Completely new version of Dan Winter's inspired invention:

Latest Updates:

also see the HeartTuner at

Background Data on the

Heart Harmonics Biofeedback Project

3/5/2000: Harmonic Module:Global Heart Entrainment Dream-ReAssembles-HeartBeat 2000 - Through One Heart into the New Millenium ,.. HeartBeat 2000 Update:Project Goes GLOBAL!,.. The Harmonic Module,A PLAN FOR A GLOBAL MEDIA BIOFEEDBACK VISUAL EVENT.

Please follow the top newly updated "Braiding DNA: Is Emotion the Weaver" link at



update - 10/2000: The REAL Heart Math: Music from the EKG Shows up in the Voice When you Speak from your Heart?

Our first major Heart Biofeedback Study Results:Heart Biofeedback Study at Society for Ascension, "Meditation" 6 Month Intensive


and heart harmonics data at






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