StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education |
Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (in 20 countries): |
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment: |
Our World Leading IOS Biofeedback Apps |
All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects |
Dan Winter -YouTube Channel: |
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site: |
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy |
Star Mother Kit: |
April 2023 |
New film Jan 2022:
Quality of GRACE: Science for the Care & Feeding of the Human Aura- Your ONLY Immortal Potential, with Dan Winter - Interview with Generation ZED - 4th lecture in the series- What is wrong with this picture: Your Doctor, Architect, Senator and Hospital ALL Don’t even believe your aura EXISTS!- much less understand it is your ONLY real way of a) maintaining immune health, b) avoiding parasites, c) achieving bliss (and lucid dreaming) - AND d) taking memory thru death ALL our programs end with the same advice- GROW A BIG AURA- IS THE ONLY WAY! - This program reviews the practical hygiene requires for growing your aura- architecture, environment, diet, movement and THE (SHAREABLE WAVE) PSYCHOLOGY required…. Physics of CHI/Shakti in Yoga- HOW Calculus of Curvature Implodes/Attracts Living Charge... - links referred: , , Aura measurement - Life Force measure Bliss Hygiene book for young people ET History Negentropic Plasma tech (lucid dreaming trigger also) |
New film Sept 2021: |
Bliss: Inhabiting the Fractal ARRAY, Implosion Graphics -Dan Winter at Geometry of Bliss- Kundalini Biomechanics: For this film subtitles & txt: subtitles.html |
New April 2018 Film 105 min: You Tube Version - or Original LearnitLive Film Version (with course chat window) - ( )
Dan Winter-: Aura Building:Science/Hygiene for Bliss, Dan Winter-2018, Dan Winter-: Coherent living Biologic Charge (Cold Plasma) = chi/orgone/'grace'/shakti..& HOW to Attract It/ Become centripetal "The PRACTICE: Practical application and hygiene of spiritual physics to daily life. " Did you ever wonder why the metal in your belt buckle or pockets- seems to get abnormally warm- when you wear them. It is not just the mechanical heat they pick up from your body - it is ALSO the capacitive charge which is the blood of your aura- which is bleeding away into them! Did you ever wonder why- ancestor visions, druid phone calls, and military telepathy can only happen at (conjugate/ longitudinal embedded) Earth magnetic line crosses? Does this tell you something about the ONLY correct places to have birth/ bliss and death? Lets think about it. We get asked the question daily: what are the technologies to duck from electrosmog. What is it about the charge of a 'sacred altar' that really reduces electrosmog. Let's study the physics of GROUNDING (book: "Earthing")- to UNDERSTAND the school behavior revolution that happened in the one country(Finland) where ALL THE CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS STOPPED WEARING SHOES! Why did 3 people standing in line- at the bio store with me in Santa Barbara- suddenly turn to ME to initiate a conversation just seconds after I removed my shoes to let my moist feet touch the wood floor! - What is the information theory physics behind grounding?? Why is it ultimately required BEFORE you can really teach or sustain COMPASSION? - Postscript here includes the spiritual physics of rainmaking - - how to restore water attraction to a parched land- by restoring the geometry of magnetic centripetal force - the real meaning of ground: implosive access to fractality- perfected charge distribution.
Additional Information
Big Picture: What does this new Fractal Physics Mean to You and Your Life Personally and Practically - -from Dan Winter |
--2016: Advanced Hygiene for Bliss: How to Switch on KUNDALINI with Dan Winter Feb 21,2016 Course- +.Review of the fundamentals , 2. Advanced and more esoteric practices for raising the kundalini - role of sexual energy- plumbing of the tailbone - etc (& my story): - as Plasma Accelerator, - as Immortality Machine, - as Bliss Cocoon, - as Solar Plasma Squirt Gun, - as Bioactive Field Generator, - as 'Shem':Black Hole Access Device.., - As Plasma Wormhole (Version of this recording with the side column chat text- from learnitlive- click here)
Science of Bliss: The hygiene, the practice, the yoga..the 'Shareable Thoughts'
- with Dan Winter (Book PDF Download below)
- film/course- Film- 150 minutes - -from Course Series from:
1. Implosion Group Announces -Publication of Dan Winter's Original Book
Conscious Kids-Spiritual Path in Simple Science for the Young and Young at Heart,
New Edition - Revised / Updated - Oct 27,07: >Bliss, Ecstacy, & Immortality Explained -Science & Indigo Kids.., (complete book pdf download below) , return to main index:
. DVD's etc.
NEW-Conscious Kids-Introduction for YOUNG PEOPLE-to Science of BLISS + Peak Experience
We provide - 'Ecstasy and Immortality' book as a pdf below.. the other books here:
This article on the web url: - from Dan Winter, Implosion Group and Friends, Jan 10, 2012 Main Index: -2 mil. hits/ month
-Implosion Group Dan Winter main film library 250+ films, All videos about Dan Winter - on the web- 6000 videos
Announcing: All New Suite of Fractal Tech:Projects> - - - new
Upcoming Events Calendar: w/Dan Winter, Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: ,
TWO Million hits/month, - Link to: 41,300 Websites which link to > 6,850 Web sites which refer to
> Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian - new Polish, & Czech , Dutch
>SiteSearch or Search Site w/Yahoo - DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">2010-Events Calendar
Newest Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor,
4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles - new master Photo Galleries.
-Bonus: Updated 25 DVD Set- 144 Euro -with Dan Winter- now includes latest beautiful color printed book:
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Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality
Dan Winter's newest Book - Simplified Language - about DNA & Bliss Making Gravity and Immortal Soul..- Lavishly Illustrated..
200+ pages ..
New Edition - Revised / Updated - Oct 27,07: >
Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality> Complete PDF Download: consciouskidsfull.pdf (14.5meg)
Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality Table of Contents
P 3. Introduction- Science now knows - BLISS- is the only way
to health AND immortality!
P 4. Why it is Healthy to want Ecstacy
P 7. Politics of Bliss
P 8. Rave Parties and Musical Recipe for BLISS without Drugs
P 10. Real Meaning of SELF - emPOWERment.
P 12. Religion minus Miracle or Personality Worship- is really
about BLISS
P 13. How does CREATION Invite YOU to DO it?
P 14. Secret of ATOMS and CREATION out of DONUTS.
P 19. Secret of LETTERS and ALPHABETS and WRITING.
P 29. Secret of DNA and SPIRALS and FIRE IN THE BLOOD.
P 35. Secret of EMOTION takes SHAPE in DNA- in your BLOOD.
How to Eat Spin!
P 43-44. True Secret SCIENCE behind LORD OF THE RING! Blood that
makes Dreams come REAL!
P 48. True Secret Origin of the Bible: The REAL 'Bible Code' in
P 51. Secret of GRAVITY - It is MORTAL (FATAL) to be stuck below
the Speed of Light!
P 52. Secret of IMPLOSION - The Only Way Out of Here!
P 54. Secret of the GOLDEN MEAN.
P 56. Why do you FALL in Love? - the Gravity of the Situation.
P 57. Secret of LOVE - The Divine or Perfectly BRANCHED TOUCH!
P 60. Secret of the SEVENTH SEAL - the SEVENTH SIGN - the SEVENTH
P 64. Not so Secret Secret of DYING SUCCESSFULLY based in SCIENCE
P 66. Projective Geometry and Etheric Formative Forces from -Waldorf
Science -Steiner
P 67. Secret of VISUALIZATION : Creative IMAGINATION Science.
P 68. Secret of FRACTALS and being 'Self Similar': The Inside
the LOOKS Like the Outside!
P 72. The Electrical Secret of LIFE and LIFE FORCE: The Ability
to ATTRACT CHARGE (Implode).
P 80. Secret of the KA in Mer-KA-bah: Your FIRE (Phi-re) SHIP
at Death and Dream's Door.
P 81. Secret Origin of ROYAL Blood - EMOTION - Programming DNA
in your Blood: .
P 84. Secret of INDIGO CHILDREN: Holy BLUE! When Your Blood GLOWS
P 86. Secret of NEPHILIM: The Fallen Ones - When Does DNA Stop
P 91. Secret of MAGIC: Shape the CHARGE and Form LIFE.
P 95. Secret of RAPTURE: Compression in the Solar Wind- Test by
P 104. Secret of Ending PARASITES: Only the Shareable Survive
the FIRE of Compression.
P 106. Secret of HOW LIFE SPREADS: Billiard Balls that TOUCH Perfectly.
P 110. Biology versus the SPIRIT of IMMORTALITY.
P 114. Secret of the Extra Terrestrial Origin of DNA: Assa-Uru
and the Dinosaur.
P 116. Secret of SMELL / "Olfaction": Infra-red Notch
and Smell the Blood.
P 118. Secret of the HEART OF GOLD: Love's Music Measured in the
P 120. Secret of Dowsing: Can you FEEL Magnetism- Do or Die?
P 124. Secret of LABYRINTHS.
P 131. Secret of Tornado Steering: Alphabet Swallowing and Tornado
P 133. Paying Your DEBT to GRAVITY.
P 142. Secret of MICROWAVES: They are the Bliss Radio of Glands-Don't
Mess with Microwaves.
P 145. Secret LIFE OF TREES.
P 148. Secret of SACRED ARCHITECTURE - LIFE Enters Form when CHARGE
P 157. Secret of POLARITY - Plus and Minus - Yin and Yang - Converge
Diverge- Centrifuge-CentriPEDE?
P 162. WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR ? - in the Galactic Scheme of Things.
P 165. True Secret of Djedai Knighthood.
P 169. Practical Exercises- SPIN PATH TO THE ZERO POINT - Breath
- versus TIME TRAVEL.
P 174. Design Your DIET - Design Your MOVEMENT - Design Your PLACE
P 181. The CONSCIOUS KITCHEN - Ideas for LIFE FORCE in Food Preparation.
P 185. Valerie's Youthful Spiritual Quest - Bliss Experience Real
Life Story -
For All Course Information / Reservations / Venue Info: contact- Implosion Group - Dan Winter Curriculum- special email address click here to email : - Please Also Provide Also Your Location and Phone- so that we may contact you directly. Alternatively online info (& registration for Part Two advanced) also at: Jan 22-25: Byron Bay, Australia: Part One 4 day- Beautiful conference Center overlooking Byron Feb 19-22: Perth: Part One. 4 -day Course - Beautiful Conference/Wholistic Center (with healing pool) outside Perth- Special Hands on Earth Grid Presentation. Thurs eve.-Sun. Hosted with Nadine at Healing Center- also with Malcolm. Feb 27-29: Johannesburg, South Africa: 2 day Conference- Steiner Center.. Mar 4-7: Zurich. Lebenskraft ('Life Force') International at Zurich Conference Center Messe). Featuring Gold Egg - Measuring Life Force Mar 18-21: Amsterdam: Part One 4 Day - Thurs eve Mar18, 7-10 pm, Fri19 Sun 21 10 am - 5 Mar 25-28: Lindau, Germany (near Austria,90 min -Munich): Part One -4 Day Intensive - added theme- Science and the Shaman April 16-17 & 18, 2004: Lisbon- 2nd International Conference-Emotional Intelligence / Education and Health.. April 22-25: Turin, Italy - Part One -4 Day Intensive - Beautiful Rural Italian Setting with Translation: New! - Italian Website- COMPLETE BOOK AVAILABLE BEAUTIFULLY TRANSLATED in Italian. April 29- May 2: Oslo, Norway: (retreat center outside Oslo)Part One - 4 Day Intensive . includes Sacro Cranial Community and Peace University interest groups. May 13-16. Chennai (Madras) India: Part One -4 Day Intensive - Active Flower of Life Conference Center - National Indian Audience. June 3 - 6 Trimuri, St.Tropez (South France) Conference Center: Part One- 4 day - French Translation.-French Info June 24-27 Stockholm, Sweden, Part One 4 day.Sponsor: Sirius Center.. Aug 15 - 18: Trimuri, St.Tropez (South France) Conference Center: - Part Two - 4 Day - Advanced / Residential in lush Tropical Retreat Center. Oct 1-4: Calgary Alberta- 4 Day Intensive- Celebrating the Americas- Straw Bale Sacred Space.. |