"Be always ready for you know not the day or the hour." (Quote from a good friend of mine and yours)
We're doing ceremony between 2pm and 3pm in the Far North at Spirits Bay, a special place for us. We'll be connecting up with like groups around the world and elsewhere at 2:13pm NZT. You are welcome to join us from wherever you are.,All the Best,, Dr Tony Minervino, Kaitaia, NZ, +-64-9-408-2772
Let this New World begin with you... Om
> > The Harmonic Concordance and The Lightness of the Heart
> by Drunvalo
> In the ancient Egyptian tradition, Lightness of Heart was
absolutely paramount to a Spirit's ability to transcend into the
higher worlds. The papyrus in the picture that illustrates this
article (also see diagram at left) shows the human heart of one
soul being weighed on a scale against Ma'at's feather in the opposite
tray. In the Egyptian pantheon, Ma'at stood not just for truth
but for balance, integrity, and the order of the universe.
> In the Egyptian tradition represented here, if the heart
is lighter than Ma'at's feather, then the soul can proceed to
the higher realms. If not, then the soul must reincarnate on Earth,
hoping next time to live a life that will bring this all important
Lightness of Heart.
> The Harmonic Concordance of 2003
Here I am again, going out on a limb. What I am about to say may
not happen. But sometimes one has to do that in order to stay
in integrity. And I feel that the signs are too strong for me
to remain silent.
> On November 8 and 9 in just a few days there will be in the
Northern Hemisphere a total lunar eclipse. And during this eclipse
there also will be, worldwide, a most remarkable event in the
heavens: a Grand Sextile of planets.
> The Grand Sextile is the six-pointed star, sometimes called
the Star of David, and it will be formed during the lunar eclipse
by five planets and Chiron.
> And after a great deal of introspection, I have come to believe
that this Harmonic Concordance represents an interdimensional
opening of unparalleled importance to the human race. I believe
that this moment in history is the time when the 4th Dimension
will begin to open on Earth and the parameters of life will be
extended beyond what we have previously thought possible.
> The Concordance and Modern Prophecy
> It was John Mirehiel, on August 28, 1998, who discovered
this unique astrological chart and named it the "Harmonic
Concordance of 2003." It was he, also, who first realized
this was not the chart of an individual but of Mother Earth herself
(see The Harmonic Concordance of 2003).
> This chart, as John Mirehiel related it to me directly, depicts
a potentially amazing time when the human race can change the
external reality into one that is new, hopeful, and beautiful.
This moment represents not the end of life but a new beginning.
> When John presented this information to me, I had no context
for it no other facts against which to weigh what I was hearing.
But with the recent predictions of the Maya and the Hopi, that
has all changed.
> Concordance and Convergence
From John Mirehiel's point of view, this November 8 - 9, 2003,
is actually related to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, which
was announced to the world by Jose ArgÃelles and his wife,
Lloydine. And from what I have read, both of these researchers
also believe that November 8 - 9, 2003, will mark the beginning
of the last galactic spin cycle that ends on December 21, 2012.
But there is a growing body of researchers who believe that the
Gregorian year 2012 does not line up with the Mayan Calendar date
of 2012. In my research back in the mid-1980s, I discovered six
places where, for political and religious reasons, the Catholic
church changed the date of the year, holding it back. From my
understanding at that time, I could prove that according to the
Mayan Calendar, our current Gregorian year of 2003 is really at
least 2009.
But others say that there were three other times when the year
was held back. If that's true, then right now, in the year 2003,
we are actually at the year 2012 of the Mayan Calendar!
And if that's true, the recent predictions of the Mayan elders
(that between August 16, 2003, and December 15, 2003, our world
will undergo massive changes) makes total sense. This rereading
of the year also agrees with the calculations of the Hopi elders,
who believe that this same time period will bring the Day of Purification.
I spoke of the Hopi and Mayan predictions in the October newsletter
(Letter No. 10). But they are not the only ones. There are medicine
men and women from several traditions around the world who also
agree that this time is the time we have been waiting for.
One set of facts that comes out of Egypt is extremely interesting
when placed beside the Mayan and Hopi predictions. It concerns
the Great Pyramid's stone calendar. I don't have the precise information
before me anymore, but in the hallways that move through the Great
Pyramid there is a series of parallel stones that have long ago
been decoded to represent, year by year, the Gregorian Calendar.
They could, of course, be decoded to represent any calendar. But
if they relate to the Gregorian Calendar, they would represent
a period of time beginning at about 10,500 BCE and extending through
history to end in December 2003!
What might the ancient Egyptians have known about this fast-approaching
date? And what does all of this mean?
If my interpretation of all this data is true, then the Mayan
date of December 21, 2012 the End of Time date that we have all
been hearing about for so many years is actually going to happen
year![1] )
Any interpretation or prediction beyond that is up to you and
whomever you are listening to. But what's clear is that, if it
is accurate to readjust the Gregorian calendar downward by nine
years (and I think it is), then the time we are now living through
is no ordinary moment in history.
One last point. Sometimes people think that when December 21,
2012, is reached, the world will end or abruptively change forever.
But I have spoken with the Mayan elder and shaman/priest Hunbatz
Men, and with Don Pablo, who is the Mayan people's elected spokesperson,
and they both agree that December 2003 will mark the end of a
very long cycle, not the overnight emergence of a new world.
> Realistically, it seems probable that the change we're anticipating
began about 100 years ago, and that it will continue for some
time in the future. In other words, the shift is not going to
be an abrupt event.
> The Harmonic Concordance and Lightness of Heart
I have been following the Hopi and Mayan predictions and studying
ancient Egyptian knowledge for most of my life. And I feel that
the time has now come to talk about why Lightness of Heart is
essential for moving into the higher worlds. Let me relate this
understanding in as few words as possible.
> Like the worldwide shift itself, Lightness of Heart is not
something that happens abruptly or automatically. It is achieved
only over a long period of time and many, many lifetimes. But
if you are ready, you will understand what I am saying, and the
change will begin within you. If it does not, there is nothing
to do but continue working toward this goal.
> When we enter into the higher dimensions the "Fifth
Sun" of the Mayans or the "Fifth World" of the
Native Americans the thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, and
actions that radiate outward from us become powerful waveforms
that manifest directly as the outer reality. We will create our
reality directly by who we are.
If we radiate fear, then we will create a reality of fear. If
we radiate love, then we will create a reality of love.
And if this is true, then it becomes obvious why our inner state
of consciousness is immensely important to our experience in these
higher worlds.
Lightness of Heart is a state of being that is achieved by non-attachment.
And that is achieved by an inner realization that all of Creation
is whole, complete, and perfect, just exactly as it is in this
moment. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go!
Another way of saying it is this: When one knows that God is present
at each moment of life, and that God is whole, complete, and perfect,
then, and only then, can this state of non-attachment be realized.
Once this state of non-attachment is realized, Lightness of Heart
follows automatically. And when we have reached Lightness of Heart,
we have nothing more to gain or lose in life. In this state, we
are one with God, and our lives become part of the Sea of Lives
that is the matrix of Creation.
You can do this. Let go of the stress. Let go of the worry. Realize
that God lives within you and all around you. And know that whatever
you emit from the inside of your being will become the external
world you live in and experience.
After November 8 - 9, 2003, I believe this fact of life is going
to become more and more obvious. Let this New World begin with
> In love and service,
> Drunvalo