1. Manifesting the Christ: Rev 6:6; an interpretation of energetics.
...2 short notes at the end:
2. Book announced, by Barry Dunford.
3. Midwest Penta noted, earth grid named The Great Lakes Biome
by Peter
I'm putting this into several lists since the approach (1)
scripture using energetic terms; (2) uses a Reshel format; (3)
is from
Revelation which I believe to be a broad schematic for any major
shift in
the Racial Mind/Soul, especially important now anticipating LP-40.
I apologize to those whose names are in more than one list.
1. MANIFESTING THE CHRIST: Revelation 6:6:
One of my own amusements is finding geometric (COSmetric)
energy/consciousness systems in scripture. These basically start
with the
"Christ/God Within...(---)" and work out with some sort
of complex system
for organizing consciousness and supporting energies. In scripture
I find
dozens of major systems and in turn dozens of sub-systems for
each of those.
Each matrix supports the specific action-line(s) being demonstrated
in the
passage. My own analysis of energy applications must first be
preceded by
trying to find out what the author(s) were trying to say, which
then drags
me back to the tedious job of decoding the originating Hebrew
(beyond the
English and Greek overlays).
WHAT'S THIS IN AID OF? The overall subject would reasonably
be useful in
many applications in business, schools, or special projects. The
theory is
that any process, to be successful is resonant with the "Divine
Harmonic of
Universal Accord", another term for the dynamic of "Elohim"
or synergic
unity of all Eloh's or "magna-souls" resonant with the
"El." Religious
context and terms would not have to be used to describe basic
areas of study
and action, but the first step is to (1) decide on the State-of-Being
expressing as the Christ-Within, (2) identify the spiritual dynamics
used to
manifest that State, and (3) then translate the dynamics into
the frame of
reference that suits your project. This grossly simplified commentary
is an
This format could be used in group application, which lifts
it out of simple
mental gymnastics and into the realm of practical light work.
Its use would
serve to make a strong harmonic link with the Revelation schematic,
particularly if the 4 Seals were also used as the 4-Square containment
associated with the (6:6) seed energism. However, if these would
be used
they should purge the fallen codes of War, Hunger, etc. to then
put the same
factors into a Metatronic context: example: "war" would
not exist where
there is no evil or related fallen human urges. In that there
would be no
"Peace" either if we view Peace as related to War. Instead
there would
simply be "resonance with the Divine Harmonic of Universal
Accord." (I
believe that most of all the Worlds' scriptures must eventually
be 90%
rewritten to have Metatronic relevance... completely dropping
out sin, et
al, and thus redemption and ascension. Its the difference between
a totally
new CONTINUUM and simply a New Age requirement.
THE FORM: Three measures form a penta-triangle with the equivalent
measure (all with the "Denarius" charge) in the mid
point on the triangle's
base line. This is a Reshel format, as the Penta-Dove correspondence...
Metatronic Breastplates. The Wine and Oil are the two "wing"
poles of the
penta-star, or the generators. In the Reshel, I am relating these
two points
to the "Sacred Vaults of the Sun", which are located
slightly lower than the
standard pentagrams' side stars.
I have selected one sub-system (seed format) within the 7 Seals
relating to
the Book (Rev 5:1) held by him who sits on the Throne, holding
the book in
the right hand. The dominant couplet that seems to bracket (Dione
the Book is the Lamb who took the book (5:7) and the Lion of Juda
who opens
the Book (5:5). The 4 creatures govern the 1st 4 seals which are
centered by
the 5-point seed matrix. This matrix is generated by the "scales"
(Selah) of
Seal #3. I will first provide an overview of sacred geometry needed
better understanding of the several functions of the Cross and
The 1st Four Seals are in a cross format (for manifestation)
with a sequence
in opening the Seals. The system of colors, creatures, tools for
each Seal
describes the nature, function, and method of opening the Seal.
(I will not
address this large subject.) After opening the 3rd Seal which
is Black (for
the Selah), uses scales (which translates from Hebrew as the Selah),
and the
creature with the Face of the Man (the Resh function: Chief Head
the Hebrew letter resh was written as the face of a man in a left
profile)... then the central 5-point system can be opened. It
"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say:
'A measure of
wheat for a denarius (penny) and three measures of barley for
a denarius;
and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."
The wording tells us that there is a triangle that equals a
single unit,
both worth the same amount, and there are two separate aspects
functions. This is fairly standard in the energetic use of a 5-point
star. The "One" unit is not standard but it does fit
the more exact use of
the Reshel format where a "shiyn" pole us used on the
center point of the
star's base-line. The shiyn pole transfers codes from Spirit into
system. This one-to-three also duplicates the male's one heart-pole
re the
females' three poles. (This does not mean that the female is better,
it is
simply that both have different and complementary functions...
assuming that
both are working from clear heart chakras. Source of this unknown
info is
Thoth/Maia.) Reshel technology is much more complex than this;
I am trying
to keep it simple.
The 7 seals first set up the 4-Square containment field, including
the Seed.
The next 3 seals seem to be describing the LP-40 or Ascension
event using
martyrs as the human souls in the fallen continuum. IT IS NECESSARY
eliminate the evil karmic charges found in the Seals' mechanism
and to use
their opposites. For example: "Death" would use "Life"
as its opposite and
correct charge. As Revelation is now written it is in a redemption
relevant to the fallen Oritronic continuum; we are interested
in a
Metatronic application possible by eliminating the Fall Factor.
If we can
achieve that level and clarity, the system may be used "back"
down into the
fallen reality if that is what the operator would wish to do.
Most of Revelation, as with the rest of J-C scripture is devoted
understanding the female function(s). But these are relatively
hidden behind
male proper nouns: names, places. The many systems of "7"
(Sheeba) indicate
the complete female structure; always look for the 8th aspect
to define the
male relative to the 7 of the female. Thus with the 7 Seals we
have a female
system and the male or 8th aspect is the "other" angel
(8:2) complementing
the 7 angels relating to the Seals. This is not the subject of
this paper,
other than to stress the nature of the "7" and how the
divine Bride
generates the manifestation process. The 4-Seal matrix, with seed,
is a
female mechanism but it has male functions within it. This can
be very
confusing and it can be ignored in this interpretation due to
the degree of
complexity. The thing to remember is that we are looking at Female
MAJOR SYSTEMS are found throughout scripture. There are basics
understanding sacred cosmetrics or "grids." (A "grid"
consciousness in terms of functional, complementary poles.) There
are three
basic functions that can be linked to numbers and systems:
(1) 3/6: The CONNECTIVE function: synaptic linking of all forms
include thought-forms. In Genesis its the form of "chen"
related to Cain,
Cainan. (There are three forms of chen initiating form in Genesis:
Grace as
in Enoch/Chenowk, Connective as in Cain, and the Form as in Canaan.)
This is
usually a tube, pillar, tree, spear, staff or situation having
6 aspects: 6
jars of water/wine, 6 beings in the Transfiguration scenario,
the 666 number
(which is NOT the mark of man/beast: a serious mistranslation
of the
protosiniatic glyphs for the letter lamed!), 6 pointed star or
"Key of
David" as the pillar in the temple of God (Rev 3:7-13), etc.
In modern
mysticism this is often called the Layooesh Pillar. The first
of twenty four
Breastplates of Metatron (highest archangel).
(2) 5/10: The SEED function: basic initial format generating
the whole form
of energy and consciousness. A few good examples are the 5 Rivers/Lands
forming Eden (translated: controlling foundation), the 5 aspects
of seed
centering the 4 seals in Revelation, the 5 porches in the Pool
of Bethzatha
(John 5:1-14), and an excellent passage in the Maitri Upanishad
2.6 (using 5
breaths). Another seed format, for the Gospel of John are are
first 5
Disciples in John 1:35-51. I am citing this as special in that
it links with
the Dove and that in turn with the 2nd of the Metatronic Breastplates
"Penta-Dove" (scripture uses two forms of dove: ascending
(Jona/Yona) and
descending (Tor/towr/torah) as the forms of sattva and tomas or
releasing and form building respectively.) In this respect, the
Dove of God,
Christ, and His first 5 disciples I would relate to the basic
State of
Being. The 5 Disciples, including the very mysterious "other"
disciple "that Yeshu loved(?)", are effectively a holographic
seed for all
aspects to be germinated and grown. This "Initiate"
based on Grace is
Enochian, or the form of chen found in Genesis as Chenowk.
This deserves special comment. Enoch in Genesis is the tiphereth
sephirah of the Cabalists' Tree of Life/Raa/Towb found in Gen
1-9 by
analyzing the lines of generation, translating the names of the
players as
the sephiroth. The Heart, seed-center is in Gen 5:21-25, which
I consider to
be the Center of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. In this,
Chenowk is
the Christ correspondent ...translate the name for details. There
are two
names in the two lines of generation that are spelled the same:
Enoch and
Lemech. In effect, Enoch is the male Christos and Lemech is the
(3) 4/8: The FORM function or "4-Square." The "4"
must always have another
complementary format that can move into and escape from the Form:
the pillar
connective or gateway. This is sometimes the "5th" component,
as in Eden's
river that makes the 4 others. This same idea relates to Nathaniel
Yeshus' initial-5. This would be saying that the Pillar is one
of the Seeds'
5 basic programs. In the 3-chens of Genesis the Form is Canaan
or the base
of the pedistal/vineyard (from this we would go on to better understand
Wine/blood/water/true vine references).
MALE-FEMALE POLARITY is basic to all formats but there is always
a center
androgynous point synthesizing both, although this point is not
specifically shown. This "central" point is found in
the inner triangular
part of the 5-matrix in Revelation where 3 seed-barley measures
equals 1
seed-measure of wheat (Rev 6:6) both equaling a denarius/penny.
The idea is
that the unit is the "denarion" (whatever that is, relating
to Latin: 10)
energetically translates to wheat and that energetically equates
with the
"three" of barley. Geometrically this could be drawn
as a triangle (barley)
balancing on a Center represented by the "denar(---)"
dynamic, with the base
line of the triangle centered by the one unit of wheat. (I'm going
to go
into this more below.)
The male-female units are extensively used in scripture but
the female is
usually hidden within a male person's name or place. (Realizing
this, most
of the J-C scripture is based on female functions, NOT male! A
popular but
natural misconception.) An example is John 3:28-31 re the bridegroom,
and most exactly that Yachanan must decrease while Yeshu increases
(manifests). The best example in the Jewish scriptures is Genesis
related to the Two Witnesses and Pillar and Heap (connective and
Laban is the female function. A higher understanding of this superb
would have BOTH Jacob (the pillar controller) and Laban (the
Galeed/Jegar-sahadutha as the form) would be FEMALE but male and
charges respectively. This is the classic DIONE COUPLET as I've
included in
previous commentaries (credit to Rev. Mtr. Maia, and Fr. Simeon
for the excellent information). The Couplet is also found as the
sisters: Nephthys (wears the Tower/pillar crown) at the head of
the fallen
Osiris (Lame/Fisher King) and Isis (wearing the Throne/form crown)
at the
feet of Osiris. (Mari Migdalene ...migdal means Tower... and sister
are typical equivalents.)
The 3rd Seal color is black (horse), the creature has "the
face of a Man"
(the 4 seals duplicate the Fixed Cross in Astrology; this is Aquarius),
the tool is the Balance/scales. A proper study would include the
nature and
functions of all the Seals or "4-Square" and in their
sequence but that
would be too much for this commentary. I am only slightly referencing
3rd Seal since it opens the Seed in the Center.
The "horse" I believe to be the equivalent of a "camel"
in the Hebrew
alphabet, the glyph drawn as an L. In that the horse is a time-beacon
transfer matrix, and the letter gamel/camel is clearly the time
symbolized by the L, then the Seals' horses of different colors
relate to a
nonlinear or universal Time dynamic. Black is the color of the
Selah or
divine Void. The scales (Selah in Hebrew) describe the path of
Life from
Source into the Seed and thus into the 4-Square mechanism and
its forms.
We note that all the elements of the seed matrix involves seeds
of some
sort: wheat, barley (both grains), oil (olives from a tree), and
(grapes from a vine). However any seed or resulting creation MUST
have a
life-path opened into the process. Life only comes from divine
Source beyond
all distorting phenomena and that would be the Unmanifest God:
the Silence,
Void, Dark/black, Rest beyond names, light and angels. This most
aspect is found in the 3rd Seal as the black color and the scales
translates as "Selah" or the "Suspension, scales,
silence between musical
We realize that the SCALES separate two poles from the unmoving
fulcrum/suspension point: these two poles are the "measures",
one of wheat
and the other of barley, both equaling one denarius for each measure.
this way the one pole known as wheat and the other of 3 aspects
is barley.
So the first most important understanding must be within the DENARIUS
In short, it includes the dynamic of "10."
that I've
received from friends, regarding the Denarius' meanings (I've
edited out
names and repetition).
My translation of "denarius" is containing ten. The
associations I get
from Rev 6:6 and this is some of the following:
A day's wages.
Justice rules the work day (ten hours long).
Ten is the number of the tetrakys and the number
of full material manifestation. The horseman in this
section is charged with judging the waking or conscious
of our day.
Ten is also the number of the ordinary three dimensional
The judge is asked to spare the church and its children
(the vine
A denarius is one days wages a reference back to the pericope
in the
Gospels about the laborers and their wages and how long
they worked.
Dr. Mark Allan Padolsky: Denarius:
The Latin word denarius means "consisting of
ten" and it comes
from the Latin word deni which means " by tens ".
The plural form of denarius is denarii.
The Republican denarius is made of silver.
The Republican As is a large and heavy coin made of
bronze and is
worth less than a silver denarius.
One denarius is worth ten ases.
The letter X means ten and many denarii have the letter
printed on them to show their value of ten ases.
A star was often used instead of an X to show the coin's
The root "d(e)n" simply means "ten" (things),
with the original Biblical
word -- in Greek presumably, but derived from the
ancient Roman "denarius" -- the coin that was paid
for "a day's wages" in
the fields. Which I'd not ignore. It can relate to a just and
reward for work accomplished. Actualisation, realisation, manifestation,
etc. Done is what had to be done. Finito.
Ten is the number of completion & perfection, and of Malkuth,
the Kingdom.
But also of the Shekhinah, the Bride of Christ. Symbolized in
part by the
Dark Horse in Revelations, rider holding the balance (Libra).
Bringing all
things into balance is the Work of Completion. The sacred or alchemical
When the word was used as a noun, it had different endings, and
it was
referring to a silver coin which was equivalent to ten asses,
but then
later to eighteen asses and then later again to a Attic drachma.
I am equating the 3 measures with the 3 poles of the female's
energetic and the 1 measure as the male's. The Scales measure
them as equal
in charge and worth, both equaling the "denarius." In
the Reshel pentagonal
format we will place the single pole in the baseline of the penta-triangle,
called the "shiyn" pole which transfers divine codes
into the system via the
female. The hearts of each are being emphasized as the carrier
of the Charge
of 10 and of the grains. (This is one form of the Mystic Marriage.)
The Denarius represents the main charge of codes organizing
the wheat and
barley. Wheat and barley can be extracted from the Hebrew "bar"
which also
contains the meaning "Emptiness, purity." This is the
Selah aspect of divine
source of Life and the start of any creation sequence. With the
seeds, in
the two measures of the Selah-scales, there is the vital consistancy
of the
Selah Essence (Life, Being) transferred into the penta-star.
By making the main charge into a Latin word we not only have
a special
mystery flagged but it also has the other associations of monetary/labor
The Denarius "charge" is one of 10. It is also an
"X" or x-gram, saltire
cross, or system for downloading spiritual programs. "10"
in Hebrew also
relates to the "Asher" in Ehye Asher Ehye (I Am That
I Am) which is a sacred
creation formula as a name of God. Asher includes the meaning
of 10, 1/10th,
a cedar tree, grove of trees, and 10-stringed lyre. In the formula
represents cosmos within a dual dipole (the two I Am's) or Dione
format. Further, it correlates with the 10 sephiroth (books) in
Cabalist's Tree(s). This is a direct harmonic of the penta(5)-star
used in
the seed structure; this becomes a 10-point wheel when the responding
"5" of
Spirit complements the given-5 in Rev. 6:6.
(Note: in the Metatronic upgrade to the Cabala there will be
13 sephiroth in
the Tree.)
(Note: in the Hathor Temple at Dendera there is an amazing
mural showing a
sophisticated rendering of the Dione Couplet. It also uses the
penta-star as
its central format but its hidden in the Reshel grid.)
Not to become too technical... the Reshel establishes an "event
horizon" or
"teleplane" creating a reality frame by setting up two
"Threshold(s) of
Sythia" or sockets for the Great Pyramid and also the tetrahedron,
at each
end of the line/plane. Between these defining points there are
two "Pools of
the Moon" or "Pools of Life." These are terminal
points of two golden ratio
spirals out of the Glory pole (apex of the Pyramid) which support
Life in
the reality being created. These two Pools are themselves subsystems
teleplanes that are the base points of the penta-star and Christic
Dove. The
apex of the penta-triangle is called the Zayin/Zeon/Zion pole
and is the
upper range of the Reshel grid; there are two, one each for the
male and
female halves. The penta-base is also the minor axis for the L-Gate
of golden ratio rhombuses. In this the Christic penta-dove is
also the
time-gate and transfer mechanism as well as the generator for
the Central
Pillar of the Temple: the Layooesh connective. (The penta-dove
is also
Metatron's 2nd Breastplate of the 24. The Reshel is the 3rd.)
To create the 5 points of the penta-star we can spin the penta-triangle
around its center. That is one of the things that occurs. But
there is
another situation in which the "Sacred Vaults of the Sun"
are the two "wing"
points of the star. These vital poles are located on the golden
spirals and are not in the perfect positions of the pentas' five
points. It
is my feeling however, that the Vaults' points were used by the
Atlans in a
modified 5-point star geometry and represents a valid system used
complement the first. This offset penta-star appears very nearly
to be the
same as shown in David Wood's GENISIS, page 196, "The Temple
Walls": an
earth grid in Rennes le Chateau. (Wood's geometry is very good
but I do not
use his cosmology.)
Therefore, using the above items I would draw a penta-triangle
"penta-spear" as Thoth calls it. Then I center a single
point in the base
line (the shiyn pole). This provides the core "grain"
seed format combining
both male and female heart poles although in the female "half"
of the Reshel
both are female overall. They are oppositely charged in the male
The "Resh" or "head of a man" (Chief Head
Stone) of the 3rd Seal, harmonic
with the decapitated head archetype, establishes the format for
the seed. IE
the Reshel. In keeping with this "spirit of the requirement"
I will also use
the Reshels' two Vaults of the Sun to represent the two side-points
of the
star or its "wings." In the Reshel the eastern wing
point is named (by
Thoth) the "teyth" pole and the western point is the
"dallet" pole.
These duplicate the standard penta-generators, male and female
(This would be the topic of another long commentary.) For this
paper I will
place the OIL (Olive Oil) in the male pole and WINE in the female.
two, together, provide a Vine wrapped around a Tree, much as we'd
find in
Rosslyn's "Apprentice" Pillar, or Tree of Knowledge.)
I'm purposely using
the Vaults of the Sun poles since these, in one half of the grid,
with the Pools of the Moon in the other... in one of the most
Reshel combinations.
HOLOS ACTION: The merging of Sun and Moon creates the eclipse
effect and the
"LEON" (Lion Gate) in the universal seed format described
by Thoth, using 5
functions or 6 (as a WHOLOS) including the shiyn pole in the expansion
will add the Lion Gate notes at the end.) Copies of the HOLOS
on request.
THE OIL: (male pole: transfers fire codes from Spirit into
the female
form-birther). I assume that the oil is Olive Oil, from a tree.
The "tree"
in Hebrew best relates to the ASHER in the dual di-pole formula
using the
Dione Couplet: Ehye Asher Ehye. The Tree relates to (1) the main
tree in the center of any major spiritual system; (2) the Tree
as the
Tree(s) of Life, Raa and Towb; and (3) the "Forest"
as the "High Grove" or
Temple archetype.
The oil is an extract of the Tree, thus represents condensed
sun light. Its
used as lamp fuel and also carries a charge to use for sacramental
annointing. The fire codes transmit instructions for temple, tree/grove,
light, spiritual process, cosmos... ostensibly ALL codes needed
to execute
the Revelation scenario.
THE WINE: (female pole: form gestation, birthing, nurturing
resonant with
the Divine Harmonic of Universal Accord). Correlates with the
Vine (as
compared with the Tree) or VINEYARD. There is a basic format used
relating to any of the wine/blood mysteries. It is the triunity
of the "3
Chens" found in Genesis. These are apparently the 3 aspects
of the first
energetic trinity used in the creation process: (1) Grace (as
in Enoch), (2)
the Connective (as in Cain), and (3) the Form (as in Canaan: the
to the pedistal (Malkuth) and Vineyard. If one aspect is used,
the other two
must be active or else there is no action or it is abortive.
Oil and Wine do not mix; the oil must be transformed into light/fire
to "mull" the Wine with its codes.
The first and most important method of converting the form
to something
useful is to use the form in group dynamics to improve vortex
stability and
capacity. This involves the group having to achieve a minimum
State of Being
based in the Selah and in Grace. Then there is a minimum of technique
in forming and exercising a synergic type of unified group.
Individual action would require (1) being practiced in meditation
in the
Selah or Silence/Rest; (2) a state of being high in the Grace
factor or
"Heart Coherency"; (3) balance in male (focused single
heart pole) and
female (unified 3 aspects of the female heart pole) dynamics in
seed-thought and then developing same; (4) study to include a
specialty in
one or more spiritual systems adaptable to Metatronic frequencies
and new
state; (5) physical work involving beauty and living agencies
plants, animals). Ideally all these aspects and functions would
with rectifying the fallen actions found in Revelation, transmuting
all of
them into their light-functions. This would start with transmuting
War and
the 4 Plagues found in the immediate 4-Square containing the central
Respectfully submitted,
William Buehler
Acknowledging the author(s):
This material was produced by Rev.'s Simeon and Maia Nartoomid
of Johannine
Grove Ministry, an esoteric and metaphysical ministry operated
up until
1999. This organization is now known as Church of the Holy Flame.
The main
Church of the Holy Flame website can be viewed at:
Rev. Mtr Maia Nartoomid still operates a personal website dedicated
to the
esoteric metaphysical mysteries at:
(Note the
4-Square and Triunity (female) preceding the major penta-grid):
"We gather unto the circle of the Foursquare Stone.
It is meted from the Talisman of our Blood Fire.
From the Cup of the Sapphire we doth pour our aether of Spirit,
unto the Sepulcher of Holy Order.
"The Trinity Mantle of Isis/Sophia/Johanna is secure upon
so that we may beseech the Grace of Her Blessings on this occasion
"We stand unadorned in the Light of the Cosmic Christ,
received fully upon
the Sword of His Splendor.
May we be revealed in the Time Spirit of our birth and destiny,
that we shall fulfill our Templaric service upon the earth.
In this gathering before the Altar of Presence, we affirm the
(Now I'm skipping the four other Gates to only address the
LEON (Lion)
"Enter Hierophant, from the Lion Gate.
Impress the Logos of Mind upon our anointed foreheads.
We seek thy meditation with Divine Form,
inscripted into the terrestrial manifest of our world.
In us, do we become Creation through the breadth of the Sun and
the depth of
the Moon.,
the two conjoined in expansion and contraction as a Sacred Atom
in the heart
of our most holy spaces.
(Note: continuing with a few other comments from Thoth re the Lion Gate:)
LEON ...THE LION GATE ...The Seeding of New Creations through
cooperation of Like-Mind ...Interfacing of Dimensions, the 'Primary
Substance' of Generation, The Fluidity of Co-Creation Projected
into the
Waters of Life. Submerge to the depths, rise to the Light--all
images are
reflections of Dolphin Play. Keep thee to thy domain as a cub
to his den.
Soon winter will pass and the seas will warm again and the earth
fulfill itself. The Lion is the Guardian of the Pools of Life.
The Solar
Lords command the seeding of the Universe. It is both the Vault
of the Sun
and the Pool of the Moon in co-creative harmony.
2. New Book by Barry Dunford.
Barry has greatly expanded his original book: THE HOLY LAND
Barry is a notable scholar in his own right but he has also liberally
infused the new book with Thoths' commentaries (via the Revs.
Nartoomids as
mentioned above). A description of the book is in his site: The site will have ordering instructions.
highly recommend it as a much needed, esoteric complement to the
many other
excellent books about the holy land of Scotland.
3. US Midwest pentagon earth grid: the "Great Lakes Biome"
(also of Sinclair
There is a most unusual grid found in Peter Champoux's THE
page 117. It shows a huge 5-point, penta-star centered at Sault
Ste. Marie,
Michigan/Ontario and extending as far as the 3 shown points: Duluth
we have a Temple of the Emerald Mar installed at Split-Rock Lighthouse
National Park), Chicago, and Niagara Falls. There is a mid-point
on the base
line (as described in the above 5-point Revelation seed schematic)
LAKE ST. CLAIR empties into the St. Clair River flowing past
Detroit/Windsor. The center axis would seem to pivot in the combined
ROSEVILLE, and ST. CLAIR SHORES next to the lake and near the
This connection with Clan Sinclair is almost amusing in that
many of
Europes' main Reshel Grid energy-control poles have had direct
links. Here in the middle US in a major Reshel grid we have the
same. Other
Reshel complementing systems are in Nova Scotia, the ARKHOM grid
the East Coast of Canada and US discovered by Peter Champoux (found
in his
book: The Gaia Matrix), and in the vast Bakhira Grid covering
North and
South America and spanning from the Pacific into western Europe.
(My theory:
this grid is the schematic found on the Westford Knight stone,
a seed stone
in the Arkhom Grid.)
An old friend of mine, practiced in Reshel dynamics, has recently
"blissing out" repeatedly. She lives in Sault Ste. Marie
and might be
experiencing a Metatronic shift in the Great Lakes Biome.
The two "not shown" points in the North and NE are
the ones usually not
obvious due to their more refined energetic functions. Its a fail-safe
mechanism. Unless the rest of the system is first mastered these
would not kick-in and the penta-star would abort.
Subj: Post Script to the latest Shamir issue. As usual, excellent
presented by Rab. I've put my 2 Cents in at the beginning, mainly
as a note
back to Rab.
You note: "The Arkhom, Pilot Mt, and Sault patterns would
be subsidiaries to
it. The central latitude is 45N, and shades thereof -- including
Hiawatha - New Ross/Oak Island latitude ~44N44. The focus of
the Sefirah
includes all between Boston & Washington DC in the southeast."
Replying: Also the 45.304N line might be of use somewhere.
I've addressed it
before in notes about the Sinclair Grail-Expedition of 1398 CE
and the
encoded Zeno Narrative chart. There's a rhombus shape in the chart...
I call
it the benchmark... made by 28 points. Nobody knows anything about
it but to
me anyway its the central key to the locations of the Beth. Angle
formats in the chart. Anyway, beyond all the hidden geometry of
the chart I
"knew" that the latitude was connected with it and that
it could be found
with 1.618 x 28 = 45.304.
(In Reshel technology the zayin pole at the apex of the penta
uses 28
spheres interacting in what seems to be a torus to create a situation
the fallen Oritronic reality can interface with the Metatronic.
interaction generates a "zoi" beam of light across the
form. This is also
part of the Reshel's symbolism of a Crescent and penta-star above
it, now
used as a sign of Islam but much older. I've also commented on
a few "28"
The 45.3N parallel runs across the Atlantic into the landfall
at Chedabucto
Bay at Nova Scotia, then across NS to the landfall at Cape d'Or
gold, fire, lightning, etc.) at Scott's Bay. That one leads on
inland to
provide Reshel siting. I personally think that the Sinclairs didn't
have to
run the parallel when transiting the Atlantic but that it was
a matter of
convenience... also that the latitude has some energetic significance
as a
ley. I think the Sinclair priests or "Navigator" qualified
Templars could
navigate psychically: use telluric lines at sea as on shore, also
vertical pillars of light over key nav sites, communication with
not to mention just reading the Akashic.
Part of the Zeno Chart is a line from the monastery SW to a
point I relate
to Ruta, through 8 fictional islands. With the monastery at the
NE end of
this line, the 8 islands give us a 9-chakra grouping along with
golden ratio
hits. I call this the "Navigator Line" in that it provides
(1) a major line
for grail triangulation, and (2) chakra specifications for qualifying
navigate and to psychically transport grail codes.
RE the usefulness of the Great Lakes Biome penta, I'm more
enthusiastic over
it. I view the Great Lakes as the "sacred pool" for
the Americas side of the
Planet: right brain hemisphere. A sacred pool seems to be needed
near any
temple or spiritually charged site; it apparently serves as a
(literally) for mental/emotion codes. (Thus the "Lotus Eater"
often found in extensive water areas if not used well.) Further,
due to the
codes-reservoir capability water/mar is a large archetype relating
to a
teleplane or reality field. (Also coded in the Scot Gaelic word
"linn.") The
two river-ways draining the Lakes would become quite important
influences in
the surrounding land/cities.
Considering these points, Thoth wanted a Templa Mar installation
north of
Duluth, at Split Rock. Also, we put in several years of Reshel
light work in
the Sault area. I agree that Duluth, Chicago, Detroit and Niagara
Falls are
not sparkling examples of high awareness but then, where is there
any such
in the order of magnitude we are demanding it? Further, it doesn't
take over
100 monkeys to generate the needed synergic harmonics. When we
were running
the light group in the Sault there were about 80 persons (6 groups,
in the Midwest area from the Twin Cities to Chicago to the Sault
running Reshel formats for several years. This is over/above other
intentional spiritual communities in the area. So I wouldn't despair
of the
Lakes as being unworthy of a large penta for seeding purposes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rab Wilkie" <>
To: "William S. Buehler" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Shamir] 1. Rev 6:6; 2. New book by Barry Dunford;
3. Gt. Lakes
----- Original Message -----
From: "William S. Buehler" <>
To: "Buehler's List" <>;
"Golden Portal"
<>; <>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 6:19 PM
Subject: [Shamir] 1. Rev 6:6; 2. New book by Barry Dunford; 3.
Gt. Lakes
> Subjects:
> 1. Manifesting the Christ: Rev 6:6; an interpretation of
Dear Bill;
An excellent bit of work! And very useful, it seems to me.
> 3. Midwest Penta noted, earth grid named The Great Lakes
Biome by Peter
> There is a most unusual grid found in Peter Champoux's
> page 117. It shows a huge 5-point, penta-star centered at
Sault Ste.
> Michigan/Ontario and extending as far as the 3 shown points:
Duluth (where
> we have a Temple of the Emerald Mar installed at Split-Rock
> National Park), Chicago, and Niagara Falls. There is a mid-point
on the
> line (as described in the above 5-point Revelation seed schematic)
> LAKE ST. CLAIR empties into the St. Clair River flowing past
> Detroit/Windsor. The center axis would seem to pivot in the
> ROSEVILLE, and ST. CLAIR SHORES next to the lake and near
the river
> entrance.
Rab> I'll say it's unusual. I've looked at it many times
and it doesn't
seem quite right to me, and I've done as much work in Ontario
anywhere else, not counting the dozen years I spent growing up
there. Which is not to say that some Great Lakes geo-structures
not reflect a pentad format and resonate with certain distance
(Note for example that the distance between the 5 main perimeter
repeats elsewhere and off the plan as between the westmost end
of Lake
Erie and the eastmost end of Lake Ontario). But too few of the
nodes hum
for me, nor would they for anyone else I know. Duluth, Chicago,
Niagara Falls, and "The Soo" are of course fairly major
towns, and the
lake tips strengthen at least the southern portion of the overall
but every one of these points can be considered as falling within
the US,
despite a few mirrored sites in Canada: The Soo, Niagara Falls,
and Detroit/
Windsor. I therefore suspect that it: a) is mainly a low-grade
or gross
frequency pattern resonant with geology & city formation,
rather than
higher frequency/sacred siting ; b) is relevant only from the
not the Canadian; or c) cannot be considered a full pentad, because
alleged northern portion seems (to me) less than latent. (I also
don't like
the way the pattern pretty well ignores Lake Ontario).
However, in the macro Diomedes polar grid, the Great Lakes
region is
central to the 18th Quadrant (Americas Sector) . Its central longitude,
(Middle Pillar of the Americas Sector), runs through Niagara
roughly the eastmost boundary of Peter's pentad -- which covers
of the Quadrant. East-central portion.
The Quadrant is large, covering most of eastern North America.
the longitudes of Kansas City & Kenora in the west to Halifax
east, and
from the latitudes of Fort Severn (on Hudson Bay) in the north
Charleston(SC) & Jackson (MO) south. But it does nicely embrace
whole Great Lakes system from the mouth of the St Lawrence to
of-the-Woods on the Manitoba/Ontario boundary.
Also, the central sub-quadrant covers the main part of the
Great Lakes
from Chicago to Quebec City longitudes, with the Superior and
waterways reflecting the widening St Lawrence across the board.
But of greater significance overall, at least when using the
Tree of Life
pattern (with 12/13 Sefiroth), the Great Lakes Region hosts the
Sefirah in North America below the Arctic Circle and north of
the Rio
Grande. This would be lunar Yesod or Daath, depending on which
the energies are flowing.
The Arkhom, Pilot Mt, and Sault patterns would be subsidiaries
to it.
The central latitude is 45N, and shades thereof -- including
Hiawatha - New Ross/Oak Island latitude ~44N44. The focus of
Sefirah includes all between Boston & Washington DC in the
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