The Gravity Code - Updates from Self-Similarity Creates Gravity AND Self-Awareness -Physics Journal Paper -
Global Response pours in -
International - authors and scientists respond to Dan Winter's new 'GRAVITY CODE'
Shared by Implosion Group - April 17, 05- url: , main index:
POINCARE AGREES with WINTER! - Dan Winter's first paper on Self Similarity / Fractality as the Symmetry of Charge Collapse and therefore CAUSE of Gravity - hinges on charge waves approaching non-destructive compression - based on Golden Ratio symmetry. When we examine physics best current idea of the symmetry of gravity itself - it resolves to what is called the S3# Poincare Dodecahedral Space. this 'Lie' or symmetry group - 60 / 120 element array fits perfectly the dodeca icosa symmetry - for capacitive charge which our new theory concludes will MAKE GRAVITY. This is because the same Golden Ratio spacing beween every path curve on Dodec / Icos is exactly that needed to turn Charge Compression IN to Acceleration (Gravity).
E=MC^2 merely quantified the obvious that inertia storage - called 'mass' was only a function of sustainable wave rotation.
More interesting / and from the point of view of electrically supporting the creation of life force - probably more useful - we now have - from Winter:
Gravity, Implosion, and Self-Awareness = Charge Acceleration thru C by Wave Self-Similarity - FRACTALITY ! = (Potentially infinite wave multiple-connectedness by CONSTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION)
Implosion is that which provides the centering force necessary to stabilize the wave rotation called 'mass'. By defining mass only as the resistance to change of position / interia - for wave packets in rotation - it became obvious that a symmetry law was required to describe what causes wave to resist change of position.
( Einstein called this problem he never solved: the geometric model of infinite non-destructive compression. - which is now obviously the stellated dodeca-icosa.)
-The answer - pulling the plug to allow charge an exit path thru the speed of law by recursive heterodyning: Charge Implosion - also answers the other question which til now stumped physicists: Why does an object fall to the ground?
The Proof: Capacitive Charge in PHI based self-similarity creates gravity.
In summary - because he was stumped on the geometry of infinite non-destructive compression - Einstein got a few things wrong - he caused all physics to say "Acceleration due to gravity" and measure that - as the only definintion current physcs has for gravity. Yet now we know that it is actually the opposite: "Gravity is due to acceleration"! (of charge) - thru the speed of light. And recursive heterodyning (constructive wave interference of phase VELOCITIES - when centers of charge/mass enter the geometry of self-similarity.) IS the accelerator.
See also- upcoming: International Conference: "Practical Energy Applications of Implosion - Learning the PRINCIPLES" - inspired also in way the HeartTuner measures / EKG implosion (charge self-similarity as non-destructive compression). more info:
Comments from Dan Winter: (comments made subsequent to the dialog-see link) The reason Schauberger and others (described below) were able to extract electrical wattage from a water vortex was because of the natural possibility of initiating successful recursive capacitive charge compression which can accelerate components of the charge field thru the speed of light - in water - which is properly called IMPLOSION. Proof of this concept can be understood by arranging simple capacitors in a recursive fractal ( PHI / pent optimized array) - measuring the resultant ion beam & weak gravity field generated (pics - CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE Library REVIEW FOR THIS 'IMPLOSION CONCEPT")- even when the capacitors are not externally energized. If water is properly piezoelectric (trace mineral 'doping'), and spun in a proper dialectric insulator - water naturally imitates this charge array elegantly in it's own seeking for maximum non-destructive compression both hydrodynamically and electrically. Gravity is created and destroyed as charge lines create this acceleration path due to recursive heterodyning of phase wave lengths AND velocities. The voltage difference between the charge compression core and the centrifugal periphery can become a meaningful source of power. It is also true, that 'sinking' the local charge field in this way - will create gravity and emotional perturbation, and needs to be done very responsibly. Also it is strongly noted that the relative position of the device with respect to local ley / charge earth lines, will affect the output - and disturbance degree - as well as effects from the astrologic (which are really capacitive) symmetry density conditions.
see- Greg Hodowanec GRAVITY WAVE RECORDER - and Bill Ramsey- search keyword also - Rustrak Recorder..
3. Gravity Making- RECURSION AMONG CAPACITORS- Update...Below - Section
Just Added to How to Make THRUST from Charge:
: Oct- 26,06: - Additional notes: We would like to thank Colin ,
, and his partner for working on this project - their first device may
have caused
even unusual precipitation - they are testing further: (pic)Does
a non linear electric field gradient generate gravity? -
, LOOK Carefully at the BLAZE LABS site- notice that he seems to believe that
the ion wind effect - DOES create gravity - yet WE believe that capacitors can
create gravity in a near vacuum - if we understand, he does not?? - this is important
- also - note while there the research summary documenting that there is 1% or
more of absolutely proven changeability of the GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANT - yet he
does not begin to articulate the principle - THAT THE AMOUNT OF LOCAL GRAVITY
related: Spherical Capacitors and How to Build a UFO
from "James Kent" <> ,To:
, Subject: Phi Recursion & Space Travel, 25 Oct 2005
This question is in reference to "Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration",
Hello, - I recently stumbled across your page and found your work very interesting.
I was wondering if you had considered a practical means to produce an engine
based on your theory to induce near-light-speed space travel. Assuming money
was no object, would you be able to discuss how such an engine might be built?
- Also, are there ways to test your theory in a lab environment, such as measuring
the behavior of electrons passing through some of the fields you describe? Would
you be willing to discuss rudimentary empirical experiments that illustrate some
of the functions of your principle?- Thank you for your interesting work. I will
continue to explore you site in more detail.- James Kent
Answer: Experimentally- - this article summarizes our experiments so far - Also see- biologic example at - others are building capacitive recursion devices - and sadly calling them "FREE" Energy - we discuss why this name is a serious mistake at
Extending the Seyfert Galaxy Orgasm trigger for Solar Max dialog at - Author of Voynich Manuscript and the Approaching Eye of the Galactic Superwave.. writes.. "Hi Dan,....The galactic superwave, which was more than likely about halfway here when the last major event hit, will simply obliterate life if someone does not step into the mix. My approach has dealt with the information given to abductees over the last fifty years, as well as the search in history for the thread that explains this. The answers as down to earth. "They" are here for the event - and, as was said to one abductee that was shown a horrific looking sky: When you see the sky look like this, know that we are coming.--Regards Jim... "According to a legend told by the Hopi Indians, the present world civilization is not the first to populate the earth. Before this one, there were three other "worlds", each terminated by a global catastrophe. They call the present world cycle the "Fourth World", and claim that it too like the others before it, will one day come to an end. They say that this ending will be heralded by the appearance of Saquasohuh, the Blue Star spirit. ---Paul LaViolette author of Galactic Superwave - also writes:4/17/05 (in response to my note) from Dan: "it seems to me - that the concept of self similar or fractal arrangement for dialectric charge centers (capacitors in a cone optimized by phi - making gravity) may be essential principle? >>" to which Paul responds: "I don't know exactly what you mean by the above. My concept is simple: positive charge (protons) produce positive mass (G potential wells), negative charge (electrons) produce negative mass (G potential hills). Contrary to general relativity, there are two polarities for gravity and these are correlated with electric charge. These are predictions from a theory I have developed called subquantum kinetics. Thus far subquantum kinetics has had 10 of its a priori predictions verified by observation so this sets it appart from most other theories on electrogravitics. If you want to learn more about my work in this area I suggest you read my book Subquantum Kinetics and my paper on the B-2 which is in the book Electrogravitics Systems edited by T. Valone. They can be ordered from or at the website.,Best regards, Paul LaViolette" to which Dan returned: (the reason negative charge produces gravity) " ... the centripedal nature of what is called negative charge is directly due to charge attraction due to fractality - when that charge attraction becomes broad spectral enough ( the same harmonic inclusiveness optimized by phi that defines resistance to disease in heart hrv -explaining the eeg / ekg access to voltage from gravity during bliss-shown in power spectra as phi harmonics ) - this suction is called gravity - because this creates a charge path out thru lightspeed -"dan winter |
Compression IN to Accleration (gravity). (See 'TimeStar' + pics & animations).
This short note is an appendix for the Self-Similarity Creates Gravity paper. It has been gratifying to find such interest and reaction. Here we offer some samples:
and also this applet:
we recommend it..
thanks so much Dan, and do keep up the good work; i'd imagine you're having a
greater effect than you realize. -blake
next blake wrote:
hey dan;
i'm glad you got my note.
i don't have skype, but i'll certainly look into it... in the meantime, i am all wrapped up in the Golden Mean (ha)
and peering around through through spacetime curvature-corners of general relativity. I think we're really on to something big here.
yeah. I got hadron2, and the references are excellent; i also tried pulling up Golden Mean related publications via my school's online library system, with some success (there is a lot of related work going on, but nothing that seems to really *get* it)
-so i have a couple of questions for you ....
so. I'm looking at the Hadron2 article now, a few pages in, under "the definition of conscious awareness" you begin by saying "the reason that perfected (fractal/ self-similar ) compression creates both gravity and awareness is elegantly simple."
my first qestion is: what is recursion?
2nd q: is phase velocity a synonym for frequency?
3: when these waves align and embed, does their heterodyning create geometric and arithmetical series of both their wavelength and frequency? and if so, how would one map that imagically onto, for example, a golden rectangle/ spiral?
4:if this process extends through einstein's c barrier, where is it going? is there a point when c is exceeded? is there a point when the entity starts emitting light? i guess it's when time turns around??
-it seems to me : that this theory recontextualizes electromagnetic charge as a fundamental, neoclassical wave-function... this model system would thus recontextualize all the formerly particulate entities; mass, inertia, ...kinesis/ potentia...? what about light?
-what about time? where i want to take this is toward a profoundly LOCAL mechanics that can include psyche & emotion. It's already implied by the limited nature of local fractal-perception.... i suppose the perfect charge compression/ distribution that creates/allows awareness in your model is immanent, in much the same way as is phi itself. how does that sound?
-i realize that i've been thinking of time in terms of an energy emission/reception imbalance... I have been relating this to gravity in my head throughout this... But i have also been considering it to be cogent with the einsteinian frame of reference; ignoring for a moment the notion of unidirectional flow, it is clear that our perception of time as a progression/collection of units depends upon a prior
establishment of unitscale. This profoundly implies covariance with chargecompression via symmetry (-i should call it phimetry, since it is actually a special asymmetry).
last thought -hope youre not bored - perhaps time is the newest added dimension in a global phylogeny toward integral manifold complexity - seems kinda like golden mean alignment, by localizing evolution inclusively, would sorta pry the dimensionality we're capable of experiencing open to make room for us to grow... i picture an egg....
~i guess that was my fifth question
response from Dan Winter: Re: phi-optimized Global Scaling - most of what I had to say is at - the fact that Golden Ratio in brainwave power spectra now so elegantly identifies the charge attraction of BLISS - and CREATIVITY speaks for itself. ( ) Initiate compression by Golden Ratio - and you attract the waves of charge -which are at one called MASS and INFORMATION. I suggest non-linear Golden Ratio harmonic cascades optimize both the harmonic inclusiveness AND the coherence in the EKG which identify resistance to disease. The fact that medicine says that since the healthy heart must be frequency inclusive and diverse- AND CALLS THAT A CHAOTIC HEART - is in fact wrong. Fractality idealized by Golden Ratio is the OPPOSITE of CHAOS. ( discussions: , , and in the Fractal Heart links at ).
What is recursion.. is perhaps answered best - by the picture of the wave moving into the Golden Mean spiral - showing that in hydrodynamics - the only angle at which a wave can re-enter itself (self-re entry ) without hurting itself - is the Golden Mean spiral. This becomes the symmetry recipe for self-reference - which defines self awareness even in the Vedas. Ability for a wave to recur - (the same RE that defines THING-ness in Latin)- depends on its ability to fold back upon itself.
Of the definitions for RECURSION on the web we think the BEST is ( under entry for RECURSION):
When a function calls itself, either directly or indirectly. If this isn't clear, refer to the entry for "recursion." (Here the entry for recursion refers for clarity to the entry for recursion??? kool huh) -
2. Phase velocity is NOT a synonym for frequency. When the front of a pressure wave..conveys it's inertia - it may do so in multiple 'velocity modes' at once. This is where Golden Ratio shines and becomes Golden - because it allows the multiple modes of wave speed to move thru each other (heterodyning - adding and multiplying) - all with only CONSTRUCTIVE interference. (wave length and wave speed ADD and MULTIPLY)..
further: Definitions of phase velocity on the Web:
* The velocity of a carrier wave in a modulated signal.
* Velocity, measured over a short time period, at which a particular wave crest is propagated through water or rock media.
* 1. Same as phase speed. 2. The velocity at which a wave of given frequency and wave length advances across the ocean.
* The velocity of an equiphase surface along the normal of a traveling single frequency plane wave.
* The phase velocity of a wave is the rate at which the phase of the wave propagates in space. This is the velocity at which the phase of any one frequency component of the wave will propagate. You could pick one particular phase of the wave (for example the crest) and it would appear to travel at the phase velocity. The phase velocity is given in terms of the wave's frequency É÷ and wave vector k by...
3. Re: 3: when these waves align and embed, does their heterodyning create geometric and arithmetical series of both their wavelength and frequency? and if so, how would one map that imagically onto, for example, a golden rectangle/ spiral? - It would seem that if a wave series were created of geometric and arithmetic cascade for wavelength - then by definition the inverse 1/f would be true for frequency. The important new suggestion here is that the cascade of INCREASING WAVE VELOCITIES - by constructive (Golden Ratio) adding and multiplying - becomes the charge ACCELERATION - called GRAVITY. Regarding imaging this -
I suggest the 3D rotation of this dodeca stellation crossing of 10 Golden Spirals -from the DNA top view - ( called the HOLY GRAIL ) - wherein each node of the infinite interdigitation stellation of dodeca icosa has x,y,+ z coordinate values which are all simple whole number multiples of Golden Ratio - distance to center maintained always in Phi proportion.. as these image illustrated..
animated at , , VRML at
and finally - regarding - 4: if this process extends through einstein's c barrier, where is it going? is there a point when c is exceeded? is there a point when the entity starts emitting light? i guess it's when time turns around??
answer from Dan - The PHIRICAIS hypothesis suggests that charge phase velocity modes penetrate the speed of light in multiples of Golden Ratio times C. One of the major tests of the theory is that work like Prof.Ray Chao (next section here). This would occur at a geometric threshold point near center probably associated with the Fine Structure Constant ( see the section of - showing the fine structure constant derived from the translation of vorticity on the surface of a donut). Re: where the entity emits charge ( like the saints halo ) - is when charge attraction (implosion .bliss electricity ) becomes self-sustaining - then sufficient charge exists to radiate. As far as when time turns around - the hypothesis suggests that faster than light speed is precisely where time travel is enabled ( since time is only a name for the phase velocity of rotation). And further..... (aka Carolan book: 'SPIRAL CALENDAR' ). That apparent synchronicity, and the inhabiting of time ( a measure of relative rotation) is only sustainable ... when event histories become themselves fractal and recursive idealized by Golden Ratio.
regarding - charge moving thru C the speed of light by Mulitples of Golden Ratio - we quote from PHI faster than light - Solution to Event Horizon Penetration - AND DNA Penetrating Light Speed? "Koeln physics professor Guenther Nimtz, used a hollow metal pipe, called a wave transducer. On the end of the Ca. 20 cm long metal pipe a section of Mozart's Symphony #40 became audible through an amplifier. Not digital quality, but good enough for radio. There was a speed change of the waves that were transduced. This tunnel effect was 4.7 x C [c = speed of light]. The lengths of the microwaves that Nimtz chose were actually too wide for the wave transducer. But still some of them found their way through the other side to the amplifier. In the tunnel occurrence the waves do not seem to require any time. Whereas outside the tunnel the waves were well behaving enough to follow the classical laws and travel at the speed of light. Mozart's symphony has information content, Nimtz contends."
Such an almost unbelievable news item, herein without a date, however was based on actual accepted research. Here I quote Dr. Raymond Chiao's brief summary of these experiments:
"Other experiments confirming the superluminality of tunnelling have been performed in Cologne, Florence, and Vienna [14, 15, 16]. The Cologne and Florence groups performed microwave experiments, and the Vienna group performed a femtosecond laser experiment. All these groups have confirmed the Hartman effect. One of these groups [17] has claimed to have sent Mozart's 40th symphony at a speed of 4:7c through a microwave tunnel barrier 114 mm long consisting of a periodic dielectric structure similar to our dielectric mirror."
--Quantum Nonlocality in Two-Photon Raymond Y. Chiao , Paul G. Kwiat z and Aephraim M. Steinberg. Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-7300, December 21, 1994). Pp 10.
We will return to the PHI significance of this above figure a little further ahead.
As I have been speaking about this experiment and others that emerged from other universities, over the years, I mentioned the possibility that we could be enabled to model or understand the 'high dimensions' through which the signal may have transversed, by the Golden Mean or PHI.
I related, over the years, that PHI would be the first localised form of the virtual, and in making cosmological models that are post-infinite maps. Mentioning that PHI would be the best model of coherence, or highest order, that is the simplest pathway by which the nature of this dimension could translate, or mirror in personification, the coherent pathways of those vacuum hyperspaces, even though they may be post-PHI therein. Never-the-less in our localised spatial dimension, PHI would be the simplest constant which would personify the unique signals of these N-spaces. Naturally I was influenced in making such above cosmological speculative models, by basic material on PHI by colleagues.
My colleague Daniel Winter, (who studied with the later Buckminster Fuller, and is an expert on sacred geometry, in the sense of being a public hero in exposing and breaking down into more understandable terms for the layman, many arcane sacred geometrical principles and relationships, which the public at large has never been exposed to before), predicted now, for several years, that faster-than-light signals would be found to travel in the PHI ratios.
His own modelling bore this out. He also has another angle, logic and theory for this, whereby the faster-than-light dimensions are domains of pure fractal implosion, in every direction the greater superluminal harmonics to infinity. This particular article has come into formation, when Dan asked me for references upon my mentioning PHI harmonics in superluminal tunnelling, whilst we were lecturing together in SION, Switzerland, September 2000.
My own modelling herein is perhaps in far more controversial ground, whereby we explore Virtual Field Intergeometries, and Monatomic element's Meisner Field transforms into full superconductive fusion -- a new and very controversial field as of yet (some animated models of intergeometrical monatomic elements at Intergeometry). If such Virtual and monatomic intergeometries were in localised fields, some of these could be considered as quantum decoherence, in their effect, except with the unique attributes of 8 hz phase-conjugation, that Dr. Andrija Puharich discovered in the late 1970s, and patented in his Protocommunication II.
Dr. Chiao, however, does indicate that the superluminal transportation does involve decoherence of the local photons as well:
"The superluminality can be understood by thinking of the low transmission through our barrier as arising from destructive interference between waves which have spent different lengths of time in the barrier. "
--tunnelling Times and Superluminality: a Tutorial. Raymond Y. Chiao. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of California. Berkeley, CA 94720-7300, U. S. A. November 6, 1998. Pp 10.
Although, in the monatomic intergeometries, any photon group, would be infrared coherent laser, which in increased critical thermal exposures, phase-cancel each other out, this also became apparent in the faster-than-light experiments listed in the September 2000, issue of the Scientific American entitled "Unlimited Light", pp 18:
"The researchers used a combination of laser beams to create an usual region of 'anomalous dispersion' in the six centimeters of cesium gas, where the velocity of light is higher for higher frequencies of light (ordinarily higher frequencies mean lower speeds).
"This region causes the pulse to 're-phase,' according to Wang. The light pulse, all of whose constituent wavelengths overlap constructively, loses its phase alignment as it propagates toward the cell, causing the waves to cancel one another out. "
Hence, what we have modelled with Vortexijah phase-conjugation models, and further intergeometrical explorations, here appear to be an essential part in the superluminal transmission of light, at least on the quantum level. But much more significant confirmations on our Vortexijah models on a more concrete level, have come in, from the American Scientist, in terms of superconduction experiments (which we will report on elsewhere).
This article is not intended to discuss this particle issue of our Intergeometry models any further, and my colleague Dan Winter's models can be found on his web site. I came into writing this piece, in the process of supplying my colleague with the references to the superluminal speeds related to PHI.
This itself is an exciting level of discovery, which is destined to produce a wide array of theories to describe them, classical and mainstream, to the fringe and daring novel visionary science explorations, for those who do not have a position with a mainstream university to compensate exploration and novelty for." end quote from Ananda and Prof Chiao - commented interestingly on this from the article '... it seemed appropriate to suggest dialog about PROVING THAT IT MAY BE THE SELF-SIMILARITY (fractality) OF THE NUCLEUS TO THE ELECTRONS WHICH TRIGGERS THE IMPLOSIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE COLLAPSE CALLED GRAVITY (and that this should be quantized) . In response to a preliminary note suggesting that Implosion due to Self-Similarity was the cause of Gravity and Self-Organization - ....' - to which Frank said:
This is better than formulating (like you did earlier) "the amount of gravity is predicted by the amount of self-similarity",
that is, that would (at least in theory) disconnect the amount of gravity from the plain number ("amount") of hadrons,
which I think is incorrect. It is however revolutionary, and very much in tune with general implosion science, to assume
that gravity is actually caused by the fractal etc. atom architecture, rather than by its sheer mass, which as we know
is mostly concentrated in the hadrons. This would however not explain the gravitational field of neutron stars, unless we
assume that self-similarity inside the hadrons (neutrons) is also effective. As neutron stars form, as far as I know, the only
purely hadronic matter there is, it might interresting to search for any discrepancies in their gravitational constant
compared with normal matter, that is, normal matter might have a more than proportional gravitational field resulting
from its (additional) internal fractality, which cannot be accounted for by the mass of electrons alone. In other words, any
(micro-) discrepancies in gravitational constant among types of matter (e.g. elements) might hint at another source of gravity
than normally assumed, that is, the sheer presence of matter. Let's try to find a pure gold planet (for that matter..) and
learn how the cosmos defines economy..
Besides these spectulations: it is a FACT that the fudge-factor in establising the gravitational constant is so great,
links: The Controversy over Newton's Gravitational Constant
A New Method of Calculating Gravity without the Gravitational Constant
Definition of Gravitational Constant
Frank also responded to Blakes question above:"Hi Blake (, ..) this is from Frank (
you wrote: (repeating whats above) I am beginning to grasp the role played by phi-optimized self-similarity in establishing a charge-gradient (i assume we're talking 'life-force" here?) gravitational continuum via global scaling, but i am having trouble understanding how this same phialignment grants us with our idependent consciousness-identities: could we see this as an infraorthogonal (as opposed to explosive) complementary complexification? -a hyperdimensioning goldenspiral?
(Frank responds): good that you filter out this point, in your own words;
this one could say was my (and not only mine) main discussion with Dan
.. I realise now, stirred by Santa Fé Institute's early notion that LIFE is an emergent factor.. this triggered my interrest in the first place, but now I completely departed from that; LIFE is NOT emergent, it is projected (that is, by Phi-based symmetry- operations in their projective aspect) along with "chaos". That is, both are projected, and not emergent, the ONLY thing emergent is what you call consciousness- identities. So in that sense: your mind is emerging from order AND chaos. (; the Phi-based symmetry-operations in their aspect of forming the receptacle for the emerging mind, is what we know as the cognitive faculty (i.e. complementary to projective faculty);
- the factor which turns general "Anu" into unit perceptive consciousness is merely its degree of complexity (in the sense of complexity theory), that is, an atom, star or galaxy is rather "simple" (linear, with little emergent factor) whereas a biosphere or biological being is complex, creating emergent factor (also called ectoplasm)
Visit Steven Phillips lifetime of work on the Physics behind the clairvoyant 7/5 spin ANU slipknot heart of hydrogen / human & sun - Some of Dan Winter's visuals on the ANU: Heart of The Sun: Perfecting 7/5 Turning Inside Out Solar Heart .....Steven Phillips physicist of London who wrote "Psi Perception of ...A British physicist named Stephen Phillips examined Occult Chemistry and ... Scale Invariant = Perfect Embedding (No Fear Braiding) = Gravity ... dodec/icos which 5cubes do.. this is phillips actual model for star group valence.. ... per phillips "psi perception of quarks" justification of "occult ... scaleinvariant/scaleinvariant.html Unifying Nations by Unifying the LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT-Names for Life ..... many..see top pic 3 anu per quark., nested in hydrogen for example.. physics research on the clairvoyance by Phillips: Psi Perception of Quarks, book. ... |
- The proper language to describe the aspects of the material sphere itself must necessarily be non-relative too, and this is "self-organization" plus "chaos" (physics angle) and "sensory principle" plus "cognition") (perceptive angle) - both angles or branches were properly intuited by the swastika
- The immediate physical result of the projective symmetry-operations are charge and gravity / inertia, having a (logarithmic) geometric ratio; the immediate physical result of the cognitive aspect is time / space and (same) charge, having a hyperbolic ratio; this together forms the logarithmic-hyperbolic natural fractal of cosmic distribution of gravity and inertia in time and space (global scaling)
- It seems "charge" is migrating through the (apparent) stages of transmutation of the primary cause (unified field or etc..) as is, that is, unlike inertia in fact forming the prime substance of creation (while it seems that the subtle transmigration of charge was traditionally intuited as "Shakti", and the principle of consolidation became matter..)
- the creation of ectoplasmic mind is (thus) understood as an assimilation of material factors (mind emerged from matter) (also Sarkar)
- when the physical container of non-complex "Anu" decomposes, it's (simple) ectoplasmic contents is released into the universe forming seeds of life, in this role called "microvitum" (P.R. Sarkar)
(note that provided enough physics context, it might be quite elegant to say that Phi leads the way out of chaos [Dan] )
.hope is helpfull :-) Frank
Robin S - wrote:
Dan, if you have a moment to look over this email and comment on it, I'd really appreciate it.
>Has anyone looked at Phi scales (for lack of a better term on my part) based on more "standard" musical octaves?
>By this I mean, you can play an ascending or descending Phi scale, and play the identical scale, transposed, one octave up or down. Also, if you were in any given Phi key, would it be permissable to play the scale for the first few notes in proper succession, and then begin to use octaves of the remaining notes in the scale.
>Or with Phi, is it the power in the actual vortex of successive notes that propagates or maintains the force?
Would dipping up & down in octaves kill the natural flow of the energy (even though the "notes are the same")?
>What is your take on this?
Answer from dan: you may wish to download doc k.'s , nothing about the sacred there - the point is a) nothing about phi scaling fits ANYTHING about octaves.. .. changing octaves while doing a phi cascade toward implosion is a definite -not helpful. IF you can approximate true analog (not digital sound) you are closer to implosive bliss - but remember - ANY machine induced implosion - minus deep intent pours poison into the DNA group reservoir.>
>I am so glad that I found your website, I wasn't sure that there was anyone else out there who thought about this stuff...
>Also, if Phi is "infinite" (in both directions) then how can we legitamately stick our flag in the dirt and say, "this is where I'm starting from."... and then proceed to multiply a given number by Phi in order to spin out a vortex?
>Would golden spirals then not depend on one's point of reference? (Also, interestingly enough including the observer as a factor of the results -contrary to most of modern science's strange approach to observational testing). And if this is then the case, are golden spirals an intensely personal thing? How can you possibly share or connect with any other thing in any other instant of time other than the instant where you created the spiral? The spirals would never match up? Even in the split second it would take another resonant body to interpret the spiral, the moment is lost.
>Does this make sense?
>But well... I suppose that the other resonant body could begin to resonate in parallel with that which emitted the spiral... but, has anyone looked into this?
Answer from Dan - see the last answer in this section
>Also, you speak of the dangers of implosion, and of certain parties ignoring these dangers and making music that may be damaging. Can you explain how this is damaging... and if there are are dangers to implosions, what are the safe ways to use implosion? What should a person be striving for with proper use of this knowledge? ...for positive inspiration and bodily effects? Is it the "key" used?
Answer- This dialog began at -Pure intention means the wave that can share (coherence) - this means the only sustainable implosive harmonic cascade is the one biology herself built - we study these things only to learn to make it inside ( ) -- looking for magic music outside is like using goldpowder instead of bliss to fire blood.
>Also, why was Planck's constant used in deriving the music notes in: was never explained. Was it pulled out of the air? How does that number aid in a more well-tuned key for audible phi harmonics?
>>I think that that's it for now... there's a lot I still don't understand..but I'm getting there. You are a true inspiration Dan.. thank you. =Robin
Answer from Dan - the Planck length is precisely what put all our waves into phase - thus defining the sacred for physics - and the ONLY way we can all touch in with the same ground. (Planck length by being the universal solvent of the quantum foam - tells the music KEY - of all matter waves.)- then read: Lady in the Hologram with mirror and magnifying glass in the hologram - wanted to see herself in her hologram (hint answer- phase discipline. Where is phase discipline in science a) alphabet of symmetry and b) planck length.
Scale Invariant General Relativity, (c) Fernando Franco , [Fernando Franco]:
Major topic on my list is regarding something I feel you will catch on at once. I learned of it in the sci.physics.research newsgroup, whose message archive you can find online at: Perhaps you already know it. At any rate, there is a thread there regarding this, if interested, I suggest you peruse it.
Do you remember normal relativity? You had X, Y, Z, and T (time)? Well, now we have X, Y, Z, T, and F . Where F stands for fractal dimension The whole thing is called Scale Invariant General Relativity. Other keywords are Fractal Spacetime, and Scale Invariance (this last one will take you again to Dan Winter, who is there since ages ago pointing his finger to all what is relevant under the sun).
Let us review the history a little. First we thought all happened in 3 D. Then Einstein and 4D, spacetime. Then Kaluza and higher dimensions. All the way to 11, 26, or whatever dimensions. But what's wrong with all the above? Well, it assumes a few things. And that is always bad news.
Point 1: It assumes an *integer* number of dimensions. Why not a fractionary one??? Who said we do not live in, say PI dimensions (plus time). Or some specific multiple of e (logarithms), or PHI, the golden mean? Who said all the physical phenomena, like electricity, or magnetism, etc, are not the reentrance, partial effects and wigglings of an "incomplete" dimension? (Not even a "higher" one, a la Kaluza, but an "incomplete" one).
True enough, fractals are pretty new, just 30 years or so. Non linearity, chaos, complexity, and so on, will prove to be just different names for the same thing. Children of the concept of "fractional dimension". Its effects. We just upgraded our notion of "dimension" from the integers to the reals (exactly, fractally, and non-coincidentally, since All is just One process, like we did in our generalizations of the concept of "number" through math history. Furthermore, I could conceive even chances of a next revolution, if this one is not enough, leading to hypercomplex dimensions (quaternions, octonions, whatever). But even though fractals are pretty new, fractal thinking is as old a mystic teachings, going as far back as "As above, so below", and probably more, and for the most natural reasons. Madame Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, circa 1900, is, among another things, a fractal book itself . Almost a treatise on dimensionality. On cosmic branching. But still, this Scale Invariant thing, has been around for almost ten years, and mostly unnoticed. Btw, the man who kickstarted is called Nottale:
It was god damn time. I've been waiting for this even since I read Blavatsky, some time back. And please, do not get me wrong. There have been some critics already. And perhaps Nottale's formulation is flawed, or incomplete. Nonetheless, my hat goes off for him. THAT is going in the right direction, IMHO. In fact, I just heard that there are even newest shots at it. You might want to check Carlos Castro, from Colombia. I could not check more on him or his references, yet, but I found a most remarkable paper by him (on another subject, but, IMHO, not unrelated, and *most* interesting):
Comments on the Riemann conjecture and index theory on Cantorian fractal space-time, by Carlos Castro and Jorge Mahecha hep- th/ 0009014 v2 12 Sep 2000 ( I assume at ) Note the variation, is "Cantorian" fractal spacetime, in this case, and mind-bogglingly enough for the non cognoscenti, full of references to the golden mean (he is not Dan Winter yet, but getting there, and better yet, in full math armour this time). Also please note he says explicitly his results, regarding the Riemann zeta function, are just tentative, non conclusive. Regard it as a good approach in progress. By the way, you might remember a post in Greenglow some time back about fractality found in primes and its connection to the zeta function. This shows tantalizing connections. But I digress, let me get back to the dimensionality story...
Point 2: It assumes a *finite* number of dimensions. Just some of us at this point were guessing that in fact we might be living in N dimensions, which is already a qualitatively different way of thinking. Point 3: It assumes a *fixed* number of dimensions (be it 4, 11, 26, whatever), Why not a variable one??? That is exactly what this new approach addresses. And it implies many things. It is not just that we get fractional dimensions instead of integers. More important than that, IMHO, is that we are passing "from crystalline to fluid". From discrete to continuous. And in an *orthogonal* (i.e., linearly independent) way. A true new variable. This paves the way for the dynamic aspect. True cosmology. How did all start (IFF it started)?. And how did it develop? (which is just the same questions, really, since there is only ONE process going on; it just happens to be fractal).One note on cosmology. It comes in two basic flavours: there was a start, or all is eternal and cyclical. All this new stuff, plus more to come is invariant with respect to that. Either if one conceives the universe as starting, or cycling (possibly passing at some point through a "root" of its function, something like a "ground state"), vacuum), all this holds the same. If one conceives the universe as starting, then this movement to fluidity, to continuity, fractional dimensionality, provides a way for its development to happen. And does so within the frame of a ToE, namely, that All is One, and never stops being so. If one conceives it circularly, then this describes its movements. Topological fluctuations of the vacuum, sort of. In both cases, the move to continuity says nothing regarding if there was a start or not, and IMHO, will not say anything in the future as well. Not because of this line of thinking, at least. Is independent. Just for completeness, the question remains about if there could be yet another chance to line or circle, it does not seem unlikely, given we see helixes all over, and they are a combo of both. But at the true root of that lies a question of *logic*, and it seems the time is not ripe yet for that (coming soon, though).
One final comment on this. Once one has such a mechanism (either of evolution in the sense of creation, or just of cyclical evolution, there is a word that comes to mind to describe this process. That is *decoherence*. It so happens that that particular word seems to be being used at the time by physicists. I tried to check, but even though I read a few things, it remains unclear to me at the moment. The context seems to be similar (wave collapse, for instance), but I strongly suspect they refer to something different. Let me clarify a bit what I mean by it...
It is the old philosophical problem of the One and the Many. How does One thing become Many? By division, seems the obvious answer, does it not? However, let us remember that we are seeking a ToE. A unified field. So we should rephrase the above question to... How does One become Many without stopping being One? Still seems a bit of a contradiction, unless we change it again to..."How does One *apparently* become many?", which is much more logical, since it never stopped being a One thing and One only. This new formulation takes into account the fact that the very question is asked by observers, which are immersed in the very process. That is, takes "perception" into account. The relative with respect to the absolute, the part with respect to the whole, if you so wish. Note that it still is incorrect, though, because the "observers" are part of the whole as well, and not distinct from it. But even though I could go into the geometry and topology of consciousness...let me not digress. *Coherence* seems to me something much more basic in itself that most of the concepts used more commonly by physics nowadays. We have seen it in action in things like coherent light, lasers, cutting through metals, so is officially no longer just mystics talk, thank god, and we can proceed on it. Coherence: co-here, the capacity to occupy the same space at the same time (or the same state, like in quantum physics, if you wish). Things in phase. Harmonic. No auto-interference. In short, the result of phase conjugation. And the way to *warp*. To co-here the vacuum. the opposite process than that of "creation". Decoherence, as I mean it, at least, would be just its opposite. To go out of phase, to bifurcate, etc., etc. It is not difficult to see how it relates to dimensionality. One can conceive the cosmic process as a departure from a starting state (linear case), or from a ground state (circular case). Today we speak of vacuum fluctuations. Of course, that was what Pythagoras was all about, and Hermes, and everyone else.
May I share with you a little gem it just downed on me? I was rereading, as I do constantly, Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. In the middle of describing an ancient manuscript's account of how and why it all happens, and how next "things" sprout from the former, she says something like...> and those globes have children...which are at the same time their children and their brothers< Most curious expression, wouldn't you say? I wondered for years what the heck she might be talking about. A few days back, then, I was the number one an integer, or a rational? Is it 1, or 1/1? Does it not have children (rationals) which are at the same time its children and its brothers? Note that exactly the same pattern we find each time we expand (should I say "quaternionically bifurcate"?) our notion of "number". Same thing I said about 1, could be said for the complex (1,0). Or for any unit, for that matter, be it quaternions, octonions, or whatever. In short, she spoke of laya centers, or neutral centers (in Keely's parlour). We would say today " nested relative zeropoints ", or invariant longitudinal or scalar waves, or a dozen more. "That which splits both intra and inter dimensionally". of which the golden mean is, of course, the golden path...and unique. Invariant both transversally and longitudinally at the same time. Keeping its information (its angle) both intra and inter dimensionally. etc., etc. I assume you notice all the same regarding neural nets, and I assume that's what's behind Hnet, either in its original form, or in your own improvement. Perhaps I could improve as well. Anyway, decoherence. I reckon we will be using that word much more very soon (in the described sense).-
Particular thanks to Michael Heleus - also see link - for his suggestions here:
Step one: download TonySweBook.pdf - around 100 MB, a tagged pdf file.
or or . As the 100 meg is large - we exerpted some key pics below and placed a snippet at TonySwebBook-HTML exerpt
The dialog begins by discussing how the compression of spheres (charge radii?) can be optimized. (Gravities coeur question I would think). Think about Jim Sawyer - 6 dimension design - teaching the International Conference on Superconductivity in Buffalo NY years ago - that the BEGINNING OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY - hint palladium is dodeca (Patterson's cold fusion beads)- is when the major charge centers in a molecular structure JITTERBUG - like the vectorflexor - to CHANGE SYMMETRY in 3D - from the CUBE-OCTA - WHICH DEFINES 3D spheres - charge radiance fields- best close packing - origin of zodiac geometrics - to ICOSA / DODECA - origin of ZOME
.. this leads to his analysis of what Richard HAWKINS (his Jitterbug- ) CALLED TIMESTAR (my version of which is
Dan Winter animated: - exerpted :
5 Cube Spins means, 15 great circles (3 per cube).."An Angelic Uroboros"
(end Winter's article image exerpt)
- Next Hawkins presents Krsanan Duran's version of the Timestar - which is the simplified way 5 TETRA (which in pair would be 5 cube) perfectly tilt into DODECA (without noting that the critical tilt angle that allows 3D cube into 4spin dodec - hypercube / tesseract- is the 32 degree critical spine top chin tilt of sphinx - see - ) - . When Krsana first worked to produce her image of 5 tetra in cube timestar - ( about 8 years ago I think) I showed her at that time my version of the timestar - (above pic and link ), which extends that dodec by continous stellation (straight out extension of every edge by Golden Ratio) to produce an infinite interdigitation nest of dodeca icosa. (only 3D fractal - ) This symmetry then beings the website - on the PHIRICAIS physics ( and the Hadron article ).
ask your self WHY the Poincare major symmetry space is dodecahedral - WHY that stellation (the nodes of the interdigitation extension of edge lines - creating dodec / icos / dodec infinitedly) has an x,y and z coordinate value which are EACH ALL a simple whole number power of Golden Ratio. The distance to center is all precisely a cascade of Golden Ratio to allow compression. This is then what we animated - into this picture - the starting point of the Hadron article:
Summarizing - logic path - If you press todays physics theory as to what is the symmetry that creates gravity from charge -most of them point to the Poincare symmetry - particularly the DODECA one. The dodeca stellation is in fact a 3D interference hologram of Golden Ratio ONLY compression ( as animated in dozens of pics at ) - 3 D Poincare space= dodeca / icosa stellation- he calls that TWIST (analogous to the VECTOR FLEXOR -JITTERBUG) - which becomes HYPERCUBE - from the tetra stellations into hypercube - he derives MERU (which to me is the super luminal symmetry of the flame charge fusion core at the zipper lightning core axis of DNA producing the well known 'holy communion effect' there - explaining why you must fix everyone you hurt before death can be electrically successful - in the movie FLATLINERS ) / ... and the Golden Ratio definitions of Sri Yantra.
For your viewing convenience of the key images, here we place an html snippet of Tony Smith's 100 meg downloadable pdf book (links above) the snippet is at TonySwebBook-HTML exerpt
--compare the first part with the summary of symmetry elements of the moebius on the donut which became - alphabets:
begin exerpt from Smith- "...the twisted generalized Klein Bottle. The twisted Klein(1,k) Bottle is constructed by forming the product of Sk with an interval and matching the ends with an orientation reversing transformation, so that the Klein(1,k) bottle is not orientable. Since RP1 is homeomorphic to S1, the untwisted S1 x Sk corresponds to the Shilov boundary manifolds RP1 x S3 and RP1 x S7 used in the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model . The corresponding twisted manifolds are Klein(1,3) Bottle and Klein(1,7) Bottle WHAT IF PHYSICAL SPACETIME WERE TWISTED KLEIN(1,3) BOTTLE RATHER THAN UNTWISTED RP1 x S3 ?----
Eightfold periodicity is related to the 8 trigrams of the I Ching .
WHAT ABOUT the 3-sphere S3, of dimension 2^k + 1 for k=1? It is accurate to say that there is no exotic S3, in the sense that anything homeomorphic to normal S3 is also diffeomorphic to normal S3. HOWEVER, the 3-dimensional analogue S3# of the exotic Milnor sphere DOES exist, but it is not only not diffeomorphic to normal S3, it is NOT even homeomorphic to normal S3. That is because S3# is NOT SIMPLY CONNECTED. WHAT IS S3# ?
S3# is called the Poincare Dodecahedral Space.
Poincare, because it would be a counterexample to the Poincare conjecture in 3 dimensions if it were simply connected. Dodecahedral, because it has dodecahedral/icosahedral symmetry of the 120-element binary icosahedral group , which double covers the simple 60-element icosahedral group. A reference is Topology and Geometry, by Glen Bredon, Springer (1993). WHAT DOES S3# LOOK LIKE? Here are some images from the WWW pages of Richard Hawkins , who calls S3# the Mayan Time Star. His pages contain many more images and movies that help you understand how S3# looks, and also how a lot of other things look.
How did Richard Hawkins find out about the Time Star? Krsanna Duran says: "... I wrote an article about what the Sirians told me about five interpenetrated tetrahedra embodying and unifying all prime geometries which was published in January, 1995. Richard Hawkins read the article and and sent an email to Gerald de Jong about it. Gerald de Jong constructed a computer model of the five interpenetrated tetrahedra to discover that it did all the things I said it did with extraordinary elegance. ...".
The Time Star is one of my favorite Archetypes.
Start with a dodedecahedron. Five tetrahedra fit inside the dodecahedron:
The alternating permutation group of the 5 tetrahedra is the 60-element icosahedral group. Now, to see things clearly, look at just one tetrahedron.You can symmetries more clearly when you put an octhedron inside the tetrahedron and a cuboctahedron inside the octahedron:
Take the one tetrahedron and put it inside a cube, with one edge of the tetrahedron in each face of the cube. Now rotate the cube around inside the dodecahedron, while you also rotate each of the 6 edges of the tetrahedron each of the 6 faces of the cube. Start like this:
then, 36 degrees later, it looks like this:
The tetrahedra edges now are parallel to the cube edges. 36 more degrees, after 72 degrees total rotation, the edges will have again formed a tetrahedron. Keep rotating. After 360 degrees, you have made 5 tetrahedra (one each 72 degrees), and this is what you have:
The cube is back like it was, BUT THE TETRAHEDRON IS ORIENTED OPPOSITELY with respect to the cube from its original position. YOU HAVE TO ROTATE 720 degrees TO GET BACK LIKE YOU STARTED. That means that, to make S3#, instead taking the quotient of SO(3) by the 60-element icosahedral group, you should take the quotient of S3 = Spin(3) = SU(2), the double cover of SO(3), by the 120-element binary icosahedral group. Therefore, S3# is a natural spinor space, and 5-fold Golden Ratio Icosahedral Symmetry is a manifestation in 3 and 4 dimensions of the Milnor sphere structure of 7 and 8 dimensions... exerpted here
Next imagine this model as living in the 3-sphere. Hollow out all these rings: actually delete the portion of space that lies inside them! We now have a 3-manifold M whose boundary dM consists of 8 connected components, each a torus. Of course, a solid torus also has a torus as its boundary. So attach solid tori to each of these 8 components of dM, but do it via this attaching map: (x,y) -> (y,-x+2y) where x and y are the obvious coordinates on the torus, numbers between 0 and 2pi, and we do the arithmetic mod 2pi. We now have a new 3-manifold without boundary. This manifold is called the "Poincare homology sphere". Poincare invented it as a counterexample to his own conjecture that any 3-manifold with the same homology groups as a 3-sphere must *be* the 3-sphere. But he didn't invent it this way. Instead, he got it by taking a regular dodecahedron and identifying its opposite faces in the simplest possible way, namely by a 1/10th turn. So, we've gone from E8 to the dodecahedron!
... The fundamental group of the Poincare homology sphere has 120 elements. In fact, we can describe it as follows. The rotational symmetry group of the dodecahedron has 60 elements. Take the "double cover" of this 60-element group, namely the 120-element subgroup of SU(2) consisting of elements that map to rotational symmetries of the dodecahedron under the double cover p: SU(2) -> SO(3) This is the fundamental group of the Poincare homology ...[sphere]... Now, this 120-element group has finitely many irreducible representations. One of them just comes from restricting the 2-dimensional representation of SU(2) to this subgroup: call that R. There are 8 others: call them R(i) for i = 1,...,8. Draw a dot for each one, and draw a line from the ith dot to the jth dot if the tensor product of R and R(i) contains R(j) as a subrepresentation. We get this picture:
o----o---o----o----o----o----o | | o
Voila! Back to E8. ...".
The Octonions are the only Division Algebra with Reflexivity.
The Unit Spheres of the Division Algebras K are related to the Hopf Fibrations of the form Sn = Sm / KP1. For the Real Numbers, the Complex Numbers, and the Quaternions, their Unit Spheres directly form Lie groups : REAL NUMBERS S0 = S1 / RP1 = Z2 is a discrete group COMPLEX NUMBERS S1 = S3 / CP1 = Spin(2) = U(1) is a Lie group QUATERNIONS S3 = S7 / QP1 = Spin(3) = SU(2) = Sp(1) is a Lie group For the Octonions, the Unit Sphere S7 does NOT form a Lie group . However, the Unit Sphere S7 does EXPAND to form the Lie group Spin(8) . If the process of expansion is continued upward from S7 to Sp(2) to SU(4) to Spin(8), and you note that Spin(8) is in the Clifford Algebra Cl(8), then you see that the upward expansion can continue indefinitely to Cl(8N) for arbitrary N. If you go downward from Spin(8), based on Real Numbers, to SU(4), based on Complex Numbers, to Sp(2), based on Quaternions, to S7, based on Octonions, then you see that the downward expansion can continue indefinitely to the ZeroDivisor algebra ZD(2^N) for arbitrary N. THE INTERPENETRATION OF THE UPWARD-BASED WEDGE AND THE DOWNWARD-BASED WEDGE SHOWS OCTONION REFLEXIVITY . next we see this becoming opposite vortex triangle pairs (like the tetra in cube ) whose shadows become sri yantra...
There are only 3 Pairs of Interpenetrating Triangles, corresponding to
the Octonions.
the Sedenions (pairs of Octonions) and
the Leech Lattice (triples of Octonions).
For each Pair of Interpenetrating Triangles, each Single Triangle corresponds to Mt. Meru :
A Mogan David expands to form a Sri Yantra:
This Sri Yantra is a more symmetrical modification of Sri Yantras from two different web pages. It has 4 Sides, corresponding to the 4 dimensions of physical spacetime of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model and to Octonion coassociative squares. The 2 Border lines of the 4 Sides correspond to the 2 Quaternionic 4-dimensional Spaces that form the 8-dimensional Octonions, and so to the 8 Directions.
The Sri Yantra has a Center, which, combined with the 4 Sides, corresponds to the Five Elements.
The Sri Yantra has an Outer Lotus of 16 Petals, corresponding t o two half-spinor representations of the Spin(8) Lie algebra and to the first-generation fermions of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model. The 3 Border Rings beyond the Outer Lotus Petals correspond to the 3 generation of fermions of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model.
The Sri Yantra has an Inner Lotus of 8 Petals, corresponding to the vector representation of Spin(8) and to the 8-dimensional spacetime of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model prior to dimensional reduction.
The Sri Yantra has 9 Triangles, with each triangle corresponding to an Octonion associative triangle.
The first 6 triangles, 3 pairs, correspond to:
the Octonions O (red pair of reflexive interpenetrating triangles),
the Sedenions OxO (red and green pairs of reflexive interpenetrating triangles), and
the Leech Lattice OxOxO (red, green, and blue pairs of reflexive interpenetrating triangles),
which in turn correspond to the Lie algebras E6, E7, and E8, and to the 3 generations of fermions in the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model;
The remaining 3 triangles, one gold pair and one purple triangle, correspond not to pairs of reflexive interpenetrating triangles, but to Octonion associative triangles. Each triangle therefore represents an entire Octonion algebra containing that associative triangle, and the 3 triangles together represent how the 3 Octonions of OxOxO are related to one another.
The gold pair of triangles corresponds to the two mirror image Octonion half-spinor representations of Spin(8).
The purple triangle corresponds to the Octonion vector representation of Spin(8).
The Sri Yantra has a Central Vertex.
The 9 Triangles have 27 Vertices, corresponding to the 22 Hebrew letters plus 5 Finals.
The 27 Triangle Vertices correspond to the 27-line Configuration whose symmetry group is the Weyl Group of the 78-dimensional Lie algebra E6.
The 27 Triangle Vertices also correspond to the 27-complex-dimensional space E7 / (E6xU(1)).
The 27 Triangle Vertices plus the 1 Central Vertex correspond to the 28-dimensional adjoint representation of Spin(8), which in turn corresponds to the 12+16 = 28 gauge bosons, Higgs mechanism, and propagator phase of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model.
The 28 Vertices also correspond to the 28-quaternionic-dimensional space E8 / (E7xSU(2)).
The 28 Vertices plus the 16+8 = 24 Lotus Petals form the 52-dimensional Lie algebra F4, to which the Lie algebras E6, E7, and E8 are related by the Freudenthal-Tits Magic Square.------
The construction of this Sri Yantra is based on the Golden Ratio of the Great Golden Pyramid:
It is so constructed that the distance from the lower corners of the 2x1 rectangle to the top and bottom vertices of the Sri Yantra is PHI = (1/2)(diagonal of rectangle + 1) = (1/2)(sqrt(5) + 1).
Since PHI^2 = PHI + 1, the radius of the circle is sqrt(PHI^2 - 1^2) = sqrt ((PHI + 1) - 1) = sqrt(PHI).
Let D be the distance between the base lines of the two largest triangles. Then the highest and lowest base lines are at distance D above and below the base lines of the two largest triangles.
Everthing else is constructed symmetrically from those basic elements. The construction method is a more symmetrical modification of the method shown on a Golden Sri Yantra web page.
The 4-dimensional 24-cell can be expanded using the Golden Ratio to a 240-vertex real version of the Witting polytope.
The above image is a 130k Mac GifBuilder animation of a 4-dimensional rotation of a 24-cell. It is a stereo pair that will (for many people) fuse into a 3-dimensional view of a 3-dim projection of the 24-cell. The colors code the 4th dimension: Green is the present; Red is the past; and Blue is the future. Things get blurry at the end of each loop, as the (interlaced) gifs are reloaded for each loop. It will loop forever on Netscape, so when you are tired of it, go back to the previous page, or click below to go to my Home Page.
If you want to see smoother animation, and can download and view a 742k Mac Quicktime .mov animation, HERE IS A MAC QUICKTIME .MOV . It can be played in a loop. The underlying graphics were generated by a C program written by Michael Gibbs, e-mail address and WWW URL . He wrote a BinHex Mac version called Draw4D27.hqx . You can click to load it. If you do, you should also load: ReadMe4D , 24Cell , Hypercube , Cross , Simplex , Grid , 24vertex , LC24vertex , 45pt27ln , 135pt27ln , and 27-lineComments ,which are text or data files to be put in the same Mac folder as Draw4D27.hqx.The total size of Draw4D27.hqx and the text and data files is about 130k. The animation shows different perspectives of the 24-cell, including but not limited to the one
with a past vertex (1 vertex, present cube+octahedron+cube (8+6+8 vertices), and future vertex (1 vertex), in which the two sets of present cube vertices coincide, so that the present figure looks like a rhombic dodecahedron (the animated gif above is almost like it, but not quite, as the present and past cube vertices do not quite coincide so that the past and future vertices do not overlap). Two perspectives of the 24-cell are:
which has a central 12-vertex cuboctahedron
which has a central 14-vertex rhombic dodecahedron
The 4-dimensional 24-cell, with 24 vertices and 24 octahedral cells, is the only self-dual and centrally symmetric real polytopein any dimension. The central cuboctahedral representation is dual to the central rhombic dodecahedral representation. The 48 vertices of both representations combined forms the 4-dimensional root vector diagram of the 52-dimensional exceptional Lie Group F4 , which has fibration F4 / Spin(9) = OP2, the Octonion Projective Plane.
Here is a different perspective illustration, patterned after Fig. 172 of Geometry and the Imagination (Anschauliche Geometrie) by David Hilbert and S. Cohn-Vossen (Chelsea 1952), with 12 green vertices of a central cuboctahedron, 6 red vertices of an inner octahedron, and 6 blue vertices of an outer octahedron:
The Hilbert - Cohn-Vossen perspective is useful in understanding conformal graviphoton physics of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics model.
Michael Gibbs also wrote versions of the polytope software in other computer languages, including DOS and Java, and his other versions generate some more polytopes,
You can build a 600-cell, which has 120 vertices, from a 24-cell, which has 24 vertices and 96 edges.
To see how this works, it is convenient to view the 24-cell from a perspective in which it has a past octahedron (6 vertices), a present cuboctahedron (12 vertices), and a future octahedron (6 vertices). This figure
varies only slightly from that, so that the two octahedra in the figure do not overlap.
The 24-vertex 24-cell is made up of the 12-vertex cuboctahedron is the green central 3-dim cuboctahedron in the 3-dim hyperplane at 4th dim coordinate = 0
plus the blue (at 4th dim coordinate +1) octahedron and the red (at 4th dim coordinate -1) octahedron.
Now (not shown on the image) mark off Golden Ratio (in a consistent way) points on each of the 96 edges of the 24-cell.
The 24 vertices of the 24-cell plus the 96 Golden Ratio points should give you the 600-cell 4-dim polytope with 120 vertices, which is the 4-dim version of the icosahedron.
The 120 vertices of the 600-cell correspond to half (say, for example, the half in the Northern Hemisphere of a 7-sphere in 8-dimensional space) of the 240 vertices of the 8-dimensional real version of the Witting Polytope, where the 8-dimensional space is formed by considering the "square root of 5" part of the 4-dimensional coordinates as independent coordinates in 4 new dimensions.
The 24 vertices of the 24-cell correspond to the 24 dimensions of the Leech Lattice.
Frans Marcelis has made an animation morphing a 24-cell into its dual 24-cell and back:
The Morphing Path of each Vertex is a Hopf Circle
Conway and Sloane, Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, 2nd ed, Springer 1993.
Coxeter, Regular Polytopes, Dover 1973 (reprint from 1963).
Coxeter, Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes. III. Math. Z. 200, 3-45, 1988.
Coxeter, Regular Complex Polytopes, 2nd ed, Cambridge 1991.
Edward Dunne has a nice WWW page about the Lie group E8.
Penrose Tilings ---can be thought of as Irrational Slices of an 8-dimensional E8 Lattice and its sublattices, such as E6. Here is one way to visualize the 240 vertices around the origin of the E8 lattice:
The 2-dimensional Penrose Tiling in the above image was generated by Quasitiler as a section of a 5-dimensional cubic lattice based on the 5-dimensional HyperCube shown in the center above the Penrose
end exerpt -
compare to rhombic GOLDEN RATIO based dodec-icos jitterbug gone rhombi icosa - projected on flatland..
Eve's grid -flatland view of Golden Ratio dodec to icos jitterbug- from Mackie - Drunvalo's then wife.
Tony's book then concludes the nesting compression of those Golden Ratio tetra forms the Sri Yantra - using the Mikel Maron
: - animation- which compares favolrably to our work of many years of Golden Ratio 3d Sri Yantra.. by Dan Winter based on Rick Henderson vrml 3D Sri Yantra (also see 3D SRI YANTRA ..Higher Res..Smoother.. x / y spin.. At Heart of The Sun: Perfecting 7/5 Turning Inside Out Solar Heart Symmetry we looked at the perfect 5/7 spin pair (5 cuibe spin in dodec, 7 tetra spin in cube) creating the FIREY slip knot ANU / Heart / Heart of the Sun. Sequencing the turns correctly is the same for all inner FIRES WHICH LIVE.
begin to understand WHY the music of the primes in addition to being the power series Randy Masters life work found in hydrogen (symmetry key to fusion - and solar fire - anu ) - is a sonic series to (according to Michael Heleus) heal the heart.
Robert Boyd - then wrote to us : "I'm afraid it's all not that simple Dan.... It seems to me that all these involved elements and forces are already sentient to some degree, or are resulting from the activities of some already exisiting Consciousness. It seems to me that Being preceeds all other things. "In the beginning was the Word."
Before that emmanation was the Being who spoke the word."-- and also wrote
"All of creation is the result of ongoing aether-based processes.
(Can you resent that someone else knows, when you haven't known,
personally and directly?) This is not an abstraction. It is reproducably
observable fact. And forms the basis for the astounding next generation
of many amazing new technologies. For reference, my view of aether
is quite similar to the model of gravitation first proposed by the Marquies
de LaPlace in the 1850s. LaPlace wrote that gravitation is the result of
vast bombardments of infinitely small particles of infinitely small mass,
each of which has an intrinsic velocity millions of times faster than
the speed of light. These entities arise from all directions, due to
stellar and interstellar processes. When these entities encounter more
the more dense aether agglomerations we call "matter", they encounter an
impedance, and are slowed down to some degree. This impedence is felt
by us as a pushing-down towards the center of mass. LaPlacian gravitation
not only describes what gravity DOES, which is all Relativity theory can claim,
but what gravity IS, what causes it. From this, many relativistic views are
flawed. The correct understanding is Galilaian Relativity with LaPlacian
Gravitation. That is the way things are." end note from rb
We have decided to send our DONUT - to Robert
I would say .. I am not afraid that it IS so simple (elegant)..
1. that the BEING who has the most BEING is the BEING who knows that his BEINGness is directly the result of his skill be BE a producer and RIDER of the place where the MOST WAVES OF CHARGE CAN CONVERGE OR COMPRESS. Therefore - being IS charge implosion.. -
as the first questioner (above) much more perspicaciously expressed: "the role played by phi-optimized self-similarity in
establishing a charge-gradient (i assume we're talking 'life-force" here?) - - the effects of phi alignment on consciousness-as-
2. that for LaPlace to be stuck in this infinitely schizoprenic and obsolete metaphor - "gravitation is the result of
vast bombardments of infinitely small particles ( uh - we think knot) " is infinitely unhelpful. BEINGness is the one who realizes finally that all our childish fantasies that there is such a thing as a particle disappear the moment we realize the universe is an infinitely unified and contiguous continuum of charge under various stages of compression. And further that the symmetry operations that produce these slipknots (ANU / quark / hydrogen etc) of small amounts of streaming charge whose storage of rotational inertia we then define as MASS - is the origin and definition of consciousness. It is precisely the poisonous schizophrenic fractionation (duh.. they think the fundamental forces are separate - this diseases IS fatal) - of awareness caused by the testasterone poisoned ATOM SMASHERS - looking for the smallest PART-EYE CALL- that put our culture in this non-fractal and disempowering acidosis.
as to - in the beginning was the WORD - we would re examining the slip-NOT..
Appendix suggested by Dan Winter - to begin understanding why - self similarity in charge waves- is the reason gravity is produced - we suggest reviewing this dialog:
How it is that: the self-similar character of a phenomenon acts as a force - from
Birth of a dimension
We have begun to speak about the interference between the 3 deformation causes that produce drops. (insert here from dan- the reason flowing water becomes water drops - discontinuity from continuity - catastrophe theory and all that )
Our assumption, about the cause of the onset of chaos, concerns a particular characteristic that this interference takes, at a particular moment.
Ian Stewart explains in his book 'Does God Play Dice' [see link in article] that when chaos surges, there is always something in the phenomenon which becomes self-similar. Here, we assume that it's the resultant deformation, produced by the interference between the 3 initial curved deformations, which then becomes self-similar. This immediately provokes the onset of chaos.
We shall now try to explain why.
If the 3 causes provoke a combined resultant deformation which is self-similar, it means that whatever the scale we can pick up to consider the drop being formed, the interference between the 3 curved deformations (pressure, gravity and capillary tension) forms a part of interference which is in phase with the global interference. What changes is this: from now on, if we increase the pressure of the 1st deformation a little more, that supplement will be taken in a coordinate way on all the scales of liquid. As the number of scales in which a phenomenon can be cleft tends toward infinity, it means that this supplement of deformation will be divided almost infinitely. It will be split up, cut up, between all the scales of the liquid. It will lose some of its 'deforming power' proportionally, therefore it will lose it 'infinitely'. And what is true for the pressure deformation, will be true for the two other deformations, in the same way: suddenly each one of the three deformations will then become equal to zero. This can be summarized by telling that the self-similar character gained by the interference of the 3 curved deformations, becomes a cause of stabilization of the deformation, a cause that opposes any increase of deformation, by spreading it on infinity of scales. Therefore, self-similarity acts like a force that compels the deformation phenomenon to decrease. |
We have just said that a cause that makes a deformation stop, has to be called 'deformation'. There's no need to be shocked, for it's strictly similar to the case of a cause that opposes a moving body, a force of friction for example. It's called 'force', like the opposite cause which tends to increase the move of the body.
Here, what opposes the change, is called 'deformation', as the opposite cause which tends to increase the change.
Then, self-similarity is a cause of deformation, but more than that it is an autonomous cause of deformation, a cause distinct from the first 3 ones, for the first 3 act to increase the deformation, and the new one acts to limit it.
Although it is the result of their interference, it has nothing to do with the 'addition' of these 3 causes.
Previously we gave a diagram [to see this diagram again] which indicates how the vectorial calculation of forces could lead to a wrong result when confronted to the interferences of the forces. Probably it's right here -- where the explanation of what's going on is all in the interference's characteristic -- that this traditional vectorial representation is the more disabling: it misses all the process, it makes us blind on what's going on.
It's not the first time that we have to consider that the self-similar character of a phenomenon acts as a force. As a matter of fact, Pierre Gilles de Gennes, in his article 'la matière ultradivisée' [L'Ordre du Chaos - Bibliothèque Pour la Science - diffusion Belin], gave another example of this.
To return to our dripping tap, we have then, in the evolution of the interference of the 3 forces which cause the deformations, a moment when this interference gains a self-similarity property, that changes it in a force:
- in a force distinct and autonomous of the first 3 forces for it does not act as they do;
- in a new cause of deformation, that acts in all the volume, and in a similar way on all its scales.
Then we have the properties needed, for a cause of deformation to be called 'dimension':it deforms, for its own purpose, in all directions, and in the same way on all scales. That's a self-similar dimension of curved deformation. Therefore, that's a 'fractal dimension'.
So, we began with a tap dripping in a 3 D space (3 dimensions of space), under the prompting of a 3 D phenomenon (3 dimensions of deformation). Therefore, the immediate description of what's happening is that space dimensions are 'overflown' by the number of dimensions of the phenomenon. Space dimensions cannot contain in a continuous way all the dimensions of the phenomenon, for self-similarity gives it a dimension in excess. But nothing can prevent the phenomenon from holding more dimensions than its receptacle. Having more dimensions than space where it evolves doesn't disturb the phenomenon. |
To give an equivalent of what 'to be linked in reality but not visibly' means, you can imagine that we are a 1 D creature (a straight line for example), and that we try to see a square (2 D reality) going through us.
As a 1 D creature, all what we can see and understand of the square, are points A and B where it pierces us. For us, these 2 points are perfectly separated, discontinuous. There is infinity of points C, D, E, F, and so on, that separate them and prevent them from being linked. We have no way to conceive that, in reality, these 2 points are continuously linked on a square figure. Because for us, in our 1 D universe, a square does not exist, does not mean anything. For us, all that is continuous between A and B, necessarily goes through C, D, and so on.
If the square starts moving, for instance starts to slide along our straight line/universe, we shall be unable to grasp any connection between the fact that the square is leaving A, and the fact that it leaves B simultaneously. For us, there will be 2 displacements whose causes seem independent from each other. In addition, if the square starts rotating while sliding, the rhythm of displacement of B will consequently vary in a different way from A. The connection between the evolution of these 2 rhythms will seem completely random to us, especially when the crossing of a summit will change the direction of the movement.
We shall say it is chaos, and if we are smart enough to notice some occult determinism in it, we shall say this is deterministic chaos. But this would appear to us in that way, only because the cause of the evolution (the motion of a pivoting square) has one dimension in excess to be continuously grasped in our 1 D universe.
When self-similarity changes a 3 D + T (time) phenomenon, in a 4 D + T phenomenon, it's exactly the same thing for us, who are in a 3 D + T universe. We are unable to see, and to grasp, 'what links' continuously what is happening in a 4th dimension.
Now we can suggest an answer to the question 'where is the order of deterministic chaos hiding?': it's not hiding, it only evolves in a 4th dimension for which we are blind, for we can see continuously only 3 simultaneous dimensions in 3 D space.
But we must be careful to consider that it doesn't evolve in a 4th space dimension, which doesn't exist. It evolves in a 4th deformation dimension. What makes chaos for us, is that space has only 3 dimensions, which is not enough to let the continuity of 4 deformation dimensions appear at the same time. end exerpt from link above..
hint to see thru the '4th dimension' (above) -
notice how the only way to get a 4th axis of symmetry as you superpose spins around a cube - is to nest it in dodec..
which leads us to the first of our 2 flashback newsletters here
from Dan Winter , 4/14/2000 , url :
Turning Inside Out: Wave Guide to Heart learning to Feel?
The Labyrinth and the Star Mother as Wave Guide Instructions for Turning Inside Out -
A Necessary Skill for Heart's Choosing to Embed (Love).
(Animations of Turning Inside Out Principle - Nesting in the Original Illustrated Paper: Heart Intelligence and DNA Programming )
The possibility of FEELING the turning inside out process in the heart, begins with seeing the spin path / wave guide. It is like the anthropop telling you ... TO CLEARLY SEE IN YOUR INNER VISION the entire "projective geometry' contiguous unfolding wave path of the ROSE from bulb, to bud, to flower, to bulb ...
When you can create the wave shape as a complete bubble including the time element (4D) as a living form...
then you are ready for the spiritual work creative visulization does with the optical hologram of the brain, to shape matter out of light.
Another example is seeing the movements of our Solar Systems planets as a continuous 4D spiral using the time axis extension. The resulting vision shows us how the solar system functions as a kind of sperm or tear drop in a galactic living metabolism. (pic at Seed and the Egg: Earth Inseminates Galaxy )
So here is our Question about TURNING INSIDE OUT: (let's turn this around in our Heart's...)
Subject: Star Mother, From: Pam (ananyomous),Thu, Apr 13, 2000, to Dan Winter
"Hi, ... Can you tell me what the phrase 'turn the box inside out' means to you? ...
Hello again, to add a bit more information about my request. Turn the box inside out is an enigma to me. A collequillism
of my childhood from the time I can recall. This is part of the enigma. I always thought everyone knew it. Not so. I didn't
find this out until very recently. When I was a child I knew of the fourth dimension and had a 'shelf' on the wall above my
bed where an etheral-formed lady would cross over to me. The fact that there wasn't a real concrete wooden shelf on the
wall there never occurred to me. I did nightly tasks before going to sleep, such as breathing exercises and concentration
exercises that five year olds don't know anything about. I just thought everyone did these. I consider myself to be math
illiterate. I am quick to learn it and apply it, yet I can't retain it in proper categorization and process. therefore, math
I don't know how you can help, but know from your website that you have the ability to categorize and process where I
cannot and perhaps you can assist me to understand the principles behind the theory of turning the box inside out. I know
that the 'starmother' is right, as is the form of the 7 circuit labyrinth. Thanks so much for the forum, I would very much
appreciate hearing from you on any aspects of it. Pam
5:34 p.m. April 13, 2000
I think the picture of the Star Mother is wrong in that the inside sphere should be moving when you are in it, and the
outside sphere should not move. All around you should be still while it is moving within you. It is like the gravity is
reversed, you move within the still sphere, the opposite of us being 'still' on our moving planet. Is it possible to make
the equation do that When I woke up the first thought I had for today was that I would be still today. To be still, all
things around me still, my breath is relaxed, there is complete calm, which is sustainable. Inside the energies renew,
vibrate. It is so very difficult to relate without sounding as though my ...... prescription needs refilling. I would be so
grateful to hear any response you would have. Thanks again, Pam."
Star Mother: (Cube nest darkened for clarity):
(Octa/Star Tetra/Cube nested in Dodec-Icos-Dodec ..inPHIknit stellation ... same as Merkabbah )
First, (see how the dimpling little wormhole in the egg is the beginning of becoming a fetus pics at...
Labyrinth's and Turning Inside Out
Notice how the LABYRINTH IS this turning inside-out-ness on the surface of a donut as a simple 'shadow on flatland', 2D projection of the 3D donut - dimpling.
Then, we realize that depicting these donut waves into nests in 3D is what the Platonic solids are
The pent nesting of the cubes in the dodec, by creating PHI / Golden Ratio, becomes the Archetype of what it is to turn inside out..
Do you see now, that where the 5 cubes nested inside the dodec in the star mother, is the first time the Golden Ratio occurs around the tetra and the cube.
(black dodec edges =.618 of each 1.0 cube edge : red, purple, green, blue, yellow)..
This starts the dimpling vortex into center point..
This is called the perfect "Spin Path to the Zero Point" or Implosion, or "black hole" etc. It is the geometric basis of what causes capacitance to "turn into" what we label gravity in atoms and planets (orbitals enter recursion/ PHI harmonics permitting non-destructive compression to center).
This cube symmetry in 4D -dodec / tesseract? is also why the 32 degree tilt of those cubes to embed them in dodec, is the bliss tilt of the (sacro cranial pumping) chin angle of the sphinx. Sphinx Gate to 4D: The Function of "Royal Blood" in Regulating Climate
And this is why discovering the Golden Mean ratio in the heart harmonics tells us when BLISS / COMPASSION (feeling the outside as if it were inside) is happening (because the heart's field magnetic domain donuts start imploding... centering... 'Turning Inside Out').
-from Measuring Internal Coherence
Another example of the primal GENESIS of turning inside out - ness, in the ORIGINS of things is the Topo Map of how to turn yourself inside out on the surface of a magnetic field, which is the FIRST WORD OF GENESIS in the bible:
Below - from - Origin of alphabet / language / symbol IS the ability to embed or compress charge optimized by the Golden Spiral ( spirit).
by simply starting at the outside of the donut and walking toward the inside (turning inside out)
what we see looking straight to center through our feet, as the strip changes viewpoints, ARE the letters of the first word of Genesis - Braeshith
Meaning - at first in principle - the origin of thing-ness IS the symmetry turns (of mind) necessary to turn inside out on the surface of a donut. (Torus shape of every field effect).
(above) Note that when you look at the Golden Spiral map on the (7 color) donut, from the SIDE (outside looking in), you see the side view of the spiral flame letter which makes the letter B, Bet (First letter of Braeshith).
(my actual computer plots of the golden mean spiral animated on the surface of the donut tilting to tetra views creating Hebrew letterforms as simple 2D shadows - alphabet of symmetry of perfect embedding-symbol-making, have been removed to due to Federal Order).
So then, re-orienting your view stepping from the outside in, walking on that spiral on the donut, TOWARD THE INSIDE OUT, the next stopping place 1/6 the way in, standing now on the tangeant line tilted on the donut from the next tetra symmetry view...
you look again directly at the CENTER of the donut...
and the shadow of the SAME SPIRAL FLAME LETTER you now see, is the Hebrew letter Resh.. (the NEXT letter in Beraeshith)..
You keep doing this rotating yourself in 'consumed perspective' around the donut until at last then you have relocated yourself to standing now EXACTLY INSIDE THE CENTER OF THE DONUT LOOKING INSIDE OUT INSTEAD OF OUTSIDE IN,
and the shadow of the same spiral strip (delineating the 7 color map), is the Hebrew letter HE, (looks like the symbol "Pi" above). Means 5 - ness also in Hebrew. 5 or Pent is the geometry of the ratio Phi, which by perfecting recursion/embedding starts this dimpling process.
The 'point' here is that , it is when waves learn how to turn inside out, that the start storing spin. This is called 'mass'. Thus this topological road map to turning inside out is THE BEGINNING of creation.
So now we know why, the first word "Braeshith" of the Bible, means 'IN THE BEGINNING'.
Fabre D'olivet ("Hebraic Tongue Restored") more accurately transliterated it (by studying ONLY the SHAPE of the letters)..
"At first in Principle"... or I translate it : "At First In principle- the turning inside map to the origin of THING- ness (matter out of light)."
Do you see how this is all based on KNOWING THE MOVES TO MAKE TO TURN INSIDE OUT.
Since as an egg starting the turning inside out, (ectoderm and endoderm switch places) is how you became a fetus/baby, this 'putting the moves on' is truly 'the first move you ever made'. (pic at labyrinth link).
So now we are ready to look at what happens in the HEART when the Heart Muscle learns the EMOTION of turning inside out.
Sucked into the vortex of the fractal making / imploding donut fields... is FEELING (for what WAS outside you, entering INSIDE you..)
This is the topological map to COMPASSION.
Note the importance of these pictures...
in the ORIGINAL PAPER : Heart Intelligence and DNA Programming
(reprinted ... Heart Intelligence and DNAProgramming. A Pilot Research Report by Daniel Winter
at the facilities ... heart intelligence for more efficient living. In ...
) I wrote when the Heart Math Institute first paid me to travel there to teach them how to do EKG spectrum analysis (before 1992)--
---exerpted here--
The Energy Field Surrounding the Heart
The toroidal, or donut-shaped, wave fields that surround the heart when it fires. These fields are fractal - fields within fields radiating out from the heart.
T o further understand these ideas, it would be useful to examine the description of the shapes of the electrical field of the heart beat as published in the book When Time Breaks Down, by Arthur T. Winfree, Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona. In summary, the technical data shows that the shape of the electrical wave or field around the heart when it fires is essentially toroidal, or donut shaped. Furthermore, the way those donuts of voltage or electrical pressure form around the heart is a fractal (see page 5) or concentric nest of one donut inside the other. This can be viewed as worlds within worlds, each larger field containing all the inner fields within it. Although not yet proven, it is probable that the relative size of these toroidal fields relates to the relative wave lengths contained in the EKG. Thus, the heart muscle's ability to phase-lock into resonance around a central focus would correspond to its ability literally to ring out further up and down the harmonic series. In other words, the heart is essentially able to download a broader frequency band width of harmonic instructions when it fires in the condition of relaxed but centered or "phase-locked" resonance. Coherent emotion (love?) permits a greater content of these harmonic instructions, to be downloaded or "demodulated" or "impedance coupled" from the long wave into the short. The shape which idealizes this "translation of vorticity" spinout, or unpacking from short wave to long, is the Golden Mean spiral. When this path, which permits the circle to talk to the line (matter to energy), goes two ways at once, it looks like the fractal image of the heart itself
The Golden Mean spirals traveling in opposite directions create the image of the heart.
The principle of interference among waves is that order or constructive interference self-replicates, and disorder or destructive interference self-destructs.
A visual representation of Constructive waves, where the long and shorter waves are all in phase.
Destructive waves - where the long and short waves are out of phase, causing destructive interference. (Noise / heat /incoherence). These waves will not travel down the harmonic series.
>From the viewpoint of information science, we can understand the principles of this umbilical connection to "singularity", from the mechanism which makes a hologram at every point, information complete. In terms of optical coherence, taking a bite out of a hologram requires swallowing the whole thing. What this means is that each little light node or bubble in the hologram must be in complete phase or wave spacing discipline with respect to the whole. In this way each node or vortex point contains complete information. Each one is a perfect infinite harmonic series, phase-locked in a "multiply-connected topology" with the whole picture. The result is that anywhere in the hologram where there is a bright node or focus, there is by definition, a wave in "sync" with the entire image. Remember, matter is just a hologram with a weight problem.
Consider consciousness as the attractive drawstring which radiates like a cascade through the embedded frequencies: "a fractal attractor." Then by the above metaphor, the very existence of focus is evidence of pure intention. That is, a light vortex or foci cannot stand as wave, unless its inertia is coupled with the all. By achieving focus, we already have achieved pure intention, which is the only real limit to interaction with density. Purity is what limits the amperage or current flow through our mental and emotional waveguide. Focus permits only coherence. This is why prisms create rainbows. Light bends around the focus point to permit only the spin tilt angles of the photon which are sharable (tetrahedras maximum of seven spins) to pass.
Another way of looking at this is that intelligence or self-awareness is the part of ourselves that can enter into singularity, or the point of balance, between dimensions of awareness and survive to enter into a higher or lower dimension of awareness. It is the aspect of us that keeps drawing us back to balance. It is what keeps us on track, until we can wake up enough to enter into the next level of evolution or awareness of ourself and how our energy system works. Once we awaken to the next level we then start to work on reaching the next more efficient level of awareness.It becomes easier as we evolve through the fractal series of dimensions of awareness.---
Brain Wave Coherence
T here is another clue to the emotive feeling state creating geometry in the electromagnetic field of the body. This clue is in the extensive body of literature correlating ordering in brain waves, or EEG, to psychological states. Power spectra analyses (frequency signature) of EEG (brain waves) has shown that under certain unstressful and consciously focused conditions coherence exists within the power spectrums of the brain waves. MIT physicist Larry Domash has published elaborate data which illustrate that cross-hemispheric EEG ordering or coherence, correlates to the health benefits of intentional relaxation. It also seems that onsetting coherence ordering in brain electrical resonances correlates to shared information in a group or telepathy between several people. This was also documented in the "Mind Mirror," EEG spectra research of Cade et al, in "Awakened Brain." The spectral range of significant EEG resonance coherence found in these studies are the same resonances we found significant in the EKG power spectra.
C urrent research at the Institute shows a possible link between coherent cardiac electricities and DNA programming. (& Braiding DNA, Is Emotion the Weaver?) The output of the EKG machine is fed into a spectrum analzer which shows the frequency content of the heart beat. When people who are skilled in mental and emotional self-management focus on loving or appreciating, the frequency content of their EKG (heart electricity) changes in a significant way. The distribution of the power content of the heart electricity is normally scattered and cancels out. This is called incoherent. However, when love and other positive feelings are being experienced the distribution dramatically changes to a coherent and ordered pattern. This, by itself, is amazing, but even more amazing is the fact that the mathematical ratio between the power peaks is the same ratio as the Golden Mean ratio. This ratio is the one one that allows electrical power to change scales or harmonic octaves without losing any of its power or information carried in its modulation. The DNA of every cell in our bodies is built upon this same ratio. There are many other examples of this ratio in cellular structures, but this discovery is especially important because it shows a direct link between the heart electricities and the DNA. In other words, the electricity of the heart programs the DNA much like a radio wave is sent through the air to your radio. The DNA is like a radio receiver and the heart is like the transmitter.
There is also new evidence appearing in the spectrum analysis showing that the heart electricities contain a highly ordered or encoded intelligence that is ultimately responsible for the instructions sent to the DNA. These waves from the heart are affected by people's emotions and thoughts, so when people are processing negative emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, etc., the electricities are affected in a way that blocks the proper flow of information from reaching the DNA. If these types of negative patterns are experienced repeatedly over time it eventually manifests in disease. The symptoms of this are already well documented. Doctors and researchers have known for many years that negative emotions and thoughts are the main cause of aging and many diseases. These negative patterns have also been linked directly to heart disease. New research also indicates that conscious generation of "heart frequencies" such as love, care, and appreciation has a positive, beneficial effect on immune system health and brain function, and can reverse the effect of negative stress patterns in the mental and emotional nature.
1. Winfree, Arthur T., When Time Breaks Down: The Three Dimensional Dynamics of Electrochemical Waves and Cardiac Arrhythmias, Princeton University Press.
2. Edwards, Lawrence, The Field of Form: Research Concerning the Outer World of Living Forms, and the Inner World of the Geometrical Imagination, Floris Books.
3. Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, BioElectronics, and Electronic Biology and Cancer
4. Jenny, Han, Cymatics, Basilus Press, Basel, Switzerland
5. Ghyka, The Geometry of Art and Life, Dover Press
6. Cook, The Curves of Life, Dover Press
7. Taubes, Gary, An Electrifying Possibility, Discover Magazine, April 1986
8. Gyorgy Doczi, The Power of Limits, Shambhala Press
9. Clynes, Manfred, Sentics and Music, Mind & Brain.
10. Bentov, Ben, Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Dutton Publishers.
11. Orme-Johnson, Wallace, Dillbeck, Alexander, and Ball, (September 1981) Improved Functional Organization of the Brain through the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field as Indicated by Changes in EEG Coherence and its Cognitive Correlates: A Proposed Model of Higher States of Consciousness, Paper presented at the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA.
12. Childre, Doc Lew, Self Empowerment: The Heart Approach to Stress Management; Common Sense Strategies, Planetary Publications, PO Box 66, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006, 408-338-2161.
13. Childre, Doc Lew, Heart Zones, music designed for stress release and prevention, Planetary Productions, PO Box 66, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006, 408-338-2161.
14. McClelland, D.C. (1985, March), Motivation and Immune Function in Health and Disease. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
15. Goldberger, Ary L., Fractal Mechanisms in the Electrophysiology of the Heart, Cardiovascular Division, Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
16. Goldberger, Ary L., Ringey, and West, Chaos and Fractals in Human Physiology: Chaos in Bodily Functioning Signals Health. Periodic behavior can foreshadow disease, Scientific American, February 1990.
17. Rosinsky, Ned, M.D., The Geometry of Life, Sept. - Oct. 1984, Fusion.
18. Eysenck, Hans, Personality, Stress and Cancer: Prediction and Prophylaxis, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, Denmark Hill, United Kingdom
19. Fukudo, S; Lane, JD; Anderson, Nb; Kuhn, Cm; Schanberg, SM; McCown, N; Muranaka, M; Suzuki, J; Williams, RB, Jr; Accentuated vagal antagonism of Beta-adrenergic effects on Ventricular Repolarization. Evidence of weaker Antagonism in hostile type A men. Behavioral Medicine Research Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
For more information: , Daniel Winter
next a flashback from our August 2000 - newsletter...
is the Only Way GRAVITY can be created among waves (Pure Principle of Gravity)
because it is the Only Way Waves (Charge) Survive COMPRESSION.
(With a note on the Templar Scroll - A BLISS & TANTRA meaning? A technology of Heart based on the Opposite of Ex-plosion).
from Dan Winter, 8/1/2000, at & dedicated to "Eye of the Sun", near Tintagel (Where Arthur and the Land became embedded into ONE) Bude, Britain.
other articles: , this article may be reached at from the sitemap
Self-Similarity (Fractality) is the Only Way GRAVITY can be created among waves (Pure Principle of Gravity) because it is the Only Way Waves (Charge) Survive COMPRESSION.
Self-Similarity resolves to the Golden Mean ratio because it is the mathematical essence of self embedding.
When waves arrange themselves into the perfect pine cone SCREWing up shape of Golden Ratio Embedding , they begin adding and multiplying their wave lengths AND VELOCITIES recursively, as the ONLY constructive way thru the speed of light.
Note the Pine (al) Conic Self-Similarity between Cell Division and the Pine Cone..
(Please see source conversation: )
(Below: Pine Cone -vortex in side view- From Grail Animation)
Compare this shape to (Izthak) Bentov's vision of Galaxies Replicating like cell division around violin strings (microtubules) radiating from black holes (centrioles as the cookie cutters) shaped like ancient sacred alphabet letters in his : "Cosmic (Comic) Book".
This is why I predict that the waves now being measured going faster than light will be measured moving at Golden Mean Ratio MULTIPLES of the speed of light.
What is squeezed out the center of the fractal charge wind to center we call gravity are worms going thru the speed of light. These are exchanged for example between planetary bodies experiencing gravity relations erotically. (Gurdjieff: Coherent Emotion Feeds the Earth ). The ability to retain CENTERING FORCE keeping little worms inside big worms is the recursion self awareness adds to song lines. ("Substance of WE Feeling - The GLUE).
All bonding is phase locking - ionic, covalent, gravitational and human. Perfect (or inPHIknit) phase locking is always recursive and therefore Golden Mean based.
Self-Similarity is the mechanism of all bonding which reaches BETWEEN frequencies. (G-ray of Vita :Gravita)
Life force is embedding of charge. (Celestine Prophecy: "All Human Interaction is about CHARGE"). Which is how charge waves become self-aware /organizing / steering.
Self-Similarity can be measured among waves, in the same way PERFECT BRANCHING (Being Di-VINE) is measured as PHYLOTAXES.
My mathematical technique pioneers the use of second order FFT (frequency signature) or septrum to measure when heart harmonics or any oscillators become self organizing / self-aware / self-referrent (into PHI intervals).
Measuring the self similarity of the electron wave nest to the nuclear wave nest will predict the amount of gravity created in any atom. (nuclear arrays are vortex platonics the same as electron shells).
This is how Dr. Ary Goldberger proved Self-Similarity (fractality) was the essence of how the Heart Beat was electrically FIRED in the (fractal/self-similar branching) Fibres of Perkinjole. We now understand that this gathering of charge into perfect compression by fractal biological shapes is HOW THE HEART GETS ELECTRICITY FROM GRAVITY.
Note that the BRANCHING OF THE ALVEOLI which allows your LUNGS to gather the FIRE of O-X-Y-gen is also perfectly GOLDEN MEAN based fractal self-similarity.
The electrical signature of the heart going into self-organization implosion (bliss) is the (PHI harmonic) frequency signature of how capacitors can be arranged (fractally) to make electrical generators from the gravity field. This is the essence of all non-linear energy devices (which DEFINITELY should NOT be called "free", since gravity fields can BLEED.) ... and the ONLY sustainable wave function which CAN MOVE COHERENTLY BETWEEN FREQUENCIES, which physics currently fails to describe under the word SCALAR.
This is why the Golden Mean ratio based (stellated) DODECA shape of Palladium is the key to 'cold' (COLD has no other meaning than non destructive wave interference) FUSION. (and Fusion physics in general).
(In honor of this Heart of the Sun's Eye, center we note) The Sun's fusion energy is based on hydrogen whose (ANU 5/7 slipknot) coeur is the BALMER series Phi harmonic. (Randy Masters). As the solar heart (seen clairvoyantly exactly as this ANU slipknot) morphs toward more perfect embedding compression with the appoach of our millennial solar orgasm, it forces to morph into non-destructive compressible perfect distributability each human heart, and hydrogen atom which are the eye-dent-i-cal morphic resonant shape. (the RAPTURE) .
This is why Viktor Schauberger's (piezoelectric mineral doped) water wave implosion egg's creating electricity from gravity created cold. He knew the vorticity of perfect EMBEDDING was the key to gravity energy, but he like Einstein, never figured out that this geometry of infinite successful compression required the Golden Mean Ratio of perfect constructive wave interference. This is why Einstein could not model the infinite compression required to predict that black holes would bend time.
Any shaman can tell you never to enter a black hole straight in. The CHEM in Al-chemy & CHEMistry means FROM THE BLACK(hole)-ness. The tilt angle of the non-destructive survivable spiral path into implosion is the shadow of alphabets. (See the function of the ENOCHIAN / OPHANIM alphabet letters making the movie: STARGATE - see ( near the bottom of the article)
Self-Similarity ( Spiral Self Organizing Map on the Moebius 7 Color Donut) is the ORIGIN and pure principle of the most psycho-active letterform alphabets because TO SYMBOLIZE IS TO EMBED. Embedding is how you (as a wave imploding INSIDE), get leverage (by fractal attraction morphic resonance) on a wave outside yourself. (Turning-Inside Out Perfected). Letterform alphabets are a map to phase discipline / coherence which allow the hologram inside your optical cortex to get a handle on the throat of the donuts (by knowing the tilt), of MATTER (the hologram with a weight problem, outside your optical cortex.)
see PERFECT WAVE COLLAPSE as the Origin of Consciousness: (see)
A slip knot thru 2 kinds of rope, is not the rope, but merely the memory of a sequence of turns. In the world of waves, this is what people are. The role of mind among waves is to remember these turns.
When consciousness learns to steer waves into recursion, (Labyrinth like - inside outness in the blissful heart) stillpoints are created on the violin strings of the ethers. Such biological fractal attractiveness learned imploding, is why ..
Persuading light to bend from line (energy) to circle (mass is only defined when inertia is stored by waves becoming a gyroscope), is what a CREATOR does. (you).
The bee queen follows the dances of enough workers dancing the turn series between hive center and the nectar (sweetness is braiding) of the land, until her DNA contains a perfect map of the land. (see:)
When that map to perfect folding representing outside with what is inside, becomes perfect embedding in the braid folding of DNA, the map becomes the terrain, and Arthur and the Land become One (the Grail).
"FRACTALITY" - Perfect Embedding - Is Natures Perfect (& Only) Path OUT OF CHAOS (into Self-Organization)
The Heart EKG Voltages LEARN Bliss - The Result of Perfect Compassion / Compression without Pain..
Perfect Implosion =
Inner PHIre / Fire
To be Self- Similar (Fractal) , Feeling Inside the Same as What is Felt Outside =
Able to Self - Refer =
Able to Self - Embed =
Able to be Self - Aware
Fractality =
Embedability =
(Non-Destructive) Compressibility =
Turning Inside- Out ness =
Scale Invariance =
Spin Density =
Information Density =
Charge Density =
Sustainability =
Share-Ability =
Perfect Distributability =
Perfect Marketability
(Prelude to "Managing Chaos" with Panos from Axioma, Athens)
As light moves up the slinky DNA (& spine juice), it is pumped into the effective squirtgun BLISS by braiding from the heart's sound pony tail / snake charmer.
When the crosses of the braid become embedded (grail like), the waves up DNA add and multiply thru the speed of light. (detail pics at )
What they encounter at the top of this COLUMN of light, is a shock wave, before going thru light speed.
The shape of this shock wave of moving thru light speed, may be envisioned by imagine the rings around a pebble you drop in a moving river. (thanks to Dr. Otto here). The rings moving out from the dropped pebble in the upstream direction are pushed back toward the pebble slip knot in the flow. The pattern looks like the RAMS HORNS.. VOLLUTE of the classic IONIC architectural column. (And is similar to the spirals in the GRAIL animation as they reach from the heart). These (Helmet) HORNS of Ventricle (ventricle liquids crystalize into HORNY by coherent sonic conserved UV sex energy) made potent, is also well illustrated by the proper geomantic of the ORIGINAL AVEBURY:
A useful map of the light columns of Tantra and bBiss entering stars may be drawn from this KIRKWALL SCROLL famous Templar Tapestry:
(note the DNA braid helix around the light columns, whose IONIC is winged).
Here on the chessboard athanor cauldron of genecrossing families, the dynastic union of Jesus and Magdalen is suggested. ("The Eight" book). The immortality recipe consists of the 2 LIONINE (Annunaki star elder) recombinant genetic families reaching across the altar of their cermonial union, where their HEART's WINGED BLISS RADIANCE fabricates the TANTRIC INCUBUS COCOONING. There the blue fire in a bubble carries the eye of their common awareness re-PENTING thru the SUN into star penetration. The stellar mapping enabled psychonavigating capability resultant from such bliss charge density being the REAL steerage of the TEMPLARs. (And the genetic saving of the genepools into the Solar worm whose pump they prime.)