Private Letter- Update on Electrical Design & Status - for the fundamental physics and engineering research group - which has undertaken - experimental design to prove that:
The new hypothesis: IN Golden Ratio optimized fractal self similarity (like for example exists between the cube to icos symmetry of the electron shells versus the SELF SIMILAR arrangement of nuclear particles - see ) - waves of charge recursively constructively ADD and MULTIPLY their PHASE VELOCITIES - thus turning charge compression IN to charge acceleration (gravity). Waves at centers of gravity are taking charge thru the speed of light. This hypothesis to be proven true- would predict velocities moving faster than the speed of light, would primarily be at Golden Ratio multiples TIMES the speed of light. This model fits Einstein beautifully- as he suggested infinite non destructive compression -would model gravity. He was unaware that perfect fractality is infinitely compressible.
-Newtons theory of gravity does not explain WHY objects attract one another (why things fall to the ground)- it simply models this observation. >Our hypothesis that fractal self similarity by golden ratio allows compression of charge to produce ACCELERATION of charge- answers this - by saying that charge in rotation (mass) requires and generates the centripedal charge in centering acceleration - because fractal golden ratio self-similarity caused the PHASE VELOCITY HETERODYNES to constructively and recursively add. This Implosively 'sucks' charge to center- along with all of local mass - since mass is only a name for the inertia stored by charge in rotation. Charge is only able to remain in rotation (making 'mass') if it's rotational inertia is perfectly in balance with the implosive centripedal charge inertia (charge moving BETWEEN frequencies) implosion CAUSED by self similarity - charge acceleration: GRAVITY.
-There is no known power source supporting the gravitational field that Newton claims to be emanating from our planet and from all objects. >Our hypothesis - answers this by suggesting the wind of charge being pushed thru the speed of light at all centers of gravity creates a sucking metabolic bloodstream of charge that connects all massive bodies - in wormholes of charge moving faster than the speed of light.
-Despite the ongoing energy expended by Earth's gravity to hold objects down and the moon in orbit, this energy never dimishes in strength or drains a (known) power source - in obvious violation of conservation of energy. >Our hypothesis answers this in detail, suggesting a measureable circulating metabolism or 'bloodstream of charge' connects all gravitational bodies. (As Gurdjieff in fact suggested). This means for example - that if we cut magnetic symmetry lines on Earth - the loss of fractality CAUSES the gravity field and it's coherence to BLEED (and therefore loss of atmosphere!).
Learning the electric field symmetry to make gravity - and to allow DNA to grow best - could potentially save Earth's genepool (or destroy it if misused and called 'FREE???' energy ).
- care of Implosion Group - main idex at
- originally - from Dan Winter , , Mar
Our hypotheses: that self similar charge symmetry -optimized by golden ratio is THE CAUSE of gravity , - requires proving that PHASE VELOCITY heterodyning is measureable..
(hopefully that golden ratio recursive constructive ..phase velocity heterodyning can be proven)
Question to experimenters:
Is our barium strontium titanate- phase conjugate dielectric 'pine cone' (fractal?)-experimental protocol - below -
the best way to prove - that PHASE CONJUGATION heterodynes (constructive adding and multiplying of PHASE VELOCITIES) turns charge compression in to acceleration (gravity)?
From Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity: "Aether is the "ultimate" medium (Tesla often interchanged the term "medium" with "aether") - being a perfect fluid and transporting independent carriers. Tesla said that electromagnetic radiation was propagated, like sound waves in the ether." ..
We are saying here that CHARGE is the fundamental medium of the ether- where rarefaction vs. compression of that background charge ( and the inertia it stores when rotated) becomes MASS.
Is the often described CURVATURE OF SPACE TIME which causes GRAVITY- in fact not 'translation of voticity' (of charge) optimized by GOLDEN RATIO>>>
exerpt from
...the need to teach 'Origin Alphabets' in DNA (by Golden Ratio)-charging - bliss making : was THE unifying solution to Earth's (+physicists conferences) language / religion / culture wars. The exact (blissful) physics of DNA ignition into gravity production - which is precisely your blindness (classically Draconian): where space is bent into gravity / ultimate Coriolis- is (the Golden Ratio) in DNA itself! (changes the funding need for gravity motors from metal purchases to DNA education)..
Here charge compression becomes acceleration because - optimized translation of vorticity (physics definition of Golden Ratio) for charge 'translating' from rotation to centripedal implosion - IS the (Coriolis?) connection between the charge rotation which defines mass (inertia) versus the centripedal charge implosion / non-destructive compression which defines gravity. Golden Ratio - by allowing phase velocities of charge to recursively heterodyne - phase locking (rotation to centripedal acceleration) ) > 'translates' compression of charge - into acceleration of charge (gravity) by allowing charge the only path OUT thru light speed at center. (predicting that faster than light velocity measures like Prof Raymond Chao- will find multiples of Golden Ratio times light speed)
I am not sure how you can say - I did not properly define CHARGE as the unified field of my unified field model - after one leading physicist admitted - she did not know "if Charge were an attribute of Mass- or Mass were an attribute of Charge?" In my paper for the conference- I define gravity and life as the efficient and non-destructive charge distribution that results from fractal compression of charge> , . In my newest paper: - I have challenged physics to explain the proveable fact that the symmetry array of electron shells (tetra/cube-to icos/dodec ) is PRECISELY SELF SIMILAR to the symmetry array of NUCLEAR HADRONS/protons-neutrons (tetra/cube-to icos /dodec) ... in any other way - than to conclude this SELF SIMILARITY enabled charge collapse / implosion IS THE CAUSE OF THE GRAVITY.
Our political difference then - the same as Aku / Draku - the Orion wars issue- is the archetype. The GRAVITY of the situation is - if we cannot teach the physics (and Gravity bending ) empowerment of bliss/charge ignited - DNA: then our movie 'Groundhog Day' cannot finish.
Postcript - how beautiful it was then - that the most sustainable real scientists DIALOG after the Budapest Physicists conference -was on the physics of Golden Ratio measured in Brainwaves to define the BLISS that DOES ignite DNA! - at the bottom of > with the conference pics and links.
Short background note: In the original subject paper: it was noted that the essential symmetry used by Einstein / Poincare for GRAVITY - was - Dodecahedral:
S3# is called the
Poincare Dodecahedral Space- because it has dodecahedral/icosahedral
symmetry of the 120-element binary icosahedral group -
This (stellated dodeca -infinite nest / 'Star Mother' / TimeStar) shape would then correspond to a vertex array of charge - each of whose distances from center (ALL x,y,z coordinates) would always be only multiples of Golden Mean.
It was also pointed out that the atomic / electron symmetry of Palladium - apparent key to cold fusion is also dodeca. The numerous papers on the essential role of Golden Mean in fundamental physics by dozens (including Alex K., and many others) were mentioned.
Not only does Golden Ratio charge compression and therefore charge radiance appear to account for DNA and biology becoming alive, but clearly to be the CAUSE of gravity.
Preliminary evidence (Bludorf et al) suggests that DNA (built on Golden Mean) creates BLACK HOLE LIKE (gravity?) phenomenon (when excited / bliss?).
... did you know the cone capacitor (-
orgone is a misnomer for directionally recursive capacitive field-)
which Trevor Constable found most effective for rain making "Weather
Engineering on the High Seas" - was a 60 degree cone - the
exact fit into the 12 infinite vortex which nest in stellated
- See also the new DVD for the Star Mother kit - gravity capacitor
- symmetry design -
This hypothesis - if proven experimentally (now underway) - would explain:
a) why Gravity IS a magnetic monopole (per Einstein) - This is because the (perfectly phi phase conjugated in to acceleration ) charge gets an exit path thru the speed of light - presumeably by multiples of Golden Mean - (has Professor Chiao found 4.23xC light speed - golden mean cubed?)
b) why Gravity IS perfect non-destructive compression / collapse (Per Einstein. Although fractality - physics answer to infinite compression - was unknown to him - he could have noticed the Golden Mean everywhere biology wants to phase lock gravity electrically - in order to become part of the perfected charge DISTRIBUTION called LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESSS )
c) how DNA is designed to make and extract power from gravity
d) why DNA grows best in a biologically fractal capacitor ( , )
e) why most sensitives agree that virtually all non-linear and gravity making electrical technology is literally SICKENING - Using dead capacitors to step on DNA's reserved radio frequencies.- inviting us to properly describe as electricians the real charge symmetry meaning of BIOLOGIC capacitance - so we no longer build life poisoning capacitors - apparently Easter Island dolmen are an example - of DEATH capacitance. ( my hypothesis is that Enlil / Yalweh / Michael did the schematics - what a klutz). See 'negative green' below.
f) why the Russian physicists proved that EVERYTHING IS DEAD - in the spots where the UFO's landed..
g) the true electric symmetry of the deadly capacitive field, which Kariem - (Biogeometry) crudely calls NEGATIVE GREEN. (He kept insisting he could kill me with it, completely ignoring the truth I tried to tell him - that altho he could kill somebody with it- did NOT mean he had one clue to what it is!- certainly not the symmetry principle. Why- he could join George Bush - with his logic! ).
h) why Kepler was right noting the recursive platonic ratios (dodeca / icosa) predicts planet orbit nesting ( perfect nesting IS how the charge collapse called stable gravity is created).
i) how to re-organize the charge lines of Earth's grid to stabilize gravity and atmosphere ( ) -
j) how to reinvent architecture and agriculture now that we know that every thing wants to survive in biology needs to get fractal OR IT WILL DIE. ( , ). This insight is absolutely compelling - now that we know that the upcoming genepool toasting SOLAR MAXIMUM is essentially an appropriate filter testing all biology and geology for ability to compress non-destructively. Solution to GLOBAL WARMING IS ARRANGING EARTH MAGNETICS AND MATERIALS TO FRACTAL AND NON DESTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION! ( )
k) how the US Government (and many European) by actively financing corporate campaigns to END GENETIC DIVERSITY in farming - (hint - to the Monsanto fools) - are actively creating the DESTRUCTION OF OUR GENEPOOL. This is because GENETIC DIVERSITY IS THE SAME AS the harmonic inclusiveness of successful compression / fractality (medically proven to predict disease survival in EKG / HRV heart) .
in genes and blood: When DNA (SET FREE - like
kids who learn by freedom to TAKE responsibility) is able
to invite in charge harmonics fractally (inclusively) it builds
(ignites) its core implosion fusion of electric charge ( holy
When DNA learns this way to implode and suck electrically - it
is then able to steer itself (make gravity) . This is why the
moment you discover bliss is the first time you are NOT a parasite-
your aura / KA is able to navigate - death - dream.
(Explains why virtually all modern wheat, corn and soy is like
a mucous making - poison bullet to the immune system- the DNA
Too bad the KA tholics don't know that KA means the charge coherence to immortalize you in your bio field. The hygiene for this requires physics / pure principle - not priests or religious fundamentalists who cheat elections. ( REAL BLISS INSIDE - becomes the moment you depart from George Bush's Nazi goose-stepping and stop the sick fantasy that some external rediculous 'God' should fix it FOR you).
--SO the research group- in an expanding
series of international conference calls / groups - has set out
to finish an experimental design to prove that Golden Ratio Charge
Self Similarity - is proveably - the CAUSE of Gravity.
... here we'd like to thank for their help in these dialogs!
: (among others including...)
Jean Paul Biberian - Europes
premiere Cold Fusion lab,
-see THE
RESONANCE PROJECT - and- Fundamental
Physics group fame
Alex K- Golden Ratio physics
Matti Pitka - Quantum
a Grand Unified Field Theory based on Phi Recursion and Quantum
Gravity"-Phi in the g factor of the electron ..
Frank -
Michael Heleus -
Cedric Mannu - ref
Doug White - "Observer
Physics"..the FRACTAL PHI SPIRAL as
the most logical mathematical description of the way electrons
emit and absorb photons (OBSERVER PHYSICS, 11.35-39 et al.)
David Thomson - Quantum AetherDynamics Institute ,
and recently George Hathaway ."The
Experimentalist:George Hathaway"
and particularly - Bill Donovan - Bill points out that recursive
charge or flux self similarity could definitely be the essential
symmetry principle to the devices he has been involved in replicating:
-MEG device-
where Bearden (idea really from FB Richardson) specifically hints
that the internal flux feedback loop becomes 'recursive'.
- and in (Bill Donovan's article on) Gallimore
rebuild of Kowsky-Frost (Tuoai or Fire Crystal - like quartz
triggered bi axially - into recursive heterodynes?) dramatic gravity
1. Update from Dan Winter at recent Grand Unification Physics and Consciousness International Conference in Budapest (with pic)
Read in the pdf files (right) - Dan Winter sets radical new theme at the recent global physicists colloquium in Budapest: 2. A proper test for a scientific theory of consciousness is, if it can describe the precise (electrical) steps to restore consciousness. Restoring healthy fractal charge conditions (eeg Golden Ratio, phase conjugate or biologic architecture, live enzyme nutrition + yoga) around the body - absolutely pushes out infection / inflamation (lack of compression) - and brings back the possibility of electrically nourishing DNA, seed germination and bliss. Life and biology's survival symmetry library is none other than the information (charge) compression and distribution efficiency which precisely results from fractality. (Fractality in liquids / ReDox Potential, and fractality in AIR / I.G.A. - always measure the presence of LIFE ITSELF!). Mass=Constructive (fractal) Charge Compression/Collapse : Is CHARGE The 'Vortex Sponge' of the ETHER? ... see alsoThe Planck Ether Hypothesis and the Origin of Charge, Winterberg, F. from General Relativity and Gravitation, proceedings +Mass is only a name for the inertia stored by charge rotation, Ask your 'PHYsicist why PHYsical is named for PHI. Ask your chemistry professor why KHEMistry is named for the Egyptian KHEM which means -ACCESS to a BLACK hole. AllKhem-y.
The FRACTAL FIELD - Revolutionary Research Frontier - with Radically Powerful Solutions to Virtually ALL Major Global Issues..
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."--Max Planck, German Theoretical Physicist 1. Peacemaking: How The FRACTAL FIELD Can Make Teaching PEACE Into a New and Powerful SCIENCE - more: 2. Agriculture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Revolutionize Farming by creating Phase Conjugate Environment which properly allow DNA to Communicate and Thrive electrically - more: , and 3. Architecture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReInvent Architecture now that the Principle of Building a BIOLOGIC CAPACITOR Allows us to Create Structure to Truly Create Healing and Bliss in Biology - more: 4. Genetics: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReDefine Success in Genetic Research / and Engineering - based on ReDefining DNA COHERENCE, and DNA 'Radio', and DNA Ability to Absorb and Radiate the Electric Field of LIFE! - more: , and , 5. Psychology of BLISS / Ecstasy and PEAK EXPERIENCE: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows Us Now to Define, Measure and most of all TEACH - Peak Experience , Bliss, Ecstasy - True Enlightenment - more: 6. Urban Design: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Re-Invent URBAN DESIGN Based on Fractal Charge Compression- to Attract People, Money, Charge and LIFE FORCE Back into Urban Design- more: , 7. Weather / Climate / Rainmaking: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Attract Rain - and Regulate Precipitation - more: , and The Yantra Pics at 8. Energy: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Allow Us to PROPERLY Use Charge Self-Similarity to COHERE and Couple the Gravity Field for Electric Charge - WITHOUT Destabilizing the Earth Grid - more : , How the (Phi) FRACTAL FIELD provides radical new solutions to GLOBAL WARMING: , and WHEN COLD FUSION gets COLD: 9. Another example of FRACTAL FIELD - self similar charge field -revolutionizing medicine..- note how Negative Ion Wind (a fractal field) radically sweeps infection and parasites from the body ( see: ref 1) -perfectly consistent with using fractality to measure ANY liquid's ability to support life ( ReDox Potential measure at ) and - measuring fractality in Air to find and measure life's electric signature ( see IGA at phaseconjugation link). ALSO-FRACTALITY in the HEART-solution to EKG+ disease resistance: . |
Unified Theories - Scientific conference and workshop Kryuk V.G. PhD.: Natural Time and its properties Jean-Paul Biberian PhD.: Condensed Matter Nuclear Science - Cold Fusion Towards the Unification of Physics and Consciousness
also see
"One leading physicist admitted - she did not know "if Charge were an attribute of Mass- or Mass were an attribute of Charge?" In my paper for the conference- I define gravity and life as the efficient and non-destructive charge distribution that results from fractal compression of charge> , . In my newest paper: - I have challenged physics to explain the proveable fact that the symmetry array of electron shells (tetra/cube-to icos/dodec ) is PRECISELY SELF SIMILAR to the symmetry array of NUCLEAR HADRONS/protons-neutrons (tetra/cube-to icos /dodec) ... in any other way - than to conclude this SELF SIMILARITY enabled charge collapse / implosion IS THE CAUSE OF THE GRAVITY."
Now- back to experimental protocol:
Even the classic caducceus winding - when optimized to Golden Ratio in amplitude and or wavelength cascading - proves that the phase cancellation of electric vs magnetic vectors -perfected by Golden Mean - is the gravity making principle.
The essential hypothesis is then the Golden Ratio by allowing the electric wave PHASE VELOCITIES to ADD and MULTIPLY in CONSTRUCTIVE interference turns CHARGE COMPRESSION - in to CHARGE ACCELERATION (gravity).
Futher then that the symmetry essence in principle of PERFECT PHASE CONJUGATION - and PEFECT FUSION is therefore also based on Golden Ratio ( was Randy Masters right that the essential balmer radiance lines from Hydrogen are based on Golden Ratio?)
below- measuring gravity waves- with fractal capacitance array: (pics 410-421 at )
We acknowledge the dozens of designs from recursive charge for gravity making - Hutchinson, Naudin , American AntiGravity, Townsend Brown , many others..
Our view is that until the PURE SYMMETRY PRINCIPLE (Golden Ratio Implosion - optimized charge or magnetic self similarity / fusion / phase conjugation - or recursive feedback - ) is understood - these experiments are blind ( cannot be empowering or used safely)
So - one design being discussed to couple gravity and charge
( produce gravity from voltage and voltage from gravity):
Capacitor array to prove charge self similarity optimized by golden
ratio - optimizes capacitor cones which make gravity -(perfect
phase conjugation / fusion)
(when the design is OPEN source- then the US government cannot play it's FAVORITE Nazi trick- as it does for perhaps the majority of really exciting inventors- immediately informing them that their invention is now top secret - threat to 'national security/neurosis'- and the inventor will go immediately to jail if they share it. as in the Adam Trombley horror stories.. Does this give you pause about entering the 'Patent Bureu' nonsense?? It should.. )
We take a copper base 60 degree cone about 5" high, on top
outer surface (vacuum in the palladium layer) deposit thin layers
alternating - PALLADIUM then barium strontium titanate (thanks
for this suggestion bill) (or other phase conjugate hi dialectric)
(presumeably biologic origin dialectric insulators would be most
likely phase conjugate)
then thin film (mono atom thin perhaps) palladium and repeat..(next layer of barium strontium etc) 5 layers or more last layer is palladium
-- then use a programmable machine tool that etches a spiral
on a cone.. cut down the surface 5 spirals in and 5 out(golden)
down to the base palladium
so that the pattern cut thru all the layers but leaving the bottom
cone intact looks like this - grailperf.GIF
Top:top view, middle - oblique view, bottom is side view..(same
as DNA and grail)
now .. with that pine cone array of dialectrics exposed on the
top surface of the cone
press on top another copper structural cone.. the hi bias voltage is applied between the top and bottom cones
-the areas of capacitance - are pine cone shaped, with spiral air gaps between..
result- directional discharge out tip of cone creates thrust
(phase velocities add and multiply recursively constructively
between the dialectric zones
down the cone producing superluminal acceleration of charge out
the tip / perfecting
phase conjugation / fusion of charge waves - and gravity)
-We are asking for advice- - for labs - (for now - best outside of George Bush land) with some capability - for capacitive implosion - also for the Kowsky Frost- crystallographic implosive - capabilities.
Readers are referred to other examples of recursive capacitance - testing at
reprinted in part here:
Raymond Chiao, the physicist who demonstrated that photons can
tunnel through materials faster than the speed of light, is searching
for a link between general relativity and quantum mechanics. His
latest experiment, he hopes, will efficiently convert gravitational
waves into electromagnetic waves - and vice versa. He is aware
that some of his colleagues think he has embarked on a wild goose
chase, but he insists this experiment is worth doing. "It
raises some really fundamental issues: there are tensions between
general relativity and quantum mechanics that really should be
looked at - and looked at experimentally". Chiao is sure
of only one thing about the connection between electromagnetism
and gravity. "There is something there," he says. "There
is something there..."...more
Einstein wrote that when he first realized that gravity was equivalent to acceleration - an idea that would underlie his new theory of gravity - it was the "happiest thought of my life." On projects of far smaller weight, I have experienced that pleasure of discovering something new. It is an exquisite sensation, a feeling of power, a rush of the blood, a sense of living forever. To be the first vessel to hold this new thing.
----------------Introduction- The fact that capacitive arrays could produce aerodynamic thrust became a bit famous when it became commonly known that this concept was in use in the wings of the American 'Stealth' aircraft. Later - public domain research groups around the world began developing documentation to bring this principle that electrical charge arrays in conic capacitors could produce LIFT - out of the realm of military secrecy. (see below)
References documenting use of capacitor arrays to PRODUCE gravity - American Antigravity - video clips, complete instructions, and other related lifter information. Jean-Louis Naudin's "Lifter Experiments Website" A very in-depth website containing video clips, complete instructions, World-Wide Lifter Replications An overview with photos and video from many of the independent inventors who have replicated the lifter experiments. The home page for Transdimensional Technologies, the developers of the lifter design. Blaze Labs (Saviour's Research Website) An excellent site on research into lifter enhancements, radiation testing, sealed devices, power supplies, and other topics relating to lifter technology. Lifter Builders Group An email group for the exchange of research findings for those interested in building lifters or staying current on the state of the technology. The NASA patent regarding obtaining thrust from an asymmetrical twodimensional capacitor, |
When waves arrange themselves into the perfect pine cone SCREWing up shape of Golden Ratio Embedding , they begin adding and multiplying their wave lengths AND VELOCITIES recursively, as the ONLY constructive way thru the speed of light. Note the Pine (al) Conic Self-Similarity between Cell Division and the Pine Cone..
(Compare this
shape to (Izthak) Bentov's vision of Galaxies Replicating like
cell division around violin strings (microtubules) radiating from
black holes (centrioles as the cookie cutters) shaped like ancient
sacred alphabet letters in his : "Cosmic (Comic) Book".
This is why I (Dan Winter) predict that the waves now being measured
going faster than light will be measured moving at Golden Mean
Ratio MULTIPLES of the speed of light. (other PREDICTIONS
What is squeezed out the center of the fractal charge wind to center we call gravity are worms going thru the speed of light. These are exchanged for example between planetary bodies experiencing gravity relations erotically. (Gurdjieff: Coherent Emotion Feeds the Earth ). The ability to retain CENTERING FORCE keeping little worms inside big worms is the recursion self awareness adds to song lines. ("Substance of WE Feeling - The GLUE).
All bonding is phase locking - ionic, covalent, gravitational and human. Perfect (or inPHIknit) phase locking is always recursive and therefore Golden Mean based.
Self-Similarity is the mechanism of all bonding which reaches BETWEEN frequencies. (G-ray of Vita :Gravita)
Life force is embedding of charge. (Celestine Prophecy: "All Human Interaction is about CHARGE"). Which is how charge waves become self-aware /organizing / steering.
Self-Similarity can be measured among waves, in the same way
Summary of the principle new insights offered from
Dan Winter's writing - by Implosion Group: In this article - Winter deals with the danger of turning this insight (Winter call's PhiRICAIS - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Implosion Solution - ) into the obvious mechanical electrical implosion device which ends fossil fuel dependancy. This is because of fact that nature designed it that only structures which embed biological intent should accelerate charge thru the speed of light (producing gravity from voltage and the inverse) - since this is the radio station which determines the successful holy communion / information sharing / compression summation / pure intention testing - at the coeur of all DNA. (Why non-linear - formerly erroneously called 'FREE'- energy devices make sensitive people sick.) Winter contends that the dozens of these devices which have already been suppressed by the American military - cannot be used responsibly until a massive re-education about human bliss can show us the only sustainable biological access to this energy source.(See curriculum - showing that since BLISS/ enlightenment/measureable charge density in biology - is the ultimate form of education and the only source of immune system / ensoulment / and biological immortality/sustainability - and therefore the only agreeable purpose to having government - and finally articulates a scientific hygiene to make bliss sustainable - which replaces the disempowering personality/miracle worship of religion ). Gradually, Winter predicts - we will take responsibility for the fact that DNA's PHI based fractality - explains that successful genes are a device designed to MAKE GRAVITY (by successful compression that becomes acceleration). And that this ability is key to creating an electrical hygiene (environment) for successful dying. (no discontinuity of memory / the projective geometry of charge). see Also see in this article, Winter - redefines the meaning of success in architecture - by stating how life force in a building can be built and measured. |
Due to life threatening stupidity - all of western technology currently absolutely ignores the fact that LIFE and the conditions than maintain life are absolutely limited to fractal and self centering (& bliss enabling) ELECTRICAL (charge) ENVIRONMENTS. This simple fact is so appalling, and disgusting to me personally - it urges me to present evidence here - that the human genepool on Earth will absolutelty be terminated within about 10 years unless this ignorant arrogance is quickly fixed.
In continous global lecture tours (in the last 3 months- Turku,Helsinki,Stockholm,Oslo,Cancun,
Cuzco - next 4 months: SaoPaulo,Auckland,Sydney,Byron,Perth,Zurich,Lindau,Lisbon,Turin,St.Tropez..Come see
we have successfully presented evidence that LIFE FORCE
(ability to attract and self organize electrical charge defined
& measured capacitively) MUST BE MEASURED in order to learn
exerpt here- Architecture of Sacred Space-
becomes SCIENCE instead of myth because LIFE FORCE can be measured
and defined electrically.
Life Force Equals the Ability to Attract and Self-Organize Capacitive
Charge - It Now Becomes Possible to Outline the Function of Architecture.
SACRED is a name for the place where waves of charge can agree to meet.
The function of MIND among waves is to produce this agreement and therefore the centering force called gravity. We give you as evidence the elimination of gravity stability in each culture or planet where DNA and people were not allowed to become self-organizing/ FREE !
Because ARCHITECTURE like all other disciplines
must serve life or die - until they (the architects) know how
to make life - out of the electrical compression of the capacitance
of their buildings - it is appropriate that capacitance abomination
metal buildings continue to cause the architects who build them
to die quickly so that biofeedback can leave only architects
who build life.
(One could use such laws of nature for example to hope
for the quick death of the Pope - whose anti-contraceptive policy
alone costs the misery of billions- BUT since both the Bible Code
and Fatima with track record accuracy predict that this is the
LAST pope - and that his ROME is destroyed by the nuclear cloud
when Jerusalem gets it - maybe we should hope for a few more months
for the old guy). (inset here - a recommended procedure to bring
lawsuit against your local church building - the same way you
prove to your government that the microwave tower they just installed
AROUND THE CHURCH or the microwave tower. You can then easily
prove that the massive die-off of healthy soil micro-organisms
(which causes soil compaction) is DIRECTLY CAUSED BY THE CHURCH
- or the microwave tower. The reason is that the sharp steeple
is a death making bleed for the capacitive charge of the land.
Hint - now understand the principle why the Eastern church less
sharp more onion shaped steeple is less of a bleeding parasite.
Fortuneately it looks like the parasitic-God is outside you- Western
church structure will soon serve the genepool by destroying itself
with it's own pediphilia)
One reason architecture should look like biology is that biological structures have discovered thru evolution the materials and shapes which allow the electrical fields we call LIFE to converge into self-organization and self-awareness. The ability to self-organize and "FUSE" charge into living form is the appropriate goal for architecture because it is the only way to achieve the electrical sustainability as wave which is a scientific definition of immortality.
For example, biology never uses a sharp corner because it would bleed electrical force. You have never seen a Van De Graaph Generator with a corner, it is very rounded. Biology never uses sharp edges except exactly where charge NEEDS to be projected.
Architecture for healing - measuring the person to adjust the architecture to intensify the healing process. Embedding . Paramagnetic stone would allow building to respond to the quality of the human being - by embedding the person in the self-similarity (compressibility and holy communion of biological capacitive charge. (formerly called orgone, barrakah, chi, shaktipat, blessing..). Symbiotic - self-aware and alive.
Healing temple - would not look like a temple as we know it. But is a biological structure.
'The bee hive and the pine cone are excellent
examples of sacred architecture because as biological capacitors
they implode charge making life and bliss possible and sustainable.
They are made of biologic dialectric (self-similar at atomic and
molecular symmetry levels)- what Reich used to call organic orgone
material- really names for fractal capacitive dialectric. Dialectric
is a name of the quality of the insulator spark cap where capacitors
catch the memory of stars.
The metal building ...or the western idea of what is a refrigerator
- with sharp edges and bad air in urban areas are examples of
structures which make only death and prevent bliss because they
are bleeding capacitors and therefore the opposite of sacred architecture.
Earlier we presented a list of questions - which illustrate the life threatening arrogance Western Science displays by refusing to define and understand LIFE electrically. For example we now have data which is difficult to ignore - that the process of dying successfully - (maintaining the COHERENCE of biological memory) - can absolutely be understood as the electrical hygiene to prepare a fractal and compressible (sacred) death bed - with emotions & genes which compress into the shareable. (self-similarity turns wave/charge compression in to the acceleration called both gravity and sustainability/immortality. more info at ).
Another example: when your waitress at McDonalds unconsciously tells you to ENJOY YOUR HAMBURGER - here is how she really intends that you COULD serve your genepool by EATING that hamburger-
Human Enjoyment is a name for that fact that proper nutrition
actually has the possibility of permitting your biomass (body)
to radiate an increasingly coherent electrical capacitance field.
This is sometimes called - Chi / Aura / Orgone / ShaktiPat / Eck
/ Barrakah / etc.. these confusing words were each invented by
people who sadly did not know what a capacitor is, or the fact
that it's electrical field of charge could measureably propagate
faster than the speed of light . (pic above illustrates) . This
describes the physics of the Kirlian Photo, the Immoto water pics,
and Sensitive Crystallization experiments of Steiners students
. Life force AND the ultimate form of all biological education
IS the shape and info content of this charge field - because this
is what steers and orients every molecule into the geometric change
from liquid to liquid-crystal called biology. This is why generating
human bliss (charge density) replaces and makes obsolete any other
form of human education. (Read: the environmental function of
human bliss - chapters- Dan Winter's new book Implosion's Fractal
Attractor - online in full color printable pdf - at
) The purpose of this discussion is to further illustrate the
biological service to environment possible when you acheive the
CHARGE RADIANCE your McDonald's waitress referred to as HAMBURGER
This also accounts nicely for the physics of astrology - once
you understand that gravity and turning gravity into voltage (formerly
and incorrectly called "FREE" energy) is simply the
presence of waves of charge measureable in cheap capacitors caused
to turn compression in to acceleration because of (PHI based)
self similarity.
Is the universe a dodecahedron? (ref: ) , 8 October 2003 The standard model of cosmology predicts that the universe is infinite and flat. However, cosmologists in France and the US are now suggesting that space could be finite and shaped like a dodecahedron instead. They claim that a universe with the same shape as the twelve-sided polygon can explain measurements of the cosmic microwave background - the radiation left over from the big bang - that spaces with more mundane shapes cannot (J-P Luminet et al. 2003 Nature 425 593). The cosmic microwave background provides a picture of the universe as it was some 400 000 years after the big bang. By this time the universe had cooled down enough for atoms to form, which meant that there were no longer any free electrons to scatter the photons produced in the early universe. Any variations or anisotropy in the temperature of the background radiation therefore reflect variations in the density of the universe at this time. These temperature fluctuations can be expressed as a sum of spherical harmonics, and astrophysicists plot the relative strength of these harmonics as a function of angle. The height and positions of the peaks in this so-called 'power spectrum' are related to basic astrophysical properties of the universe.
Data from the first year of the WMAP satellite - unveiled in February - agreed with the predictions of the standard big bang plus inflation model of cosmology for regions of space separated by small angles. However, on larger angular scales - greater than 60 - the WMAP observations were significantly lower than this model predicted (figure 1).
Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Observatoire de Paris and colleagues believe that the finite size of the universe itself is responsible for this behaviour. Moreover, they show that the predictions of a model in which space consists of 12 curved pentagons joined together in a sphere agrees with the WMAP observations (figure 2). Their 'small', closed universe should be about 30 billion light years across. "Our work really addresses this ancient question of whether the universe is finite or infinite," team member Jeff Weeks, a freelance mathematician based in New York, told PhysicsWeb. "The exciting point is that this is no longer pure speculation - we now have real data." The team says that its result, if confirmed, will have implications for theories and models of quantum gravity, inflation and the big bang itself. However, the model needs to be tested further by studying the microwave background at larger angles using more data from WMAP and the Planck Surveyor, which is due to be launched later this decade. Author related:: Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background, by JEAN-PIERRE LUMINET1, JEFFREY R. WEEKS2, ALAIN RIAZUELO3, ROLAND LEHOUCQ1,3 & JEAN-PHILIPPE UZAN4, J.R.W. ( Article appeared in the 9 October issue of Nature (2003). The Nature version is available from |
1. What does it mean to COHERE the VACUUM ('Zero Point' energy access)?
A: When circuits are arranged in proper feedback to recursion - a self-similar acceleration path for charge thru the speed of light- creates a wormhole in the vacuum - literally like pulling the plug in a bathtub to allow a way out (thru light speed) for charge. The resultant wind of charge is the compression of charge thus turned in to ACCELERATION OF CHARGE - is called gravity.. (and explains why self-similarity is the predictor of gravity stability- something new to physics). If the symmetry is sustainable ( perfected by Golden Ratio) - the sustained attraction of charge thru that wormhole creates LIFE FORCE ( ) and simultaneous a potentially huge SOURCE OF ENERGY - (NOT infinite tho- because limited by the COHERENCE of the gravity field itself! ) .
2. Great - so than why not go ahead a build huge numbers of these implosion generators and elminate fossil fuels and become the master (borg?) race?
A: This is the tricky part - Do you remember the TV commercial where they said: "It's not NICE to fool Mother Nature!"
It turns out that all of biology was built to harness this energy cascade thru light speed we call life force - and doing it with only mechanical machines poses REAL AND IMMEDIATE HAZARDS.
3. Explain these hazards in simple terms:
A: First - let's state the evidence - as a speaker at dozens of international conferences on non-linear energy technologies - I can state with confidence... that each of these example devices..
a) the simple caddeceus coils..
b) the Neuman device
c) the "Pod Mod"
d) T Henry Moray - crystal oscillator etc..
and surely many others ..
would EACH as they began to begin producing electricity from gravity - ALSO dramatically produce of strong feeling a nausea and illness - in people around (particularly anyone with shamanic skills).
The reason that purely mechanical implosion / gravity energy devices sicken people with senstive DNA is very instructive to study. Remember DNA was designed as a compression / acceleration device for charge - thus permitting the information holy communion we call DEATH and dreaming. DNA accomplishes this by self-similarity in design to perfect the compression of charge in to acceleration .. This accounts for one of the main functions of DNA in the metabolism among stars - that is - the fabrication of gravity. (6 pics)
So the genes are always in the process of sliding biological charge
down this superluminal holy communioning tornado where only the
shareable survive. (Note that the path is an "L" shape
- why those able are called "The "El's".) This
is how DNA so efficiently compresses and summarizes survival wisdom
over millions of years ( and why death is the immortalizing process
of sorting which memories are able to compress / accelerate and
therefore ABLE TO BE SHARED / able to be immortal.)
SOUL IS SPIN DENSITY. Those who by stubbornly choosing electrical emotions which are in fact NOT SHAREABLE - gradually lose their souls (this compression tornado thru light speed up DNA's central zipper). The mechanical ways in which this loss of ensoulment (called NEPHILIM - means 'fallen' or DNA not able to implode/ or absorb PASSION) is measured include:
a) loss of UltraViolet coherent light radiance around healthy DNA
b) loss of ability to lucid dream
c) loss of ability to bring memory thru death
d) inability to time travel without embarassing heavy metal craft
e) loss of the ability to radiate thymus charge to initiate immune system health in babies
Now - let us get back to WHY the zero point or implosion energy devices causes en-souled or simply passionate - kinds of people to feel emotionally sick .
Le us deal with the danger of turning this insight (Winter call's PhiRICAIS - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Implosion Solution - ) into the obvious mechanical electrical implosion device which ends fossil fuel dependancy. This is because of fact that nature designed it that only structures which embed biological intent should accelerate charge thru the speed of light (producing gravity from voltage and the inverse) - since this is the radio station which determines the successful holy communion / information sharing / compression summation / pure intention testing - at the coeur of all DNA. (Why non-linear - formerly erroneously called 'FREE'- energy devices make sensitive people sick.) Winter contends that the dozens of these devices which have already been suppressed by the American military - cannot be used responsibly until a massive re-education about human bliss can show us the only sustainable biological access to this energy source.(See curriculum - showing that since BLISS/ enlightenment/measureable charge density in biology - is the ultimate form of education and the only source of immune system / ensoulment / and biological immortality/sustainability - and therefore the only agreeable purpose to having government - and finally articulates a scientific hygiene to make bliss sustainable- which replaces the disempowering personality/miracle worship of religion).
Gradually, Winter predicts - we will take responsibility for the fact that DNA's PHI based fractality - explains that successful genes are a device designed to MAKE GRAVITY (by successful compression that becomes acceleration). And that this ability is key to creating an electrical hygiene (environment) for successful dying. (no discontinuity of memory / the projective geometry of charge). see
The ONLY way waves can fit together without cancelling eachother
out, AND
yet create a Still Point ("low entropy", least energy
leak - a Yogi would say, the
three guna's are perfectly balanced) together is through perfect
meaning: PERFECT Phase Criterium, plus PERFECT wave ratio by Golden
This is NOT "like a laser beam" and also it has NOTHING
to do with "resonance"
or "interference". Moreover, these waves are not interacting
whatsoever, rather
selected to take part in the Cosmic drama, if they find a way
to live among one
another, by perfectly embedding / implying eachother.
Below a - very preliminairy - computer example showing three
times exactly
the same experiment: 12 waves heterodyning (mathematically done
by multiplying
amplitudes, is standard procedure e.g. in radio technology, for
creating so called
"side-bands"). The only difference is the geometric
ratio, (i.e. not arithmetic)
creating a series, in this example a cascade of 12 waves.
The red plots are simply all the "parent" waves together,
the grey plots above
show for each set the composed heterodyne. The scale and everything
else in the
plots is the same. The Golden Mean heterodyne shows an amazingly
flat signal.
The ratios in the upper and lower figures are only plus or minus
.1 different from
Golden Mean, resulting in a visibly higher entropy in the composed
Including more (higher) harmonics is expected to render a perfectly
flat heterodyne.
[above graphs are slighly obsolete, as probably the scaling
was tweaked - however the packing of wave power in
single spikes is clearly seen (more below)]
Heart Coherence Team
Jan. 15, 2003
Preliminairy Phi - The Creative Ratio A heterodyne composed of 7 waves, having a choosen harmonic (geometric) ratio, was sampled over a total of 3000 samples. To obtain a fair result, the sample lenght << shortest wave and total duration >> longest wave. This was repeated for 200 different ratio's, varying from 1.518 to 1.718. The plot shows for each ratio the integral, preserved wave power of the resulting heterodyne, by a vertical blue line (by taking the sumtotal of the absolute value of all samples at a certain ratio). The scale is relative and linear. It is seen that the Golden Mean Ratio is the only place in the entire harmonic spectrum with an increased wave power preservation. Also outside this small range, this minute peak is nevermore repeated (apart from it's inverse), showing that the Golden Mean Ratio is naturally the optimal ratio for least-destructive heterodyning. Below example employs the proper phase discipline: If a random phase-offset is applied to the composing waves, this does not affect the result throughout the spectrum, but surprisingly the range around Golden Mean Ratio is disturbed, possibly even into increased destructive heterodying. In below examples and inserts, a phase- offset for every wave is applied already before the sampling, so that it is the same for all ratio's: Heart Coherence Team Feb. 16, 2003 |
Preliminairy Phi Harmonics - packing wave power in spikes Golden Mean heterodyning compresses the resulting wave power in single spikes, leaving the rest of the heterodyne relatively still. Below example includes only 11 harmonics. More and more lower and higher harmonics may only result in excessively higher spikes, ultimately resulting in one single Dirac pulse. Golden Mean heterodyning forms the only harmonic / recursive set creating, or respectively contained inside, a single pulse. At the same time, the traditional spectral decomposition of the Dirac pulse renders all possible frequencies together, meaning the entire Universe is theoretically described by one single Golden Mean harmonic set.
Ý Slightly off-Phi, the wave power gets quickly distributed in time. Ý
Premiminairy Arithmetic waves adding up
compare Heart Tuner samples below Ý |
preliminairy Heart Tuner samples showing smooth frequency distribution. This result was obtained by measuring during deep breath retaining,
Ý |
Fourier decomposition of heterodyned harmonics
It is seen that the arithmetic (power) definition of the composed
wave is altogether different from the
heterodyned original, in most cases containing a far greater number
of sine waves (see table below):
Fourier analysis of Phi-harmonic heterodyne |
number of harmonics
number of arithmetics
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
5 |
10 |
6 |
16 |
7 |
27 |
8 |
44 |
9 |
± 72 |
10 |
± 116 |
11 |
± 188 |
12 |
± 308 |
13 |
± 496 |
Note - some inaccuracy due to software fft. The linear Fourier
of a perfect golden mean heterodyne shows that the total number
of linear waves increases by Phi ratio per single
added harmonic
(notably unlike example using wrong phase discipline..). Is this
a clue
to biology's phylotaxis (branching algoritm)? - or generally,
golden mean ratio propagates into linear physics?