Practical time travel;

The Shareable Psyche


Simple Exercizes to "Zero Point"

by Dan Winter,
return to Sacred Geometry master index ../sitemap.html
with thanks to Greg Braden

 Nourished by Spin: The Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle.hygiene discipline around lifestyle and diet:

Addiction, Gurus & Sex Juice vs PRINCIPLE of Ecstatic Communion



Practical Ecstatic Exercises "to Zero Point"

Sufi Dance: Ecstatic Movement Instructionals: Peaceworks Resource Materials

The question of inserting your body through stargates/ time portals is quite a simple and practical one. If you think of the images we have shared of a compression algorhythmn which allows spin to converge continuously toward a common center, a good visualization can be had for this "spin path to zero point". (adams apple image:note spin path to zero point at arrow)

In biofeedback terms, this was the heart of the incunabula approach to time travel. The visual biofeedback was fractal spiral embedded images generated from your own internal eeg and micromotion.

You might think of it as a way to take the wave path of all of your body's biology and squeeze it infinitely by self-reference into a time tunnel. The pent and recursive electrical geometry of this was the core also of the pent/deca antennae geometry of montauk.

However, what we would like to focus on here, are the psychological correlates of this experience of electrical compression. It is important that we don't view this uncovering of the phi based recursion symmetry of infinite compression, to be only a sterile solution to the problems of gravity, time bending, etc. While it is all of that, it is much more important psychologically and emotionally.

Try to think of the spin pattern survival dynamic of what happens to the magnetism (and therefore the memory) of flow lines converging at center. The sharing of path space at the convergence implosion moment is a psychological as well as a physical test for what is shareable. This essentially means, that if the genepool's collective wave core is not in agreement with what you feel/think at the moment of implosion (death or shamanic penetrance), then your memories will wave cancel instead of propagate. The cancellation of waves by non-shareable(non-symmetric) interference feels like heat/ the definition of resistance to spin. The same symmetry operations toward centering which when encountered non-resistively (fractally embeddable) feel super-cool (super conductive/non"linear"). This difference between lack of perfect embedding in a spin field, and perfect implosive nesting, is the physics of fear (resistance to spin), versus love (sufi fractal heart magnetic wings which embrace all of spin.)

Another useful metaphor might be the central modulator of the universal radio station. In order to get voices through the squeeze play of the transmitter, while at the same time was talking to all the voices of this galactic sector, a certain discipline around what could be modulated or enveloped onto the common carrier wave might be necessary. The common carrier wave geometry for universally transmissable info patterns, would be the wave envelope of perfect embedding, or nestedness. Only fractality is infinitely compressible and therefore infinitely shareable.

This is well depicted in Irving Dardik MD, article in Cycles magazine on the direct relationship between onset fractality in heart rate variability and health in general. Basically, the wave envelope of what constitutes the perfect changes in heart rate looks like a perfect fern tree folded fractal. The more fractality or embedding allowed into the heart in the still point (zero place) between beats, the more the infinite spin context of the universal song could waltz into the electricity invited into the body by the perfect embedded beating heart. ("Heart Waves" in Cycles Magazine, Dec. 1996.)

The overall quality of this psychology of where spin lives, has the feeling of the heart surgeon who cannot but bear to reach in and touch lightning because it is so exciting. In the lightning the spin is so dense that awareness or self embedding exists on a new level. Therefore it is quite the perfect place to talk to god/ or if you prefer the collected electrical voice of all the DNA. Just one minor detail to contend with here, touch lightning all at once and you get quite burnt (the "Powder" phenomenon.) You need to be very distributable to survive in memory.

So what follows here are some magnetic exercises to learn the shareable among spins, emotionally.

1. Decide for yourself today that you will only think thoughts / feel feelings, you'd be pleased to share.. infinitely.

2. As you do this, try breathing in the perfectly shareable fractal: (spin path to zero point)..
(insert picture perfect 60 degree wave caddeuceus on its side... )


path for breath to still nest

path light sees on it's way in to dna when braided in perfected embedding/love.. (the grail)

the breath moves in and out in the geometry of perfect damping, or the perfect way to approach the icy stillness of oneness. The depth and the duration of each adjacent breath get smaller by ratio PHI (golden mean).. When you reach the stillness, (preferrably in a magic place), stay there in your body until the tingle tells you you have finished your communion.

3. Do an experiment whereby you change an otherwise difficult situation by breathing in the phi Sentic of the perfect wave form for love (embedding). Often when we find something messy has snuk up on us, we breath in the perfect "jerk" of fear. This is a sharp in breath followed by NO outbreath. This is the breath of fear, it's halt of the flow of o-x-y-gene or phi-re, says: "stop the world, I wanna git off", which literally asks all spin to stop. It is the mind killer because it is the recursion killer.
So the breath of love, which invites ALL of spin.. is one (picture sentic love wave here),
where the point of maximum inrush is reached at the .618 point in the duration of the gentling breath.
This is then the distance between fear and love, in a breath.

4. Do the above two experiments in learning embedding/compassion, except instead of moving your breathing in and out, in the two depicted patterns, instead use these two road maps to embedding to change the pressure in a hug or squeeze over time, to express feeling intentionally.
(Clues to tantra also.)

5. Try arranging your:
a.) magnetic stones
b.) closest meditating friends
c.) back yard or church
d.) favorite memories

e.) sufi dance or tai chi or flame in go..

in the following perfect pent fractal patterns, and feel the rush of "cryst-all-eyes-zing" awareness when waves agree.

(pictures pent nest, and tree of life..)

Pretend you were arranging the cathedrals in Rennes Les Chateaux Grail Country.. Pent Nest to Fractal to Star Habitation

Climbing the ladder of symmetry is the tree of el-eye-phi



Next, close your eyes, create a container for your passion in this more than mental vortex attractor, and lucid dream.


excercise of approach, to point of uncomfort

then focus breathing and focusing on your heart, approach is the point of approach to which comfort can be maintained any closer?

stand in hex and approach

then stand in pent..


How to Touch

keltic and africaan dance for ecstatic access: five beats against seven beats,

compare with five spin inside vs seven spins outside in heart of the sun..

use hands for 5 beats per cycle, move feet in seven beats, using heptagram as foot placement, alternate first foot around the heptagram.

now you are ready for the final step in the tetrahedral fire breath, where the star tetra is nested in the dodec.. producing the merkabbah moment,

see sacred geometry of transcendance and merkabbah moment..

and after this please see: Tetra Cube Goes Dodec, Becomes Merkababbah but Requires Total FEELING.. advanced geometrically annotated suggestions on the next step in the Merkabbah Meditation


and please do not underestimate the absolute necessity of hygiene discipline around lifestyle and diet:

Nourished by Spin: The Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle.



From: Sandy Troth <>

Subject: Simple Exercizes article


Dear Dan,


Thank you for the "simple exercizes" article. It triggered a strong memory

in me.


About 20+ years ago I was watching one of the first "Whale" specials on PBS.

During the special they showed images of whales "sounding." That is, they

dived down. In the process, they created the image of "the fluke." I know

you've seen this many times. It's the image of the graceful curve of their

tail fins that shed water as they dive.


When I saw that image for the first time, I cried. I had the most

profoundly overwhelming sensation of "home sickness" along with the tears.

I looked for many years for a print of a whale fluke to remind me of that

feeling. Of course now you can purchase that print almost anywhere they

sell prints.


What does all this have to do with your article? When I saw the image of

the path "light sees on it's way in to dna when braided in perfected

emedding/love..(the grail)," I realized that this is the same image as the

whale fluke!


It seems those cetaceans communicate in a variety of ways, eh?


Thanks again for the article.


In lo phi,


sandy troth


Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 10:09:16 -0800


Mime-Version: 1.0


From: (Reed Behrens)

Subject: Thanks. World Whale Day


Hi Dan,


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Recursively with fractal embeddedness!


I am still learning the basic terminology, but the message resonates clearly

in my heart--this is the vehicle for transformation--all those years of

meditation come to this, eh?



How do sperm whales fit into this? What chakras around a heart the size of a

volkswagen; a brain 6 times larger than ours? Are the large brained

mammals;whales, dolphins, elephants and humans to be the collective brain

matter of the awakening earth?


Here's what we are doing:




PRESS RELEASE**************************


World Whale Day

POB 2277 Corvallis, OR 97339 541.745.7822 email






Date: March 6, 1997

Contact: Reed Behrens

541.745.7822, email

Corvallis, Oregon>




World Whale Day

Solstice, Saturday, June 21, 1997

--Yearly thereafter


A day of celebration for all who love whales and dolphins


In the tradition of Earth Day, World Whale Day begins a new yearly

tradition at Solstice. Whale and dolphin friends are invited to visit your

nearest coasts on Summer solstice(or Winter in the Southern Hemispere) to

participate in whale watching, and World Whale Day sponsored conferences or





Join in this historic event's symposia, concerts and local gatherings!

Please visit our under construction world wide web site

and use the links to other informative and inspiring cetacean sites.



The World Whale Day organization will be the information hub and electronic

nexus via the website facilitating worldwide coordination of celebrations

and events.

World Whale Day is a yearly celebration to promote research and

understanding on the intelligence of cetaceans and human impacts on their




One day seminars followed by a day of whale watching are being planned for

Maui, Monterey, and Newport, Oregon for the first years kick off events.

Conferences will be entitled,


Scientists, Naturalists and Writers on: Whales, dolphins and intelligence.


Interested researchers are encouraged to submit entries for seminar

presentations to


Some little know facts about whales include:


1. Sperm whales have brains up to eight times larger than human brains, vast

"silent areas" of the neo-cortex associated with higher reasoning and

complex thought processes in humans-the brain/body ratio theory asserting

humans superiority has been discounted-an 8x larger brain is massively more

complex than required to manipulate additional muscles and tissues.


2. Whales brains have been in this advanced state of development for

millions of years compared to current human brain size only a fraction of

this time. Whales also have continuous cultural development for 30 million

years compared to human cultural development since the receding of the

glaciers of about 20,000 years.


Relatively little is known about sperm whale intelligence and behavior--open

ocean research on whales, which can be underwater for an hour and resurface

miles away, is difficult at best. Thanks to dedicated researchers, human

understanding of whales has progressed rapidly in the last 30 years.


3. Orcas,(brains 3x the size of human) once considered dangerous killers

(Killer Whales) are now known to have matrilineal societies with advanced

languages and, as yet, incomprehensible behavior labeled rituals" by

cetacean scientists. Language development is so advanced that dialects are

distinct between different pods living in the same region.


4. Human impacts from whaling and pollution have reduced blue whale

populations to 4% (450 remain)of original estimated prewhaling numbers.

Sperm, narwhal, fin and right whales populations have fared little better.


5. Aside from the direct threat from pirate and sanctioned whaling,

organohalogens (pcb's, ddt, dioxins etc.)are oil soluble pollutants, are

dangerous endocrine and hormone disruptors, and bio-magnify millions of

times up the oceanic food chain; deceptively, waters can test free of these

chemicals, whereas concentrations organohalogens in cetaceans residing in

those same waters can be lethal due to bioaccumulation and biomaginfication.


Chemicals we dump in our rivers, lakes wash into oceans and are killing

cetaceans worldwide. A recent dolphin stranded had pcb levels so high it's

body had to be disposed of a toxic waste!


This worldwide educational effort welcomes the collective human realization

of the unique and important place cetaceans play in the web of life.



We are all One Life,

Reed Behrens & Dr. Clint Evans


Directors, World Whale Day



World Whale Day is grateful for the following endorsements and supporters:



Lee Christie, William McDougall and Dr. Olivia De Bergerac, Sidney,

Australia, The Dolphin Society/ODB Consulting Pty LtdWilliam

Koethe,Portland, OR, Claudia Bartoli, Paul Chandler,Santa Cruz, CA,Michael

Dowd,Portland, OR, Ashleea,Maui, Kadar RA-Ja Maitreya-dhana Dove,New Mexico,

Lorna Soroko, Cindy Brochtrup,Corvallis, OR, Mark, Cheryl and Amy Allison,

The Kapular Family, Christina Behrens, Ed Glick, RN, Dr. AlanKapular, Dr.

Clint Evans and Lili, The Great Whales Foundation, FrancisJeffrey,San

Francisco, Hardy Jones, 2nd Annual Dolphin Tribe Gathering, The Dancing

Dolphin Institute Maui,Hawaii,Dr Jason Cressey, The Ocean

Institute,Vancouver, Canada, Mac Hawley, The Cetacean Freedom Network, Paul

Augustine, Future Utopia, Lynn Phillips, The DolphinCircle, WA,

RaunoLauhakangas, John Carter, Ken Davis, Ken Davis Music Int. P/L,Trish and

Wally Franklin,The Oceania Project, Scott Taylor, Cetacean Studies

Institute/Archive and Educational Programs, William S. Bennett, (Willy The

Whale) Interspecies Communications Specialist, Gaia Mind Project, Barbara

Ross, Congresswoman, State of Oregon, Jim Nollman, Interspecies

Communication Project


PRESS RELEASE**************************


World Whale Day

POB 2277 Corvallis, OR 97339 541.745.7822 email






Date: March 6, 1997

Contact: Reed Behrens

541.745.7822, email

Corvallis, Oregon>




World Whale Day

Solstice, Saturday, June 21, 1997

--Yearly thereafter


A day of celebration for all who love whales and dolphins


In the tradition of Earth Day, World Whale Day begins a new yearly

tradition at Solstice. Whale and dolphin friends are invited to visit your

nearest coasts on Summer solstice(or Winter in the Southern Hemispere) to

participate in whale watching, and World Whale Day sponsored conferences or





Join in this historic event's symposia, concerts and local gatherings!

Please visit our under construction world wide web site

and use the links to other informative and inspiring cetacean sites.



The World Whale Day organization will be the information hub and electronic

nexus via the website facilitating worldwide coordination of celebrations

and events.

World Whale Day is a yearly celebration to promote research and

understanding on the intelligence of cetaceans and human impacts on their




One day seminars followed by a day of whale watching are being planned for

Maui, Monterey, and Newport, Oregon for the first years kick off events.

Conferences will be entitled,


Scientists, Naturalists and Writers on: Whales, dolphins and intelligence.


Interested researchers are encouraged to submit entries for seminar

presentations to


Some little know facts about whales include:


1. Sperm whales have brains up to eight times larger than human brains, vast

"silent areas" of the neo-cortex associated with higher reasoning and

complex thought processes in humans-the brain/body ratio theory asserting

humans superiority has been discounted-an 8x larger brain is massively more

complex than required to manipulate additional muscles and tissues.


2. Whales brains have been in this advanced state of development for

millions of years compared to current human brain size only a fraction of

this time. Whales also have continuous cultural development for 30 million

years compared to human cultural development since the receding of the

glaciers of about 20,000 years.


Relatively little is known about sperm whale intelligence and behavior--open

ocean research on whales, which can be underwater for an hour and resurface

miles away, is difficult at best. Thanks to dedicated researchers, human

understanding of whales has progressed rapidly in the last 30 years.


3. Orcas,(brains 3x the size of human) once considered dangerous killers

(Killer Whales) are now known to have matrilineal societies with advanced

languages and, as yet, incomprehensible behavior labeled rituals" by

cetacean scientists. Language development is so advanced that dialects are

distinct between different pods living in the same region.


4. Human impacts from whaling and pollution have reduced blue whale

populations to 4% (450 remain)of original estimated prewhaling numbers.

Sperm, narwhal, fin and right whales populations have fared little better.


5. Aside from the direct threat from pirate and sanctioned whaling,

organohalogens (pcb's, ddt, dioxins etc.)are oil soluble pollutants, are

dangerous endocrine and hormone disruptors, and bio-magnify millions of

times up the oceanic food chain; deceptively, waters can test free of these

chemicals, whereas concentrations organohalogens in cetaceans residing in

those same waters can be lethal due to bioaccumulation and biomaginfication.


Chemicals we dump in our rivers, lakes wash into oceans and are killing

cetaceans worldwide. A recent dolphin stranded had pcb levels so high it's

body had to be disposed of a toxic waste!


This worldwide educational effort welcomes the collective human realization

of the unique and important place cetaceans play in the web of life.



We are all One Life,

Reed Behrens & Dr. Clint Evans


Directors, World Whale Day



World Whale Day is grateful for the following endorsements and supporters:



Lee Christie, William McDougall and Dr. Olivia De Bergerac, Sidney,

Australia, The Dolphin Society/ODB Consulting Pty LtdWilliam

Koethe,Portland, OR, Claudia Bartoli, Paul Chandler,Santa Cruz, CA,Michael

Dowd,Portland, OR, Ashleea,Maui, Kadar RA-Ja Maitreya-dhana Dove,New Mexico,

Lorna Soroko, Cindy Brochtrup,Corvallis, OR, Mark, Cheryl and Amy Allison,

The Kapular Family, Christina Behrens, Ed Glick, RN, Dr. AlanKapular, Dr.

Clint Evans and Lili, The Great Whales Foundation, FrancisJeffrey,San

Francisco, Hardy Jones, 2nd Annual Dolphin Tribe Gathering, The Dancing

Dolphin Institute Maui,Hawaii,Dr Jason Cressey, The Ocean

Institute,Vancouver, Canada, Mac Hawley, The Cetacean Freedom Network, Paul

Augustine, Future Utopia, Lynn Phillips, The DolphinCircle, WA,

RaunoLauhakangas, John Carter, Ken Davis, Ken Davis Music Int. P/L,Trish and

Wally Franklin,The Oceania Project, Scott Taylor, Cetacean Studies

Institute/Archive and Educational Programs, William S. Bennett, (Willy The

Whale) Interspecies Communications Specialist, Gaia Mind Project, Barbara

Ross, Congresswoman, State of Oregon, Jim Nollman, Interspecies

Communication Project






Reed Behrens

Director, World Whale Day

Corvallis, OR