Return to Main Geomantic Science Index- from Implosion Group - Dan Winter-

In hopes that William Buehler will allow us to further share his important material

Update Sept 2016: William Buehler- updated web site links:

Update JULY 22, 2021

We are doing a new SCIENCE AND HISTORY OF THE GRAIL- .. 'in the west' - FILM series -(our channel ) - first episode here Deep History & Science of the GRAIL:
Part 1- Stellar Origins of MAGDALEN and the Grail Bloodline

with Dan Winter and Lara Craenmehr , It’s a special day to start this series, it’s the day of Mary Magdalene -which we explore in this episode. We celebrate here the 700 year myth - 1321-2021 for the RETURN OF THE CATHARs. In part 1 we will start with the well known story of Mary Magdalene and her way from Egypt to the south of France (with two other Mary’s - story of the three Mary’s). What’s important for this episode is that one of the three Mary’s is black (sometimes called the Black Madonna and is often linked to Mary Magdalene). Why is she black? Where are her roots? EGYPT! Egyptian Origins of Essenes/ Magda-Jesus Royal Line Connection to Thoth / Hermes - Biophysics of Bliss Rites From Egypt to the Essenes to South France and Children of Black Madonna Mygdal means tower (a plasma “tower”- which becomes a practical bliss hygiene teaching today for the young) and the story and journey of Mary Magdalene through France (and England) can be seen as the way of the kundalini snakes that rise up from the spine to the amygdala and flowers in the brain with the juices of bliss. Nowadays with the destroying of the leylines, it’s most important to do your own practice to awake the snake and learn the science behind this bliss experience! This QUEST FOR THE GRAIL - is the fractal implosion/fusion in blood: There is a lot to say about the ET Origins of the GRAIL: Sirians/Pleadians/Andromedan root- a Genetic quest for fractality in Blood- the biophysics of SOUL - Bliss. Later in this series we will take you on an adventure of how the movement of the Grail Bloodline actually travelled all the way to America and leaves also America with this beautiful heritage and knowledge. We will talk about sacred magnetic maps in America …. ( like ).

In our next episode with Jason Matozzo - and the 'Spiritual Destiny of America' - we will be featuring WILLIAM BUEHLER (see below)

our audience is also invited to preview this interview of Bill- as a way of preparing

-note we believe the son of Jesus / Mary- which Bill refers to repeatedly as John Martinus - is the same as the John Traphime- (Essene) discussed in our film - part 1.


New Buelher Summary graphic series: added July 2011: (click for series) (45 image series- all but the first 8 are from William Buehler)



"Repair of the Fabric of Time" from William Buehler

Initial Graphic Image Review

Note well here- Aug 06 Graphic Grids of Washington and Edinburg- UPDATE FROM William Buehler- thanks Bill!

NOTE DEC 2003: Willam Buehler-cosmic TEMPLAR SACRED ARCHITECT-is apparently setting up a major new resource- have a look around at

also on Bill- see: , related:

re: templar "fabric of time" etc.

Believing that the Templar legacy, of Earth Magnetic Alignment to be a true geometric path with HEART to star embedding, I am grateful to present this material by William Buehler...

also please see PeaceMaking and the Land references:

International University for the SCIENCE of Peacemaking (also at )

Examples of LeyLines and PeaceMaking from Peter Champoux et al.

ElDorado & The Re-Penting of America:Pictorial Map to America's Geomantic Global Role

William Buehler articles and images:

2002 updates

Bird-Serpent Staff of Aesculpius - "Shamir Staff"

Chartres 3: Alignments

Chartres Music

Sinclair and Nova Scotia (2)

Penta Biome- US Midwest Great Lakes -Spiritual Mapping etc.

update 2000 index:

Mont-Rose; new grid line - Origins Arthur?

The Margate Connection, Zeno Narrative-Sinclair Expedition & Glastonbury Grail

Round churches (Temple as Wheel , etc.)

Rosslyn overlay, Famous Templar Chapel Design Geometrics

Ruta Transit- Earth Grid-Solarians:Solar Beings-Zeno Chart-Consciousness Map

Rosslyn's violation?


SHELBURNE LINE,Grail Across Atlantic, Arkhom

Baptism of Yeshua (Painting Interpretation -Protosiniatic Hebrew)

Who is the MOON-HARE? Christic Dove Emptied into Glatonbury Zodiac Image..


Thoth Partner Sheshet? (2 graphics)

Grail Across the Atlantic:Story in North America?


Hawaii Grail Magnetics?

Hendaye Cross-Spain-Jefferson Connection (also see Monticello link below)

Thoth-Merlin Connection/Orion-gin Grail Genetics



Initial Graphic Image Review

Meaning of 666

Meaning of 999

Main Chartres Info OverView

Chartres Outline2

Crop Circles Deep Meaning


Entrainment, Sending Love and Global Linkup?

Getting the ET Story Right?

Grail Dynamic: A Templar View

Grove in Hi Places: Trees and the Grid..

Koala Time Portal (Also see Koala Graphic)


LightGroup Process

Megalithic Yard and Measurement Dynamics

2.618 and PHI Meanings?

Rosslyn Scottish Templar Chapel: Deep Mystery?

Selah Grid Dynamic

Serapha Story

Sinclair Story Notes


How to Love a Tron Without Half Trying

StoneHenge Notes

Arkhom and Orion


 Nova Scotia Sacred Space notes

Lion Place and Psalm 22

Boston, Rosslyn and Arkhom

Magdalene: (Templar) Ultimate Search 2/99

Monticello,Jefferson vs. Templar Reshel "L Gates"

Blue of Conventry: St. Clair?

Sinclair Castle and the Orkney's

7/17/99 Crux Arvata .. the SINCLAIRS & THE ATLANS..

7/99 An Article on Earth Grid Geometrics, by William Buehler

The REAL Templar View? 4/99 Response from William Buehler on America's Spritual Founding - Sacred Geometric..