Experimental new Newsletter "Sacred Geometry & The Coherent Heart" from Dan Winter, The latest New Article links from www.danwinter.com

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SUN Heats up Human Hearts - Magnetizing Millenial Matters::

first.. Sacred Geometry web site, now NAVIGABLE USING A TRUE SPIDER WEB 3D revolving SITEMAP (at www.danwinter.com/sitemap.html) (Notes: free www.thebrain.com software required, unfortuneately Mac format not YET avail.)

Theme for this weeks news is more detail on what survives magnetic compression.. Aug 11 is a good TIME to remember the In-PHI-knit grail (www.danwinter.com/grail.html ) solution to Einstein's lament: "If only we understood infinite compression we would know how black holes bend time" ... We might now add: the birthing of angels!

 But first an ad here for the wonderful people at Golden Ratio Woodworks who have been so helpful in sharing this information. They have an amazing line of SACRED GEOMETRY based bodywork & massage table products. Request their free color catalog which includes Sacred Geometry teaching resources.


A: labyrinth creates specific magnetic 'phone lines' to elementals/gnomes.. survival requirement for solar peaks like Aug 11? lovely NEW picture of 4 labyrinths specifically entraining to the 4 groups of elementals at the top of : www. danwinter.com/labyrinth -caption to the picture: Kay Torrez group in collaboration with Taffy Lanser and others working with the new national labyrinth organization (planning a national conference this year), put together this lovely illustration (see link) of how to use labyrinth convergence magnetic paths specifically to initiate communication with the elemental forces. We feel strongly that active collaboration with these elemental and gnome forces is survival related to making it thru the extreme magnetic compression approaching us with the solar maxima events (like Aug 11) associated with the millenium. Rapture is a name for non destructive survival of magnetic compression (see danwinter.com/scaleinvariant ). This is discussed as the way home for our racial genetic memory at danwinter.com/genehome (bottom) Elementals like in the movie 'Fairy Tale' can make themselves known to humans only where magnetic convergence lines can braid approach each other more densely. ('Ectoplasm' becomes thick). Ref: The Sylph King Speaks on Elementals and other things. This successful non-destructive infolding of magnetics is PRECISELY THE PRINCIPLE OF HOW A LABYRINTH FACILITATES THE SORTING OF MAGNETISM INTO 'the shareable'. Our planet fast approaches her magnetic orgasm with the sun. Elementals to steer the lightning will clearly be our necessary trump card to braid us into cool compression symmetry with our eco-ectoplasm, magnetism which would otherwise toast us. This is similar to what we must do to acheive heat free compression by arranging (rose petals of magnetic) fractality in our DNA, our HEARTs and our backyards.

B: Also new at www.danwinter.com/predictions : Russian physicist friend publishes major set of equations proving the essential Principle of Gravity (successful compression?) is the Golden Ratio / embedding! Note how ANU is tied as gordian slip knot, into Hydrogen. An that this involved knowing the stitch size - the plank length. Complete pdf files for his new papers: www.danwinter.com/goldenphysics quoting: "It is shown, (equations in detail) that not only electron, but also the hydrogen atom follows the Golden mean rule. You know more, than I the systems, follow the same principle.... It makes it possible to put forward a hypothesis, that the driving force
of the self-organization and evolution on all hierarchical scales is the
spontaneous tending of systems to condition of Hidden harmony (equality
of internal (hidden) and external velocities and impulses of de Broglie
waves) as a quantum root of Golden mean. We have to keep in mind, that
our World is composed from de Broglie waves..."

Also a little news note here, regarding that slip knot ANU ("Occult Chemistry") which became the turn geometry for Hydrogen, Human Heart, Heart of the Sun, (True 'Sepher Yetsirah' symmetry cookbook for a sustainable flame in the Heart) Temple of Solomon & Ophanic Sigil of Truth (www.danwinter.com/heartsun) .Bob Beutlich organizer of National Psychotronics informs me that  Steven Phillips physicist of London who wrote "Psi Perception of Quarks" justifyinh ANU with modern physics in detail, has extended his work on the slip knot tie up details in 2 new books via Theosophical Assn. New Zealand: "Image of god in matter" & "Tree of Life basis for Superstring Theory". 7/15/99 Update see "ANU" on his website !

I have also added at www.danwinter.com/predictions equation showing fine structure constant is derived mathematically from simply how inertia is optimally translated from linear to rotational on the surface of the primal ring vortex.. "does this proximate correspondance of the fine structure constant and a number arising from the hybrid mathematical marriage of expressions from electromagnetic theory and vortex fluid mechanics imply that space/time (ether?) is in fact an electrical fluid whose fundamental mechanism is the ring vortex?"/ also (last prediction) 19. That PHI=7/5 PI/E will be discovered to be due to the 7/5 spin symmetries of perfect gordian slip knot ANU/HEART/Heart of Sun.. (Anu/core of hydrogen) as at Heart of Sun link just above...

A final new exerpt from predictions site: "In order to ground electrically, and embed, and stabilize ALL oscillators of all self-aware AND electrical systems, frequencies will need to be chosen which are Phi (1.618) multiples of the 'plank length' length. This length (1.61 x 10^-33 cm) is the universal solvent of the quantum foam, into which every (wave) length of everything observable divides evenly. It is derived by the simultaneous dimensional solution for C, speed of light, h bar, planks energy constant, and G - the gravitational constant. While physics see this length as physics MOST FUNDAMENTAL POSSIBLE UNIT OF SCALE, it's numerical proximity to Phi/Golden Ratio SUGGESTS that this the BASIS OF EVERYTHING WHICH PHYSICS CALLS SCALE, MAY IN ITSELF BE ONLY RATIO! (very deep idea - may be the ultimate proof of relativity). In any case, clearly in order to determine which frequencies IN ANY SPECTRA are 'sacred' or 'sustainable' or 'groundable' or 'embedable', it will be necessary to multiply this length by powers of PHI and 2. Ultimately for example this will be how to tune power distribution frequencies (healing the deadly 60 hz), to symbiotically embed the Earth in the stars. It is powerful to note here that the electrical idea of what provides GROUNDING as a wave which is (Phi) embedable IS IDENTICAL TO WHAT PROVIDES PSYCHOLOGICAL GROUNDING.. (phi/embedable ekg/eeg see heart biofeedback)"

Other recent updates from www.danwinter.com:

C. Complete rewrite with a dozen major new images: Understanding Human Emotion's effect on Braiding DNA, Graphically at www.danwinter.com/emotion

D. Ray El An's Dream 'The Gold Sarcophacus - back to where we once belonged?' (www.danwinter.com/russbacher ) The PRINCIPLE behind the ancient gold and the golden ratio 'sarcophagus' teaches us biological survival thru compression, literally cellular transmutation.

E. Major update to OrionGen of Arthur: Blood Of Merkabbah:When Messiahs are Vampiric?OrionGen of Arthur: Blood Of Merkabbah- Messeh/Messiah Reptile Blood, Germain Origins of Vampire Myth."Eat my Body, DRINK MY BLOOD" Sill Could be a Kind of "Messianic Legacy"see bottom notes from TAL on rh- reptilian vs monkey blood..

F. New quotes from 'Thoth' % Simeon/Maia/&William Buehler at www.danwinter.com/eclipse Regarding what he terms 'The Ur Na Sha' Imprinting (Magnetic Compression ) of DNA for Aug 11-18 window. Important to remain on your sacred place, avoid travel/stress. Also new there: Understanding the emotional pressure associated with the Aug 11 period of maximum solar alignment AND solar wind- (paragraphs below exerpted from www.danwinter.com/eclipse :) (entire 'erection of the holy cross' pictorial of the millennial solar maximum's inherent symmetry at accompanying article www.danwinter.com/millennium )

1. Q: Why do Earth Magnetics collapse (implode- compress into density) during alignments such as the upcoming major eclipse?

A: Gravity is caused by the wave shape cascading INWARD being SELF-SIMILAR or FRACTAL to the outer wave shape. This permits continuous non-destructive wave collapse by PHI embedding. Whether the field effect is an atom or a planet, phi/recursive wave nesting is what makes the charge fractal imploding WHICH IS CALLED GRAVITY. This means for example that Hydrogen's nuclear wave distances are Golden Mean multiples of the electron distances (See Randy Masters on Phi harmonics in Balmer series. ) It also means that the outer magnetic sheathing of the planet, must jitterbug frequently back to dodeca/icosa in order to stabilize gravity and retain atmosphere, otherwise the attractiveness of Earth fractionates. This also means that the REASON radioactive half life decreases measurebly when you add intense focused human awareness (Uri Geller's UK research), is the addition of the GLUE which is increased recursivness/ self embedding to the magnetic worm hole structure (of the atom..see heart of the anu/sun). Essentially, the little field stays nested in the big field, ONLY when you keep adding the recursion/ self-steering to keep the flux re-entrant, WHICH IS FOCUSED ATTENTION. It also means that gravity can be stabilized by spectrum analyzing the charge envelope and re-steering the harmonic "tensors" to PHI multiples. This "SAVES" planets like Earth with the exact same math of perfecting embedding Heart Biofeedback uses to 'save' hearts. To re-pent means to become Phi distributable as a wave and thereby shareable and sustainable... and thus "saved". In suggesting re-'pent'-ence, your fundamentalist minister did not realized he was naming a useful principle for capacitive waves, as well as shareable (pure) intent.

Let us say it very simply first, during an Eclipse there is less resistance to con-centering collapse (implosion)..

this creates:

1. ley line collapse,

2. a big squeeze on everything made of magnetic waves (which is everything)..,

3. testing for non-destructive compression (see scale invariant=perfect embedding)..,

4.which is the same as compassion (feeling embedded inside EVERYTHING.. because your are)..,

5. this magnetic compressional waves tests glandular magnetism (emotion) for this distributability giving rise to the religious term RAPTURE. (see also kundalini as rapt-tor..-re-entrant into stillness-the physics of PEACE).

Next we will visualize WHY eclipses do this. Try to imagine waves entering a better conic vortex array between planets during an eclipse. Remember that what we have been calling gravity is a WIND OF CHARGE OR CAPACITANCE GONE IMPLOSIVE BECAUSE OF RECURSION SYMMETRY. At an eclipse, the cone of the earth moon sun are aligned into a perfect symmetric charge vortex. This DECREASES THE RESISTANCE IN THE COLLAPSING IMPLOSIVE SPIN PATH (FOR CHARGE), from Earth's center onward thru the heart of the sun. The result is, more capacitance waves can leave thru the Earth's gravity core, massaged to superluminal harmonics (which are the gravity bloodstream planets exchange EROTICALLY, see Gurdjieff). See newly rewritten intro to Physics of Phi. Remember 'A GRAVITY WELL IS A CAPACITOR REARRANGED INTO A 3D FRACTAL (see dodec/icos nuclear and planet grid models). Essentially, the flow of gravity from Earth's core onward into a self-aware/self-organizing solar metabolism is enhanced. This results in less magnetic blood being left inside Earth's own vein structures. In physics this could be measured by, not only proving reduced flux density in Schuman magnetics and long magnetic lines, BUT ALSO MEASURED as closer approach to PHI harmonics in spectrum analysis of Schuman harmonics.. even a passive biological capacitor under an old oak tree.. (as we did to prove the effect of ecstatic human heart harmonics on trees.) (end exerpt from danwinter.com/eclipse)



--add thoth quote

Finally, in this newsletter we publish some question and answer dialogs from danwinter.com 's mailbox:

(6/16/99) hi Dan,
"have found your latest articles VERY interesting (ref-to www.danwinter.com/genehome and www.danwinter.com/america ..spiritual destiny)
things are really cuming to a head.....even more sooo
I and others I know have recently seen what may be an equivilant to the "contrails"
been sprayed from unmarked (military) aircraft. This is in north coast, NSW
Australia. Anyway, nasty infection and flu like things seem even more prevalient than normal.
The article on the DNA hacking viral and fungal infections makes me suspect that
the lo end ET's have been collecting our DNA thru abduction, covert medical
experiments etc... they want to be able to do what we can without heavy metal technology..
. Not only do they want our DNA for themselves, they want to fuck it up for us so
that we lose these abilities......genetic food, dead water, dead air and now contrail
released? biological agents to hack up our DNA! I have found the Beck Zappa and colloidal silver one of the best ways to counter these pathogenic invaders. I have been thinking of making colloidal gold, Would this have
any similar effects to monoatomic gold?...
thanks for your inspiration" Vincent

Answer from Dan Winter: to Vincent:
short term electrostatic seeding of auric & dna implosion by
external means such as
- gold powder /ormes/spice/manna
- gold colloid
- microhydrin (gold symmetry at ANU level inside dodeca clathrate water cage)
can be useful but present hazard of addictive disempowerment
to glands which should be learning to pump (sustained implosion) magnetism internally
eventually addiction to EXTERNAL seeding of this SYMMETRY LESSON IN PURE PRINCIPLE can lead to borg status
(chloridian turning anikin to darth vader)
solution is any ecstatic/bliss activity where glands become convinced
they self generated the necessary electrical inertia..
(symmetry map to ekg implosion / 'sepher yetsira' / sufi dance/alphabet symmetry index of the heart...) which is the essence
of critical mass in general:

psychological exercises for gold usage at:

3D 'Heart of Gold" symmetry animation at: www.danwinter.com/gold
So in summary, while yes the 'Starfire - Gold of the God's' (quoting Lawrence Gardner's latest 'Genesis of the Grail Kings" ) can add spin to the blood.. in the long term there is a need to generate this spin in an internal self empowered way, by understanding the principle more than just blind eating another pill. warmly, dan winter

.618 (Golden Mean?) ........whereas 5/7 is .71....
what am I not getting here?

Quoting you: "is one (picture sentic love wave here),
where the point of maximum inrush is reached at the .618 point in
the duration of the gentling breath. This is then the distance between
fear and love, in a breath. "

....is not the Golden mean/lo phi based on the .618?..............you
know, this is embarassing and humbling....I am not a 'twit' but
sometimes I feel like it....lol.......

Many thanks as always,


A: from dan winter: 5/7 symmetry group is the 5 spin symmetry (projective) of cubes into dodec held INSIDE OF 7 spin symmetry (containment) of tetra LOCKING THE OUTSIDE. This is the perfect gordian slip knot (based on the lesser maze tetra cubes inside dodec/icos perfect nest of platonics/ the cube edge 1.000 to dodec edge .618...) which ties the ether into matter (stores inertia which is the only definition matter has as wave), which becomes:

1. the anu (ultimate subatomic particle.. 3 aun/quark see 'psi perception of quarks' physics text by phillips, see heartsun

2. thus the centerpiece of hydrogen (accounting for the PHI harmonics in hydrogen's balmer series spectral emission lines/ randy masters work).. and importantly explaining hydrogens role in tuning the quantum implosion which nested into a water 'clathrate' dodeca molecular cage is called 'MICROHYDRIN' by Pat Flanagan... see hazards of gold powder.. gold

3. the symmetry of the outer d,f (10/14 as 5/7 pair electrons) shells of GOLD.. valence tuned to atomic platonic implosion in ormes etc.

4. the symmetry of the human heart.. this is called the alphabet symmetry index of the heart because the 7 layers of heart muscle are tilted in the 7 spins of the tetra around the phi five based flame letter vortex core around which the heart throws the blood into the vortex (see 'heart is not a pump' by ralph marinelli, VORTEX MOMENTA HEART PUMP MODEL)

5. the symmetry of the heart of the sun.. heartsun

6. the symmetry of the centerpiece of the temple of solomon

7. the symmetry of the ophanic sigil of truth.. key to ophanic true enochian alphabet.. produces the glyphs which made 'stargate' literally.


The 7 spins are tetra and incubeating and invoke the non phi octave, the 7 timing balanced with the 5 timing can embrace the approach to phi embedding. HOWEVER the 5/7 pattern in 2 D is NOT part of the phibonnaci/fibonacci progression (1,1,2,3,5,8,13...). Clearly however in 3D this symmetry structure IS THE KEY TO THE SUN DANCE/ and true (shamanic) solar entry (the only sling shot with sufficient escape velocity to emerge from here alive-in memory).



Subject: Seraphim vs Ophanim ,Thu, 17 Jun 1999 , From: raphiem@writeme.com
Hi Dan,

another quick question...

How does one tell the difference between Ophanim and Seraphim...???

is there some sort of energy pattern, do they appear/manifest differently??

does one use less oxygen than the other perhaps??

perhaps symbology/emblems are different??

Do they simply just look different??? if so how??

I'm not sure if this question falls in the above category....but let's say we have
reptilian/draco beings
inhabiting/controlling the planet so to speak....surely not all reptilians/draco have the
same ambitions, just like
humans/races there are all kinds, in that a couple of bad reptilians does not mean that
all are bad......is it possible that
there are reptilians on the side of humans perhaps assisting us ??? how do we tell the

I don't know if the above is enough to eventuate a response/answer....but anything
you can add/assist with is appreciated


Subject: DI-BS ,Sat, 19 Jun 1999 , From: raphiem@writeme.com

Hi Dan
am nearly 1/2way thru David Icke's "The Biggest Secret".......he basically calls
Gardner a reptilian
and reverses everything that Gardner mention in his book....

if you haven't read it I highly recommend it...
whether David is a draco as well who knows

you can have two versions on opposite ends pretending to be opponents but actually
working for the same cause which is
to confuse/dis-inform.

am having a hard time keeping up and knowing which is up/down

keep your info coming, am glad that you are able to keep them on their toes, no flies
on you...

last mention - david basically dis-closes and puts the dirt on just about everyone of the
who's who of history as being
linked to draco/reptilian agenda......but makes no mention of who the goods guys

who is on ourside???
re: my Seraphim vs Ophanim email/question.
would be nice to know who is on ourside
what they are doing about it
and how to distinguish them/tell them apart
from the badies.....
am sure the goodly company is working away in secret
and does not wish to be openly identified for obvious reasons, but would help us out a



-- Response from Dan Winter:

Ophanim/Seraphim (variations on the theme of www.danwinter.com/origins )

do represent angelic lineages which are powerful interstellar beings. Our cute 'christian' notion of angels does not begin to do justice to what a self aware magnetic field squirting itself superluminally in and out of time (time lords) thru black holes, can do. Not only was their quantum cookbook (alphabet of magnetic symmetry operations to sustain wormholes thru hypercubic implosion) tru ophanic the actual glyphs which made 'stargate' the movie work... (see www.danwinter.com/orion on the bottom)...

but if you simply read across vs. down on the nalvage grid of their alphabet (enochian) you read.. michael, gabriel, ezedkihodiel... our angel names are merely names for the PURE PRINCIPLE of the sequence of turns necessary to navigate hyperspace.. by the sequential reorientation / slip-knotting of the flame of focus. (now if you understood this, you don't need me anymore).


we must not get simplistic or judgemental about the below dicotomy (dialectics of enlightenment)..

in general the

Ophanim become: bird tribe, bird brain, AKU, winged ones, time lords, watchers, adawi, valnaapa, akunaton, jesus blood, ones whose glands provide thrust...


Seraphim.. become SARA, magda, hi reptilian brain evolved..(more telepathy less compassion) dracu, and when fallen (unable to get glandular magnetism to steer their DNA & turn to technology) become Nephilim..

Emphasize how much the juicy reptilian brain stem NEEDED the hi bird brain to pump it's 'poison' into. (and vice versa).

Example of hi reptilian/seraphic... when Louis XVI changed his name after the French Revolution to hide his fortune (the magdalen -templar - merovingian -inheritance) to Daniel Peyseur in Tryon, North Carolina... the money became the Rockefeller railroad fortune. (see 'Pandora's Box' by Alex Christopher - historical docs). The Rockefellers had the recessive reptilian gene, which became visible allegedly before Nelson's death. Now, the borg awareness WANTS to criss cross the land with a magnetically poisonous (that is non recursive) heavy metal (called rail). This effectively shorts out ley lines, no quicker way to kill the psychokinesis of the elementals. Perfect for a borg state. When the blood line cross of the aux arcs, became then the ark- ans (an's gene splicer son enlil was called yalweh and el shaddai).. the rockefellers settled in ark- an - sas, and tricked the illegitimate son of Winthrop (Clinton) to fulfil the Rockefeller in the white house dream. Clinton's uncontrolled reptilian spine goes into sting mode. He speaks of human compassion, but cannot pump his own spine juices anywhere but down. DC's pent magnetic grid cannot be switched on to create a true body polis until it is inhabited by emotions which are distributable.

2nd Seraphic example, Magdalen unable to get up enough gland juice to get her perception wormhole back into the stars after Jesus tantra partnership ends, spends 300 years whispering to the Templar builders how to use cathedrals to lens glands magnetics back into stars. The Reverend Mothers in Dune knew that certain inertial densities were only available to the seed making magnetics in the male.. where they could not penetrate. Testasterone is poison but powerful. Kundalini in the male, is closer to both lightning AND death/distance from being fractal. The Orion Mag's were an egg tracked line. The seed (emotion) turns inside out, the egg (more like technology) turns outside in.

Example of the hi Ophanic: When the 11th dimension hi bird tribe Paa Taal DNA snuck in by Ea thru Sara became Ptah, the Egyptian Pharoah, AKUnaton had to change his name to Moses and become a gold powder chef after being booted from Egypt for attempting to teach people to look for 'god' inside themselves..(I am that I am names recursion). (end Dan Winter response).

also Raphiem sent an interesting note about .."> What if its true. What if nature actually places inside of us a coded
message that somehow is cosmic DNA communicating with our physical DNA and we begin to know things.? (re: Dr Narby, the color green and why DNA makes phone calls from snake venom and ayuwaska)"

Comment from Dan: consider "that the reason chlorophyll uses green at the center of the visible
is because the photon donut tilt (the calibration of which tilt we blindly call 'color')
which is green is the side view halfway between the packing red vortex and the unpacking blue..

This ability to hold light suspended between spinning into or out of other spectra, is then the green (rr sound meaning correctly turned, in word for color in most languages...verrrrrr).. is the basis for the symmetry of chlorophyl and heme--aglobin...

So the reason the green color is key to empathy (getting harmonics wormholed
between DNA strands of memory) is hi freq lightning stabilizes only in the still point..
(danwinter.com/superDNA" (end)


Subject:Re: re-penting
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 From: "Simon Miles" <meresman@hotmail.com>
dear dan,

thank you so much for your email and very kind words about my work. I will
be delighted to dialogue. I am very familiar with your work and your website
and videos.

there is much i would like to explore with you. while i have kept a straight
face on my posted material, my unposted material goes much further. what i
have tried to do is post some core results to establish a beachhead, eg:

- the location of rennes precisely on the earthgrid of To-Mera, as recovered
by Stecchini
- the meridians in the mountains and the use of Crux to calibrate these in
- the mapping of the inch-based geometry on the map itself into the
- the 18 x 19 grid of inch squares

there are other results which are thrilling in implication which I have
mentioned but kind of underplayed:

- mer as love=sacredgeometry=water=meridian=mary=...
- the heart as locus of etheric grid engineering: the meresman
- the crux-virgo complex in the sky and its reflection on earth
- the chessboard of europe and the zodiac of europe
- the gesture of land-sea boundaries revealing the grid
- the hidden grid in the 12th century beatus world map

and there are other things which are only for the really keen surfer to even
stumble across, but are mindblowing:

- Ge-o-siris: the canonical human figure engraved in the measure of Egypt
itself, which locates the position of the Great Pyramid to within 200
- the year-circle hidden at Rennes (compare Egyptian word for year
circle=renpit), temple of solomon and internal works of Great Pyramid.
- etheric technology: tau=holy grail=crux=mer= fusing of the moral and the
mechanical=heart as driving force of New Machines=sacred geometry devices

and then there is a huge mass of material which time has not permitted me to
turn into html yet.....

i am in awe of your output, by the way. i dont know how you do it, but im
guessing you dont have kids or a dayjob!

perhaps my most stunning discovery, which will pass almost unnoticed on my
site, hidden in plain view though it is, is that the Straits of Gibraltar
fall precisely on the 36th parallel, and in the zodiac of europe this makes
them the exact equivalence in the landscape of the Gates of Scorpio, which
are the Gates of Dan which are the Gates of Death or portals into other
zones of existence. here is the zodiac in the earth which Kepler mentions.
here is the etheric formative forces shaping the very landscape itself. as
the place of the death of the sun, the Gates of Dan announce the onset of
winter. thus, one might wrap this entire extraordinary nexus of metaphors,
about which a book could and will be written alone, in a persons name: Dan

theres a long-short grab-bag of stuff, a kind of guided tour in 25 words or
more of my site. it was always meant as an invitation to dialogue. i have
looked forward to the day it grabbed your attention.

ET?: you'll find no limits with this correspondent in how far this all

by the way, perhaps we have a mutual friend: Jana Rothenberg.

i look forward to dialoguing with you.

your new pal

Simon Miles
Subject: Alchemy of immortality:grail kings sexy side
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 , From:, "Wm Hurrle" <wmh@online.dct.com>

Dear Dan,

I'm a friend of David Yarrow and have read your interesting posts for a
few years. Reading is not understanding, but I get your drift. There is not
time in my life now to get into Grail scholarship, though it would be
interesting. Your last posts about having internal juice vs. external rang
Personal experiece confirms: For 34 years I smoked (substance deleted). I dallied for a
few years, then embraced, toking with the morning coffee and through the
day. Last year we moved to the country, to the world of the born, and Mary
Jane left. No struggle, no hard feelings. I poked my nose into a bag of
commercial and wanted it about as much as I want a Bud Lite.
Two other factors come to mind as influences in this shift from external
to internal fires. One is for sure the improved diet, biodynamically grown
vegetables, wild and self raised meat, and organic grains that are a part of
the move's benefits. The other is yoga.
I've done yoga for 25 years, but for the last several have been regular,
at least weekly, with a good yogini. It seems to me that the discipline of
yoga is a way of achieving the long wave embededness you say is our best
shot. Yoga, plus good food and life outside a Faraday cage.
Sexual passion is not much in my life and I know it dings my DNA / heart
wave. However, reaching out for it causes so much pain and hassle, which
much dings the rhythms of daily life, that I do mostly without. I trade
householding, a nest for me and children, for hot stuff, hoping it is the
best of the worlds possible at the moment.
Keep your posts coming, eventually I may understand even more, and
comment, if you will, on yoga's use in achieving long wave, star stuff
shared embededness.


Bill Hurrle

Subject: queens ,Tue, 22 Jun 1999 , From:
"Lisa Gardner" <lgardner@mbay.net>

I've just read on eof the articles on your website, the article on queens.

Is it your hypothesis that some women here on earth are incarnate aliens
or something, and are "queens" in the sense that certain bees in the
hive are queens, ie, they and they alone have the power to reproduce?

In the... "human" or "ET" sense, what does it mean for a woman to be
a queen? What does this mean for her? For the people around her?

Are these women persecuted? Why?

Can you give me pointers towards articles that can give me some
more detailed idea of what you're talking about here? I'm trying to
understand the high weirdness that has come into my own life starting
in early 1995; certain things you've talked about here have
correlations in my own, personal, internal experience and so I'd
like to investigate those things further in the interest of procuring a
clue or two for myself.



A: from Dan Winter

Originally Orion Queen concept (danwinter.com/honey/honey.html ) came from reverend mothers of Dune. (danwinter.com/magdalen )

Later documented by Robert Morningsky in "Guardians of the Grail" (they sheparded the 'messianic' line).

Much more detail recently in Gardner's "Genesis of the Grail Kings", if you simply note that the Annunaki (An's son Enlil who bred here took the name Jalweh, and El Shaddai), were aboard a genesplicing craft (Niburu became Hebrew) paid for by the Orion culture.

Originally noted for hi telepathy, psychokinesis, lack of compassion. In their crossed form they represented the potential to elevate the reptilian brain stem to feed the aku more fractal wiolawa bird or dog(on) brain.. which evolved more on the ophanic or bird tribe side...

Much more at




persecution detail (the 'mag' line) see: "Codes of Light" by Jesse Ayani.. old story priests were afraid of women because of the hazard of their psychokinesis.. (inquisition). (Orion Queen velociraptor mag cult was more perverse in it's matriarchy in some ways than we are in our patriarchy.. The Niburu Hiburu priests descendants could not risk a re-emergance here of their (red haired) psychokinesis.. so they rapaciously murdered 1/4 of the women of Europe (Inquisition) and conveniently the Pope today is overweight because of the gold they stole in the process. (He wouldn't let those women make gene-steering decisions like abortion. If women could chose, then ALL of our DNA might become self-steering.. self controlled.. self-empowered.. Who would pay priests then?)

in the lo phi.. dan winter


Subject: silence or at least quiet , Fri, 25 Jun 1999 , From: anonymous

Dear Dan,
At least it is who i think I am writing to.
I have spent many hours over a long period of time reading your
literature. Some of it I feel I understand ,but know I don't
intellectually get it and other pieces I know I understand and get very
giddy/solomn reading it.
I have a question.
I dance,have for years. It is a form of prayer for me ..(as well as a
good workout.)
To get to the point..Repeatedly, I have the experience of sound
disappearing when in a particularly ecstatic state.It happens slowly,
sound diminishes until the room (full of people and music) is quiet. At
best guess it lasts 20-30 seconds and then the sound returns.There is
another less common experience that occurs at the same time.Motion
slows(not mine necessarily but that around me). Unlike sound , motion
never stops completely,it just slows.
The feeling is as if someone has their hand on the volume knob of some
overarching sound mechanism. although I don't think this is what is
happening ..the feeling is as if someone is conscious of my state and is
witnessing it.As soon as i become aware of this feeling it trips the
experience and the 'normal'one returns.
I have the idea/sense that there is something in your understanding of
wave frequecies and the ecstatic state that might explain this

Any thoughts would be appreciated


ps this need not be induced by chemicals..I think the rhythms have
something to do with the experience. I was interested in your refrences
to the 7/5 rhythm.I wish I understood that better. I had been under the
impression it was a 6/4 beat that was used cross-culturally to induce
trance states. Somehow the fact of the 6 4 6 relationship (angle plane
vertices) of the tetrahedron seemed related, but I didn't quite know how
to put it together. The only idea was that the Pythagorians related the
tetrahedron to the maha-element of Fire.That this rhythm might induce
trance,made sense in that fire is the element associated with
transformation,which seems to be what happens in these altered dance

I think I'll dance to a 7/5 beat and see what happens..


Pps .I think you wrote an article with a guy named Steve Tribbeck on the
geometry of the ecstatic state.If there is a way I could read it I
would be very grateful. Is it online ?


A: from dan winter

Re: geometry of the ecstatic state

could you be referring to:


re sound dampening during ecstatic (that is sacred symmetric) movement:
the expression: blow your doors off" derived from
implosion in air pressure in room of druid dance..

biological capacitance undergoing implosion
creates sonic implosion;..

make sonic standing wave in room
(audio sine wave length at multiple of speaker placement length)
enter node:
sound is LOUD (like a baloon surrounds your head.. a membrane/ reflecting - bouncing off)
enter antinode (no change in speaker volumve)
sound is QUIET.. (like being on top of a mountaint finding your voice swept away)

essentially your dance creates sonic bubble (beginning of self/not-self) not unlike microclimate
created by geomantic grid engineering etc.. as at danwinter.com/labyrinth

what is sucked into your node.. will change from implosive to explosive
depending on timing/ movement structure being cubic vs pent..

incubeate= provide isolation of nodes
pent recursive moves= provide implosion of nodes (here by contrast sounds should be

dan winter

Further response, added to the addend of www.danwinter.com/genehome

So now we are not looking for a single grail child, we are looking for the san graal (singing blood DNA) in each every every one of us, to become one voice. That is what we use to call forth and remember our connection, becoming one with the land. That's what the universe is waiting for, "for the sleeper to awake". That's the only way we can have Ophanim intercession. Completing the star crossed lovers, saraphim/ophanim bird and reptile brained genes.

It is not just the bird tribes or ophanim who are willing to intercede, it is Bastet or khat people, (the lion) and many of the others of the as many as 22 ET civilizations which contributed to our genome according to the Andromedans... Like the 22 autiot of the Hebrew alphabet marking the simple symmetry map to the 3d TREE OF LIFE / ladder of symmetry spin superpositions, these were the cookbook for a good (genetic) fire - electrically Gordian knot. (7/5 Anu/Heart/Heartof the Sun/Temple of SoulOmon). The right family of bacteria (like Egyptian/sumerian DNA Netir templates) make sacred fire -sustainable self steering self-aware implosion- in a cow's belly or compost pile.


So how do we translate the information that the (symmetry slip not) skill to steer the DNA and the HEART and the GRID to ignite ( www.danwinter.com/ignite ) are survival related ... into practical emergency action?

Let us line up the common elements of those issues that threaten our genetic survival in the next few months:

(quite aside from the information that our genetic survival does indeed threaten the 'empire')

1. Aug 11 this year and May next year, are solar and astro alignment magnetic maxima of unparalleled ferocity, in our memory. Common ingredient: magnetic compression wave says GET SCALE INVARIANT (pent non destructively compressible) OR BECOME TOAST (cooked, dead from fire).

2. The lo grade non time travel enabled DNA which the Draco's and Grey's have to abduct/shapeshift/ and implant us with HAS ALWAYS BEEN COMPLETLELY REPELLED BY THOSE WHO HAVE FEARLESS IMPLOSION FIRE GOING IN THEIR HEART AND GENES !

We have all had hundreds of dreams of having flown, having had wings. What gave us this skill to get thru the hull at Philadelphia, was literally this ability to be the keepers of the "Phi re".

Keepers of the flame know how to build a fire: Never hold an unshareable feeling.. see TWINKLING EYES LIFESTYLE

The solution: when we can build the pent recursion structures on our land, labyrinth's, stone circles, zodiac landscape "fractals".. in places where the magnetism has been wave guided to embed by the paramagnetic lens focusing function of limestone, old trees (fractal capacitance).. "sacred sites".

Here we learn to embed, and our glandular and genetic magnetism can UNPACK non-destructively from hearts and genes re-penting (becoming shareable)... into the LAND scape. El And Gauge. Arthur and the land- becoming ONE, e pluribus unum. Camelot returns. This happens when hearts feel passion/wonder/compassion. Measureable when EKG harmonics embed. ref: www.danwinter.com/heartlink And can become global by linking hearts around the planet to make the centering force to hold our planet on our spin. www.heartbeat2000.com

First we notice the tendency of clouds and local precipitation to arrange itself around our emotional 'peaks'. Then we realize that whole continental jet stream, tornado, and global weather fronts, become literally COHERENT when we do!

The nature spirits, the gnomes and the elementals WANT to help. By engaging them we prove embedding in our magnetic land. They then have the key to our dilemna. Lightning is what took down the Roswell craft. The gnomes steer that. They are strong where Earth magnetic's are made strong. Precisely the kind of grid penting which holds hearts in sustained embedding.

This is how "there was a legal limit to the snow.. in Camelot". The global GAIA collective magnetic un-conscious, had become SELF-AWARE. The frequency signature of the Schumann Resonance harmoncs IN A CASCADE, had become MULTIPLES OF PHI / EMBEDABLE. "Grid Engineering", and well timed and spaced human ecstatic emotion had reshaped the field: GLOBALLY. The ancients placed the dolmen like tuning weights to re-entrain the Earth's ( & Mars) spin rates to "PHASE EMBED" (lock step fractally), with ZODIAC SPIN. This STABILIZED GRAVITY and re-ATTACHED THE ATMOSPHERE. THIS SKILL MUST RETURN NOW!!

Speaking with intent and seeing with feeling, the ancient and powerful NATURE FORCES suddenly APPEAR CLEARLY through the mists at Avalon. (Ave : to fly - El : across the phase shift from matter to light - into On : the land of An/Anu Ong/the wormhole). They will no longer have to regard us as drunken stewards- unwilling to guide their gentle intentions toward us. This is a force which no BORG empire can deal with. Together with our inner fire, and the forces of "heaven and hell", nothing can prevail against us.


Next a time map.. & Coordinates for the symmetry of gene clusters.




Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:51:06 -0500
From: Andy

TO "'Dan Winter'" <winter@primeline.com>

Greetings, Dan. It's been awhile...

I just got done reading your message on primeline and have a few questions.
If you get the chance to respond I would appreciate it very much. No hurry,
I know you are busy. You have a great way of putting things together and I
feel that your insight is very important to me. And many others, I would

Here are the questions:
1. Sepher Yetsirah --- I spent much time with this amazing but cryptic (at
least to me) piece of work. I understand some of what you say in regard to
"building a fire in the heart", (alphabet symmetry index of the heart et al), but what is
the rest of the story? The igniting method/mechanism? How to use it in
specifically in the context of your work? I know you could probably write a
book on this alone, (and have), but in particular I'm fascinated/excited by
the connection to the Enochian alphabet and Stargate, (a movie that had a
great impact on me and only now am I beginning to understand why. Sideline:
I have a pin that was a promotional thing sold at the release of the movie
and have always felt it was very powerful and an important object of
meditation/protection. Not long after I got it I also came across the John
Dee Enochian pent-within-sept symbol surrounded with glyphs that I thought
were remarkably similar. I carry it with me always, even though I am only
slowly coming to understand that one as well. And then I came across your
work...) Tools of Ascension? Wave guides of gene splicing mechanics? How to
be used? Is the Stargate symbol set truly a tool of implosion and/or
dimensional travel as the story suggests? Any help you can provide...

A: I redid ../enochian adding 1 key pic to the orion stuff specifically - to BEGIN answering your question..

2. I will check the reference you mention to the Grail Kings, but I want
to be clear on the lineage of El Shaddai and Jehovah. Is this to say that
the whole carrier wave of Zoroastrian/Judeo/Christian monotheism is Drac
based and ultimately guided by the control agenda you describe in this
latest article? Again, I know you have bits and pieces scattered throughout
your site and an answer could be laboriously long, but perhaps some
direction to a particular article or set of articles would help me. Or your
own quick summary...

A: Gardner is clear in "Genesis of the Grail Kings", Sumerian/historical evidence says absolutely Enlil WAS El Shaddai and Jehovah, clear indication that the Annunaki gene splicers were later called 'God'. Zoroaster and Christian's need a good dose of HISTORY!! Personality worship DOES NOT HELP. However in Principle there is PLENTY of room in physics to be in AWE ( and in LOVE with!) of the self aware nature of a universally distributable CHARGE based on embedding. Gardner calls the Annunaki "PenDRAGOn".. he probably has not researched the lo end of the Draco story in Dulce etc... Not to say there is not some service rendered by shaping our genepool enought to make in WORTH???? harvesting.

3. Morgan Le Fey --- beautiful spin on the story, (thanks to Catherine),
and a question as to the real message in the mythos: Morgan was NOT an enemy
and evil and something to be destroyed but rather one who could bring
balance and completion to Arthur's mission? And rather than a great hero who
was maimed, (a la Jacob wrestling with Gabriel and receiving the wound to
the "groin"?), Arthur failed to unite the Elemental Kingdom with the New

-- here Catherine promised more soon....

4. Lastly, the building of pent structures on the land: I have placed
crystals in a rough pentagram, with one point to the north, in my back and
in my front yard. I have limited dowsing talent but strong intuition that
the power lines and other negative influences in my south city area are at
least offset by these and my efforts to put a fountain, (built by myself
with limestone and collected rock from around the country), a fire pit,
(with compass point stone indicators), an open air area, and a lovingly
tended flower garden area in a diagonal NW/SE line across the backyard,
(under several powerlines to the house). I even try to mow the grass in a
labyrinthine pattern... is this the kind of thing you mean? Any more that I
might do using specific structures?

A: I really need to make available the videos we made on this 1. Tuning your Land, 2. One Magnetic Homestead.. more soon

Good enough dowsing skills to MAKE A LEY MAP and look for the connection/embedding points to the larger grid dodec as a whole..


Most important, I want very much to get hold of a Heartlink Monitor and
begin working with it, and want to be included in your efforts to link
people around the earth simultaneously. I will be purchasing one soon. I
haven't found the method, partially due to a propensity for inconsistent
discipline, that can truly propel me through implosion to a clear and
tangible experience of wormhole/dimension/gateway travel. As I have said
before, I am very excited by my connection to your work, your gift
explaining history and mechanics, and the "pointing of the way" that you do
so well. Thank you again, and thanks in advance for any help you are willing
to provide once again.
