Solar Capacitor, Sun Temple, Solomon's Temple & the"Soul-of-Man"

Understanding the Hex symmetry of the Nov 8 Concordance event..
Nov 6,03, reprinted by Implosion Group , article at: , main index:
by Dan Winter - (new book:" Implosion's Grand Attractor" )

image exerpt from

Peru and --- Harmonic Concordance
Initiator of Ascension Activated at Solar Temples

Machu Picchu and the Egyptian Aten Temple. He portrays The Seal of Solomon as Seal of the Soul Man. The seventh spin making DNA into RING (aka Lord of the Ring). In other words, how biological man becomes ensouled, immortal, at these Solar Initiation Temples.

Dan Winter: "This is a pointer to the Concorcance of what could compress (capacitive) charge to the point of imploding human glands and genes. This imploding charge field when harnessed becomes the engine which drives biological memory, the shape of your charge field ie. chi, eck or orgone through the speed of light into stars. This is the only way into immortality / ensoulment."

Author Maurice Cotterell in "Tutankhamon Prophecies" - ... Tutankhamon's family intent is identical in form to the architecture of Viracocha / Quetzlcoatel. The ancient star elders of the Mezo America's were apparently involved in the same quest: the completion of a puzzle to immortalize (ensoul) human genes and memory by the fabrication of a properly aligned solar capacitor ie temple.

Dan Winter - The Viracocha designed Solar Temple (aka Sun Temple) at the center of Machu Picchu is the spiral capacitor building that aligns with the Solstice on June 21st where the Annunaki / Sun God's were reputed to go for BOTH BIRTH AND DEATH, a clue to the ensouling function of the SUN TEMPLE as solar capacitor.

Chaski (Andean Shaman James Arevalo) - "Machu Picchu the city of the rainbow where an individual is able to reach the space between the 2 arcs would recieve an instantaneous initiation from this significant symbol of Viracocha and Pachamama. Since passing thru double rainbows was like proceeding thru the entrance to the kingdom of the 7 rays so the celebration of the rainbow was born and was translated as a meditation of the SEVEN RAYS. It was a meditation of an elevated spiritual state that could create in our physical being and our inner-selves the resonance needed to be deemed Children of the Light.

Solar initiation leads us to the initiate's ceremonial table at the Temple of the Sun (Machu Picchu), the ascent to this table is accomplished along SEVEN STEPS and here again we find the number seven as a sacred constant. The fascinating aspect of this table and its seven steps is that every June 21st (Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), the Sun, in an ordered way, produces illuminations that, until several years ago, were known secretly only by few who shared with us deep experiences.

After touching the polyhedron at the Intiwatana Temple's prism (solar temple altar atop the pyramid), and as the Sun slowly continues to rise, these solar illuminations allow light to touch the forehead (or place of perception) called the "third eye" of the priest or priestess standing on the fifth level (the 7 steps, 5th step prior to reaching the Intihuatanas base).

This moment is comparable to the great initiation states of an individual in the highest spheres of the terrestrial plane. Here the disciple was converted to an initiate; here the disciple woke up from his or her lethargic dream. This moment of receiving the diginified honor of being transformed into a < Child of Light was unique and occurs only once year; certainly it was Viracocha who granted his stamp of power, creating a new Messenger of the Sun." See Dan Winter's New Book

end exerpt from link...return to exerpt from Dan Winter.. Implosion Group

Summary- the hex symmetry of charge from planet alignment called CONCORDANCE.. produces a compression field on glands to initiate implosion ensoulment. The relationship of this classic SEAL OF SOLOMON is explored in the design of ancient SOLAR TEMPLE initiations in Akhanaton's Egyptian AMARNA, and Machu Pichu in PERU. The idea to expose the pure principle that the symmetry of compressing charge absorbed as information in biological spin and field effects.. is the TRUE SCIENCE OF HOW BIOLOGY BECOMES SUSTAINABLE>.. ENSOULED. (A SOUL-O-MON TEMPLE PRINCIPLE).

Coauthored by Valerie Sandelin, Dedicated to her Astro-Archeology, Planetarium of Paris - teacher Bernard Coquempot - in the lineage of Bernard of Clairveaux - Chief Gothic Cathedral Architect. Bernard was a specialist in ancient cosmogony - Mayan, Greek, Chinese.

During the tine of the compression wave... CONCORDANCE.. our bodies need to absorb more symmetry in charge density... On a personal note.. from Valerie..
I suggest Dan to add this link for an article concerning the acceleration of time we are going through. I found it useful to understand and relieve the anxiety and stress of those intense transformations and help our bodies and minds to adjust.-- ARTICLE HERE...Acceleration of time and transmutation of our physical vessels

Summaries of the latest 'new age' comments on This alignment 'Concordance' Nov8-9, reprinted here for your convenience:


Lilian Corredo on CONCORDANCE

Templar Version of CONCORDANCE image below..

Hexed at Rennes Le Chateau- from Poussin's famous painting.
"What struck me about this whole sequence is that one can apply the Star of David/Seal of Solomon sequence/symbolism, which results from this alignment (again see to the inner geometry of Poussin's painting
-'Hexed at Giza" Left from Harmonic Concordance web
In concord with the HEX.. (German for Witch) -
From HEX TO PENT... natures uses hexes to fix-(NOT for life) and PENT TO SEND (life).

Above 1. Pent-Recursion-Self-Similarity enabled compression optimized by PHI, Pics 2 &3. Pent hex in Templar South France Sacred Sites.. from "Holy Blood Holy Grail".
When the Templars designed embedding in ARCHitecture- they were very aware of the principles of CHARGE COMPRESSION by FRACTALITY.
below: Templar design for Europe -embedding the pent.
.BELOW 2 pics please see William Buehler's beautiful work on .William Buehler -on Templar Architecture and Spirit

Offset pent-hex from the Templar/Masonic embedded in the design of Martian Cydonia and WashingtonDC(from Daniel Perez)

Interesting how rich our use of the English word TEMPLE. It refers to the compression spot between the forehead - when charge is focused it perception. It refers to the architecture of ancient churches - AND now we suggest a new and more important meaning - Temple is a name for a capacitor- whose charge distribution produces biological information compression. In order to study the principle of this true architecture of the sacred - let us look at the concept of SOLOMON's temple with new eyes. (Since - as the Templar friends point out the hex shadow of this CONCORDANCE has been described as the SEAL OF SOLOMON).

The true deep symmetry of the SEVENTH SEAL of the SOUL OF MAN - is nested in the fact that it is the 7th completed superposed axis spin symmetry ('DIMENSION') - is the moment when the DNA folds back on itself into.DONUT recursion (ensoulment).
7 arrows thru tetra origin Hebrew alphabet
This seventh seal - 7 axial spin symmetries of the tetra- DO YOU SEE 7 ARROWS?

click here to play pinwheels

Origin of symbol: embedding yourself into the center of psychokinesis by tornado steering..
look for the hex shadow of the seal of solomon/hex in the meditation tetra..see next step in the true Merkabbah

Star tetra spin into shadow of SOUL-O-MAN's 'SEAL"

This is the SEAL OF THE SOUL OF MAN.. the seventh spin.. making.. DNA into RING.. Lord of the RING..

So we were studying how Akhanaton (later named Moshe- MOSES meaning son of SOLOMON) designed the famous solar capacitor TEMPLE called AMARNA. (Later renamed SOLOMON'S temple). He planned alignment sites for the capacitance of stone to trigger glandular initiation for a whole city.

from- enviroments.htm

notice the fractality - onion like layers...

Interactive map of the SOLAR TEMPLE - Akhanaton's city of AMARNA- by TETRA ARCHITECTS-link..

Robert Lawlor's classic book on Schwaller de Lubitz "TEMPLE IN MAN" sees Luxor Temple as the Shape field effect of Man's Body - Anthropomorphos...


Later - Maurice Cotterell concludes in "Tutankhamon Prophecies" that Tutankhamon's family intent is identical in form to the architecture of Wiracocha / Quetzlcoatel. The ancient star elders of the Mezo America's were apparently involved in the same quest: The completion of a puzzle to ensoul immortalize human genes and memory by the fabrication of a properly aligned solar capacitor / temple!

Below - (Wiracocha /Vairachocha designed) in the center of Machu Pichu - is the spiral capacitor building (SUN TEMPLE) which aligns with the Sun on June 21 - where the Annunaki / Sun God's were reputed to go for BOTH BIRTH AND DEATH. (Clue to the ensouling function of SUN TEMPLE as solar capacitor..)

Below.. "Secret Place of the Lion".. the birth / death table in the center...

the above 2 wonderful images are with grateful acknowledgement to Nathaniel Greene - with also thanks to Roger Green, for bringing us to Peru.

ALL the below images, are with grate acknowledgement to...(who hosted us so wonderfully in Cusco)
Evidences of Archeo-Astronomy in the Andes

by James Arevalo Merejildo (Mallku), Shamanic Productions- The Andean Path, Cusco, Peru ,
Machu Pichu is the city of the rainbow.(7 color arrows codefined by the tetra). quoting from the book "... an individual able to reach the space between the 2 arcs would recieve an instantaneous initiation from this significant symbol of WIRACOCHA and PACHAMAMA. Since passing thru double rainbows was like proceeding thru the entrance to the kingdom of the 7 rays.... So the celebration of the rainbow- was born and was translated as a meditation of the SEVEN RAYS. It was a meditation of an elevated spiritual state that could create in our physical being and our inner selves the resonance needed to be deemed CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT." end quote

This is a pointer to the CONCORDANCE of what could compress capacitive charge to the point of imploding human glands and genes! This imploding charge field when harnessed becomes the engine.. which drives biological memory (the shape of your charge field-chi or eck or orgone).. thru the speed of light into stars. This is the only way into immortality / ensoulment.

also: Inca Initiation Path: The Awakening of the Puma (see Cusco PUMA archeology below)

7 rays enter and focus on June 21...

below- solar initiation, (quoting from the book)"... leads us to the initiate's ceremonial table, the ascent to this table is accomplished along SEVEN STEPS, and here again we find the number seven as a sacred constant. The fascinating aspect of this table and its seven steps is that every June 21 st (Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), the Sun, in an ordered way, produces illuminations that, until several years ago, were known secretly only by few who shared with us deep experiences; I rediscovered this and many other astronomical phenomenons since 1992 and presented them to the public years later in my first book "The Awakening of the Puma, Initiation Path," now they are common knowledge. After touching the polyhedron, the Intiwatana's prism, and as the Sun slowly continues to rise, these solar illuminations allow light to touch the forehead or place of perception called the "third eye" of the priest or priestess standing on the FIFTH LEVEL (THE SEVEN STEPS'FIFTH STEP PRIOR TO REACHING THE USNU'S BASE). This moment is comparable to the great initiation states of an individual in the highest spheres of the terrestrial plane. Here the disciple was converted to an initiate; here the disciple woke up from his or her lethargic dream. This moment of receiving the diginified honor of being transformed into a Child of the Light was unique and occurs only once year; certainly it was Wiracocha who granted his stamp of power, creating a new Messenger of the Sun." end quote

Below Intiwantana's PRISM: the little rock (at Machu Pichu) in the foreground is fractal to the mountain behind.. allowing charge compression.. in preciesly the same way a Cherokee chooses the hill on which to die. (Permitting the death hygiene of non-destructive DEcompression- of charge).

Below- A face on the land... at Machu Pichu

Below the map of the city of Cusco Peru is the body of PUMA accelerated to kundalini bliis by the angle of solar beam entry on June 21...

Below- The capacitve array of the architecture Sachu.. at the eye brow of the PUMA

Below the charge compressing into vision at the EYE OF THE PUMA..

Below the rock at Machu Pichu contains a fractal of the star map... (A 'SOUTHERN CROSS')