Turtle EyeLand
The Unity of Biology and Ecology with Spirit
Alice in Mathematical Wonderland
: The Divine Ratio
Life's Archetypal Architecture

From Dan Winter- Today: August 11, 2017- Fractalfield.com - features the work of our very old friend David Yarrow:

PLEASE help support our important friend David: dyarrow5 (at) gmail.com

by David Yarrow, October 1996
(NOTE: in this first draft, image conversion is still experimental. Dan Winter)

page one: The First Dimensions

page two: The Second Dimension

page three: The Third Dimension

page four: The Fourth Dimension

page five: Psychology and Biology

return to Sacred Geometry master index www.fractalfield.com
Sacred Geometry, Fractality & Awareness; Coherent Emotion & The Earth Grid
The Green Dragon: pathways to the third millennium


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for a green and peaceful planet for the Seventh Generation
David Yarrow at Turtle EyeLand