Amman, Jordan­ Keystone of Peace at the
Crossroads of War
**** Condensed article ****
©Peter Champoux

More of Peter's work on land map to ley peace etc. see

Many more examples of mapping long land magnetic lines to sustaining cultures/peace:

ElDorado & The Re-Penting of America:Pictorial Map to America's Geomantic Global Role

The following information gives perspective to the
'Troubles' that plague the Middle East. This study narrative
is based on geomancy. Geomancy is a subtle science which
identifies geographic patterns. One such pattern is a ley line,
the coherence of nature and culture in a straight line across a
yard, city, region, or planet. The two leys discussed in this
article cross in Amman, one Arabic (for lack of a better term)
and the other European (for lack of a better term),.
Amman, Jordan, in Roman times, was known as
Philadelphia. Like the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania of old
America, an ocean away, Philadelphia, Jordan of today is a
keystone of religious tolerance, brotherly love and
constitutional justice. The intent of this article is to show just
how important Amman is to the world and peace to in the
Middle East.

What are these Middle East ley lines? Each war, each
conflict, each death sets a memory into the earth. Histories
of violence coalesce distilling into ley lines of violence­
wound aggravated by disposition. After all these years,
centuries, millennia of war, a deep pattern is marked in the
world. Examining the chaotic patterns of war, coherence
emerges­ a focus or road of war leading to the Middle East.
Some years ago a colleague introduced me to a transglobal
alignment of cities. At the time it was interpreted as a
spine of culture. This European alignment, or cultural
coalescence, course through Mexico City, Atlanta GA,
Washington DC, Baltimore MD, Philadelphia PA, Trenton
NJ, NYC, New Haven, Boston MA, through Nova Scotia,
Newfoundland, Dublin, London, Belgium, the Franco-
German border, Kosova, Haifa Israel and Janin on the West
Bank- Amman Jordan and into Saudi Arabia.

Over the past 600 years this ley line has been entrained
with European adventures from the conquest of Mexico by
the Spanish Empire, to the assassination of Archduke
Ferdinand, the Croatian War, the Bosnian War, the Kosova
War, Waterloo, the Battle of the Bulge, the Irish War of
Independence, the Bombing of London, the American
Revolutionary and Civil Wars, the War of 1812, WTC 911,
with world wars, revolutions and riots interspersed.
The two anchor regions of this trans global ley are
Mexico and the Middle East. In the past human sacrifice was
practiced in both these locations. Could this wave form, this
abomination, still animate this line? The Aztec priests surely
cursed the Europeans as their only recourse against the steel
of the Spanish. The Aztecs in this way were avenged at the
hands of the English in the Irish Sea­ in their destruction of
the Spanish Armada.

At the other end of this line lies Israel. It is historically
known that the Pharonic priests cursed the rulers, peoples,
and lands of Cananite, Ashkelon (Israel), worshipers of the
monotheistic deity El and practitioners of human sacrifice.
The Egyptian priests and Pharaoh perceived this as outside of
The Ma'at, the order of the universe. Whether or not one
believes in curses, it seems prudent to act with this in mind.
Suicide bombers are a form of human sacrifice still evident
Another ley marks important Arabic cities. Coursing
out of northern Africa along the southern border of Algeria,
this ley of Arab culture marks the Nile Delta at Tanta Egypt,
passes through cursed Asheklon, then to Jerusalem, Amman
Jordan, Baghdad Iraq, Kabul Afghanistan, the Line of
Control across Kashmir and onto China and Taiwan.
The city of peace at the cross roads of these primary
European and Arabian leys is Amman Jordan­ Philadelphia
of Arabia

In a geomantic sense, cross cultural conflicts can be
arbitrated in Amman, differences can be overcome, common
ground can be planted. Through Amman the call to prayer
can be heard in the West and the call to freedom heard in the
East. A convergence exists in Amman. It is the place where
healing begins and forgiveness found. Forgiveness is a force
stronger than gravity. Amman Jordan, the crossroads- the
hub- is auspiciously placed to facilitate peace and

Diverse spiritual leaders, prophets, scientist, and
politicians proclaim that we are at "the Crossroads." We can
continue down this path of destruction or take a turn
towards an inclusive sustainable future. If we are at the
crossroads, where is it? The answer maybe Amman Jordan,
the cross roads of religion, culture, trade, geography and,
unfortunately, conflict.

Clearly two ley lines of culture are marked on the earth,
one Arabic and one European. These lines of entrainment
are programed with war.
With prayer, intention, right-action, celebration, we as a
human community could entrain these lines with peace,
enlightenment, compassion, forgiveness, renewal,
cooperation, ...

Honor World Peace and Prayer Day, June 21st
Peter Champoux is the author of Gaia Matrix a book
about the sacred sites of North America. $25 + $5 SH 800-
877-2693. Fax credit card info to: 413-774-0101. Check
payable "Franklin Media" address below.
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Arkhom, Inc. 19 James St. Greenfield, MA 01301
Peter Champoux

Consultant- Gaiagrapher- Lecturer- Book Compositor 413-773-0010