Mont-Rose; new grid line
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:56:22 -0700
"William Buehler" <>
(Barry's note is included at the bottom. This commentary relates
to his mentioning two mountains: Rosemont in Scotland and Monte
Rosa in
Switzerland. My comments address what are apparently several new
lines of importance judging from the significant sites on the
lines and their
relationships. This might be of interest to geomancers, Reshel
students, Sinclairs.)
FOREWORD: Why should grown, adult males become emotional over
lines on the landscape? The lines are "ley" lines between
two or more points.
They augment the curving telluric "dragon" lines that
naturally flow between energy poles in the Earth. These lines,
natural telluric and straight ley
lines intersect to create grids of straight and curved lines with
specific functions, as in a temple or human. All the universe
is consciousness and systems
that will define and support functions within Mind. If two humans
stand any distance apart and feel love for each other a line of
energy is instantly
created between them. This works for mountains, stars, galaxies,
temples and a creature's "Vivaxis" pole in their place
of birth. There are many
examples of energy lines, straight or curved, connecting sentiern
beings. Gaia, the Planet, is a sentient being along with her parts:
mountains, trees, etc.
In creating an energy point it vortices are "programmed"
by the creator's intention be that creator angel, human, or devic
entity of high order. Ley
lines connect points THROUGH the Earth as well as on the surface;
distance is not a problem. By creating or discovering already
created grid systems
we, as human cocreators with Gaia and the various high Hierarchies,
can integrate into the many functions held in common within the
three realms
(human, angelic, devic). There are many levels for telepathic
bonding and the grids form one system within the whole. They form
a semi-permanent
"nervous" system for Gaia that includes the consciousness
of the 3 realms.
Friend, Barry,
You really hit something big re Montrose on the Scot east coast
re Monte Rosa next to Zermatt. The main line connecting these
two mountains appears
to pivot in the south at Malta, thence it hits Elba, Monte Rosa,
Gent, Montrose, and northerns out at sea north of the Scot coast
about 52 miles from
the nearest land. This sea-point is the intersection of a circle
around the Edinburgh Matrix center, the radius determined by two
things: (1) distance to
Coventry which itself is a transfrer point in a Reshel grid duplicating
the Barbury Castle (Crop Circle) grid over southern England (connecting
Glastonbury, Avebury center, Westchester, Stonehenge, etc.) and
linking to the planetary forebrain "Icarius" grid from
Ireland through Mt. Sinai,
bracketed by Rennes le Chateau and Bornholm... and (2) the intersection
of the Rosemont line and the "Grail Line" Peter Dawkins
uses from Stes.
Maries de la Mer on up through Edinburgh and to the NW Scot coast
vicinity (crown chakra on that line). I use the same line in my
Urmaga Grid. I
use Edinburgh as the apex of the Urmaga but I also project it
farther (as does Mr. Dawkins) but I also project it to the point
at sea. This "North Gate"
pole also is the intersection of a line from Ruta into the northern
islands at Shetland. There appears to be a stone ring and castle
in the Shetland
terminal pole at Muness on UNST.
The "Mont-Rose Line" crosses the main Icarius Grid axis
at 30 degrees ...Icarius' primary axis from Ireland through Mt.
Sinai, connects Gaias' two
forebrain halves. The Line narrowly misses Genova, Bern, Vermatt,
Verdun, and Brugge. Close enough that I think these cities have
Question: what is the main power point and how do we back track
this into the Clan Sinclair realm of influence? This is the big
deal: Swing an arc from
the Edinburgh Matrix center at St. Mary's Chapel ruin at Mt. Lothian
to Mt. Schiehallion, to the east and it cuts Montrose! These two
form the famous
double-mountain or "split stone" creation field of the
Christos correspondences. So the MIDDLE of the Split Stone is
the relevant creation point. The
center of the two sacred mountains finds our Tavhara Line from
Thurso to San Sebastain. Remember that this line also gives us
the center of the
Urmaga Seed grid and also the main Grail vesica using the Bethlehem
Angle and Edinburgh and Glastonbury Tor as the genterating poles.
All sorts of
interesting things! To me, the Tavhara Line is the main Rose or
Grail Line (of many).
Mt. Schiehallion is the site of the latest Templa Mar installation
facilitating the Mountain (and temple combination) as the ALPHA
pole of the
planetary indwelling Christos field. The OMEGA pole or updwelling
pole is at Montserrat basilica in Catalonia. Monserrat's logo
is a mountain being
sawn or "split" by a stonemason's saw. This saw uses
a 2x1 ratio rectangle which also includes a golden ratio in its
center divider between blade and
tension cord above. But the main symbolism is the spliting of
the Stone or serrated (three) mountains. It creates a central
(cut) mountain between two
outer mountains. The same symbol in the Tavhara Line is the two
sacred mountains: Montrose and Schiehallion with the central "mountain"
being the
triangular Urmaga Grid with the apex at Edinburgh and the baseline
between Santiago de Compostela and Ste. Maries de la Mer (Center
at San
Sebastian). This "mountain" or triangular grid is "cut"
by the Tavhara Line from Thurso to San Sebastian with the cut
starting in Edinburgh Matrix.
The Grial is thus "released" by the same center cut
that forms the Grail vesica with the original Grail contained
in the Glasonbury Tor (mountain).
The answer to the questions: The power point is the Alpha Pole
at Schiehallion and its Templa Mar. This polarizes with Montrose,
the "Rose" relating to
the Grail and 12-point archetypal temple. The Grail's Rose-Mystica
has 72 petals or 144 with the upper rose combining with the lower.
In the Barbury
Castle dynamic, the right brain corner (Westchester) uses a spiral
of 6 "L shifts" which would then work on Glastonbury's
zodiacal temple (well
described by Mary Caine's THE GLASTONBURY ZODIAC) to upgrade the
12 point zodiacal tempe 6 times to generate a 72 point zodiacal
The answer to the Clan Sinclair connection is that Schiehallion
is on a Bethlehem Angle through Fortingall to the St. Mary's Chapel
point, center of the
Edinburgh Matrix in which Rosslyn (Rose-Line-of-12) is the controlling
Resh pole. This Matrix also uses a larger L gate in which Black
Hill (with a
Sinclair tower on it, a ruin) is the hinge point, Inchcolm at
the top, and Rosslyn the control point. The Tavhara Line is the
vertical line of reference to
the Bethlehem Angle ley line from Schiehallion and Fortingal (Academy
of the Christ educated the Christ host Nathaniel soul for 1000
years at this
site). The light group that installed the Schiehallion Templa
Mar also grounded the same in the lower chapel at Rosslyn.
This Bethlehem angle and BOTH the Fortingall and Schiehallion
sites are encoded in Henry Sinclair's Shamir Arms. The two points
are opposite the
Knight's "Helm" in the Arms at the ajna (brow chakra)
and Shambala point above it. As such they are the primary divine
input into the grid system. It
is quite remarkable that the Schiehallion point was known by the
Templars and originally by the Rutans. Has it always been the
prime Christos Alpha
pole that then demanded the later placement of Edinburgh and included
Matrix poles? This angle is so important that Henry used his 5
"temple" ships
in that formation when transiting Ruta on the 1398 CE expedition
(psychic source).
THE PRIME PATTERN: By extending the connecting line between Rosemont
and Schiehallion westward we intersect the Island of Tiree. Another
important line hits the same point at Tiree: the "Spear of
Longinus" from Holy Island (Lindisfarne) through the center
of Tom Grahm's pentagram in
Edinburgh and on through Staffa, Iona's Lucifer stargate complement,
to Tiree. The Spear of Longinus Line can be shifted slightly to
Ionia or Clan
MacLean's Durart castle on Mull. Duart apparently synthesizes
the Iona/Staffa dual poles. Another important line comes down
through Tiree: the Barra
to Stonehenge Bethlehem Angle connection. (Thoth said that line
has not been active since the Rutans relocated to the Hebridies
and Orkneys.) "Barra"
in Hebrew means "seed, son, emptiness, purity, to create,
beloved, select, feed." Stonehenge is the prime "shiyn"
pole in the Barbury Castle Reshel grid,
it "sets" the form. It is quite likely that the Barra
Line encoded Tiree along with Stonehenge.
Using the above Montrose -Schiehallion -Tiree Line, a triangle
is formed with the apex in the St. Mary's chapel center of the
Edinburgh Matrix
connected with the Schiehallion to Montrose portion. This same
triangle can use the Montrose to Tiree portion and use the apex
at the Isle of Man.
The western line is that one from Barra to Stonehenge via Tiree.
The eastern line is from Montrose, through Edinburgh's Arthur's
Seat(?) to the Isle of
Man. A golden ratio is found in the Montrose-Tiree Line with
Schiehallion marking the golden point. The basic triangle uses
57 degrees at the apex,
almost an equilateral triangle.
If the Montrose-Isle of Man line is extended it intersects a point
over the head of the Anglesey man. This point is the "Man's"
essential chakra over the
crown. This is the Grail vesica apex using Bethlehem Angles from
Glastonbury and Edinburgh. Since it is at sea the nearest land
is about 8-9 miles and
is the tip of the Man's Ureaus on his helmet. This is effectively
the Grail apex whose "cup" is from Barra to St Mary's
on the Isles of Scilly. The base of
the Cup is north of Liverpool on the Tavhara Line. All of Ireland
is the circular "Host" (Body of Christ) in the Cup,
with its center at Usihneach
There are many more considerations related to the connections
but this is enough for an email comment. The primary pattern appears
to be the 57
degree apex triangle. The two apices are the Edinburgh Matrix
and the Isle of Man. The Isle comes up in my hazy memory as the
place of
Arthur's origination or Camelot site. I am not certain but in
any event it seems to have very potent lines connecting with it.
Many thanks for your last e-mail comments. You were quite right
as I had not twigged about the importance of working with a Great
Circle map when
trying to plot alignments of any great distance around the globe.
Thanks for the useful input.
I have known about Greg Rigby for several years and have a copy
of his book. It is interesting to note that he picks up on the
EPHESUS connection.
The Sion, Gisors, Glastonbury potential link is intriguing. There
may well be a templar connection into Sion which I am currently
checking out. Also,
the Merovingians apparently established a mint for gold coins
at Sion during their dynastic era. Interestingly, not too far
away, at Zermatt in
Switzerland, we find the striking conical mountain MONTE ROSA
(MOUNT OF THE ROSE), which lies at the geographical centre of
the Alps.
Curiously, on the east coast of Scotland, we find the placename
MONTROSE which also means MOUNT OF THE ROSE.