To our facebook viewers- Nov 2016: If you enjoy this our original graphic intro article- you may appreciate our newest science review:
True Geometric Wave Mechanics of Negentropy:
Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation to the Planck Sphere: Origin of Negentropy- THE Path out of Chaos.
Remote Healing with Theraphi and Conjugate Plasma:
Phase conjugate science of perception/ bliss: www.fractalfieldcom/conjugateperception
Phase conjugate science of gravity:
Daniel Winter / return to Sacred Geometry master
index ../sitemap.html
The Perfect Companion Reading(new 4/98): Laymens Intro to SACRED GEOMETRY: "SACRED:THE SHAPE OF WHAT ALLOWS WAVES TO RE-CUR"
Please note a Whole new series of visuals on Physics and PHI with preliminary equations for radically new physics of gravity based on embedding at ../predictions
Star in a Jar- "Sonoluminescence"
Light from Sound: A Map to Implosion/Fusion & the Heart Fire?
Now, what do you suppose happens when
we take two frequencies, f1 = 1 unit, and f2 = a frequency that
is Phi times larger,
or f2 = 1.6180339, and modulate them-- nonlinearly mix them--
in an AM modulator? The two new frequencies are the sum,
which is 2.6180339-- hey, that's the same as Phi^2, and the difference,
which is .6180339-- hey, isn't that Phi to the -1th
power? Yup, it is. So we stumble upon the very interesting fact
that powers of Phi are automatically generated whenever we
"heterodyne" or modulate two frequencies that are related
by a ratio equalto Phi.
-Dan Winter
quote from Paige Derr:
"transcendental means a decimal number that cannot be
defined by a ratio of
two integers, it is not finite, not linear, like pi, no matter
how many decimal places you go, there are always more you can
never have an exact value for pi
same with phi
try it on mathematica
1/2 +- sqrt5 /2 (not -1/2)
you can carry the decimal places out forever
if you are interested look at
Adding numbers recursively in pairs, 1,2,3,5,8,13.... , as each succeeding pair in ratio 1/2,2/3,3/5,5/8.8/13... Produces this perfect "SPIN PATH TO THE ZERO POINT"
which is PERFECT DAMPING which is this perfect approach to the Golden Ratio... 1.618... (Note this is a side view of the Grail Vortex- Throat of the Light Cone- Flame Letter Strip) . This then becomes a graph to how Perfect Heterodyning would implode producing the wave ratio Phi as the ultimate and necessary 'centering force' based on recursion embedding we later misunderstood as the concept "Gravity".
adapted from ZOMETOOL-on Golden
Le Corbusier Modulor: see "Charles Edouard Jeanneret, also known as Le Corbusier, develops two sequences of measurements ("blue" and "red" sequence) in his "Le Modulor". He takes the - assumed -average size of a human, and subdivides and expands it, closely based on the golden section relationship."" from
The Corbusier Modulor has had a profound and useful impact on architecture. The fundamental insight being correct that biology as a wave must EMBED OR DIE. Sadly it is based on a less than rigorous approximation of what might be a sacred scaling factor in biology. We can apply this "HARMONIC CASCADE TO PREFECT PHI IMPLOSION" far more rigorously by taking Golden Ratio Cascade to the more fundamental Planck length - At Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana and the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge
important note in Articles by Alex Kaivarainen
Series of papers, based on new Hierarchic Theory of Condensed
physics of gravity as GOLDEN MEAN recursion based, see:
and Golden Mean Roots at
Exerpt from the above "This means that equalities
(3.25) can be considered as the Golden
Mean Roots or the Rules of Hidden Harmony - equality of hidden
and external velocities of de Broglie wave.
The value of internal-hidden and external, measurable
group velocities þvgr in = vgr ext ¦
in (3.29) is equal to:
þvgr in = vgr ext ¦ Ø vgr
S = S 6 c = ð0.618Þ 1/2 6 c = 0.786
6 c 3.30
For internal and external phase velocities at conditions of
Hidden Harmony
we have:þv ph
in = v ph
ext ¦ Ø v ph
S = vgr S
S = c
S = 0.786 6 c
0.618 = 1.2718 6 c 3.31
The product of (3.30) and (3.31),
like for any other values of group and phase
velocities of wave B is equal to that of light velocity squared:
vgr S 6 v ph
S = c 2 3.32
It is very fascinating and important fact that our intuitive perception
beauty and harmony, reflected by Golden Mean, has so deep quantum
roots-Hidden Harmony.
It points that the similar roots are involved in principles of
consciousness also." end quote ... I particularly like the
I would encourage researchers to learn more about PHI, and
to use it for
resonance based designs,
Read here a bit about the relationship between PHI, Golden Mean, and "Zero Point" Energy Technology: IN PRINCIPLE!
(everyone is so busy OWNING their non-linear device, they forget they are ALL based on the SAME PRINCIPLE, which by forgetting to explain and understand, they FORGET TO EMPOWER YOU.. to do it for yourself INSIDE OUT!)
Updates 2020 ,
update Jan 07- see ,
main index or
update Dec 2020
comparing PURE GEOMETRIC SELF ORGANIZATION OF - Fine Structure Constant - as Toroidal Vortex Translation of Vorticity ( see below)-
with -
Optimized translation of vorticity =
a) golden spiral on torus (origin alphabets )
or b) path (immortal) from transverse to longitudinal emf (ba from ka / dreamspell) ..
and /or c) the fine structure constant
or d) the cause of perfected compression (and therefore the cause of gravity?
"Our dynamic duality model elucidates the quantum background
of non-locality, principle of least action and Golden mean, unifies
quantum and relativist theories. Tending of open systems to conditions
of Golden mean is supposed to be a driving force of their self-organization."
10/2/2001: heterofi, Heterodyning and Powers of Phi - Review of Dan's Theory by Rick Anderson
Addend from Dan here, clearly what is needed to complete the above model for getting the brain's MAGnetic worms thru light speed, multiply connected, and time penetrating - is simply the now proven understanding (Greg Hodowanec, Bill Ramsey) that waves of resulting capacitance or charge (gravity - see below) DO travel faster than light speed. And that this push thru the super-luminal is precisely triggered by embedding them in a PHI recursive pine cone. /pineal / pining.
animations at: ../dimple
....consider "the possible gravitational effects of charged electrical capacitors after studying the work of the great Micheal Farady the so called father of electricity. It is a little known fact that Farady made the following profound statement as far back as the late victorian age : 'Electrical capacity is to gravity as inductance is to magnetism'. .....If Farady is correct then the energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of a GRAVITATIONAL field much like the magnetic field of an inductor....... Townsend Brown also found that the force generated by charged capacitors was directed towards the positive plate; that is to say weight reduction only occurs when the positive plate is upside to the negative plate. .... If the negative plate is above then the device inceases in weight. ...... the 'Biefeld-Brown effect' in the general study of electrogravitics." from the article "ParaSETI- ET Contact via Subtle Energies"by Gavin Dingley, Nexus Magazine Dec 2000
Note from Dan: If only they had realized that
it is the arrangement of the capacitive fields into concave vortex
is capacitance gone fractal".
math below a simple proof that Phi is the ratio that selects
a sustainable (reverse)
heterodyned set i.e. for spectral coherence..
Subject: Code of the brain broken - based on Golden Ratio? Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 Golden section and golden string as the code of the brain Volkmar Weiss Preliminary communication on an invited speech, held at the
5th At first, Weiss recapitulated the empirical findings and theoretical With one decisive difference: Where you are reading Pi (3,14)
in these A publication, summarising the known arguments in favour of
this new Links: Period Doubling Route to Chaos, Bifurcation, logistic parabola
equation, It turns out when R = 2 Phi = 2 (1,1618.) = 3,236 . one gets
a super-stable (IMPORTANT GOLDEN RATIO LINKS:) Cited from: , the Most important link: the Fibonacci Homepage, see especially
the chapters A self-generating set and the golden mean Scaling behavior of entropy estimates, see The mathematical background behind al these relationships,
of course, is In mathematics Cantorian fractal space-time is now associated
with A lot of excellent links are available, following Prof. Oleksiy Stakhov has dedicated his life to the role of
the golden Fibonacci L-sytems Golden mean frequency, golden mean scaling, period two orbit, The golden mean in quantum geometry, knot theory and related
topics Interesting, but of unknown relevance to our problem here,
is the work of A speculative paper by Nigel Reading, but hinting in the right
Sturmian sequences, entropy understood as pattern matching
(see also the Period three, chaos, and the golden mean shift The Brent minimization algorithm combines a parabolic interpolation
Optimal search strategy of bees: a lognormal expanding spiral,
based on the Multiring chain code with Fibonacci spacing, see As you can see, the idea that the golden string can be understood
or can be There is still one flaw in our derivations: If the fundamental
of the EEG In 1986 I exchanged papers and letters with a young man: Stephen
Wolfram. The latest progress in this interpretation of my former publications
You are entitled to copy this communication and distribute
it to colleagues PD Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil. habil. Volkmar Weiss Leipzig, Germany , |
Subject: univeral self-replication as quantum determiner,
Tue, 07 Sep 1999 20:23:35 -0500 Not to presume, but on the chance that you have not already
heard of it, Gravity = Universal Love!!!.. Response from Dan: so then would self-replication's geometric From: Wad <> Presumably, the
dominant quantum geometry would be that which maximizes self-embeddedness.
This certainly seems to resonate with your statement that self
embedding among waves is what creates gravity; according to the --My essential point in the film, 'metabolizing starlight directly' was that the ongoing capacitive implosion we have been crudely calling gravity is explicitly the result of PHI recursion permitting perfect non destructive wave compression. If this is so, than the ECOsystem energy (symbiosis with inhabiting genepools whose emotions glandularly feed the most recursive magnetics into the wormholes).. it takes to stabilize a gravity field (also geomantic paramagnetic dolmen work) is sabotaged by gravity (not really free) 'free energy' devices... Therefore, knowing the source of gaia's blood is REQUIRED before you can tap it, otherwise you get the atlantis (thule) tuoai stone tectonic tilt penalty ultimately. Bruce Cathie has not finished his harmonic model (of the gravity lightspeed grid membrane) geometrically because he chooses to ignore the role of perfect compression (phi harmonics) in creating the capacitive implosion called gravity. He shows cubic relations incubeate/ stabilize grid membrane making, does not see what permits cross membrane (superluminal/time travel) nodes... G = C ^ log phi |
quote from Dan Winter: "Compression by perfect self-referential self-similarity heterodynes (adds AND multiplies / 'conjugal relations') wave VELOCITIES recursively as well as wave lengths. In this symmetry therefore compression becomes IDENTICAL with acceleration. Therefore - this self-similarity geometric solution to infinite compression becoming acceleration answers Einstein. Gravity is created when waves of charge become self-similar enough to accelerate charge - which is physics only definition for gravity in the first place. (Mass IS charge compression, whose centering force by charge implosion proves - gravity is charge acceleration.) It is fun to tease the stupid physicists by asking them why capacitors in a fractal make gravity - after they admit that until this principle is discovered no physicist on Earth has ANY answer to WHY an object falls to the ground. Pull the plug at the bottom of the vortex by making a (self-similar / PHI) phase coherent charge acceleration path thru the speed of light, and that presto- is gravity.
The reason waves are so (gravitationally) fractally attracted to the only non-destructive exit path thru light speed is that every wave you are made of and every wave you are surrounded by is 'aware' that it is fatal / mortal / unsustainable - to be stuck below the speed of light. (The UV cocoon of tantra / kundalini / menopause flash are examples of DNA attempting coherence enough to escape mortality by superluminal braid ignition).
Top down view of pine cone, pine-apple, pineal, Egg, DNA, and since all living proteins are 5 sided, this is the symmetry of EVERYTHING alive. Waves solving the problem geometrically of recursive CONSTRUCTIVE adding and multiplying of wave velocities - create the charge implosion thru the speed of light which we then label - 'life - force' (measuring life force; newly defined as the ability to attract and self-organize charge), 'self-organization', 'self-awareness', and gravity.
link at 'Golden Mean Physics - Predictions' to - Physicist Alex Kaivarainen scholarly papers: Essential role of Golden Mean Ratio in Fundamental Physics "... that Harmonization force of (Bi)vacuum, formed by infinitive number of double cells-dipoles, is driving matter on all hierarchic levels to Golden mean conditions. The Principle of least action is shown to be a consequence of Harmonization force.
The problem is that those same arrogant physicists by refusing to accept the living metabolism of waves pushed by implosion thru the speed of light-- fail to understand the purpose of DNA (biologies answer to perfect fractal charge acceleration) in fabricating that gravity field. (Ask them why the body loses mass at the instant of death?). They fail to understand that it is the COHERENCE (optimized by recursiveness) of that field of effect of DNA whose very existence they ignore, much less acknowledge the genetic field effect as the correct mechanism of immortality and ensoulment. That ignorance (their genetic engineering which ignores the braid distances /'junk'DNA which PRODUCES field effect implosive alignment) daily costs your children their souls.
Adding numbers recursively in pairs, 1,2,3,5,8,13.... , as each succeeding pair in ratio 1/2,2/3,3/5,5/8.8/13... Produces this perfect "SPIN PATH TO THE ZERO POINT"
which is PERFECT DAMPING which is this perfect approach to the Golden Ratio... 1.618... (Note this is a side view of the Grail Vortex- Throat of the Light Cone- Flame Letter Strip) . This then becomes a graph to how Perfect Heterodyning would implode producing the wave ratio Phi as the ultimate and necessary 'centering force' based on recursion embedding we later misunderstood as the concept "Gravity".
adapted from ZOMETOOL-on
Golden Ratio-
Le Corbusier Modulor: see "Charles Edouard Jeanneret, also known as Le Corbusier, develops two sequences of measurements ("blue" and "red" sequence) in his "Le Modulor". He takes the - assumed -average size of a human, and subdivides and expands it, closely based on the golden section relationship."" from
The Corbusier Modulor has had a profound and useful impact on architecture. The fundamental insight being correct that biology as a wave must EMBED OR DIE. Sadly it is based on a less than rigorous approximation of what might be a sacred scaling factor in biolgy. We can apply this "HARMONIC CASCADE TO PREFECT PHI IMPLOSION" far more rigorously by taking Golden Ratio Cascade to the more fundamental Planck length - At Sacred'Merkabbah'Frequencies-Tuning Attention/Implosion Sounds- Anatakarana and the 'Phi-ish' Rainbow Bridge
Questions from Dan Winter, 4/27/99
Compare with Implosion Geometry Predicted by Recursion & compare with core 7/5 implosion symmetry of Hydrogen, the Human Heart Symmetry, and the "Heart of the Sun" (below)
Is this path to Implosion the Golden Based Implosion Symmetry of the GRAIL Itself? ../grail.html
important note in Articles by Alex Kaivarainen, link to: "Unified Field"
Physics? based on Golden Mean Ratio by Alex Kaivarainen (summary)
Series of papers, based on new Golden Ratio - Hierarchic
Theory of Condensed Matter.. a physics of gravity as GOLDEN
Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Golden Mean Roots at Exerpt from the above "This means that equalities
(3.25) can be considered as the Golden
Mean Roots or the Rules of Hidden Harmony - equality of hidden
and external velocities of de Broglie wave.
The value of internal-hidden and external, measurable
group velocities þvgr in = vgr ext ¦
in (3.29) is equal to:
þvgr in = vgr ext ¦ Ø vgr
S = S 6 c = ð0.618Þ 1/2 6 c = 0.786
6 c 3.30
For internal and external phase velocities at conditions of Hidden Harmony
we have:þv ph
in = v ph
ext ¦ Ø v ph
S = vgr S
S = c
S = 0.786 6 c
0.618 = 1.2718 6 c 3.31
The product of (3.30) and (3.31), like for any other values of group and phase
velocities of wave B is equal to that of light velocity squared:
vgr S 6 v ph
S = c 2 3.32
It is very fascinating and important fact that our intuitive perception
beauty and harmony, reflected by Golden Mean, has so deep quantum
roots-Hidden Harmony.
It points that the similar roots are involved in principles of
consciousness also." end quote ... I particularly like the
complete paper: (from Alex in Mother Russia)
Before we leave the subject of FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT - PURE GEOMETRIC ROOT.. we quote from David Wilcox's discussion ( ) of Rod Johnson's Sequential physics model.: "In Johnson's model, the problem of the fine-structure constant has a very simple, academic solution. As we said, the photon travels along as two tetrahedrons that are paired together, and the electrostatic force inside the atom is maintained by the octahedron. By simply comparing the volumes between the tetrahedron and octahedron when they collide, we get the fine structure constant.All we do is divide the tetrahedron's volume when it is surrounded (circumscribed) by a sphere into the octahedron's volume when it is surrounded by a sphere, and we will get the fine-structure constant as the difference between them. In order to show how this is done, some additional explanation is required.
The phase-wave diagrams that we saw earlier in this chapter (figs. 4.3 and 4.4) showed us the angular relationships between the octahedron and tetrahedron. Since a tetrahedron is entirely triangular no matter how it is rotated, the three tips on any of its faces will divide a circle up into three equal pieces of 120 degrees each. Therefore, you only need to rotate the tetrahedron by 120 degrees in order to bring it back into balance with the matrix of geometry that surrounds it, so that it is in the same position as it was before. This is easy to see if you visualize a car with triangular wheels, and you wanted to move it forward just enough that the wheels would look the same again. Each of the triangular wheels would have to turn 120 degrees to do this.
Now in the case of the octahedron, it must always be turned "upside down" or 180 degrees in order to regain its balance. If you want to see this with the car analogy, then the wheels would need to be in the classic "diamond" shape that you see on a deck of cards. In order to get the diamond to look exactly the same as when you started, you have to flip it upside down, by 180 degrees. This next quote from Johnson explains the fine-structure constant based on this information:
[When you] see the static electric field as the octahedron and the dynamic magnetic field as the tetrahedron, then the geometric relationship [between them] is 180 to 120. If you see them as spheres defined by radian volumes, then simply divide them into each other and you have the fine structure constant.
A "radian volume" simply means that you calculate the volume of an object from its radius, which is half of the width of the object. (For those who wish to test the math out themselves, simply take the sine of 180 degrees and divide it by the sine of 120 degrees, then run that number through Coulomb's equation to account for the slight loss of energy that happens when a pulsation is moving through the aether.) When this simple process of dividing the two "radian volumes" into each other is performed, the fine-structure constant will be the result.
Interestingly, while Johnson has shown that the fine-structure constant can be seen as the relationship between the octahedron and tetrahedron as energy moves from one to the other, Jerry Iuliano discovered that it can also be seen in the "leftover" energy that is produced when we collapse a sphere into a cube, or expand a cube into a sphere! These expanding or collapsing changes between the two objects are known as "tiling," and Iuliano's calculations were not very difficult to perform; it was simply that no one had thought to try it before. In Iuliano's calculations, the volume of the two objects does not change; both the cube and the sphere have a volume that he set at 8pi times pi squared. When we tile them into each other, the only difference between the cube and sphere is in the amount of surface area. The extra surface area between the two is precisely equal to the fine-structure constant.
Immediately the reader should ask, "How can the fine structure constant be a relationship between the octahedron and tetrahedron and also be a relationship between the cube and the sphere at the same time?" This is another aspect of the magic of "symmetry" in action, where we see that different geometric forms can have similar properties, since they all nest inside of each other with perfect harmonic relationships. Both Johnson and Iuliano's perspectives show us that we are dealing with a geometrically structured aetheric energy at work in the atom.
----update 5/12/99
Bob Zawada reports a mathematical precedence for the second order fft function I have applied to
1. quantifying coherence in any complex oscillator
2. quantifying interharmonic spacing (Emotional Intelligence) in EKG
(to teach emotional intelligence in biofeedback).
In the literature:
"Theory of Fourier Integrals"
by Titchnarsh
researcher Cauchy works with the Fourier material on
Analytical Theory of Heat & Molecular Motion.
Cauchy,in the 1st chapter calls what I have labeled a "second order fft" a "reciprocal function of the second kind". Zawada notes that my technology "heartlink" and Emotional Intelligence measuring may indeed be the first known example of ANY real world application of this mathematics, described in 1970.
In my view, clearly this new mathematical technique I have pioneered quantifies the approach to coherence, recursion, self organization, and thus self awareness in any complex oscillator. This enables feedback loops IN GENERAL to teach self-direction/awareness/organization.
I proposed the following additional solution to cancer to Zawada today, using this technique.
Albert Szent Gyeorgi showed that increased molecular ordering in cellular water prevents cancer by increasing wide distribution of triplet state electrons.(Basically cheaper phone calls between sub cellular molecules to improve TIMING coordination for meitosis the heart of cancer resistance). (his nobel prize winning work related to his book "Electronic Biology & Cancer").
What he lacked was a tool to optimize and measure the cells skill to make that water "ice-9" like.
Now we have that tool.
Jim Patterson (CLEAN ENERGY TECH INC, 14332 MONFORT,SUITE 6302,dallas,tx,75240, 214-458-7620, patterson water cell, palladium -dodec - bead etc) showed that light scattering thru water could dependably measure whether the water had been near the body of a healer. (order increase). By using my new mathematical tool on the complex light scatter thru the water, we should clearly be able to teach that water to approach the limit condition of coherence which is the mathematical geometry of embedding perfected by phi.
Note added 8/20/99 Re: The Physics of Eclipses.. vs Gravity: Q:Subject:foucault & eclipse? Fri, 20 Aug 1999 01:26:01
-0700 Can you tell me where I can get info about the amazing
connection A: Subject: Gravity?:Proportion of charge recursion below you vs above you. Re: Tom Van Flandern's "Speed of Gravity" Grateful for your work investigating gravity measures..with some geometry in mind.. I see that Alistair Couper mentions your work also at he mentions mine at.. I had worked with bill ramsey and indirectly this was a big part of my thinking suggesting.. and do you find any evidence for..? that when waves of charge add and multiply in golden mean therefore.. the same phi harmonic charge which creates faster
than light penetration.. some math at predictions link above...? in generalized terms, gravity occurs in the atom to the extent
the nuclear geometric gravity is a charge fractal.. where wave fronts can bootstrap
thru light speed also explaining perfect compression in black holes..( bends time... dan winter ps re: eclipse effect on foucault's pendulum.. could it be that the proportion of charge recursion below
you vs above you |
Our new model in physics suggests that perfected recursion or self embedding among waves, is what creates the centering force we have previously labeled :
1. The nature of gravity
2. The nature of awareness
In order to test this model, it is useful to test it's predictions.
Therefore I would like to suggest the following predictions implied by this wave geometric model for gravity and self awareness be tested:
1. That capacitive antenna geometries corresponding to image one, will produce the best photon acceleration to superluminal, and the best time travel devices.
2. That molecular symmetries most corresponding to image one and two, will produce the best phase conjugate mirror non-linear substrate materials. Note that the definition of phase "conjugation" is the recursive addition AND the implied multiplication which only the GOLDEN MEAN permits, hence this Golden Mean braiding is the geometric DEFINITION of PHASE CONJUGATION. This will then describe not only the molecular and atomic geometric of the ideal non-linear substrate for the mirror, but also the light beam annihilation path where the two laser's collide beam: literally the perfect spin path to zero point.
3. That the valence distances of the most stable atoms like GOLD, will have average electron shell distances like image one. This should be particularly true of the 5/7 spin pair, d,f 10/14 electron shell dances. Specifically, they should be very close to whole number powers of the Golden Mean in shell diameters. (This is correspond generally also to Randy Masters work documenting the PHI ratios in the spectral emission lines of hydrogen.) ALSO SEE GOLDEN MEAN=7/5Pi/e and why..
4. That the approximately 60 degree conic angle (image two) linking the stellation of interdigitated in-phi-knitly nested dodeca-icosa (a 3D fractal?), will identiPHI the location of the major masses creating most gravity flux, implosion force, and stability of self organization as wave, in atoms, molecules, tectonics, and stars.
5. That generating long standing magnetic waves in the geometry of images ONE thru FOUR, will:
a. attract precipitation
b. create micro-climate
c. eliminate disease and stress for plants and people
d. increase measureably the force of gravity above the center of the generated magnetic implosion form.
e. restore stability in tectonics (earthquakes), and restore atmosphere loss (ozone hole etc.)
6. That weaving magnetism or water or light into the geometry of images ONE thru FOUR, will produce the optimum way to SORT that magnetism or water or light. (from it's "pollutants" )(sorted by spin density like dirt from a spinner.)
7. That rearranging the charge around a brain, to look like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will eliminate addiction, attention deficit, and create self awareness. (See Marty Wuttke, "Is This Recursion".) (by fft of EEG to powers of PHI.)
8. That rearranging the charge around a heart to look like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will eliminate arrhythmia, increase feeling/compassion and eliminate almost every chronic disease (Dardik)
9. That rearranging the braid in DNA to look like image FIVE, will produce increased ability to:
a. radiate coherent UV light (blue fire)
b. lucid dream, time travel, and bardo navigate (memory survive death, cf Geometry of Eternality, link.)(same as "get a soul")
10. That all chaotic oscillators will tend to emerge from chaos best when their periodicities are tweaked to nest like images ONE thru FOUR.
11. That image ONE thru FOUR are the only possible three dimensional fractal. (& 3+ dimensional fractal).
12. That data tree structures rearranged to be like IMAGE ONE thru FOUR, will be shown to approach inPHIknit fractal compressibility, enabling a computer revolution. And that bubble memory in this architecture will become self-aware.
13. That choosing to love will become specifically teachable in biofeedback (see HeartLink) as people learn to breathe in the pattern of IMAGE SIX,(practical exercises link).. and vary the squeeze in their hug like image SEVEN. (You couldn't get a better squeeze, and How to Touch to say Love..)
14. That global ecosystem management will become possible with the collective visualization & intention of just a few percent of the globes population, when they embed their collective EKG like IMAGE Four (embedability).
15. That self organization of systems in general will be possible ONLY in the geometry of IMAGES ONE thru FOUR, this includes sustaining FUSION reactions.
16. That light, sound, charge and magnetic emission spectra like IMAGE FOUR, will best catalyze seed germination, feed life force, and living systems in general. (see implosion articles.)
17. That public utility power distribution grids will become self-organizing, self-aware, and catalyze life and the Earth grid's self regulation, when they change from simple 60 cycle, to a complex harmonic based on IMAGE FOUR.
18. That stellar masses arranged like IMAGE ONE THRU FOUR will create black holes, and photon acceleration arranged like IMAGE ONE THRU FOUR will successfully penetrate black holes superluminally. (The solution to Einstein's problem of inphiknit implosion.)
19. That PHI=7/5 PI/E will be discovered to be due to the 7/5 spin symmetries of perfect gordian slip knot ANU/HEART/Heart of Sun.. (Anu/core of hydrogen) as at ../heartsun
20. That in order to ground electrically, and embed, and stabilize ALL oscillators of all self-aware AND electrical systems, frequencies will need to be chosen which are Phi (1.618) multiples of the 'plank length' length. This length (1.61 x 10^-33 cm) is the universal solvent of the quantum foam, into which every (wave) length of everything observable divides evenly. It is derived by the simultaneous dimensional solution for C, speed of light, h bar, planks energy constant, and G - the gravitational constant. While physics see this length as physics MOST FUNDAMENTAL POSSIBLE UNIT OF SCALE, it's numerical proximity to Phi/Golden Ration SUGGESTS that this the BASIS OF EVERYTHING WHICH PHYSICS CALLS SCALE, MAY IN ITSELF BE ONLY RATIO! (very deep idea - may be the ultimate proof of relativity). In any case, clearly in order to determine which frequencies IN ANY SPECTRA are 'sacred' or 'sustainable' or 'groundable' or 'embedable', it will be necessary to multiply this length by powers of PHI and 2. Ultimately for example this will be how to tune power distribution frequencies (healing the deadly 60 hz), to symbiotically embed the Earth in the stars. It is powerful to note here that the electrical idea of what provides GROUNDING as a wave which is (Phi) embedable IS IDENTICAL TO WHAT PROVIDES PSYCHOLOGICAL GROUNDING.. (phi/embedable ekg/eeg see heartlink)"
thoughts re: dna advancement..article
(my original notes on how recursion optimized by golden ratio
is clearly the only possible contiguous wave path thru
speed of light.. due to recursive CONSTRUCTIVE heterodyning
or additive wave VELOCITY beat notes..
are at
it is creative that greg hatton
considers the geometry of dna as a wave guide thru light speed..
truly this is the RIGHT issue, as indeed I am convinced this
will emerge
as HOW time travel, and lucid dreaming, and and bardo navigating
will be modeled in a rigorous physics of consciousness..
unfortuneately, there are some weaknesses in the direction
the paper moves:
first: clearly, the METER (and therefore how many meters light
moves in a second)
is absolutely one of the most non-embedable and therefore profane
(in the
technical sense) of possible measures..
best source here is probably
john michell's (comparison of metric vs english measures)
view over atlantis
city of revelation,
in which the pyramid inch, roman pace, megalithic yard, and english
etc. all fit almost directly in PHI golden ratio progression to
each other
and to things like the wave length of hydrogen and the planck
(1.61x10-33 cm).. you CAN define which measures are sacred
(embedable) and which are not.
Since the meter is so arbitrary by comparison,
I am sure for example once we integrate our culture into the
galactic cultures, the meter will be first to die, because it
does not
embed nature well at all..
(multiples of hydrogen for example which we have seen ARE
whole number multiples of PHI and planck length.. randy masters)
not to carry on.. but hatton would be better looking for HOW
braiding into recursion perfection creates the superluminal, (been
measured in both DNA and gold
monofilaments, both due exactly to PHI multiples as wave)
than in rambling around in waves per unit meter..
that is rather like looking for universal laws of physics
in last years congressional laws of taxation..
regarding compression of time..
the heart of the matter was Einstein admitting that it was
NOT understanding the GEOMETRY model of infinite compression
that COST him understanding why black holes bent time..
nicely solved now by simply understand perfect compression
(dilation) IS perfect recursion (geometrically.. wave multiplication
by golden ratio)
how the wave GOT thru light speed, is how it managed to UNPACK
from circle to line...
now if you look of optimized translation of vorticity
(unpacking from circle to line)
in your college hydrodynamics text book,
you will find
THAT is the clue to time dilation..
see the 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/
equation for golden ratio at
no wave into time has more elegance (el=making phase shift)
phy lotaxes
the rate at which the clock slowed IS the rate at which they
the geometry of perfect wave embedding or nesting
(defined precisely by their entrance into PHI harmonics)
dan winter
Was just corresponding with Elora Gabriel about he Wu sound system--which
may relate to Kototama based on Wu and Wei with 48 more sounds. I knew
some ot the Sensei Nakazono's friends.
Did you meet George Wuu on your Wei--similar phonetics?
Possible monoatomic connection to microtubules--notice the phi spiral/
Modulor placement of the tubulin spheres in a and b lattices--could these
'spheres' be like truncated icosa fullerene molecules that can trap
lanthanum, and thus, likely, other monoatomic lanthanides and platinides?
This might answer some of Hameroff, et al, problems with quantum collapse
over distances diatomic molecules couldn't manage. Finders of fullerene
are at University of Arizona as well as Hameroff. (Another para for
note ref Palladium key to cold fusion (electrode) is dodeca (implosion) (see moon work in chemistry )
note above recursion in microtubule, key to self organizing wave guide nature..
Thanks to Pat Flanagan for pointing out:
dodeca water,
mono atomic
dr a.w.castleman, water...
clathrate cage molecular cage for water research..
perfect vacuum,
water s most favored structure is 5 water molecules...
when water molecules get most relaxed in favorable(embeddable/fractal) charge environment, they assume the position.. dodeca
this is the shape of the nest which becomes Pat Flanagan's container for
micro hydrin.. (ears ring with dna's implosion same as gold powder)
per bob zawada at roswell:
standard water molecule, with O at top and H2 at lower triangle
average angl betw is 104 degrees, (in ice it goes to 120 hex) but in liquid it is about 104 degrees
the height that triangle versus bottom width between 2 hydrogens, is golden mean..
so water is pent , ice is hex...--
and further from Bob Zawada:
cell ellipse
healthy living human cell is essentially elliptical, the geometry of that ellipse long axis to short is PHI...
intimately linked to phi ratio,
whereas when cell deviates from phi ratio series, (for example if it becomes a circle), it then becomes cancerous..
major to minor axis of cell as ellipse for healthy., capacitive maintenance keeps..
the EM radiation we deposit in cellular tissue is helping to resonante the intrcellular water in to a state
wher e it becomes phi ratio.. When the water in PHI harmony, becomes healthy cell..
water becomes embeddable, and then the cell.. Embedability is the opposite of cancer..
bob zawada credits inspiration from stuart roy hameroff microtubules articles.. more see bottom:
notes to Chris Illert: (Key to Cold Fusion).
Extreme & implosive packing of hydrogen within palladium which is the mechanism of cold fusion is due to the chordal current flows being Golden Mean due to Palladium's dodecahedral atomic structure. (Ref Moon's work at University of Chicago, Palladium as Dodeca..) The Phi harmonic interference lattice internally is the geometry of maximum or fractal wave compression.
visualize again here "chordal" wave geometric within nested pents as dodecs as cascading Phi ratio- implosive.
note from dan, in the below,
IF you see the Hameroff solution to consciousness in the microtubules,
Re: understanding something is not spreading fear
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 04:24:07 -0600
Barry Carter <>
dan winter <>
Dear Dan,
Everything you've ever heard is true. There are an infinite
number of probable
realities; all as real as this one. We engage in conscious selection
choosing from among an infinite number of futures. All of these
futures will
happen to one version of the self or another. Which version do
you wish to
Here is a portion of an article that I wrote on this subject:
Free Will and Parallel Universes
Here I would like to discuss some of these concepts as they
relate to the role
of the unconscious mind. Many people believe that each individual's
free will
depends on their ability to perceive and choose from an infinite
number of
probable futures. While this ability to perceive is largely assigned
to the
unconscious mind, the instructions or parameters for these choices
For example the conscious mind might decide to believe in a
future where there
is a great natural disaster. (There are many good reasons why
the conscious
mind might choose disaster. Perhaps the conscious mind wishes
to rise to a
situation with great heroism or perhaps the conscious mind is
feeling guilty
for separating the self from others and wishes to join others
in solving great
problems.) The conscious mind, by toying with a belief in a great
disaster, would "assign" the unconscious mind the task
of looking for a
probable future which contained all of the elements of disaster
which would
satisfy its criteria.
Most of us do not like contrived situations so the conscious
mind would likely
also assign the unconscious mind to pick a probable future disaster
which would
have many surprising elements. The instruction from the conscious
to the
unconscious might go something like this: "I am interested
in working
heroically with others to rescue survivors of an earthquake or
other natural
disaster; I don't wish for this to look like I created it so surprise
me with
the details."
Well, it turns out that a couple of the scientists I mentioned
(Hameroff and Penrose) have postulated something like this in
a 1996 paper
titled "Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain
microtubules: A
model for consciousness" which was published in the journal
"Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation". This complete paper is available
on the web at:
They write:
"We assume that pre-and sub-conscious processing corresponds
with quantum
coherent superposition which can perform "quantum computing"
(Penrose, 1989). A
number of authors (e.g. Deutsch, 1985; Deutsch and Josza 1992;
Feynman 1986;
Benioff, 1982) have proposed that quantum coherence can implement
computations simultaneously, in parallel, according to quantum
superposition: the quantum state then "collapses" to
a particular result. A
state which "self-collapses" (OR) will have an element
of non-computability,
even though evolution of its quantum coherence had been linear
and computable.
A quantum superposed state collapsed by external environment or
(SR, or R) lacks a non-computable element, and would thus be unsuitable
consciousness. Large scale quantum coherence occurring among tubulins
(e.g. via
electrons in hydrophobic pockets arrayed in the microtubule lattice,
or ordered
water within hollow MT cores) could take on aspects of a quantum
computer in
pre-conscious and sub-conscious modes. . .
. . . But what is consciousness? According to the principles
of OR (Penrose,
1994), superpositioned states each have their own space-time geometries.
the degree of coherent mass-energy difference leads to sufficient
separation of
space-time geometry, the system must choose and decay (reduce,
collapse) to a
single universe state, thus preventing "multiple universes"
(e.g. Wheeler,
1957). In this way, a transient superposition of slightly differing
geometries persists until an abrupt quantum classical reduction
occurs and one
or the other is chosen. Thus consciousness may involve self-perturbations
space-time geometry."
In a nutshell they are saying that through a process of quantum
computing the
microtubule element throws a problem into the "black box"
of all possible
universes and pulls the solution out almost instantly. When this
happens, the
decision point chooses one outcome from among an infinite number
of parallel
They refer to David Deutsch regarding his concepts of quantum
computing. What
does Deutsch mean by quantum computing? In an online debate between
Deutsch and Seth Lloyd regarding whether parallel universes are
equally real,
Deutsch writes:
Furthermore, the universes affect each other. Though the
effects are minute, they are detectable in carefully designed
experiments. There are projects underway - close to your
heart, I know, as well as mine - to harness these effects to
perform useful computations. When a quantum computer
solves a problem by dividing it into more sub-problems than
there are atoms in the universe, and then solving each
sub-problem, it will prove to us that those sub-problems were
solved somewhere - but not in our universe, for there isn't
enough room here. What more do you need to persuade you
that other universes exist?
(You can read the balance of this debate at:
In the conclusion of their paper, Hameroff and Penrose write:
"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within
[microtubules] for
500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction:
OR). This
occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned
states of
coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To
prevent multiple
universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing
Hameroff and Penrose are implying that in order to avoid "seeing"
universes at the same time, the quantum coherence created in microtubules
some material (we think the alchemical materials) must collapse.
What if the
quantum coherence did not collapse and we became aware of multiple
Psychic Confirmation
Probable Realities
Many modern physicists believe that there are an infinite number
of parallel
universes. They theorize that atoms are made up of smaller particles
which are
like bubbles in the quantum foam. These bubbles in the quantum
foam or "holes
in the aether" (spoken of below) spend a fraction of their
existence in each of
these parallel universes.
The question of whether we can become aware of multiple universes
can be broken
down into a smaller question; whether information is transferred
between these
parallel universes. This question was debated by Deutsch and Lloyd
Their debate was anticipated in The 'Unknown' Reality by Jane
Roberts which was
dictated by Seth in 1974-75:
Session 682
"So I prefer, here to speak of these units of consciousness
instead. Their
nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical
universe, and
others as well. These units can indeed appear in several places
at once, and
without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these
basic units
of consciousness can be in all places at once. They are in all
places at
once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear
as something
Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of
them in one
atom--many millions. Each of these units is aware of the reality
of all
others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can
move forward
or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of
time with which
you are not familiar.
All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible
created from these units. Therefore, there are realities in which
the endless
probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience
grouped about
that venture.
There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint,
is made to endure
for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply
stretched, or
that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible
within a
moment have become realities within that framework."
Session 683
"Anything apparent to whatever degree in your system is developed in another.
The point of all this is that these units are unpredictable,
and fulfill all
probabilities of consciousness. Any concepts of gods or other
beings that are
based upon limited ideas of personhood will ultimately be futile.
You view the
fantastic variety of physical life--its animals, insects, birds,
fish, man and
all his works--with hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that
the nature of
consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn to
think of an
inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts
alone do
alter your present consciousness, and change it to a degree. The
present idea
of the soul, you see, is a "primitive" idea that can
scarcely begin to explain
the creativity or reality from which mankind's being comes. You
multipersons. You exist in many times and places at once. You
exist as one
person, simultaneously. This does not deny the independence of
the persons,
but your inner reality straddles their reality, while it serves
as a psychic
world in which they can grow."
Session 695
"All probable selves are connected. They each influence
one another. There is
a natural interaction, but no coercion. Each probable self has
its own free
will and uniqueness. You can change your own experience in the
that you know--which itself rides upon infinite other probabilities."
Session 733
"In your terms, the world is intensely different from
one moment to another,
with each smallest portion of consciousness choosing its reality
from a field
of infinite probabilities."
"The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive.
It is a triumph of
spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad
of probable
realities its own clear unassailable focus. . . The fact is that
in life you
poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after
death you do
the same."
Session 681
"You can choose to accept as your reality any number of
given unpredictable
events. In that respect, the choice is yours, but all the events
you do not
accept occur nevertheless."
Session 682
"All matter is based upon the units mentioned, with their
unpredictability and
their propensity for exploring all probabilities. Even your atomic
then, is poised between probabilities. If this is true, then obviously
are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself--and
this portion you
protect as your identity. If you think of it as simply a focus
taken by "your"
greater identity, then you will be able to follow what I am saying
feeling puny by contrast, or lost. The focus that you have is
indeed inviolate.
I have often said that even in your lifetimes, all probable
variations of any
one event occur, but I never went much further. With your focus,
it seems that
you have a line of identity from birth to death. Looking back
at any point,
you are sure that the "self" of ten years ago is the
self of today, though
perhaps changed in certain respects.
There is, of course, no single-line kind of development at
all. In the first
place, as you know, your life is at once, though you experience,
practically, a
life-to-death sequence--Ruburt's living area in Adventures. Every
event that could happen to you, happens."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
by Joel McClain, Inventor of the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier
( or MRA), Nonlinear Scalar Energy Device Technology. (Source:
excerpt from letter by this author to Joel McClain: (later edited
I much enjoyed, and was pleased to receive your fax. I am hopeful
that gentle sustained dialog will serve us all by helping us evolve
slight differences in language and symbol usage, into a functionally
clearer understanding of what it means to culture to "cohere
the vacuum". ... I actually believe it might serve physics
better when describing the energy/information available in the
vaccum or ZERO POINT ENERGY as "cohering the pressure
continuum", vacuum implies an emptiness which is clearly
not the case. (To massively cohere is to massively recur or
self-embed... massive in the sense of container for inertia..
which only spin conserving recursion perfect by phi.. getting
phycycle.. accomplishes..)
When we say 3D metaphor cannot describe gravity, what we perhaps
mean is the cubic (& hex, Flower of Life is all hex) 3
axis spin symmetries cannot create wave recursion. ONLY
once Fibonacci/Phi related harmonics are arranged in a symmetry
set, (waves re-pent/become distributable and are saved... just
like emotions magnetism) then the local vacuum fluctuations find
a "spin path to the zero point". This becomes more "fractally
attractive" ultimately traveling like worms embedded inside
worms. The steering center (or "in-ten{t}") migrates
by the squirt gun thru light speed which phi implosion permits.
The implosion happens because the waves are squirted under more
and more recursion pressure (like the "grail" picture
on top here). The inertia eventually reaches the PLANK LENGTH
which is the shortest wavelength in nature (1.61x10-33cm... physics
number for the ULTIMATE unit of scale, being with exquisite irony
itself a number which is likely SIMPLY pure ratio:PHI!).. a kind
of uniersal solvent of the quantum foam. Here the inertia is pressurized
out the only way of entry and exit from this limit condition:
it moves out past the speed of light at velocity harmonics of
PHI. This superluminal (faster than light) wormhole is ONLY possible
in wave sets like DNA/ microtubules and GOLD filements WHICH ARE
The non-destructive recur-sive adding AND multiplying which PHI
permits, adds and multiplies the velocities of the adjacent waves
IN ADDITION to the wave lengths. This is biologies and physics
only door thru light speed and KEY and EXCLUSIVE WAY TO CREATE:
-sustainable implosion
-sustainable faster than light wave travel
-sustainable fusion energy (see grail)
-lucid dream
-gravity (waves attract toward center ONLY in this symmetry.. see log phi in balmer series of hydrogen, and in gold etc..)
-perfect branching/embedding/recursion/DNA/microtubule/grail etc..
The practical lesson for you the user of waves (see role of mind among waves) is that the phase locking front wave crest gets steered thru that worm with a head on its (PHI) shoulders. In effect, shamanically, and lucid dream wise your only way out of here, is by using the sling shot of increasing inertia available. From your HEART center of gravity, thru the Earth's center, thru the Sun's center etc. (See navigating the Heart of the Sun)..
This is what is described if imprecisely, by the term gravity
well. To attend is to be at ten ness, in a tent shape. See Can Intent Steer Waves?
...The issue for a wave really was, how could the wave's own inertia
re-enter itself without destroying or cancelling out itself. This
could be could, the angular relation necessary for self-reentry,
or self-reference, or self-awareness. The angle of rentry which
allowed this approach back into itself, is phi. Literally this
is the geometry of permission to be self aware for a wave.
Mathematically, we might ask ourselves:
What is the FORM of an equation which can RE-ENTER itself infinitely,
(Adapted from Louis Kauffman's elegant: "Self-Reference &
Recursive Forms")
As each sine wave comes to a meeting point, the resultant pressure
nodes radiate in nests which are both the arithmetic and geometric
multiples of the source. The mathmatics for this touch permissive
geometry for waves, is the infinite Golden Mean progression:
in which each number added to the next equals the following, and
each number MULTIPLIED by 1.618033989... equals the following.
This creates the familiar Parthenon/ & Sarcopohagus spiraling
Note However, That triangle ratios also conserve PHI relations
in the edges of spiraling triangles:
This is another view of the pent path, notice here a suggestion
that we may be getting to the geometric image of the heart of
what may in fact be the physics of pur intention:
(or we may eventually decide to ask, is intention a vector, does
it have the quality of directing spin, reference is made to the
Andromedanís and Alex Collier on intention in the role
of creation)
This spiralic way of aiming spin, in such a way that as a wavefront
bounces on the curve of this trajectory, the angle of the ìbounceî
is maintained infinitely on the spiral in or out, is called "equi-angular":
This is a geometry which permits waves to bounce down into
a spiral vortex, infinitely maintaining the ratio between the
legs of each "bounce" and the angle theta of each reflection
off the curve. Think of light reflecting infinitely into the curve
of a nautilus shell, never once finding itself bouncing back on
itself in any way but with CONSTRUCTIVE interference.
Thinking in a kind of waves among jello, compression enabled destructive
intrference minimized,
this helps us to SEE that this geometry is "IDEALIZED TRANSLATION
Translation of vorticity means, the inertia in circular motion,
finds THE path to moving into a line, from motion in a circle.
Remember, the inertia stored by waves moving in a circle is our
only physical definition and way of measuring mass. Therefore,
what we are describing here is literally the only permissive path
to move from matter to energy and back. We will see why this is
then the only path from electromagnetism to gravity, because the
wind we feel into the vortex of this what we shall call permission
to implode, IS gravity. We will see this proven when we create
a scalar wave, in the geometry of PHI, the Golden Mean, which
creates the most perfect magnetic monopole, Einstein's key to
In 2D the curve would look like this, ìcoming and goingî
as it were:
In 2D the pentagonal interference geometry would look like
BUT IN 3D, the geometry of this perfect scalar wave, between
magntism and gravity looks like this:
The Golden Mean Ratio establishes the path mathematically,
among waveforms, of what is called "Perfect Damping".
This means that the ratio by which you would self cancel wave
inertia into literally "a still point", is established
by PHI the Golden Mean. Now let us consider, what damping into
a "still point" actually is. Visually, and as a wave
function, it is literally a "spin path to the zero point".
The reason "zero point energy" is thought to be infinite,
is because spin density is potentially virtually infinite as zero
frequency is approached. Spin density equals information density.
That is why fractal data is infinitely compressible. Because the
spin and information density is infinitely compressed at the zero
point, the energy required to move the inertia of that spin wave
pattern and information, also approaches ZERO! This means that
infinite information becomes "shareable" with zero work
or energy investment. This is why data compression (implosion)
is the key to every computer information revolution. And later
why this Phi recursion fractality in the EKG harmonics at the
moment of compassion, proves that love is the ultimate solution
to THE data compression issue.
Notice, in the above wave form which looks like a caddeuceus,
that the ratio of BOTH each adjacent wave length AND wave amplitude
is PHI (.618033989...). What is most important to realize, is
that when this wave ratio of PHI exists at the nodes between wave
fronts, not only does the wave length interference pattern become
infinitely constructive (as opposed to destructive interference),
oblique view, same spirals:
Notice, this is just a right angle view of the spirals we started
with, superposed on the 60 degree light cone which connect infinite
concentric Golden Mean stellated pentagonal dodecahedra:
Reviewing, we see that the geometry self reinforcing waveforms,
created by PHI is:
idealized translation of vorticity..
See below, that the twelve 60 degree toroid embedded light cones
in the symmetry of the
infinite stellation of dodeca to icosa to dodeca, create the perfect
fractal in 3D.
The x,y, and z coordinate or each vertex in this infinite nest
are each simply a continuous series of power functions of the
Golden Mean, as in fact each vertex is connected simply by arranging
10 Golden Mean spirals down the same conic vortex (as in top down
view of DNA as Deca.)
phased rotating views, exhibiting the symmetry:
above, top down view of DNA,
below, top down view of DNA,
below note hex view of dodec
hex view of dodec is entry for cube in dodec, by tilting 32 degrees,
the 3 spin symmetry cube is phase arrayed, 5 cubes in dodec, from
3D to 4!
Dimension then, becomes a name for the geometry which enables
spin symmetries to be superposed in a series of braiding operations.
Only PHI base recursion enables the superposing of spin beyond
3 dimensions, because only PHI harmonic series can be self reinforcing
or self referrent constructively pased three harmonics..
We suggest significance here in the continuous fractal from DNA
dodeca, to earth grid Dodeca, to zodiac 12 face dodeca..
Since PHI is the vertical increment of turn, PHI squared is the
horizontal increment of turn, and PHI cubed is the Radius of the
turn of the dodeca in the DNA wratchet, this means that the ratio
information of length area and volume can be conserved in a continuous
waveguide, between scales by perfect ratio. (Source: ìGeometric
Extension of Consciousnessî by Ann Tyng in Zodiac Magazine,
she reported her source to me in Coxeter, Toronto.)
Below, next unpacking of Dodeca life fractal, dodeca icosa earth
(ref ìAnti Gravity and the World Gridî Becker and
Hagens, and Buckminster Fuller of course)
note the perfect interdigitation of the dark blue dodeca, with
light blue icosa.
below, model of concentricity of 12 faced dodeca as zodiac, containing
dodeca earth grid, and dodeca DNA, as embedded fractal:
When the 3D cube is wratcheted into the dodec, we have 4D. Then
when that dodec is wratcheted down a helical ladder, which traces
DNA. we have 5D. Then that braid is braided, amd that braid is
braided. Each time when the ratio of the carrier wave, to its
longer embedding envelope, becomes PHI, then embedding becomes
perfect, and spin can wratchet by perfect heterodyne down the
ladder of life. (All life is pentagonal). The continuation of
this process of perfect braiding in DNA eventually enables wave
forms and memery information to arrive directly into DNA from
waveforms the size of planets and galaxies. This is not just spiritual
poetry, this is a physics which permits a clairvoyant to look
and feel down his/her own DNA like a periscopic organ of perception,
and see galactic wave envelopes.
from Fusion Magazine:
THE GOLDEN MEAN dominates not only the macroscopic morphology
of living processes, but also the form of the single most important
microscopic biological structure, the DNA molecule. Below is a
computer simulation of a DNA molecule, end-on view, showing its
decagon shape. Here is one cycle of the DNA double helix, showing
its golden mean proportion (1 angstrom is one 10-billionth of
a meter). The ratio 34:21 is approximately the golden mean proportion
, (square root 5 +1)/2.
At my suggestion Glen Rein and Rollin McCraty at Heart Math Institute
studied and published the effect of coherence in EKG on DNA braiding.
I had measured the onset of ordering and coherence in the EKG
at the moment of compassion and love.
Note here, how the ratio in the harmonics in the power spectra
of the EKG, at the moment of compassion, fits the GOLDEN MEAN,
and ìsacredî geometric proportion.
This braiding in the heartís electrical embeddedness, we
feel as compassion, is the braiding algorhythmn for DNA. By controlling
the braid, active sites are switched on and off. This makes emotion,
the programming for DNA.
When ekg harmonics becomes MOST oordered/coherent at the perceived
moment of compassion or rush, the frequency distance between beats
usually becomes 2 or sqaure root of two, or phi or sqaure root
of phi.. here is it PHI, 1.62..
Voltage gradient waves energizing the heart from when times breaks
down, by Arthur T Winfree.. look like a nest of fractal concentric
ìchaosî between beats is really the still point when
the infinite harmonics content of the contextual background, gravity
charge matrix, are
made available to the heart..
gravity giant lens quote p 116
phi cone permits focus in genrl
ex. constables weather capacitive comlumnating coneíweather
engineering on the high seas..
Einsteinís attitude toward the Scwartzzshield necessity
of black hole and resultant time bending was he wrote that time
ìdoes not appear in nature for the reason that matter cannot
be concentrated arbitrarilyî... p 111
caaddeceus idealized by phi Golden Mean, perfect damping, best
bends gravity with magnetism per Robert Shannon, at Nec..
note 60 degree conic shape fits faces of infinite dodeca icosa
stellation..... a trace out of implosion permission..
oblique view also
the PRINCIPLE that the Golden Mean IS implosion.
another way to understand how the stability of the gravitational
field is nourished by the physics of implosion:
the phase relationship between the spin axis of a gyroscope free
to rotate of the x axis AND Y Axis,
then if it is precessed or nutated slowly on the Z axis, the much
higher frquency x and lower y axis spins,
can be pumped from the very slow z axis precess nutate spin..
Thatís what I call ìBalling the
this is one of the functions of major massive dolmen like giza
and cydonia pyramids, by placement at
tetrtahedral (subset of dodeca) latitude symmetry on thier planetís
rotation grid, they balance/tune spin rates to enable planetary
spin to embed and be phase locked with precessional spin.
4 different view perspectives of the fifteen
perfectly symmetrical distributed
great cicle magnetic spins around a properly
fractal sphere or planet grid. Each tetra cube has 3 great circles,
when five of these are nested at 32 degree tilt (the door from
3d to 4d), this picture results.
This embedding of spins when phase perfectly recursive when it
is PHI based just as DNA spin braiding, at this point Earthís
gravity in maximally fed or stabilized by zodiacal spin. It is
also important to understand that the paramagnetic quality of
the stones in these major dolen pyramids etc., is their ability
to bend magnetism like a lens. This enables the focus of magnetic
flux density precisely around the symmetry lines which permit
Earthís magnetic grid to be fractal and thus attractive.
This was called ìplanet tamingî, making gravity stable
enough to hold atmostphere. Maintenance of biology is tricky:
too much gravity, biology is crushed, too little and no atmosphere.
Navigating that tightrope requires the terraforming which uses
dolmen to tune planets mechanical and magnetic coupled spins,
to be embedded and fractal to contextual/zodiacal precessional
spins, thus stabilizing gravity and atmosphere without crushing
Phi Optimized Scalar has Gravity
Phisumum, as the pre Nazi time travel experiments..
deca/ 5-10 antennae symmetries at Montauk, Incunabula, Damen Hur
and suspect at PHIladelphia time travel experiments..
schwartzshield radius will fall in even multiples of powers of
phi times the planck length and or hydrogenís wavelength..
proposed to work on Maxwellís equations showing that magnetism
waves geometry optimized of PHI implosion completes the unified
fields linkage
of magnetism to gravity..
schauberger egg water implosion, callum coates new book.....
piezoelectric colloid mineral doped water vortex in proper implosion
geometry generat4es electricicity direct from gravity..
schuaber and coates acknowlegde implosion as the mechanism of
gravity, and while describing the Golden Mean as important,
do not quite get to the PRINCIPLE that the Golden Mean IS implosion.
Phi molecular based molecular optimizes laser optic phase conjugation
non linear material matrix..
All significant access to superluminal scalar waves, tachyon,
and access to doorways through the speed of light limit, through
time barrier, and through event horizon will be PHI based harmonics..
Phi based and 60 degree dodeca 12 cone base capacitive charge
cone optimizes capacitive effects on precipitation, cloud formation
cf Trevor Constable Weather Engineering on the High Seas..
necessary architecture geometry for arranging data in a fractal
for compurter compression
necessary architecture for arranging neural net nodes for fractl
and self organizing/self aware..
the love that you withhold, is the pain that you carry..
per andromedan /alex collier
ubject: Seeking, Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:59:11 -0600
From: "Weisberg, Andy" <>
To: 'Dan Winter'" <>
Dan -
I just re-read your article from '96, "The Physics of
PHI", and thank you
again for your work. I really can't tell you how exciting it is
to have a
language and form for that which I have only suspected and felt.
My story in the last Email that you were so kind as to put
up on a link from
your site was a weak but sincere attempt to put into words my
which I see as a psychological/emotional reflection of your eloquent
and geometry. The childhood revelation in my neighbor's bathroom,(which
only important because I had gone in to examine the contents of
medicine cabinet and mix a few things into the toilet bowl ---
ever the
consummate alchemist), was described in light of the "rush"
or "tingle" or
"chill" you mentioned in the referenced article I had
just read. At that
point I was excited to see the direct emotional/psychological
connection to
the intellectual/conceptual physics of implosion, and to find
a shared
experience in someone I had come to respect very much.
But in reviewing this article again I see it is more than just
someone else
feeling what I have felt and describing it in a unique way. The
linking of
the mathematical perfection of fractal embeddedness and planet
taming and
DNA and gravity and time and love IS what I felt in the now infamous
gazing experiment.
The specifics were: I wasn't in the mood to look interested
while my parents
talked with our neighbors. I preferred to do some deductive reasoning
good old snooping around. I said I had to go to the bathroom.
After some
very scientific exploration of the viscosity and blending properties
various personal grooming substances in toilet water, I was moved
to just
sit and think. I remember starting to think about death, wondering
might be like. My 7 or 8-year-old mind was trying to wrap itself
around both
the reality of it and the experience of it. I thought hard about
in terms of the ending of flesh and bone, and tried to understand
what else
might happen. Not having a clearly defined model or even a firm
opinion on
the whole soul/heaven/hell thing, I thought I would act it out.
(I just now
realized that my career as an actor and teacher for over 15 years
here, in my first attempt to ritualize death and reach understanding
self-created experience... putting myself in Death's shoes, as
it were...
the ultimate compassion... a pre-pubescent monkey boy breaching
Schwartzshield and naively embarking upon inter-dimensional bardo
accessing the Threshold experience through play... too much!)
I tried
falling down as if struck by a bullet, stabbed with a knife, poisoned,
just plain expiring. The variety of approaches didn't really help,
but the
experimentation was fun, and I got more and more into it. After
hitting the
floor several times and starting to wonder if I was making too
much noise, I
stopped and sat down, and ended up looking at my hand. I remember
about deterioration, age, withering, rotting, bone, and dust,
and as I
looked deeply into my palm I had a surge of emotions and imagery
gratitude; timelessness; infinite smallness and infinite largeness;
family, ancestors, and the blood of lineage; my own lifetime in
a cycle of
eons; and suddenly I had a flash of all of the above and more
in a tingling
of skin and a flood of tears and vision of a tunnel that went
everything. That's the best I can describe it. It was over quickly,
but I
was breathless. I tried to recreate it but couldn't. It was too
deep and
powerful to just jump back into.
It was several years, at least 10 or 12, before I would experience
like it again. On a beach in Florida, while looking long and hard
at a very
tiny shell that had worn half away, and after deeply embedding
myself into
its disappearing chambers I looked quickly out across the open
ocean to the
horizon. The abrupt jolt from infinitely small to unimaginably
immense shot
me into the experience I had with my hand. Again I tried to repeat
performance, but it was the last time I would feel that particular
of ecstasy.
It is this experience that has inspired me to write to you
again, as it was
directly linked to the Golden Mean. The spiraling, chambered Nautilus-like
shell gave way to the wave form ocean with all its depth and complexity
was without a doubt the catapult that launched my experience.
It could even
be argued that the Golden Mean ratios in my wrist/hand/finger
or the spiral
of my fist triggered the first experience. In any case, I am back
to the
math and geometry and physics of your article that has given me
a framework
to understand those experiences in another way, in another language,
with greater depth and meaning.
So I'm left with a desire to learn and develop the tools to
get there again.
Kundalini, Merkabah meditation, dream work, the Heartlink Monitor
I hope to
own soon, the pleasure of an ever-deepening intellectual understanding...
all help. But I want more. How do you breathe fractally? I try
to breathe in
and out with a 13 count, then an 8 count, then a 5 count, then
a 3 count,
then a 2 count, then a 1 count, and then I stop. The silence is
wonderful. Sometimes. But that's because I can't figure out how
to take each
breath exactly .618 shorter. I want to experience PHI music. I
want to be
surrounded by PHI structures and consciously work in and through
them. I
want to know the mechanics of compassion and actualize them every
moment. I
want to know why the pent star is placed within the sept star
in the
Enochian symbol. I want to know the true history of my race, my
planet and
my universe. I'm hungry for this stuff.
Thanks for providing so much nourishment.
dan comment:
Perhaps the hand is the most maximally enervated
biostructure outside the head, (homunculus) capable of being looked
self referentially,,
and being also itself recursive by phi in length
from elbow to wrist to knuckle to tip etc..
Where finger of god touches man is
sparks gap completion of phi cascade
touch path to in phi knit charge...
And the hand focus is the classic way to wake up
inside a lucid dream ..
what does this tell us about how to recur...