Youtube.com/danwinterfractalfield 350 lectures, 3 million views |
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Phase Conjugate Fractality: The NEGENTROPY Principle behind THERAPHI ... AND - HOW Gravity is CAUSED PlanckPhire: Perfected Fractal Implosive Charge Collapse-Cause of Gravity & Consciousness ( film below)..It's SOOO convenient- learn the simple electrical reason ^ objects fall to the ground.. Golden Ratio / Conjugation / Fractality CAUSE Both Gravity and Mass- because only they permit charge to be efficiently ( and in the case of gravity- IMPLOSIVELY) ..COMPRESSED! Dan Winter's new 2023 (5th) book is OUT! Planckphire.com |
”Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE! - Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! Recursive Feedback=Self Awareness=Fractality. 100 Years of Writing Field Equations, yet has physics investigated whether the same fractal field that causes gravity could also most nourish DNA- Dev 2016 Updates from Dan Winter/Implosion Group: Understanding the Longitudinal Wave Science of Alchemy and Spirituality: www.fractalfield.com/alchemyoffusion Phase Conjugate Fractal Wave Mechanics of Perception / Bliss- 3 Compelling New Spectral Charts BioActive Fields: Life Creating Field Effects-new Major Index Commercial Applications Major Breakthru on the Physics: Dan Winter's PHASE CONJUGATE/FRACTAL CAUSE OF GRAVITY Electromagnetics gets New High Level Proof/ Equation from Mark Rohrbaugh: The Charge ARC (THE Gravity!) Which Embeds the Proton IN the ELECTRON IS CONJUGATE! New interviews/physics accompanies the clinical release:our breakthru PRIORE Plasma REJUVENATION FIELD/HEALING Tech: 4 new interviews (top_ our latest tech updates- latest newsletter:Try IMPLOSION SOUND yourself- THE psychoactive binaural ( key to bioactive electromagnetics as well) NEW: GROZINE Magazine Feature Article our blog/ updates/ conversations: Jan 2015: The Cold Plasma Revolution: Oct 2014: Blockbuster success- new release-Dan's New Book: Fractal Space & Time-Origins of Gravity, Negentropy, Life Force and Perception. Conjugating Life: Geometric Origins of Biologic Negentropy- fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime (3 ways to order) April 2014: Origins of Negentropic Fields- Aug 2013: MINDWAVE: A compelling testable wave mechanical description of human attention- Mechanism of the Measureably Centripetal and Self-Organizing Electrical Nature of Human Consciousness: Conjugation and Longitudinal Wave Compression-11 Part HD Video Documentary- detailing the wave science - real wave mechanical understanding of consciousness! May 2013: Complete New- University of Girona - Lecture series films- with Dan Winter- Mar 2013: FLAME in the MIND-Dan's complete new Barcelona lecture films- www.fractalfield.com/conjugatemind Dec 2012: Fusion in the BLOOD- Dan's lectures from S.France: fusionintheheart.com Nov 2012:Major Updates to Implosion Group/FractalField- many exciting RESEARCH PROJECT SUMMARIES + Latest Dan Winter Media Interviews May 22,2012-Golden Ratio/Fractal Geometry of FUSION/ Implosion Proof-new wave equations. Physics confirms: Centripetal forces requires golden / fractal principles. Pure principle for cohere the vacuum /zero point tech: Feb 1,2012:Dan's new analysis- The SCIENCE of REINCARNATION - > fractalfield.com/reincarnation Nov13,2011:Dan's major newsletter: FRACTAL ALCHEMY-The Real Science of Plasma Fusion/Oneness. Sept 11: Scientific Clarity:What Is a SACRED Frequency? + TheImploder.com New SuperIMPLODER- web site completely new - research news update July31: Revisited from Dan: June 29,2011: Restoring Centripetal Forces for LIFE and Self Organization - 20 New Films with Dan Winter + Centripetal Natural Solutions to Radioactivity May 14,2011:Breathing into GAIA-Photosynthesis:Precisely Fractal/Phase Conjugate-new equations +ALL NEW SuperImploder redesign & film - at fractalfield.com/fractalphotosynthesis April 18,2011:SuperIMPLODER-Next Generation for Imploded Water- Announced-REAL Phase Conjugate Magnets! + 2 New 1+Hr Films:PERFECT FLAME -ALCHEMY Science Complete / Natural Radioactive Solutions - fractalfield.com/superimploder Mar14,2011:Starseed:Stars Need DNA-Peacemaking the SUN-the Most Intense & Quality Film EverI Is it possible- to describe a deep meaning for THE PURPOSE OF LIFE- in simple engineering terms? Dan Winter talks in detail about how stars - like our Sun -have their need for centripetal force- served by the maturing of human genepools- like ours. A fast and moving dialog about the many present issues of spiritual growth enlightened by a serious physics.Then Dan Screiber joins us- teaching about the biology of life force, Terra Preta- the "holy grail of soils"fractalfield.com/starseed Feb 14,2011:Alchemy, Fractal Compression, Plasma Fusion-The Geometry of Human Group Mind ONENESS Experience Feb 1,2011:Australian Research Project & Events Announcements- fractalfield.com/feb11fractalimplosionnews Jan 2,2011: New Years Newsletter from Dan Winter ,New December Videos from Implosion Group Plus-News about the New Commercial Imploder Also- the Breakthru-Technology.com New Years Newsletter Dec 14: GiaFilm:(real) Frequency of Genius-Interview w/Dan,-Implosion Makes Waves Perfectly SHAREABLE.(end of secrets..for waves.&PEOPLE!+Commercial Strength IMPLODER- fractalfield.com/frequencyofgenius Dec 5: Over the Rainbow: where all waves (& your aura) go AFTER they get fractal/phase conjugate (implode)-KEY to self organization out of chaos/ pollution. AND physics of 'salvation' -electric doorway to 'communion of saints'- 'the collective unconscious'> fractalfield.com/overtherainbow
Oct 2,2010:Coherence:Deep Science & Biologic Meaning:Film- Int'l Conference on COHERENCE Sept 1,2010:Gravity IS Love:NewAttractive Physics&BLACK HOLEs CENTERS on PHI July(7-7,10:goldenmean.info/malta<TWENTY NEW FILMS & VAIROCANA Effect:REAL HERMETIC Revolution May 5,10:Real Fractal Plasma Science of the 2012 Story:Carrington Event-Geometry / From Incube-ation to Implosive Self Organization(films) www.goldenmean.info/carringtonevent Mar 25,10:Calling Angels-Physics Breakthru- Ophanim Enochian as Simple Plasma Vortex Nests- Embedding AND Steering- Stellar Fields Mar 15,'10:DEATH OF THE BEES- (CCD) - Mar10,10:Blockbuster Physics Summary:Overwhelming Evidence: Golden Ratio Fractal Phase Conjugation causes Gravity, Perception, Color, Life, Time: All Centripedal Forces. PLUS:Best FILM SERIES EVER-Aussie10Reviewed, PLUS -ElNaschie GOLDEN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY - PLUS:NewRelease THEIMPLODER-Ready goldenmean.info/selforganization Jan15,2010:Deep Science in "Avatar" Movie: Fractal 'Roots' of Biologic Democracy: How Biology Finds Shareable Waves- Teaches The Purest Form of Democratic Process../NEWS & Latest 6 Films w/Dan goldenmean.info/avatar Dec 26,09:Reinventing Life Fractally-"Best Overview I've seen on Alternative Technologies / New Physics !" - Recent Breakthru-Technology Conference has Participants in Tears - Event Reviewed: by Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D. ( Ed: SpaceofLoveMagazine.com )- & Four New Radio Shows. Dec 1,09: Dramatic Nu Release-15 Major Film Exerpts from Intn'l Scientists BREAKTHRU TECH Conference-Calgary> fractalfield.com Oct 22,09:Newest Film:Barcelona-GRAVITY SCIENCE - in honor of Occult Radio with Dan Winter Oct 11,09:ELECTRIC FIELD which Causes LIFE-the evidence-BioArchitecture & Phase Conjugate Dielectric/FRACTAL FIELD: Sept 26,09:Soul Retrieval- the Fractical Plasma Science- Dan Winter, & New ONLINE VIRTUAL VIDEO EDUCATION launched! & New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> fractalfield.com , Breakthru-Technologies.com , TheLoveTuner.com , Pyraphi.com AND fractalgold.net Sept 9,09: Co-Incidence Defined: Aug 23,09:Breakthru-Technologies.com Aug 5,09:FRACTAL Solutions to Climate in Chaos:Climate Scientist-Data+ 8 New Films! goldenmean.info/fractalitynotcarbon July 1,09: 2nd International Biologic Architecture Conference & Design Festival Press Release - A New Science of LIFE FORCE in Buildings-Centering Force in a BUILDING- IS a New Unified Field!The same FRACTALITY in SPACE -defines LIVING SPACE in ARCHITECTURE June 21,09:Gravity Explained: HOLY GRAIL Of Science. goldenmean.info/gravityexplained June 15,09:Mathematic 'golden' proof: - How Golden Ratio (Phase Conjugate / Fractality) Causes Gravity-GOLDEN RATIO radii of HYDROGEN: PERFECT MULTIPLE of GOLDEN RATIOx PLANCK LENGTH. GOLDEN RATIO:holds these waves of charge together!Producing-Gravity: goldenmean.info/goldenproof June 9,09:Teaching ONEness:Science of Fractality & PEACE UNIVERSITY &5New Films: goldenmean.info/peaceuniversity June 1,09:Dictionary of Jesus Physics- and the Grail: Manifesto- a cross reference table for priest / scientists: goldenmean.info/jesusphysics May 10,09:PoleShift &"Earth's Force Field":Fractal Solution to the Solar Wind, (with film) Earth's Magnetosphere is LOSING in the Solar Wind:The GRAIL (Fractal) Solution can put Humpty Back Together! May 6.09:SHAKESPEARE-learned(Science) Alchemy&Angelics fr JOHN DEE'007' &Kelley-in Prague! >Project:Calling All Angels - Ophanim.. Enochian- Vincent Bridges-bombshell>more exciting & more true than the DaVinci Code!!6hrs Film April 7,09:New filmseries:HeartTuner BlissTuner Training with Dan Winter+Includes new Fractal Science of Life Stories.. April 3,09:New Scientist Magazine: FRACTALS Make Sense of the Quantum World+Comment>Dan Winter &new Rimini FILM:Fractal LIFE AFTER DEATH Mar 26,09:Phase Conjugate Visuals- Newest FILM SETS (6!), Eye Candy.. Physics Insights.. & News:goldenmean.info/phaseconjugatevisuals Mar 6,09:"An Electron in a FRACTAL Electric Field- Jan 29,09:WHO.. in Physics- is YALWEH?(newFILM Dec 29,08: New Science of LIFE!-the Real Secret Sacred Geometry of LIFE FORCE: Film Series Just out from Puivert,France- +more.. Dec 11,08: REAL Science of Alchemy& AlKHEMy of DEATH/with Major New FILM Release- Bath UK Conference- Nov 15,08: Real Science of Angels:Girku / Vril/Tuoai /Silmarion Memory Crystals...+ the REAL Enki's Voice Recorder.. Aug 28,08: FRACTAL Water: Zaragosa World Expo on (Fractal)Water- New Films&Photos-w/Dan Winter,Dr.Korotkov, Emoto, Lazlo.. July 25,08: Ecology and Water-Peace&Unified Field,World Expo-Saragosa-Spain:New Fractal Science of Life-w Dan Winter+New Films+New Turin Advanced June 22,08: Ending Religion Wars:4 Dramatic New Films Released-"ET Origins of DNA"-Angels Exist!.. from the Grail Tour.. May 23,08:Budapest08 Unified Field Physics Conference-Climaxing with Phase Conjugating Profound NEW FRACTAL SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL+New Rennes 5 Film Set May 8,08:Physics World Implodes:FRACTAL Phase Conjugation Causes Gravity, Color,Perception,Bliss-Scientists Consensus Reaching Critical Mass Mar 25,08: the latest-Golden Mean/Fractal Physics VINDICATED:HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS=GOLDEN FIELD THEORY! + another new film! Mar 15,08: Dramatic New Film Release: Fractal Science of Life AND Gravity-from Melbourne's Swinborne University Feb 28,08: Is Fractality the(Electric)Cause of GRAVITY&All Centripedal Self Organization-Especially Consciousness+LIFE,dialogs w/Prof El Naschie-The Solid Science.. Feb 3,08: State of the World-Spirit: Assessing our Collective Chances - from Faces Around Earth..+Exciting Updates on Europe Tours Feb 11,08: TWO Ways to Measure ATTENTION SPAN using-HeartTuner's EKG Cepstrum Coherence Measure + Dramatic New BlissTuner Example Jan 2,08: Caught in the MATRIX:Why Tetra/Universe Models are NOT Fractal+Do Not Account for Gravity Creation+ Latest 'Surfer'Lisi's E8 THEORY OF EVERYTHING is BASED on Golden Ratio! Nov 2,07: New FRACTAL Science of LIFE:University Lecture new films online with Dan Winter (from Columbia) Oct 15,07: FRACTAL COSMOLOGY:Global Acceptance,Proof: Fractality CAUSES Gravity-Mathematic Solutions-Financial Prize Oct 1,07: COMPLETE FRACTAL COSMOLOGY-FRACTALity UNIFIES the FIELD- the REAL HOLY GRAIL of Science Sept 27,07: Dragon Script Grail in DNA:RINGlord/Hungarian= Seraphim'Gold Plates'=Alphabet>DNA Charge Symmetry Sept 8,07: Immortality: Can Science Know How it Works? Death Visuals Derive from DNA's Braid Sequence, & Color / Sound Harmonics Healing- Heart+Voice-article updated with Marysol's new pdf's Aug 29,07: Microwave Tower REMOVED by SICK PEOPLE-Legal Precedent+Iran Attack news.. Aug 14,07: Secret of Biologic Architecture:FRACTAL Symmetry CONCENTRATES LIFE FORCE!-Celebrating our International University Symposium on BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE - Mexico City Oct 12-14, 07 July 22,07: BIOLOGIC Architecture:Electric GRAIL of Sustainable Environment-Fractal Field makes LIFE! (University Conferences World Tour Announcement) June 29,07: Real Dragon History: Healing the Schizophrenia-God's Names in EVERY KultURe-ONE Dragon ANnunaki Family with a DNA Problem? June 21,07: The SCIENCE of Elementals + Nature Spirits:Using EEG / EKG Biofeedback - HeartTuner / BlissTuner - (also GDV) to measure work with Nature Spirits and Elemental Forces. June 6,07: GrailQuest-New Magazine Article: Fractal KEY to ALL of Life Apr 14,07:Orb of Life: Egg Shape of Charge Creating LIFE FORCE-Eye's REAL Twinkle IS Dodeca!Hi Res 'Orbs' Photos- showing Dodeca in the Twinkle. Mar 26,07: 3D Physics of COLOR-Breakthru:Golden FRACTAL Attractor (Dodeca Tilt PREDICTS Primary Colors Wavelengths! ) Implications:Healing/Fusion! Mar 24,07: Labyrinth / Geomantics + Geobiology site completely updated, reloaded - many new images. Mar 23,07:Grail Story FINAL PIECE: How+Why Hapsburgs Paid Sauniere at Rennes +Announcement HENRY LINCOLN Joins Tour! -New Evidence: Power of Fractal / GRAIL Ignited Blood. Mar 20,07:Global Bee Death: The Golden Globe Disaster.Einstein as the Emperor with No Clothes... AND - No Midas Touch +Bet You Didn't Know the REAL Reason you Like Sex?(Let's embed and phase conjugate shall we?) Mar 12,07: Proof-Phi Fractal Self Similarity CAUSES the Gravity that Holds Atoms Together(added Mar14-International Physicists Conference Version in PDF)+Photon Torus TRUE 3D ORIGIN OF COLORMar 9,07: Fractal Universe-Physics from NEW SCIENTIST-vs-Inhabiting Dragons in your DNA:Gravity of the Situation Mar 5,07: Perception IS the Physics of PHASE CONJUGATION-the Evidence, +Yet Another Breakthru in BlissTuner EEG: New-Geometric FFT-Measures COHERENCE at ANY Ratio (Phi or Octave) + Shows the Ratio! Feb 14,07 Hex vs Pent: Emerging from the MATRIX: Brainwave Octaves vs Phi-Proof with new Fractal Synth Software-WHY Golden Ratio Charge Wave Constructive Interference is the Electrical CAUSE of Gravity, Life & Consciousness! Feb 07,07: The 'Fractal Vacuum'-Ultimate DEFINITION of ENERGY EFFICIENCY (& Energy Sustainability)will ALWAYS be FRACTALITY!- Golden Ratio in EEG Evidences Fractal Electrical Nature of Bliss / Life Force / Gravity Phi Golden Ratio Implosive Symmetry = charge attracted into faster than light fractally perfect distribution - versus - Octave / cubic wave symmetry = charge stored in a matrix. Jan 15,07: Brain COHERENCE Measured & Golden Ratio vs Octaves in EEG: 2 Breakthrus Together - Revolutionize Brain Biofeedback / Meditation Training.. Even the very Definitions of Neuroscience.. Jan 3,07: new "Bliss on a Mac": HeartTuner / BlissTuner support announced for Apple/Mac! Dec27,06: The DNA Manifesto plus Film Trailer WITH the DNA Physics -12 Snakes into Fiery Serpent Mouth ... of EGYPTIAN AFTERLIFE ENTRY. addend:Jan19,07- Anastastia:The FORCE is with those who BLESS THEIR GENES-Shamanic Example of Learning the Magic of DNA! Dec 17,06 HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured. Dec 20,06: Physics of CREATION> Bo, BoHeme,Bugarach, Baal, The DRAGONS EGG and the Essene Roots of the Grail in South France.. How Humpty Dumpty fixed his Egg! Nov 21,06: now-TWO Ways to Measure Empathy with HeartTuner + 'TM Tuner'+ Exciting Report Conference of Physicists on Consciousness +Nu Article:Pattern Recogition in EEG Oct 13,06: BIOLOGIC Architecture: ReInventing Architecture Using the Electrical Symmetry of Biology.The ability to "Tect"(build) an "Arch" is the skill to fabricate a biologic (fractal / phase conjugate + therefore LIFE giving) CAPACITOR! Sept 12,06:FRACTAL FIELD: Redefining the FIELDS of Healing, Peacemaking, Genetic Self Organization, Bliss, Energy Science.. + The EDIN BO UR G- Fractal Lens: Why so many ET's are behind the Gene / Bio Science "phase shift" in Edinburgh. Aug 31,06:Phase Conjugation-Universal Biologic Solution/Healing/Path from Chaos+NewHeartTuner HRV Breath Software-Animations&The LAST Grail Secret July 15,06: Fractal Charge Compression is CAUSE & RESULT of - a) HUMAN ATTENTION,- b) GRAVITY,- c) NOURISHING DNA June 24,06: Origin Synchronicity.. Self Organization+Awareness in Phi Electric Fractality..Once fractality recursively multiplies the phase velocities into the implosive compression point - radiance of charge is made infinitely efficient.. This is why it is so profound and self-empowering when we learn (with biofeedback ..or?) from within to MAKE these golden ratio metrics in EKG and EEG- because we then become a massive charge attractor- accounting for not just bliss and creativity - but the end of parasites and the BEGINNING of self-steering (by implosive suction) our own aura. Death survival / lucid dreaming - even ensoulment are the result. Altho the problem of getting self-empowered from an electrical viewpoint is quite simple (attract charge or die) - the psychology of DOING that is the fun part. It literally means determining which intention or wave is shareable -and embedding ourselves in that (pure coherence is always fractal). It means the REASON we don't eat most red meat is we recognize the WORK it is going to take to restore the internal memory structure to fractality (from anger/ destructive inner electrical interference symmetry). It means the REASON we eat only happy DNA and live in fractal pristine magnetics is we realize it is only from there can we radiate the charge called immortality. Etc.This is literally the physics of becoming the diVINE. June 19,06: Calling All Angels:AmeriKA's Secret Destiny..REAL History of America's Origins(film review)+Destiny.. America's Roots film online-Ophanic / Rainmaking - international Pics.. new Essene film.. June 5,06: Essene Saint 'Grace from Mt Shasta' presents her personal BLISS experiences, her resultant shamanic vision- into the SUN, the hygiene, and the LOVE.. new film online accompanies- intro from Dan Winter:Essene History+Bliss Science- here is a living example of Bliss Lifestyle - the beauty - the hygiene- the science in practice. April 26,06: Geobiology-with Stephane Cardinaux - Science meets Geomantics-Visual Tour- Fractal Grid+Elementals+Clairvoyance, also new films and announcements.. April 3,06: Rosy Cross:..the REAL Grail.. a Threshold/Door/Gate- Timeportal.. (PRAHA/Prague- Rose/Secret Design.)Perfected PHASE CONJUGATION (scalar / torsional / implosion / scale invariant / global scaling) - IS- The Rosy Cross..The only cause of gravity (infinite collapse) and LIFE Dec 1,05: Physics of HEAVEN!+Phosphene Flares Mystical Synapse Alphabet - Chryst-Mass Message.. Nov 1,05: The True Physics of the Holy Grail: Infinite Fractal Compression. +"EartHeart!"-in print!+HeartTuner Magazine Article Oct 8,05: Hell's Mouth:Celebrating -SHAMANIC RECAPITULATING-100 Years of MURDER & LIES That are the U.S. Government! - as we enter the INNER WORLD (Hell's Mouth)> NINE LAYERS? - Dante's INFERNO, Jason and the ARgonauts, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Mayan "Nine Lords of the Night", the Egyptian ENNEAD, Virgil's AENEID, Hopi's PESHMEHTEN, the NINE Tiers of Palenque, DEEP SPACE NINE, and Puharich's THE NINE +"Free Energy" AND Parasites of America-++ Microwave Sattelite Animated Evidence- Hurricane Rita was Pumped Up & Later Shot Down.. Sept 8,05: All PENT-UP- Why were Katrina et al Hurricane centers all FIVE SIDED / PENT?(Implosion Fed Charge?)-Physics Q&A:If Einstein knew about FRACTALITY-would he have Compressed Charge into Gravity, + Valerie's Letter + New Pic /Article- Joe Cell Car -Runs on WATER! Aug 14 ,05: 4 Great New Film Clips Up at ImplosionMovies-Web TV:1)Charging into the Symmetry of LIFE FORCE & Gravity Making -15 min. & 3 HeartTuner /BlissTuner Realtime InAction Clips.. new window in window training tech. - See if Dan Winter can make his own BlissTuner sing?? Aug 4 ,05: WHAT IS SALVATION?-Science Cure(Self Empowerment)for the Dying Jesus Myth.. Aug 1 ,05: Physicists FINALLY Redefine GRAVITY..Lovingly!! Physicists DEAL WITH THEIR EMOTIONS..discovery REAL Gravity Physics!..saying "golden section" in nature is not accidental, because the basis of it lies in the de Broglie waves. July 24,05: TRI-PLOSION:FEELING Within-Quantum Bounce to REAL Center-Triangle-ating INWARD-to help you TRY IMPLOSION -Physics of PHI-Triangulation-to Tri-Plosion+Michael Heleus new site+Physicist Responds(Conic Theory of Gravity agrees:Self Similarity MAKES Gravity July 8,05: Attention=Perfected CHARGE DISTRIBUTION Created by Successful COMPRESSION-the GEOMETRY OF ATTENTION:Neurofeedback for A.D.D.hygiene approach +pictorial look at BlissTuner Solutions July 3,05: COHERING the Vacuum: Making Gravity in Biology- The PHYSICS WITH HEART! Heart's Fractal Electrification - IS physics creation principle ( how to compress well ) for what symmetry COHERES the vacuum - & MAKES gravity ! " June 30,05: Squeezing the TRUTH Out- Applying the Self Sort Principle to Your Life..More on Gravity Science Made Social.. June 30,05: New: HeartTuner / BlissTuner - FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions + Users Intro for Dummies.. June 17,05: Gravity Politics- Why Governments DON'T Want You to Know HOW GRAVITY IS MADE..+ Real Story-Scientist Discovers how from INSECTS&Uses that TO FLY! June 6,05: 12 Strands - 7 Views - New Physics on Black Hole/ Gravity Making in DNA - the Geometry AND the Psychology..of Genetic Bliss Ignition + New Web TV !!. May 21,05: new book SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY-on Dan Winter's Implosion Physics-reviewed + Hurtak Enoch Orion History Decoded/Debunked..More.. May 3,05: The LOVE Vibe: Does Love Have a Freqeuncy- Music of PHI - vs Implosion -Self Empowerment vs. Mechanical Implosion April 25,05: Galaxy Superwave - and Steering the BIG Volcano..predictions both Indigenous and Scientific..: April 19,05: Gravity Code: World Responds to Winter's new 'Charge Self Similarity CREATES Gravity & Self-Awareness'-AND-Poincare (Dodec) Symmetry Agrees! April 15,05: Phi Optimized Charge-Self Similarity Causing Gravity&Awareness- PDF- Invited (Hadron) Physics Journal Paper -also HeartTuner BlissTuner tech updates+ More info on water rising/Krakatoa.. ( /hadron ) Mar 30, 05: Einstein revisited- new-Self-Organization&LIFE Permeate Where Charge Compression&Distribution is Fractal/Self-Similar- - IS SELF SIMILARITY THE CAUSE OF GRAVITY? -- - -- Hadron Article Mar 15 05: New- HeartTuner BlissTuner- reveals DRAMATIC -EEG Difference between Bliss State- Versus Telepathy / Channelling - Bliss=Phi Cascades, while Channelling/Telepathy Appear Preliminarily as OCTAVE EEG CASCADES! Mar 4, 05: What is LIFE-answered electrically -AND - Newest Science TEST - DO YOU HAVE A SOUL!! Feb 6,05: - "What the 'Bleep'- Implodes- Film Doesn't See the (Imploding) Heart.+Physics gets 'attracted' to the PHI-lial - Fractally! Does the Bliss / Kundalini of Cellular Microwave (the 'MicroTubule') STEER THE WEATHER ? Jan 29,05:America Bush Raped-Consequences Coming FAST- Burning Bush - and the Collapse of America-Predictions for Coming Months..
Dec 25,04: COSMIC CHRIST - Seyfert Galaxies - Christmas Notes..Prepare for Cryst MASS- Dialing ARK-angles:Galaxies go on+off like the blinking lights of a Christmas tree Dec 16,04: BlissTuner Redefines and Teaches Creativity by Measurement Dec 15,04: Knot Slipping - Into the Coeur of DNA-Alphabet of Genes! IF a charge slip knot can be compressed into the throat of DNA - as the origin of symbol (the Alphabeta of the Symmetry of Genes?) - AND the ONLY way anything in biology becomes immortal? .. Oct 24,04: The SHAREABLE WAVE- Fractally Attracting CHARGE:Making Bliss,Ecstasy &Creative Insight States-Teachable with Science and Measurement. July 22,04: Seed Germination-Knowing what electrical symmetry PRODUCES life-might save our genepool? Designed to Prove WHY All Ecologic (Agricultural & Architectural) Structures June 04: Holarchy:Solution to COHERENT&FRACTAL Heart--Coherence 'Wars':Heart Math vs. HeartTuner:Freezing a Frame"may be "DETRIMENTAL" June 04: Is Golden Ratio in Spectrum (Harmonic) Analysis the Ultimate Tool to Prove Global Scaling (Scale Invariance)? COMPRESSION enabling principle behind the FUSION..Implosion. May 04: Bliss Tuner Announced:Ecstatic&Insight States as Science in Feedback April 04: Caducceus-Breathing the Heart to Bliss- versus Heartmath- Breathing Trainer Announced.& Newsletter Global Heart Articles - recently republished - Incunabula-Gilgamesh & Immortality .... Mathematics of Self-Awareness:Coherence & Recursion -Consciousness & Gravity asWave Attractors |
If someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS- centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: theraphi.net)- you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractality/recursion/embedding called phase conjugation- is proven to be negentropic/ self-organizing - 'self aware'. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths- but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: fractalfield.com/conjugategravity Dan Winter
-Implosion Group Dan Winter main film library 250+ films, Dan Winter- may be the most prolific teacher- in history.. Implosion Group/ Dan Winter- Announcing: New Fractal Tech> Do not use Google to find Dan Winter- use Bing, Goldenmean.info stands proud to be among the sites Google has blackballed, appleinsider.com/articles/15/03/22/google-news-buries-news-of-googles-ftc-investigation-under-daniel-lyons-fluff, theregister.co.uk/2015/03/21/obama_and_google , Google only lists 2500+ sites linking to goldenmean.info, Yahoo list 18,000+??How Embarassing to Google's exCIA Owners Report to their Advertiser's Dan Winter's Compelling new Book- A Scientific Tour de Force- Implosion Group Publishing..see: www.fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime Announcing: www.FractalU.com - New The Fractal UNIVERSITY- from Dan Winter- and our complete Implosion Group Team - Scientists Fractal Space TimeDan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.
Winter’s work (with his mathematics team- including Martin Jones)- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation – well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy- now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic / self organizing). Originally- just Dan's theory – that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time – the universal key signature of the vacuum- would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence- that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: * photosynthesis frequencies, * schumann resonance frequencies, * brainwave frequencies causing peak perception/ bliss, *(new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate , * new table showing the ear ringing ‘sound current’ frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate !, *almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years, - the list goes on ... (dodeca /icosa conjugate geometry of d,f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals- physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse- new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy! They fit the pattern far too well- for this to be arbitrary. Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of 'sacred space' (bioactive fields- the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics- eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship.. AND religion wars. (The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see new PICTURES Priore hardware-at link for the book : www.fractalfield.com/fractalspacetime )
We made the App Store! Global Heart Oneness Biofeedback iPhone : www.HeartsRing.com ....< 2 New Demo / Instruction films! - real Heart Coherence measure - real breath biofeedback cue- to directly see the result of your own conscious breathing - real EMPATHY training, micro-motion / heart tuning- BIOFEEDBACK - real group process BIOFEEDBACK - for group concensus building with real biologic entrainment
You immediately SEE your heart beating on the screen- to confirm your input (from finger on the iPhone light- or from chest strap/receiver- which is necessary for iPad- optional on iPhone) see HeartRing.com - for the iPhone - / iPad - Biofeedback tools- a simple breath entrainer for HRV Heart Entrainment..- Empathy Training See also Implosion Group November 2012 - latest research updates!
What's wrong with this picture: The fact that planck length (and time) whole mulitples form every wave that physics ever measured is SO important that it is one of the first thing EVERY physics student must learn
Getting access to Dan Winter's great new film set AND the book: Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter - Download Dan Winter's original paper-from the Proceedings of the First-(in the series) of UNIFIED FIELD PHYSICISTS -Budapest 05(&08)-
(We don't imagine the ex-CIA owners of google expected when they banned all direct link and search of goldenmean.info,
New Film Series: Restoring Centripetal Forces- to Restore LIFE FORCE: fractalfield.com/centripetalforces --Who has provided a meaningful description of the nature of consciousness? - Here is the raw data that needs to be accounted for: 1. Focused attention causes electric fields to compress (Bill Tiller's extensive measures), 2. Focused attention reduces radioactivity measureably (Geller measured). - If you look at ISSEM or What the Bleep- or Gary Schwartz and Stuart Hameroff- gathering of hundreds of scientists on consciousness - do they have an answer as to the electric nature of consciousness to explain the measurements? No - nothing close. - Dan Winter has proposed a simple and compelling and MEASUREABLE explanation: Focused attention is a centripetal and golden ratio / 'implosive' - phase conjugate (donut shaped) plasma or charge field - (Golden Ratio in EEG as he has pioneered). COULD ANYTHING BE MORE SIMPLE- LIFE HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET CENTRIPETAL ELECTRICALLY. Death happens when you don't! This is more than a real electrical engineers phase conjugate phenomenology of perception- it is a recipe for how to create life. Understanding 'Get FRACTAL or Get Dead!' (Architecture of Life/ our bumper sticker): Implosion due to Charge Fractality is the ONLY Cause of Life, of Gravity,and ONLY Cause of ANY System to Emerge from Chaos!
![]() Dan Winter is most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His invention's HeartTuner and BlissTuner have earned him literary credit (book:'Instinct to Heal') for inventing the term Heart Coherence. Discovering the harmonic content of compassion in EKG and bliss - even enlightenment in EEG - lead him to a radical new physics: that IMPLOSION - the electrical -geometry of fractality- is the cause BLISS - as it is the cause of gravity in general - and the destiny of DNA in particular. He teaches that the hygiene for bliss - creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites and matures DNA into BLISS. He has dedicated his life to teaching - and is personally known around the entire Earth - with web presence (5 languages), 3 books, films and DVD's. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field - generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Egypt- is what creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail - and the essential good news at a time when the solar wind can only be steered by Sun God's. It is not so hard to see thru the Sun like an eye. The physics is embedding, the psychology is discovering that- like the birth canal-and what happens in DNA during successful death, what emerges from perfect compression (implosion) is only the SHAREABLE wave. Redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measureable and teachable - New- famous - Dr.Dan Burisch (Solfeggio Cube..et al) Analysis of Dan Winter's Work on Implosion, Alphabets and...
IMPLOSION GROUP- Announces Dec 06- NEW LAUNCH- Internet Television Series.. ![]()
+New! Star Mother Kit - Includes - Hi Res Instructions and Explanation DVD Video ! - see online version Video Here>
NEW LATEST SACRED GEOMETRY LEARNING TOOLS Inspired from Dan Winter's work..>also see HeartTuner BlissTuner Special
Dan Winter's 5 Color Illustrated Books! (250+pp ea) in pdf.
1.Newest Book:Implosion Secret Science of Ecstsy&Immortality, 2. Course Manual:Implosions Grand Attractor ,
3: Alphabet of the Heart , 4. Alphabet of the EartHeart , 5. : Return of Enki (ET Origins DNA)
from-www.goldenmean.info/dnaring Origin of Alphabets: Pure Geometry of Embedding- Donut Nests as Creation To SYMBOLIZE is to EMBED: If the symmetry of fields (domains-toroidal donuts) is the ONLY origin and subject of physics then why would ANYONE be surprised if the same were true of the origin of symbolic alphabets? based on Dan Winter's work - brought to you by Ted Small .. and reprinted in part from the main IMPLOSION GROUP web site on Dan Winter's work. goldenmean.info "If you have seen the lies and slander a few zealots have placed on the internet about Dan Winter, it is regarding his original discovery 15 years ago to use the equation (all graphics below are only his original equation) for the Golden Mean spiral self organizing on a donut to prove the origin of Hebrew and other alphabets. At the time he completed that work - those who now slander him (Stan Tenen / Meru ) had only a piece of jewelry to cast shadows- no equation, no golden mean, no computer model. Unfortuneately - they did have a lawyer. Dan wasted over $100,000 in legal costs - over 10 years - while the other lawyer delivered truckloads of junk paper hassle to the court. In the end - by escaping where justice was only available to those who could afford it, Dan reached out to a bigger world than the civil legal system of a sick America. While his detractors tell stupid lies about Dan being somehow a bad guy, his only work was to give away free the REAL physics of the origin of symbol - which remains a Golden Mean spiral on a donut. While the slanderers still somehow claim - the Golden Mean is not the correct physics of origin of symbol! See the story, the proof, and the animations at here. (Dan's side of the legal history: danside.pdf ). See also his picture below from 'PI the Movie' (originally named Phi) - which was basically a retelling of his drama with the zealot Hebrew rabbis. Everyone who brings striking new information to the world becomes controversial. This is not a personality contest - it is simply about the truth - people are empowered when their symbols allow them to embed (by Golden Ratio) in the world. Millions who view Dan's original Golden Mean physics of alphabets animations - confirm - imagining in the REAL language of light - DOES make your dreams come true!" - we have made so much available for free, please use our teaching material & support our work: goldenmean.info/tools |
Here is a quote from PI THE MOVIE web site- along with the picture from there of Dan Winter. Many believe the harassment from Hebrew Rabbi's in the film - of the math genius who figured out how the stock market emerges from Chaos based on Golden Ratio (Dan's solution) - is based on the story of Stan Tenen's vicious harassment of Dan Winter- for discovering the Golden Ratio is the true origin of the Hebrew Alphabet.: - and all paths out of CHAOS which require compression to self organize (like the stock market - Prechter /Elliot wave predictors based on Golden Ratio)..
"Dan Winter is a very smart, very weird math guy, and a founder of the San Graal School for Sacred Geometry." - "Chaos Theory can be generally defined as the study of forever-changing complex systems. Discovered by a meteorologist in 1960, chaos theory contends that complex and unpredictable results will occur in systems that are sensitive to small changes in their initial conditions. The most common example of this, known as the "Butterfly Effect," states that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in China could cause tiny atmospheric changes which over a period of time could effect weather patterns in New York.
Although chaotic systems appear to be random, they are not. Beneath the random behavior patterns emerge, suggesting, if not always revealing, order. Recognizing that the stock market is a non-linear, dynamic, chaotic system 's Max Cohen (Sean Gullette) applies the principles of Chaos Theory in order to determine the pattern behind apparent random nature of market prices.
Apart from the stock market, Chaos Theory can be used to model other highly complex systems, including everything from population growth to epidemics to arrhythmic heart palpitations. When applying chaos theory, it is revealed that even something as seemingly random as a dripping faucet has an order behind it. "
- Genetically Going in Circles May Eventually Turn You Inside OUT!
Intro -prelude from Dan Winter: Academic Paper - CIRCULAR DNA - including the paper by Ken Biegeleisen.
It is a pleasure to share this RINGING DNA material - thanks to Ken Biegeleisen - who has formalized and represented his paper here on TOROIDAL or CIRCULAR DNA (relating to the concept of 'Braiding' DNA) - with academic references.
Many misconceptions can be cured to the point of real self-empowerment by this kind of thinking:
Misconception ONE: I am going to get spiritual and cosmic and immortal (biologically sustainable) when divine force (the astrology of charge?) adds '12 strands' to my DNA.
More the Truth: IF you choose the hygiene to eat, and live in, and dance in, and HAVE BLISS in-- - LIFE FORCE and therefore CHARGE - THEN your DNA may absorb that charge by enveloping itself in the recursive braid which ENSOULS - (implodes). The addition of strands which appear to happen when you braid thread into string into rope, is because of braiding (the answer lies 'folded in an envelope' - see pics below). Braiding your DNA is something you do and learn by choice - to absorb 'spin' (charge) - not something 'GOD' does for you. Only the strength of will growing in the sun-shine of shareable and embedable intent - is sustainable (and therefore able to be 'saved').
IF you tilt a cube 32degrees you can spin it into the next dimension (axis of symmetry) which is a DODECA (4th Dimension)..THEN you step or wratchet that dodecahedron down a HELIX or SLINKY (the SHAPE of DNA)- that is the 5th dimension (axis of symmetry). SO the THREAD that begins DNA is 5 spin symmetries or dimension.
FINALLY.. if you take THAT thread and recursively braid the braid of the braid.. (thread into string into rope into fat rope into fatter rope- THIS is how DNA accepts the charge into a re-CORDing of its environment)..
and on the SEVENTH time you recursively braid or plait - PRESTO - the DNA becomes a DONUT / TORUS!. (YOU are RINGlord). This is WHY the seventh spin or the 7 color on the topo map makes DONUT. AT this point you do indeed have 12 AXIS OF SYMMETRY of DIMENSIONS (as opposed to 12 STRANDS ) in your DNA.. AND - the implosion of that donut DNA sending (by recursive adding a phase velocities thru lightspeed ) ALL of the charge symmetry of ALL your biological memory THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT. And THAT - is what makes a SOUL (the tornado thru light speed )- indicated appropriately by the ability to
+lucid dream
+take memory thru death
+time travel without embarassing heavy metal craft
+make gravity in genes
+steer stars.. etc.
(called Chloridians in STAR WARS - Anikin- -.. also called BOSON SEVEN in the DNA power spectra taken at Montauk to predict WHO could steer the time (Deca Delta / Dodeca - see "Contact" movie) antenna "chair".
The remnant 'fallen Nephalim' conservative DNA culture from Alpha Draconis thru Enlil / Yalweh / Michael / Michabo / Amon - then stablished the rules to PREVENT DNA from getting FREE - which became India's CASTE SYSTEM - and Aboriginal Marriage laws.. and Jewish families who could only make love thru a hole in the sheet. The machine based 'borg' Nephalim culture (lo-oxygen types) doesn't want you to ignite your DNA with BLISS to psychokinesis - because that (lucid dreaming / shamanic) skill is the ONLY technology (the real TRON - see BST ) they have no response to. It takes WILL to implode and ensoul DNA - which no passive GOD IS OUTSIDE YOU parasite priests can create. The force of WILL involves HYGIENE for BLISS.
reference pictorial aritcles:
Letter to the UN on Genetic Engineering as Coherence LOSS now Measureable.
Misconception TWO: The compression spin map called "Alphabet" on the side of the "LORD OF THE RING" - RING - is too powerful for anyone to hold.
More the Truth: The 'RINGing' which causes thoughts / emotions to become objects is the implosive nature of DNA which when braided recursively by BLISS compresses charge in the only process (charge compression) which turns light (ether) into matter. (and DNA into its real destiny as a gravity making star bender) .The index to those possible angles of (Golden Ratio) compression is precisely the equation for the origin of most alphabets of Earth - specifically including Hebrew and Arabic... for the specific reason that only those biological structures which USE that symmetry discipline get to be sustainable (immortal).
Misconception THREE: DNA controls our destiny.
More the Truth: DNA is a shapeshifting mag worm which merely bends itself as a wave around the fields we form by bending the magnetism we call emotion and sacred space. It is a relatively passive mechanical linkage device designed to helpfully slow down the rate at which emotions become objects- so that we FEEL and understand the connection between CREATION and what we just now felt. Once the need for slowing down that response of stars to feeling, no longer exists - then DNA is replaced by its own etheric essence (superluminal compression field) - and we can bend light by implosion directly (only love bends the light / embedding).
If we choose consistent spin-dense and sustainable magnetic environments - then DNA responds by adding that inertia to our life force - so that eventually we gather the inertia to properly create stars and become suns ourselves. Otherwise we die a death which is permanent. DNA is merely a biofeedback device to tell us when we have consciously chosen the CHARGE and LIFE FORCE - which makes us sustainable. Short-circuiting the function of DNA by changing the spin links we call codons mechanically is not only un-sustainable and destructive - but it fundamentally ignores the design of nature - which was that DNA help us take responsibility for the SHAPE OF MAGNETISM - and so learn that bending light into shape is how we too may create stars.
MERKABAH MAGICK - (this was written by Vincent Bridges - as an edit to Dan Winter's original "Light Poetry) "New Emerald Tablet" http://www.fifthwaymysteryschool.org/NewEmTab.html.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, a first century A.D. alchemical text, attempted to express ancient Egypt's scientific wisdom in a few pithy lines of metaphorical and metaphysical symbology, suited of course for the educated Egyptian, or Greek or Roman philosopher/magician of the day. Its insight is still breath-taking, if one has the key to the symbolism; if not, its obscurity is profound. Since few of use have the world-view of an Alexandrian mage, a simple how-to of magickal philosophy, in modern scientific terms, seems to e absolutely necessary. Science is the magician's willful apprentice, Magick's lost step--child/prodigy, who has learned one trick, and therefore must compulsively repeat that trick, without knowing how to stop itself. To understand Magick, we must reclaim science as the observational and experimental tools needed to apprehend the true vastness of the Universe. And so, with a nod to the real geniuses (Winter?) who figures out what I am about to simplify, let's take a stab at a new Emerald Tablet: (This became a poem in Dan Winter's 2nd book: Alphabet of the EarthHeart , Illustrated thanks to Vincent & Darlene's editing) 1) THE UNIVERSE IS MADE OF ONE SUBSTANCE
3) THE UNIVERSE CAN BE DESCRIBED AS A GEOMETRY OF PRESSURE Only ration is sacred; scale is mundane. Information is the only universal in our hologramic universe, every part contains the information of the whole. Sharability, the way converging waves create sustainable forms, then becomes a property of inherent structure emerging naturally from the process itself. In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean. Only a form of Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time. Only in this way, in this shape, can waves nest together without interfering with each other and canceling out their memories. A Golden Mean spiral can nest triangles, Squares and five-sides figures, crating a dodecahedron as it does,. the dodecahedron is the perfect Golden mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. That's why it is also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule. The Golden Mean happens, the icosahedronal donut and the dodecahedronal donut generate the only other two naturally occurring numbers: Pi and E. From this simple shape, and these three irrational, but naturally occurring numbers, the universe is built. No wonder the ancient Egyptians called these qualities the cosmological Neters or forces.
5) SHAPE IS THE ONLY THING THE UNIVERSE HAS TO CONSERVE. ALL QUALITATIVE CHANGES COME FROM DIFFERENCES IN SHAPE, NOT SUBSTANCE These patterns form regular shapes, called the Platonic solids because Plato was the first to write about them: the tetrahedron, on pair of vortices; the octahedron/cube, three pairs; the dodecahedron, five pairs; and the icosahedron, seven pairs. These basic shapes are important in transmitting the very waves structure of matter, best understood as templates that generate the focus of intensity necessary to become fractally attractive, that is, bend the straight energy flow of light into a circle of atomic structured matter.