defines all of life.

The FRACTAL FIELD - Revolutionary Research Frontier - with Radically Powerful Solutions to Virtually ALL Major Global Issues..
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."--Max Planck, German Theoretical Physicist

1. Peacemaking: How The FRACTAL FIELD Can Make Teaching PEACE Into a New and Powerful SCIENCE - more: goldenmean.info/peaceuniversity

2. Agriculture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Revolutionize Farming by creating Phase Conjugate Environment which properly allow DNA to Communicate and Thrive electrically - more: goldenmean.info/germination , and goldenmean.info/phaseconjugation Be smart:food storage in a refridgerator is NOT fractal goldenmean.info/fractalfridge

3. Architecture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReInvent Architecture now that the Principle of Building a BIOLOGIC CAPACITOR Allows us to Create Structure to Truly Create Healing and Bliss in Biology - more: goldenmean.info/architecture

4. Genetics: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReDefine Success in Genetic Research / and Engineering - based on ReDefining DNA COHERENCE, and DNA 'Radio', and DNA Ability to Absorb and Radiate the Electric Field of LIFE! - more: goldenmean.info/decode , and goldenmean.info/12strands , goldenmean.info/phaseconjugation

5. Psychology of BLISS / Ecstasy and PEAK EXPERIENCE: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows Us Now to Define, Measure and most of all TEACH - Peak Experience , Bliss, Ecstasy - True Enlightenment - more: goldenmean.info/clinicalintro

6. Urban Design: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Re-Invent URBAN DESIGN Based on Fractal Charge Compression- to Attract People, Money, Charge and LIFE FORCE Back into Urban Design- more: goldenmean.info/lightcity , goldenmean.info/rosycross

7. Weather / Climate / Rainmaking: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Attract Rain - and Regulate Precipitation - more: goldenmean.info/rain , and The Yantra Pics at goldenmean.info/callingallangels

8. Energy: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Allow Us to PROPERLY Use Charge Self-Similarity to COHERE and Couple the Gravity Field for Electric Charge - WITHOUT Destabilizing the Earth Grid - more : goldenmean.info/gravitycause , goldenmean.info/notfree

How the (Phi) FRACTAL FIELD provides radical new solutions to GLOBAL WARMING: goldenmean.info/warming , and WHEN COLD FUSION gets COLD: goldenmean.info/fusion

9. Another example of FRACTAL FIELD - self similar charge field -revolutionizing medicine..- note how Negative Ion Wind (a fractal field) radically sweeps infection and parasites from the body ( see: ref 1) -perfectly consistent with using fractality to measure ANY liquid's ability to support life ( ReDox Potential measure at goldenmean.info/healingphase ) and - measuring fractality in Air to find and measure life's electric signature ( see IGA at phaseconjugation link). + Fractal Field is Electrical Engineering Instructions for SUCCESSFUL DEATH! - goldenmean.info/death

10.-FRACTALITY in the HEART-solution to EKG+ virtually ALL disease resistance: goldenmean.info/holarchy , goldenmean.info/heartmathmistake

11.-FRACTALITY in TIME (time=measurement of charge rotation) -charge systems emerge from chaos only this way-fractality (how to generate synchronicity): goldenmean.info/TIMESTAR , goldenmean.info/timewave- Just as Bruce Cathie showed nuclear critical mass varied with grid position, in space AND time - fractality (constructive charge compression) is the OBVIOUS principle- so capacitors properly arranged in a golden spiral firing in TIME - WILL reduce critical mass! (sorry CIA - the principle of FRACTALITY {fear's opposite} is PUBLIC information).

12.-Fractality in the CELL: Bruce Lipton -of "Membrane Mediated Biology"+ "What the Bleep"- discusses how the cell membrane gets infinite surface area, infinite foldedness- (DW adds Harmonic Inclusive by Golden Ratio) and therefore potentially infinite information by getting FRACTAL- in his latest paper/book:"FRACTAL EVOLUTION:

Real Science of Holy Grail:Fractal Implosion in DNA Creates Electrically SUCCESSFUL DEATH! <article | online film exerpt from DVD series>
NEWest Online Video.. Exerpt from Above!! English & French - traduction:Valerie Sandelin

also see: Implosion Group Online Film Library

 from the new Film(exerpt) - online + new DVD Hi Res version:
Real Physics of Holy Grail: Fractal Blood for Successful Death ( English+French)
Dan Winter presents: The Real Physics for the DaVinci Code "Holy Grail" in the Blood- real key to the KA - Biology's coherent charge field - ticket to a successful death. First: a look at the geometry of the vision seen at death- both from myth (Dante) and research (Kluver). Then a look at how death is measured electrically (GDV) - compared to religious ideas (Tibetan book of the Dead). THEN - the reason the coherent biologic charge field has the possibility of surviving death - (measureably)- namely: IMPLOSIVE COMPRESSION in DNA. Looking at the path charge follows into DNA - we see FRACTAL SELF SIMILARITY. This means - that compression by Golden Ratio embedding can be turned into ACCELERATION (gravity making)- in the Blood... when the blood is ignited with charge (BLISS)! Animating this charge path geometrically - we see LITERALLY -THE BEST ANIMATION OF THE HOLY GRAIL EVER SEEN!!!! Not only that it is REAL PHYSICS!... If ever there was a solution to the DaVinci code's HOLY GRAIL IN BLOOD - this is it... see: www.goldenmean.info/realgrail

Special Offer- The COMPLETE FILM.. in Beautiful FULL DVD Resolution WITH the new 3 Disk Set- Science of Grail CONFERENCE (Paris 05) - total 4 DVD's, 14 Hr's video training.. 60 Euro-(+10 ship)..

Email: danwinter@goldenmean.info
or see
Neurofeedback Solutions to Attention Deficit/Addiction- Film at Maori Wholistic Center - with Dan Winter..presented by Dr.Cornelius Van Dorp..

(from Aug31 Newsletter)-ONLY IN A FRACTAL CAN THE EFFICIENT BREATH (DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE='spiritual') CALLED LIFE SUCCEED! As the choking smog finishes killing the last hope of immune health in all Earth's cities- from simple lack of the most BASIC understanding of how to build a (fractal=phase conjugate dielectric) field in which DNA can communicate and thrive. - Please join us in challenging the arrogant stupidity of physics and biology universities on the planet. Incredibly the humans race on building square metal cages for all cities and buildings - destroying the very souls of the children - all the while a 2 dollar experiment can prove the same metal cage will MURDER most any germinating seed..(not to mention the twinkle in any childs eye)..

This exact same fractal / self similar charge field / non destructive compression(examples include Plocher charging his crystals and Grander healing his water) - Hermes secret of life / Al-KHEMy- key to seed germination, all truly efficient biologic growth / charge distribution, immune health/disease end AND access to bliss...... IS the stellated dodec (Einstein+Poincare used to model gravity, and exact electrical geometry of palladium key to cold fusion) - key to charge coupling the gravity field to: a) end the energy crisis, b) restore atmosphere & c) allow all biologic systems to emerge from chaos. (Tell Al Gore there is a 'CONVENIENT Truth').

also new film online >
<film | info: Biologic Architecture with Dan Winter - (Thanks to Arturo + Ninon in Mexico!)
: Biology of Kundalini-Bentov Reviewed-from Calgary DVD, Bliss Igntion EEG Biofeedback Setup/Example Film10min - also - Measuring ELF / Tree Harmonics - Schumann Embedding Using HeartTuner 10min film-example from NL.

New|-see 'Making Waves'feb06 newsletter: "Consciousness is an electrically implosive jellyfish like gravity making charge field that sucks its way thru the Universe growing until it can choreograph the birth of stars sustainably - from within its own electrical FIRE! This field effect requires the environment of fractality electrically - (what you call SACRED) in order to breath charge and grow. This is because successful charge compression (the medium of all biologic information) is THE prerequisite to the efficient charge distribution/ radiance you call life and consciousness."

Dan Winter's 2 experiments to change completely Western Culture:
1: Rock dolmen (biologic charge compression from piezoelectric/paramagnetic stone - like granite) arranged like a pine cone around a dish of seeds - dramatically and replicably
serve germination success ( Orgone friends have shown 30% weight improvement in a replicable experiment - sadly they fail to correctly describe the field effect electrically: harmonic inclusive charge implosion due to fractal self similarity-the same harmonic inclusiveness which predicts disease survival in Heart harmonics ). By measuring the capacitive field at the center for harmonic inclusiveness (power spectra of the weak field- using the goldenmean.info/biophoton technique )- we PROVE the REASON seeds eat charge is the fractality of the field. (Instead of worshipping Stonehenge like natives worshipping the coke bottle that fell from the 'Gods Must be Crazy' - airplane - we could be reproducing the physics to serve and ignite DNA- a solar fractal capacitor). This then will immediately require that we COMPLETELY re-invent agriculture, and re-invent architecture and urban design because we will then know how to build the field that serves instead of poisons DNA! (+ creates the DNA igniting 'sacred' charge environment necessary for electrical bliss process- the only way to not die ). Among other things, in practice this means we will finally realize that the use of steel and aluminum and electrosmog in our cities is a direct and major cause for the cancer and soul-lessness of our children. Everytime we choose a material which was not formed in the necessarily fractal electricity of biology for our dwelling - we die a little - because inside there - charge cannot breathe into efficient and fractal charge distribution (the definition of life and consciousness). - This also means that instead of murdering each other by the billions over pointless 'Religion' wars, we finally realize that the only 'religious' wisdom that ever had any use was the electrical skill + scientific bliss hygiene to prepare your bodies charge field or KA for COHERENCE- the only form immortality ever takes.

2. A similarly shaped pine cone like array of capacitors - triggered by simple single pulse- WILL CREATE GRAVITY measureably. This proves that (charge) self-similarity is the CAUSE and producer of gravity. ref: goldenmean.info/thrust , goldenmean.info/gravitycode This will confirm Einstein's intuition that infinite non-destructive compression - creates gravity from charge. Pity he didn't know that's what a fractal is. This experiment needs to be done immediately - to end the shocking ignorance - and arrogance - of western science not knowing a) why an object falls to the ground , b) how fractal magnetic lines and dolmen stabilize gravity and therefore atmosphere (self organize charge into AWARENESS), c) how and why Golden Ratio based- DNA makes the black holes and gravity (already measured) when excited properly (bliss). --

Then finally we can introduce the profoundly confused linguists of Earth- to the simple physics that there is only one sustained and meaningful origin to ANY of their alphabets - particularly Hebrew (take off the 'Matrix'-tagin or crownlets-relative cube symmetry indicators for the golden spiral on the donut: add the vertical and horizontal cross - you have Sanskrit). http://www.goldenmean.info/dnaring NAMELY- that ALPHABETS origin ultimately are the symmetry tilts for charge domain donuts to be swallowed and braided (re-CORDed) into DNA. goldenmean.info/12strands That symmetry alphabet - being the ONLY way any information is EVER stored (charge compressed) into biology. That 'Language of Light' is the symmetry of charge that makes the shapeshifter charge imploding DNA- into 'Visible Origami'. DNA as a coherent shapeshifting electric field making worm ("Cosmic Serpent") This 7 axis tetra (origin Hebrew / Alpha Draconis genetic engineering software called alphabet) containing the 5 axis 'flame letter' at the heart of the 'ANU' map of the nesting of spirulae (animations below) - is the steering wheel into the braiding of DNA. This creates the gene's most powerful slipknot toroidal ignited (ensouled) and GRAVITY making form. As we see from the ANU animations below- the spirals within spirals map - of this symmetry nesting archetype - nature carries from the inside of the quark - to the making of the human heart - the heart of the sun - right into the making of heart in DNA itself.. goldenmean.info/makingwaves

Imitation -the finest flattery: Robert Neil Boyd in his article -Charge Density Influences Time - seems to have forgotten he took this quote from Dan Winter:" Faraday's observed that: 'Electrical capacity is to gravity as inductance is to magnetism'. .....If faraday is correct then the energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of a GRAVITATIONAL field. Townsend Brown also found in charged capacitors that weight reduction only occurs when the positive plate is upside to the negative plate. .... If the negative plate is above then the device increases in weight . Dan Davidson et. al. then observed that the AMOUNT of weight change is greatest if a SMALLER CAPACITOR is nested under the larger!? The obvious next experiment is to nest capacitors in the (Golden) ratio of recursion/embedding, to PRODUCE OPTIMUM CHARGE COMPRESSION & THEREFORE THE GREATEST GRAVITY!(Capacitors in Phi array - produce 'ion effect') - In other words, no 'rocket scientist' is required to solve the unified field, merely understanding the geometry of compression. It stands to reason if you compress charge you store the inertia of that charge, which physics then calls 'mass'. What they missed was the way waves used PHI recursion to send a portion of that inertia through light speed at the implosion center, to produce the magnetic monopole which was Einstein's name for gravity. "

 IMPLOSION - Understanding Infinite Non-Destructive Compression - Perfect Collapse- What Einstein missed: Self Smilarity produces gravity because that (golden ratio for heterodyning) turns compression (voltage) in to acceleration
(gravity) by recursive constructive adding of phase velocites.

 Scale Invariance('Global Scaling') is key to gravity and making life
BECAUSE self-similarity (embedability) enables (non-destructive) COMPRESSION
(/ fusion / collapse )
What Dan Winter has done is develop the power spectra tools to optimize / teach this....-
The perfectly coherent FRACTAL HEART is self-similar... A HOLARCHY.

New view of Poincare:Charge Waves lock in Compression Efficient / Imploding
- Golden Ratio - creating GRAVITY and LIFE FORCE itself!

 <The reason these (Dodeca / Golden Mean Ratio based) Clifford / Poincare geometries for the charge symmetry of GRAVITY- are also such a good model of CONSCIOUSNESS ... IS they describe how charge is (fractally?) ATTRACTED / non-destructively COMPRESSED . .. as proven when brainwaves in BLISS (solution to A.D.D.) replicably produce the telltale Golden Ratio frequency fingerprint.
Imagine 1 simple experiment: paramagnetic stones (calcium/quartz base etc) are arranged to look like a pine cone from the top (like Stonehenge, Machu Pichu etc)- in the center the time lapse photos show seeds germinate dramatically better . (Charge compression = life force- the basis of year long university study /uni ). Then placing capacitors in the same geometry MAKES gravity + extracts wattage from gravity (self-similarity creates gravity and LIFE - the way EKG and pine cones do.. not to mention DNA).|

With this principle (fractally attracted CHARGE creates both GRAVITY and LIFE FORCE ITSELF) - we re-invent architecture and agriculture -based on a new understanding of the pure electrical symmetry (self-similar enabled compression) which CREATES LIFE (& ensouls DNA ,creates bliss, + survives death)...
- AND replaces Einstein (& the energy crisis) with the more correct:
ONLY Self similarity enables the (charge) compression that turns in to acceleration (gravity)... and LIFE!also-Invited Physics Journal Article

From-Germination-an Electrical Understanding: The REASON That (SelfSimilar) Non-Destructive CHARGE COMPRESSION (a pine cone) PRODUCES LIFE (Measureable freshness and germination improvement) Is Because Where Waves Can Agree - Information (for Sustainability) Becomes Available. This shows up as HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS (Defines Sustainability / Viability in Everything that Lives) - and COHERENCE (Perfected in Fractality) in the Power Spectra. The REASON that understanding this principle may save our genepool - is it would enable us to re-invent architecture - agriculture- & genetic engineering - to only build structures (like SUN temples) which retain the capacity (capacitance) to hold charge and LIFE. (What we used to call 'spirit' 'orgone' 'chi' etc. )- Instead of bleeding the souls of our children with square metal buildings, cities, & refrigerators - which leak away the vital force required to have and keep a 'Soul'.

 LIFE FORCE equals the ability to fractally attract ('implode' by perfecting compression)
& self organize - electrical charge.
(commercial measurement of life force launched)

Implosion Group is proud to present summaries of Dan Winter's essential dynamic- namely that IMPLOSION is the life creating opposite of explosion. Fractal or self-similar biologic capacitors like pine cones, roses, your land, and your EKG during compassion choose Golden Mean (phylotactic) recursive nests. This creates centripedal (implosive) force among waves of charge (spirit/chi/orgone/barrakah/life force). This initiates compression - makes heart - starts sorting/self-organization. Waves in Golden Ratio add and multiply constructively their wave velocities (pic left). Only this wave music which makes self-similarity - (Golden Ratio) - allows compression to turn in to acceleration (Gravity). This explains the voltage called LIFE from gravity which fresh eggs, pine cones, and your HEART make. It also descibes for the first time WHY objects fall to the ground (charge has a way out thru light speed)- explaining for example why capacitors in a pine cone make gravity (eliminating for example the embarassing need to drive around in cars powered by dinosaurs farting). Also documenting for the first time the REASON that GOLDEN MEAN RATIO among brain EEG harmonics identifies BLISS & euphoria clinically. Implosion (bliss-the ultimate A.D.D/ritalin solution) creates suction whose self steering is the difference between being self-directing (for example at death or lucid dream) versus being a parasite (priests for example who say God is outside you.)

PhiRICAIS (Implosion) - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / Implosion IS the SOLUTION to:
Infinite Non-Destructive Collapse
Infinite Compression / Perfect Acceleration / FUSION
Perfect Damping / Phase Conjugation (optics etc)
Hydrodynamic Implosion (Ultimate Sorting)

Non Linear Energy (Voltage from Gravity)
Charge Acceleration thru C Light Speed (Gravity)
Measuring ATTENTION/ Bliss / Euphoria in EEG

Audio Tone Induction of EEG Transcendance
Measuring EKG Heart Openness / Compassion
Self Organization from Chaos/Artificial Intelligence
Electrically Defining & Measuring LIFE FORCE
Pure Geometric Origin of Alphabets (symbol=to embed)
The Shape of The Touch Which Says Love......and the Grail

<..How PhiRICAIS (Implosion) is revealed by Spectrum Analysis

The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of Love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.(phi-re?) - Pierre Tielhard De Chardin

Best places to start: Dan's 5th book:IMPLOSION: Secret Science of Ecstasy & Immortality , & 4th book 4 languages published-with Glossary & Bib.: IMPLOSION's Grand ATTRACTOR ! (both lavishly illustrated)

IMPLOSION GROUP- Announces Dec 06- NEW LAUNCH- Internet Television Series..
(requires free Real Player - http://forms.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html )
Eventually to Include Implosion and Self Empowerment researchers from around the Earth..
NEW-Fast Video Server Menu of Implosion Group / Dan Winter Films Added - to Implosion Movies Web TV

New: Aug 15: -See-
Implosion Television Online - Index..
Just added complete 2 hour Film: Physics of Love - To ONLINE TV!
Dan Winter - June 05 -
"12 Strands-7Veils- vs Mud Bloods"
Newsletter Video Welcome

-- accompanies "12 Strands - and YOUR Soul Invitation" - June 05 Newsletter..

Part ONE Illuminator Series

Part TWO Illuminator Series

Dramatic - Insightful - Never Before Aired- Dan Winter - Television Interview by Jeff Hutner - for the Global ILLUMINATOR television series..- joining 200 other Transformational ILLUMINATORS -

an Amazing new Graphically Illustrated Intro Film: Symmetry of LIFE:
CHARGING IN to the Living Field-
How Self Similarity
Produces the NON-DESTRUCTIVE (charge) Compression
- to Make LIFE FORCE / Seed Germination AND Gravity?
 Dan Winter's New 15 Min. Dynamic Video Introduction to
a Revolution in Designing for LIFE!

 NEW: Aug 05 - HeartTuner Training Video Series ONE - HeartTuner Basics.
New Interactive Window in Window Teaching Technology.. The REAL Thing.
Dynamic New- Window in Window -
1.Intro Training Film for BlissTuner
 2.Can Dan Winter / Inventor -
Make His Own BlissTuner Sing?? -
BlissTuner Short Filmclip
4.Brainwaves of a Telepathy / Channel - Showing Clear OCTAVE Alpha / Beta Ratios

New Dec,06: Implosion Powerpoint 400 Image Menu Gallery

Feb 1, 2005: New- HeartTuner Special Offer + Interpreting the Screens in HeartTunerPro04 New Release + Heart and Bliss Tuner..

BlissTuner - now included with HeartTuner
see also (Fractality vs Mandelbrot & vs EEG / EKG) : Is Enlightenment Measureble Electrically as Fractal Charge Compression?

 HeartTuner and BlissTuner Research Group - focused on sharing resources and developing collaboration between users, researchers, clinical, practical use, and scientific inquiry. HeartTuner uses EKG Harmonics to Measure Empathy, Emotional COHERENCE, HRV. Based on Dan Winter's original development of CEPSTRUM Mathematics to quantify INTERNAL heart and brain COHERENCE. BlissTuner extends this to also measure BLISS / CREATIVITY in Brainwaves by adding GOLDEN MEAN RATIO feedback cues to EEG harmonic biofeedback. More info: heartcoherence.com lead by frank@heartcoherence.com , program development. And / or at goldenmean.info/hearttunerspecial with Dan Winter - inventor /research at danwinter@goldenmean.info
Subscribe to hearttuner
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+New! Star Mother Kit - Includes - Hi Res Instructions and Explanation DVD Video ! - see online version Video Here>

New June 06: Essene Saint-'Grace of Mt.Shasta'
presents real experience of BLISS lifestyle+experiences-with the HYGIENE and the LOVE .. Dan's intro suggests connection with the Science of Bliss to the reality-also noting the Egyptian origin/context of Essene +grail wisdom.

 3 new films from Implosion Group/ Dan Winter - ONLINE-June 06- (main film index)Self-Empowering - Neurofeedback Solutions to Attention Deficit/Addiction- Film at Maori Wholistic Center - with Dan Winter..presented by Dr.Cornelius Van Dorp..
+Scientific understanding of BLISS-with Dan Winter- introduced by Dr.CorneliusVanDorp at New Zealand Maori holistic health center..(2004)
Measuring Tree Harmonics to measure ecologic health -
HeartTuner preamp - presented by Dan Winter in Netherlands (04)-How probe works - how pathologic harmonics identify sick tree - .etc .

NEW LATEST SACRED GEOMETRY LEARNING TOOLS Inspired from Dan Winter's work..>also see HeartTuner BlissTuner Special

Dan Winter's 5 Color Illustrated Books! (250+pp ea) in pdf.
1.Newest Book:Implosion Secret Science of Ecstsy&Immortality, 2. Course Manual:Implosions Grand Attractor ,

3: Alphabet of the Heart , 4. Alphabet of the EartHeart , 5. : Return of Enki (ET Origins DNA)

If you are interested in the deep geometric meaning of the origin of alphabets -
and/or have read the stupid lies Stan Tenen has been spreading for 10 years about Dan Winter-
(Trying to create commercial value for his piece of jewelry - without the pure principle of Phi /recursion. The origin of symbol is only the -Golden- wave geometry of EMBEDDING - because that is what allows the outside - inside! )
Please do click on
and also

play pinwheels (why do you see THE ORIGIN OF THE ALPHABET - AND - 7 arrows?)

Origin of symbol: embedding yourself into the center of psychokinesis by tornado steering..

(physics is no-thing if not wormholes)
and CONSUME THE PERSPECTIVE - the REAL Origin of Symbol: To Embed - You into the DePHIne.

below: quoting from AlternativeApproaches.com

Dan Winter's Work Again Available Online

Several months back, in the article Spirituality and Intellectual Property Rights, we told you part of the story of the saga of the battle between Dan Winter and Stan Tenen's Meru Foundation. This was a very nasty copyright battle, and the federal court's decision dealt a severe blow for First Amendment rights in the United States. The fact that Tenen and his group even pursued the case shows their stripes. Neither Tenen nor his organization are interested in increasing our storehouse of knowledge unless they can hold the copyright and profit from that knowledge.

The court's ruling was unfortunate in other ways, since it ordered Dan Winter's web site -confiscated;” that the contents be made unavailable for public viewing. Also, if we understand the ruling, Winter was also forbidden from any further publication of his research into the relationship between the Golden Mean derived spirals and the -flaming letters” of the Hebrew alphabet; despite the fact that the visualization of Hebrew letters surrounded by flames is a concept that goes back to ancient times and is nothing invented or discovered by Tenen. The publication of Winter's book on the subject, which had been due last year, has also been canceled due to the ruling.

In our opinion, the ruling amounted to nothing less than a court ordered book burning. The loss of this material to scientifically minded members of the spiritual community has been devastating. Although Tenen's camp derided Winter in court, painting a picture of him as deranged and obsessed, we have known for years that he possesses one of the finest minds in the New Age. The claim that he was plagiarizing Tenen's work is also somewhat laughable, since we have first-hand knowledge of the fact that he was working on the relationship between the Hebrew letters and the Golden Mean long before he happened to stumble across Tenen's work. Although he might have been guilty of -borrowing” some graphics that weren't his to use (to give Tenen the benefit of the doubt), the court's ruling was much too broad, and did not serve the public interest. In other words, the court took what should have been a technical adjustment and turned it into a witch hunt.

The good news is that some Europeans have evidently discovered a loophole in the judge's ruling that has allowed them to publish some of his work online at http://www.goldenmean.info/dnaring. We would suggest, however, that if this work interests you that you should copy it immediately, since it's probably only a matter of time before the folks at Meru decide that their profit motive and -pure” vision is greater than your right to know and think for yourself. Just as the fundamentalists believe that only they can interpret the Bible, so does Tenen and his group believe that only they understand the Hebrew letters.

Origin of Alphabets: Pure Geometry of Embedding- Donut Nests as Creation
If the symmetry of fields (domains-toroidal donuts) is the ONLY origin and subject of physics
then why would ANYONE be surprised if the same were true of the origin of symbolic alphabets?

based on Dan Winter's work - brought to you by Ted Small .. and reprinted in part from the main IMPLOSION GROUP web site on Dan Winter's work. goldenmean.info
-books originally written by Dan Winter - downloadable below.

"If you have seen the lies and slander a few zealots have placed on the internet about Dan Winter, it is regarding his original discovery 15 years ago to use the equation (all graphics below are only his original equation) for the Golden Mean spiral self organizing on a donut to prove the origin of Hebrew and other alphabets. At the time he completed that work - those who now slander him (Stan Tenen / Meru ) had only a piece of jewelry to cast shadows- no equation, no golden mean, no computer model. Unfortuneately - they did have a lawyer. Dan wasted over $100,000 in legal costs - over 10 years - while the other lawyer delivered truckloads of junk paper hassle to the court. In the end - by escaping where justice was only available to those who could afford it, Dan reached out to a bigger world than the civil legal system of a sick America. While his detractors tell stupid lies about Dan being somehow a bad guy, his only work was to give away free the REAL physics of the origin of symbol - which remains a Golden Mean spiral on a donut. While the slanderers still somehow claim - the Golden Mean is not the correct physics of origin of symbol! See the story, the proof, and the animations at here. (Dan's side of the legal history: danside.pdf ). See also his picture below from 'PI the Movie' (originally named Phi) - which was basically a retelling of his drama with the zealot Hebrew rabbis. Everyone who brings striking new information to the world becomes controversial. This is not a personality contest - it is simply about the truth - people are empowered when their symbols allow them to embed (by Golden Ratio) in the world. Millions who view Dan's original Golden Mean physics of alphabets animations - confirm - imagining in the REAL language of light - DOES make your dreams come true!" - we have made so much available for free, please use our teaching material & support our work: goldenmean.info/tools

Can owning spiritual ideas, serve self-empowerment? - Summary of Dan Winter's choice to give away his original work showing the Golden Mean Spiral to be the origin of Hebrew.
related: 'Golden Arches': Spectrograms of the Alphabet of Genesis.. of the Heart!- Is the Origin of the Alphabet Whispering in a Cave Inside...the Heart?

Here is a quote from PI THE MOVIE web site- along with the picture from there of Dan Winter. Many believe the harassment from Hebrew Rabbi's in the film - of the math genius who figured out how the stock market emerges from Chaos based on Golden Ratio (Dan's solution) - is based on the story of Stan Tenen's vicious harassment of Dan Winter- for discovering the Golden Ratio is the true origin of the Hebrew Alphabet.: - and all paths out of CHAOS which require compression to self organize (like the stock market - Prechter /Elliot wave predictors based on Golden Ratio)..
"Dan Winter is a very smart, very weird math guy, and a founder of the San Graal School for Sacred Geometry." - "Chaos Theory can be generally defined as the study of forever-changing complex systems. Discovered by a meteorologist in 1960, chaos theory contends that complex and unpredictable results will occur in systems that are sensitive to small changes in their initial conditions. The most common example of this, known as the "Butterfly Effect," states that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in China could cause tiny atmospheric changes which over a period of time could effect weather patterns in New York.

Although chaotic systems appear to be random, they are not. Beneath the random behavior patterns emerge, suggesting, if not always revealing, order. Recognizing that the stock market is a non-linear, dynamic, chaotic system 's Max Cohen (Sean Gullette) applies the principles of Chaos Theory in order to determine the pattern behind apparent random nature of market prices.

Apart from the stock market, Chaos Theory can be used to model other highly complex systems, including everything from population growth to epidemics to arrhythmic heart palpitations. When applying chaos theory, it is revealed that even something as seemingly random as a dripping faucet has an order behind it. "

Featured Articles this month.. From Myth to Science:
RingLord:True DNA Science Behind"Lord of the Ring"-also- Ensoulment vs Montauk:Deep Spiritual Meaning of SEVEN ARROWS.
June04:Celebration- Roger K's Complete History of the Draco / Ciakar & Shapeshifters-reloaded..

 Site Resources
 Science & Research Articles.  Sacred Geometry  Heart Research  History of DNA/
ET History
 Practical Health /Emotion/ Bliss Hygiene

  HeartTuner BlissTuner

 Solution to Global Warming: ReArrange Land Magnetic Lines...to EMBED!- compare to Global Scaling (w animations)
  Best Intro/Glossary in Book | or Intro , Glossary , Workshop Handout, Syllabus, Animations  Caducceus-Breathing the Heart to Bliss- versus Heartmath
+ Harmonic Explorer

 ORION-Star Maps/Giza & Ophanic Origins

 Nourished By Spin; Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle, Practical hygiene from spin geometry

 International Course Calendar-
Sacred Geometry &Coherent Emotion + Science Feng Shui

 Life Force Measured & Redefined

(from eternite)

 Real History of (EKG) Heart Harmonic Research- Is 'Heart-Math' misleading people?

 PLANETARY INVASION FORCE: A Reason for Ecstasy? - deeper on Drac Reptilian History of DNA-

 A1:Simple Exercizes to "Zero Point"

Order Books, CD's, DVD's & Other Tools

 Architecture Re-Invented-
Now that Life is Measureable

International Magazines Support Dan Winter against U.S.court 'Witch Hunt' against freedom of speech / freedom to teach the real physics animations of origin of alphabets.

(Heart)HARMONIC EXPLORER -Software Release -Play PHI Harmonics and See for Yourself!

 Return of Enki (True ET History of DNA)

RAVE vs. SCIENCE OF BLISS (musical recipe no drugs) -for Rainbow Serpent Festival 

Implosion Movies
Films on the Web 

GRID Engineering-Earth Science-Re-Invented

  CONCORDANCE: Solar Capacitor, Sun Temple, Solomon's Temple & the "Soul-of-Man"

Newsletter 1-Life Force vs Gravity - & Measures showing COHERENCE Effected by Focusing on Math- HeartTunerPro

:Goddess Mystery -A New Look a ET Racial Origins AND the Science of what Puts a SOUL In an Egg..

 SELF EMPOWERING-Solution A.D.D.-Avoiding RITALIN's Soul Killer

Dan Winter's 5 Books:
Printable Color PDF.s
Recommended Order Below

 PHIRICAIS:Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution.(Essential Science to ALL Sorting)

 All-CHEM-Y of LIFE - & Simple Fusion PHYSICS revitalizes study of ALchemY-From the BLACK HOLE..

Harmonic Module Released,HeartTuner News 2, Geometry of Compassion Animated 

 Heart Arrows - Cosmic Serpent - Remothering -Fusion Serpent Draco Sumer Blood -Galaxy Healing Climaxes on Earth

 Death by Design: Electrical Hygiene for Successful Dying

 Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy&Immortality
(Conscious Kids)

WaterCHARGED Compression: The Symmetry of LIFE- & Making the Grid to Survive Solar Maxima/Rapture

 Symmetry Slip Knot Picture-Photon as "Electron Eating It's Tail"-new java animations

 Tuner News3: Star Mother Soft Java Released FREE, plus Measuring Implosion Breath & Physics of Alchemy

 STANDING WAVE - Inside Out Root of the Dragon's Tale:

 BLISS - Is Bliss as Charge Compression the Solution to Immune Disorder AND Self Awareness?

Implosion's Grand Attractor
(4 languages) course manual

 Einstein's Dilemna Solved: GRAVITY of the Situation:Without ELECTRICAL Hi-GENE(for Life Force)-GENEPOOL Ends Soon.
WHY there are 7 Arrows?

Implosion Group - Secret to the Heart's Music- Key to Implosion and Fusion in the Heart
 The Black Hole Effect, Did Lazarus Laze Us Into Remembering our Embedding - Redeemed from the Angle of Death?:

KUNDALINI: Wave Harmonics and Reason for Biology

Return of Enki
(True ET History of DNA)

 GRAVITATIONAL THRUST- recursion accelerates CHARGE-
making GRAVITY (imploding/igniting)DNA!

When the FIRE in the Heart Becomes NOBLE: The KEY to Fusion

 Early Implosion Group Newsletter."Heart Phi-Ring"

How the Worm Turns-BLOOD RITES: Defining the Difference between a Parasite and Empowerment

A Better SQUEEZE!:Psychology of Perfect Compression

 Alphabet of the EarthHeart

 WaterLIFE Force Measured/ PHI in Science & RINGLORD Revisited

 Using the Heart Harmonics to Ignite the Earth Grid, Animations
 Heart Rate Variability / Inclusiveness is Fractal AND is Compassion?

 Ports of Gaol:"Eggs Files"for Dragons..Feeling for Europes Navigators. (Spiritual Destiny of Portgal /Europe/ & Dragon Lines)

AMENTI: Navigating GROUP BLISS into STARS-by Landscape Projection

  Alphabet of the Heart

  Djedai, Steiner and Heart's that PROJECT CHARGE (Crookes tubes & Projective Capacitors in Egyptian Carvings)

 BrainFire? Imploding (HeartRateVariability) Heart "Ignites the Grid"?... Starting with the Ecstatic Brain-Lit by the Breath..

 Music from the EKG Shows up in the Voice When you Speak from your Heart.

 Purpose of Genes: Bliss vs. Money? How would Government Based on the VALUE of Bliss look?
 Sound Choices:Audio Harmonics to Heal

 Discussion Group:

SCIENCE of Rainmaking - drought solution in principle

 superDNA - How Braiding in DNA Makes in Faster than Light and Superconductive

 manual - Tech Background on HEARTLINK Biofeedback Invention Proving EKG Spectra Teaches Coherence

5/5 Pent-UP: Rose of Pressures, &'Sai' among many w(ormes)& Guardian Alliance on Icke?

 Natural Law - 'Party"- Sustaining the Wave That is DNA

Intern'l University-
from Pure Principle

 LIGHT-City Life force in Cities FengShui and Physics to Design Life Back In To Cities..

TUNNELLING -Worm / String / Vortex Theories Visualized-"Black Hole": In the Human Heart -Animating Fractal Butterfly Heart Wings

 Heart's - EKG Frequency Signature - & Dolphins!

  Solar Wars & Amenti's Halls: DNA Imploding/Ensouling as Political Key to Who Steers the Sun's 'Streaming Media'

 Sweet Ecstasy-On the Natural Biological "Sweetness" of the Ecstatic Process, & How to Achieve it

 Holy Grail..REAL Geometric!
 New Physics of Implosion: A New Mathematical Approach to the Nature of Biology.  REIN: Paper from Heart Math on DNA Effected by Coherence in EKG

 PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create DIMPLING- Inside Out-Ness? animation)/ The Heart at the moment of Compassion..

 The "EL"-'Crossing Over' - THOSE WHO COULD MAKE THE PHASE SHIFT - PASSION in the Reptilian Gene

 Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana-the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge (implosion chord in flash)

Solar Shamans EGROUP OPENS to ALL:ReNamed
Solar Heart Community

  Circular RING in DNA:Science behind LORD OF THE RING!

FRACTALITY Versus Self Awareness

 Radiance in the Heart Begins with 'Fractal' Compression:The Solution to Becoming SHAREABLE and IMMORTAL

 Thoth Identity Links Annunaki to Orion/Rigel..Keys to Sovereignty Amid Nephi/Drac ET Parasites..His Relatives? Germaine

 Seeing Stars - the Holy Grail of 'Cold' Fusion, & the Palladium Dodeca..

 Solar Shamans Announce: Lazarus Effect- Piloting a Collective BLUE FIRE DNA BUBBLE THRU THE SUN

 LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT-Names for Life Force UNIFIED Orgone, Barrakah, Chi, Shaktipot, Eck, Microvita, Grace, Ectoplasm

 DIMPLING:Perfect Turning Inside-Out-ness (Recursion) as Conscious Awareness.

 How Does Emotion create Membrane/Immune/Spin & Braid DNA..

 Moroni's Intent, Getting Genetic Immortality-Pure Principles from Angels & Alphabets How SOUL Groups GET Ensouled.. Immortal... Embedded...& Survive to Spin..

 Flora - the Iron Man and Restoring Bliss Amperage to Blood (Hygiene 102)

 Solar Heart Haarp Wound: Re-Penting / Embedding in the Sun to be Fused / "SAVED"

 "FREE" Energy Announced- Earth Immediately ENDANGERED!!

 Musical Wave Geometry of Emotion:TOUCH

 Tetra Cube Goes Dodec, Becomes Merkababbah but Requires Total FEELING..next step in the Merkabbah Meditation

 Tower of Babel Solution: Alphabet of Symmetry Turns to Make a Proper Light Cone?

 Healing Anger: Musical Key to a Fractal Back Yard..

 William Buehler, Templar "Repair Fabric of Time" Architecture of Heart on the Grid, Articles Review

 When Scientists Cross Ley Lines With Dowsers?


ATTENTION Itself is Fractal?

 Using the Heart Harmonics to Ignite the Earth Grid, Animations!

 Communion of Saints-White Powder Gold Cakes to the Star Penetrance of Menstrual Blood and Sperm

 OverTone Chanting,Harmonic Choir 3D Color Landscape FFT:Ratios Cascade to Transcend Measureably.

 Letter to the UN:Genetically Modified Foods-Threaten the Physics of COHERENCE (& Ensoulment?) in DNA

 PHIKNIT - Images of PHI Golden Ratio and perfect In-Phi-Knit Embedding

 3D Sri Yantra (animated) of Embedded Golden Triangles holds 5/7 Slip Knot Seed for perfect Anu/Heart/Sun Fires?

 Taking Recurrence to Hand..A Story:, lucid dreaming geometrically

 heterofi, Heterodyning and Powers of Phi - Review of Dan's Theory by Rick Anderson

 PHILOTACTICS: Perfect Branching (Phylotaxis) is Perfect Embedding

 Cherokee (BirdTribe) vs Ophanim/Enochian and the Star Alphabet, new images

 Sacred Geometry of The Elemental Kingdoms..key to Millennial Survival?

 BrainPhire?Study Finds Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves during Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

 WATER:Flowforms, Vortex and- Implosion in Water

 FEELING for the Heart of the Sun: How to Become a Solar Being 'Tutankhamun Prophecies' & Solar Limit to Ovulation & Ensoulment, reviewed..

 AllMonde Bread: Gold's Fractal Structure vs: Embedding as Immortality

&: ORMUS (monoatomic GOLD)/ Callahan / Studies on Resonance vs Gravity by Barry Carter
    Artificial Intelligence Theory Based on Recursion / Embedding (Figueiredo)

 STILLPOINT/ Zero Point-Approaches & Geometrics

 JOIN THE COLLECTIVE(plz ck individual freedom at the door) Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"? The DOMA / Orion Queen
 fun part of learning to hug better. ..HOW TO TOUCH..

Golden mean: driving force of self-organization."-Alex Kaivarainen: Perfect Compression Collapse Unifies Physics
 Turning INSIDE OUT: Wave Guide at Heart learning to Feel? Labyrinth and Star Mother as Wave Guide, includes orig:Heart Intelligence and DNA  

 Adam's Rib: The Seventh Seal- Dream Dancer of the Seventh Phire..

 Ecstatic Process and the healing of the immune system

 Decode Genetics -Measuring Self-Awareness in DNA by Power Spectral Emissions
 Geometry of Connectivity Animation - Star Mother -All Platonic Solids in 1 Nest - Overlaid then Spun.  

 See Men PoliSee


 Coherence: Defining & Measuring, in the Heart and in All Oscillators
 15 Great Circles Grid Model..Nest as 5 Cubes in Dodec.Animated UVG Earth Grid 15 Uroborus 'Hoops' Spinning.  

 Addiction, Gurus & Sex Juice vs PRINCIPLE of Ecstatic Communion

 Braiding DNA, Is Emotion the Weaver?-WAVE GEOMETRY OF EMOTION

 Dr. Dardik Paper: When Heart Harmonics are Fractal(Compressible?) does Disease and Aging Stop!?
 INHABIT SPIN: Wave Mechanics Allow Embedding to Draw You into Gravity Centers:HOW TO INHABIT ANYTHING -  

 Climbing into and Out of The Great Worm..DNA" Activation"

 Origin of Religion: Hygiene Instructions without Pure Principle , Instructions in Hygiene

  CANCER vs Touch Permissive Membrane- Phi Harmonic Theory
 DNA "Grooving" Measureably Closer to PHI Embedding with Time? PHI in DNA:'Beauty in the Genes of the Beholder'  

 Pure Principle is a Richer Name than God or Good or Evil for the Whispers of Your DNA in Your Ear Another View after David Icke.

 Understanding the Cellular Geometry of Cancer - Bliss Forgottten?

 COLLAPSE- Perfect Wave Collapse is Solved by Golden Mean Ratio Recursion?
 3D Sri Yantra  

 TaleEating:Lightspeed Ensoulment's Wave W-orme, -dna squirts woim toining into face

 Blue Fire Creativity & A Bioenergetic Model of AID's & Cancer

Perfect COMPRESSION vs Becoming Distributable and Sustainable?
 3D Tree of Life:  

 Mission Ignition: Igniting the Grid: Reviews of what is Newly 'Lit' on a Small Endangered Planet. ,

 Can Intent Steer Waves?

Implosion Research Projects - Revolution for Many Fields of Science
 Merkabbah:Sacred Geometry of Transcendance" Tetrahedral Fire Meditation)Pt2: Tetra Cube :Dodec, Becomes Merkababbah  

 LionPath, Lion Place, Secret Places of the Lion.. , (Lovely Morph Sumer Queen to Draco Face )

 The LABYRINTH in Principle.. Turning Inside Out=Slip Knot Creating Matter=Being Born?

 EMBEDABILITY - Self Embedding Measured in the 2nd order Spectral Analysis
 Newest Animations of DNA Braiding understand coherence from emotion & ensoulment?  

 AMENTI as Harmonic Implosion Bubble for Genepools... The Only Way Home? ,

 Is This Recursion? Practical Biofeedback to Awareness

  Perfect FUSION Geometry- -Energy Technology and Meaning
  Grail Animation!You've Got: HeartSail ! Does Your Heart Have Wings?  

 Gold Powder vs Heart.. Alchemy's Darker Moments

GOLD Powder2:Inert Superconductors vs Self Aware Steerage from Heart

 Understanding PAIN as an Invitation to Focus Awarness/ Align Waves/ &Create Order-Coherence.... an Alternative to the "War on Pain"

 IS THIS RECURSION? - Nature of Self Embedding in Bio Oscillators-vs SACRO_CRANIAL
 Breakthru Virtual Reality VRML2 Sacred Geometry  

 Origin of Religion: Hygiene Instructions without Pure Principle , Instructions in Hygiene

 The Sacred Geometry of Lucid Dreaming

 MAGNETIC X - Why DNA Becomes Less Radiant and Self Aware when Braiding Geometry is Ignored
 10 Spiral Worms: Spin Path to Zero Point  

 Mission Ignition: Igniting the Grid: Reviews of what is Newly 'Lit' on a Small Endangered Planet

 MERKABBAH Tetra Meditation, Phi, GoldenMean & This Fractal Embedding Stuff?

 PHYSICS OF PHI: Golden Mean Ratio as Perfect Wave Nesting / Compression
 Pure Geometric origin of RAINBOW (animation):  

 LionPath, Lion Place, Secret Places of the Lion..

 Geometric map for navigating the time tunnel during Shaamanic or Death experiences

 PREDICTIONS - New Predictions for Physics based on the Golden Mean Model of Compression
  Holy Grail..REAL Geometric!  

 Sol-URU, Council of Six: A Personal History of the Draco

 Genetic Engineering in Food/SOUL-LOSS in DNA

SCALE INVARIANCE and Non Destructive Compression
 Getting Feeling Centered in A Gravity Lens: Gravity Implosion, Solar Flare Peak, Gravity Lensing, &Emotions -Sorting for the Shareable.  

 Does 'Atlantis Rising" Depend on our Soul Group Acheiving the Skill to Embed : Saved by Re-Penting?

 SCHUMANRESONANCE:Harmonic Implosion Cascade gets Self Aware
 Dodeca Soap Bubble Implosion Animation prox 900k Angeltrumpets,Heart of Sun Animation prox 600k  

 ElDorado & The Re-Penting of America:Pictorial Map to America's Geomantic Global Role

 SELF SIMILARITY (waves) Predict Gravity and Self Awareness

 GeneHome: Sleepers Awake- To Build a Fire, Solutions to Aug 11 Solar Firing & the X Files
   STOCK MARKET:Golden Ratio Harmonics Predict Self Organization:Path from CHAOS  GRAIL HEART SPIN prox 782K  

 Archeo-Geometry of America's Spiritual Destiny
    SYNAPSE - Is PHIRE at the Synapse Spark Gap and Why?   Pictorial Review of Sacred Geometrics  

 ORIGINS GenePool Gets Remothered: Self Stinging is Dragonian to Golden ONE: Real Draco History: Magdalen Grail Line,
    Global WARMING Solution Based on Non Destructive Compression of Long Wave Magnetics  3D model of the Earth Grid on a true Dodeca-Icosa Surface  

 ShapeShifter: Religions-SORTING DNA HYGIENE EMPOWERMENT vs A History of ET Manipulation

  PHI faster than light - Solution to Event Horizon Penetration - AND DNA Penetrating Light Speed?

 New 3D Yin and Yang..('atomic cloud?') VIRTUAL - vrml -

 OrionGen of Arthur: Blood Of Merkabbah- Messeh/Messiah Reptile Blood, Germain Origins of Vampire Myth.
     BLISS vs PHASE CONJUGATION - AMENTI Underground' GROUP BLISS-Star Penetration

 'Golden Arches':Spectrograms of the Alphabet of Genesis.. of the Heart!

 Niburu Ship Booted? updates Draco's Last Stand?, with background at Origins Story..

 PINEAL Research-Pining Away.. GRAIL for Wave Navigating.. Embedding/Saskia:PINEAL-Electrical Modem

 The Perfect Geometry of Wave Collapse - Neurophysics Solution the Nature of Consciousness

 Sexy Side of the Grail Kings: Genetic Survival -Passion vs Gold Powder- which spins DNA to Biological Immortality?

 Virus Music Tuned by Heart- Rife-Merkel-Naessens

 How's The Radiance of Your Magnetic X Today?,The Dizzy DNA syndrome

 Giza Underground:_Secrets, vs Amargi Hunter and the REAL Cocoon!

 Ennantiomorphism, Handedness, DNA, and the "ARK"

 Dolphin & Whale Pod Sonics vs EKG: A Bloodstream Embedded?

  Survival's Cost: Be Leaving in..PHI-lo-tactics: the galactic council

 DNA Wiring: DNA as Radio Transmitter / DNA as Magnetic Superconductor

 Suction Steers! Implosion Makes Waves: Creating a TORRENT thru your Heart

  St.Germaine accords.. Drakul, Pendragon, Designers of America's Destiny

 Well Tempered & Phi Cyclic..

 Follow the Green Spiral to the Still Point Animations of Ecstatic Brain/Heart

 The Meaning of ASHTAR: Acronym for a Hive Mind Computer?

 Radiance from the Spark Gap:Mind Inhabits Phirealphabetic forms from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain

 Projective Geometry of the Heart-Perfect Compression/Compassion=THE SHARED SPACE:

 Light Cones From the Heart: The Geometry of the Emerald Modem.


- Genetically Going in Circles May Eventually Turn You Inside OUT!


Intro -prelude from Dan Winter: Academic Paper - CIRCULAR DNA - including the paper by Ken Biegeleisen.

It is a pleasure to share this RINGING DNA material - thanks to Ken Biegeleisen - who has formalized and represented his paper here on TOROIDAL or CIRCULAR DNA (relating to the concept of 'Braiding' DNA) - with academic references.

Many misconceptions can be cured to the point of real self-empowerment by this kind of thinking:

Misconception ONE: I am going to get spiritual and cosmic and immortal (biologically sustainable) when divine force (the astrology of charge?) adds '12 strands' to my DNA.

More the Truth: IF you choose the hygiene to eat, and live in, and dance in, and HAVE BLISS in-- - LIFE FORCE and therefore CHARGE - THEN your DNA may absorb that charge by enveloping itself in the recursive braid which ENSOULS - (implodes). The addition of strands which appear to happen when you braid thread into string into rope, is because of braiding (the answer lies 'folded in an envelope' - see pics below). Braiding your DNA is something you do and learn by choice - to absorb 'spin' (charge) - not something 'GOD' does for you. Only the strength of will growing in the sun-shine of shareable and embedable intent - is sustainable (and therefore able to be 'saved').

IF you tilt a cube 32degrees you can spin it into the next dimension (axis of symmetry) which is a DODECA (4th Dimension)..THEN you step or wratchet that dodecahedron down a HELIX or SLINKY (the SHAPE of DNA)- that is the 5th dimension (axis of symmetry). SO the THREAD that begins DNA is 5 spin symmetries or dimension.

FINALLY.. if you take THAT thread and recursively braid the braid of the braid.. (thread into string into rope into fat rope into fatter rope- THIS is how DNA accepts the charge into a re-CORDing of its environment)..

and on the SEVENTH time you recursively braid or plait - PRESTO - the DNA becomes a DONUT / TORUS!. (YOU are RINGlord). This is WHY the seventh spin or the 7 color on the topo map makes DONUT. AT this point you do indeed have 12 AXIS OF SYMMETRY of DIMENSIONS (as opposed to 12 STRANDS ) in your DNA.. AND - the implosion of that donut DNA sending (by recursive adding a phase velocities thru lightspeed ) ALL of the charge symmetry of ALL your biological memory THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT. And THAT - is what makes a SOUL (the tornado thru light speed )- indicated appropriately by the ability to

+lucid dream

+take memory thru death

+time travel without embarassing heavy metal craft

+make gravity in genes

+steer stars.. etc.

(called Chloridians in STAR WARS - Anikin- -.. also called BOSON SEVEN in the DNA power spectra taken at Montauk to predict WHO could steer the time (Deca Delta / Dodeca - see "Contact" movie) antenna "chair".

The remnant 'fallen Nephalim' conservative DNA culture from Alpha Draconis thru Enlil / Yalweh / Michael / Michabo / Amon - then stablished the rules to PREVENT DNA from getting FREE - which became India's CASTE SYSTEM - and Aboriginal Marriage laws.. and Jewish families who could only make love thru a hole in the sheet. The machine based 'borg' Nephalim culture (lo-oxygen types) doesn't want you to ignite your DNA with BLISS to psychokinesis - because that (lucid dreaming / shamanic) skill is the ONLY technology (the real TRON - see BST ) they have no response to. It takes WILL to implode and ensoul DNA - which no passive GOD IS OUTSIDE YOU parasite priests can create. The force of WILL involves HYGIENE for BLISS.

reference pictorial aritcles:

braiding DNA ,

Decoding DNA,

1 Magnetic X in DNA,

SuperConducting DNA,

Letter to the UN on Genetic Engineering as Coherence LOSS now Measureable.


Misconception TWO: The compression spin map called "Alphabet" on the side of the "LORD OF THE RING" - RING - is too powerful for anyone to hold.

More the Truth: The 'RINGing' which causes thoughts / emotions to become objects is the implosive nature of DNA which when braided recursively by BLISS compresses charge in the only process (charge compression) which turns light (ether) into matter. (and DNA into its real destiny as a gravity making star bender) .The index to those possible angles of (Golden Ratio) compression is precisely the equation for the origin of most alphabets of Earth - specifically including Hebrew and Arabic... for the specific reason that only those biological structures which USE that symmetry discipline get to be sustainable (immortal).


Misconception THREE: DNA controls our destiny.

More the Truth: DNA is a shapeshifting mag worm which merely bends itself as a wave around the fields we form by bending the magnetism we call emotion and sacred space. It is a relatively passive mechanical linkage device designed to helpfully slow down the rate at which emotions become objects- so that we FEEL and understand the connection between CREATION and what we just now felt. Once the need for slowing down that response of stars to feeling, no longer exists - then DNA is replaced by its own etheric essence (superluminal compression field) - and we can bend light by implosion directly (only love bends the light / embedding).

If we choose consistent spin-dense and sustainable magnetic environments - then DNA responds by adding that inertia to our life force - so that eventually we gather the inertia to properly create stars and become suns ourselves. Otherwise we die a death which is permanent. DNA is merely a biofeedback device to tell us when we have consciously chosen the CHARGE and LIFE FORCE - which makes us sustainable. Short-circuiting the function of DNA by changing the spin links we call codons mechanically is not only un-sustainable and destructive - but it fundamentally ignores the design of nature - which was that DNA help us take responsibility for the SHAPE OF MAGNETISM - and so learn that bending light into shape is how we too may create stars.

  MERKABAH MAGICK - (this was written by Vincent Bridges - as an edit to Dan Winter's original "Light Poetry) "New Emerald Tablet" http://www.fifthwaymysteryschool.org/NewEmTab.html.

Using Pentagonal Geometry to Explore Inner Space
Part Zero - The Physics of Magick

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, a first century A.D. alchemical text, attempted to express ancient Egypt's scientific wisdom in a few pithy lines of metaphorical and metaphysical symbology, suited of course for the educated Egyptian, or Greek or Roman philosopher/magician of the day. Its insight is still breath-taking, if one has the key to the symbolism; if not, its obscurity is profound. Since few of use have the world-view of an Alexandrian mage, a simple how-to of magickal philosophy, in modern scientific terms, seems to e absolutely necessary. Science is the magician's willful apprentice, Magick's lost step--child/prodigy, who has learned one trick, and therefore must compulsively repeat that trick, without knowing how to stop itself. To understand Magick, we must reclaim science as the observational and experimental tools needed to apprehend the true vastness of the Universe.

And so, with a nod to the real geniuses (Winter?) who figures out what I am about to simplify, let's take a stab at a new Emerald Tablet:

(This became a poem in Dan Winter's 2nd book: Alphabet of the EarthHeart , Illustrated thanks to Vincent & Darlene's editing)

We all know the basic formula for this one ­­ E=MC2.
Matter is just a lot of energy moving so slowly that we can touch it and sit on it. energy is just a little bit of matter moving so fast we have trouble finding it. They are polarities of the same substance, which is flowing or moving as different rates, constantly. This very compressibility is what stores form and memory in its wave shape.


The Fourier principle of frequency signature transformation means that even the most complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves of different lengths.


Geometry can be thought of here as the basic creation of symmetry. Any symmetrical structure creates a place where meeting waves, those traveling in opposite directions, can stand, that is, to phase and phase-lock. Standing waves give the illusion of solidity, which is the segregation of momentum that makes possible the birth of matter. Pressure occurs where waves meet.

Only ration is sacred; scale is mundane. Information is the only universal in our hologramic universe, every part contains the information of the whole. Sharability, the way converging waves create sustainable forms, then becomes a property of inherent structure emerging naturally from the process itself.

In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean.

Only a form of Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time. Only in this way, in this shape, can waves nest together without interfering with each other and canceling out their memories. A Golden Mean spiral can nest triangles, Squares and five-sides figures, crating a dodecahedron as it does,. the dodecahedron is the perfect Golden mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. That's why it is also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule. The Golden Mean happens, the icosahedronal donut and the dodecahedronal donut generate the only other two naturally occurring numbers: Pi and E.

From this simple shape, and these three irrational, but naturally occurring numbers, the universe is built. No wonder the ancient Egyptians called these qualities the cosmological Neters or forces.


Focus, directed intensity of consciousness, occurs when the excited nests of smoke rings become fractally attractive along the patterns created by Phi, Pi, and E. When this happens they also become matter, and the attractive quality is then seen as gravity. Intention, like gravity, is a lens that bends light. Focus in the form of the great geometric archetypes generates a sense of symbolic "gravity."


Everything in our world, all matter, that is, all fractally attractive patterns of informational density, is composed of atoms, which are described by physics as a nucleus surrounded by electrons in so-called orbital shells. These shells are the pattern, the shape or ratio, which is the only thing the universe must conserve, in order to know itself. These shells or shapes are formed by the nestings of energy donuts or smoke rings. the Atomic Table then becomes a simple set of wave patterns, describing valency as symmetry. Everything can be created from the nesting of one donut, with a pair of vortices; three donuts, with six single direction vortices; five donuts, with ten vortices; and seven donuts, with fourteen vortices. Count the vortices and you have the number of electrons in each orbital shell.

These patterns form regular shapes, called the Platonic solids because Plato was the first to write about them: the tetrahedron, on pair of vortices; the octahedron/cube, three pairs; the dodecahedron, five pairs; and the icosahedron, seven pairs. These basic shapes are important in transmitting the very waves structure of matter, best understood as templates that generate the focus of intensity necessary to become fractally attractive, that is, bend the straight energy flow of light into a circle of atomic structured matter.


The most elegant nest of ratio are those that intertwine Phi, Pi, and E, such as the DNA spiral. We can think of this as simple proof that DNA is a structure that is codes to transmit information along the pathway of temporal evolution of physical life forms on the planet. All life forms on the surface of the planet are the instruments and actors of an ancient epic opera hard-wired into the structure of our cells.


Wratcheting a cube five times at 32 degrees in the same visual space creates a dodecahedron. Wratcheting a dodecahedron 32 degrees gives the powers of Phi; Phi squared, cubed, etc. The Golden mean pathway enables information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind). The closer we can come to forming this shape and path, the grater our conductivity, that is, the more energy can flow through us. As we focus our intensity on these shapes and flow patterns, we create a sort of super conductive, super coherent energy exchange.


An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. This harmonic cascade of inter-connected-ness is the structure of our hologramic universe, perceptible as ecstasy.


DNA, a perfect Phi structures crystal connecting long waves and short waves, is a three-dimensional patterns designed to transmit information, in the form of living being, through time and space, the fourth dimension. Its goal seems to be the creation of a fifth dimensional intelligence, one capable of phase-locking with the information of the universe stored in the crystaline coding of the DNA geometry.


A fifth dimensional awareness, which we can categorize as one that sees all space and time, energy and matter, as components of the original wave form, bends Light into the circle of self-awareness. This creates the rich blue/UV explosion of energy that accompanies the rise of Kundalini, the phase-lock of biological energies into the flow of the universal information energy stream. This enfolded-ness creates enlightenment, a state where the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.