from Dan Winter, 1/17/2000, url: ../radiance , other articles: ../sitemap.html
Ask yourself how every little wave NODE in the HOLOGRAM contains INFORMATION about EVERY OTHER POINT in that hologram? Could it be that something arranging COMPRESSION by symmetry gets all the squeezing into that one point right? Could it be that the limit condition perfecting COHERENCE (matter as hologram with weight problem) is in fact WAVE EMBEDDING COMPRESSED BY PHI - perfect branching .... BECOMING DE-VINE! Is this how your wave node gets to be A FRACTION OF THE ALL - LITERALLY FRACT-ALL!
In order to sing: "Let's get PHYSICAL", you must embed into each other - get spin dense - compress - and thus literally GET PHI-CYCLE!
If you were visualizing a burning fountain inside your heart.. the radiant explosion never becomes sustainable unless there is a way to FEED it with sustaining IMPLOSION. That implosion is the GEOMETRY OF PERFECT COMPRESSING.. WHICH IS IDENTICAL WITH COMPASSION! This holds a deep clue for the physics of sustaining awareness in general, aside from being the how waves of electrical charge sustain the recursion physicist call GRAVITY.
Quoting from NOETIC EXPLORERS Community Group - Memphis, Linda Caroll Hasler : "The most wonderful question was asked one Friday night last August during a Noetic Explorers meeting featuring Arkansas-based psychic healer Harold McCoy. McCoy had just talked aboutr the ideal physical/mental/emotional state of the healer saying, 'You have to be wholly into what you're doing,' he said, gesturing toward his heart and pulling the energy from his chest outward. 'You have to genuinely feel something like love for the other person, the person you're working on and for.' After hearing him declare this, a woman in the audience asked McCoy the following crucial question: 'How can we summon or strengthen this love you're talking about?'. Our nest speaker Dr. Sharon Wendt, Indiana based clinical psychologist and author.... has answers to that all-important question. ... In her book 'THE RADIANT HEART", she says 'My contribution to wholistic medicine is to shift the focus to the emotional heart & provide a method to reclaim the radiant heart. When the heart is radiant, as opposed to having emotional pain, it becomes the bridge between the human and the divine. (insert: de-vine= from the perfect branching or vine-ness) This radiant heart is the key to preventing psychical illness using love energy.'"..
The chief feature of the PHI or Golden Ratio in nature - (among waves) is that it permits perfect compression (fractality in essence). In this way of permitting all waves to agree at one point by compressing, it is also the essence of PERCEPTION - because all perception is the gathering of waves into phase lock into one pointedness (image vision for example as the optics of a cone waving to a point).
This geometry of perfect re-curring inward, is why we call this ratio BEAUTY:
Link to
Brian Snyder, many more Golden proportion links at ../masterlinks
Original Related Background Reading: Sacred Geometry of Compression: , "You Couldn't Get a Better Squeeze - How to Spin to the Center of THE Tornado" ,
"Scale Invariance" as the PURE PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABILITY: ../scaleinvariance , Philosophy / theory of mind as recrusive collapse: ../collapse , Best 3D Animations of Phi Stellating Dodec/Icos compressive structures: ../warming , Animation of perfect compression at the original ../grail.html
Quotes about PURE COMPRESSION as the PRINCIPLE of LOVE and how to become immortal - from the book LOVE WITHOUT END-Jesus Speaks, by Glenda Green:
"Perfect compression never results in conflict, but in a state of transparent overlay." (p.268)
".. failure to integrate and compress at all results in a life that is dispersed, unfocused, and lacking in energy. We must each ask, 'What can we compress? What can we put together and make work?' A very interesting thing about compression is the way it brings purpose, priorities and values into view. ...... The greatest compression of time is NOW! Just be here now. DO it. The greatest compression of perception is innocence... Get to the point.. Use what you have including all your available tools, awareness, and talents. Do not procrastinate, LIVE! That is compression right here and now. It will take you back to the center of yourself - your own 'zero point'". (p.270)
" This primal power of love has within it the primal power of 'self-awareness' , 'self-dialog' , 'self-acknowledgement'. (Insert hint: self-reference geometrically -Phi- = self-awarenss). This is true regardless of whether you are referring to love as beingness or energy. You might call it the "I AM" force. (Insert hint: I am that I am - being simply a statement of self-reference). Through internalized communion the whole becomes aware of its variable possibilities. .... Differences of potential are established and activation of them begins. Simutaneously, there is a holding and areleasing action which isolates the presence of a static field, a constant existing in neutrality toward the activating variables. This field can be seen to functionally operate as the 'zero point' for compressing and expanding energy. ..." (p.290)
Here we could express the idea more clearly be depicting the notion of implosion, generated electrically by the heart turning inside out with compassion. (on PHIre)..
Here I would add- it would be more accurate and precise to say that failure to embed (ground /get in phase synchrony .. etc.) - is the cause of depletion, because it is lack of fractality that causes wave coherence to bleed. Even as re-arranging events in historical time so that they embed better on a Golden Spiral temporally (book:"Spiral Calendar" /Carolan) - is what makes time itself inhabitable and stops 'Angels' (timelord / Solarian) from bleeding.
"In a V of migrating geese, you will notice one goose has the lead, although he doesn't take the lead to dominate. He takes the lead to break the wind and make the flight easier for others. Good profit has actually created energy, and so it enlivens and enriches the totality of an economy in which everyone participates. In the presence of effective compression, there is never any serious or widespread poverty. " (p. 274)
I would add to this that the presence of a pilot into the lead of the V vortex into compression, requires the skill to know the TURNS of ANGLE to allow spin (you and me) into the SYMMETRY of compression.
These shadows of the self organizing spiral of perfect embedding/recursion on the donut 7 color moebius are called the Hebrew and Angle-ish alphabet - in order to permit spin to compress in the synapse in the brain. So wishes become matter - because charge compressed is what we call matter.
It is the knowing of the turns of mind, which provide leadership into the V vortex of compression. As the sun prepares to compress the Earth between now and 2012 (rapture), we need the leadership of the solar shaman, who know the non-destructive path into solar phire.
This pure principle of successful compression
is the heart of matter, and psyche, and love and universe making
activities in general. The symmetry operations among waves in
a compressible medium (ether) to acheive successful compression,
was more than Einstein's dilemna of how black holes could bend
time. It was the actual coeur (heart of the matter in principle)
to allow our electrical psyche to bend waves into the point which
allows mind (recursion implosion) to steer them.
from the Mail Bag- a question from Matt S.(1/19)
Hi dan,
Just read your new article, your on tour yes?
You still have time to write these things huh, well thanks I appreciate
them and I'm sure others do also. About
this article I was hoping you can help me, I feel it is important
or it can be important, either way I'd like more feed back from
you on a particular part of
your article. I'd like you to diverge further into this with your
wisdom if you can please:
and how to become immortal - from the book LOVE
WITHOUT END-Jesus Speaks, by Glenda Green:
"Perfect compression never results in conflict, but in a state of transparent overlay." (p.268)
".. failure to integrate and compress
at all results in a life that is dispersed, unfocused, and lacking
in energy. We must each ask, 'What can we compress? What
can we put together and make work?' A very interesting thing about
compression is the way it brings purpose, priorities and values
into view. ...... The greatest compression of time is NOW! Just
be here now. DO it. The greatest compression of perception is
Get to the point.. Use what you have including all your available
tools, awareness, and talents. Do not procrastinate, LIVE! That
is compression right here and now. It will take you back to the
center of yourself - your own 'zero point'". (p.270)
----Response from Dan W. (coming to the 'point' ? )...
Thanks Matt- Yes I agree these are very valuable parts of the pure principle of what brings awareness (waves) into the present. (The opposite of procrastination which is the unfocus and resistance to embedding/spin we call fear - see the function of PAIN as merely the invitation to MOVE your attention / focus to restore connectivity / symmetry / embedding / the tingle...). Addiction is not a mistake by nature. Biology is programmed to remember the last time your nostrils flared (bliss) - like the kid who needs another ride on the roller coaster. (../bliss , ...addiction ) In this way we learn to add the amperage/current to DNA which like the hi amps thru the gold monofilament during crystallization massages it's molecular envelopes to measureable superconductivity/superluminal non-destructive waveguiding. (weldable to DNA). When we say all time is present we mean all events which are capable as waves to recur - do so because their phase moment is recursive in the present. Thus charge and spin density and awareness are all literally exactly RECURSION OPTIMIZED and therefore they are the very PRINCIPLES of PRESENCE. ... (of mind ... / phire..).
That is why the 'transparent overlay' (spin superposition) of perfect embedding compression SOLVES the problem of CONFLICT (for waves / and for people). Implosion is the ONLY pure principle which SORTS. (Rainbows from prisms happen because compression sorts waves for tilt symmetry - the definition of color among photons as donuts sorted into the tetra's seven superposeable spins - because they were compressed - they get IN phase.. ).
Subject: Bliss for everyone!, Fri, 19 Jan 2001
, From:
Hi Dan!
Really enjoyed your presentation last nite
- I'm the guy who came up at the end ... author of the book
"Bliss Is Everywhere Now" (as well as others). I am
very interested in a dialog, as there is something
regarding the torus model of the Universe that I have gotten internally,
much like Bentov (and possibly
yourself and others) did.
As you know, in the torus model of the Universe,
the "black hole/white hole" center projects a stream
matter outward and this continues along until it reaches a certain
reversal point and then it falls back
toward the mass of the nucleaus, eventually forming the torus.
The point I am interested in, which
Bentov referred to, is this reversal point. My internal information
suggests that at this point, a Great
Moment of Stillness occurs, infusing that particular region of
the torus with energy and Consciousness. I
get that this event will occur in 2012 ...
On my website at
I have a couple of drawings after Bentov which
demonstrate my meaning. I believe you have to go to the Millennial
Page and then click on "The Great
Moment of Stillness."
At any rate - really enjoyed you and your perspective
- I too have been associated with various lineages -
Kriya Yoga, Siddha Yoga (especially feel a connection with Muktananda
and Nityananda) but feel that, at
this time, "non-religious" or "non-traditional"
approaches are very freeing and valuable ...
Well, let me know what you think!
Oceans of Bliss!
Mark Jones
hi Mark from Dan..
Clearly this TURNING INSIDEOUT POINT.. (both the donut's outer edge AND the inner focal maximum pressure node - which I believe is where the faster than light squirt gun gets going by PHI harmonics compressed thru planck length) --- IS what Bentov MEANT by 'Stalking the Wild Pendulum' (the title of his book). Can we stalk that presence...?
On donut models of universal creation, also suggest other books: Duane Elgin (article) 'Theory of Continuous Creation', Arthur Young:"Reflexive Universe", Dewey Larson:"Nothing but Motion":.