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Labyrinth: at "The Lodge at Sedona" ---------------------------------- |
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Constructing Color Rope Labyrinth at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA |
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Colorful Portable Fabric Labyrinth at "The Pavilion" at Taliesin West |
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Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A. Appealing to All Spiritual Traditions.. |
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After seeing this, please compare to the Valnaapa, Ophanim Star Map in Aboriginal Australia's Flinders Range..<(sorry link down)..
The great "Reverend Mother" Star Map story behind all this is now at ../magdalen
return to Sacred Geometry master index ../sitemap.html
Remember the moment, was it Hans Solo who was frozen as a face/"frieze" profile into carbon crystal in Star Wars..?
Seems the rate at which the spins recurs slows.. imagine your baud rate as a being if the time it took you to twitch your nose, were the millenia it takes for rock on the face of a the land to move. The forces of the "will" of the weather can move emotionally, even as the collective direction of species DNA evolution can have will ("Willed Mutation of the Species" by Satprem.)
Thus it doesn't mean that incarnating into a rock prevents you from being self aware (read:recursive enough as a wave function be be self-referrentially self organizing)..
it merely means that the time scale (baud?) of your awareness changes from thought/moves per second, to thought moves per millenia. Just a difference of time windows within which you gather waves into the recursive foci we call perception.
In John Michell's book "Simulacra" he gives hundreds of examples of FACES appearing on land and rock forms. Seemingly in direct response to the evolution of will and awareness in that land.
If the folds on the surface of an egg zygote, begin to manifest the kind of folding we call "FACE" ("time to prepare a face to meet all the faces you meet..") ,
then you know that (Labyrinthine) TURNING INSIDE OUT has occured.. , and a "PER SUN ALL EYE TIE" IS EVOLVING. (Read: THRU the Sun -principle of perfected turning inside out, a way to tie foci.. into self organization)..(See the dimpling on the soap bubble of the egg precipitating birth as the onset of the recursion induced by sperm charge spin, allowing little tornadoe to stand permanently... holding turning inside out into the self organizing donut field we call "baby")
Well, when that birth of magnetic field recursion happens on the scale of the faces of tectonic plates, we report the evolution of awareness, the scale of planets. The refolding of land surface into a long wave magnetic gathering of the threads into face/reorganized magnetics, creates organs of perception the scale of tectonic faces.
Examples are replete in the literature. (Simulacra etc.) Also note that star scapes as fractals of zodiac laid out dramatically on the land, exist at Glastonbury, at Rennes Les Chateaux... the grail of a fractal of pentagonal layout of Virgo in the alignment of the star points of the Templar Gothic cathedrals in their placement on the land. Reference also to The Sioux Star Map, Adam on Diamond, at St Joseph, Missouri (Miranda), the ARKHOM star map on new england (Peter Champeaux), the Trinity Point, Star Map in Virginia. In general we have the evidence of the Ophanic Angelic directive that a 144 zodiac landscape star scape fractals would flower on the land like seed projections of star faces onto the face of sunflower, the surface of a planet flowering birth. Here "galactically resonant human emotion" could be born, by wave guiding the projection of human emotion, by fractal morphic resonance from glands, to tectonic (songline/wormholes) to inhabiting stars to stabilize their birth by adding recursion/awareness. This his how angels have children.
Eagle Morph:
The central cup of the "Green Stone" was the Ontario shield (beryl green). This was one of the oldest most stable tectonic plate faces. It was at the base of the cup, of the georgian bay center of the original cup shape of the continents when they were arranged into the shape of the fetus which studies of ancient continent collisions call PanGaia.
Into this cup, fell the star seed of the original insemination of angelic dna. (Read "Merk" in "Secret Places of the Lion", by George Hunt Williamscon.) . Now this "Green Stone's" center became the "Keystone" state. The Center of which (Pennsyvania) is where the Masonic dispatch from PHI-Lo-D'El Phi-a, of the "women in the wilderness".. would create the haven for the birth of the starseed which the wisdom elders first envisaged dispatching Coulumb bus (Bird tribe), under the Tempar Flag.
So birthed was the face of the Bird Tribe on the land:
below: magnetism comes to a "head" in the beryl green stone center of the cup of the "keystone" state..
Below: The entire appalachian chain comprises a great spine, whose curvature is not unlike that of an Eagle's spine taking to flight..
At the tail of this Eagle (Carolina's), Merlin's kids were red headed Celtic speaking Indians (see archeology of Town Creek Mound, ref: Vincent Bridges),
also at the tail- King Louis XVI of the Holy Grail Magdalenean blood line changed his name to Daniel Payseur.. funded the railroads seeding the Rockefeller's (See "Pandora's Box" book)..
also at the tail, when the Cherokee were torn from this land ("Trail of Tears"), the Liberty Bell (Grail Cup of Embedding) of the America's cracked! see www.../america
unretouched Soils Map (color coded only by soil type) of the central 1/3 of the state of Pennsylvania..
unretouched TOPO map (by land elevation relief) of the same area..
and so, the "Return of the Bird Tribes", happens when the cup (Ontario Shield) runs over (tilts), the Serpent Feeds the Eagle.. (the tectonic shift reverses the river direction connecting Serpents Mouth to Eagle nose), (the serpent brain-kundalini-feeds the bird brain), and QuetzlCoatl returns. The many plumed one is the gather "consumed perspective", many eyes face locked on the peacock feather, and Many Become One.. E Pluribus Unum..
This is more than idle symbolism, the Bird Tribes, Cherokee's star elder "Adawi", move from the Eagles Tail in the Lower Appalachias, to Arkhom the Orion StarMap at the crown of the Eagle. In their Eagle dance, they enact the threading of inner vision through the slip knot of the seven sisters of the Pleides above the crown. (Dyhanni Wyhaoo)..
When Ben Franklin stored the spiritual destiny of the America's in the Bruton Vault, his library... the projected memory tells of a time when the genetic roots of the serpent brain will choose to feed the bird brain. At this tantric kundalini moment, Quetzlcoatl returns. The Many Plumed One's faces on the peacock eye, see many become one. E Pluribus Unum is America's motto. This consumed perspective of magnetic waves, is what is maximally assembled in the eye of the eagle at the top of the food chain. For magnetic lines braiding tectonic vision.. this destiny of A-mere-I go, (to mother I go), may be the Draku serves Aku, where the reptilian stem of our collective emotion, feeds vision at the crest of the tectonic Appalachia..
When the juices arrive at the high brain.. the bird brain flowers..
by Dan Winter 7/17/99 with Thanks and acknowledgement to Ron Pastore's El Dorado mapping project (new at http://www.moundmatrix.com) ,to William Buehler, to Daniel Perez, & Michael Morton. (Note to those whose work is depicted here in collaboration, particularly Ron Pastore and William Buehler, this preliminary version of this article awaits your corrections/approval.. dan)
back to the complete ../sitemap.html
For details on the Bacon as Shakesphere son of Queen Elizabeth, Bruton Vault, Geomantic Blueprint for Americas Spiritual Destiny AND Eldorado treasure story from Atlantis .Please see Amarushka.. & friends www.goldencapstone.org particularly..http://www.goldencapstone.org/eldoradotreasure.html
Baconian Evidence for Royal (Son of Queen Elizabeth) Lineage & Shakespeare Authorship. (http://www.sirbacon.org/) Image libraries and abundant scholarly detail about the Bacon story is assembled wonderfully there.
New Summary of WHAT IT MEANS that Bacon, Son of Queen Elizabeth (Merovingian/Magdalen/Grail Bloodline) as Shakesphere, penned the DESIGNS which became the Masonic Template for America's layout.. (Washington DC pent AND the ELDORADO MAP!).. WHICH INCLUDED THE SAME TEMPLAR OFFSET PENT EMBEDDING MOTIF FROM SOUTHERN FRANCE, GOTHIC CATHEDRAL LANDSCAPES, AND MARS/CYDONIA! click here: Designer Genes Bacon/Shakesphere Son of Queen Elizabeth -Franklin Library/Bruton
This article begins with several purposes:
1- To be an intro to an exciting film:
"Mystic Destiny of the Americas: The True Nature of the Legend of El Dorado".
being digitally edited by Golden Ratio Productions in conjunction with Ron Pastore's El Dorado Mapping.
2- To be a visual confirmation/tour to the 'pent embedding' conceptual heart of America's spiritual origins as discussed in our original article:
The Archeo-Geometry of America's Spiritual Destiny The author suggests this article as background reading here..
3- To suggest a larger MEANING TO WHY this same PENT based (Phi Optimized Embedding) structure (STRIKINGLY recurrent from Mars, to Rennes, to DC, to El Dorado... ) WAS REQUIRED to become IMMORTAL & Sustain SELF-Awareness.. 'To Recur is to EMBED is to SURVIVE is to become DISTRIBUTABLE"
thanks to Steve McIntosh, Now & Zen, Golden
Ratio Measuring Tool & Book, Boulder. Now & Zen products
can be purchased directly from the company by calling: (800)
779-6383, visiting the website at http://www.now-zen.com
Executive summary: Not only do long PENT recursive magnetic structures tell us where our countries power sites and politics originated, THEY ABSOLUTELY INDICATE WHERE WE MAY EMBED OURSELVES MAGNETICALLY IN OUR LANDSCAPE IN ORDER TO BECOME PROJECTIVE. That is to say - become scale invariant - non/resistive to compression... quite literally... ABLE TO SURVIVE THE SUN BURST/MAGNETIC STORM OTHERWISE KNOWN AS 'RAPTURE'. (detailed discussion on the practical aspects of using this principle geomantically and glandularly to survive the solar magnetic wind/compression/ "Ur Na Sha" genetic imprinting.. even as it applies to the powerful Aug 11,99 event- at ../eclipse )
Cross referencing the new information about America's dramatically PHI- PENT interior (pictures below) with stunning parallels to Gothic/Grail AND Giza AND Martian Cydonia landscapes, suggests a theme thru geologic time too compelling to ignore. At the end of the article we ask specifically- what should we do now that we know WHICH MAGNETIC STRUCTURES CAN SURVIVE.. is based literally on embedability.
In order to present the intro links to the "RE-PENTING" of America... this section is (also) exerpted from(the same /eclipse link) : Solar Eclipse 99: Grid Magnetics go to Zero, Time for Heart's Re-Pent? (please do see the complete article).. quoting here: " there are cities/bioregions which look magnetically from the sky like living biological structures.. Do you remember in Peter Russell's film "The Global Brain" where the zoom out from the unplanned city was visually indistinguishable from CANCER (see geometry of cancer cell) tissue vs. geomantically planned/embedable landscape architecture which from the sky looked LIVING? The principle IS survival related.. A magnetically COMPRESSING Earth will perceive the geomagnetic non-compression magnetic/emotion indigestion/pollution clouds above cities as bleeding sores that will not heal. Her response will be to slough them off like a scab that itches. The natural sollution to pollution is to create a wetland. Roughly 60% of the planet population is within 300ft of sea level. That which does not 'pay it's debt to gravity' (become long wave lo-phi embedable) is pushed down.
- See Eagle in Pennsylvania (head of appalachian "spine"),
- Glastonbury Zodiac Landscape Temples,
- The pent Zodiac Landscape Map
Exquisitely Around Rennes Les Chateaux in S.France was the
STARTING PLACE of "Holy Blood Holy Grail. related to:Templar
Rennes Southern France Geometric in Much Greater Detail: Precedent for the Templar Re-Pent Agenda?
In 'The Builder's of Chartres' book, Bernard of Clairveaux
& Templar crew admit to hearing the whispered instructions
(in lucid dreams) of THE MARY telling them how and WHERE to site
the gothic cathedrals for decades... then centuries later we step
back a few hundred miles.. and we notice she has created a PENT
image from 'The Mysteries of Chartres" by Charpentier I believe).
The star navigating Magdalen needed a magneto lens to carry glandular
ecstacy to the stars.. in order to re-join the body of her tantric
partner Jesus (see the "Tantric Swoon" of Magdalen in
the book "Magdalen Mystery" by Kent of Sante Fe..).
Nice story about this in my complete pictorial book chapter (pdf
acrobat files) at www.../magdalen
- Buehler's Reshel Grid Templar maps..
- the Pent Fractal Masonic
Outline of the Washington DC grid, or
- Arkhom across NewEngland, A
Millenium Monument Project! Many important links here, face
of Geometry right across New England, Tree of Life Map of Africa,
Tetra Planetary and Star Geometrics
- Trinity Point Project Geomancy Across the Face of Virgina..
- Ophanim Valnaapa in Flinders Range Australia,
- offset PENT on MARS face Cydonia GEOMETRIC(from enterprisemission.com )
We also suggest the book "Two Third's" by David Mayers/David Percy, the Arcturian/Essene view of the geometrics necessary to 'planet tame': specifically that is the skill to place paramagnetic lenses/tuning weights dolmen like Giza/Cydonia at tetrahedral latitude spin grab points... in order to adjust improve the phase lock embedding of planetary spin into zodiacal spin... This improved charge recursion stabilizes gravity and therefore atmosphere retention.. also setting up the capacitive embedding conditions in the long wave context necessary to fertilize the evolution of SELF-awareness in the inhabiting genepool. When Lovelock of the "Gaia Hypothesis" wrote the software in the computer game SimEarth which emulated the function of dolmen placement on planetary metabolism he correctly guessed that the speeded up evolution of the inhabiting & steering genepool while potent did risk premature burn of planet eco-resource before the genepool reached true star metabolism.. This requires inhabiting/embedding gravity bodies of stars glandularly & metabolizing symbiotically gravity fields directly into energy sources. ref: 'zero point enery' in 'physics of phi article' and Metabolizing Starlight Directly - film we made. More specifically then what the Arcturian's (whose Essene's also became the Arthurian myth) really meant then by 'Planet Taming' was teasing with myth mirth & seeds of symmetry (crop circles whose shapes taught glands like heart cavities to shape themselves into proper gravity thrusters - hat of osiris vs. pericardium - attacked by designer genes.. notes at ../america . Dave's dissappearance into the fractal Dolmen in the movie '2001' only to appear later in '2010' /then he was well distributed / is instructive.).. until planets whose inhabiting genepools finally learned to contribute to the real estate value of their stellar neighborhoods gravity smells, something sweet. (ONLY 'coherent emotion feeds the Earth' - Gurdjieff). This becomes the Ophanim agenda behind Templar. A planetary neighborhood can be as touchably magnetically braided as a home wherein love abides.. 'the sustance of we feeling'. Recursion adds the glue, without the compassionate skill to embed, tectonics and timelines bleed.
Visit my (Dan Winter's) analysis of the Golden Spiral on the Giza Plateau Pointing to its same star map on Orion..
Dolmen structures like Giza's pyramids (massive tuning symmetry with respect to oribital mechanics AND charge embedding) modulate planetary spin to stabilize them thru gravity effects like planet lineups, and such things as ".. severe orbital problem due to a glancing blow from a passing meteorite. This resulted in a rapidly decaying orbit..." see the ET Origin? of THE EXPERIMENT in Interplanetary Stabilization.. (Includes more on Thoth's role.)
Michael Morton's Relating Washington, D.C. Structures to Cydonia(grid pt.analysis) (Thanks to Michaell Morton for adding corrections here 7/17/99).. The templar masonic myth (acknowledgement to Steve Nelson here.. ) is that after the Jefferson/Washington/Franklin team installed the pent stellation in the DC design.. the final keystone (Washington Monument?) trigger crystal was NOT COMPLETED.. Because we did not have a leadership WHOSE EMOTIONS WERE SO RADIANT/SHAREABLE/PURE as to be able to inhabit the grid (LITERALLY CREATING A BODY POLIS) from such a perfect seed fractal. We await the time....
- John Michell's book "Simulacra": Faces on the Land... etc.. etc..
Review of Links of Earth Grid Geometrics Maps around the Web..Linear, Geometric and Zodiacal Maps
Oh, and did we mention the starmaps in Japan! (note added
in Japan:Yowatashi Boshi
Passing the Winter Nights with Japanese Star Lore of Orion
VAULT/FRANKLIN STORY AND THE 'Destiny Door of the Americas: El-Dorado,
Cibola & the Trinidad Codex..' (a film we are making now)
Insert Note: Film:
Spiritual Destiny of the America's NOW AVAILABLE - .. (again)
please see ../america
Linear, Geometric and Zodiacal Maps... another major list of Sacred Geo Earth / Zodiacal Maps
The main impetus for this article is the new image possibilities from Ron Pastore... which are animated in the new film being edited now.. so we begin with these...
Below (Ron Pastore) by carefully taking a map of the numerous most major Native American MOUND sites, and noting wherever AT LEAST SEVEN of them fall on ONE line... (indicating major long wave magnetic alignment).. we get the following picture which is a STARTLING CONFIRMATION of the global/DC/Rennes/Giza/Cydonia PENT geometric! (Here in the sacred belly of Native America)
the Pent star points to El Dorado Kansas with a center point near..the towns named "Center" & "CenterVille", Tennessee.
Then noting all the TOWNS IN THE UNITED STATES NAMED 'EL DORADO' Ron got the following also PENT!
This then becomes the centerpiece of the cave wall carving
(see cave pict below) "Trinidad Codex" here:
which becomes the theme of the film... which is RELATED to the continent map OF ALL THE PLACES NAMED TRINIDAD! (below):
inset note here, correction added by Ron Pastore:"The
Trinidad matrix points to the same area that the El Dorado matrix
points to which is an area of oklahoma called Mounds, OK. This
is what
lead my to investigate the mounds of N. America where I mapped
160 mounds to
date. ..
Also, the point should be made that this is all done by
dead reconning
and I still require all the actual Long/Lat coordinates in order
purify the data and fit the precise center point. The purpose
of all
this I believe is to lead us to the inner earth citadels which
the answers to ancient mysteries and help us fullfill our cosmic
All of which point to The EL DORADO complex in Kansas which
was called CIBOLA ('layered onion'? recursion map?) which (Fountain
of Youth.. burning charge font of life force by successful embedding)
Ponce DeLeon sought between ElDorado Kansas (Cuivera country)
and 'Leon' Kansas, near an actual cave nested in an actual pent
layout with an actual spring where Ron actually got younger..!
Please stay tuned
to obtain the film being produced by Golden Ratio Productions
friends in NC in collaboration with Ron Pastore.
to federal underground caves/tunnels/bases maps:
All of which is dramatic NEW evidence that A Mere I go (America means 'to mother/mater/matrix/embed I go) was long in the Ophanic angelic magnetic template to evolve a genepool THAT COULD BY FRACTALITY SQUIRT IT'S GENES & GLAND MAGNETICS INTO STARS. This was long before Bacon after writing Hamlet to find out if Queen Elizabeth (Merovingian Magdalen blood) was REALLY his mother, sketched on his dinner napkin the PENT fabric of what was to become Jefferson/Franklin/Washington's design layout for AMERICA. (see Bruton Vault /quest of the ages/ 'women in the wilderness' /PHI-LO-D'el-PHI-A). Mag's meaning as the (the female warriors of) the Orion Queen s became the term AMYGdala-the fractality of the ALMOND GOLDEN NUT-brain, which Amydala was the name of the journal on fractals, which became Magdala which means TOWER (in the sense the this PENT MAGnetic recursion launches PHI magnetic harmonics OUT of the PLANE).. which was the dynastic MAGdalen whose tantric son Jon (Scion-to branch by Phyllotaxes) by Jesus became the "Genesis of the Grail Kings".
(as per Steve Nelson film..Washington DC is EXACTLY on the dodeca's node..)
the solution to nest the recursion/embedding self-aware PENT into
the fixing/hive mind/borg/in-cube-ating HEX
was the key to the Cathedral complex
of Rennes Le Chateaux & THE HOLY GRAIL..(also "Poisson's
The Merkabbah Meditator's Question:Connection to PHI? Please refer here to the extensively illustrated "Hex Healing into Pent" conversation about the real star-tetra Merkabbah fire breath meditation at ../merkabbah
Below exerpts from the wonderful work of William Buehler: showing the pent recursion Templar 'ReShel' 'repair the fabric of time' maps in Europe:
fabric of time, is just a phrase for places where magnetics
get launched thru light speed
by phi embedding, neat thing is, this is also where dna gets 'ensouled'
Insert Note: Film: Spiritual Destiny of the America's NOW AVAILABLE
update note to this article 7/17/99: Major Pictorial ElDorado & The Re-Penting of America:Pictorial Map to America's Geomantic Global Role
clues to:
+blackbird shapeshifter role in Yugoslavia, see Hosted by ShapeShifters
(new thanks to inannareturns.com much more detail on how the astral parasitism works in Kosovo)
+return of the founding fathers,
+why the liberty bell cracked,
+interventionist ET sponsorship of globalism portending end of self rule in America,
+star maps on the land point to genetic destiny of America as A-mere-I go: How to embed in the matrix of mothering: A stellar intent which underlaid the templar instructions of America's founders (Eagle in Pennsylvania Link ../eaglemorph, Washington DC pent link ../WASHINGT). & Please see: St.Germaine story- Germaine accords..Note the background here, was that Germaine in the company of Bacon as Shakesphere writes the geometry plan for America which becomes the pent masonic grids of Washington, DC etc... (Spiritual Destiny of the America's film.. in production).. perceiving the need for us to embed in our land in order to inhabit stars..
these notes are a sequel to (& plz see)
+Alchemic Recipes for Biological Immorality-Sexy Side of the Grail Cup: Genetic Survival: ../immortality -
GeneHome: Sleepers Awake- To Build a Fire, Solutions to Solar Firing & the X Files
+ORIGINS GenePool Gets Remothered: Self Stinging is Dragonian to Golden ONE: ../origins:
+Tak (Orion) Alnitak Golden Mean spiral mapping Orion on Giza Plateau: ../orion compare this with Prime Meridian? Alnitak on Orion's belt compared with Orion Phi Spiral (Munck's code/ Morton references) >
+contrail mystery,
Serbian: Blackbird Singing in the Dead of...1
True Meaning of the Field of Blackbirds?..2
the reason it was called field of blackbirds was like american
eating crow meant worst fate, on that field so long ago the blackbirds
ate the thousands of serbs slaughtered.. this legend in their
country is the ULTIMATE battle cry..
when the underground water disappeared under vukovar yugoslavia
when bombed.. labyrinths mapped to ground water
recreated long wave magnetics (and ground water)
whose loss of symmetry alone (as death of "body polis")
is an ACCURATE PREDICTOR of where war will break out
so the women gathered to install magnetic womb labyrinths
..the water and the body polis.. possibility of sharing emotions
magnetics across the land... returned.
NATO's REAL Losses, & What They Don't Want You to Know
A charge envelope sustained by the symmetry of embedding
(the true templar destiny of america, a mere i go.. to mater matrix
embed eye go..
when the liberty bell rings again, the grail cup rings out in
dna.. which finds map on land...)
Dan Winter
Here is how the Liberty Bell will ring again. Charlotte, NC groups around the pent templar shapes at the core of Nation's bank, are now re-casting the Liberty Bell: "forgive them for they know not what they do". There was an important national television premiere a few years back of the musical wave shape principle of EMOTION itself (Nova Series: "What Is Music"). It was the work of Manfred Clynes: "Sentics" on wave shape of touch (links at "How to Touch" ../touch ). Simply put, when you squeeze someone in the right pressure geometry so that your hug says love, the timing moment of max pressure in your squeeze as percent of squeeze duration will be close to .618 Golden Mean. This sets up the geometry of PROPER INTERNAL INTERFERENCE TO GO IN-PHI-KNIT (FUSION). (this is my conclusion, not Clynes). ("Is your DNA tingling yet dear?")
Well when they taught on that TV show how to understand What is Music to get the Universality of Emotions Wave shape, THEY USED THE PHYSICS OF HOW TO CAST THE RIGHT BELLY SHAPE FOR A BELL, to teach the principle.
It was all about how the ratio of the internal notes of the musical chord of the bell ringing would be properly tuned by the bulging out of the top of the bell, to make best MUSIC. Well, if you have ever listened to phi harmonic music (see ../implosionhazards/implosion.html ), you know that at first the sound is Eyrie almost grating, then haunting. It takes a certain BELL SHAPE TO MAKE A GRAIL CUP RING..
Bell Rock-Grail Cup-Grail Geometry of Embedding Hearts-Cracked
Liberty Bell -- morph Animation here:
Grail Fractal from Phi embedding - seminal original animation at: ../grail.html
As you read below of the White Buffalo Calf Woman predicting the liberty bell will ring again, remember what Steve Nelson told me about the Cherokee indigenous. (Steve will be our Templar Mason, source of the Charlotte Sacred Geometrics, source of the Washington DC pent fractal masonic design info ../WASHINGT .. Steve says our country's central myth is the maze and the minotaur. Like a bull in a China shop. Anyone see the horned cow running wild in the Atlatal Atlanta lately? Bombs on Serbs: Global Policeman Bull run amok? ) Anyway, Steve said that the day the President Jackson signed to have the Cherokee torn from (embedding) their land ("Trail of Tears"), WAS THE DAY THE LIBERTY BELL CRACKED.
For the bell to ring again, we must all gather as one around
a common heart beat ringing in the land as it does in our DNA:
perfectly embedded as the grail sings: San Graal. (, www.heartbeat2000.com
,\ , )
So where shall we begin our story?
After Marie Bauer Hall's husband Manley was killed, she was haunted by the need to access Ben Franklin's lost templar/mason library at Bruton Parish Vault, Virgina. We began our intuitive knowing that the confused gathering of America's father's intent, needed to be re-assembled, for that flash in Washington's vision: (when the republic would be saved from the hands of the interventionist Annunaki ET's behind our present "New World Order".)
The Orion inspired Templar/Mason cult behind those Father's was the irony of a galaxy within which self directing genepools were poison. The Orion queen group (stories below) (see myth of Eagle at ../eaglemorph ) itself could not withstand a republic within their own colonies! The Orion queen Templar cult later became the Grail story as the ROYAL BLOOD IN ELIZABETH, (to which family we still pay dues). If a SELF STEERING genepool (as a self empowered glandular implosive winged bird tribe) were to squirt out of our solar system into the Peshmehten (below) Orion corridor it would be toast for more than just the English (An gl ish - An nunaki). Their agenda now is to disarm America totally by 2002 for assumption into Dragon Draco Chinese / Russian loss of individuation. This is the moment our Liberty Bell needs to rings again for. As the Sun implode burps, surviving the wind means ringing the bell. (in the grail heart)..
Great clues and confirmations to the (../gold ) return of the Annunaki at Garden of Eden (the "Golden Ones") to fix their own genes: US!
exerpting: "Our genepool began when Annunaki gold diggers "golden ones" cloned the tak-adama (golem from orion.. ) Adam/Ieve.. They needed hearts of gold to get dna that would not burn up in suns hearts.. they only thought they were after gold in the grid.. (Sitchen).." (../origins)
The plot thickens so exquisitely when we take a closer look at George Washington's famous vision.
First we must tell of Cynthia Hart's "vision" at 4 years old. She was born blind at birth with a vivid memory of spending ages in the Heart of the Sun. Her father took her to see the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Not wishing to cross the barrier, he asked the guard for permission, since Cynthia could only "see" the bell if she could touch it. The guard chose to carry the little girl himself. She got a great feeling when she touched the bell. Then the guard told her that the liberty bell would never ring again, because there was a crack in it. But as Cynthia ran her little finger down the crack, she told the guard and her father her vision. She said the liberty bell WOULD ring again, at the millennium for the year 2000.