Implosion Group Newsletter Jan 04. - view with images online:

Implosion Group Index: , email:
NOTE: Dan Winter's email has changed:( delete and ) - NEW:

1. Last chance to see Dan Winter in Australia 2004 info: or 0416239957 Aussie Mobile., or email:
Byron Bay Events: info -
a.) Byron - Evening on BLISS-Ambaji Center-- This Fri. Jan 16, 6:30PM,
b.) Byron - Complete 4 Day Course: Practitioners Certificate Course: Jan 22 -25 Thurs.Eve-7-9:30, Fri-Sun 10-5. Cepote Ctr.
c.) Lismore - Southern Cross University: Environmental Sciences Dept. SYMMETRY OF LIFE: Measuring Life Force & Measuring LEY Lines. Thurs. Feb 5, 1PM: info -
c.) PERTH: Feb 19-22: Part One. 4 -day Course - Beautiful Conference/Wholistic Center (with healing pool) outside Perth- Special Hands on Earth Grid Presentation. Thurs eve.-Sun.

2. Bliss in Action: Sacred Geometry RADIO Pilot Announced (begins Jan 19)

3. New Sacred Geometry for STEINER SCHOOLS .(previews in Yallingup and Johannesburg Steiner Centers)

4. New Program for Heart Tuner & Heart COHERENCE - TEACHERS Announced: The Heart Coherence Team's new Science Teachers tool release - and ongoing programs (also CD's & DVD's) to TEACH Heart Coherence present new opportunities. If you or anyone you know is interested in Teaching, Presenting, and Demonstrating Heart Measurement - and educating the public about and HeartTuner- we have a special program - enabling you to have a demo unit- and a complete array of multimedia teaching tools. If you teach Kinesiology ( see How HeartTuner Makes Kinesiology Measureable ), if you reach alternative healers who wish to have measurement of success -or- counselors or those who wish to MEASURE EMPATHY - please do contact us: email -

5. University Presentation:Symmetry of LIFE: Life Force Measures for Eco Design - Announced- Lismore - Southern Cross University: Environmental Sciences Dept. SYMMETRY OF LIFE: Measuring Life Force & Measuring LEY Lines. Thurs. Feb 5, 1PM: info -
(- In connection with LEBENSKRAFT - Conference on LIFE FORCE in ZURICH this March (see for detail ) - featuring LIFE FORCE MEASURES WITH HEART TUNER (

6. Dan Winter's Major Work (& course manual): 'IMPLOSION's GRAND ATTRACTOR'- out in English and Italian now - will be released in Spanish and German - within the month!

7. His Beautiful New book to ship in few weeks: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality ( with - Conscious Kids ).. latest 130 p. preview Updated Jan 13- exerpt below. ORDER HERE- CD;s, DVD;s, Books, Models. Etc.

8. Harmonic Explorer Software Preliminary Release by Heart Coherence Team - How to Test Frequencies for Harmonic Interference - Released - test your own cascades of PHI & Golden Ratio harmonics! ( ) See samples in the SHORT SCIENCE TOUR BELOW-
Compare to Wayne Kirby's Phi Music Generation System ( ) - Dr. Kirby learned of PHI Music from Dan Winter - still rather ignores the psychological implications of IMPLOSION HAZARDS: see The Implosion Phenomenon: Psychological Import of Phi Harmonic Music Phi Scalar Technology & MonoAtomic Gold.. , & Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana and the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge

9. Science Tour Visual Released from Heart Coherence Team
Learn WHY the Heart Geometry in Harmonics - How the Heart is a Natural ATTRACTOR for Charge - learn WHY the Golden Ratio - Increases Compression of Charge - exerpt below:


1. Last chance to see Dan Winter in Australia 2004: info: or 0416239957 Aussie Mobile., or email:
Byron Bay Events: info -
a.) Byron - Evening on BLISS-Ambaji Center-- This Fri. Jan 16, 6:30PM,
b.) Byron - Complete 4 Day Course: Practitioners Certificate Course: Jan 22 -25 Thurs.Eve-7-9:30, Fri-Sun 10-5. Cepote Ctr.
c.) Lismore - Southern Cross University: Environmental Sciences Dept. SYMMETRY OF LIFE: Measuring Life Force & Measuring LEY Lines. Thurs. Feb 5, 1PM: info -
c.) PERTH: Feb 19-22: Part One. 4 -day Course - Beautiful Conference/Wholistic Center (with healing pool) outside Perth- Special Hands on Earth Grid Presentation. Thurs eve.-Sun.

above from popular - Byron Shire Echo Newspaper - Jan 13

2. Bliss in Action: Sacred Geometry RADIO Pilot Announced - The Lois Hunt: (Byron) BAY-FM Radio Interview and Heart Music Themes Show with Dan Winter from Jan5, Along with the well known Sydney Theosophic Presentation: SPIRITUAL MYSTERIES - with Dan - to be released online- by Mid January - at

3. New Sacred Geometry for STEINER SCHOOLS . Updating Anthroposophy wiht Science- Announced: Steiner School - Yallingup - South of Perth on Feb 17, Then in Steiner Center- Johannesburg - South Africa- Feb 27-29. email:

4. New Program for Heart Tuner & Heart COHERENCE - TEACHERS Announced: The Heart Coherence Team's new Science Teachers tool release - and ongoing programs (also CD's & DVD's) to TEACH Heart Coherence present new opportunities. If you or anyone you know is interested in Teaching, Presenting, and Demonstrating Heart Measurement - and educating the public about and HeartTuner- we have a special program - enabling you to have a demo unit- and a complete array of multimedia teaching tools. If you teach Kinesiology ( see How HeartTuner Makes Kinesiology Measureable ), if you reach alternative healers who wish to have measurement of success -or- counselors or those who wish to MEASURE EMPATHY - please do contact us: email -

5. University Presentation:Symmetry of LIFE: Life Force Measures for Eco Design - Announced-
(- In connection with LEBENSKRAFT - Conference on LIFE FORCE in ZURICH this March
(see for detail ) - featuring LIFE FORCE MEASURES WITH HEART TUNER (


6. Dan Winter's Major Work (& course manual): 'IMPLOSION's GRAND ATTRACTOR'- out in English and Italian now - will be released in Spanish and German - within the month!

7. His Beautiful New book to ship in few weeks: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality ( with - Conscious Kids ).. latest 130 p. preview Updated Jan 13- exerpt below. ORDER HERE


THE BURNING FOUNTAIN. - exerpt from IMPLOSION: Secret Science of Ecstacy & Immortality, P.104
How does bliss - 'the burning fountain' - 'the fire that does not consume' - help end parasites?

Do you know what a parasite is? It is something that starts eating away at you in some way, and does not pay back anything. An example of a parasite is someone who keeps telling you that 'God is outside you', and 'you cannot understand for yourself so worship miracles'. This prevents you from taking responsibility and therefore bleeds your power and life. If you now come to understand that what you called GOD - is the principle of creation - how to attract and compress charge into creating - THEN GOD IS INSIDE YOU. (inside your heart and head when you learn to implode and make bliss / charge from inside). At that moment your aura - your bubble - your HALO - your CHARGE COCOON - becomes SELF STEERING. This means that you make your own decisions - and you take responsibility for your life.

The reason also that BLISS ends parasites- is that lo grade blood (DNA ) gets toasted and dies in the presence of IMPLOSION (bliss). This is why vampires die in sunlight. So if you have FIRE - BLISS in your heart - you will quickly find how fast parasites leave your body and your aura! This is also why 'friends' who are really parasites will soon leave your aura if you really radiate joy and bliss. As you experiment with what keeps this fire inside you - you will discover the real meaning of LIFE. For example - if you eat food that is not ALIVE (too much cooked and processed food) - this will attract PARASITES TO YOUR STOMACH. You need these parasites in order to eat the death out of you. You can learn the most about a body by studying its parasites. (Shooting the bug or bacteria is not always the same as learning its lesson - don't shoot the messenger).
So this brings us nicely to our PRACTICAL instructions for BLISS.

Let's start with DIET - what you put in your BODY. The first principle of diet (food) for bliss is that it takes LIFE FORCE to make LIFE FORCE.
You see, every single wave (and 'molecule' and 'atom' - the little things which make up the world according to science) - when it becomes part of LIFE gets re-arranged so as to be FRACTAL. This means that the shape inside is re-woven (braided) to become more rose or pine cone like.

Roses and pine cones are perfect examples of FRACTALs - the idea is called being SELF SIMILAR. This simply means the inside looks like the outside. When waves of charge get FRACTAL like this they compress perfectly and therefore allow charge to go in and out of implosion - speeding up at center. The overall information connecting thru light speed of CHARGE by implosion (attracting charge) is called LIFE!

We can measure this because things that are alive attract electrical charge from within - (

LIFE IS where the MOST WAVES TOUCH! (Harmonic Inclusiveness predicts vitality in everything that lives). LIFE itself is another way of talking about the infinite communication based on Golden mean that happens between waves when they compress perfectly into IMPLOSION/ FUSION. In Science this is sometimes called "Infinite Multiply Connected TOPOLOGY". This just means - how many different folds on surface can a converge or compress into one wave or fold at one place.

We can now make a definition and meaning for the term ORGANIC. This is good, because the word is getting too vague for use in the grocery store. Organic is a name for the ability of biology to attract charge when the electrical SYMMETRY (pattern inside) is more FRACTAL. When waves of charge nest inside each other very nicely, then the CHARGE does not bleed. If you could put your food inside a good biology CAPACITOR like a PINE CONE - or EGG - then it would keep longer. Putting your food inside a refrigerator has a serious problem. Refrigerators made of square shape, and metal are TERRIBLE leaking capacitors. This is why your food loses life so fast inside. Refrigerator designers are almost as stupid as city designers - who use too much metal and square shapes - in letting people use leaking charge for their space to be.

You could make a lot of money by making refrigerators that are better holders of CHARGE. This is what a scientist named REICH meant by ORGONE! People kept inventing new words like SPIRIT and CHI and ORGONE and MICROVITA and BARRAKAH because that did not know what a capacitor is or how they communicate ( it is sheer magic!). Life uses this faster than light way that capacitors communicate and we call it telepathy and spiritual healing. We have measured the way trees do this - using capacitors.

We should talk more about how making houses and buildings into holders of CHARGE is absolutely necessary to holding BLISS and LIFE. This creates new meaning for success & the word SACRED in ARCHITECTURE.
( ).

In order to understand for yourself - the meaning of the word ORGANIC a bit more - let us consider how waves of charge can be shared or distributed perfectly. (since this is how life works).
Waves of charge are wrapped in little nests of wave packages called ENVELOPES of waves. When an envelope of waves hits you, you call it a particle or matter. But matter and particles are only named for the INERTIA of these rotating spinning 'envelopes' made of waves. (Just waves of compression moving about in something you could imagine as a universal smoke or even jello - somethings called ETHER. Nice book: NOTHING BUT MOTION - by Dewey Larson). This is important, because eventually YOU are going to be able to steer waves (tornadoes, wormholes, and everything in science) by understanding this. We call this "Adopt a Pet Tornado" - you are A.P.T. to like it.

Remember- HOW TO STEER A TORNADO as a Shaman or priest - is how to steer everything! Feel compassion for the anger (the spin that does not fit the nest), electrically sucks you in to the center (of gravity) of the tornado.

( More pictures & story at )
So let's get back to the question of what shapes make perfect LIFE FORCE in principle. Imagine you were sitting there looking at the perfect head of broccoli or cauliflower - and you thought to yourself- hey- that look's fractal!


Distributing waves of LIFE FORCE (which is what consciousness as in CONSCIOUS KIDS is made of) - is like sharing touch. Waves that can share touch without hurting each other - or losing inertia or motion - can be distributed forever.

Remember in the movie '2001' where Dave touches a monument on Mars and finds he is distributed everywhere at once? Well there is a science to this.

This science is called: Infinite Distribution has NO Storage.

There is a famous book said to be by Christ and Einstein (Primer on Energy - Primer on Rotation) which says something like: ALL HUMAN WANT AND LACK or SCARCITY - COMES FROM THE ATTEMPT TO STORE RATHER THAN DISTRIBUTE. This is particularly true of spiritual information and bio-logic immortality. There is one symmetry or pattern which will allow PERFECT INFINITE DISTRIBUTION with ZERO STORAGE. (This SHOULD be applied to spiritual business).

Picture this..
Suppose you had a row of billiard balls - lined up from here to the moon. If there was a tiny gap between each ball - then when you bounced one ball into this end- it would take a VERY long time before exactly ONE ball bounced off at the moon. And if the space between each ball was not tiny enough ... the INERTIA of the ball you hit into this end - would NEVER reach the moon!

Now - suppose you re-arranged that long line or chain of balls. Let us now put them so that every ball precisely TOUCHES the ball next to it. There are no spaces between balls. NOW- in your imagination - bounce ONE ball into this end of the row which goes to the moon. Sure enough - exactly ONE ball bounces off the chain at the moon - AND this happens FASTER than the speed of light - AND - there is absolutely no INERTIA (motion) lost on the way! And yet - every single ball on the way - has FULLY FELT and been informed of ALL the INERTIA (information) which passed thru them.

Now - imagine you are a network of waves of charge- and you want to breath into them in this way. This charge being breathed into you network is called LIFE and is the root of the word to AN-imate. (The word AN comes from the Sumerian Extra Terrestrial REAL star trek story - ).

See- the thing is that life can happen if waves of charge can constantly be fed back to center. This is why to SELF-REFER is the definition of LIFE in ancient Veda. Golden Mean Ratio is the perfect way for waves to self refer and create awareness..

other quotes from the book:

P 78. The hero's in the movie "Flatliners" discover some requirements for successful dying They were medical doctors testing how long they could remain medically dead. They found that it was necessary to re-arrange your memories such that they were maximally SHAREABLE. This meant that anyone you had hurt, you went to fix.
p 72. Ghosts have to live where charge compresses or they bleed. The difference between living humans and ghosts is only how much charge is compressed. The ghost is more fragile because less inertia is stored in the field effect of a ghost. The alive person is also made of compressed charge - but the amount of that inertia compressed is greater and more dense. (Same substance the difference is in how dense the compression).

It is also true for live people - their auras bleed in places where charge cannot compress, unfortuneately most people don't know this- so they get tired in metal buildings -under articifcial lights and so on - and never realize why.

This is the same way we can measure what part of a house (architecture) is sacred or makes life - by measuring the number of different wavelengths of charge which all arrive there at once in agreement. That is why we say: the role of mind among waves is to teach them to agree (wave agreement and coherence and pure intention are the same.

This is called - the harmonic or wave INCLUSIVE-ness - measured with something called a CAPACITOR - which feels these waves of CHARGE. You will see later - this is the correct way to measure GRAVITY. This is because GRAVITY happens when these waves of charge start packing in FRACTAL patterns (the perfect pattern for this is - you guessed it - GOLDEN MEAN ). When this happens COMPRESSION turns in to SPEEDING UP (ACCELERATION). SCIENCE - knows that GRAVITY is the same thing as SPEEDING UP
( ACCELERATION). You can tell this is true because when an elevator speeds up - you feel more GRAVITY pressing down on you.

We are explaining to you - how electricity (CHARGE-) when compressed to become ACCELERATION (speeding up) - CREATES GRAVITY.. for several important reasons:
+ 1. It is time stubborn scientists learned why objects fall to the ground. (They don't know yet). CHARGE waves compress accelerate by GOLDEN MEAN - thru light speed. This is about as complicated as pulling the plug to make suction in your bath tub. (gravity is sucking in CHARGE) . Once you kids understand it - it will help embarrass the dumb scientists to understand. (see and )(Maurice Cottell of 'Tutankhamon Prophecies'best solar physics - originally pointed out how arrogant current scientists are - trying to tell us how to live - when they don't know why a thing falls to the ground - we would add - they don't know what LIFE is!)
+ 2. This is the key to BLISS - and- dying successfully! The smart worm (DNA) in your blood is designed with - you guessed it- GOLDEN MEAN - to turn compression (squeezing) in to acceleration (gravity). This is how the DNA in your blood MAKES GRAVITY. You are going to lose about 4 to 12 ounces at the instant you die. This is because of the INERTIA (mass) stored by the CHARGE in your blood. First get your show together and re-arrange all your memories (your bodies CHARGE waves) to become SHARE-able. Then you blood's DNA can compress them into the perfect coherence (fractal) that turns squeezing in to speeding up (ACCELERATION). This pushes the bubble of CHARGE COHERENCE around your body - at death - thru the speed of light - into a wormhole. See the pictures here of the MAP - to what you will see when you die.
The DEATH map to where you go when you die - is called the KLUVER FORM CONSTANT. They asked lots of people who came back from NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE - to draw a map to what they saw. Here is the map they drew. It is based on nesting each time one more arrow of SYMMETRY - in order to move into the NEXT DIMENSION!

8. Harmonic Explorer Software Preliminary Release by Heart Coherence Team - How to Test Frequencies for Harmonic Interference - Released - test your own cascades of PHI & Golden Ratio harmonics! ( ) See samples in the SHORT SCIENCE TOUR BELOW-

Compare to
Wayne Kirby's Phi Music Generation System ( ) - Dr. Kirby learned of PHI Music from Dan Winter - still rather ignores the psychological implications of IMPLOSION HAZARDS: see The Implosion Phenomenon: Psychological Import of Phi Harmonic Music Phi Scalar Technology & MonoAtomic Gold.. , & Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana and the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge

9. Science Tour Visual Released from Heart Coherence Team
Learn WHY the Heart Geometry in Harmonics - How the Heart is a Natural ATTRACTOR for Charge - learn WHY the Golden Ratio - Increases Compression of Charge - exerpt below:

Harmonic Explorer
a short science tour on the Phyics of Life

"...all of Creation is but an ocean of waves - and now we understand that it is the heart and mind litterally making SENSE of it..."


backgrounds and user specs on the Heart Tuner:

1. Introduction - Exploring the eternal science of the Heart

Harmonic Explorer takes you on a dynamic introductory tour into the hidden harmony of Creation. It shows how the two eternal, inner phases of Creation have been re-phrased as non-linear and linear regimes of wave physics, playing together in the eternal creation of a living universe.

Harmonic Explorer may not show you anything which you cannot actually learn from words and pictures. But the interactive experience of playing yourself with the frequencies and waves that form the true inner workings of cosmology and biology may give you a touch and feel of another dimension of physics, the true science of the Heart, and at the same time the physics of that which was traditionally called "self- awareness" - the inner physics of infinite connectedness.

Creation is itself but an eternal exploration of infinite manifestations of (internal) coherence between what we can hear or see, and what we can feel. Traditional physics only deals with the consequences of the first part, whereas the "feeling" part has evolved into the various intuitive disciplines, as taught e.g. in the vedic and yogic traditions. But as yet the two were widely separated, leaving planet Earth and its inhabitants with an inheritance of science, technology and industry massively controlled by a deeply schizophrenic mindset..

Although spiritual traditions are undoubtedly very accurate, helpful on the individual level and very sharable within their cultural bounds, they may lack the acute language needed to take to the future as a collective scientific resource. Any need for Mystery and Magic is but the result of a communication problem, not only on the side of the receiving party but truly on both sides. The language of an emerging New Physics is one of Life itself, of Life Force as a measurable principle of creation, with deep implications for many other disciplines. An emerging cosmology based upon this physics is no longer one rooted in the relativities, clashes and limitations of an "entropic" reality, and neither in the traditional laws of physics describing it. It is a cosmology inalienable based upon the true physics of life force and consciousness itself. A truly scientific language of infinite connectedness, knowing that life is not a mere lucky strike but the very cornerstone of Creation as we know it.

For example, Harmonics Explorer contains algorithms that search for naturally emerging coherent states (coherence classes) among waves taken together as per the linear and non-linear regimes. As yet in a very early stage, these coherence classes are expected to point at universal harmonic blueprints for the entire living "family" of atoms, cells, organs, living beings, ecosystems, stars and galaxies. This together builds the physics of a vibrant and living universe, where the triangles of Forces of the mutual physical regimes are playing together as one. This necessarily concise science tour takes you on an outer and inner journey into this new physics - dealing with the questions of head and heart.

The Harmonic Explorer software as well as this introduction are dedicated to deep practicality. Any links to, and parallels with standard physics as well as traditional and contemporary spiritual philosophy are given for the sake of perspective. The intention is not to add to, or diminish, or compare to the intrinsic value of any disciplines within their respective fields.

Heart Coherence team

2. Creation on the silver lining between what was traditionally called "matter" and "spirit"

Imagine the entire Universe pervaded by an invisible, self-contained and self-empowered frequency system. Don't use the word "energy" here, because then you may just miss the point. Energy comes later.

Now, think of each and every living entity, every star or planet, every cell, every atom, and entire galaxies being perfectly attuned to, or seemlessly "embedded" within this frequency network. This perfect tuning is what makes them alife, moreover, is the very cause and substance of their creation, their maintenance and their final demise.

There is a nice practical example where you can actually see (and measure) the result of this "invisible" frequency network, although a bit simplified. This is so-called "sensitive crystallisation" , which became well known through the research done by Dr. Masuro Emoto. But before we even go to crystals, there is a yet simpler example where litterally sound is used to create different forms in matter. This is called "cymatics". It is done by applying a frequency (or frequencies) to a metal disk on which e.g. sand, or water is dispersed. Even with this relatively simple principle, the results are sometimes very similar to natural and biological shapes:
"You've never seen sounds like these before!"
"Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, is a science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). For 14 years he conducted experiments animating inert powders, pastes, and liquids into life-like, flowing forms, which mirrored patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture.."

Unlike cymatics, sensitive crystallisation is not done with "real" sound but with the frequencies that form the subtle physics of pure intent. And, of course, you need a receptive medium that is also able to show the result. There are different methods, the principle used by Dr. Emoto is to "impress" (or whatever you want to call it) pure water with a certain thought-expression, and once the water is assumed to have somehow assimilated this thought-expression, take one drop of it and freeze it. The result is a wide variety in crystallisation patterns for different though-expressions (or -impressions..):
"The Message of Water"
Dr. Masuru Emoto
"We can clearly see from the above examples that water definitely responds to different hado acting almost like a mirror".
Now here we have an example of the idea that pure intent, or "spirit" can really influence and shape matter. Isn't this quite similar to what is called "psycho-somatic" in medicine? Next step is to realise that in fact matter itself, and the whole material universe and life are created from pure "spirit" alone. The fact that we, as biological beings, don't litteraly perceive it that way is but a special aspect of that same creation. The traditional term "maya" (illusion) is easily put in perspective once we realise the pure physical principle underlying sensory perception.

But first, the inner physics of the "hidden harmony of Creation" and its fairly simple and straightforward mathematics will be discussed.


3. The physics of "Phi" and the hidden harmony of Creation

3.1 The true meaning of "Phi", the Golden Ratio

"Phi" is short for the "Golden Mean ratio" (1,618), known since time immemorial for its key role in the inner physics of Creation. The importance of the Golden Mean ratio within its own regime could never be overstated, but as it happened, it is sometimes generously overstated in respect to other fields. Cleary, "Phi" is only relevant as a ratio, not as any absolute number. The unique quality of "Phi" is that it is the harmonic ratio that makes frequencies in the non-linear regime (also called "heterodyning") phase up to form a fully self-contained entity, one could say, a "singularity". Here is a brief gallery of popular Phi-pics:

... an endless variety of examples of "Phi" and related Fibonacci numbers in nature, art, mathematics, sacred geometry...
(pictures taken from various sources)

The physics of Phi uses the language of mathematics to express the idea that Creation within its primary causal bearing exists as a state of eternal and infinite connectedness. It is described as a state where all inner frequencies form a perfectly self-contained set. This is the eternal, vibrant ocean, connecting all there is in one single, exalted perspective. And now we have a mathematical tool to see how within this primordial ocean there exists another realm of frequencies, that is, taken as per another regime. It is these frequencies that form the onset of the manifest, relative world.

Another term for the physics of Phi is "nominal physics".

3.2 Interference and heterodying

Now first, some basic math on frequencies and waves. Below screenshots from Harmonic Explorer show examples of frequencies taken together as per the linear and non-linear regime resp. The linear regime is what creates "normal" or relative physics, also called interference, the non-linear realm creates what is perceived as "self-awareness" for which another term is: infinite connectedness.

In the first example, five source harmonics (below) are taken together as a non-linear heterodyne (2nd. up) resp. as a linear interfering wave (3rd.). Note the difference in wave forms. The fourier analysis of the LINEAR wave (top) extracts the expected same five original harmonics again as peaks in the frequency spectrum. The harmonic ratio in this example is 1,65.

Exactly the same settings, only this time the Fourier is taken from the NON-LINEAR wave. The result is a greater number of frequencies (16), randomly distributed.

In both examples, the harmonic ratio was set at 1,65. This ratio was randomly choosen, but close to "Phi" - de Golden Mean ratio. If we do the same again, now for Phi ratio, we get the following:

Again the Fourier of 5 harmonics, at a ratio close to Phi

Fourier of same 5 harmonics, now exactly at Phi: the number of frequencies as per the linear regime is strongly reduced (10)

With Harmonic Explorer you can make a scan trough the harmonic spectrum, showing the linear Fourier of a heterodyne for each ratio. Below is a screen sample, the harmonic ratio is horizontal, the Fourier is vertical here. The situation at ratio=1 is not realistic as all frequencies are equal. It is clearly seen that at ratio Phi the number of frequencies is minimal. In rather philosophical terms, this is the least disorderly place within the linear regime ("lowest entropy") where the living Universe feels most happy and settles down in sustainable creation. This is called: "harmonic coherence", or "simply coherence". Yet there are other ratio's of reduced activity, though less significant. The second sample shows an algorithm finding other ratio's, the "family of Phi", by itteration. The linear regime of interference is called "fusion".

Harmonic scan of 5 source harmonics, from ratio 0.5 to 2.5. The number of emerging frequencies is minimal at Phi ratio (and its inverse). More harmonic points are indicated by the vertical bars, and can be found by itteration algorithm in the second screen sample.

So far some introductory, and fairy simple mathematics on harmonic frequencies in the non-linear and linear regimes. Summarizing, an infinite system of frequencies can be fully selfcontained and perfectly coherent within the non-linear regime if the frequencies are Phi-ratio harmonics. Secondly, this same system taken as per the linear regime, inalienably implies a great number of other frequencies, and this regime is called "fusion". Some more mathematics on Phi are in the attachment "Why Phi" below. In the following its amazing implications are discussed.

3.3 A radically new way of thinking about physics

The above per saldo statement "waves taken together as per the linear (resp. non-linear) regime creates physics" is a breakthrough in thinking about physics, and was never before proposed this way. In a new physics of life the phenomenae which were traditionally called "consciousness" (subject) and "material world" (object) naturally emerge from the physics of a perfectly embedded, superluminous and infinitely connected frequency system: the causal matrix. There can be no unclarity on this point. Its two aspects, "coherence" and "fusion", are explained below:

1st) The inner harmony of Creation
The inner aspect of the Universe is an eternally harmonic and infinitely connected state. This is called "coherence" and involves all that is created as per the physics of Phi alone. It is dominated by the tendency to form inertia. In a bit relative sense it may be seen as the inner harmonic blueprint of the entire, interconnected family of living entities, cosmic, biological or atomic. The name "microcosm" is also appropriate. Harmonic coherence is the prime cause of standard physics' rather exotic principles gravity and inertia, life force and emotion. Hence, coherence is the material cause of the Universe, and the nominal cause of the objective world.
2nd) Objectivity and relative physics
The second aspect of how waves are sorting in Nature, is called "fusion". Fusion is but the endless re-unification of individual waves with the physics of Phi, in various ways. It is dominated by an inclination toward infinite connectedness. Fusion forms the matrix of objective reality, cosmic and biological. In retrospect fusion can create memory and a sense of body and senses, and ultimately the relativities of time, space and causation in explicit form. Psychologically, fusion can create individual mind and a feeling of separateness. In the universe as we know it, fusion and harmonic coherence always arise together. Fusion is the efficient cause of the relative world.

4. The creation of cosmic and individual mind

Coherence (the tendency to create inertia) and fusion (the inclination toward infinite connectedness) are both pervasive principles.

So, in the creation of objectivity, coherence and fusion are necessarily mixed up, which is a way to understand why for example a galaxy has a spiral shape, a plant's branching algorithm forms a Fibonacci series or a mountain range has a fractal signature. It is nothing but an expression of the inner physics of gravity and life force forming the transitional stage between the primary causal matrix and the objective world. If coherence is the main criterium in physical expression, this is called the Cosmic mind. Within the Cosmic mind, the objective aspect is also pervasive and the differentiation between coherence and fusion is in fact a bit theoretical. The scope of the Cosmic mind is unbound.

However, coherence and fusion can arise within a limited sphere, in retrospect, in the form of a combination of resp. biological nuclei ("cakra's") and sensory and motoric faculties, together unfolding the very specific world of the individual mind. In this case, fusion is the main criterium for physical expression. The biological body with its nervous system, glands, external senses and brain is but the objective portion of this specific expression. The biological body belongs to the cosmic mind and is, along with its inferential faculties created in just the same way as anything else.

"Mind" in the fullest sense is the combination of objectivity and infinite connectedness. The stance of the inner physics of Phi, as well as the transitional creative stage in the cosmic and individual mind are the same, and only different in theory.

So, now the question, "what is the principle that takes the ocean of frequencies per the linear or linear regime" is answered: MIND - cosmic and individual. "Mind" is but a philosophical term for the effect of inertia and infinite connectedness operating together. This is the simple, and yet amazing implication of the physics of Phi. As both the ancients and contemporary physicists have ever prophesized: all of Creation is but an infinite ocean of waves - and now we understand that it is the mind, and the heart, litterally making SENSE of it.

3. Gravity: the mind's measure of implosion
In terms of physics the subject of gravity is maybe better discussed after the chapters on dimensions and coherence classes, however its direct relevance justifies a little bit of a preview. In the new physics of Life, the concept of gravity is rather implied in the notion that entropic matter exists solely in mutual concomitance with (standard) space. In other words, space itself equals accelleration, and therefore accelleration is nominal, whereas non-linear coherence is the ever unchangeable, common ground. Hence, standard gravity is the official denominator of "weight" and orbital movement, but not the cause of it, which is internal coherence. It should be possible to analyse gravity directly by seeking a local Golden Sequence of frequencies within the ELF or XLF range. Each and every atom and molecule is itself embedded within this local field, whereas their entropic condition creates a relative presence. The way round, gravity could be controlled if those frequencies are generated in a contextual sense. This is probably what went wrong with the many demonstrations in this field, as the inventors unknowingly added this context themselves (think of sensitive crystallisation). Gravitational waves don't need to be strong to be powerfull. It is little more than an information context for entropic matter how to behave decently. So, anti-gravity is a very subtle science, however with a tremendous potential. A related subject is hyperspace navigation, which should include the making of a non-linear map of the Universe. Visualized 3-dimensionally, coherence is also called "implosion" (Dan Winter at al.)

4. About absolute and relative causation

(it is well understood at this point, one cannot twist the swastika without disrupting the bhearavii cakra)

Above: Compare Frank- Heart Coherence TEAM Discussion of PHI Golden Ratio optimizing COMPRESSION - and the Classic Swasztika - As A WaveGuide to Charge Compression - picture from the book:
IMPLOSION:Secret Science of Ecstacy & Immortality - P.63 - Image Suggested by Valerie Sandelin : compare to the Logo for Ananda Marga - discussed at

to be continued- . Coherence classes, . Back to the Heart, . The Sanskrit connection, . The creation of dimensions

Note in the above- it is probable that pure PHI harmonic CONSTRUCTIVE wave interference can account for the MEASURED HARMONICS OF LIFE FORCE - as CHARGE COMPRESSION ( )

From Frank- Heart Coherence Team: Gravity: the mind's measure of implosion
In terms of physics the subject of gravity is maybe better discussed after the chapters on dimensions and coherence classes, however its direct relevance justifies a little bit of a preview. In the new physics of Life, the concept of gravity is rather implied in the notion that entropic matter exists solely in mutual concomitance with (standard) space. In other words, space itself equals accelleration, and therefore accelleration is nominal, whereas non-linear coherence is the ever unchangeable, common ground. Hence, standard gravity is the official denominator of "weight" and orbital movement, but not the cause of it, which is internal coherence. It should be possible to analyse gravity directly by seeking a local Golden Sequence of frequencies within the ELF or XLF range. Each and every atom and molecule is itself embedded within this local field, whereas their entropic condition creates a relative presence. The way round, gravity could be controlled if those frequencies are generated in a contextual sense. This is probably what went wrong with the many demonstrations in this field, as the inventors unknowingly added this context themselves (think of sensitive crystallisation). Gravitational waves don't need to be strong to be powerfull. It is little more than an information context for entropic matter how to behave decently. So, anti-gravity is a very subtle science, however with a tremendous potential. A related subject is hyperspace navigation, which should include the making of a non-linear map of the Universe. Visualized 3-dimensionally, coherence is also called "implosion" (Dan Winter at al.)