The New HeartTuner BlissTuner approach from Dan Winter:
Inexpensive iPhone Breath HRV Biofeedback -
update: Jan 07- 2 ways to measure empathy with HeartTuner, and 2 Breakthrus to Measure Brain Coherence with BlissTuner presents A simple way to learn Heart Coherence
A Key part of the "HeartMath Mistake" (more below) is revealed where FRACTAL and GOLDEN RATIO Breath/HRV
- Supports + COEXISTs with, HIGH Internal Cardiac Coherence
(or ICC - the real cepstrum COHERENCE
measure invented by Winter- they don't understand or use-- Rollin
McCraty, Gary Schwartz et al - wrongly claim teaching Cepstrum
coherence prevents HRV ..)
Getting the most frequencies into ONE inside your heart is not just the end of chronic disease - it is the BEGINNING OF COMPASSION (perfect compression). Obviously the problem is not - getting only ONE frequency into phase with itself (the "HeartMath Mistake"). The problem is to get ALL frequencies into phase with each other, including both those in the HRV and in the ECG, which HeartMath cannot even see with their device. Since Heart-Rate-Variability(HRV) and Internal-Cardiac-Coherence(ICC) would probably be competitive in less coherent conditions - there MUST be another solution. (HeartMath Rollin McCraty and Gary Schwarz make this mistake- thinking Internal Coherence PREVENTS heart rates from having variability). THAT solution is fractal constructive compression in the HRV optimized by GOLDEN RATIO in the medium of pure frequency physics, PLUS the pure arithmetics of the ECG - Internal Cardiac COHERENCE, optimized by OCTAVE RATIO. REAL Heart fractality - is the same as REAL COHERENCE - because - the limit or perfecting or ultimate condition of COHERENCE - IS in fact FRACTALITY (perfected compression) - allowing both vitality and self-awareness to optimize inclusively.-
See the proof below in 2 ways: 1 output of the new Cardiac Synthesizer software- proof of concept PLUS see the real output waves of Hearts above and below - making REAL MEASURED COHERENCE - AND!! Heart Rate Variability (Harmonics Inclusive- predict disease survival).
Where they got it right:
1. Breath is the largest conscious control we have of Heart Rate
2. Heart Rate controls Emotion
Where they got it WRONG:
1. Immune Health is optimal when the MOST POSSIBLE HARMONICS
(ref: harmonic INCLUSIVENESS in HRV predicts survival success
of almost ALL CHRONIC DISEASE.. ref:
- originally inspired by Dr.Irviing Dardik - Olympic Med Committee-
see new book"Making Waves")
2. Coherence is NOT defined by how much ONE FREQUENCY is in phase regularity in the lo frequencies of the Heart ( HRV). Imagine - someone could play music with one tone at 6 hertz , while 100 tones above 20 hertz were OUT of phase - it would sound horrible.
The problem with this "HeartMath Mistake" view is 2 fold:
a) COHERENCE can only be determined if the PHASE RELATIONSHIP
(internal Phase coherence) between ALL the frequencies inside
the heart are dancing together. (not just 1 ). .. the HeartTuner
properly determines INTERNAL PHASE COHERENCE IN THE HEART - using
a sophisticated
mathematics applied for the first time to COHERENCE by Dan
Winter. It is called the CEPSTRUM. It is simply a dynamic SECOND
ORDER POWER SPECTRA (harmonic analysis OF the harmonic analysis).
The amplitude of the first / primary peak of the Ceptstrum dynamically
measures internal phase coherence in the heart. The
dramatic power of this is revealed the first time you watch this
simple peak rise at the instant you feel real love!
For this invention, Dan Winter is credited in the literature (ref "Instinct to Heal" David Sevran Schreiber) with INVENTING the term HEART COHERENCE. It was Dan Winter who first taught Rollin McCraty and Heart Math how to take a power spectra of an EKG in the first place (even how to take an EKG). Read the history of HEART COHERENCE - at . When Dan first showed Heart Math how to see the cascade of harmonics which comes from the heart when you have peak experience - they REFUSED to believe it was COHERENCE. It took him years to convince them - then they robbed his invention (full EKG power spectra -used to teach emotional coherence)- trying to steal his original concept HEART COHERENCE. Bad enough to claim to teach coherence - all the while refusing to properly measure it (cepstrum) - they also fail to teach HOW to acheive harmonic inclusiveness (real fractality like the caducceus breath requires Golden Ratio- fractality IS the perfection of coherence). Even at that time Dan knew he needed a more sophisticated real measure of that COHERENCE. (now his 'Cepstrum').
- the second problem with the "HeartMath Mistake" - b) is trying to measure Heart Coherence by looking at just the time between Heartbeats. (the only data available from most cheap transducers like HeartMath's little skiin light sensor - common for simple HRV devices ). The essential LED transducer which is the only significant hardware to "Freeze Framer" can be bought for about 50 cents. By failing to intake the FULL EKG WAVE - they are essentially unable to look at any harmonic in your heart above roughly 5 hertz. ALL the medical literature is now clear that as in the brain, gaining conscious control of internal feeling ( biofeedback's essence) - you need to look at frequencies up to 50-60 hertz. (alpha / beta/ gama etc.). In order to do this you need a full biologic preamp and ekg / eeg sensors like those with the UL and EU approved HeartTuner BlissTuner- full 2 channel EKG / EEG input. (excellent sensitivity down to a millionth of a volt and useable hi frequency harmonic sensitivity).
This means we can take a power spectra of the FULL EKG and use harmonics up to 60 hertz- to check for coherence.
COHERENCE is defined by the internal phase relationship of ALL THESE HARMONICS - not just the presence of 1 harmonic - in the same way coherence in a laser is defined (in the HeartMath Mistake- they only look below 5 hertz. Even those who originally developed this cheap method of measuring HRV did NOT have in mind giving you the tool to CONSCIOUSLY CONTROL IT. Your conscious awareness window of action -judging by EEG, EKG and schumann examples extends up to 40 or more hz.. beyond the reach of cheap HRV sensors..simple pulse detectors.).
and 3. The most serious problem with the "HeartMath Mistake"- The ultimate or climax form of COHERENCE is in fact FRACTAL. This means perfect (constructive wave) compression. This means that to get the MOST number of INTERNAL wave harmonics COHERENT - or IN PHASE inside your heart - the relationship between those harmonics CANNOT be multiples of 2 or octave or 'linear'. This is the more subtle and dangerous part of the "HeartMath Mistake". Here is where shallow thinking scientists like Rollin McCraty and Dr Gary Swartz - tell you that in order to have a healthy heart - it must be CHAOTIC. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is because they cannot imagine how the heart could get a maximum number of frequecies inside its beat ( the harmonic inclusiveness so medically proven to predict disease survival) - without going into a form of chaos.
This is reminiscent of Ary Goldeberger finding perfect fractal branching in the fibres which electrify the heart. ('divine'). He correcly notes that the heart is electrically fractal. He FAILS to note that what MAKES perfect branching (how to become 'di-VINE') is Golden Ratio. As is the theme of most of the hundreds of articles at - only this GOLDEN RATIO geometry of perfecting compression permits the efficient DISTRIBUTION of charge called LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS and PEAK EXPERIENCE. Remember the REASON compassion is identical with constructive wave compression - is because that is the physics of how you get the outside - INSIDE - your heart. This is more than just poetry - fractality is actually the mechanism which electrically invites the outside world (and the FEELINGS of someone outside you) - into your inside!!
Remember the key Einstein never knew-when he predicted infinite compression would solve the UNIFIED FIELD/ 'holy grail' of physics : fractality IS the physics of infinite compression - and the new key - now rocking the world of physics - that Golden Ratio is the key to fractality- AND to biological life force. (...oh ... how attractive!! )
The Refreshing Caducceus
Breath- Harmonic Inclusiveness.
"Breathing: the FM (frequency modulator) of EKG"...So
lets apply this to the problem of HRV / breathing and getting
the maximum number of frequencies folded inside your heart.
Getting the most frequencies into ONE inside your heart is not just the end of chronic disease - it is the BEGINNING OF COMPASSION (perfect compression). Obviously the problem is not - getting only ONE frequency into phase with itself (the "HeartMath Mistake"). The problem is to get ALL frequencies into phase with each other, including both those in the HRV and in the ECG, which HeartMath cannot even see with their device. Since Heart-Rate-Variability(HRV) and Internal-Cardiac-Coherence(ICC) would probably be competitive in less coherent conditions - there MUST be another solution. (HeartMath Rollin McCraty and Gary Schwarz make this mistake- thinking Internal Coherence PREVENTS heart rates from having variability). THAT solution is fractal constructive compression in the HRV optimized by GOLDEN RATIO in the medium of pure frequency physics, PLUS the pure arithmetics of the ECG - Internal Cardiac COHERENCE, optimized by OCTAVE RATIO. REAL Heart fractality - is the same as REAL COHERENCE - because - the limit or perfecting or ultimate condition of COHERENCE - IS in fact FRACTALITY (perfected compression) - allowing both vitality and self-awareness to optimize inclusively.
See the proof below in 2 ways: 1 output of the new Cardiac Synthesizer software- proof of concept PLUS see the real output waves of Hearts above and below - making REAL MEASURED COHERENCE - AND!! Heart Rate Variability (Harmonics Inclusive- predict disease survival.
So providing biofeedback environments which can only measure below 5 hertz - and only look for ONE frequency at a time to measure coherence (the essential 2 errors of the "HeartMath Mistake") - will never teach full self empowering coherence (fractality)- OR peak experience.
... the OPPOSITE of this is the CADUCCEUS breath and resultant Heart Frequency Cascade- Here we have a condition where the heart (and you) is consiously selecting REAL HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS- REAL FRACTALITY (harmonics in Golden Ratio) - and thereby real implosive compression- and thereby real COHERENCE.
see Caducceus Breathing Trainer - links:
length and golden mean as the ultimate cell - Posted by:
Volkmar Weiss- "Astonishingly, in NKS neither the ultimate
size of the single cell of a cellular automaton nor the optimal
velocity of the wave travelling within an automaton are a theme.
On the background of experimental data from neurophysiology
and psychometrics we have come to the conclusion that both size
and velocity have to be a function of planck length and golden
mean, see
or the online-version of our publication: H. Weiss and V.
Weiss: The golden mean as clock cycle of brain waves. Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals 18 (2003) 643-652 (also found in the bibliography,
citing NKS, see
). Behind the definition of the second is the velocity of
light, which is the constant on which size all other physical
constants depend upon and hence represents the inherent speed
limit that any particle information pattern is able to achieve.
In this system of present-day constants the Planck length
has the value 1.6160 x 10-35 m (standard uncertainty 0.0012 x
10-35 m). If we fix instead the Planck length at the value of
the golden mean at 1.6180 x 10-35 m and recalculate consequently
all other physical variables, a major step in our understanding
of the universe may be done, opening the possibility of unifying
the theories by Ashtekar, El Naschie (see the latest review
of his infinity theory in: Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004)
209-236) and others. We should not quantize and not merely discretize,
but discretize transfinitely, this is the message. The universal cellular automaton seems to be capable of updating its entire memory in a single clock cycle, which according to Occam's razor could be nothing else than the Planck time as the relation between the velocity of light and the Planck length, the latter fixed at the value of the golden mean. If we, for example, look into NKS we see that Wolfram's Model 3 and Model 4 automata are full of Pascal triangles. We all know that behind such a triangle are always the Fibonaccis and hence the golden mean. That means that by encoding and decoding the information of such and any automaton or system no other wave could be more optimal than a wavelet containing the golden mean itself." |
(as Frank - - points out)... "In
addition to the general psychology and physiology of increasing
the amount of Harmonic Inclusiveness, it is observed that during
a feeling of open-heartedness and connectedness (empathy) and
thus high internal coherence, the heart often tends to park itself
at a specific frequency (around 1.6 Hz). This is believed hinting
at a "globally scaled" heart rate. Global Scaling (theory)
is based upon the idea that all natural rhythms (and in fact all
measures) are fractally organised, forming an infinitely connected
web of life. Our heart rate, that is rather, our HRV spectrum,
in order to be part of that cosmological order, should therefore
also be fractal. Precisely this fractal condition appears during
high internal coherence. Global scaling theory may may thus be
an explanation why internal coherence is associated with a feeling
of connectedness.
A (momentarily) constant tacho (heart rate), while the HRV spectrum
in the healthy subject is nevertheless high, is the natural base
line of the fractal heart."
(below exerpt from the -real history of Heart Coherence measure)- We have thought for years- that the musical fundamental of the EKG/HEART RATE - usefully indicated the QUALITY OF THE EMOTION...(here shown in inverse by the x axis value of the EKG CEPSTRUM-COHERENCE MEASURE in amplitude)-. Having then noted so many persons heart's choosing this musical key, the obvious question to ask was- what EMOTION accompanies which heart signature/ musical key? Here is Winter's data summary. * .618 PHI / touch permissive / membrane bridging emotion - heart centered / empathic? * .79 square root PHI - peaceful balance - centered between in reaching and out reaching..? * 1.0 in-cubeating / conceptual / membrane making emotion.. Describing emotional QUALITY by the geometry cubic versus phi - of heart harmonics? ![]() this GLOBAL SCALING of HEART RATES - to suggest fractal embedding - would only be significant IF the duration of the SECOND was somehow sacred, or embedable or in phase with fundamental physics scaling. NOW we see that in fact (note above) the second may well be embedable precisely from the Planck length by PHI. ![]() ![]() Hundreds of HeartTuner users agree that the majority of Heart RATES park at 3 specific places - when at rest. These appear to be close to (inverse 1/ in the display) - A: .618 HZ, B: Square root .618 (.79) and C: 1.0 HZ |
In, - <lincomatic@...> wrote
> Gary
I recently purchased the FreezeFramer. I was not particularly
impressed. The software is quite crude. There is a graph of 3 HRV
zones, and you try to keep yourself in the highest zone 100% of the
time. There is a 20sec lag in the calculation of your overall HRV
score, which throws you off very badly. The worst part is the games.
Not only are they boring, but the HRV feedback during games is only in
3 steps: LOW/MED/HIGH. This is simply too granular for monitoring your
progress. The other problem is that it doesn't give you any help on
breath pacing, which affects your HRV a lot. All they give you is
some instructions on how to breath, along w/ some touchy-feely talk
about how thinking of something you appreciate is going to help you.
InW/o a breath pacer, you're all on your own to figure out how to
breath properly. Finally, both the ear & finger sensors (the ear
sensor is extra, but I bought it from, which throws it
in for free) were inconsistent, which made things even harder.
Does it work? Yes and no. Using it, all of my family members,
including young children were able to increase HRV, despite the
frustrations w/ the sensors, which kept throwing us off. But none of
us felt a lot more relaxed than simple yoga breathing exercises would
achieve. My son, who is unable to sit still for even a few seconds,
was able to stop fidgeting for 45 minutes straight w/ this thing. On
the other hand, that long session didn't calm him down enough, and he
still was not able to fall asleep, so I put on his headphones w/ a
binaural beat sleep induction program, and that dropped him in 10min.
Luckily, the FF comes w/ a 30 day money back guarantee. I am taking
advantage of that.
-Sam" end quote.