from"graham simms" <>
Subject: Fwd: Harmony between the gods!
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:33:33 +0000

Thought you might be interested in this interpretation of this weekends allignment from my Templar contact. The Star of David formation from Poussin's work is exactly like the astrological chart (for anywhere in the world at that time) has the chart for Halifax ( and 11 other "sacred spots" including Lhasa, Tibet). This research relates the allignment/eclipse to my doc. film research, and N.S. (Some would say "loosely", perhaps)
At least check out the painting. The "treasure map" that is overlayed on the NS map is derived from the painting in a similar fashion as seen here.
>From: "William Mann" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 7:21 PM
>Subject: Harmony between the gods!
To all,
I think that you will find the following quite exciting and I just wanted to
share it with a few of my special friends.

As most of you are aware, on November 8, 2003, there will occur a "harmonic concordance" of major proportions between six planets and stars. Extensive background to this main event can be found at In an earlier e-mail to Bill Beuhler, I very quickly and simply alluded to something that I discovered in relation to this major event, entitled the Grand Sextile, and it's rather amazing relationship to Nicholas Poussin's most famous painting, Et en Arcadia Ego... The concept or theory is that Poussin, within his painting, in fact forecasted the November 8th harmonic concordance exactly 363 years prior to its occurance!

What will primarily happen on November 8th will be a total lunar eclipse, coinciding with the alignment of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Chiron
with Chiron being the resulting 6th element - described as the rainbow that bridges the inner and outer worlds or planets. In other words, Chiron represents a Christ-like ascension to a higher level. Chiron, in fact, in Greek mythology, is the wise centaur who tutored Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius. Significantly, all three were mortals who went on to achieve god-like status.

What struck me about this whole sequence is that one can apply the Star of David/Seal of Solomon sequence/symbolism, which results from this alignment (again see to the inner geometry of Poussin's painting (please refer to the enclosed attachment).

You will notice that the geometrics of the inner star or jewel have been defined by the geometric sequence known as "the completion of the square,"with the square (see the pink outline) dimensions relating to the four figures and various elements such as their staffs, hand feet and
eyes, particularly the "middle-eye" of the shepherdess. Here we have the fundamental application of the two major principles of Masonry, namely sacred geometry and moral allegory. These principles were indeed known to Poussin in 1640 because he had been initiated prior to then, as
evidenced by a self-portrait showing him wearing a Masonic ring (see my book for further details).

Within Poussin's painting, there are three male figures and one female figure. Going counter-clockwise around the circle, starting with the only kneeling figure, the male dressed in green with the beard, is representative of Old Saturn, earthly, possessor of metals, but having physical limitations. This is representative of the earliest god-worship of the earth and stars themselves, and man's earliest application of astronomy.

The next figure, the female, the shepherdess, is the most enigmatic because of her dual nature. Here is the goddess, representing both light/purity and darkness, representing both the sun and the moon in total lunar eclipse. Notice the overall haze to the painting itself. The colours of the goddess are gold and blue, representative of a time when Egypt/Greece dominated the world, specifically the seas, which, as such, are controlled by the sun and the moon. This is Venus, Athena, etc. in her alternative form.
The third figure, the one hidden in part by the goddess, yet supporting her, is the spiritual warrior-god, Mars. Here in another form is the guardian, the Knight Templar, who supports the Merovingian dynasty. Derived from the Celtic spirit, this early Roman god wears the red and white colours of both the Templar and the Roman legions. For anyone who has been watching the recent night sky, Mars certainly is prominent in its intensity and proximity to the moon.

The fourth figure represents the introduction of Christianity. With the Christ-like figure dressed in ephemeral/androgenous white, he represents Jupiter. Here is the king of gods, representing wisdom and a higher level of mind.

Hence, the result of this evolution of religious symbols, from pagan times to Christian era, when all four elements are combined in a positive manner, is a higher level of understanding and harmonic concordance, resulting in the Chiron, represented by the rainbow or aura that glows through reasoning and sustained awareness, divine wisdom if you like.

The funny thing about the word "chiron" is that when one examines the origin of that word, one discovers the root "chiro," meaning "the use of hands." And, "chironomids" are "ones who gesture with hands". Now look at Poussin's four figures again carefully. They all have significant hand gestures. Saturn and Mars both seem to be pointing to where in Arcadia a tomb or treasure lies. The Mars figure is making the figure 4 with his hand while the Saturn figure is displaying 5 digits. Is this a reference to 45 degrees north latitude, halfway between the equator and the north pole, halfway between two worlds? The female appears to be leaning on her guardian for support. Remember that in my book I speculated that the shepherdess is certainly pregnant. Meanwhile, the Christ-like figure, with an arm and hand extended, almost seems to be suggesting an
invitation for reconciliation or harmony with the other gods.

In summary, what is Poussin's hidden meaning? On one hand, Et en Arcadia
Ego... has an underlying geometric system to it which suggests a physical treasure map of "Templar secrets". On the other hand, there appears a spiritual tribute to the potential harmonizing of the earlier religions and Christianity, whose relics or words may also in fact lie in A(r)cadia. What appears certain, if anything, is that Poussin had knowledge which suggests that only the inner circle of the Templars and the earth itself knew where these lie. The last question is how does all of this relate to the event that will occur on November 8th? Are the tides the clue, as the shepherdess' feet are grounded in water within Poussin's painting?

During Hurricane Juan in the Halifax area a couple of weeks ago, because of the high tides and uprooting of massive trees, bones within grave yards were being thrust up to the surface and washed away by the rains. Will a similar "portal" be opened on November 8th? Or, will there be a major world event that lends itself to bringing together the world's major religions into greater harmony? Remember that those are Green Oaks which are shown just behind the Arcadian tomb.

All the best,