Lillian Corredor" <> | Add to Address Book
To: "One Heart Academy" <>
Subject: Fw: Poeidon on - What you ca do for humanity during the Harmonic Concordance
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:13:17 +1100

-----Original Message-----
From: Lillian Corredor []
Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2003 7:29 PM
To: ASCEND Foundation
Subject: Poeidon on - What you ca do for humanity during the Harmonic Concordance

This message is copyright to Dr. Lilliana Corredor 2003, one of 12 Emissaries of the Ascend Foundation.
Permission from the author is given so that this may be distributed freely on condition all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
Greetings beloveds. I AM POSEIDON.
I speak on behalf of the "COUNCIL OF 12" in charge of the RESTORATION OF THE WATER MATRIX of Planet Earth (also called the LOVE MATRIX).
We wish to offer humanity some clarity on the events unfolding at present as part of the Divine Plan for Earth.
As you are well aware, there will be a Moon Eclipse coinciding with the Full Moon on the 8th-9th of November. These further coincide with a Stellar Alignment which has not taken place for over 60,000 years.
We wish you to undertsand beloveds that the upcoming stellar alignment will provide planet Earth and all sentient beings on it with a direct downpour of DIVINE FEMININE ENERGIES FROM SOURCE. That is, many stargates will be aligned with the Suns and Moons at cosmic, multi-universal, universal and galactic levels, as well as, with the Heart of God/dess, All That Is.
Understand beloveds that this alignment does not take place in one or two days only (i.e. the 8th and 9th of November). Rather, it provides a peak influx of DIVINE LOVE ENERGIES during those dates and the download of energies spans for a period of 10 days prior to and 10 days past these dates.
Because these Divine Feminine Energies coming from Source carry such a HIGH VIBRATION OF DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE COMPASSION AND DIVINE FORGIVENESS among many other Divine Feminine attributes, there will necessarily be a strong change of vibration for Earth and all sentient beings on it. Understand beloveds that the Divine Love is anchored by the WATERS and Water Crystals in your bodies and on Earth. So too, the discord -which is the distortion of Love- is anchored in the waters of your bodies and of Earth. Hence, humanity must be aware that the change in frequency of vibration will necessarily release much discord from the cells in your bodies, as well as from the Water/Love Matrix of your Lightbodies and of Earth.
Therefore we wish to alert all Love and Lightworkers to prepare yourselves to ANCHOR THESE DIVINE LOVE ENERGIES during the NEXT 21 DAYS, to assist the shift of energies on Earth to a higher level of vibration and consequently, to assist in the shift of consciousness of humanity as a whole. In order for Love and Lightworkers to become great anchoring rods for these Divine Love Energies, it is of utmost importance that: EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND, EMOTIONS, WORDS AND ACTIONS during this period. That is, that you try your best to hold your thoughts and emotions in alignment with the Divine Love of your God Presence (Higher Self) and therefore, that your words and actions be a reflection of the Divine Love.

As discordant thoughts and emotions will most certainly arise for many of you, we ask you to please send your deepest Love to these aspects of the Self. Please do not judge yourselves, nor feel guilty if you cannot hold the Love vibration. Simply do your best to remain in alignment with your God Presences and the Water/Love Crystal in the Core of Earth.

Understand beloveds that the high vibration of the Divine Love downpour on Earth will "dislodge" discord anchored in your physical and Light bodies. Hence, view this period as indeed a GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO TRANSMUTE LARGE AMOUNTS OF DISCORD back to their original blueprint which is LOVE.

Know too beloveds that many of you have already started or will have manifestations of this dislodging of discord in your physical bodies. This will arise as pains, rashes or diseases. Do not be concerned about this beloveds. Simply view these manifestations of discord for what they are: CELLULAR EXPANSION necessary to release the discord trapped in your cells.

We suggest that in order to alleviate physical and emotional disturbances, you ask your God Presence (or Higher Self) to please bathe your bodies with the TRANSLUCENT WHITE LOVE-LIGHT of God/dess.

This is a composite of 2 main Rays:
The CLEAR RAY - which carries the Divine Love and the Vital Force of God/dess; and the WHITE RAY - which carries the qualities and virtues of ALL other Rays of Light.

Hence, bathing daily your bodies with the TRANSLUCENT WHITE LOVE-LIGHT will relieve pain and distress. As well, this will raise the level of vibration of your physical and Light bodies, assisting in a graceful and easy release of discordant energetic blockages from your bodies.

We also suggest beloveds that you assist All on Earth to have a smooth transition. If you so wish, you can call your God Presence to bring forth this TRANSLUCENT WHITE LOVE-LIGHT through your bodies and INTENT that you send this Ray to the Water/Love Crystal in the Core of Earth. You can then expand the Translucent White Ray like a sun from the core of Earth and bathe all of the inner Earth and outwards enfolding all continents, oceans and the atmosphere of Earth with this Love Light.

If you could do this DAILY for the next 21 days, you will be assisting all on Earth.

Furthermore, if you could merge in "Group Consciousness" - through Group Meditations- during this 21 day period, particularly during the Full Moon (8th & 9th) and, bathe yourselves and the whole planet in this Translucent White Love-Light, you will be able to anchor a HIGHER QUOTIENT OF DIVINE LOVE ENERGIES on Earth. Hence, achieving a greater shift in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

Know beloveds that, thousands upon thousands of Love/Water beings and Light Beings of a high level of consciousness will be surrounding Earth throughout this 21-day period. We will be assisting all those who call upon Us, for this great shift is part of the Divine Plan for Earth.

We thank you beloveds and praise your commitment and efforts to co-create a new paradigm for Earth.

We enfold you in Waves of Divine Love, Divine Power and Divine Compassion.



Note 1: Poseidon is an Archangelic Water Being. Together with Archangel Aquariel and Archangel Clarity, they form a triad which is in charge of THE HIGHER COUNCIL OF WATER BEINGS. Their main role is to distribute the Clear Ray of God/dess and the Etheric Water to all the Cosmos. They also form part of the COUNCIL OF 12 in charge of the Restoration of the Water/Love Matrix of Earth.

If you wish to know more about the RESTORATION OF THE WATER/LOVE MATRIX of our bodies and of Earth, see our New Book: "HEALING THE WATERS AND THE EMOTIONS - Messages form the Star Dolphins and The Higher Council of Water Beings", in our website:

Note 2: Dr. Lilliana Corredor (aka Chaski Utopia) is the Emissary on Earth for The Higher Council of Water Beings.