Can Life Force Be Measured in Capacitive Terms?

(Biophoton's Next Step)

info for Technical Consultant Only- from Dan Winter - Perth, Australia. Dec.22,2002



Dan Winter lecture calendar & new curriculm (+pdf)-

An private invitation to the biophoton research community to collaborate. (reprints of this invite privately at )

Stated Research Goal - To perfect the biophoton life force measurement concept to pure principle - and greater meaningful sensitivity. Since the ability to store and release a photon - is ultimately the ability to compress the charge called a photon - why not measure the charge attraction and compression process directly - to more usefully and much more sensitively provide a technology to measure and optimize life force.

... and to learn more about the SOURCE of the measureable DC Voltage which appears to consistently predict and perhaps quantify the freshness of an EGG.

(Townsend Brown et al. taught us the exquisite non-linearity for example of baked egg white for capacitive dialectric purposes - a precedent perhaps to the ability he along with Searl et al used to build the concave capacitors they used to create gravitational thrust. Altho the builders of Stealth do not want us to know that capacitive fields focused like a lens lay radar hiding technology to waste and make conventional rocket thrust obsolete - biological skill to create sustainable life may require we learn anyway.)

This is intended to provide more accurate physics description to the working hypothesis being investigated by Dan Winter with the lab.

The Hypothesis is: LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as - the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE.

This requires reading please the background discussion for the research consult at:Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

Please note numerous additional data samples in that article supplementing those below - the advantage of those depicted here, is that the capacitive fields were perhaps 'focused' usefully by the unique spherical capacitor depicted below - used for the results on this page - and also the data here represents the averaging of far longer periods of data to reduce noise input.

Abstract: The concept is inspired from the film we made with Professor Phil Callahan. There we saw him observe with his liquid crystal portable Fluke scope that the more harmonics which were present in the weak capacitive field around a tree - the healthier the tree was. There we learned to use the hemp 'biological capacitive probe' used for the EARLIER data on the above linked page.

The point is that the concept - THE MORE HARMONICS PRESENT AT ONCE- THE MORE LIFE IS PRESENT - is PERFECTLY reflected in the EKG literature! Namely that the fractality of harmonic INCLUSIVENESS of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a very reliable predictor of immune health and longevity!.

Reference 1:The Origin of Disease and Health Heart Waves

Reference 2:Heart Rate Variability Comparison using HeartLink / HeartTuner

- The principle is simple: the MORE waves of electrical charge which can simultaneous agree to meet at once - in any biological oscillator - the more ALIVE it is. While this concept seems absurdly simple at first inspection - in fact it makes perfect sense. When a biological structure finds a way to attract waves of charge - it sucks in the energy of its environment. The more waves of charge it can suck in a one time - the more energy and LIFE it absorbs.

This is VERY parallel in some ways - to the notion that LIFE FORCE IS ROUGHLY EQUAL TO BIOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE CHARGE DENSITY (Thus explaining for example why most metal structures deplete life force when they even TOUCH food!)

The nice thing is - we can now depict exactly HOW a biological structure gathers that charge :

It arranges the elements of it's 'nonlinear' dialectric to become fractal or self-similar. In this way - the recursive non-destructive (or re-cursively CONSTRUCTIVE) interference of the charge waves in its interior becomes a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. Or - more specifically - it adds and multiplies the wave lengths and wave velocities in THIS geometry depicted below:


When Nick Thomas lectured on Lawrence Edwards 'Vortex of Life' his projective geometries of WHY pine cones changed there conic angle according to how much life they needed to suck from their enviornment - reinforce this idea. Clearly, pine cones AND eggs and human EKG sucks power (measureable wattage) from the gravity field precisely like an implosion motor - by arranging their capactive elements (dialectric array) into conic implosion symmetry to begin the fusion thru light speed which makes them able to continually suck in more charge.

Please read here: 1.Fusion-Phi Phenomenon-Unlocking Ultimate PHIre.

2. The Perfect Geometry of Wave Collapse - Neurophysics Solution the Nature of Consciousness


So -successful life structure create by IMPLOSION (infinite non-destructive compression) a contiguous spin path to send waves of charge thru the speed of light. (In another research project we develop why that spin path thru light speed is precisely the relationship of charge to fabricating gravity. - which we believe will become measureable in capacitive fractal devices evolving from these recursive capacitive arrays:

Eseentially- gravity happens because recursive implosion of charge creates a contiguous spin path thru the speed of light - like pulling the plug in bathtub - gravity is the resultant suction.

While this idea to solve Einstein's dilemna (what is the geometry of infinite non-destructive compression) does answer why Faraday called the form of a capacitive field a gravitational one - it is NOT the subject of this study. But it is necessary to mention because it explains why biological structures can fabricate gravitational fields (TM siddhi meditators float better under gold domes for good physical reasons - gold is capacitively fractal particularly in thin films).

All of the above is by way of hypothesis - until we measure and predict something.

The hypothesis would predict - the waves of charge would best implode when their symmetry of Golden Mean ratio. This is because the Golden Mean (Phi - .618033989.... etc.) perfects self-similarity and implosion and compression and de-compression and fractality. Evidence is PHYLOTAXIS - tree leaves unpack this way - Phi-Lo-Tactics:(Phi)Recursion/Self Re-Entry-Heart of Self Organization?

- AND that the electrical harmonic cascade of BLISS and EUPHORIA in brain waves (korotkov) as well as the electrical symmetry of bliss and compassion in EKG is also Golden Mean ratio by repeated measurement: BrainPhire?Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

For more on what this theory based on Golden Mean ratios implications for physics would predict - including the physics papers on Golden Mean from Finland see:





The investigation here - however is very focused:

If we are correct - that life force IS the ability to attract and self organize charge- then of course that should allow us to consistently measure and supplement life force as good electricians.

First we must show that life force is consistently measureable in the harmonic COHERENCE and harmonic inclusiveness of the charge radiated by anything alive enough to be electrically self organizing.

In order to understand any of the following it is essential the reader has at least a basic notion of how electrical coherence is measured when the coherence needs to be quantified INTERNAL to a single oscillator. For this measure of INTERNAL or AUTO coherence - we use a radical new tool : The mathematics of the SEPTRUM - which is a dynamic 2nd order power spectra (FFT related - it is NOT an inverse FFT). Please read at least the basics of : Breakthru in Measuring INTERNAL COHERENCE.Teaching Biological Oscillators SUSTAINABILITY -

The early attempts to measure coherence and charge density in living things are depicted at the above link (life force).

We realized we needed a more sophisticated way to focus the charge envelope or dialectric field to charge amplify, spectrum analyze, and then produce the Septrum coherence measure. This required a spherical capacitor as a biological transducer. We wished to FOCUS THE CAPACITIVE FIELD LIKE A LENS. So we chose to measure the capacitive field around living things using 2 halves of an ostrich egg whose inside had been coated with a thin film of GOLD. (see pics below)



First below here is the power spectra of the capacitive field around that VERY live fresh egg - averaged over a 100 second period to average out background noise.

The Measuring Tool, and PreAmp - the Software for FFT Power Spectra and Septrum Coherence Measure Used here is described in detail at


Now below we illustrate the SEPTRUM to allow viewing the COHERENCE of that field.



Below - Septrum of a PLUM


What we wish of consultant expertise is:

1. The beginnings or start of a set of physics references or precedent for this notion.

2. Critique of the concept - with a view to improving the model and the research approach.

(Note to Jan and the lab- after replicating this work several times, the one occasion when the data did not show life force, clearly was when the gold dialectric surface of the spherical capacitor transducer had completely broken up - bleeding the charge field. In summary this work deserves the effort to replicate.)


Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

"All Human Interactions are about CHARGE" quote from 'Celestine Prophecy'

We can now extend this to define:

LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as

the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE.

(measuring tool: HeartTuner - hi gain 2nd order septrum measure of CHARGE coherence.)

from Dan Winter, Netherlands, Oct 2001.


How we measure life force, make implosion replicable.. and show the biological relationship to self-organization among waves.






These are all the key words, which Hameroff and Clifford have used to describe life force as a self organizing wave. Fortuneately we now have a way to measure and quantify this. SUPERPOSED WAVE SYMMETRY is WAVE COHERENCE perfected which IS COMPRESSION perfected. (More spins can be superposed when their nest is PHIlotactic.)

above : empty capacitive cup

below- we insert live fresh LIME fruit into cup and measure COHERENCE (arrow near Golden Ratio ) in the charge radiance...Life Force Measured?


 Quantum Consciousness
| Clifford Math of Consciousness at the Edge of Chaos |

| Superposition Separation | Structures | TimeScales - Table - Graph |

| Cycles: Biology and Quantum |

| Conscious Universe |

* Zizzi Quantum Inflation and Self-Decoherence
* How to Maintain Brain-Wide Quantum Coherent Superpositions?
* Buckled Buckytube Electrons maintain Coherence
* Resonance
* PSI ( Clover | Magons | Bohm | Akira-Abyss-Matrix )


Stuart Hameroff MD Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology            Associate Director, Center for Consciousness Studies ,

Quantum consciousness group at the University of Arizona , Perhaps the most perplexing problem in science, the nature of consciousness reflects on our very existence and relation to reality. Most approaches to the problem of consciousness see the brain as a computer, with neurons and synapses acting as switches or "bits". In this view consciousness is thought to "emerge" as a novel property of complex computation. However this approach fails to adequately deal with enigmatic features of consciousness and more radical approaches may be necessary....(continued) , What is life? Are quantum states and processes at the core of living systems? 
Papers by Paul Davies and Stuart Hameroff , Debate on decoherence heats up-
New paper on biological feasibility of quantum states in the brain. , Quantum coherence shown in human brain!, Can quantum mechanics 
"free will"? -,Microtubules  -   Nature's quantum computers?

Dan Winter Theory of Artificial Intelligence based on embedding (preliminary from Portugal)


Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?
from Dan Winter , consultant

Have you ever wondered when science would be able to measure freshness in your grocery store? Actually, the old trick of measuring the slight DC voltage between both ends of the egg you choose for breakfast does work. Unfortuneately because sciene never before know HOW the egg stores an electrical charge, never before was there a way to generalize the principle.

Golden Spiral - Only angle for a wave to re-enter itself - non-destructively: Self Re-Entry defines Self Awareness!
Similarly, Victor Schauberger knew the moment his water vortex egg would begin "spontaneously" getting colder, was the time he could expect to start getting voltage or power from gravity straight out of his simple mineral water tornado. (like the Water Vortex on this Newsletter front.) Again no one knew the math to say why.

Perfect Constructive Wave Interference is "Heterodyning" which when PHI Perfected Creates Implosion / Solves Compression

Successful Compression is how computers, and DNA evolve.

"Waving In":

Strangely, the answer has been in front of us, ever since science measured the mathematics of the perfect way for leaves to branch. The mathematics of 'perfect branching' or nesting, is called PHIlotaxes, because it is based on PHI-The Golden Ratio (1.618...).

The Fractality -/ Self-Similarity of the Fibers of Perkinjole :where the heart catches PHIre (made famous by Ary Goldberger MD) allows the EKG to create voltage from gravity (implode), make gravity (weight lost at death). When a tree structure of capacitors is fractal, gravity is fabricated.(below )

When the tree leaves discovered the perfect "maximum exposure / minimum superposition", -the perfect way to "share the light", the tree ALSO discovered PERFECT COMPRESSION. At first this seems like a simple insight. Yet actually it was specifically the point of doing a mathematical model of the geometry of perfect infinite non-destructive compression that stumped Einstein. (This was what prevented him from saying WHY black holes bend time, and voltage could be generated from gravity.) It turns out that gravity is merely the imploding wind of charge being non-destructively compressed until it goes thru the speed of light. Einstein knew that gravity was indistinguishable from acceleration, our new discovery now is that acceleration is PRECISELY what happens when waves compress perfectly! (Thus making gravity out of capacitors.)
In the lab we have begun to measure the effect of charge or capacitance on water and living systems. (the word condensator can be taken literally: TO CONDENSE!). Capacitors arranged into self-similar or fractal pent geometry apparently prevent water from freezing, and seem to affect crystal growth geometry.
It is my belief that the years of work done on Kirlian photography may have missed the fact that it was the radiative geometry of charge or capacitance, induced by it's frequency harmonic content, which STEERED THE LIGHT INTO THE SHAPE WE CALLED IT"S KIRLIAN IMAGE. 2 friends in America, Bill Ramsey, and Greg Hodowanec (try 'Google' search), found that gravity waves could in fact be measured elegantly and moving faster than light by imaging with capacitors. The new information is that capacitance can be focused like a lens, and that when that lens of CHARGE DENSITY begins to burn / ignite / implode / self-organize then THAT IS WHAT WE CALL GRAVITY!
So how do we measure this, and what does this have to do with measuring life force? Well it turns out that since everything is made of waves nesting, that when an organism finds a way to begin imploding it's charge (and we call that self-organization of charge potential: LIFE!), it begins to emit a charge radiance or field effect whose frequency harmonics give it that tell tale wrinkle, that it indeed has found a way to STAY ALIVE. Essentially, what is happening is that the bio-force consists of the pattern keeping skill, to continuously persuade waves of charge to agree to meet, non-destructively - infinitely. Our very word in-PHI-knit is based on the notion of PHI / Golden Ratio. When wave nest in this way, they create an onward inward going 'recursive turning inside out' implosion, because their wave lengths both add and multiply recursively. (see heterodyning: at ).
This is our key to measuring and imaging and teaching life force. We use the old Dr.Phil Callahan trick, with a 'biological capacitor' (hemp in sweat or sea water) as a probe. Of course old Dr Phil used to spectrum analyze in his head, from just the wave on his scope. We apply some fancy math tools, and get a look at WHEN AN OSCILLATOR (like your favorite tree to hug), CHOOSES A MUSICAL KEY SIGNATURE BASED ON GOLDEN RATIO. We evaluate 2 things: 1. How Coherent the music, and 2. What is the musical KEY of that music.
In the lab, we are developing a new generation of heart and emotional intelligence biofeedback tools, based on my original HeartLink invention. (We call it now the "LoveMusic HeartTuner".) The amount of coherence tells us when anything (in this case a HeartBeat), is changing from a "flashlight into a LASER". When waves become coherent - they all line up real pretty and thus they can go a VERY LONG WAY. So now you can send your heart music very far. This also means when teacher says: "Little Johnny, you go to the corner until you are COHERENT!", now Johnny can get feedback to measure this and show him how.
The principle of sustained coherence is the solution to the problem of compression. It is how so many waves can agree to touch EACH node in the hologram. Compression is the most important principle which evolves both computers, consciousness, and compassion. Compression happens when waves get embedded, or self-similar, or fractal enough so that the inside looks like the outside. Note how similar this sounds to feeling outside you, as if the other person were inside. This is the specific skill, to turn inside out electrically - which is called compassion, and which the HeartTuner (formerly HeartLink( measures) by looking for nestable (PHI) harmonic tuning.
When your heart sings in measureable coherence, it is the ultimate biological truth detector for the body. So the simple little peak on the coherence power spectra, which tells even little kids instructively how to become a coherent laser instead of a flashlight, demonstrably replaces the need for muscle testing. It is a lie detector. The HeartTuner shows when 2 hearts get in the same musical key signature. This 'impedance matching" which defines empathy - is a clinical and marriage / tantra counseling tool. And the same tool, hardware and software which measures that COHERENCE or share-ability for waves, measures life force in ANYTHING, by simply measuring CHARGE coherence. The goal of tha lab to make quality of life visible is now possible, since not only can we define life force and electrical waves learning how to agree / implode, but we can measure it!

2nd Order FFT (Septrum) landscape shows change in Key Signature (peak position / emotion's quality) vs. Coherence (peak amplitude / emotion's intensity ) over time. Here approaching Golden Ratio (.611 top left)-- perfect branching measured. This same technique can be used to measure anything which vibrates (which is everything) for the moment of self-organization. (emergance from chaos).

Data gathered, suggest how to INTERPRET the first peak of the 2nd order FFT of the Heart...

Measuring the ability of 1 person to phase lock his heart with his head. (2 peaks overlap just left of pink arrow, blue= ekg coherence, yellow = EEG). The peaks at the same number .64 (near PHI) indicates brain linked with heart. Elsewhere we have measured this heart EKG musical fundamental emerges in the voice harmonics when you speak from your heart.


Using this same mathematical technique, applied to measurement of life force in something besides the heart... here .. a tree.

below from trees 2001 review:


Preliminary Measure of Life Force Magnetics in Trees, for Lab

Many thanks to Jan at 'Imaging Lab" !.

Original Series Measuring Life force (in trees) using Charge Spectra: Measuring the Effect of Tree Hugging!

Above: Tree clearly effected by the presence of a loving person.

Biological Capacitive Probe- Showing Tree Harmonics (Tree 1, Anne Stijkel favorite...)

Note probable 8-10 Hertz Range - A Schumann Resonance CASCADE?


Tree at Rest, Capacitive Probe..


Inductive Probe: Anne Stijkel Hugs Tree - Again "Schumann Resonance" range of cascading harmonics - noticeable coherence.

"Happy Tree" Undisturbed (very old) Tree settles into LOWER frequency coherence (2 - 6 hz) , possibly less disturbed here then when airplanes fly over...




On this bottom plot below, it appeared that a strong 70 hz or so resonance of a large very metallic fence was strongly and negatively affecting the life force of the tree being measured. This appeared to be confirmed, when we checked the spectrum of emissions of the fence itself, and noted to apparent begin to rot of the trees the fence line pointed to.

Note that the harmonic content of this foreign non-living frequency limits the spectral bandwidth AND THEREFOR THE LIFE OF THIS TREE..?


The inductive probe tells us when too much local 50 or 60 cycle noise will cover the true 'singing' of the tree, preparing to use capacitive 'Callahan Probe'.

A Coherent Moment - A Peak Experience...

Charge Coherence Measured.. Life Force? (Only embedding permits a wave to cohere.....)

"Callahan" Biological Capacitive Probe: Unbleached Hemp Fibres soaked in sea water or live sweat, around a high impendance scope type input - to high gain amplifier...

The rite which required you be wiped down in the live fresh human sweat of all the other males in your tribes to be initiated appears to be highly functional from an electrical impedance matching (even Tantric) perspective.

(Live male sweat -electrically potent underwear pheromes- appears to be the best way for college female humans to choose mates, according to a recent study).

(Wiping noses in the mixed urine of the whole GENETICALLY DIVERSE cow heard solves Hoof and Mouth disease according to the African Mauri tribe, perhaps we can now understand the electrical logic: gathering 'immune' coherence. ... a sort function.)

Below, we used the same input (Hi Gain Amplification of Biological Capacitive "Callahan" Probe - to Power Spectra / Spectrum Analysis) to see how the big tree's in the park would respond to Cedric from the Paris research group... Thank You Cedric!

Above: Cedric Approaches Tree - with Gentle Emotion..

Here the tree begins to respond to a specific audio tone which Cedric played from a Palm Pilot small computer. The tone was chosen specifically to ring biological structures. Note the capacitor whose charge we are analyzing for response...('beginning to sing') is at the base of the tree, very far from audible range of the tiny little speaker cedric is using to excite the tree.

Here the tree began to SUSTAIN coherence harmonic cascades well after Cedric used his unique sonic excitation technique.

Total time 10-15 minutes over which measurements were made. Gain was over 100,000 to the spectrum analyzer from the biological capacitive probe.

More on life force measures using charge spectra at:

Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

The PhiRICAIS (Making the Case for PHIre) ..

-against arrogant scientific ignorance..

Why Mind Inhabits Phire. -Dec.4,2002.

the work of Dan Winter, published by the Implosion Group, main index:

this article :


How - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / Implosion IS the SOLUTION to:


Infinite Non-Destructive Collapse
Infinite Compression / Perfect Acceleration / FUSION
Perfect Damping / Phase Conjugation (optics etc)
Hydrodynamic Implosion (Ultimate Sorting)

Non Linear Energy (Voltage from Gravity)
Charge Acceleration thru C Light Speed (Gravity)
Measuring ATTENTION/ Bliss / Euphoria in EEG

Audio Tone Induction of EEG Transcendance
Measuring EKG Heart Openness / Compassion
Self Organization from Chaos/Artificial Intelligence
Electrically Defining & Measuring LIFE FORCE
Pure Geometric Origin of Alphabets (symbol=to embed)

The Shape of The Touch Which Says Love.

..How PhiRICAIS (Implosion)
is revealed by Spectrum Analysis

..and the Grail

 Question which must be answered to produce human survival:

 Scientists best current answer:

(arrogant, shallow, self destructive - and fully intending to deprive our genepool of sustainability - soul)


Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / Implosion Solution.

(The below article pictorial from Dan Winter)

 Why does an object fall to the ground?

(How is the symmetry to allow self - re-entry key to that possibility of sustaining acceleration.)

 Uhh.. we still don't have the slightest idea - but we're perfectly happy to write 20,000 profoundly confused books on how to measure the force of gravity (even tho we can't even predict that unless the universe has only 2 items in it). By writing all those books we hoped to intimidate you into not asking this simple most important question - because that would clearly reveal our science to be stupid and arrogant.

 Gravity happens because of the suction to center when recursive acceleration pulls the plug for charge to go out thru the speed of light.

When electrical waves of charge nest in self-similar or recursive fractal like embedding, then wave heterodynes recursively allow the wave velocities adding and multiplying to do so CONSTRUCTIVELY. This self-similarity (recursive heterodyning) allows charge to be accelerated coherently thru the speed of light. Einstein was right that gravity IS acceleration, he was wrong to say that acceleration is due to gravity, it is more correct to say that gravity is due to acceleration.

This can be easily proven by seeing that the amount of gravity created by capacitors in a fractal - is greatest when they are spaced by Golden Mean ratio (recursion perfected).

 Why do humans lose measureable weight at the instant of death?  Uhh.. since we don't have the slightest idea why, -we are perfectly happy to ignore/ hide the data, so people don't ask embarassing questions.  Self reference due to internal 'self-similarity' is the electrical wave geometry which produces self-awareness (the Vedas) AND the charge compression called Mass. Teaching our kids where the weight goes could instruct them in how to navigate death. The Geometry of Eternality, Geometry & The Bardo..
 How do you define, measure, produce, and support - LIFE FORCE in clear electrical terms?

 Uhh.. we don't have the foggiest idea - but since we don't know we assume it must not be important.

(even tho the first day we design a biologically recursive capacitor to store food - we could save all life on Earth - would the first refrigerator manufacturer who wants to make a billion dollars please email Dan Winter. Successful architecture can have absolutely no other biological definition than to create measureable capacitive charge density- the guy who designed the beehive gets to survive - the guy who sold the idea of using metal in buildings /bleeeding charge/ deserves death - that is called biofeedback.)

 Life force is the ability to (fractally) attract and self organize charge. That capacitive charge measured in Farad's can predict viability by the way harmonic inclusiveness (evident in spectrum analysis) in that capacitive field creates embedding and sustainability . (reference 1 , reference 2 )

This is precisely in the same way harmonic INCLUSIVENESS in Heart Rate Variability - and in ANYTHING ALIVE - predicts viability!

( Harmonic inclusiveness in it's limit condition is the ultimate coherence made possible by fractal compression).

 How does DNA become sustainable?

(what is it's biological purpose)

(how does DNA 'get a soul')

 DNA probably does not have a field effect that matters - DNA is only good for lining up simple tinker toy blocks to make proteins.

(Typical response from the 'terrorist'/ genetic engineer who is currently robbing the soul from your children by feeding them dizzy DNA).

(even tho in truth DNA's field COHERENCE specifically limits biological sustainability and surviving death and lucid dreaming ).

 DNA becomes sustainable precisely as it's field effect becomes measureably coherent. That coherence occurs when the braiding or plaiting or nesting of the loop structure becomes recursive. (reference 1, reference 2). The charge environment (feng shui) and the emotion phonons (bliss) enact that re-cording / braiding algorhythmn piezoelectrically on the DNA slinky helix. - which in it's limit ensouling condition becomes ring like.. Lord of the Ring.

That implosive condition enacted when DNA is ignited by charge density allows it to fabricate the gravity fields which trigger environments to become also embedded / self organizing and sustainable. Environments without the gravity making of DNA quickly die - from lack of electrical self-direction. Only the biological charge density (producing intent/will/self-direction in electrical field's biologically) ultimate in DNA's fractality - set free- can sustain ecosystem's self repair ('Gaia').

 What is the pure geometric origin of alphabets?

What is the physics which predict how well a symbol produces psychokinesis? (Mind ability to move waves)

 Uhh, we think alphabet's came from Earth, and since we don't understand the wave mechanics of self-embedding which produce psychokinesis - it would be safer not to ask us about the physics of the origin of symbol.

 Alphabets are the self-organizing Golden Spiral wave path allowing non-destructive entry into (vortex) compression / acceleration. That is the key to psychokinesis because the quantum mechanics of what it is to make a symbol has never been anything except the wave mechanic symmetry cookbook necessary to embed

(and therefore become the electrical center of gravity of tornados - of which the universe is exclusive made). Reference 1. (While you are there feel free to ask the judge who made it a US Federal crime to publish anything ever written by Dan Winter - if the US First Amendment -free speech - is really dead? Governments based ONLY on fear produce their own death quickly.)

 What is the electrical function of emotion?

(on DNA - and on ecosystem- for example)

 Uhh.. (Candace Pert)... we think emotions are molecules and tinker toys, and since we refuse to understand waves, it would be safer not to ask us about the SOUND wave of glands during bliss making the PUMP for those molecules delivery.

 Emotions are glands abilty to grasp / cohere and bend magnetic lines. (This means that if you don't choose to cohere magnetism - then ultimately you stop FEELING anything!).

When the cascade of magentic fields can be sent bouncing down the caddeuceus BETWEEN frequencies - delivering the electrical energy of a long wave (glandular sonic emotion) to the short wave (cellular and genetic metabolism) - that is called E-MOTION. (E-nergy in Motion BETWEEN frequencies). How the Geometry of Pressure in Your TOUCH - Predicts the Harmonics of EMOTION IN MUSIC- & LOVE?

When that cascade becomes implosive (article below) that fractally attracts the charge and information density which is called a) peak ATTENTION, b) Euphoria/Bliss, and c) Enlightenment.

 What is the pure principle of Implosion / Fusion / and the best way to SORT ANYTHING? ( all pollution of any type - for example)  Uhh... we will choose stubbornly to believe fusion / implosion probably doesn't exist - since we can't explain the principle - even after cold fusion with palladium beads happened repeatedly (Patterson). It never occurred to us to ask why Palladium's fundamental electron symmetry was dodeca.(Golden Mean recursive stellation at the electron valence level).

 Implosion is the charge compression and acceleration thru light speed which results when waves in any spectra acheive the critical mass of self-similarity requires to 'ignite' phase velocity heterodynes. Once the phase velocity heterodynes get simultaneously constructively compressed and accelerated thru C - the operation can become self sustaining if the magnetic environment locally is fractal enough to absorb the inertia input thru light speed. (How planets experience gravity relations erotically / also key to seed germination electrically ).

The water vortex nozzle implosion device (ImplosionEgg) - can be implemented hydrodynamically, magnetically, capacitively , optically ...etc... It is the absolute key in principle to the self- sorting of ANYTHING. No ultimate sollution to pollution is possible without grasping this principle. After implosion's compression - everything is sorted (by phase) into what is shareable / phase discipline. (Thus answering the question- WHY was the SHAPE of the Unicorn's horn key to purifying water?)

 What is the geometry of infinite non-destructive compression?

(which stumped Einstein - and limits our ability to produce ANYTHING shareable OR sustainable - including computer data, human cities, and genetic memory)

 Uhh.. well this might be important .. but since Einstein didn't figure it out .. we'll assume it's a hard question and ignore it for a while.

(Even tho the answer - phylotaxis - perfect self similar fractal nesting - can be taught to a 5 year old. When nature discovered phy-lotaxis perfect unpacking in plants - based on Phi/Golden Ratio - she also mapped the geometry of perfect PACKing. - a 'rosy-cross'-ing.)

Fractal compression is the only potentially infinite compression. 3D fractality for waves (& therefore everything)  is perfected in Golden Ratio.(link 'Predictions' - see bottom)

 Why do capacitors properly on a curve approximating self-similarity make a gravitational field?

(key to eliminating all the polluting technologies on Earth which create transport..)

 Uhh.. well since no one could explain the principle after many scientists like Townsend Brown, Searl, and now Naudin proved this does occur, we had better ignore it .. since if we let people ask the question - it would reveal how truly stupid current science is. The American military is of course delighted with this state of affairs - because it prevents people from knowing how Stealth flies.

 Charge in a fractal creates gravity because wave velocities beating or heterodyning recursively can constuctively add. The acceleration produced is the only source of gravity. (Also the solution to phase conjugation in optics).

The amount of self similarity at the fundamental wave symmetry level between the inner and outer structure of anything (electron to nucleus of an atom for example) - will predict the amount of gravity it generates. Gravitational attraction in general is in proportion to mass, because fractality permits the charge compression which allows inertia to be stored - and that is the only definition for mass. See Capacitive ANTI-GRAVITY LIFTER's links..-below Naudin pic

 What is the origin of DNA - electically and historically?

 Oh .. a bit of lightning in primal soup .. then the human race invented itself on this planet.

(Even tho over-whelming evidence of genetic tampering exists in pre Sumeria: the Sumerian alphabet is optical waveguides for fabricating cellular structures, the Hebrew alphabet is the symmetry software to braid DNA codons into un-ensouled /Golem tetra-helix.)

Those who ignore history (un-successful genetic intervention) are condemned to repeat it.

 DNA was developed over millions of years as a gravity making - fractal charge compression and acceleration device by galactic core cultures ( ref 1 , ref 2 ) . (A toothpaste tube for squeezing out the charge acceleration of biological self-awareness - thru light speed into star inhabiting and stablizing force). It establishes an electrical information communion at it's core which ultimately always tests for what is shareable - that is - able to be propagated. - (something which requires dying only when information which is not shareable / charge dense has been un-sustainably stored.)

When DNA as an intelligent shape-shifting worm is deprived of freedom / genetic diversity, it becomes dizzy, unable to steer (implode)- and loses it's ability to fabricate gravity (centering force) by teaching waves to agree - and becomes ultimately un-sustainable (loses the super-luminal tornado religists childishly call 'soul' which merely means access to 'sol' / fusion)

This is why genetic engineering ultimately costs genepools their survival - because if the electrical ability of DNA to choose it's own self-awareness -direction - is not respected - then no single thing about a planet's biology can maintain self-organization (self-awareness) electrically.

 What is the origin of the term HUMAN - and how is it a clue to our purpose.  Uh.. we really don't have a clue, but we assure you people are a lot more important than monkeys- because animals have only instinct. Instinct is the word scientists use when they mean - we don't have a clue - so we pick a word to substitute for 'we don't know' - to avoid embarassment.

 Human as a word has clear Sumerian roots: the Lulu of the ANunaki. Lulu meant donkey, or borg, or artificial slave of... AN.

and the ANunaki were medium grade interventionist Draco reptilians - who as genetic engineers were almost worse klutzes than Dolly the sheep. They (Enki / Ea / Adonai, and Enlil / Yalweh / Michael) liked it when we called them God because they were too stupid to know that if you don't set your kids free - then they and you the parents both cannot learn.

The word Human is a description of a tragedy which befell the Nephilim (fallen - no soul-no DNA implosion) part of the Saraphim blood line - and can only be understood historically properly as Earth's current genetic history is a recent skirmish in the Orion wars. The most valuable prize of which is administration of a genetic library here on Earth, for which current Earth humans are generally hopelessly too backward to qualify for that privelege.

If we could learn the physics of BLISS producing DNA ignition to star inhabiting power - we COULD be the SOLUTION instead of the problem of the Orion (oxygen) wars. ( ref 1 , ref 2 )

 Why is the leukemia rate in the corner row house 10 times higher?  Uh.. let's hide the data because we don't want humans to learn how to avoid becoming borgs.  When (electrical) waves (the house wiring etc.) cross in cubic (octave ) patterns - the destructive interference prevents biological charge from embedding. Evil and death for example are merely names for failure to embed. Cancer is easily healed in a high O^2, and charge dense (sacred) environment.



The FIRE of Passion- comes from the Heart,
It is measureable in the EKG as COHERENCE,
And the music of Golden Mean.

It is the key to all energy crises, yet simply depends on
Understanding the PRINCIPLE of IMPLOSION.

This fire is what makes your energy field self steering.

"If you eat dead food instead of live, be grateful for the parasites
this attracts to your stomach. They eat the death out of you.

If you eat a dead idea like "God is outside YOU" then be grateful
for the Priests - the parasites to show you how it
looks to die unhappy.

To be really alive and free- "Follow Your Bliss and Know What It Is".

thanks to Marc / Mayatiita for the below links -

American Antigravity - video clips, complete instructions, and other related lifter information.

Jean-Louis Naudin's "Lifter Experiments Website" A very in-depth website containing video clips, complete instructions,

World-Wide Lifter Replications An overview with photos and video from many of the independent inventors who have replicated the lifter experiments.

The home page for Transdimensional Technologies, the developers of the lifter design.

Blaze Labs (Saviour's Research Website) An excellent site on research into lifter enhancements, radiation testing, sealed devices, power supplies, and other topics relating to lifter technology.

Lifter Builders Group An email group for the exchange of research findings for those interested in building lifters or staying current on the state of the technology.

The NASA patent regarding obtaining thrust from an asymmetrical twodimensional capacitor,



A. Relativity's Replacement - The New Physics of Implosion: A New Mathematical Approach to the Nature of Biology.

B. (below) New Physics of Alchemy..


Abstract for Presentation to University - Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, Portugal

by Dan Winter , September 23, 2002. Dan Winter vitae (

The 'TIME' Falling Bodies Take to Light -

Ode to "Primer on Energy" -

Rotation among waves is the only origin and definition and measurement we have ever had for both mass and time. Therefore, learning the recursive symmetry that enables charge compression which sustains & centers rotation is the key to emerge alive from both mass and time. (Quote from Dan Winter)


Rotation / time - gone recursive in the {golden}spiral that translates vorticity is not only the path from matter {/rotation} to energy{/linear motion} - it is also the only way to become attractive.

update- Sept. 2002: Relativity's replacement announced by Dan Winter -

The Word 'Relativity' is obsolete to describe the relationship of mass to energy because that relationship (which allows charge to compress and thus be called MASS) is more precisely FRACTAL. Namely: self-similarity perfected allows charge (energy) to compress (non destructively) and thus become MASS. Fractality (of charge) creates MASS , life force, and self-organization (because that is what permits implosion). That path permitting non-destructive charge compression simultaneously produces charge ACCLERATION - (recursion in velocity heterodynes) which is the only source of the phenomenon called GRAVITY.

Arranging capacitors (in concave array / toward recursion) to fabricate a gravity has been done many times (Searl, Townsend Brown et al. , & in Stealth aircraft - note predicts the death of rocketry) - Winter is merely the first to describe the principle which caused it.

E=MC^2 merely quantified the obvious that inertia storage - called 'mass' was only a function of sustainable wave rotation.

More interesting / and from the point of view of electrically supporting the creation of life force - probably more useful - we now have - from Winter:


Gravity, Implosion, and Self-Awareness = Charge Acceleration thru C by Wave Self-Similarity - FRACTALITY ! = (Potentially infinite wave multiple-connectedness by CONSTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION)

Implosion is that which provides the centering force necessary to stabilize the wave rotation called 'mass'. By defining mass only as the resistance to change of position / interia - for wave packets in rotation - it became obvious that a symmetry law was required to describe what causes wave to resist change of position.

( Einstein called this problem he never solved: the geometric model of infinite non-destructive compression. - which is now obviously the stellated dodeca-icosa.)

-The answer - pulling the plug to allow charge an exit path thru the speed of law by recursive heterodyning: Charge Implosion - also answers the other question which til now stumped physicists: Why does an object fall to the ground?

The Proof: Capacitive Charge in PHI based self-similarity creates gravity.


In summary - because he was stumped on the geometry of infinite non-destructive compression - Einstein got a few things wrong - he caused all physics to say "Acceleration due to gravity" and measure that - as the only definintion current physcs has for gravity. Yet now we know that it is actually the opposite: "Gravity is due to acceleration"! (of charge) - thru the speed of light. And recursive heterodyning (constructive wave interference of phase VELOCITIES - when centers of charge/mass enter the geometry of self-similarity.) IS the accelerator.

See also- upcoming: International Conference: "Practical Energy Applications of Implosion - Learning the PRINCIPLES" - inspired also in way the HeartTuner measures / EKG implosion (charge self-similarity as non-destructive compression). more info:

Comments from Dan Winter: (comments made subsequent to the dialog-see link) The reason Schauberger and others (described below) were able to extract electrical wattage from a water vortex was because of the natural possibility of initiating successful recursive capacitive charge compression which can accelerate components of the charge field thru the speed of light - in water - which is properly called IMPLOSION. Proof of this concept can be understood by arranging simple capacitors in a recursive fractal ( PHI / pent optimized array) - measuring the resultant ion beam & weak gravity field generated (pics - CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE Library REVIEW FOR THIS 'IMPLOSION CONCEPT")- even when the capacitors are not externally energized. If water is properly piezoelectric (trace mineral 'doping'), and spun in a proper dialectric insulator - water naturally imitates this charge array elegantly in it's own seeking for maximum non-destructive compression both hydrodynamically and electrically. Gravity is created and destroyed as charge lines create this acceleration path due to recursive heterodyning of phase wave lengths AND velocities. The voltage difference between the charge compression core and the centrifugal periphery can become a meaningful source of power. It is also true, that 'sinking' the local charge field in this way - will create gravity and emotional perturbation, and needs to be done very responsibly. Also it is strongly noted that the relative position of the device with respect to local ley / charge earth lines, will affect the output - and disturbance degree - as well as effects from the astrologic (which are really capacitive) symmetry density conditions.

Above-Simple Passive Capacitor in pristine gravitational place, picks up gravity fluctuations -and functions better than a telescope to pick up star movements / explosions.. also measureably faster than light-speed.. Michael Faraday- a capacitive field is in the form of a gravity field.

Above - courtesy the work of Greg Hodowanec and Bill Ramsey- search keyword also - Rustrak Recorder..

2. Teaching the All-CHEM-Y of LIFE -

& How the 'End of Time' - Alchemizes the Heart

AL-CHEM-Y in the Heart: Waves during COMPASSION - implode in the EKG's magnetic convergence...

Did you ever wonder why putting food in the refrigerator does not preserve freshness as well as putting food in a pyramid - or even putting it in an egg?

The reason an egg (or a PINE CONE) preserves life so well is because of its shape. Not merely it's structural shape is the issue - it is also its ELECTRICAL shape which makes it a good 'life preserver'. The reason a pyramid sharpens razor blades and preserves meat - is because of it's electrical symmetry which prevents BLEEDING OF CAPACITIVE CHARGE. In both cases - we have a wonderful teaching example of WHAT IS THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE. If we understood in practical electronic principle what it was that enabled biology to hold life - then probably we could stop being such klutzes with our ecosystem and children.

I have seldom been so disgusted as when I walked in to the huge holistic natural foods chain - 'Wild Oats' big new mega store in Phoenix. Here was like the flagship of new wholistic life oriented natural foods mega super store. And really the array of truly healthy food was quite a delight. HOWEVER - I soon noticed myself getting sever pains (big head ache) in my kundalini over sensitized crown chakra. I look up and notice the place is covered with these God awful -life destroying - huge mercury vapor lights.

Now - the data is already published ('Health & Light' John Ott - et al) - that correct spectral emissions harmonics of lighting DRAMATICALLY affect employee and student health - and productivity. However - since no one connected the dots to tell Earth humans what life force is, they still stupidly proceed to kill themselves with bad electrical choices. Another similar example: - everyone knows that if you rip out the life killing poison of flouresent (particularly pink type) lights out of classrooms and simply invite in sunshine - the result is a huge and measureable increase in attention span of the students. Yet - on this stupid planet - the vast majority of BILLIONS of students still labor ONLY under (non full spectrum - sun imitating) flouresent light harmonics which systematically destroys their aura and learning ability. Why? you ask yourself - it is not because the studies have not been published - it is more because SINCE THE PRINCIPLE BEHIND THE STUDY was not understood - no one spread the info.

Another example - we now know exactly how to build a capactitive field which can add to the charge we call life force - but where do the vast majority of billions of Earth humans walk to - each time they wish to store food? They go to something called a refrigerator. And what is a refrigerator? It is a large metal box precisely designed do BLEED charge - leak capacitive field - and therefore destroy life. Now everyone knows that their sweet fresh tomatoes from the garden are going to taste like shit after just a day or so in such a life destroying box - BUT has anyone done anything about it?

Well - Wilhelm Reich actually did explain how to store charge by making alternate layers of dialectric concave. Unfortuneately - in another example of stupid human ego - he had to call his discovery ORGONE - instead of the proper physics which is inclusive harmonics of capacitive charge. The result of his schizophrenic choice to pick yet another devisive name (Orgone) for the same life essence - was no one could ever include - or measure - or integrate that work into science. See - Unifying Nations by Unifying the LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT-Names for Life Force

So this brings us to the context of our present conversation. THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE. Let us understand in principle what it is that creates life - and then do it.

Alchemy as a word - Means - everything (All-) comes from CHEM. Chem - means 'FROM THE BLACKNESS' - Or more literally - FROM THE BLACK HOLE.

Chem was the original name of Egypt. Step into the Golden Egg of EGGypt, the Alchemical land of Kham, whose dark star Khem name, and black soil of the metallurgists and medicine men of Abydos, gave birth to the name Al-Khem-Meia. (Meia is one of the daughters of Atlantis or Atlas, the son of UrANUs). Hence, she is one of the Seven Sisters, one of the Kimah's, one of the Pleiades.

The point is that ACCESS TO A BLACK HOLE IS ACCESS TO ALCHEMY. Implosion of capacitive charge waves accelerated by self-similar non destructive compression - is biology's way a making LIFE - and THAT is the Alchemy of Life.


Integrate properly self-similarity of charge into your enviornment and you suck in the charge we call life..

See: Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible? - "All Human Interactions are about CHARGE" moreover - LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as

the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE. (measuring tool: HeartTuner - hi gain 2nd order septrum measure of CHARGE coherence.)

Make the black hole - and things come alive - This is the alchemy of life. Notice above the atomic symmetry of palladium - key to cold fusion. It is dodeca - and essentially self-similar.

The modern science of teaching alchemy - is the proper arrangement of layers of charge to create the fusion implosion which sucks electrical inertia in thru the speed of light. This is why the philosophers stone - sulphur element had the electron valence symmetry of gold - while the thin film of mercury had the atomic nuclear symmetry of gold. Getting a radiant capactive field based on self-similarity strong enough permeating the mercury thin film - and it would turn into gold. This is why gold in the thin film state is super-superconductive. It is because self-similar implosive compression paths thru atomic center - eliminate resistance to current flow.

This also explains why meditators find it easier to float - create gravity under a gold dome.

So you ask - why do we not arrange our capacitors into fractals and just implode up some life everywhere we need it. The answer is that mechanically based electrical implosion lacks a critical biological ingredient. We call that - biological intent. In practice it means that energy waves from infinite multiply connected topologies arrive everywhere charge implosion is sustained - hopefully biologically. If the attention of all of life - is sucked to some place electrically which has merely mechanical implosion - minus 'pure intention' - the net effect is the biomass does not LEARN from the experience. So mechanical implosion - actually leads to the reduced sustainability of ALL implosion. This is what is meant by - it takes a heart of gold to make gold.

We found that the EKG during empathy and compassion generates a harmonic series based on golden ratio - because it is the way all biological oscillators take their armoring down to become touchable. This is naturally done - only when the biological organism has found something WORTH SHARING. Thus - discovering something which illuminates pure principle results in your feeling a great electrical rush or tingle. It is biology's way of informing you - that you have found a proper way to EMBED and thus not die.

The reason the mercury vapor lights - and the non-full spectrum flourescent lights killed life and attention span - is simply their wave lengths were not such as to be able to EMBED in the 'phase nest' of all of the fusion in the solar system. The wave lengths of hydrogen's fusion which is the essence of sunlight has the symmetry necessary to permit FUSION of waves in general. Fusion is the essence of human attention - AND (the alchemy of ) LIFE FORCE - because it has the symmetry recipe to produce maximum agreement among waves. That infinite potential wave agreement (implosion) is the essence of life's alchemy and self-organization because it is how the self-aware universe makes phone calls to itself. The mathematic term for this is ' infinite multiply connected topology'.

To understand the life essence notion of infinite mulitple connectedness - simply imagine a hologram made of waves. Each node can contain information about an infinite number of other points- ONLY when perfect compression allows each node to be fractal or self-similar. So - in a sense the only perfectly sustainable hologram is fractal - and self-aware. In other words - total coherence in its boundary or limit condition is perfect compression based on fractality . This IS the alchemy of life.

The English language holds a key to this alchemy. The word EVIL for example - by being the mirror reverse of the characters for LIVE. Here - the L is the turn or phas angle- the EYE is the I of focus- and the V is the vortex or tornado of perfect embedding. To LIVE is to turn into perfect embedding. And the mirror opposite of that - or EVIL - is merely to TURN AWAY FROM EMBEDDING. So therefore - the LIGHTING in your childrens - classroom - by being flourescent and not full spectrum solar - is exquisitely EVIL. (Because those waves FAIL TO EMBED). If someone were to explain the physics of what EVIL means to George Bush - maybe a new yardstick for lack of bliss in a fear based government would be exposed.


It is not a return to an ancient alchemy which is so much dreamed of ( as for Sintra's yearning / Saudade). It is the NEW alchemy for what is a DOORWAY INTO A FRACTAL - The true PORT -OF the GRAIL. (Port-u gal)

So - what this article proposes is that a new academic facility be created ( as at SINTRA - which can be read as S-INTRA, or GOING INTO - access to vortex / implosion). Here we take the opportunity to teach the new physics of what alchemy really means. A 'sacred space' - enough magnetic lines are pursuaded to converge non-destructively - to make dimpling - and turning inside out - possible.

How Does PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create Dimple Inside Out-Ness?

The electrical environment there is ideally suited to create ATTENTION to teach the PRINCIPLES behind the ancient Science of Alchemy. The Alchemical studios of earlier centuries could find no more wonderful or appropriate service - than to become the proper history rich ambiance to now inform our young people of the new union between new physics and ancient alchemical principles.

Lack of respect for life in our young people arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of what life is. In an environment where the true physics of charge implosion, and life essence are encouraged - the new dynamics of peak experience and peak learning are enabled. Eventually this leads to the exploration of peak experience and initiation as the proper result of an intiatory complex like Sintra. Here magnetic convergance sites visted in proper symmetry sequence - create implosion alchemically in the glands- maximum sensitivity / perception and even the true science of euphoria and bliss..

See: BrainPhire?Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

If the Source of Becoming Informed, and of Knowing - Lies in How Much CHARGE Information can Be Contained or Embedded in the Body..

And - Peak Awareness is Peak Charge- Then The Goal of EDUCATION Should be that Peak.. Consider - the Physics of Euphoria and Peak Awareness -- ( even BLISS) as the Ultimate Educator


Study in Russia Indicates Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

May Support Neurofeedback Solutions to ATTENTION DISORDERS Based on IMPLOSION.

As promised in the title - the REASON time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000- 2012 - climax of the Mayan / Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. In a sense - being squeezed - teaches us the biological hygiene techniques for immortality of infinite compression / acceleration thru the Heart of the sun.. (When the phase fronts of biological magnetics - particularly the ultraviolet component of DNA emissions - blue fire - interface successfully with the superluminal - faster than light speed - the resultant electrical sustainability is the physics of immortality / ensoulment).

Here is another example - if we take the top down view of your DNA struggling to acheive the necessary implosive compression acceleration required to die successfully -

(see movie below)

This is ALSO the model for how compression near the end of the solar cycle - AL-CHEM-IZES the heart. More specifically - all of the magnetism converging which requires the sun to orgasm - tests each biological genetic for the same compression hygiene. Alchemy is the heart of what enables ACCESS to this black hole - where - many paths and errands meet.


track the 7 arrows of the heart.. you have the symmetry map to imposion AND self awareness.. at not onlt the human heart but also the heart of hydrogen and the heart of the sun


could we measure rate at which star bodies mass centers entered recursion geometrics - (log phi spirals, 60degree dodeca implosion conics from ) to predict the rate at which they become recursive/sef organizing (emergant from chaos enough to recur) and therefor self aware..

thus at least learning a lesson from the geometry of our local "end of time"ref: (erection of holy cross galactically)

and (fulcanelli monument to the end of time..

storal seems to be that if we learned the symmetry of recursion as fusion - which animates the galactic core (& sun trigger) toward
self- awareness/organzation/direction - then we should be able to apply (that alchemy)(alphabet of symmetry) to the heart..

And Finally- the role of star-fire /glandular alchemy - (melatonin/seratonin rich menstrual blood as oil of messeh - creating messiah..)
Lawrence Gardner: Bloodline of the Grail.,StarFire-Annunaki, Genesis of the Grail Kings, ShewBread-Gold Powder & More.. article links.

This work on Implosion originated with Dan Winter's discovery of Frequency Signature of EKG during empathy - becoming COHERENT and self-similar - see:

The results are animated in Java for visual understanding of implosion at

below is exerpt:

How Symmetry Map to Inside Out Makes Compassion's Harmonics Measureable

Understanding the Simple physics behind HOW the HeartTuner measures compassion - as coherence (in addition to measuring empathy when 2 hearts come into phase lock)..

from The Heart Coherence Team... Sept 2002.


First- see at main link interdigitated (stellated) -phi based- dodeca model the perfected embedding chosen by the (fractal) EKG - like DNA/ Earth Grid / & Zodiac..

Next animation ( at link) - how the donut knows the way inside out... try throwing it .. click here to see friends who spin it into an alphabet of symmetry..



Model of the Heart's Electrification during Euphoria.. Implosive Compression: animation:

As the heart sucks into its fractal center

the wind which begins when you choose to FEEL compassion.. the donut sucks the dimple in - again and again - which shows up as another harmonic in the harmonic analysis (power spectra ..right bottom in the pic)..THIS IS WHAT THE HEART TUNER MEASURES AS THE ONSET OF COHERENCE..

This ascention is enabled by the centering force generated by PASSION itself. (Which as we suggest below has a critical function in the physics of how biology feeds gravity - the force which keeps tornadoes concentric - thus gluing all worlds together).


So this is HOW we believe The HeartTuner works - When you choose to feel compassion - you make a little picture INSIDE your heart - which WHEN it is SELF-SIMILAR (or fractal) to the SHAPE of the FEELING (magnetism) of the person OUTSIDE your heart ...

THEN that sets up the conditions to allow the OUTSIDE to FALL IN. This is called technically - a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. It works because only FRACTAL ( or self-similar - fern or onion like) symmetry permits infinite non-destructive compression. This is also called IMPLOSION.

When waves can infinitely CONSTRUCTIVELY interfere as they approach center (fractal self-similarity optimized by Golden Mean ratio) then they add and multiply their wave velocities constructively as well as their wave lengths. This we believe is the only physics necessary to understand the origin of gravity - (because that geometry which permits acceleration - is that which makes gravity - which is the same as acceleration - which will be proven as soon as someone -besides military aircraft - puts enough capacitors in a fractal to make gravity --)


It is Electrifying to Realize the Heart is Electrified By Concentric
Donuts - Sweeping Voltage Directly from Gravity.

(pic from"When Time Breaks Down" by Winfree -electrophysics of origin of the Heart's Beat)


more reading in this series:

Suction Steers! Implosion Makes Waves: Creating a TORRENT thru your Heart

Tunnelling .. The "Black Hole": In the Human Heart...Is Acceleration Thru Light Speed in the DNA Braid Occassioned by the Heart's Blissful Sonic Pony Tail, How Compression Thru Light Speed Becomes "Tunnelling" ...

The Perfect Geometry of Wave Collapse - Neurophysics Solution the Nature of Consciousness

Projective Geometry of the Heart-Perfect Compression/Compassion=THE SHARED SPACE

Fusion-Phi Phenomenon-Unlocking Ultimate PHIre.

How Does PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create Dimple Inside Out-Ness?- How the Heart Opens: Sacred Geometry and the New Science of Compassion -The Heart's Labyrinthine Electrification