Water of "El-Eye-Phi" ...(Life)

Does ... El (turning) into the Eye of Phi (Recursion)

Create Life in Water?

Is the Difference Between
Live Water
Dead Water

"Distilled" In Principle in the Foldedness or "Recursion"in its Flow?

If "Magnetism is the Wind on Which Love Travels"
Then Magnetism Shaped by Water's Flow
May be Love's Pathway into Living Cells.

by Dan Winter,

Crystal Hill MultiMedia

dedicated here to Victor Schauberger, and "Living Water", see MK Energies Project


see also Ultimate Water Purifier, Perfected Spin Nozzle based on Phi Recursion


return to Sacred Geometry master index

inset: info on water healing and flowforems: WATER Foundation, P.O. Box H20, Brainerd, MN, 56401, (800) 944-3764; bogfrog@brainerd.net or visit the non-profit page at www.bogfrog.com. seems like
http://www.waterflow.net/article2.htm have picked up Jennifer Greene's flowform products, some nice images. INCLUDING: (I recommend this link for more info on floforms, etc.)

And Everyone Who Entered This '7Fold FloForm' Water Remarked How Much Easier It Was to Float!..(spin density adds specific gravity - phi-lo dough for water laminar layering)




7 Arrows of the Heart and 7 Colors of the Rainbow, from the Hydrodynamics of the Perfect Ink 'Drop'?

Toroidal donut shaped ink drop in free fall in laminar folded coherent (sacred) water self organizes into the 7 symmetry arrows of the tetra...

proving the physics of color in why the photon donut self organizes into the 7 colors of the rainbow when passing thru the compression sorting - 'traffic jam' of the prism.

see the white light where they overlap...



I"n the drop pictures (see on left), a sample of water is
photographed while it is brought into motion by dropping into distilled water. Minute
changes in water quality register as changes in the flow patterns observed in the pictures.
Water's ability to move and form delicate, sensitive patterns reveals it as living water.

The rosette patterns, depicted more vividly in the bottom photo, show a variety of vortices
formed in the water. The vortices created show a balance between the forces at the center
moving towards the periphery and the forces from the periphery moving towards the center.
In degraded water (polluted, stagnant) or water not allowed to move freely the vortex
formation is greatly diminished, or non-existent, because there are barriers in the water" end quote from above link

When Water Moves, Nature given her own "course",

chooses her flow to braid like this:

If you wanted to create this pattern with your hands in your lovers pony tail, you would be learning how to braid.

Notice that this flows form could in a way be a generalized map to braiding. When you braid a lover's pony tail you create a pattern where longer wave forms are nested in a disciplined or "phase locked" way upon shorter waves. In a musical sense the weaving of waveforms together in such a way as the wavelengths all fit together in columns and rows is called "coherence". This is a term very commonly applied to the light in a laser. In a sense braided water is the laser of the liquid state. Micowave laser's are called maser, maybe we should call coherently braided water a "waser". The important principle here is that when you braid you find a way for the "envelope" of a longer wave to sit like a long row of hats on a shorter "carrier" wave. Suppose you took thread and braided it into string, then string and braided it into rope , and braided it into very thick rope. If you did this very carefully and elegantly, each major loop of the very long wave thick rope COULD BE ARRANGED to contain the same number of turns back and forth of the thread. In a sense there would then be a discipline or a consistent predictable relationship between the short waves and the long ones. This we believe is the kind of order which we believe allows long wave shapes in a rivers bank, to effect how much spin is in the wave shape of its waters' molecules. Also this is the kind of coherence in DNA's braid which we belive allows long sonic waves from the heart's emotion, to program groups of codons in DNA by determining which ones are exposed to replicate (the ones tucked inside the braid don't get to play).

Since DNA in the cell is surrounded mostly by water, it is important to understand in every case how long wave shapes the size of river banks or human glands, talk to short wave shapes the size of molecules.

Water becomes ordered and full of life, when it's many laminar layers are braided like this. The result of braiding is that pushing on or "massaging" the envelope of big handles on the very long wave, could move around orderly sets of the shorter waves, in a neat and predictable way.

This author has published data evidencing the Heart's EKG creating exactly this braiding in it's long wave harmonics at the moment the feeling of compassion sweeps the body. (EKG Frequency Signature between 0-30hz.) Apparently what the Heart is learning in the process of learning to love, is the geometry of braiding. Further, at this author's suggestion, the study was done and published showing measured change in the braiding of test tube DNA, in the presence of coherence of the Heart's Electricity (Glen Rein & Rollin McCraty). The point is indeed that the wavey braiding of liquid DNA by the heart in love, may be a profound instruction in the nature of how life is added to wave forms in general.

(We may also comclude that programming DNA will never be accomplished by individual Codons like machine code, only instruction sets that move whole blocks of code in the braid --heart sounds-- will hathe leverage to program DNA)

So let us look at the shape of braiding and the shape of water in her natural environment, specifically in such a way as to attempt to distill the essence in principle of what best optimizes life or awareness in water.

When water in nature passes through an orifice,

she chooses this kind of spiral vortex shape..

Both the spiral and the braid (which from the top down may look like a spiral), can be elegant examples of permitting nestedness or recursion in flowing form.

We may profit in a fundamental understanding of what Mother Nature was trying to accomplish by repeating a pattern in a pattern in a pattern, recursively, one inside the other. Perhaps there is some essential clue about the nature of recursion or embeddedness in flow, and what physically (phy-cyling?) gives life to water.

Understanding how life (as recursion?) gets into water and how water is "healed" may be as simple as understanding what keeps spin alive among waves in general.

Looking at the exceptionally ordered structure of water in living cells, may be a good clue to what nature requires of her water in order to contain life. Scientists like Albert Szent Gyorgi, ("Electronic Biology and Cancer" & other Nobel Prize Winning works from Woods Hole Marine Biological Labs), have long known that it is the orderliness in water which makes efficient cell life possible. What he specifically discovered was that the cell has to do a lot of work magnetically to get water molecules all arranged like folded flower petals. Trace minerals like calcium serve like little cookie die cutters to "seed" the little nests into "a liquid crystal" in living cells. When the molecules in a liquid are laminar and ordered almost like crystal, science calls this a "liquid crystal". This kind of tightrope on the edge between liquid and crystal is the edge which biology's metabolism in cells must walk. When the elegant rows & columns of water molecules make this geometry, then what happens is electrical pressure can dance up and down the folds, efficienty notifying all the "sub-cellular organelles" when it is time to do the next "square dance" (meiosis & meitosis, etc.). Just like an army platoon, success depends largely are very close and cooperative communication/information transfer. The way this subtle information delicacy is served up to cells, is through water so ordered it is quasi ice-like in the healthy cell.

(A particularly pictorial biophysics of CANCER model based on how ordered water works in the cell is at ../cancer )

For example, when waters lose the seeding shape from mineral, this is specifically what causes pine needles to turn brown in acid rain. Mineral can be suspended in water only when there is sufficient electrical charge, or spin, to keep the mineral in suspension or dissolved. When dissolved mineral like calcium, whose fundamental symmetry is tetrahedral ("Occult Chemistry"), then water molecules can use the mineral like a seed or die or cookie cutter, to align whole armies of water molecules, inspired by the geometry of mineral. Acid leaches mineral out of soil, preventing water from having the "spin" it needs to hold mineral in solution. Then forests die. What happens is that the water in the pine needle losses just the amount of "liquid crystal" order which mineral gives, and thus cells explode in the frost. Essentially if the cells water is not more orderly than ice, then frost kills it. Only dissolved mineral, charge, and ordered water keep trees alive.

Now we take the question of how can we use the environment in general to add the folded flower like order, to water molecules. See also the beautiful flower shaped water drop pictures in the anthroposophic tradition.

If a principle function of mineral in cell waters is to be a seed shape to order water, we must look at what IS order in water. This ordering at the molecular level in water becomes what is called laminar foldedness. This means essentially, that healthy water has all these long folded orderly layers like sheets of phi-lo dough. I like the word fi-lo because it hints at what optimizes foldedness or "recursion" in any flow, which is the ratio phi or Golden Mean.

The "7-Fold" FlowForm produced in the Steiner tradition, by John Wilkes, and Jennifer Greene et al is an excellent example of Golden Mean geometry.

picture of 7 fold here... pending

What John Wilkes did by trial and error was change the spiral angle down each dish vortex in the "Seven Fold Flowform", and the ratio of the size of the dishes, until he acheived most improvement in water molecular order.(Using such measures as the drop picture technique, boyancy, seed germination etc..). When I checked, the ratio of the size of the dishes to each other was all Golden Mean, 1.618... Additionally, for the most part the Golden Mean Spiral fits the shape of the vortex flow path down the top view of each dish. The neat thing about the this Seven Fold Flowform is that each dish beats in a phase locked (synchronized) back and forth heartbeat. Then most exquisitely, a Norwegian groupd carefully measured the beat frequencies of the adjacent dishes, at Wilkes recommended flow rates. They found that this beat frequency ratio up and down the cascade at very near Golden Mean between the dishes!

This means that for some reason this special ratio "optimizes the translation of vorticity". The mechanical spin induces by the force of gravity arouund the long wave outer edge of the dishes an ability to cascade inertia with little interference down into the molecular spin of the molecules. This causes improvement to waters life!

Here is a side view of that idealized form:

(a simplification of the flow path in the "7-Fold Flow Form"..)

tilting that view..

we can see (below) the geometry of 10 golden mean spirals

(top down view of DNA, also)

and here is a side view of the idealized

concentric fractal

pentagonal dodechedra

that flow implies..!

This form of dodecas nested in icosa, embedded in infinite recursion,

describes the symmetry of the "fractal" of DNA,

Earth's gravity grid, and the 12 faced Zodiac.

It allows information to move between worlds.

So enacting this form in water, enables some

shape information transfer between wave spin shape, to molecular spin shape.

Whatever it is that permits the orderly sheeting or layering of structure within H2O is what keeps it alive. Since the spin paths of inertia can continue around the geometry of the folds without bumping into folds going the wrong way, then spin and coherence and memory survive. Again this is very much like the braiding that happens in dough as it is kneeded. As you feep folding the dough over and back again upon itself, you begin to set up all these orderly layers. If you ever tear the dough structure instead of kneeding it in contiguous folded layers, then your bread gets messed up. The amount of spin or life in the bread or the water, depends on the skil of whoever does the braiding or folding. This is what the floform does so well.

So we must ask ourselves what structure best permits water to keep as many layers as possible all rolling or waving nicely inside the nests of molecules, with as few spin collisions or "fights" or "destructive wave interferences" as possible. If we could construct the perfect nest for this spin layering, then theoretically we would have heaven for water, because it would be a haven for spin.

In fact, if we get right down to principles (one of my favorite things to do), it is the survival of spin itself which is memory and life for waves, and for water, and for people. Getting to the heart of this matter, might get us right to the "center of the vortex".

At least this way, our question keeps getting simpler. We started out asking how can we heal water, but now we have what is hopefully a simpler and more elegant question: What helps spin survive in water (and elsewhere)?

First we need to have a direct and principled view of what is the essence of our global water problem. Again it is simple, we goofed and mixed up bad gunk into our water globally. Our problem is very basic. How do we teach water by itself to sort out the bad gunk out of itself, leaving only nice pure living water. Tricky thing is, we need to do this to a whole planet. Be nice if a little filter would work, but how do you filter a whole bioregion. The answer is, you don't. We must find a nice gentle way to teach water to sort out our whole planets soiled diapers, all by itself. I sell pool filters here at work, but there's not one big enough here to do the job. And even if there were, if we don't find a self generating principle to do this, even a planetary pool filter would be very temporary.

So what principle could teach a whole planets water to get sorted out, gunk from the clear? If we look at it simply, planetary pollution is simply because we forgot how to sort efficiently. The majority of Earth's pollution problem resolves to HOW to sort bad stuff from good stuff in water. The principle of sorting in essence is what we must learn, then we can apply it on a planetary scale.

The answer is so simple in elegance, that it is difficult to believe. But the simple truth is, teaching water to spin, is to teach it to "sort itself out".

How could it be so simple, more spin = more order = more life.

Are we sure we wouldn't like seventeen lines of equations here, instead of a simple principle?

Let us proceed by addressing these two separate but related questions:

1. How does concentrated spin allow water to become self sorting?


2. What is the simplest most powerful way to concentrate spin in water?


Look at this picture of waves converging..

now notice how much more alive waves "feel" when they converge in the wave lengths relationship of the Golden Mean..

point of convergence..

/ above shows the place where the "short wave can meet the long".

Specifically the wave function of the Golden Mean ratio, permits the interference pattern of waves meeting at one point, to be both the addition and the multiplication if the input wave lengths. What this does is permit spin to survive as waves come through the "traffic jam" focal point, where maximum spin must share minimum space. This is what enables self sorting. Only spin paths whcih can "share" space, make it through the pressure where waves converge.

Thus after a passage through a point of converging pressure, what can emerge from the other side is wave fronts sorted to that laminar braiding is more possible.

Another way to visualize this same process, is to understand how rainbows are created on the other side of a prism. The prism takes the wide angle beam of unsorted white light, and sorts out the tilt angle of the photon donuts in three dimensions. What occurs is that the photons all approach the "traffic jam" of the prisms focal edge point. There in the place where the highway narros to one lane, only the donut shaped photons which could share one spin space at the same instand, made it through, The toroidal spinning donut photons there at that spot sort themselves exactly into the most 3D tilt angles of spin which can be superposed in one spin space. That is exactly the seven spins or symmetry axes of the tetrahedron. Since this is the best way to pack spin, the donuts come out the other side sorted in order of the spin spins of the tetra, we label this phase angle of tilt of the photon as color, because the tilted donuts made different width shadows of the "wall of the cave" flat cones of the retina. The width of these shadows in 2D of the donut photons in 3D, is what we call wave length identified color. The real issue is the 3D tilt of phase of that light quanta whose symmetry sort was created by simply making focus to enact the law of maximizing shared "spin" space.

Well, all that was a way to show that if you get flow converging all contiguously to one spin point, at that point- YOU DO GET NATURAL SORTING. The result in the water in "7 fold floform" for example, is that the pollutant solids will segregate or drop out of the fluid, sorted in order by mass-exactly like a centrifuge. This means idealizing translation of vorticity (from long to short wave) is Golden Mean Floforms is the ideal in principle of how to literally heal water. This is accomplished anywhere you maximize the spin density (molecular, and laminar), you maximize self-ordering. Among waves, order self-replicates, disorder self-destructs-- and spin density or focus- controls the rate at which this principle operates. The more spin density, the faster incoherence is precipitated out of the flow system.

A Braid in the Waters, stores memory, helps seeds germinate, helps water have
the coherence to segregate solids... the healing of the waters... a golden path.

The sacred ratio in the fold of the flow's form weaves the memory of the long wave into the short wave of the water's molecules. This added spin coherence gives water the"strength" to know and sort order from disorder, self from not-self.

These laws apply beautifully as well to biological magnetic fields moving through glands, between frequency scales, called emotion.

The elegance of the "Seven-Fold" water spin floform, is that the Golden Mean dish curve, and Golen Mean dish size ratio, optimize this possibility of nestedness or embeddedness. This best way to nest one spin or pattern inside the other is optimized "recursion" or in a specific sense: fractality.

We now know that increased recursion or fractality in the sense of perfected nestedness, is the principle of how self-awareness is generated among wave systems.

Life is called El (turn) into the eye (focus) of phi (recursion).. for this reason. El-eye-phi... life is our name for when recursion is optimizes by nestedness among spin systems.

The attraction which fractality creates among wave fronts arranged recursively is called gravity.

If we straighten a rivers flow, we destroy its spin braid. In Schauberger's "Living Water" he shows how to put little deflectors in pipes or rivers to add braid and thus "strength" to the water. He said this gave the river the discipline to stay within its bands. We can understand this by looking at a pony tail spreading out all over if it is unbraided. Ideally we would choose to braid the rivers so that the long waves of the rivers meander would be in Phi or Golden Mean nest ratio to the river's internal braid.

A similar death happens to water when it is put under pressure or polluted or put in metal thus short circuiting its internal life giving magnetism. If we could but "grok" the principles of nested spin sharing by geometry=survival of memory & life, we could begin applying this to so many mistakes we have been making to "unsort" our ecosystem.

If we learn the principles of optimized spin density created by recursion in water, we can then apply those principles to magnetic fields as they move through the glands as emotion, to braid life (a turn into the eye of phi) into our world. This is what aboriginals meant by the rivers of feeling drying up in the "song lines" which held their continent together. Same "eternal golden braid".

Spin surviving:



From: PKS - Schauberger [mailto:schauberger@pks.or.at]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 5:42 AM
To: mguerra@goulston.com
Subject: Re: Request for CD and more information

Hello Mr. Guerra!
We appreciate your interest in Viktor Schauberger's work. There are two
possibilities to get the CD-Rom: you may order it from us, in that case you
have to transfer by bank the amount of ATS 385,-- (= including shipping &
handling, but excluding the bank fees, which have to paid by you and which
varies in each country). If you want to pay by credit card you may contact
Jonathan Stromberg in England, he retails our CD-Rom in oversea and U.K:
Dolly Knight & Jonathan Stromberg
Centre for Implosion Research
PO Box 38
Plymouth - PL7 5YX
Tel:++44 (0)1752 345552
Fax:++44 (0)1752 338569

The volumes of the ecotechnologie-serie have to be ordered in a bookstore,
we don't sell them and we don't know the price in the different countries.
The topics of our seminars range from " water, water-qualities, forestry and
agriculture, natural energy, natural motion, vortex-research, implosion
research, the mathematics behind natural forms, etc. The topics are always
based on Viktor's huge knowledge about nature, but the speakers also bring
in new ideas and demonstrate their experiences. The seminars are held each
year in summer at the PKS (different week-ends from May to October), the
first seminar in 2001 will be "water-qualities" from 19th to 20th May. We
are still preparing the seminar-programm for next year, it will be finished
not before February 2001. As soon as we have fixed the programm you will
find it on our website: www.pks.or.at They are held in german language.
Concerning water purifying devices according to Viktor: as far as we know
about such products, these commercial devices are more into activating,
re-organising the water itself, not purifying it in a physical-chemical
sense. We don´t sell any water-activating products so far. So, we would like
to refer to other manufacturers, e.g. the Original Martin Wasserwirbler,
based on the works of Walter Schauberger (Viktor´s son), more at:
http://www.fischer-fallingbostel.de/English/english.html or Wasserstelle
Muenchen: www.VitaVortex.com, where you can get informations about the Vita
If you want to be informed by us permanently please leave us your address.
Best regards,
PKS/Ingrid Schauberger


----- Original Message -----
From: Marcelo Guerra <mguerra@attglobal.net>
To: <schauberger@pks.or.at>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 8:17 PM
Subject: Request for CD and more information


> Hello:
> I would like to purchase the CD ROM about Viktor Schauberger but more
> importantly, I would like to know the type of seminar you have, and also
> there are any commercial water purifying device according to Viktor
> Finally, if you could also inform on the price of the four volumes of
> ecotechnology, I will be very glad.
> Will await your comments with great interest.
> Thanks
> Marcelo

Thoughts about your article on living water
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:32:14 EST

I had to write because your article on living water reminded me so much of a
beautiful song that you should hear if you haven't already.

I'm not a follower of one particular religion, I believe there are spiritual
truths found in most religions. Since I was brought up in the Christian
tradition, most days I take a Bible verse and ask God to show me new things
about it and often look up things on the web as a result of thoughts that
come in connection with it.

I had done a search on water of life as part of a study of Rev. 22:2 where
John saw the river of water of life proceeding out of the throne of God. He
describes it as clear as crystal, so of course it blew me away when I found
your article about the liquid crystals in living water. Interestingly, I had
done a similar study not long before on the tree of life and at that time I
first learned about sacred geometry and the sephirot. But that's another

After reading your article I just feel that you would absolutely love this
song and wanted to tell you about it. Maybe you have Napster or have access
to it so you could look it up. The version I know and love is by Eva Cassidy,
who sadly died of bone cancer in 1996 at the age of 33. The music she left is
gaining some worldwide attention now and it is all incredibly beautiful. She
made two albums before her death and several others have been released
posthumously. This song is on her "Songbird" album. I have repeated the
lyrics below and underlined parts of your article that reminded me of the
song. The intense emotion with which she sings this song truly does weave it
a magic spell.

God bless you, Dan. I'm a massage therapist and have gained some new ideas
about using touch in healing rhythms as a result of reading your work. Thanks
for the wealth of visionary and thought provoking ideas that you have shared
with us all.

"Oh, Had I a Golden Thread"

OH, had I a golden thread, and a needle so fine
I would weave a magic spell of rainbow design
Rainbow design

In it, I would weave the courage of women giving birth
And in it I would weave the innocence of the children of all the earth
Children of all the earth

Won't you show my brothers and sisters my rainbow design?
Cause I would bind up this sorry world with hand and heart and mind
With hand and heart and mind

>From your article "Water of El-Eye-Phi ... (Life)" :

"The sacred ratio in the fold of the flow's form weaves the memory of the
long wave into the short wave of the water's molecules. This added spin
coherence gives water the"strength" to know and sort order from disorder,
self from not-self.

Notice that this flows form could in a way be a generalized map to braiding.
When you braid a lover's pony tail you create a pattern where longer wave
forms are nested in a disciplined or "phase locked" way upon shorter waves.
In a musical sense the weaving of waveforms together in such a way as the
wavelengths all fit together in columns and rows is called "coherence".

Suppose you took thread and braided it into string, then string and braided
it into rope , and braided it into very thick rope. If you did this very
carefully and elegantly, each major loop of the very long wave thick rope
COULD BE ARRANGED to contain the same number of turns back and forth of the
thread. In a sense there would then be a discipline or a consistent
predictable relationship between the short waves and the long ones.

Another way to visualize this same process, is to understand how rainbows are
created on the other side of a prism.

A Braid in the Waters, stores memory, helps seeds germinate, helps water have
the coherence to segregate solids... the healing of the waters... a golden

These laws apply beautifully as well to biological magnetic fields moving
through glands, between frequency scales, called emotion.

If we learn the principles of optimized spin density created by recursion in
water, we can then apply those principles to magnetic fields as they move
through the glands as emotion, to braid life (a turn into the eye of phi)
into our world. This is what aboriginals meant by the rivers of feeling
drying up in the "song lines" which held their continent together. Same
"eternal golden braid".

