Implosion Group announces new 2005 Global Conference Tour with Dan Winter: , main index:

Story of a Revolution in Creativity / Peak Experience / -
Redefining the Ultimate Efficacy in Education:
Is "Implosive" Charge Compression - the Ultimate Way to Attract + Store Biological Information?


The REASON that Golden Ratio compression in EEG / EKG identify peak learning / creativity
lies in the pure principle of COMPRESSION at the core of DNA.
( ref: )

Consider- could it be that there is a simple symmetry of charge which identifies LIFE FORCE, SEED GERMINATION, AND HUMAN BLISS - CREATIVITY and Learning.

And that this symmetry of field effect can be identified and taught using the music of Golden Mean ratio - in Brain and Heart to TEACH COMPASSION, EMPATHY, BLISS and CREATIVITY.

And that this revolution in the principle of what is life itself - IMPLOSION into Fusion for Charge- can redefine - education / creativity - as well as architecture and agriculture.

Dan Winter makes this case after 20 years of global teaching - in conjuntion with demonstration of his new Bliss Tuner (creativity biofeedback) and HeartTuner system.

The principle - that IMPLOSION IS A GRAND ATTRACTOR - and it is the 'Secret Science of Ecstacy / Creativity' is the subject of his last 2 books. ( see: )

Come and experience for yourself - a new science of life and creativity - SOLUTION TO LEARNING - based on a simple hygiene anyone can understand and use.

Read WHY Harmonic Inclusion-Bliss training - in EEG practically allows biofeedback solutions to Attention Deficit and Addiction:

Dan Winter's 2005 Global Seminar Series: From Heart to Creativity to Bliss-

Mar 5-6: London, UK - Creativity /Learning vs: New Science of Bliss-Biofeedback Breakthru..

Mar 10-13: Turin, Italy - Part One -4 Day Intensive - Beautiful Rural Italian Setting with Translation: New! - Italian Website- COMPLETE BOOK AVAILABLE BEAUTIFULLY TRANSLATED in Italian. info:

Mar 19-21: Athens, Greece - 2 Day Weekend Intensive: Heart Coherence & Creativity Bliis Training - Info:

Apr 1-3: Prague- Exhibition and Presentation- info:

April 8: Belaria, Italy : Alternative Healers Conference..

April 9-10.: Rimini, Italy: Wholistic Doctors / Clinical Healers Conference:

April 21-24 Germany -Conference Weekend- Villingen - Obereschach, 60 km E. of Freiburg,, info:

May 5 -8: Turin, Italy - `PART TWO- ADVANCED - Residential - 4 Day Training / Conference Retreat.

May 14-15: Geneva - 2 Day - Weekend Conference"Sacred Geometry & The Heart-with HeartTuner & BlissTuner

Late Aug 05:: Turin, Italy - Part One -4 Day Intensive - Beautiful Rural Italian Setting with Translation: New! - Italian Website- COMPLETE BOOK AVAILABLE BEAUTIFULLY TRANSLATED in Italian. info:

Sept 2-4: Calgary Alberta, Canada, - Part One -3 Day Part One Condensed.. Celebrating the Americas- Straw Bale Sacred Space. Herbal College Retreat Center.

Sept 9-12: Calgary Alberta, Canada, - Part Two -4 Day LIVE IN RETREAT CENTER -Bliss Living Intensive- 'Camp Catacasoo"

Sept 23-26: Mexico City, Mexico: Part One 4 Day Intensive-Country Retreat - info :also at : - NEW: Mexico City Group from 2004 see below!

Oct 7-9: Sao Paulo, Brazil: Part Two- 4 Day Intensive- Conference Center Retreat, , e-mail:

Oct 21-23: Buenos Aires, Argentina:

The Story of a revolution in creativity / compassion / and empathy - training:

 1980's: Dan Winter discovers how to measure Heart harmonics - during emotion - originates the idea of Heart Coherence and teaches Heart Math Institute- who later popularize the idea. : (ref: David Servan-Schreiber - new book "Instinct to Heal")

 See the REAL history of Heart Coherence Research:

From Dan Winter: "Rollin McCraty and crew at Heart Math Insitute were algae salesmen and rock musicians til I taught them to how to take an EKG, how to spectrum analyze it, and how to connect that to coherent emotion. The real irony is they vehemently refused to see those harmonics I showed them as COHERENCE - until I spent a year convincing them: NOW they take credit for originating Heart Coherence! - in spite of the fact that the literature ("Instinct to Heal" etc.) is clear that I did. The worst part is they CONTINUE to mislead the public into thinking that breathing at 1 frequency (they strangely call 'Freezing a Frame') is heart coherence. It is actually not variability or coherence. REAL HEART COHERENCE is measureable and they haven't done it. What they have done is sent a team of vicious legal agents around the world making life hell for people like Dr.Alan Watkins ( ), and James Barret ( ). Quite the opposite of the supposed loving integrity they project in shallow image."

Original: -Later:

 Dan Winter discovers new mathematics: how to make Heart and Brain INTERNAL COHERENCE - measureable: The CEPSTRUM.

PLUS- the phase lock of 2 persons hearts made immediately visible- emerges as a dramatic MEASURE OF EMPATHY!

 First Time COHERENCE in Heart/Brain is Measured:

 Dan Winter discovers apparent Golden Ratio based cascades in Heart Harmonics- indicate empathy / compassion.


and also Peak Creativity?

Example JR's Story: Reaching thru the Veils of Disability using the Heart!- Armoring is no barrier.


Teaching EMPATHY / CONCENSUS PROCESS / CONFLICT RESOLUTION - at the corporate level-

using biofeedback measurement ("HARMONIC MODULE")


 2004: Dan Winter with Heart Coherence team - develops the FOURTH GENERATION of his invention: HeartTuner Pro 04. State of the art: Heart Coherence / Emotional Coherence - biofeedback -

with Empathy Measure,
implications to make Kinesiology measureable, and a host of research functions.

 Dr.Ed Wilson, then research director: Monroe Institute- independantly discovers that Fibonacci (to Golden Ratio) Audio Tone Headphone cascades trigger TRANSCENDENCE in Brainwave mapping. He redefines transcendence for Brainwave study. Dr.Wilson discovers Dan Winter's similar work linking Golden Ratio in EKG cascades to Compassion- travels to NY and creates documentary with Winter (1992).  source: VHS Video: "Fibonacci Resonance, The Brain, & Consciousness"
with Ed Wilson, MD, & Daniel Winter 1992

at Crystal Hill Farm, Eden, NY

 1990's: MindMirror biofeedback systems (book:"Awakened Brain" by Cade)
consistently shows the particular cascade of brainwaves harmonics in symmetry produces "CREATIVE INSPIRATION, PERSONAL INSIGHT, & SPIRITUAL AWARENESS".

MindMirror groups fail to notice that the KEY RATIO in EEG which triggers this CREATIVITY phenomenon is GOLDEN MEAN in brainwaves- the PRINCIPLE OF NON-Destructive Compression.

    Mind Mirror (3 times the cost of HeartTuner with less than 1/3 the features).. correctly describes this brainwave picture- but misses the PURE PRINCIPLE (Golden Mean / Implosion- RATIO in the cascade symmetry) triggers BLISS & Learning. Their database describes this Brainwave harmonics picture:

"The AWAKENED MIND brainwave pattern combines the intuitive, empathetic radar of the delta waves, the creative inspiration, personal insight, and spiritual awareness of the theta waves, the bridging capacity and relaxed, detached, awareness of the alpha waves, and the external attention and ability to consciously process thought of beta waves, all at the same time. It is a brainwave pattern shared by people in higher states of consciousness regardless of their philosophy, theology or meditation technique. This brainwave pattern can be found during "peak experience" and in all forms of creativity and high performance. The awakened mind is also the "ah-ha," appearing at the exact instant of solving the problem, or getting the insight."
 2001: World Without Blindness project in Russia- develops a peak experience mental state protocol enabling large numbers of totally blind Russian children to begin to see - and return to regular school.
Procedure includes imagining BLISS IN NATURE.

Dr. Korotkov in Russia - measured this state (CREATIVITY / BLISS) found and published clear evidence that Golden Mean ratio was the KEY ATTRACTOR - identifying BLISS / Euphoria in brainwave harmonics. See

 World Without Blindness:


Dr. Korotkov: Founder of GDV- Gas Discharge Visualization a Kirlian aura measure tool - calibrated accurately enough to be used globally for clinical diagnostic by thousands of Medical Doctors. The SIZE and FRACTALITY of this aura were 2 of the clear scientific correlates of the BLISS CREATIVITY STATE.


 2004: Dan Winter- with help of Heart Coherence Team ( ) develops and tests a new component to HeartTuner Pro- A BLISSTUNER.

BlissTuner - newly available - now offers full dynamic interactive feedback environment - with synchronized audio cascade cues for each hemisphere- to


+1. Develop Cross Hemispheric Alpha (7-12hz)

+2. Learn to add Beta (higher frequency ) in GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - aided by computer generated Ball and Stick game (see pic) .. AND by musical audio tones differentially in headphones for right and left, based accurately on multiples of your real brainwave frequencies.

 New in 2005: Real Biofeedback for BLISS- PEAK EXPERIENCE-CREATIVITY MAXIMA:
The BLISSTuner

Read WHY Harmonic Inclusion in EEG practically allows biofeedback solutions to Attention Deficit and Addiction:


 In Conclusion: THE HYGIENE-
10 Years of Teaching: Discover the electrical environment (FRACTAL CHARGE COMPRESSION = LIFE) which will CAUSE a seed to germinate and HELP A HUMAN ENTER BLISS - CREATIVITY and LEARNING. This redefinition of LIFE and BLISS - suggests a VERY PRACTICAL re-inventing for the HYGIENE FOR BLISS - AND EDUCATION.

Bliss is the only way to sustain -immune health, -lucid dreaming, + successful memory thru death.

+1 in Diet (Live Food, avoid angry DNA, recognize charge to gain twinkle)

+2 in Architecture and Geomancy

+3 in Kinesthetics / the Dance Movement

+4 in Ritual / Rites of Passage / Intitiation

 How To's/Coherent Emotion/Practical Hygiene


Dan Winter - short vitae: Graduate trained in Psychophysiology mentored by Dr Al Ax, one of biofeedback's founders. Also trained as Systems Analyst with IBM in Detroit, Chicago and Poughkeepsie. He was priveleged to be work with many of the early Physics of Consciousness leaders: Ben Bentov, Chris Bird, Marcel Vogel, even - Bucky Fuller. BioElectric Inventor himself, Dan later invented the HeartTuner ( ) and now the BlissTuner ( ) which portend to revolutionize heart coherence, empathy, and creativity training. He has been a world leader in Sacred Geometry and Physics of Consciousness teaching for almost 20 years- often teaching in 10-20 countries anually. Also a trained musician, choir director, computer animator, and author of 5 books ( see ) he also writes about the extraterrestrial origin of DNA ( ). Based currently in Germany, France and UK - he currently travels with partner Valerie Sandelin. He is passionate to see young people offered the chance to see the real and scientific power of access to personal bliss experience.