New (below)- Magazine Article Format:Judy Chiswell leads this Dan Winter interview - for the new 2005 Magazine feature in advance of the American tour this year:

The Heart of Emotion

Revolution in Heart Biofeedback: Emotional Coherence and Empathy Measured?

A 1 Day Hands On Seminar on the Power and Measurement of Heart Coherence

with Daniel Winter- the Inventor of HeartTuner ( )

Intensive, and MultiMedia with a Wealth of Background from his World Tours

Teaching Cutting Edge "Physics of Consciousness" ( )

The fractal compression of perfect coherence -
is what brings awareness or even all of time (rotation measure) into the present.
Perfect compression of charge creates perfect distribution of charge - consciousness iteself.
Charge compression initiated by the tornado steer of coherent Attention -
is another confirmation of Carpe Deum- Sieze the Day! Live your Passion!
(Coherence IS Passion).

thanks to Brigitte Lafrechoux,from Russia for sending this:


A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package: "This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package."
He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.
"She got this the first time we went to New York, 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on. Was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is it. He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothings he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died. He turned to me and said:
"Never save something for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion". I still think those words changed my life.
Now I read more and clean less.
I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.
I spend more time with my family, and less at work. I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day. I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if i feel like it.
I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to. The words "Someday..." and "One Day..." are fading away from my dictionary. If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now. I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning, this nobody can tell. I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends. She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels. I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favourite food. It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come.
I would regret it, because I would no longer see the friends I would meet, letters... letters that i wanted to write "One of this days". I would regret and feel sad, because I didn't say to my brothers and sons, not times enough at least, how much I love them. Now, I try not to delay, postpone or keep anything that could bring laughter and joy into our lives. And, on each morning, I say to myself that this could be a special day. Each day, each hour, each minute, is special. If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably, there's someone you care about. If you're too busy to send this out to other people and you say to yourself that you will send it "One of these days", remember that "One day" is far away... or might never come. . This TANTRA came from India. No matter if you're superstitious or not, spend some time reading it. It holds useful messages for the soul.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast. And............. you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. end quote

New Heart (& Brain) (ECG & EEG) Coherence Biofeedback Tool Portends to Revolutionize:

1. Emotional Coherence Measurement: DOES EKG Coherence in fact measure Passion?

2. Empathy and Concensus Measurement (& Clinical Counseling)

3. Brain Coherence Measure to Teach A.D.D. / Addiction Remission & Meditation Success.

4. Ability to Measure and Teach Move from Conceptual/Head Centered to Empathic/Open HeartCentered Emotion.

5. Life Force Measurement by the same technique-may redefine VIABILITY as 'harmonic inclusiveness' using New electrical definition of life itself.

By Daniel Winter ( inventor HeartTuner - ) in collaboration with Dr. Alan Watkins

Daniel Winter received his degree in psycho-physiology (magna cum laude) from the University of Detroit. He has multi-disciplinary training in electrical engineering, psychology, psycho-physiology, and bio-physics. Dan was trained as a Systems Analyst with IBM. He mentored with Dr. Albert Ax biofeedback pioneer in electrically measuring and discriminating between the emotions of fear and anger. He was also mentored by the well known bio-medical engineer and author Ben Bentov. He the fortuneate associate of many early physics of consciousness researchers- like Arthur Young, Buckminster Fuller etc. Today he is best known as biofeedback inventor, Sacred Geometry teacher, animator etc. The main web site about his work from Implosion Group is . He is probably the leading teaching of the 'Physics of Consciousness' in the world today. His global touring schedule : . His HeartCoherence tools: . Also see his new book: Implosion:The GRAND ATTRACTOR at

Abstract: New mathematical technique (Cepstrum- explained below) to measure (EKG & EEG) INTERNAL coherence, develops into powerful new tool to teach emotional skills never before considered measureable. Emotional COHERENCE - emotional EMPATHY / BONDING - Brain COHERENCE (perhaps ATTENTION itself) - and emotional HEART centering - now all may be directly measured and taught with precision and rigor never before imagined. In addition - applying the same technique to other living things in addition to EKG and EEG - suggest a new definition of LIFE FORCE and VIABILITY: "Life Force is the ability to attract and self-organize capacitive charge - Harmonic 'inclusiveness' - first thought to predict longevity in HRV (ref 1- Dardik - ) - may predict / quantify VITALITY in everything living. - see

Judy Chiswell leads this Dan Winter interview - for the new 2005 Magazine feature in advance of the American tour this year:

The Heart of Emotion

Have you ever experienced this? You come home, after a very stressful day, and your child rushes into your arms for a hug. Just feeling her love eases your heart and mind. Your feelings shift, and you actually forget about the challenges of the day. Throughout our lives we experience the transformation of our emotions from sorrow to joy, anger to ecstasy. The experience of emotion gives life meaning.

We are not always aware of our deeper feelings and how these feelings affect the health of our bodies and minds. When confronted with a stressful event, we may become aware of tension, a nervous feeling, butterflies in the stomach, and the heart pounding. Research has shown us that the brain and body acting together produce emotions. It is the autonomic nervous system that connects the brain, heart, and body.

Scientists can observe how our feelings affect our bodies by measuring our heart rhythms. Strong emotions actually create change in our heart rhythms. Irregular heart rate patterns reflect emotions of fear, worry, anger or upset. Scientists describe the heart pattern as lacking coherence. In physiology, the term coherence describes a state in which two or more of the body's systems, such as respiration and heart rhythm patterns, become synchronous at the same frequency. A shift in emotion when we feel appreciated, confident and loved actually changes heart rhythms. These patterns show greater physiological coherence. At these intervals, the body and the brain are more efficient and function in harmony.

Learning to manage your emotions, to become skilled at taking charge of your emotions will enable you to find your bliss and become more satisfied with your life. Mr. Dan Winter, an internationally respected academic, author, physicist and inventor, has developed a program to train coherent emotion. Dan has agreed to speak with us about his work with the HeartTuner.

JC: Dan, your work has inspired thousands of people around the world with your new coherence biofeedback training. How does the HeartTuner enable greater emotional coherence?

DW: Take the little girl in Los Angeles schools who while connected to the HeartTuner - looks over at the girl next to her, whom she obviously loves. She quickly notices that whenever she looks at - or even THINKS of real love - that the little cepstrum Heart Coherence peak - immediately goes way up. She was very excited. She saw that turning her heart from a flashlight to a LASER - was measureable - the connection from feeling to science is REAL. The message is not that you need a gadget to know when your heart is coherent. The message is that once you know how REAL it is to choose to hold your attention focused on what makes your heart 'sing' - you can CHOOSE the FEELING OF LOVE - as the dominant emotion of your life. The loving heart is a state of feeling and being we can choose permanently for our life. We teach that this COHERENCE is also electrically literally how biology gets thru death ( ).

Or take the teacher who wept after using HeartTuner to talk for the first time to the motionless parapalegic ( ). Reaching thru the barriers - even we think autism, possibly even coma - happens when we use the heart singing as a simple yes no conversation. The heart does not lie.


JC: How is a typical training session conducted?

DW: For HeartTuner- Sliding the little EKG sensors under the wrist bands takes only a second. (Brainwave connection for 'BlissTuner' takes a bit longer - 2 buttons under headband in back, 2 earclips). First the person settles for a minute - learning to watch their own heart is often moving. Then typically we take notice if their are any dramatically missing peaks (harmonics) in the simple EKG harmonic analysis. We explain that healthy living things make complete cascades - and missing harmonics reappear in the sequence when we get happy or treat our bodies right (harmonics inclusiveness=health discussion below). Then we look at the first cepstrum COHERENCE peak. First they learn just to raise that peak. Noticing that if they think about something SHAREABLE it goes up! The concept of what is a PURE INTENTION and what is a SHAREABLE WAVE is precisely what the cepstrum as INTERNAL COHERENCE makes measureable! This introduces a measureable way for example of doing kinesiology. Then they notice that the right left movement of that same peak (tied to heart RATE) moves IF they have emotional flexibility. Stuck heart rate = stuck emotion. Sometimes people test the hypothesis here - that EKG musical fundamental displayed at 1.0 hz here usually is a more conceptual state of mind - vs one at near .6 is more touch permissive. (Heart Rates are globally 'scaled' ). Finally - most fun - is when 2 are connected this way - to teach them how LINKING their 2 PEAKS in the same HEART LINKED place (peaks line up) - actually MEASURES the moment when their 2 bodies can exchange CHARGE and EMPATHY. This is profound for healers and lovers and counselors etc. Life force / charge / healing / love / tantra - these flow between bodies when they 'phase lock' : 'micromotion entrain'. This actually makes empathy teachable! For more on this and using the brainwave part to measure creativity and bliss - see


JC: Can anyone learn to use the HeartTuner without professional guidance?

DW: The basics - finding when 2 hearts link to measure real emotional connection between people - is so simple and easy - that measuring who are the best potential lovers- can become the sensation of a teenage party within 5 minutes of hookup and playfulness. And this is real, also for marriage counseling / conflict resolution etc. And it is also true that with the complete spectra of data record / playback / export + advanced settings options, that the complete system can be a research tool of a lifetime for the advanced professional. It is both the ulimate simple game and the powerful science tool. Practically- a counselor for example can be powerfully helping people acheive REAL heart coherence and real empathy training - within just 2 or 3 fifteen minute sessions learning how to watch the Coherence peak. Almost all the info is in the Height vs. x axis movement of that one first cepstrum coherence peak. The height is the emotions INTENSITY - the position (left right) is the emotions QUALITY. When 2 line up - you teach hearts to link. To make it easy - we provide 4 DVD and 1 CD of training video with the system. So it is fun. We do offer - our 4 day training courses - ( ) which are quite profound - but definitely this is not required to use the tool - the basics are literally childs play. Plus the users group - HeartTuner in has a wealth of material. The best description of the complete HeartTuner BlissTuner system starts at


JC: If we consider emotion as energy in motion, what is the effect of emotional coherence on heart/mind/body health?

DW: Medical literature is clear - when the heart ( HRV - Heart Rate Variability) - gets harmonic inclusiveness ( maximum number of contained frequencies ) disease disappears ! ( see: ). We are just fortuneate to have found that our new mathematics (cepstrum) to MEASURE coherence - is the right tool for teaching your heart - to invite in the maximum of its frequency world (embed and live). The more harmonics you invite into your heart ( perfecting compression = compassion) the more electrically sustainable (immortal) you become!


JC: You have conducted seminars worldwide on sacred geometry and coherent emotion. What is the relationship?

DW: The perfect GEOMETRY for your heart's music (harmonics) is the fractal compression - which is the limit or perfect form of COHERENCE. And it is becoming clear that the Golden Mean ( geometry nature uses for philotaxes and DNA) is this geometry of perfect (fractal) compression.


JC: Is there a key principle you want us to take away from this discussion?

DW: Only the perfect geometry of fractality (Golden Ratio optimized) gets the perfect squeeze together for our loving. This perfect compression- then allows the perfect DISTRIBUTION of that charge we call 'spirit'- into the electrical field we call consciousness. It starts in the heart!

Insert Addition here: from the mailbag:

1.Andre Kryger from writes:" Please refer me to a definition of Coherence as used in your website. Any (mathematical) algorithms used will be much appreciated.
Thanx in anticipation, (dr) André Kruger. B.Sc.,M.B.,Ch.B.

DW: The amplitude of the cepstrum first peak = lo frequency internal phase coherence.
Refer to ( particularly if you are not familiar with cepstrum mathematics) -

Heart rate coherence (HRV only) measure limits coherence measure to spectral response below 2 hz, we measure much more than that- we measure complete internal EKG coherence

HRV only transducers (heart math - freeze framer) cannot by definition measure real heart coherence for this reason.
History of research in heart coherence at

current use...and exciting implications for neurofeedback: , appreciate your interest. dw

2. 'TunnelA'/ Dave writes (July 30,05) Hi ^_^ Paypal for the disks has been sent ($153 + $9 shipping US cost for COMPLETE 17 DVD disk set )
.. Please, let me know when it should arrive to me. I ask about a part two workshop because the intensive retreats seem most hands on interesting to me however putting that funds and energy away into a Heart Tuner
is also very attractive and important to me and I should know which soon. Heart coherence as you have shown it, the way coherent emotion and self similarity creates and can steer gravity, appears to me as something I've been, in a way, increasingly aware of on a driving and or other levels since very young. I have done very well simply with this reading, and remarkable parallels are shown to me in the time visiting and reading many of your articles and so far,
alphabet of the heart. There's certainly a lucid dream I'd like to share as well. Through your stuff I've been able to help remove electrosmog, found the previous Solar Shamans group, and learned something
about sacral cranial function. I've aquainted myself with and found your advice usefull for squeezing and sorting for some while now.
And I know I seem new to you perhaps, but I imagine you bring lots of many people to your focus frequently so it shouldn't matter.

Only thinking about implosion's attractor is enough to feel like my skin is starting to tighten. Those words about steering tornadoes and feeling so much bliss and compassion in the land as well. Forgive me for being slightly sudden, but because you speak volumes to me, I consider it appropriately as something like "give and take" so I'll let you in on a little bit of a secret of mine that I've not told anyone. And we can be even of more help to one another. In around a year up to before discovering your online stuff I had a dream which became lucid for me. Due to a need to defend against the darkness or something that I didn't like that was happening in the dream I became lucid and I found that with compression of my own inner charge that if I added enough of the right compression to my chakra's charge that it could be exploded into my hands as something like a bluish white fire (Ultra violet?) but I don't let it escape. I said that it explodes out of my body but really this is more like it "ignites". And once then begin to steer the phire in my hand into a rotation while adding more and more, and more directions of spin to it, compressing it. I maintained the implosive swirling phirey sphere compressed into a small space in my hand. Adding to it what seems like as many directions of spin as there are possible with the compression needed upto that pont, it imploded into something, a very "self sustainable" tornado that I steer and grasp in my hand. Yet very different, the implosion is very grand and nor is it something to be easily done even with ignighted bliss, actually all the darkness was gone and it was extremely bright, exhilirating, satisfying and it ended well. And on a similar note, my hand gyroscope (used to not know there was such a thing until recently, thank you) arrived from this week and it's a handy little instrument for training holding spin, a lot like what I was describing a moment ago. I'm not looking for a particular or specific feedback here, or to shout it out at the world, I need to explore it more except I though you the most right now might find it especially
purposefull or let me know how it goes, what you think of that, or if you come up with something helpfull upon giving it a spin, anything please. I'll spend time with the disks like you'd suggested. I've been visiting the attached links ...Thanks.,---- dave

HeartTuner Initiates A New Physics of Conscious based on IMPLOSION ( )


How - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / Implosion IS the SOLUTION to:


Infinite Non-Destructive Collapse
Infinite Compression / Perfect Acceleration / FUSION
Perfect Damping / Phase Conjugation (optics etc)
Hydrodynamic Implosion (Ultimate Sorting)

Non Linear Energy (Voltage from Gravity)
Charge Acceleration thru C Light Speed (Gravity)
Measuring ATTENTION/ Bliss / Euphoria in EEG

Audio Tone Induction of EEG Transcendance
Measuring EKG Heart Openness / Compassion
Self Organization from Chaos/Artificial Intelligence
Electrically Defining & Measuring LIFE FORCE
Pure Geometric Origin of Alphabets (symbol=to embed)

The Shape of The Touch Which Says Love.

..How PhiRICAIS (Implosion)
is revealed by Spectrum Analysis

The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of Love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire. - Pierre Tielhard De Chardin

..and the Grail


The background: In approximately 1990 HeartMath Institute contracted Dan Winter - to instruct them initially how to measure heart harmonics. They contacted him requesting assitance to replicate work in his 'Alphabet of the Heart' (now at ) published in the 1980's where in he showed the heart responding measureably to 'sending love': (pic)

In this book, his hypothesis was that the EKG cast a sonic shadow of coherence on the thymus to set-up immune health - based on the spiral strip in the heart's coeur...


being the spiral strip which animates Hebrew - and generates the sonic holograms of Hebrew letters - equivalent to their optical shape...'Alphabet of the Heart'

Above from the book- Winter replicates Fred Wolf's concept in "Spectrograms of the Hebrew Alphabet' with Carlos Suares..

(animations of Winter's pure geometric origin of the Hebrew Alphabet from the self organizing Golden Mean spiral on the self organizing torus donut domain - )


Winter was then successful in replicating his early work (EKG harmonic ordering responding to intentional emotion) - at Heart Math Institute, after instructing them in what hardware and software to set up. The paper he authored for them in 1992: Heart Intelligence and DNA Programming, (download at: ) - showed he originated the power spectra of EKG technique for them which became the trademark of their work: (image from article measurement of EKG harmonics he made for them)

It was Winter who demonstrated to them how to measure the difference between unfocused versus focused emotion in the harmonic analysis of the EKG:

Top: EKG power spectra during unfocused emotion - bottom - coherence in the EKG spectra after focused intent.

Sadly- HeartMath Institute later chose to publish this work

(from HeartMath literature)

claiming it as their own, without crediting Winter for originally showing them this technique - & the skill to know what bandwidth etc. to analyze - (in front of many witnesses including Joe Kamiya, Glen Rein, Karl Pribram, John Fox & others).

Winter chose not to object to this feeling that some service was still being rendered to the public - in that his original intent to show that focused intention WAS measureable and teachable.

What Winter DID object to - later was when HeartMath marketed a product (Freeze Framer) which only measured beat interval and HRV - with a small light emitting diode and photo sensor to pick up the blood pulse wave at the fingertip. It was not that measuring HRV was not a service, what was not correct was calling a rise in one of the peaks in the HRV - COHERENCE. In the early 90's Winter had spent hundreds of hours trying to convince Rollin McCraty at HeartMath Institute - that his technique was measuring COHERENCE in the heart. When HeartMath finally began describing the importance of Heart Coherence - later in their literature, not only did they fail to mention Winter's work - they completely failed to provide the ciritcal service: a way to measure coherence.

Quoting here from web analysis of the DIFFERENCE between HeartMath Freeze Framer technology versus Winter's approach:

The above graph of a sinuous wave in the heart's period or rate corresponding to the breath is from the HeartMath literature. The service to make learning to breathe in a periodic way - measureable IS helpful. (which produces the lower graph pattern in Heart beat interval)

To call getting one frequency (here about .08hz) present in the HRV lo frequency range - Heart Coherence is profoundly misleading and unhelpful. Especially since real Heart Coherence IS measureable - and can apparently measure passion and biological sustainability. Calling the rise in power of one single harmonic like this in the lo (HRV range) frequencies of the Heart - as COHERENCE - is like saying just because one soldier is marching across the bridge in an even step - that the whole army is coherent. The whole army of different size soldiers (frequencies contained in the heart) is not coherent until all their steps or harmonics come into phase lock. This REAL INTERNAL COHERENCE in the heart - is what (Winter's) HeartTuner measures. Imagine again the little child, or anyone, who at the moment they LOOK at someone they really love and care about - see the COHERENCE (Cepstrum) peak rise dramatically on the HeartTuner screen. Even small children understand instantly as the see their measured heart coherence soar when they FEEL PASSION or COMPASSION- that this IS the immortalizing difference 'between a flashlight and a laser' in their own heart. This is the real service envisioned. So how is it done?

Winter discovered that conventional math knew of only one way to quantify coherence - this was when COMPARING one complex oscillator with another - for example the most common biofeedback example of a coherence measure - is COMPARING the relative coherence of the right versus left hemisphere of the EEG or brainwaves.

Below- sample output comparing one hemisphere versus the other for COHERENCE - here in Alpha brainwave frequency:

from IBVA - Psychic Lab. -

This technique ( matrix dot product comparing of TWO sources for coherence ) while helpful for learning to link the right brain with left - is no solution to teaching people INTERNAL COHERENCE in their emotion. To be emotionally coherent- you must be COHERENT with YOURSELF only. The term for this concept of self-coherence - or coherence WITHIN one oscillator is sometimes called - AUTO-coherence, or INTERNAL-coherence. This is even more true when you are measuring HEART coherence - when there are not 2 channels to compare.

Winter knew that this beautiful CASCADING effect in the power spectra during emotional peaks- WAS coherence - because it representing a disciplined internal phase lock between internal harmonics - exactly like light becoming a laser.

He wished to teach young people how their heart became a laser when they focused or felt passion.

The technique Winter pioneered for elegantly measuring this INTERNAL COHERENCE - involves taking a second order power spectra. The Power spectra involves the Fast Fourier Transform product. The second order form is rarely discussed in data analysis - it has been labeled the CEPSTRUM. (anagram of spectrum). Even in the literature - it is often INcorrectly described as an inverse FFT - which it is not. ( Further discussion of the mathematics from Winter's view: ).

Essentially - the real (not imaginary) output array of the first order power spectra is fed (in a sense-recursively) to a second order power spectra. The result is a wave which ONLY gets a primary peak - IF the waves of the first order power spectra are locked into phase. The AMPLITUDE of this first or primary peak of the CEPSTRUM is thus a new and powerfully elegant technique for quantifying and teaching biological COHERENCE. Further - it is evident by simply visual inspection- that coherence is being measured - because you can visibly see when comparing the simple power spectra that only as the waves cascade into INTERNAL PHASE LOCKED COHERENCE (like a laser) does a peak appear in the cepstrum.

Here (in the center of the pic) is an early result of Winter's work - here comparing the amount of COHERENCE of brainwaves with heart ekg.

The above data was taken with with the second hardware version Winter had built called 'HeartLink'. The first version (circa 1996) was a data acquisition Analog-Digital preamp National Instrument pcmcia card which Winter programmed in LabView to take the Ceptstrum.

He called this first hardware incarnation successful in measuring Heart Coherence - 'The Embedability Monitor'. ( )

With help from James Barrett and Andrew Junker - Winter succeded in evolving the coherence work in the HeartLink - (another pic below)

Altho HeartLink did disply heart coherence beautifully - responding to emotion - dramatically - it did not display time history plots, or offer good data export for research.

These limitations are powerfully overcome in the newest version of Winter's concept: HeartTuner ( )- which has successfuly entered the commercial biofeedback market.

Top left: 2 persons or 2 channels of EKG (or EEG or any life force transducer / inductor /capacitive etc.) - raw data.

Top right: standard power spectra harmonic analysis time history (newest on bottom) - bandwidth 0-20hz -Alpha/Theta/Delta etc. ( zoomable/scrollable to 60hz) clicks to full screen.

Bottom left: new concept:Cepstrum (2nd order Power Spectra) COHERENCE - Time History - newest bottom - clicks to full screen.

Bottom right: Beat Interval - in seconds (separate peak counter more accurate than Tuner's base 120hz sampling rate). In effect a breath graph.

Center bottom: HRV / Heart Rate Variability / time history / with 3 band histogram (3 standard medical bandwidths for HRV delineated by blue lines.

Center right: Coherence / Cepstrum averaging display / 2 persons. What emotions can SUSTAIN together. Averaging time user selectable for research state change measurement (here 5 seconds). Lower left hand coherence plot is averaged.

The amplitude or height of the lowest left peak - is the dynamic COHERENCE measure. When you look at someone you truly love - that peak will soar. It appears that heart coherence is genuinely a measure of the EKG discovering which waves are 'shareable'. (Winter talks about this in psychological language: 'the role of mind among waves - is to persuade waves to AGREE'.) Additionally, since relative muscle strength is proportional to the coherence you give it electrically - the HeartTuner appears to offer a practical way to see KINESIOLOGY measured. In effect - Heart Coherence - appears to be a kind of lie detector - or biological yes no responder. (Winter's graduate training is in polygraphy). It appears also simple to get yes no answers using this measure - from autism, parapalegic, or coma patients who at least are able to hear. ( Teacher weeps at first conversation with parapalegic boy using Winter's concept: )

Step 1 Simply to raise this COHERENCE peak - which Winter tells users - is the difference between a heart that is a flashlight versus a LASER (coherence). Persons who are not able to choose to raise this peak - often appropriately begin to ask themselves- have we lost passion?

Step 2 appears to be the ability to MOVE this peak right vs. left. (Emotional flexibility or range of emotion). This y axis value Winter calls E.I. or Emotional Index. The accurate spectral range displayed is usually .4 to 1.2 hertz. This exactly corresponds to the numeric inverse (1/x) value of a.) the musical fundamental of the heart - and b.) the exact distance in hertz between the (coherent phase locked ) harmonics in the standard power spectra (top right). This value is indirectly linked to Heart Rate. The medical literature is quite clear that inability to flex Heart Rate is a profound indicator of disease susceptibility. What is new here perhaps - is the added notion that inability to change heart RATE may correlate measureably to inability to change emotions. (more below).

Step 3. appears to be the skill to move TWO PERSONS to link hearts measureably - by causing their peaks to line up. Winter calls this measurable phase lock between hearts - impedance matching, or resonance entrainment - or charge bonding. What IS clear - is that a palpable feeling of CHARGE TRANSFER does become possible when this happens. It is rather uncontested that this is the first time clinical empathy, healing charge transfer, tantra, concensus process / conflict resolution - has been MEASURED. Winter has developed an extensive model of biological information transfer / and life force - based on this ability to share CHARGE (more below, reference: ).

Step 4. After measuring tens of thousands of persons - Winter's associates HeartCoherence Team et al., have determined ( has medicine noticed?) that MOST persons EKG key signature when stabilized PARKS AT ONE OF 3 BLUE LINES noted vertically on the cepstrum screen. (note Cepstrum is mispelled septrum in some screen labels).

These are the values .618 (1/Phi Golden Mean), .79 square root of Phi, and 1.0

These then correspond to 'heart music' (rate fundamentals) which are all simple log functions of the GOLDEN MEAN RATIO.

Having then noted so many persons heart's choosing this musical key, the obvious question to ask was-

what EMOTION accompanies which heart signature/ musical key? Here is Winter's data summary.

* .618 PHI / touch permissive / membrane bridging emotion - heart centered / empathic?

* .79 square root PHI - peaceful balance - centered between in reaching and out reaching..?

* 1.0 in-cubeating / conceptual / membrane making emotion..

Describing emotional QUALITY by the geometry cubic versus phi - of heart harmonics?

Winter's early analysis of the significance of the first peak of the EKG - Cepstrum - showing emotional QUALITY on the y axis.. .618 musical fundamental to EKG equalling touch permissive emotional states.

The concensus among thousands of users is clear: heart musical key at the left blue line .618 Golden Mean ratio corresponds to emotions which are MEMBRANE BRIDGING, TOUCH PERMISSIVE, and BARRIERS LET DOWN. Some users have oversimplified this to say that Golden Ratio E.I. value is HEART CENTERED EMOTION - versus to 1.0 HEAD CENTERED. Clearly those who choose 1.0 hz here, are invariably feeling more conceptual, less touch permissive, and more barriers up. Winter calls this MEMBRANE MAKING versus MEMBRANE bridging emotion. Winter has formulated an extensive harmonic theory of healing CANCER membranes by teaching people to move from head to heart (soften the isolationist membrane making charge) in this way : ref: . The key is to understand that electrically Golden Ratio harmonics nest and touch efficiently.. (compress non-destructively - key to Implosion)

cover -Winter's new book: Implosion's Grand Attractor- Sacred Geometry&Coherent Emotion, ref:

versus: harmonics in 1.0 hz, or cubic, or hex, or octave based lattice- literally PREVENT touch by creating DESTRUCTIVE interference when waves add and multiply 'heterodynes'-

The idea that Golden Mean ratio permits perfect collapse / fusion / non-destructive compression is clear from nature's use of Golden Mean ratio in Phylotaxis to create perfect UN-packing - a clue to perfect PACKING..

Maximum exposure - minimum superposition - the best way to SHARE the light - = perfect unpacking = perfect PACKING based on PHI / Golden Ratio / PHYlotaxis.

Winter developed this into a theory of fusion and implosion as self-organizing / perfect wave collapse. References: , , . In the last reference he derives a complete symmetry model of compassion psychologically based on discovering non-destructive COMPRESSION.

Winter believes compassion is electrically identical with the moment the heart learns to compress well - by recursive 'turning inside out' which shows up as Golden Ratio in the EKG power spectra:



This fits very well the Russian work (Dr. Korotkov) showing GOLDEN RATIO clearly defines brain wave harmonic ratio during BLISS AND EUPHORIA (peak experience) (ref: ). Winter believes this is key to replacing ADDICTION and ATTENTION DEFICIT with PEAK EXPERIENCE (charge attraction) using self-empowering neurofeedback - ( ref: ).

This Golden Ratio also fits well with Winter's analysis of the 'Sentic' touch pressure wave shape identifying the 'love hug' (ref: ).

It also fits well, Dr. Ed. Wilson's conclusion at Monroe Institute that Fibonacci to Golden Ratio audio heterodynes in headphones measureably induced brainwave TRANSCENDANCE (coherence in EEG top center instead of dissociative hemispheric extremes as coherence center around the ears).

This also fits Dr. Ary Goldberger's famous analysis which shows that the nerves causing the heart to fire are of the most SELF SIMILAR structures in the body...

Compare the heart branch with the heart harmonics as also SELF SIMILAR in EMBEDABILITY pic above..

Golden Mean Ratio - perfects self-reference (Vedic definition of self-awareness):

Derive the Golden Mean ratio - mathematically - and you derive perfect self-reference / self-embedding:

(from Winter's early notes - and his origin of alphabet - )


Essentially - what Winter is suggesting is that Golden Ratio is wave collapse and touch permissiveness perfected - because it is key to 'scale invariance'. That is - how structures arrange their internal wave symmetry so they can undergo perfect collapse without destruction. ( ref: ). He later developed this into a model to solve the unified field of physics - by showing this is the wave geometry which turns collapse IN to ACCELERATION. (by recursively allowing waves to add and multiply their wave velocities)- This explains why capacitors in this (conic recursive) geometry fabricate gravity and prove his unified field. Ref: , and .


It is not hard to understand how a certain (Golden Ratio) cascade of pressures can create implosive acceleration.. just look at the harmonics of a carefully pronounced AaahOmmmm..

creating a caddeuceus if you transition between vowels gracefully ( harmonic choir / multi timbral vocal chords) - below:

more at

The concept is to THROW inertial coherently BETWEEN frequencies to produce non-destructive collapse implosion. This sets the conditions for BLISS / Enlightenment / Charge Density (equivalent to HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS - already proven to predict ending most disease in medical HRV literature).

Compare this with the Golden Ratio caddeuceus in the preceding picture.

Winter calls this harmonic theory of infinite non-destructive collapse: PhiRICAIS. ( )

Now all this may seem like a long way to travel- having first observed simply that the EKG of most persons chooses a musical key based on Golden Ratio.

It does however lead one to wonder- if this may not be the key to describing the long mysterious question - how does the heart like the living egg or pine cone appear to extract so much energy from it's environment. Winter says- this fractal arrangement of the elements of charge - creates implosion sucking capacitive charge in from the gravity field - accounting for moments of bliss in the heart. What is particularly unique is that he has translated this geometric hypothesis for the source of energy of life force into measurement:

(using the same HeartTuner)..

Trying to understanding why most healthy eggs generate 2 to 10 millivolts between ends, he began to measure the harmonics (inclusiveness) of CHARGE to measure the life force in eggs and fruit etc., using exactly the same hardware and software (HeartTuner): (below exerpted from )


Summary: spherical biological capacitor (gold plated ostrich egg - with a gap between plated ends to build dialectric field difference) is split and an electrode wire connects each opposite end of the capacitor to the preamp (HeartTuner) - sensitive to microvolts. Anything alive is placed in the cup field (in this case-fresh chicken egg).. and the life forcce (freshness ) is electrically measureable. The technique is to amplify the output microvolts - and then spectrum analyze (almost identical to the way brainwaves for example would be processed). Charge density (amplitude of peaks) and harmonic INCLUSIVENESS predict life force. Note above - how visible the difference is between the fresh egg (in blue) to the 3 day old egg in yellow - is measureable and replicable.

The data had been replicated several times in the Netherlands group - until the gold foil layer they had installed had separated and become discontinuous. The Perth group did such a good job with the new design - they are able to measure life force even in a building where there is some electrical noise. (The Netherlands group had to be outside of electrical pollution in most buildings to see good result).

The point is that - life force is now DIRECTLY measureable. This should change the way food is processed / defined / and handled everywhere in the world. The concept of food which has been fractionated and has been contained in poor charge environments (metal refrigerators) is absurd now that we know life force = designing a good capacitor!!!

The HRV literature originally showed that HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS ( identical to successful embedding - and compression - optimized by Golden Ratio) in the HRV - statistically correlated with eliminating most chronic disease. Ref: Irving Dardik MD., former chair Olympic Medical Committee, in Cycles Magazine: (as reprinted at , intro here by Winter - see link)

1. This concept of "superlooping" and Rate Variability and Fractality be applied to understanding what sustains (not just the heart but) every biological oscillator (you and me & planets) as the "embedability" which creates a "a sacred circuit".

2. That perfecting this nesting of the loops is acheivable with the feedBACK mathematics of PHI the Golden Mean (Phi-lotaxis as maximum exposure minimum superposition really means waves nesting perfectly.).... ../embedability

new: October 04, BlissTuner- concepts added to Implosion Group HEART SPACES SEMINAR - curriculum:

 Besides the basic functionality of your current application, PRO-04 offers many additional features including:

- modular arrangement with pop-up screens
- enhanced visualisation including user-definable fully averaged waterfall plots
- long time averaged ECG internal coherence for greatly improved biofeedback experience
- integrated game style bio-feedback reward, running on the background
- vertical EEG cross-hemispheric symmetry graph
- long-time averaged spectrum analysis
- "auric spectrum" visualisation, especially for life-force measurements
- life force data assessment & presentation for commercial applications
- 6 standard plus two user input configurations
- Esthetically pleasing fully graphic scalable interface with user-defined screen presets
- improved Heart Rate Variability Module available soon
- future audio options including "the heart's sound" and audio bio-feedback
- impressive user selectable numeric and graphic data storage, post-processing, and re-play options

Heart Tuner PRO-04 will come as a start-up package with additional module "plug-ins" which can be ordered separately. The start-up package includes the basic 2 channel ECG and EEG functions, spectrum and 2nd order spectrum with various graphics, basic tachogram, internal coherence history and a bio-feedback game. Expansions include comprehensive HRV and Life Force modules as well as future options.

Heart Tuner PRO-04 start-up package does include the new cross-hemispheric symmetry (vertical graph) analysis which was found a breakthrough in neuro feedback bliss and coherent emotion entrainment.

The optional Life Force module comes together with the special gold-sheet ceramic spherical capacitor (sensor, diam. apprx. 100 mm.) for capturing and assessing long time averaged spectral emission of life materials, particularly interesting for corporate use and comparative research on nutrients.

We will keep you informed through mailing, newsletter (apply for subscription) and on our website covering more details on the software, applications, pricing and ordering options.

Please do check for updates. For information contact us at or
*** Heart Tuner users qualify for special discount *** warm regards, Heart Coherence Team, tel.: 0031-(0)53-4361096 ,

Mind Mirror (3 times the cost of HeartTuner with less than 1/3 the features).. correctly describes this brainwave picture- but misses the PURE PRINCIPLE (Golden Mean / Implosion- RATIO in the cascade symmetry) triggers BLISS & Learning. Here is their description of THIS brainwave biofeedback learning picture:

"The AWAKENED MIND brainwave pattern combines the intuitive, empathetic radar of the delta waves, the creative inspiration, personal insight, and spiritual awareness of the theta waves, the bridging capacity and relaxed, detached, awareness of the alpha waves, and the external attention and ability to consciously process thought of beta waves, all at the same time. It is a brainwave pattern shared by people in higher states of consciousness regardless of their philosophy, theology or meditation technique. This brainwave pattern can be found during "peak experience" and in all forms of creativity and high performance. The awakened mind is also the "ah-ha," appearing at the exact instant of solving the problem, or getting the insight."

NeuroScience notes: Bliss - Euphoria - Ecstasy- & INSIGHT - connected to a BEAT & BIG FLASH- a Large Scale Neuro-Electric Phenomenon?

- From the French Magazine Sciences et Avenir, Sept 2003, Exclusive: "We know finally where lives God " (by Anna Alter) , thanks to Valerie Sandelin & Jean Senot- for forwarding & translating.

"The understanding researchers have of this (brain) organ of big complexity progresses every day. Neuropsychologists analyzing the functioning of the brain during religious experiencess or during prayers were able to explain how both lobes could "trip out" and provoke a BEAT- " peace of mind, a big flash ". This phenomenon would be at the origin of the states of grace, ecstasies, appearances and the other miracles.
Scientific integrity requires our researchers to analyze real ways which allow homo sapiens sapiens to raise themselves to radiant heights by transcendental means (still measured?by science): Via positiva consists in fixing an object, and Via negativa requires(demands) to think of nothing, to empty completely the head. By a specific mental activity, normal functioning of the brain is perturbed - to disconnect him(it) from the reality,...
The neuropsychiatrists, can now compare to the descriptions given in the Gospel, the Koran or in history books, in view of the symptoms shown by certain seers, diagnose in these patient's (with the view from our age) an epilepsy of the right(straight) temporal lobe. A disorder of the electric activity in this group of neurones provokes very particular visual and auditive hallucinations, except for left-handed persons whose brain is differently latéraliséd and organized. (Insert here from Winter: Cross Hemispheric Coherence?). The subject in these 'pointed' conditions - sees the light and hears (from within?) words, exactly as saint Paul on the road of Damascus or Joan of Arc in her village of Lorraine of Domrémy. " The fundamentalism and the religious fanaticism are also explained by a conditioning from the youngest age entailing a dysfunction of " deep intellectual regions ". The faith and the religious rites can have beneficial effects, antistress notably,- noting however that too much is also dangerous....

We know now HOW bliss is triggered- are we ready to teach that? Biofeedback has the tools, now we have the software --Check out some screen array samples from the new HeartTuner Pro04- Including the Bliss Tuner trainer module (screen top right).

A short historical review on electrical measures of Bliss / Euphoria / Ecstasy:

Dan Winter - thanks to his mentor Prof.Al Ax (long time collaborator with Elmer Green & Joe Kamiya - founders of biofeedback) - had helped construct the electrical lab / polygraphy where fear and anger were first described electrically (1980's Univ Detroit Psychophysiology Clinic). Dan was then the first to locate Golden Mean ratio in Manfred Clynes famous Sentic wave shape definition of LOVE in music science - the shape of the touch or hug or squeeze which expresses LOVE as wave embedding. ( ). Dan first measured intense healing emotion electrically - when he discovered EKG harmonics spaced in Golden Mean arithmetic coherence cascades during HEALING LOVE - at Millard Fillmore Hospital lab 1991-1994. (complete history and graphs at ). This provoked the Heart Math Institute to hire Dan to teach them how to measure EKG harmonics and began their career in science. Dan then developed the mathematics of cepstrum (2nd order not inverse power spectra) to measure INTERNAL COHERENCE - revolutionizing the measure & teaching of emotional and brain coherence which became his invention HeartTuner ( ). The implications for true understanding of COHERENCE - explored at - revolutionize the worlds of A.D.D. / Addiction training by coherence - and organizations (like Heart Math & TM) whose foundations are based on coherence - yet never acheived measurement. Also in the mid 1990's the famous Dr. Ed Wilson - (compatriot to Candace Pert-author of the silver bullet theory of emotion:"Molecules of Emotion")- Ed was at that time research director of The Monroe Institute (Hemisynch Tapes). Ed had discovered that Fibonacci to Golden Ratio audio cascades -beat note differentials in audio headphones - triggered 'liquid phonon heterodynes' in the brain which quickly became the DEFINITION of transcendance in brainwaves. He launched people consistently into transcendance / bliss states using Phi / Golden sound ratios in headphones alone (differential beat cascades). Ed abandoned Bob Monroe - who was afraid to release this- and came to make a documentary film with Dan Winter - comparing his brain bliss work with Dan's EKG studies. They put extensive examples of his 3D color brain surface maps (Lexicor 32 ch. EEG) in that film. In summary (Ed found) - EEG coherence areas at the hemispheric opposite extremes - defined DISSOCIATION (in brainwaves) and was triggered by OCTAVES audio input (NOT fibonacci or PHI)- as opposed to brainwave coherence lighting up specifically in the TOP CROWN CENTER of the brain - when triggered by FIBONACCI (leads to Phi Golden Mean) audio cascades. This latter state he DEFINED as brainwave TRANSCENDANCE; it is clearly related to the triggering of CROSS HEMISPHERIC brainwave coherence. -

... and this sets the stage for the next ELECTRICAL bliss precedent history... our friend: Dr. Korotkov in Russia - found and published clear evidence that Golden Mean ratio was the KEY ATTRACTOR - identifying BLISS / Euphoria in brainwave harmonics. See

also see Cross Hemispheric COHERENCE in his BLISS measures -below: ( Dr.K.-of the famous GDV clinical aura discharge diagnostic tools- was first also to measure how death is successful when CHARGE propagates successfully from the corpse - suggesting a whole new industry instructing people on the electrical hygiene to survive death - non destructive / fractal charge distribution - see .)

Dr. Korotkov was invited to document the intensive bliss related visualization training used in the successful WORLD WITHOUT BLINDNESS PROJECT in Russia. There - children who were blind - began to literally see thru their inner sight - using a bliss training. The project received a lot of media attention. (Pics below & Films of TV shows available- acknowledgement again to Dr.K. - link above).

In the process- Dr. K was able to consistently document the electrical description of this state of consciousness- which we have called bliss:


Summarizing (simplifying) the above electrical measures to identify / teach BLISS:

1. The ratio between (principle) brain harmonics goes to GOLDEN RATIO..

2. Left and right hemisphere - come into COHERENCE (phase lock)

3. Minimizing Temporal activation corresponds to reducing the EEG map Dr.Wilson correlated to Dissociation (vs. Transcendance which is Golden Ratio phired CROWN activation).

4. Increase SIZE of the aura - (GDV)
(Dan Winter, Dr K., & Heart Coherence Team strongly hypothesize that GDV area -'aura radiance'- WILL correlate to Heart Coherence- as HeartCoherence correlates to muscle strength enabling HeartTuner to measure kinesiology.)

5. Increase in FRACTALITY (folded-surface) of the aura.


Also note that there is precedence confirming the power of acheiving cross hemispheric coherence in EEG - in triggering Healing. The Mind Mirror literature above is as well clear - that this form of coherence - WHEN ALSO COMBINED WITH COHERENT LINK UP TO A SECOND PERSON BEING HEALED - is a clear correlate / indicator - that functional energy healing occurs.

The Heart Coherence team - using the basic insight from Winter, successfully launched Heart / EKG biofeedback making empathy (phase lock ) and coherent emotion (passion) measureable (using 2 channel ceptstrum of EKG). Now in the next generation release of HeartTuner Pro04 Software ( ) Heart Coherence team is launching

One of the many new modules in the new HeartTuner Pro04 software being released in the next weeks - is explicitly designed to allow 3 of the most important features of BLISS - to be gently and carefully teachable in the new 2 channel brainwave setup for HeartTuner. This design - a BLISS TUNER?- specifically allows - at a glance biofeedback to teach:

A- Golden Ratio between the Major Harmonics - Usually Alpha to Beta in EEG Spectra

B- Cross Hemispheric Synchrony (Both Hemispheres in Symmetry )

C - Overall Internal COHERENCE.

In the tests here - both Dan & John & Frank whose brainwaves are shown felt clear 'rushes' or tingles of BLISS presence when the succesful graphs were taken.


3 Sessions In Sequence
Showing Golden Ratio Replicated
In Brain WaveEEG During Bliss Visualization
Vs. Charge Attraction

Above.. Dan Winter brainwave bliss series.. below.. John - during alpha bliss visualization in Germany

In addition the new software module will graph the overall coherence as 'rising thermometers' - plus the key harmonic RATIO to optimize for Phi/ Golden Mean.

Plant Substance Life Force Power Spectra
Represented as Concentric Bands..Life Force Radiance Made Visual

So - if Golden Mean ratio Brain ( and indirectly- Golden Mean arithmetic cascade Heart) music create BLISS / Euphoria and Expanded PERCEPTION....

then WHY not just mechanically induce Golden Ratio and MAKE people make bliss??

(but as for living- we'll let our machines / servants do that for us)..

The problem is that only the WORK to make the BLISS for yourself MAKES it self-empowering (why biofeedback is only YOU learning to do it for yourself)..

If you MACHINE induce Golden ratio.. You get -- RETURN OF THE BORGS..(dis-empowerment and hive mind borg unindividuated non creative intelligence).

reference: , , ,

Below- the work of Dr Konstantive Korotkov:-- with World Without Blindness - project..

The young people most of whom were totally blind, learned to see - after learning a series of disciplined inner excercises involving color and clear visualization.

After some months / years- the young people were able to acheive a distinct altered state of consciousness - directly linked to what we label bliss and euphoria.

The acheivement of that state of awareness - ability to draw in charge- was a direct cause of their being able to SEE even while blind.

Imagine that you understood the true meaning of the term:


Now visualize exactly the mathematics of what would allow waves to CON CENTER ..

(pic: circles in radii of Golden Mean)..

Recursion creates CON=CENTERING!!!! - Now understand by this what Golden Mean ratio does for BRAiN WAVES.

That Golden Ratio perfected ABILITY TO SELF REFER-is also a definition of consciousness in the Vedas:

\Finally in the Heart Seminar curriculum- we describe the measurement of LIFE FORCE using these same ideas and tools:

Please see the new LIFEFORCE article - to apply this concept of HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS (Fractality) to evaluating life force (and VIABILITY) by harmonic analysis of charge in ANYTHING ALIVE! (abstract in this box)

 Abstract: The concept is inspired from the film we made with Professor Phil Callahan. There we saw him observe with his liquid crystal portable Fluke scope that the more harmonics which were present in the weak capacitive field around a tree - the healthier the tree was. There we learned to use the hemp 'biological capacitive probe' used for the EARLIER data on the above linked page.

The point is that the concept - THE MORE HARMONICS PRESENT AT ONCE- THE MORE LIFE IS PRESENT - is PERFECTLY reflected in the EKG literature! Namely that the fractality of harmonic INCLUSIVENESS of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a very reliable predictor of immune health and longevity!.

Reference 1:The Origin of Disease and Health Heart Waves

Reference 2:Heart Rate Variability Comparison using HeartLink / HeartTuner

- The principle is simple: the MORE waves of electrical charge which can simultaneous agree to meet at once - in any biological oscillator - the more ALIVE it is. While this concept seems absurdly simple at first inspection - in fact it makes perfect sense. When a biological structure finds a way to attract waves of charge - it sucks in the energy of its environment. The more waves of charge it can suck in a one time - the more energy and LIFE it absorbs.

This is VERY parallel in some ways - to the notion that LIFE FORCE IS ROUGHLY EQUAL TO BIOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE CHARGE DENSITY (Thus explaining for example why most metal structures deplete life force when they even TOUCH food!)

The nice thing is - we can now depict exactly HOW a biological structure gathers that charge :

It arranges the elements of it's 'nonlinear' dialectric to become fractal or self-similar. In this way - the recursive non-destructive (or re-cursively CONSTRUCTIVE) interference of the charge waves in its interior becomes a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. Or - more specifically - it adds and multiplies the wave lengths and wave velocities in THIS geometry depicted - see link..

UNIVERSAL CYCLES, reprinted from "Cycles Magazine", CYCLES Vol.46,No.3,1996

The Origin of Disease and Health Heart Waves
The Single Solution to Heart Rate Variability

In the world of medicine are two extraordinary experimental mysteries that intuition at first suggests are totally unrelated. The first mystery, which comes from the field of cardiology, is:
Why does a decrease in heart rate variability(HRV)emerge as a single common risk factor for virtually all chronic diseases at all..

We conclude that finding a powerful correlate to emotional states during the appearance of Golden Ratio harmonics in the EKG may be very significant and worth further study.

We conclude also that the concept of Coherence - now probably more measurable and teachable than ever ( ) should be studied.. in the Heart and Brain and possibly all biological oscillators. If Winter is correct - internal COHERENCE may be as close as we will ever get to mathematically predicting biological sustainability.

Winter extends the idea of Harmonic Inclusiveness - inspired from Dardik..

to suggest that the VITALITY OF ALL BIOLOGICAL OSCILLATORS may be quantified by measuring HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS in this way. Essentially - suggesting that the Golden Mean ratio perfects harmonic inclusiveness by perfecting the number of DIFFERENT harmonics which can non-destructively embed / compress / nest in one place.

refs: , .

More on HeartTuner -

summary- Heart Music: HRV and Emotion vs The Care & Feeding of Immune Health

Intro lecture on Heart Coherence & The HeartTuner ( ) from the inventor - to health professionals.

1. Harmonic Inclusiveness (sometimes called fractality ) -which is how many different frequencies at once you can "invite" into your heart (Heart Rate Variability / HRV) clearly predicts resistance to MOST known chronic disease! (Ref 1. , Ref 2. ). This is one of the reasons HRV is one of the most intensely studied fields in medicine today.

2. HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS MAXIMIZED BY GOLDEN RATIO: The mathematic solution to maximizing the number of different wave lengths that can share space non-destructively is THE GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - This is the principle of PHYLOTAXIS - the branching geometry of all biology - so named because it is based on PHI - the symbol for Golden Mean. What is perfect UNPACKING for plants, is also perfect packing - hence clearly the Heart solves the problem of sustainability by learning to PACK (compress charge) well.

3. Two conditions predict the sustainability and viability of EVERYTHING oscillating. The Heart (ECG) and ALL of biology are examples of oscillators which must learn these in order to survive. The first is this HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS, and the second is COHERENCE. Coherence is necessary because otherwise internal interference self-cancels anything waving or alive. The limit condition to allow BOTH Harmonic Inclusiveness AND COHERENCE to be sustained is PERFECT BRANCHING, or NESTING, or EMBEDDING, as defined by the Golden Mean Ratio. This is why after spectrum analysing tens of thousands of ECG's using HeartTuner, the VAST majority of HeartBeats choose to become stable at one of 3 musical key signatures ( Phi ^-1 or .618, Phi ^-1/2 or .79 , and Phi^0 or 1.0). These are identified by the 3 blue lines on the HeartTuner screen. There can be no other explanation than the heart learning the key to non-destructive compression (of charge) based on Phi. This correlates beautifully to the apparent psychology of those 3 emotional positions, which at .618 correspond much more to touch permissive emotion, versus 1.0 ('Emotional Index' or ECG musical fundamental) being much more intellectual and membrane MAKING kind of feeling. The PHI ratio .618 harmonic series is touch permissive emotionally, because that ( pent or phi based) symmetry permits non destructive harmonically inclusive nesting! The NEED then is to measure a.) Harmonic Inclusiveness idealized by Phi harmonics in the power spectra, and b.) COHERENCE in the ECG -- which also has profound implications for teaching COHERENT Emotion. The HeartTuner is the solution to this feedback revolution because it measures for the first time INTERNAL coherence (in heart or brain) plus instantly reports on the moment of that PHI tuned cascade. (which among other things has already electrically DEFINED bliss and euphoria - see , since that creates collapse and compression - of charge.)

4. How to Interpret the HeartTuner Screen - New summary -:

The CEPSTRUM (Coherence Measure) from the HeartTuner screen (not available in any other device).

The peak you look at here is the main or first peak on the left side. Each user is color coded, and the newest data is always on the bottom, scrolling up to time history ('waterfall' plot). The height or AMPLITUDE of that first peak is the COHERENCE measure. The peak rises every time the heart has more harmonics in phase with each other. This measures how many waves the heart has found a way to get into AGREEMENT at one time. The skill to produce 'agreement' - coherent centering phase lock - among waves - as it shows up measureably in the EKG- IS the very quantum nature of compassion itself!

In practice: this heart coherence clearly rises every time the heart gets coherent - we like to say: " learn to light your own fire - turn your heart from a flashlight into a laser - so your coherent emotion can go far". Watch this peak rise when your body says yes to anything - or you speak your truth, conversely if your body says no to anything if falls. If you learn to watch it, it is indeed a kind of truth detector. This makes good physics because coherence like truth is a wave that is shareable.

So the first lesson is to RAISE THE PEAK - learn to light the fire of passion - and sustain coherence.

Second lesson: learn to move the peak. Heart Rate Variability richness requires that for health you not ne stuck in one place. The position of that peak back and forth on the X (horizontal) axis measures the musical key signature of your heart - is tied to heart rate. And the ability to move that DOES correspond to emotional flexibility - if your heart music is stuck - so are your emotions. And medical proof exists (Dardik et al) that harmonic diversity (not being stuck) in the heart's music DOES correlate beautifully to resisting most ALL diseases! (The is called 'fractal' heart rate variability).

Third lesson: learn to LINK with another person. The linking or aligning of two peaks measures the moment of biological entrainment and beautiful teaches the science of EMPATHY, and learning to bond with another. This has the most profound implications for healers, lovers, counselors .. and world peace! ( see - ). Not only is this the first practical and useful measure for success in achieving an EMPATHIC MOMENT - but it lays the foundation for actually linking hearts around the planet! (see "Harmonic Module" above.)

Fourth lesson: when the peak is near to 1.0 on that axis - the QUALITY of the emotion is called 'membrane making' - in practice it means that this area is usually your conceptual - head centered kind of feeling state. Whereas - when this peaks is nearer to .618 Golden Mean, the QUALITY of the 'emotion bridging' - in practice this is a feeling state usually associated with compassion, empathy, openness - even love. This is because the simple geometry of the heart's electricity moves from isolating / insulated cubic lattice - to embedding and nesting and touchable pent lattice. It is also true however that it is not good to be totally in one or the other, but rather to learn flexibility and even control of your emotion - self-empowerment by feedback.

3. The HeartTuner ( ) uses a revolution in mathematics (pioneered by Winter) (the second order power spectra: CEPSTRUM) to:

a.) quantify the INTERNAL or AUTO COHERENCE within the heart's voltage (ECG) , and

b.) dynamically and continuously feed back the musical fundamental to which the ECG is tuned (linked to Heart Rate - called Emotional Index/ EI number).

4. Benefits of providing this feedback - now proven commercially - include:

a.) teaching EMOTIONAL coherence - linked to Heart (ECG) coherence - newly made measureable.

b.) teaching EMPATHY , COMPASSION , MARRIAGE COUNSELING , CONFLICT RESOLUTION , CONCENSUS PROCESS , and ENERGY HEALING by CHARGE TRANSFER - by measuring and teaching the moment at which two persons hearts (ECG) come into perfect musical phase lock.

c.) since the same feedback system allows measuring EEG COHERENCE - a revolution in the treatment of Attention Deficit and Addiction is becoming evident. ( ref. 1: , ref.2: ). Also the HRV curve on the HeartTuner - becomes a graph of the breathing - and can measure and teach the entrainment of breath to heart to brain..

Compare the above Caddeuceus breath ( see Exercises to Zero Point ) measured in HRV interbeat interval ...

( After 1 long deep breath - each succeeding breath is .61 as long and deep as the previous until refined breath and then stillness is reached ) (compare to collapse pics above )

Here see another example of the current professional EEG electrodes now shipping with HeartTuner measuring (with standard HeartTunerPro software)

1) onset of Alpha brainwave activity with eye closure,

and 2. onset of Heart Coherence in PHASE LOCK (Heart-Brain LINK UP) with EEG Brain Coherence.

(Internal Brainwave Coherence has never before been quantified - and is strongly hypothesized to correlate to attention density - and focus - providing new keys to simplify self-empowering neurofeedback to eliminate Attention Deficit and Addiction.) ref 1., ref 2.

5. Having observed the musical key (heart rate fundamental) of tens of thousands of ECG, it has become CLEARLY evident that most stable heart rates stabilize at one of 3 points ( see 3 blue lines on the CEPSTRUM (septrum) coherence graph time history above. The 3 stability points are Golden Ratio (.618) , Square Root Golden Ratio (.79) and 1.0. Interviews with many thousands of users strongly evidences a psychological correlate to these obviously biologically preferred fundamentals. Those stuck at 1.0 hz musical key - are invariability experience more touch inhibiting - barrier making emotion. VERSUS those at .618 regularly evidence more TOUCH PERMISSIVE emotion. This has PROFOUND implications for cancer ( ref: ) - as well as the simple ability to help people move from 'head' or conceptual based emotions - to 'heart' or touch / feel based emotions and back.

The REASON that harmonic inclusiveness - which HeartTuner repeatedly evidences is correlated with compassion - feeds the immune system is simple: Biophysics ("Structural Stability and Morphogenesis" book) concludes that biological membranes sustain TO THE EXTENT THAT THE WAVE HARMONICS WHICH BRAID THEM LIKE A SOAP BUBBLE FOLDED - ARE MUSICALLY PHASE COHERENT - AND INCLUSIVE.

6. The HeartTuner work provides a vast ground work for now measuring the VIABILITY IN ANY BIOLOGICAL OSCILLATOR OF ANY SCALE - to prove that LIFE FORCE and VIABILITY in general - is predicted by HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS ! . ( ref: ) . Information is graphed at that reference evidencing that this can be applied for example to measuring the harmonic inclusiveness of the capacitive charge of ANYTHING ALIVE to measure life force. Transducers (biological capacitance probes) are used with the same HeartTuner to make these measures. Specifically - we discuss why - LIFE FORCE equals the ability to attract and self organize electrical charge .

7. How HeartTuner makes Kinesiology measureable: Numerous professional kinesiologists around the world have found that with even minimal practice - it is beautifully simple to use HeartTuner to solve the problem of making the Kinesiology response actually measureable. Millions agree that the body responds knowingly to what it needs by increasing muscle strength. A great way to check what medicine or food is good for you, or whether the battery in your watch is destroying the strength in your personal field effect. The problem is that since pressing down on someones arm or even finger to check muscle strength - has always had a SUBJECTIVE component - this wonderful technique to HEAR the body - has always been relegated to non-scientific circles. Now this has changed. Muscle strength is clearly the scientific result of how COHERENT is the electrical (myographic) signal your nervous system SENDS to your arm muscle for example. If you establish a calm baseline, now the HeartTuner by measuring the ELECTRICAL COHERENCE of the Heart - beautifully quantifies (measures) how powerful is the instruction that nervous electricity can deliver to MUSCLE. This idea works very practically and replicably as follows:

1. Use HeartTuner in 1 channel mode, reduce noise and wait at least 1 to 3 minutes or so until you have a nice clean waterfall of coherence (Cepstrum) measure (bottom left).

2. Observe where the main peak settles in a pattern. Have your subject quite relaxed and not moving.

3. You place the object to be tested on their heart or solar plexus (they don't move). If their body likes it the coherence peak (main or first primary peak of the Cepstrum) will rise within about one half to 2 seconds. If not it will fall.

It is that simple! It works amazingly well. It is important to learn to watch the peak immediately in the second or so after you place the test substance in their field. To get some simple baseline - after you have quiet background - try a really fresh piece of fruit or egg in their aura to see it rise - then try a bag of sugar or something heavy metal or transformer or battery in their aura to see it fall. .. This is a good time to click 'Settings' in HeartTunerPro, 'Enable' averaging (try a 5 second window).. See the effect of your medicine or chosen test substance on your Heart Coherence - 5 seconds with, 5 without .. averaged & displayed dynamically.

Appendix: what research has been done so far with HeartTuner?

The tool is new, and the field is just beginning.. here are some preliminary study results..

1st: Does COHERENCE increase during active conscious focus - group averaged: (study in lab in Hilversum, Netherlands)


ABOVE- Septrum peak amplitudes - higher during difficult, frustrating tasks. - Top Plot - AVERAGE of Subject Pool for Septrum (Coherence?) Peak - Vertical Axis - Power Density - Horizontal Axis - Time During Which Tasks were uniformly sequenced.

BELOW- Septrum Peak x-coordinate (Emotional Index) is lower during difficult tasks and higher during relaxation. What exactly does the Emotional Index tell us about our state of mind?

The below study was done with the earlier HeartLink - on Cepstrum EKG coherence, note- subject pool around 20 were studied before and after 6 month meditation intensive retreat.

see detail:

Below: sample of data export for research file structure from HeartTuner.


Notes on HRV theory versus HeartTuner coherence measure:

Q&A: does the HeartTuner offer these functions:

- analysis of short-term HRV incorporating nonparametric and preferably also parametric spectral analysis
- analysis based on regular sampling of the tachograms (what sampling rate, per what [beat, sec?])
- nonparametric spectral analysis which uses at least 512 but preferably 1024 points for a five-minute recording (what does the HT use?)

They also list standards for the analysis of long-term HRV, but am I right in assuming that these are inappropriate for the HeartTuner? They include:

- time domain methods including all 'four standard measures' (specified as SDNN, SDANN, RMSSD, and HRV triangular index)
- frequency analysis in five-minute segments ('using the same precision as with the analysis of short-term ECGs')
- spectral analysis of the 24-hour record to compute HF, LF, VLF and ULF components, the periodgram sampling should be the same as for the short-term analysis, eg 218 points.

See Figure 7 in the article too for the recommended 'strategy for obtaining the data for the HRV analysis'. Is this relevant for the HT?

Answer:- Heart Rate Variability's Most Profound Power to Heal Lies in Teaching Conscious Control. Harmonic Inclusiveness (Medically Shown to Limit Chronic Disease) In HRV Can Be Achieved Sustainably ONLY IF That Skill Is Consciously Learned. (The Medical Model - let the doctor fix it for you - is the least sustainable - most dis-empowering). Conscious Learning Requires That the Feedback Rate To Teach It - Is Fast Enough So A Conscious Connection Is Made Between The HRV Success versus the Emotion That Produced It.

5 Minutes of Averaging May Produce Slightly More Resolution In the Display of the HRV Power Spectra - But Paying the Price For That Slightly Added Resolution - the Elimination of the Real Time FEEL to Consciously TEACH HRV Health - IS Unnecessary..

Because - HeartTuner has a better way:

The HeartTuner state of the art preamplifier is really a 4 channel - opto-isolated battery powered UL/FDA approved device. It is set up to process 2 ECG channels simultaneously. The HeartTuner design is specifically optimized to provide feedback to the user IN TIME TO ALLOW THEM TO TAKE IMMEDIATE INTERNAL ACTION to change their own heart. This is much different than most HRV systems - whose function is more for later diagnosis - and as a result the HeartTuner experience is probably a revolution in self-empowerment.

The medical paradigm which says the doctor takes control of your health - implies only he needs to understand your HRV - in an after the fact analysis. The HeartTuner view is different - our view is that once the user understands the need to achieve a harmonically inclusive HRV - the user can see and choose to do that real time - using among other things the variables of breath control - as well as the revolutionary new measure of heart coherence offered by HeartTuner. This difference in user intention - self-empowerment by close to real time feedback :including learned EMOTIONAL coherence - - versus later diagnosis only - means the HeartTuner design is unique - in the medical world. (The feedback time to HRV display must find a way to be much faster / shorter in delay time / than most medical applications conceive necessary.)

Specifically - the HeartTuner offers accurate HRV spectral information as close to real time as electrically possible. This provides the service of allowing the person to adjust their breath and heart rate almost real time - in response to screen biofeedback. The quickness of the time to feedback allows a yogic kind of breath control for example to be learned dynamically - with true almost immediacy of feeling to the feedback. (Sufficient for example to allow the above kind of caddeuceus breath to be learned looking at heart beat interval).

The number in the lower left of the screen - changing constantly - is the number of samples waiting to be analyzed in the buffer - note that for most even moderately slow computers this number will generally be under 20-50. Since the HeartTuner's digital sampling rate is 120 samples per second - if you divide this number by 120 - you can see that the delay to analysis of data usually is under .1 (1/10) of a second. This is not to say the curve drawn in each display box is faster than 1 second from actual event, but it is close.

The way the HeartTuner goes about acheiving faster real time display of HRV data is the use of A SEPARATE ANALOG PEAK COUNTER IN THE HARDWARE PRE-AMPLIFIER to measure the beat to beat interval time. (The extra 2 channels of the 4 channel device looking at only 2 signal sets).

The result of this has many benfits:

- the analog circuit determines the timing of the beat peak with an accuracy much greater than even the 1024 point 5 min recording strategy in the question above.

- the computer CPU is completely saved the speed penalty needed to do power spectra of data samples windowed for at least 10 -20 seconds normally needed to see an HRV with an accuracy down to .1 (1/10) hertz. (that would be a supercomputer job to analyze 20 seconds at 120 samples per second in an FFT array).

So - in summary - the HeartTuner does a form of the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) (generally a non-parametric technique) of the Beat Interval plot to display the HRV spectra in Hertz - complete with a time history waterfall display of the curve.

The HeartTuner basic sampling rate is 120 samples/ sec. for the regular power spectra display offering fast coherence training feedback. However - the HRV spectra display is not based on that sampling rate - but rather the accurate timing of the beat peak intervals determined by a special state of the art separate peak counter. Then the time in seconds between those peaks is plotted - and those times are taken into an FFT of about 50 peak counts (30-50 seconds roughly) window to then plot the HRV spectra.

The HeartTuner's averaging window is then MUCH less than 5 minutes for the HRV display - because while a doctor might want to know how stable the average was - the USER - cannot make the connection between CHOOSING A FEELING and seeing the result - if that result takes 5 minutes to get to the screen. That is why the HeartTuner's accomplishment to get HRV info on the screen MUCH closer to real time than most doctors could imagine - is both revolutionary and self-empowering. As such the above medical literature discussion of what makes good HRV display is actually the OPPOSITE of what it takes to make an HRV display self-empowering to a user who wishes to take control of the relationship of their emotion to their health! In the view of this inventor of the HeartTuner - this is indicative of the medical tradition for dis-empowering the patient - failing to recognize that the real meaning of HRV is for the patient to discover the connection between CHOOSING COHERENCE and CHOOSING HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS by INTELLIGENT EMOTING.

The nice thing about HeartTuner - is that the 4 separate raw and spectra data files simultaneously exported by HeartTuner - allow anyone with reasonable skill in spreadsheet software like Excel - to plot longer time window averaging HRV for example.

Medicine did not know what live blood cell microscopy was - until persons other than traditional dis-empowering doctors - chose to show people their blood 'real time'. Medicine did not know what live electron microscopy was until Raymond Royal Rife - showed microscopy in vivo - better than current 'dead stuff - post mortem only' electron microscopy - in so discovering the energy bases (frequency signatures) of many diseases.

The medical ideal to display more detail by averaging HRV data over longer time - is clearly appropriate in many diagnostic situations - for that the HeartTuner provides ready data export. The HeartTuner's primary function to teach real emotional control over heart coherence , and HRV harmonic inclusiveness - is unparalleled anywhere - and clearly cannot be measured by statistical techniques (implied in the above referenced medical article on how to take an HRV) SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO PREVENT A USER FROM SEEING HIS OWN HRV FAST ENOUGH TO EMOTIONALLY REMEMBER WHAT THE FEELING WAS THAT MADE THE PLOT.


The HeartTuner does not do Standard Deviation of 5 minute histories of HRV. Altho 5 minute averaging of heart coherence IS possible ON SCREEN by setting the ceptrum averaging window on in the settings options. Of course Standard Deviation (SD) can easily be offered from the data files exported - in later processing.

24 hour averaging would be possible with HeartTuner with data export post analysis. NOTE however in only the latest HeartTuner Pro - update available from the lab - is separate data file export for HRV offered in the settings menu

Note figure 7 in the referenced article describing ideal HRV data taking procedure is obsolete and irrelevant to the use of a separate analog peak counter to accurately measure the milliseconds between peaks faster and more accurately than even high sampling rate Analog to Digital sampling.
