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Searching for optimal configuration of

Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP).

Evaluation of CAMP-project expenses and CAMP applications

By:  Alex Kaivarainen


            During preliminary investigation of CAMP-project, the following tasks have been accomplished:

-  The number of International companies, producing equipment, which could be used for Comprehensive Analyser of Matter Properties (CAMP) assembly, has been contacted;

-  After getting the information requested, the optimal configuration of CAMP was chosen. It is presented in form of block-scheme below.

The block-scheme of Comprehensive Analyser of Matter Properties (CAMP)

  The approximate prices of equipment for CAMP-system are presented below: 

 a) FT-IR spectrometer NEXUS-870 (Nicolet) with attachment ÛSeagull?  (Harrick Sci. Co.) for getting the reflection spectra of strongly absorbed aqueous mediums in middle and far IR (2000-50) 1/cm""""""""""             """"""""""""""   100. 000 EU

b) Combined unit for simultaneous measurement of sound velocity and density in wide temperature interval: DSA 5000  (Anton-Paar): """"""""""    30.000 EU

c) Refractometer RE 40  (Oy GW BERG & Co Ab)""""""""..  14.000 EU

Total price of equipment for CAMP assembly:                                144.000 EU                                            

 The approximate time necessary for CAMP assembly and adjustment is about 10 month with technical assistance of engineer. 

  The most important component of CAMP is computer program, based on Hierarchic theory of condensed matter, developed by A. Kaivarainen (copyright, 1997). This program via interface of the above listed equipment with personal computer allows evaluating about 300 parameters of condensed matter in real time.

  The demonstrational version of CAMP computer program can be downloaded from the front page of site: <> .   This Demo-CAMP program, illustrates a wide possibilities of  CAMP system on examples of water and ice in T-interval: 30 370 K. 

     The new quantum Hierarchic theory of condensed matter, is on-line:

It demonstrates good correspondence between theoretical computer simulations and       experimental data on examples of ice and water. 

   The sensitivity of final results of computer calculation of number of important parameters of water (total internal energy, number of molecules in coherent clusters, vapour pressure, surface tension, thermal conductivity, viscosity and coefficient of self-diffusion) to variation of primary parameters (position of translational and librational bands in IR spectra, sound velocity, density and refraction index) in the range: +/- 0%;  +/- 1%  and  +/-3%  has been investigated. 

It is proved, that CAMP - computer program is stable to such variations. For the other hand, deviations between calculated and experimental results usually correspond to  +/- 1% or  +/- 3% variation of primary data.

A number of possible applications of CAMP for study of perturbation of aqueous systems  under the electromagnetic (EM) field treatment have been proposed.

I. Possible Applications of CAMP to Aqueous Systems

1. Monitoring of drinking water and water based beverage quality, related to their physical properties perturbations, induced by EM fields of different frequency;

2. Investigation of electromagnetic  pollution (radio and TV waves),  using physical properties of water as a test system (ecology problem);

3. In pharmaceutics technology - for monitoring of water perturbations in drug solutions, induced by EM of resonant frequency. Correlation of water perturbations with biological activity of drug solutions;

4. Study of colloid systems, related to paper technology: Influence of electromagnetic fields on physical parameters of the bulk and hydrated water for regulation of [coagulation - peptization] equilibrium of colloids and quality of paper;

5. In biotechnology and biochemistry: a wide range of problems, related to role of water in biosystems and water - biopolymers interaction. Regulation of this interaction by EM fields;

6. Mechanism of transition of flow from the laminar to turbulent one and the ways of this process regulation by means of electromagnetic fields;

7. Evaluation of frequencies of cavitational fluctuations of water for the end of their effective resonant stimulation by EM radiation. It may be useful for:
a) de-infection of drinking water;
b) development of pure energy technology;
c) cold fusion stimulation.

II. Possible application of CAMP to nonaqueous systems

1. Fundamental research in all branches of condensed matter physics: thermodynamics, dynamics, phase transitions, transport process, surface tension, self-diffusion, viscosity, vapour pressure, etc. (Universities and Research centers);

2. Monitoring on mesoscopic scale the new materials technologies, including nanotechnology for searching the optimal conditions (T, P, physical fields), providing the necessary properties of materials;

3. Investigation and regulation of high-temperature superconductivity;

4. Study of mechanism of superfluidity.


The profiles of companies, which could be interested in CAMP and  titles of corresponding projects:

· Companies, producing cement, beton, etc.

Project:  "Monitoring of result of EM treatment of water by CAMP, optimal for

 beton and bricks hardness elevation";

· Companies, producing colloids based products.

Project:  "Influence of EM and acoustic fields on water clusters and

hydration shell of colloid particles for regulation of their

[coagulation - peptization] equilibrium", improving the quality of final products,

i.e. paper and glue;

· Companies, related to green house products (tomato, onions, etc.).

Project: "Monitoring of EM field influence on physical properties of water by CAMP. Correlation with vegetables growth - stimulating effect";

· Companies, producing mobile telephones.

Project:  "Influence of working EM frequencies of mobile telephone on

water physical properties and structure/function of biopolymers in aqueous solutions.

Finding the most effective insulation of EM radiation, if necessary".

· Companies, producing alcohol-containing beverages.

Project:  "Influence of EM field with selected resonant frequency,

on the kinetics of beer and vine fermentation and taste;

· Companies, producing drinking water, Cola, Pepsi, etc.

Project: "Monitoring of EM field influence on physical properties of drinking

water by CAMP. Correlation with healing effect: lowering the blood pressure,

concentration of cholesterol, etc. ";

· Pharmaceutical companies:

Project: "Influence of EM field with selected resonant frequency,

on physical properties and biological activity of water-based drugs solutions".

CAMP could be very useful for monitoring of electromagnetic pollution of environment, using water physical properties as indicator.

It is one of the most important problems of modern ecology.

The market for Comprehensive Analyser of Matter Properties (CAMP) is free and due to its huge informational potential (about 300 physical parameters of matter) could be even bigger than that for IR, Raman or Brillouin spectrometers. The physical and chemical departments of the Universities and Research centers are most probable customers, as well as companies of above listed profiles.


Looking for partners in promotion of innovation
Any company, academic institution or university in Europe, USA, Canada or Japan
The basically new Hierarchic Theory of Matter and Field has been elaborated and quantitatively verified on examples of water and ice by computer simulations. Corresponding computer program (copyright 1997, Kaivarainen): "Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP)" makes it possible to evaluate about 300 physical parameters of any liquid and solid. The idea of new optoacoustic device with similar name - CAMP, described below, is based on Hierarchic theory and computer program.
The market for Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP) is free and due to its unique informational potential could be even bigger than that for IR, Raman or Brillouin spectrometers.

I propose to my potential partner collaboration in building of CAMP prototype,
its patenting, manufacturing and marketing

by: Alex Kaivarainen
The new physical device named: Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP) with novel and wide possibilities for fundamental study of condensed matter (liquid and solid), monitoring of different process in pharmaceutics, beverage and paper technology, chemical and polymer technology, biotechnology and technology of real materials has been proposed. This device is based on the new Hierarchic Theory of Matter and related computer program (CAMP)", developed by A. Kaivarainen (copyright 1997).

Theory has been published in my books:
- "Mesoscopic theory of condensed matter and its interaction with light", University of Turku, Finland, 1992;
- "Hierarchic Concept of Matter and Field. Water, biosystems and elementary particles", New York, 1995.
Corresponding series of articles is presented at the web site and are available on-line:[New articles] <> and at the Archives of Los-Alamos:
The results of calculations of lot of parameters for water and ice, using our computer program (CAMP), are very close to available experimental data. This fact confirms the correctness of new theory.
Quantum Hierarchic theory is a first one general for liquids and solids. Our theory unify and extends strongly the Einstein and Debye
models. It considers the condensed matter as a "gas" of different kinds of three-dimensional (3D) standing waves:
- de Broglie waves, related to molecular translations (tr) and librations (lb);
- IR photons, corresponding to intermolecular (tr) and (lb) modes;
- thermal phonons.

The hierarchical model, describing virtually all the properties of condensed matter, is a result of superposition of four new basic types of quasiparticles (collective excitations): Effectons, Convertons, Transitons and Deformons, which are strongly interrelated with each other.

EFFECTONS are three-dimensional (3D) superposition of standing de Broglie waves of molecules or ions, related to their translations and librations. The thermal in-phase (acoustic, a) or counter phase (optic, b) oscillations of particles in the volume of effectons are coherent. In general case the EFFECTONS represent coherent clusters, resulted from high temperature molecular Bose condensation, as it shown in our computer simulations;
CONVERTONS [tr/lb] are responsible for interconversions between translational and librational types of the effectons;
TRANSITONS are related with (a - b) quantum transitions - quantum beats between acoustic and optic anharmonic modes of the effectons. They can radiate and absorb coherent IR photons or thermal phonons;
DEFORMONS: primary (electromagnetic) and secondary (acoustic) represent a 3D superposition - interception of standing photons and phonons, correspondingly, radiated by TRANSITONS.

All possible combinations of the above listed four basic excitations lead to HIERARCHIC SYSTEM of 4!=24 quasiparticles, making it possible the comprehensive quantitative description of any kind of condensed matter.
Hierarchic theory is quantitatively confirmed already on the examples of water and ice in books, mentioned above. It is a new convenient bridge for unification of Micro - and Macro - Word in terms of quantum physics, making it possible to get a qualitatively and quantitatively new information about liquids and solids.

The set of formulae obtained in our theory allows to calculate about 300 parameters of any condensed matter. Most of them are hidden, i.e. inaccessible for direct experimental measurements.

Simulations evaluation of these parameters can be done using our computer program: CAMP (copyright 1997, Kaivarainen) and the following
experimental methods:
1. Far/middle IR spectroscopy for determination the positions of translational or librational bands: (30-2500) cm-1;
2. Sound velocimetry;
3.Dilatometry, for molar volume or density registration;
These data should be obtained simultaneously at the same temperature and pressure from the SAME SAMPLE in ideal case. Among the parameters of matter evaluated are so important as: internal energy, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, viscosity, coefficient of self-diffusion, surface tension, solvent activity, vapor pressure, internal pressure, parameters of all types of quasiparticles (concentration, volume, dimensions, energy, probability of excitation, life-time) and many others.
The combination of equipment listed above (1-4) in one unit (CAMP) - makes it possible to conduct such kind of
measurements and corresponding computer simulations.

The most complicated and expensive component of CAMP is FT-IR spectrometer for far and middle region.
The most sensitive parameter is sound velocity. The less sensitive and stable parameter is molar volume or density.

One of possible CAMP configuration should include special attachment to FT-IR spectrometer, making it possible the simultaneous registration of reflection spectra in far/middle IR region and refraction index. Such approach allows to study the properties of samples with strong IR absorption (i.e. aqueous systems) and non transparent mediums.
The combination of such modified FT-IR spectrometer with another device for simultaneous measurement of matter density and sound velocity will provide 4 parameters, listed above, to run our computer (copyright, 1997, Kaivarainen).
The sample cell for liquids and solids should have a shape, allowing to make all these measurements simultaneously. The interface of CAMP's registration techniques with personal computer makes it possible a monitoring of very different dynamic physical process in real time.

The another configuration of CAMP may include as a basic device the Brillouin light scattering spectrometer. It makes possible simultaneous measurement of sound velocity (from the Doppler shift of side bands of Brillouin spectra) and positions of intermolecular bands [tr and lb] in oscillatory spectra in the far IR. Our hierarchic theory of Brillouin light scattering gives much more information about condensed matter properties than conventional one.

Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP) represents a basically new type of scientific equipment, allowing to get incomparable big amount of information concerning physics of liquids or solids. It can be very useful for fundamental study of dynamics, thermodynamics and mesoscopic structure of pure matter, solid and liquid solutions, the colloid systems and host-guest systems.
CAMP may be very useful for monitoring of physical parameters of drinking water, drug solutions, pulp in paper technology. In biotechnology CAMP can be used for elucidation of mechanism of the antifreeze and ice nucleation proteins action on water dynamic structure and thermodynamics.
In biophysics CAMP may provide the crucial information about the role of water in biosystems, water mediated distant interactions between biopolimers in a course of their conformational change.
Study of influence of electromagnetic and acoustic fields on aqueous systems and water - dependent process is possible using CAMP. The monitoring of crystal growth and new materials production is possible also.

CAMP allows to get very detailed information about following processes: temperature and pressure induced first and second order phase transitions, self-organization in water-polymer and biological systems, liquid crystals, perturbations of matter stimulated by external physical fields, etc.

Such complicated phenomena as the turbulence, superfluity and superconductivity can be quantitatively analyzed and elucidated. CAMP can be used also for understanding the mechanism of turbulence and ways of its regulation by physical fields. It's a matter of big scientific and practical importance. For this end a special cuvette with circulating liquid can be constructed.

CAMP will be useful in a lot of research laboratories, studying condensed matter physics as well as in INDUSTRY of chemical technology and nanotechnology, for monitoring the processes of crystallization, polymerization, chemical reactions and the final properties of real materials.

Configuration of CAMP, based on micro IR-spectroscopy or confocal Brillouinmicrospectrometry could allow thecomprehensive analysis of matter properties in microvolumes.

Demonstrational version of CAMP computer program is located at URL: <>
Theoretical background is presented in series of papers at Archive of Los-Alamos:

I. Applications to aqueous systems
1. Monitoring of drinking water and water based beverage quality, related to their physical properties;

2. Investigation of electromagnetic and acoustic pollution, using physical properties of water as a test system (ecology problem);

3. In pharmaceutics technology - for monitoring of water perturbations, induced by vitamins and drugs at low physiologic concentrations. Correlation of water perturbations, induced by vitamins, drugs, physical fields, with biological activity of solutions;

4. Study of colloid systems, related to paper technology: Influence of electromagnetic and acoustic fields on physical parameters of the bulk and hydrated water for regulation of [coagulation - peptization] equilibrium of colloids and quality of paper;

5. In biotechnology and biochemistry: a wide range of problems, related to role of water in biosystems and water -
biopolymers interaction (i.e. mechanism of cryoproteins action);

6. Mechanism of transition of flow from the laminar to turbulent one and the ways of this process regulation by means of electromagnetic and acoustic fields;

7. Evaluation of frequencies of cavitational fluctuations of water for the end of their effective resonant stimulation. It may be useful for:
a) de-infection of drinking water;
b) development of pure energy technology;
c) cold fusion stimulation.

II. Application to nonaqueous systems
1. Fundamental research in all branches of condensed matter physics: thermodynamics, dynamics, phase transitions, transport process, surface tension, self-diffusion, viscosity, vapor pressure, etc. (Universities and Research centers);

2. Monitoring of new materials technology for searching the optimal conditions (T, P, physical fields) for providing the optimal parameters on mesoscopic and macroscopic scale for their best quality;

3. Study of mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity;

4. Study of mechanism of superfluidity.

The market for Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP) is free and due to its unique informational potential could be much bigger than that for IR, Raman or Brillouin spectrometers.