(written especially for dear friends wishing to create magazine articles etc. to help gently enthuse the uninitiated but interested)
New 4/22/99
dan winter (permission to reprint and adapth is hereby given by this author)
return to Sacred Geometry master index ../sitemap.html
(approaching 100 million bytes of lively animated & deep SACRED GEOMETRY & COHERENT EMOTION on the web)
Lo-phi (love). When the nest of electrical and sound pressure fields around the heart converge in golden mean ratio wave nests, then unlimited information transfer between worlds can cascade. Waves find this arithmetic and geometric heterodyne or beat note non-interference pattern, most touch permissive. EL-(the turn or phase shift) (in)LO-(frequnecy)PHI-(ratio). The PHI or golden mean ratio has been found in the frequency between harmonics of the heart at the moment of sending love, and (in the "Sentics" measurements of emotion) in the ratio of the moment of maximum pressure in the shape of the hug or squeeze you give to send love. The soft V sound in love suggests the fiveness from whose square root PHI is derived, and from which the wave softness or touchability of love radiates. see.. Heterophi
Think about it: Is there ANY other way
that multiple waves and phases could FUSE non-destructively...
excerpt in recursive heterodyning (Phi)?
Heterodyning and Powers of Phi, by Rick Andersen VISUALIZE
Here it is as simple as we can make it:
Q: What is "Sacred Geometry" and why is it important? (in "no big words please")
A: We start with a simple notion: The newest UNIFIED FIELD physics ends up telling us that EVERYTHING is made of waves. I happen to conclude therefore that mind and spirit are made of waves also. In any case it appears that SACRED may be simply a name for a wave pattern which is sustainable (lives forever). And GEOMETRY may be a name for what arrangement or SYMMETRY (or pretty pictures) among waves, ENABLES THEM TO LAST FOREVER.
Q: So what's the big deal? This sounds like old news. You use QUANTUM MECHANICS, and you draw pretty pictures of waves nesting. Symmetry and geometry as news headlines are old and boring aren't they? What is the latest flurry over this stuff? People are talking about this as the key to the heart and love, that couldn't be true could it?
A: By looking at the harmonics in the hearts beat (frequency signature), we may have recently found something radically wonderful and romantic in all this geometry stuff. Something clearly electrical happens, at the moment most people feel the charge rush or "tingle" associated with WONDER or COMPASSION or LOVE (or extreme emotional openness). Too many of us have experienced this hair standing or blood tingling "dna grail cup ring" at emotions' wonder moments, to pretend it is not real. I often now call this "TRIPPING OVER A SHAREABLE THOUGHT" (or feeling). I have discovered this may well be measureable and THE KEY to Sacred Geometry! (With the help of some computer animations you might even come to agree with me.) I now believe that this wonder/love/compassion/openness feeling is literally a PURE SHAREABLE (or perfectly distributable in principle) electrical wave event. (see intent) THE HEART LEARNS TO MAKE ALL WAVES CONVERGE CONSTRUCIVELY- PERFECT COMPRESSION (or "fractal" see glossary). The name most people give their EMOTION when they feel this "non-destructive" (non-hurtful), inward rush in the HEART's electricity, is "COMPASSION"! In fact, compassion may be identical to the "Sacred Geometry" of PERFECT COMPRESSION! Love may be a teachable skill to make a "fractal attractor" around your heart.
Q: Yeah right. Well slow down and explain how simply looking at the geometry of the heart's electrical music get's us to the solutions to the universe. Most people cannot visualize a fractal, don't know what an "attractor" is, and don't rightly care what harmonic analysis or frequency signatures are. You mean you can help people be better lovers? (chuckle)
A: Here's what we do. Using a simple safe battery gizmo, (../heartlink )we take the electrical voltage wave coming from your heart (less fussy than placing EKG stick-ons). We look at which simple sine waves have been nested or embedded together to make your heart beat. This is the musical breakdown of which notes have been played together to make the chord of your heart beat sustainable (chief factor in determining how long you live). In fancy terms it is called "spectrum analysis", "power spectra", "frequency signature", "harmonic analysis", "fast fourier transform" or "FFT" etc. All these words mean roughly the same thing. Think of mother checking to see if daughter is playing music or noise on the piano, she uses her ear to check the distance between the notes or wavelengths. Her ear analyzes the INTERVAL or SPACING or RATIO BETWEEN THE ADJACENT NOTES. This happens automatically every time the hairlenghts use a golden spiral in your inner ear (cochlea) to measure (spectrum analyze) the RATIO BETWEEN SOUNDS, and thus determine if the incoming pressure waves are MUSIC OR NOISE. Every complicated thing in the universe (atoms, people, galaxies etc.) are ALWAYS ONLY the simple adding together of ONE SIMPLE PERFECT SINE WAVE SHAPE, in different (wave) LENGTHS or "FREQUENCIES". Put a bunch of different sine waves together with the proper length cookbook and you got people, gold, stuff, atomic tables... etc. BUT if the wave lengths cannot sustain their EMBEDDING together (by not fighting as waves), then all that STUFF gets dead! (goes away and cancels itself by interfering WITH ITSELF as a wave).
Q: That's cute language again for "old news". I hope you are gonna get to the "better lovers" part real quick. So how do you get from the little wave length tinkertoys nested in the beating heart, to using geometry for MEASURING and TEACHING how HEART's OPEN???
A: Well first then we get a little stick on the computer screen for each INCLUDED HARMONIC in the heart's wave. As they become ordered or "COHERENT" we notice the emotional INTENSITY (or focus) INCREASES. Then we simply measure HOW MUCH THE SPACE OR INTERVAL BETWEEN THE CONTAINED HARMONICS OR MUSIC, INCREASES. Amazingly, invariably as people go from being a bit stuck in their analytical head, to feeling openness in their heart, the DISTANCE BETWEEN the wavelengths in the heart ALSO OPENS!!! As Professor of Energy Cardiology at Univesity of Arizona Medical School at Tucson, Gary Schwarz said after kindly inviting us to speak there said, "It's really a no-brainer". (I am so happy he has agreed to sponsor and begin the academic research to now begin to prove this.) So HEART OPENING = heart's HARMONICS opening.
picture -- heart opening .62 as E.I. Emotional Index vs. head at 1.0... (here balanced in between membrane making and membrane bridging EI =.87 approaches square root PHI correlates often to people feeling peacefully balanced.., the skill is to flex your muscles to have range of motion here)
Q: Seems simple enought, but where does this get us to "fractal" geometry, and teaching the kids to be better lovers?
A: Well, first I need to explain just a little arithmatic history here. I invented a new mathematical technique to measure this INCREASE IN COHERENCE (or ordering of the harmonics), and MEASURE THE INTERVAL BETWEEN contained harmonics. This could enable us to make emerging from chaos into self-awareness (something which I will later explain is simply self embeddedness) teachable for ANY oscillator like heartbeats, stock markets (../stockmkt/stockmkt.html), and planets. In order to get at the harmonics EMBEDDED inside the harmonics, I invented the use of a 'SECOND ORDER FREQUENCY SIGNATURE' or "DOUBLE FFT". This means simply that I take the process of doing of spectrum analysis (same as all those synonyms for basically the same idea above), and then I look 're-cursively' at WHAT IS THE HARMONIC OR MUSIC or KEY frequency in the wave which is the HARMONICS of the heart? (or anything which wishes to become self-aware or self-embed).
Q: Careful you are getting technical on us. Re-cursive just means to re-occur doesn't it?
A. Yes, and if a wave or a heartbeat or a person as nests of waves, were to re-occur re-cursively forever, then that would be SUSTAINABILITY or "eternal recursion" or literally IMMORTALITY wouldn't it?
Q: I suppose. Actually, I think I get it, you are DEFINING WHAT IS SACRED, BY TAKING THE SHAPE OF WHAT ALLOWS WAVES TO RE-CUR? Right? (golly)
A: You are definitely in trouble now, because you are beginning to get it. (see ../glossary under: "to grok"= eating something whole instead of in pieces)
Q: Kool! But you were getting to what makes all this supposedly fractal? And Teaching Lovers??
A: Well once we have this harmonics OF the harmonics, (second order FFT), wave, it got REAL EASY. The height or amplitude of the first peak is the newly elegant MEASURE and feedback of the AMOUNT OF COHERENCE (or in the case of the heartbeat, amount of emotional focus or intensity). This simplifies making the biofeedback game (or loop or neural net) to teach emerging from chaos. But even more importantly the number or numeric value of this first peak, dynamically represents the (inverse of) THE AVERAGE SPACE BETWEEN HARMONICS in the heart (or any vibration wanting to know itself). For the heart as a vibrator needing to nest or die, (see embedability and how Heart Rate Variability measures survival). By testing hundreds of people for what is this INTERVAL or SPACES IN THE HEART, we have come with a simple table for EMOTIONAL INDEX or EI or EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE quotient. When the space between harmonics is 1.0, the person is making cubic membrane making electricity around their heart, and invariably are experiencing INTELLECTUAL SATISFACTION. Whereas WHEN THE E.I. NUMBER IS .618 (Golden Mean Ratio), (1/x interval between Heart Harmonics has INCREASED to 1.618), THEN THE PERSON HAS OPENED THEIR HEART AND INVARIABLY IS IN A MORE WONDER/COMPASSION/OPENNESS SPACE!
Q: I get it. You are telling us getting a .618 Golden Spiral in the HeartBeat's harmonics or music is what makes VALENTINES work. (like at ../gold ) So don't stop now, tell us what makes all this Golden Mean Ratio Stuff even if it is the "heart" of the matter, the key to what is FRACTAL, what is NESTABLE or "EMBEDABLE", and what RE-CURS?
A: Well Ma nature invented a way to allow waves to nest or branch or embed with optimum SHARING (or non-destructive interference). This is called PHYllotaxes in nature. It is named after PHI the symbol for .618 Golden Mean Ratio. It simply refers to how all plants branch most excellently to get maximum exposure (sharing) minimum superposition (destructive interference).
(2 pictures above showing perfect PHYllotaxes or perfect NESTING perfect branching or perfect EMBEDDING is is based perfectly on the GOLDEN MEAN) see ../physicsofphi "THE PHYSICS OF Phi, Compression, Implosion, Gravity, Time, and Love "
Q: OK, so we got nesting or branching perfectly even in the HeartBeat is a Golden Mean related thing. And it might even have to do with feeling wonder or compassion, because the Heart's harmonics space themselves that way when you "FEEL THE RUSH". What is this about perfect compression equals perfect compassion??
A: We call this (both perfect compassion AND perfect compression),
the skill to learn to turn inside out. (as when the voltages triggering
the heart electrically "dimple": -major
animation here of dimpling principle-not in emailed version) When
the magnetic map OUTSIDE you (someone else's feelings or world)
needs to get INSIDE you, what is required is called "non-destructive
compression" or even "scale invariance". see ../scaleinvariant
mind (recursion) inhabits
fire = Phi's-ray
This is a wave nesting pattern based on Golden Mean. When waves interfere they add re-cursively, so they need a nest in which they can both add and multiply and still fit the original nest. This is the problem Phyllotaxes and the Golden Mean ratio solve, because .618, 1.0, 1.681.., 2.618..., ... is the only progression which BOTH adds and multiplies. This is the Merkabbah (mark of perfect pressures nesting) solution to
-perfect nesting
-perfect branching (scion or jon or the origin of the grail in the blood's dna branch to embed and ring like a song)
-perfect compression /data packing / data sharing / phone call to God cookbook..
-perfect compassion..
see ../physicsofphi and ../predictions
Q: So here is where you leap in and get heavy on us I suppose? What do you want us to do, learn how to go out and squeeze everything into long wave Phi ratios? (lo-phi = love... chuckle...) Is this how you are teaching lovers to get in phase & em-bed (chuckle...) with each others' heartbeats?
A: We noticed that when heart's get embedded within themselves by this ratio (ending addiction, A.D.D. and every known chronic disease)( IS THIS RECURSION? ../isthisrecursion/isthisrecursion.html , KEY TO THE HARMONIC GEOMETRY OF BIOLOGICAL OSCILLATORS ../isthisrecursion/apta.html ) , they also get embedded with each other. We called the project to link hearts around the planet www.heartbeat2000.com We have actually designed a way to accomplish this, (../millennium) and we think not only will heart music learning allow us to touch each others hearts non-destructively, it will heal wars and the planet.
Q: Oh...
From: Marc K Mayatiita I do not often hear you talk about waves being the fundamental 'particles' that make up this universe, so I do not really know where you stand. Are you a materialist, c.q. particalist or can you come along with a more ethereal wave theory? In my simple understanding, what is in this consciousness, that is creation, is only waves. When these waves start adding and multiplying when their beats interfere, at some points they add up and materialise as things in our 'material' scope and at others they make each other fade away. So in my 'saincara', I see only waves interfering, some stand and others fade. In our 'material' scope that might be seens as big bangs, quarks, atoms being created and destroyed. Probably their behavious is only a result of the underlying Pure Principle, the so called 'Laws of Physicis' nothing more than discriptions of local phenomena, having nothing more to do with the principle behind is as an ant on a living curve measuring the tangential changing and calling what he can grasp in one thought the law. But we are able to see things as waves. Just try. It will definitely change your whole experience of this life and existance. In my 'prati-saincara' those waves that are getting higher and higher frequencies, allowing for the virtual particles to appear to come closer and closer reach their limit of compressability. When their frequencies grow faster, their lenght become smaller and in order to fall together without destructing each other, they have to make themselves sharable. In order to make one point sharable and allow for the waves to infinitely compress, move through the speed of light and become selfaware, they have to have specific characteristics. When we would measure those charateristics we would see that it has to do with the Golden Mean Ratio, Phi, 1.618... Because only when those waves relate to each other according to Golden Mean Ratio they can nest, that is selfembed. If they can not do so, well, jadasphota, the energy is released again in a chaotic way. If they succeed, a nucleous is formed and prati-saincara starts. One selfstearing nucleous will gradually evolve into more complex systems, yet always having a fractal or holographic charactar, meaning, always selfreffering on every level. If that were not the case, if some waves were not made sharable, we have to die, the system, or vortex, will not be maintainble. So the evolution of our soul means to make ever more waves sharable. And so doing we will one day merge into the infinite fractal origine again. The loop closes, the donut is there. Turning inside out and outside in again and again in a perfectly embedded and frictionless way. This theory is both spiritual as material, as the spirit and the matter are only emerging qualities or ways of describing certain parts of expression in limited scopes of refference. These older models are hardly more than models of Prefference. Being in a forest, a labyrinth, a cave, near a lake, this will allow your mind to become more fractal again, that is, it can make itself more selfreffering, aware and by feeling what makes your DNA happy, you become more and more implosive, Phi-red up. The DNA is the way of creating this implosion based on Phi, and concentration, awareness, gravity, choosing compassion, all these things are one and the same expressions of charge density becomming selforganised, recursively running into bliss. Yours in Him, Mayatiita. (Sure, you may look at the Dan Winter video! www.home.zonnet.nl/microvita/danwinter or read all about Implosion here http://goldenmean.info) Isn't it nice to have things becomming clear all of a sudden. |
possible next steps for introductory reading
How to in the Heart:
exerpts from SYLLABUS (link above):
Course Syllabus
This article begins with a beginner syllabus to "sacred geometry and coherent emotion" then finishes with an advanced syllabus.
1.Embedding all folds:
2.Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things,love never fails1st corinthians, ch 13..
Beginner syllabus:
1. In a unified field everything is waves moving about in a universal jello of particle/waves.
2. In that universal jello or "ether" the only self-organizing shape is the donut or smoke rings or torus.
3. Those donuts or vortex pairs arrange themselves like trumpets into the faces of the platonic solids, and this is called the atomic table (matter).
(1,3cube,5dodec,7icos donut vortex pair make 2,6,10,14 electron-s,p,d,f subshells:all matter)
Also, the self organizing Spiral which delineates the self organizing 7 color map moebius on the surface of that same donut, viewed from the symmetry of the tetrahedron is the Hebrew alphabet. Letter's are merely elements of spin symmetry, which by virtue of being perfectly embedded , allow the hologram inside your head to phase entrain the denser hologram (matter) outside.
4. When a wave in this jello or ether moves in a line it
is called energy, when the same wave is "sucked" into
a circle, the slight gyroscopic
resistance to change of position, is called "matter".
In physics, INERTIA stored is the ONLY definition of mass. The
wave moving in a circle
creates matter (as opposed to "doesn't matter".)
This is called quantum mechanics, because elements of the
wave spin can only stand still when meeting themselves from opposing
This separates the jello or ether into packets or envelopes of
waves, storing spin inertia. So "the creator" (fractal
attraction) is the principle of
self-reference (self/awareness) which steered the wave into the
circle, from the line. I am that I am.
5. Something has to provide "centering force"
to hold the wave going in a circle in the same place (widening
gyre with a center that will not
6. This "centering force" is what happens when waves "collapse", "implosively" toward a center.
IMPORTANTLY: this collapse inward function is called many names:
a. implosion is to burst inward and inward flow only.
b. gravity is the attraction between two massive bodies. The name of the attracting force.
c. magnetic monopole,,
d. scalar is a quantity such as it's length wave that is completely specified by its magnitude and has no direction. From the latin ladder
e. Recursion is to happen, to come up or show up again, repeatedly.
f. self reference
7. Waves get this permission to CONcresce (gather all crests
to one point) when they all arrange their distance from that point
by PHI or Golden
Mean ratio. This is because this allows "recursive"
or repeated adding AND multiplying of their interference. This
perfects constructive
interference from many directions at once.
8. Therefore gravity occurs BECAUSE the outer waves nest
(electron for example on an atomic scale, or long wave ley lines
on a planetary one)
BECOMES SELF SIMILAR or recursive to the inner waves nest (neutrons
in an atom.) This pattern on the outside repeated in the pattern
on the
inside is the definition of FRACTALITY. THIS MEANS LITERALLY THAT
FRACTALITY (charge arranged into self-embedding) CREATES GRAVITY.
(And this will be born out in a revolution as physics proves gravity
and atmosphere can be stabilized by perfecting the geometry of
embedding, see ../predictions )
9. When waves are drawn to a focus, they automatically sort
out those, which cannot pass the laws of symmetry to let them
pass the vortex
which focus creates. This means that WHATEVER CREATES FOCUS CREATES
SORTING. This also means that THE TEST OF PERFECT
10. Perfect fractal or recursive or nestable or "embedable" symmetry is thus literally a test for pure intention.
11. When waves can agree to meet sustainably this is called "sacred".
12. The Golden Mean or PHI ratio perfects recursion/embedding/intention/gravity/awareness/responseability/implosion/mass/sorting..
13. The role of MIND among waves, is to align the still
points, which guides them into the PHI ratio of recursion permitting
them to stay still.
They get permission to stand as wave (called "eck" -or
charge- in "stasis" / ecstacy). This creates the tingle
in your body in the place you have
chosen to place your attention, you have aligned field effects
to "concrescence" or centering. This compression of
the ethers is the principle by
which matter is created out of light.
14. When the harmonics of a brain (eeg) or heart (ekg) or
planet (schuman series), enter into nesting by powers of PHI,
then that (or any)
biological oscillator becomes:
a. self organizing
b. self aware
c. eck-static
examples include the sustainable elimination of addiction and attention deficit in brainwave neurofeedback work using this principle.
15. The power of placing a limit ("power of limits"
by doczi) on any oscillator is that in order to emerge from chaos,
PATH OF PHI-LO taxis. (Perfect branching based on PHI.) examples
include stock market becomes predictable when volume harmonics
become PHI / and heart waves become sustainable (all chronic diseases
end) when the harmonics arrange themselves into Phi embedability.
16. EKG harmonics only Heartlink/ ASCEND into this perfect
fractal or "heart rate variability" when you feel wonder/compassion/truth
this exactly corresponds to what is electrically distributable
or shareable.
17. The reason "only love bends the light, so therefore
only love creates" is because this feeling of compassion
permits compression, which
permits centering which draws in the linear light into the circle.
The same electrical centering force/literal gravity of glandular
emotion creates
steerage among wormholes and dimensions.
This is why perfect compression is identical to compassion. Both are examples of successful sharing (symmetry) of space.
To understand this more literally, consider this. At the moment of apparent bliss/ or compassion the heart invarianbly appears to create harmonics spaced near .618 Golden Ratio (ref 1, ref 2). The only possible sustainable 3D geometry which is that nesting geometry is the charge implosion associated with waves in the dodeca stellation. (See Grail animation - perfect embedding). This clearly is that origin of gravity, namely that self-similarity / fractality in 3D is what creates the one way suction inward called gravity. (As waves are sucked in thru the speed of light). This is the only effective way sucking or bending the light out of it's line (energy) into a circle (gyroscopically the origin of stored inertia called mass). Embedding - amounts to representing well - WHAT IS OUTSIDE YOU, AS IF IT WERE INSIDE. So not only does embedding by long wave phi ratio (lo phi) create the only possible inward imploding centering force to bend the light, IT IS ALSO TRUE THAT ULTIMATELY IT IS THAT EXACT PRINCIPLE WHICH IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY TO CREATE (MATTER OUT OF LIGHT). (Since the light won't continue nesting it's quanta in a circle unless that centering force caused by embedding remains. ) This would explain further why planets only sustain gravity by assuming an embeddable (dodeca) shape to their long waves (grid). And in so doing, as Gurdjieff said, begin to experience gravity relations erotically - in somewhat the same way as coherent emotions feed the Earth.
Further reading on Braeshith - origin of thing ness - first word of Genesis - being specifically how to turn inside out as a symmetry principle -
Advanced syllabus
Unified Field Precis..
1) Mind Aligns (Permits Compression) among Waves.
3.Matter is created from Aether by Compression.
4.Non linearity of the vortex, is the origin of matter.
5.Energy in the aether, IS the Centripetal Origin, (Creation),
Counter-thrust to Entropy.
6.The path out of chaos for any oscillator is ability of the principle
of embedability.
7.Feelings have shape.
8.Feeling is made of magnetic lines, folding "nondestructively"
9.Emotion is magnetism, energy in motion BETWEEN frequencies.
This is the scalar wave we have called gravity.
10.Where gravity is most dense capacitive power spectra is power
of phi.
11.When magnetic lines braid by ratio phi, waves accelerate thru
light speed, making soul force & ability to lucid dream...(reason
to learn hygiene
of ecstatic process.
12.That this braid can be influenced by sonic waves from glands
(loving ekg)
right in the DNA. Carrier wave in DNA is UV thread, braid
to string to rope to fat rope, envelope to carrier ratio phi until
the inertia of envelope implodes
its own carriers making soul. psychologically this requires sorting
more and more ringing in your ears the DNA of your ancestors yearning.
12) What you see when you close your eyes depends on this penetration of biology's magnetism thru light-speed.
13) Genepools survive directly into embedding into planets & stars by this principle, of waves inhabiting or embedding larger waves.
14) Surviving the solar storm requires this achieving of "scale invariance".
15) To Inhabit is to Embed (Incarnate)
16) Embedability is Phi-Lo Tactic (Recursion Perfected)
>From: "Marijn Clarie" <marijn.clarie@rug.ac.be>
>To: <lophi618@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Fw: some questions...
>Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:46:22 +0200
>Dear Mr. Winter,
>My name is Marijn Clarie and I'm a student comparative sciences
of culture at the university of Ghent in Belgium. I have recently
watched your three volume video series "The physics of love
and compassion" and read quite a few articles at the soulinvitation
website. Most of what is said there I can grasp intuitively, but
there are a few things which I don't see very clear yet. To put
it differently, I would say that I understand most of the topics
individually, but I have problems to see all the connections between
the topics, particularly between
> a.. the unique property of the golden mean to allow for non-destructive
interference of sums and multiples of waves,
> b.. coherence among waves which means that they embed or
become fractal or take the form of a cadduceus (3-dimensional
sine wave)
> c.. the first major septrum (fourrier transform of the already
transformed waves) peak as indicator of coherence among waves;
ORDERED OR COHERENT"? Is it necessary to use graphics for
understanding this or is there a more intuitive explanation for
> d.. the phase component of a fourrier transform (I have seen
Fourrier Transformation in school (topic of choice), but with
emphasis on the non-mathematical side of it; I know that there
are two components: amplitude and phase), particularly the relation
between coherence among waves and what you call phase "discipline".
> e.. standing waves which have nodes (points who stand still)
and moving parts between the nodes (I saw this in school as well),
and the function of the mind to "allign the still points".
Why do these nodes have to be alligned for the waves to become
> f.. energy which becomes matter when it is forced from lineair
direction to circular direction. Could you give an example of
what you mean by "only love bends the light, therefore only
love creates". If love creates matter, do you mean matter
inside or outside the body of the person who loves? Or am I wrong
interpreting this sentence literaly?
> g.. turning inside out of waves. I understand that turning
the heart inside out is necessary to allow the waves outside of
yourself to be felt inside without "damaging" the shape
of the original outside waves, but what is the connection with
"only love bends the light, therefore only love creates"?
> h.. symmetry and quantum physics: Why is symmetry the key
word in understanding quantum physics and particularly the connections
between standing waves and weak and strong nuclear forces?
> i.. time and fractality. I don't see very clear how time
can be fractal. I connect fractality with patterns of waves, but
I don't see how time fits in that.
>I realise that I ask a lot from you. Therefore many thanks
in advance. I really hope that you continue your groundbreaking
research in the future; I've often wondered why there is so very
little known about your work, for instance by people who study
physics. The main topic in string theory nowadays is (super)symmetry,
isn't it?
>one final question: Are there already devices on the market
which can measure emotional coherence with the method you discovered?
If no, is it difficult to make one by myself?
>Kind regards,
>Marijn Clarie
>Marijn Clarie
>Diksmuidse Heerweg 406
>8200 Sint Andries (Bruges)
>TEL (032) 050 39 12 27
hi from dan
last question first
the device IS available now
please see
could you also please see
for more background
the unique property of the golden mean to allow for non-destructive interference of sums and multiples of waves,
A: recursive adding and multiplying to produce constructive
heterdynes is ONLY possible in golden mean
* coherence among waves which means that they embed or become
fractal or take the form of a cadduceus (3-dimensional sine wave)
* the first major septrum (fourrier transform of the already transformed
waves) peak as indicator of coherence among waves; why is it that
Is it necessary to use graphics for understanding this or is there
a more intuitive explanation for it?
* the phase component of a fourrier transform (I have seen Fourrier
Transformation in school (topic of choice), but with emphasis
on the non-mathematical side of it; I know that there are
two components: amplitude and phase), particularly the relation
between coherence among waves and what you call phase "discipline".
when the phase different between the peaks of the first FFT (power
spectra) is ordered
THEN the peak in the second order FFT (septrum) appears
that is the definition - and here the MEASURE of coherence
* standing waves which have nodes (points who stand still) and moving parts between the nodes (I saw this in school as well), and the function of the mind to "allign the still points". Why do these nodes have to be alligned for the waves to become coherent?
shareable waves a propagable...
why does a laser go farther than a flashlight... same physics
* energy which becomes matter when it is forced from lineair direction to circular direction. Could you give an example of what you mean by "only love bends the light, therefore only love creates". If love creates matter, do you mean matter inside or outside the body of the person who loves? Or am I wrong interpreting this sentence literaly?
Whatever creates the centering force to keep the wave going in
a circle (that which makes the
inertia which physics labels"mass"- )is the real creator..
embedding creates the centering force - because charge self-similarity
is what creates the charge compression which einstein failed to
(because he did not understand self similarity of charge IS the
compression called gravity)
love creates the centering force, because it - is the learning
of turning inside out
that MAKES the charge compress which starts the wind to center..
when bends the wave from the circle into the line...
* turning inside out of waves. I understand that turning the heart inside out is necessary to allow the waves outside of yourself to be felt inside without "damaging" the shape of the original outside waves, but what is the connection with "only love bends the light, therefore only love creates"?
please see
* symmetry and quantum physics: Why is symmetry the key word in understanding quantum physics and particularly the connections between standing waves and weak and strong nuclear forces?
A: any conventional physicist will tell you all matter and
physics is simply a question of learning symmetry
water follows magnetism follows symmetry follows awareness..
* time and fractality. I don't see very clear how time can be fractal. I connect fractality with patterns of waves, but I don't see how time fits in that.
spiral calendar
much lo phi
dan winter
GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Making "Light" of Word)
A Physics of Self/Reference as Consciousness Glossary:
by Dan Winter
"Blue fire": the collected cellular accumulations
of coherent ultra-violet or blue light. Because this blue light
drives DNA and mediates the most orderly metabolism, it is in
a sense an ultimate product of cell biology. When gathered among
glands for whole body process or massage, this blue fire becomes
the stuff of eros, orgone, and sexuality. Attention/ foreplay/
massage gathers it like a snake charmed, first to the glands around
the base of the spine, the so called "blue dish" . Then,
if the base of the spine is open, and properly tilted, and if
the heart and gland sonics are massaging the envelope sonically,
they can be pumped up the spine like a straw, exploding sweetness
and growth into the upper brain and crown chakra. In addition
to a sweet reward natural feedback, this precipitates a field
which feeds coherent nutrient to the larger Earth grid..
braiding: in the sense of your lovers pony tail, only certain wave(weave)lengths will fit upon the length of the tail compared to the number of hairs. If the number of weaves fit the nest, then you may be able to braid the braid... of the braid. Each time a much longer wave is nested in a disciplined or "phase locked" fashion. On biological surfaces, this means that the information of worlds of much larger size can reach their inertia into the biology which has found a way to integrate or contain wavelengths the size of... whole glands or even continents.. into living cells. This is how emotions program DNA, and even Schumann resonance Earth waves get into trees, informing Earth's biomass of the needs of Earth as a ringing bell inviting tuning.
Ecstatic process: any activity centering mind into body and perception in such a way as to bring all awareness into the present. This results in a concentric wave nesting of the "fractal attractor" of attention. This phase locks or brings to focus at one point, waves of increasing cascades of different length. In quantum or wave terms, this engages the principle of self-organization among pressure waves which occurs whenever they are brought to focus. This is because in wave interference patterns drawn to the focal point attracted by symmetry, order self replicates, and disorder SELF-destructs. Ecstatic process uses the activities of symmetry making in the geometry of awareness, to get attention/awareness so focused or phase locked that worlds within worlds of wave length and "embodiment" converge to share inertia or mind. The symmetry or pattern making activity necessary to attract this critical "mass" of awareness or wave front centers is enacted in the human condition on rollercoasters, in dance and ritual, in sexuality, tantra and kundalini, etc. When we get a handle on the inertia centers of wave fields of increasing size, we can make our feelings felt in larger worlds. The wave geometry or shape of feelings, thus get leverage eventually upon whole bioregions, planets, ... longer waves. When we attempt to gain this symmetry making power among waves externally by adding symmetry to synapse with chemically induced ecstatcy we make certain sacrifices. Unable to fabricate our own ecstacy, we induce a fraction of the chemistry which normally just mediates instead of induces the superconduction in the brain. Brain coherence without the resonance linkage and pure intention to the larger mind, is like a top spun up without first balancing the spin point. Only the heart has enough symmetry to lock/touch the pressures and prepare the field. Human cells, and human cultures cannot survive without the informing context of disciplined ecstatic process. Formerly ecstacy was taught only by religion and cults. Now, as cancer and AIDS spread exactly where cultural ecstacy and ritual are forgotten, we must teach this outer and inner spiritual dance because the lives of our children depend on it.
Coherence: (Co-here-and-see). and coherent emotion.
Same meaning in math, in hydronamics (wave theory), and in poetry:
all the meanings or waves fit one nest in order. Suggestive of
columnation, cascading, phase locking or phase discipline. Onset
coherence in light is a laser, in emotion is a piezoelectric glandular
mediated real felt motion ready to waltz up and down the ladder
of wave ratio between worlds. There is a relationship
between the poetic, the optical, the mathematical definitions
of coherence. Further, it suggests our new technique of
second order FFT (frequency signature OF the frequency signature),
as a powerful way to access, measure, quantify, feedback, and
teach COHERENCE. Consider the heart's distribution of voltage
waves as if it were a simple light beam trying hard to become
so powerful as to be worthy to be called "a laser".
Then our question about measuring heart coherence becomes the
same one as a laser optics physicist attempting to predict the
moment at which a light beam became "coherent" enough
to penentrate distances like a laser. The internal "coherence"
or columnation of phases within the single beam would determine
how penetrating was that beam.
So too with the heart. We know that the heart electricities effect
the immune system and the environment. Therefore the more sustainable
these heart "waves", the more effective in bending their
environment. So we need a way to teach people to make their heart
"waves" sustainable, that is: able to reach further
without collapsing as waves. We provide this "heartlink"
as a tool to measure this "coherence", and feed it back
in such a way as to make it teachable.
The first peak of the second order FFT clearly rises animatedly
as a persons heart coherence or heart harmonics rise in the first
fft. The key step in realizing the technical meaning of the word
coherece, in this regard, is to understand that a SINGLE wave
or parameter in a technical sense, does not HAVE coherence.
Note below, in the physics literature: definition of coherence:
"Coherence--A mathematical algorithm expressing a quantitative
measure of the spatial or temporal relationships between two or
more parameters. Simple coherence is the ratio of the square of
the absolute magnitude of the cross spectral density function
between two parameters and the product of the power spectral densities
for each individual parameter. (For a generalized definition of
coherence, including multiple and partial coherence, see Goodman,
1965.)" TWO parameters usually are COMPARED to talk about
coherence. So, we could not describe the ekg as a wave as having
coherence IF we think of it as a single parameter. However, if
we were to consider each of the sine waves arranged in the complex
series we call the frequency signature or power spectra or FFT
( of the heart voltage) , THEN we could talk about the COHERENCE
BETWEEN those internal harmonics. THIS is indeed what I believe
this second order frequency plot (fft) does for the heartlink.
Specifically, that the height or amplitude of the first peak of
that plot, is a measure of whether those harmonics of the first
FFT are evenly spaced (OR LITERALLY PHASE DISCIPLINED or coherent).
What indeed is powerful here is that this technique of taking
the second order FFT OF ANY OSCILLATOR , now can be understood
as a way to quantify the INTERNAL harmonic COHERENCE OF ANY OSCILLATOR.
What happens practically, is that the second FFT CHECKS to see
if the space or PHASE between the harmonics of the first FFT are
even or disciplined. If yes, then the amplitude of the first peak
this becomes an elegant tool to quantify and teach coherence.
Embedability (Idealized Recursion): The ability of a
short wave to embed or nest non destructively in a larger one.
Similar to Fractality. See how this is IMMERSIVE, in the sense
it allows one biological oscillator to enter another. To begin
the process is SELF RE-Entry, optimized by PHI, the Golden Mean..
Similar to : Wave geometry which can SURVIVE COMPRESSION NON-DESCTRUCTIVELY.
This is a geometric wave picture of empathy and compassion. To
Inhabit is to Embed, which is the same as "getting inside
of" in order to steer. This empathic path actually starts
with the electricity of the heart LEARNING TO MAKE THE FRACTAL
Fractal (fractality/fractal attractor): when the small
part of a pattern contains a miniature of the whole pattern, it
is said to be self-embedded, or recursive. This kind of symmetry
among waves, permit the long, to cascade right into the same pattern
in the short wave, creating a cascade or vortex or attractor.
This IS Ability to Embed; EMBEDABILITY, which is the wave mechanic
skill to center yourself in a wave form and steer it= TO INHABIT.
(mathematically identical to compassion/empathy)
The self-sameness of the symmetry of the nucleus to the symmetry
of the electron shell, for example permits the scalar spin vortex
"translation of vorticity"(turning from long to short
wave) we call gravity. The inertia which passes inside out through
center, gives us identified in the wave lengths out here, the
illusion that gravity's cascade goes only one way. In reality
what has been folded inside out into finer order in the center
of atoms and planets, in the unified field of gravity's wave cascade,
becomes the bloodstream passed between planets in erotic play.
This self-same scalar wave cascade "fractal attractor"
by symmetry, also makes up the field nesting we call consciousness,
which is born of and defined by recursion itself. The more we
are occupied in our attention by the at-first-in-principle of
self-embedded IAM THAT I AM, the more the fields of consciousness
nest and are leveraged by our "mind". The purpose of
the ONENESS when present in one node of the hologram, draws the
inertia of all to it. Thus true power is self-limiting by pure
intention (or symmetry) inside itself.
fractionation: (as opposite of fractality): when the order of a complex woven kind of self organizing.. anything.. is chopped up into little pieces... which all the kings horses and all the kings men can't put back together again. Your best picture has no meaning when rendered into little pieces. How can we be nourished after we chop up all the order in our grains and vegetables before we consume them. The long wave order IS the food. Apple sauce has no tingle, only biting into the whole apple adds that kind of spin to you. Among waves, spin is the only catchment for memory. The context of the long wave is not present after the air or the water is passed through a screen or a sieve. It becomes fractionated, unbraided, and lifeless. Fractionation in cultures is called: a-part-meant, and it occurs when the long magnetic grid braids of earth are chopped up by cities where geomancy and grid engineering are unknown. The skin of Earth becomes cancerous this way.
Geometry of Pressure: since the unified field tells us of only one essentially compressible medium, then the universe is literally one contiguous folded surface and a "geometry of pressure". Tesla called voltage simply tension or pressure. Electromagnetic voltage modulates the three other supposed "separate" and "fundamental" forces of physics. (Even gravity becomes magnetic in the monopole- cascade by ratio). We should not permit our physics to fractionate our awareness into the schizophrenia of imagining more than one substance to our universe. No data ever truly supported the hypothesis that more than one compressible unified field existed in the universe. We can see and feel that we the medium, are the message.
grok: in the sci-fi sense of to encounter an idea, surround it with your beingness of attention, "consume it's perspective", and understand it all at once "of a piece".. this is the "long wave" way of knowing, as opposed to atomized, piecemeal, fractionated dissections of knowing.. short waves.
Inertia: the tendancy for movement to continue in its path. We measure the amount of inertia stored by waves when persuaded by symmetry to go in circles, and we call this mass or matter.
Lo-phi (love). When the nest of electrical and sound
pressure fields around the heart converge in golden mean ratio
wave nests, then unlimited information transfer between worlds
can cascade. Waves find this arithmetic and geometric heterodyne
or beat note non-interference pattern, most touch permissive.
EL-(the turn or phase shift) (in)LO-(frequnecy)PHI-(ratio). The
PHI or golden mean ratio has been found in the frequency between
harmonics of the heart at the moment of sending love, and (in
the "Sentics" measurements of emotion) in the ratio
of the moment of maximum pressure in the shape of the hug or squeeze
you give to send love. The soft V sound in love suggests the fiveness
from whose square root PHI is derived, and from which the wave
softness or touchability of love radiates.
Recursion/Embeddedness/ Fractality: Suppose a short little wave
would like to nest cozily and non-destructively on a larger carrier
wave. The ratio of that "embedding" or braiding of a
short on long wave would be something like the Phi-lotactic branching
algorhythmn of tree ness. In fact the first fractals looked like
fern trees. The ratio of a short wave which can best embed on
a long is in Phi or Golden Mean proportion. This is the best nesting
algorhythmn for waves to share spin non-destructively.
In a computer program, a "do loop" which can nest inside
another, inside another, infinitely, could produce infinite recursion,
or self-iteration. Irving Dardik calls this expression of a turn
inside a turn: "super-looping". In a geometric sense
when pattern or foldedness can nest inside itself layer in layer,
this becomes the fingerprint of fractality.
Non-Destructive Interference: As all waves or frequencies cross each other in the universe, they are not just ships passing in the night. Each time they truly cross paths and "share spin", they have kids. The making of children among waves is called (appropriately) "conjugal" relations. This means they coming into the touch or focus point for two waves, creates a continuous SYSTEM of interference. This is called "heterodyning" or beat note interference. What's neat is that each time waves do this crossing and touching, they must ADD each others wave lengths repeatedly, if the wave lengths of those children waves is to still fit the pattern of the wave nest and not fight. When the continuous repeated adding of the wave lengths is RECURSIVE (able to always RECUR), this effectively means that in addition to adding each others wave lengths (AND velocities), that the waves begin to both ADD AND MULTIPLY each other AT THE SAME TIME. This produces the perfection of this EMBEDDING OR NESTING, which is a BRANCHING PATTERN which is repeatedly PENT (re-pents), in all PHI RATIO. This PERFECT BRANCHING in all PHI ratio in NATURE is called "PHI-llotaxis, and it the way leaves unfold in plants based on the GOLDEN MEAN, to PERFECTLY SHARE the light. (Later this branch was called SCION, or the Priori de scion.. jon, john.. perfect branching in the blood). So as all waves pack, they must arrange themselves into a symmetry (a pattern) where their inertia, their "nodes" do not cancel each other. In order to get the maximum number of wave nodes or peaks "nested" in ALL CONSTRUCTIVE interference, branching by GOLDEN MEAN ratio- ELIMINATES DESTRUCTIVE ADDING AND MULTIPLYING OF THOSE WAVES. The result is "in-PHI-knit" all CONSTRUCTIVE interference which in the long wave phi ratio (lo-phi wave) is CALLED: "permission to touch" for waves! Note that the wave form for love on the HeartLink and in the Sentic music literature appears to both use the GOLDEN RATIO interval.
Recursive or recursion: (see also non-destructive wave
interference): When any system or wave is taught to re-enter itself
in such a way that it keeps coming back to the same center point,
that steerage for spin pattern, is said to be "able to recur".
Thing of the little bit of magnetism coming out the top of your
heart like a squeezed beet. When the magnetic squirt gun learns
how to send the head of it's energy worm back down around the
vortex donut in such a way that it is never lost on the spin path
back into itself, it is then "self-embedded", or RECURSIVE.
(See ANU/Heart/Heart of Sun 7/5 spin perfect implosion slop knot
clairvoyance maps ../heartsun/HeartofSun.html
This in-side out skill to steer a wave back into itself is also
called SELF-reference. This is the wave geometry of self awareness.
A golden mean spiral is the only way a wave can re-enter ITSELF
non-destructively. So to re-cur and thus self-reenter self-aware,
is the skill to make magnetism squirt into that perfect GOLDEN
MEAN valentine.. the EM(bed)PATH.
Self-Not/Self: Has been used to describe the membrane of
separateness or the cell wall or the human skin, which make up
the immune system. As a wave mechanic, all dividing membranes
are comprised of woven fields whose phase coherence or wave order
determines how long till the bubble pops. Add spin and you add
life to the bubble. The index to which spins can be added to the
surface of a bubble, is which spins can be supoerposed on the
surface of symmetry itself. Forests get a sonic skin when the
bioacoustic habitat contains ALL frequencies. Emotions missing
from the spectra of the cell membranes surface, tell us which
wave length doorways are unlocked in the self-not self.
The Mathematical name for the principle that cell membrances are
composed of only the waves which "make music"/phase
lock, together, is called "Structural Stability and Morphogenesis".
In human terms this means that membranes- self/not-self are neat
woven blankets which occur when the waves of emotion/feeling nest
in harmony. Practically, this means that if there is one harmonic
missing from your voice ("Signature Sound Works"), or
one harmonic missing from your brainwaves (Marty Wuttke/the end
of addiction), or one emotion missing from your choice of what
you can FEEL, then there is a hole in your blanket, or rather,
cell membrance.
Self-Reference/Self-Awareness: You were getting angry,
then you became aware, that you were AWARE you were getting angry...
then you became aware that you were aware that you were aware....
you were getting angry. Each time you got outside youself to look
at your self, you got more perspective or context in your understanding
of your own anger. As a result you had more ability to steer the
direction of your emotion with a large horizon of awareness.
The only angle at which a wave can re-enter itself or refer to
itself non-destructively is the phi spiral. This then is the optimal
geometry of self reference or self awareness. It becomes measureable
in the magnetic angle of the hearts "wings" at the moment
of compassion or embedding. It becomes evident in the PHI harmonics
of the brain and heart at the moments of peak awareness.
--more work needed: Needing richer meaning: (this list is incomplete
and in process)
phi, golden mean, recursion, philotaxis, fractal, fractal recursion,
braid, spin, spin path, embedding, perfect embedding, fractal
algorhythmn, spin density, coherence at laminar & molecular
levels, perfect wave fractal, vivification, ELF magnetic Resonance,
psychokinetic, superluminal DNA, para-magnet, chaotic oscillator,
scale invariance, heterodyning, dodeca implosion, Torus Donut,
harmonic, sub-harmonic, fractal flower, Merkabbah Tetra Meditation,
dimpling, wratchet, star fractal portals, Enochian keys,
orgone cloud buster, Phase Conjugate Mirror, Tetra/CubeOcta, Phi
Ratio Caddeuceus of Capacitors, clockwise centripedal
pentagram, Incanabula, wormholes, bardo bridges, shaamanic time
tunnels, cosmic fractal biocrystal.......and others.....
Hello Dan,
Here are the words that need to be added to the glossary of terms.
Some may be there already.
They would best be defined as they apply to your research, not
as dictionary terms obviously.
Harmonic Analysis (Fast Fourier Transform and the Power Spectra
- is simply a way of looking at what pure tones - musical
notes (sine waves) of different lengths are woven together to
produce any complex wave (everything in the universe is a complex
wave - made only of pure sine waves of different lengths. Harmonic
analysis -synonyms to Power Spectra & Mathematics-Fast Fourier
Transform - are ways to get at the frequency recipe for ANYTHING!
& b.) why is this the most precise possible language to describe
c. ) How is this practically applied to Spectrum Analyzing the
EKG to TEACH coherent Emoting.
d.,) More on Sentics and the Musical Language giving RATIO definition
Haploidal DNA
cepstrum septrum
Braid (Plait)
String Theory
Shareable - able by nature to be distributable.., in
the psychological sense - an emotion which could be shared
'non-destructively' as in perhaps a very universal perspective,
and in the related physical sense a wave form which by it's nature
could be passed without resistance among all the rest of the waves
of the universe... in essence: pure symmetry. Note this
requirement to reach essence and shareability seems to imply necessarily:
perfect compressibility!
Anu - ultimate subatomic particle, depicted originally
clairvoyantly in theosophy, (a 5 spin inside, 7 spin outside perfect
little heart
shaped 'slip knot") latter seemingly justified to current
subatomic physics in Phillips work: www.SMPhillips.8m.com , morphically
resonant (identical?) to human heart, and heart of the sun PURE
Slipknot - knot theory becomes consciousness theory
as recursion learns to hold a wave shape.. "Kauffman"
work Univ Chicago,etc.
Essentially if you can see the wave shape as a boy scout variety
sustainable slip knot, chances are you have the chutzpah to do
it with
the ethers in your heart to so create matter out of light: "slip
(k)not cosmic donut maker". (Most people know what a slip
knot is,
however knot theory becomes profound pure wave principle of creation
when we understand that this is how waves get enough of
themselves going into rotation to store inertia - the ONLY way
to CREATE mass... or ANYthing!).
Morphic- Resonance- Resonance or information inertia
transfer among wave systems which is enabled principly or purely
SIMILARITY OF SHAPE ALONE.. (Made famous by Rupert Sheldrake,
etc.). For example there is good physics to the witch
creating the right kind of doll to effect a human of the same
shape. Or a zodiac map of Orion having the shape of major architecture
on Giza, causing a bleed thru of powerful energy.. (across spectra.).
Sub atomic level - smaller than atoms. (Referring mostly
in sacred geometry studies to pure geometric models of the symmetries
which link bosons - items inside the nucleus. Chemist Moon for
example at Univ. Chicago showing the parts inside the nucleus
arrange themselves like the platonic solids, even like the shells
of the electrons...)
Fusion - point at which many waves can come to phase
lock at one "node" / foci. There ALL is sorted. The
potential to gather more
than 3 oscillating wave systems up to infinite numbers come to
ONE point - perfect FUSION - seems to depend on PHI / Golden Ratio
wave ratios. Discussion: ../fusion
Genetic Memory - In sacred geometrics here, emphasis
is on memory in genes as storeable BECAUSE fusion / implosion
in DNA
'dodecahedral' perfect Golden Mean PACKING, creates VERY SHAREABLE
WAVES. Think of a lightning bolt down the center
zipper of blissful / ensouled genetic material able to keep constant
modem contact with the morphic resonance of the whole genome
central internet library. Perfect relaxion into embedding yielding
hi 'baud' (info density transfer) rate to collective mind.
Squeeze - dynamics of all wave systems (all creation),
seems to be rigorously describeable as pressure changes in a unversal
(ether). So how the pattern of "good squeezins" among
those waves becomes cookbook to create ANYTHING. Examples: emotion
shape of hug / squeeze . Voltage is another name for pressure/tension
electrically - the squeeze. Surviving death or black hole
insertion or time travel seems to be simply arranging your wave
to be able to survive squeezing with no destruction .. (see also
invariance', & ../scaleinvariant ). Key implication here:
WHY is shared compassion IDENTICAL to perfect
Sustainable Wave - patterns among waves (in other words
everything that is), which by virtue of symmetry - keep on waving
/ last
forever. Sustainability in architecture for example, ultimately
is a pure symmetry issue of how to make ALL structural interference
NON-destructive. (Clearly points to self-embedding as the ONLY
way archtecture OR data EVER become perfectly compressible and
THEREFORE sustainable.)
Charge Radiant - when the emission path for charge or
capacitance (or sound or light or.... any spectra).. look like
the Sufi heart
within heart with wings (see animation), the radiance of that
charge can continue forever with no inherent resistance. Acheiving
'perfect INSIDE is the OUTSIDE', as the mechanism of bliss, is
a teachable SYMMETRY skill in how the heart learns to shape it's
field. Here fabricating perfect IMPLOSION makes a fire that consumes
only what is NOT shareable, and becomes the PHIRE mind
'inhabits'. When you see someone radiant, think: 'was it great
caring about others' that lit the fire which sustained itself?
How is the
electrical solution to radiance the SAME as the psychological
To Inhabit: To RECURrently reenter as a wave. "Breath" of el-eye-PHI. (Similar to - to be able to self refer and thus recur.)
Ensoulment - in my view, clearly DNA makes a worm thru
light speed up its core zipper. This is an important descriptor
of whether
memory will survive death, or dream entry, or shamanic journey.
I believe soon we will understand a relationship between implosion
hygiene in DNA that knows bliss, and what creates that connection
to lightning's wormhole, and what religion calls SOUL. (really
means: SOL - as in - having the GENETIC means to inhabit the SUN.)
discussion: ../ensoulment
Penetrate Stars - The same symmetry cookbook for waves
getting 'screwed in right' to go thru stars, which were the glyphs
STYARGATE movie, are the true Enochian alphabet. The gravity furnace
in star cores is the only effective star entry slingshot
available for gene/gland magnetics gone faster than light (souls).
Once we know perfect recursion/embedding solves Einstein's
dilemna of perfect implosion, we shall have the map to all heart's
of gravity. Recommend keyword search on 'landscape zodiac' for
examples of how star penetration is aided by magnetic maps on
the land - sacred space as morphicly universal / archtypal.
Phonon Ponytail - when sound travels in liquid it is
call a phonon wave. When the heart sounds trails thru living cells
it leaves eddy's
in the liquid current which are literally the decision tree for
DNA braiding.. which looks like a loving pony tail, when there
is love.
DNA's decision tree selecting which codons get access to replicate,
is therefore literally a (n emotional) matter of the HEART!
Morphology - SHAPE ology. Morph also means to CHANGE
shape.. shape 'shifting'. In our unified field cosmology we say
everything is made of the same universal substance, SHAPE (morphology)
is the ONLY thing we have EVER had the privelege of
NAMING. (Important to remember when you start understanding how
the hearts philosopher's stone turns other atoms into gold. /
biological transmutation is at heart limited only by the steerage
INTENTION provides to waves!)
Vorticity - The study of what happens to all waves shortly
after you pull the plug in your bathtub: a vortex forms. The shape
where each molecule goes in a path down the vortex throat is a
rich study in ' how vorticity TRANSLATES movement' from a line
in one plane to a circle in a perpendicular one. The perfect way
to do this is GOLDEN MEAN ("yellow brick road to oz")
and in my
view originates the fine structure constant.
Unpacking - only certain shapes can unfold perfectly forever - consult a rose for details, then steer your heart accordingly?
Gene Pools - Everyone into the POOL, the water's fine.
The ocean accepts all rivers, but sets the final level. Because
DNA is so
implosive, it operates informationally within planetary gravity
bubbles like ours, from a common library core. This is particularly
true when enough relaxation happens to embed and ground.
Fractality - Amount of self-similarity. When the pattern
inside is self similar to the pattern outside. Then the pattern
can RECUR and
recur and recur. Example: heart within heart valentine eternal
zoom. Example 2: Fern tree looks like 1 branch looks like 1 leaf
looks like 1 leaf tip, looks like....
Compassion / Compression - Getting the information pattern
of a feeling outside your body to share a space non-destructively
with an
electrical feeling INSIDE your body, becomes ultimately (&
'topologically inside out'), a simple problem of perfect COMPRESSION.
It is thrilling that we can now TEACH that - when HEART harmonics
create the 'embedable' Golden Mean harmonics at BLISS /
compassion moments!
Coherence - In a laser, when the light waves all get
'columnated' like soldiers walking in step. Makes them more able
to travel further
together since they lose less 'spin' on the way. Heart's get electrically
COHERENT when emotion gets COHERENT. Heart feedback
(2nd order frequency signatures) measure and teach this skill.
('Little Johnny you stay in the corner until your heart harmonic
you have become coherent - emotionally intelligent- again' ) discussion:
Chaos - what happens when waves have no boundary conditions.
(disorder / opposite of awareness / unable to recur). Versus:
Fractality - what happens when waves survive the ultimate boundary
condition - infinite compression. (same as awareness / able to
Also could you put together an encompassing list of your anagramed words, ie; el-eye-phi = life phi-cycle= physical ?
.. this might take a little longer.. let me check the music of my inner voice...
5. Also have you done any research to see if PI has changed
physically or on a planetary level?
The earth's frequecy has changed, the measurable heart beat any
relation to PI?
PHI approximating 7/5 PI/e seems constant.. What evolves by
'morphic resonance' is the number and PHI relation of contained
harmonics in say the coeur of hydrogen, and in human EKG, as they
must for us as a solar system to get closer to solar fusion.
(more spin axis embedded mean more stars whispering inside our
Bibliographic suggestions
Embedability & the heart biofeedback by Dan Winter
Tutankhamon Prophecies by Cotterell
Gramatical Man - Information, Entropy, Language and Life by Jeremy Campbell
Serpent - Narby
Raw and the Cooked, Eliade
Zachariah Sitchen
Anna Hayes
Innana Returns
Return of Enki
Law's of Form
Sentics by Manfred Clynes
Structural Stability and Morphogenesis
Hebraic Tongue Restored - Antoine Fabre D'Olivet
Willed Mutation of the Species by Satprem
Starlight Elixirs - Hilarion / Pegasus Press.. (Lists the psychological effects on Earth from cultures on many stars).
Macrodynamics - by Abraham
Oliver Reiser - Cosmic Humanism
Mathematics of The Cosmic Mind , & book "Tetratys" by Plummer (Theosophic Press) - Inspiration for Star Mother Kit - WHY would the summed internal angles of all the nested platonics equal the years in precession. Is rotation the way time is measured?
Primer on Energy = Primer on Rotation.
Black Sun -Sagan - 'Point Pairing' Sci-Fi Intro to Shamanic Pod star navigating.
Dune Series - Frank Herbert, & Son & Bill Ransom
www.wingmakers.com , www.trufax.org, ..,www.sangraal.com
Guardians of the Grail by Robert Morningsky
Genesis of the Grail Kings by Lawrence Gardner
Stalking the Wild Pendulum* by Ben Bentov
Cosmic Book
Taking the Quantum Leap - by Fred Wolf
Defending Sacred Ground by Alex Collier, Andromedan Perspective
edited by Val Valerian
Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe* by Michael Schneider
Pandora's Box by Alex Christopher
Two Thirds by David Percy and David Myers, Aulis Press, London
Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey
the series by Zacharia Sitchin
Spiral Calendar by Carol Ann
Weather Engineering on the High Seas by Trevor Constable
grail series summary:
Holy Blood Holy Grail
Messianic Legacy
Temple and the Lodge
Sword and the Grail
Holy Grail Across the Atlantic
Pandora's Box
Bloodline of the Holy Grail (see review in Nexus)
His Holy Place
recommended by susan
Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
Starseed: The Third Millineum by Ken Carey
The Way of the Scout by Tom Brown Jr. (The Tracker and others
in series)
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Henry Lincoln
Temple & The Lodge
Messianic Legacy
Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Wiliamson
Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Urban Shaman by Dr Kahil King
Mutant Message by Marlo Morgan
Monuments on Mars by Richard Hogland
Smoke on the Water by ?
Anti Gravity & the Earth Grid by David Hatcher Childress