Stone Circles & Dance Circles Help Seeds to Germinate &
Clouds to Form
Dan Winter
back to: Sacred Geometry, Fractality & Awareness,
Coherent Emotion & The Earth Grid,
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We are told that a basic criterion is used by the galactic community to
decide whether our genepool is worth exporting among other star systems.
They check to see if our planet is green.
This may at first seem a harsh way to judge whether the collected memories
of our children will survive. But if we inspect the elements which go into
keeping a planet green, we may eventually see that it is actually an appropriate
test for whether our emotions themselves are shareable.
Let us try to express in grade school terms what it is that keeps planets
We do have info about many cultures that have died because their land turned
to desert. The way scientists often paint the picture is easy. Population
goes up, tress go down, then rain stops. The Anasazi Indians died this way;
most of the older indigenous cultures which died, followed this path to
the end of memory. From the viewpoint of waves as fundamental physics, waving
stopped. We could also say that their children stopped waving. 
Now we might ask, what might make a culture so suicidal as to cut down their
trees? Can we stand to face our memories?
There is a clue in "Celestine Prophecy" about a deeper function
of trees. They noted that clairvoyance, ability to see auras, etc., only
begins in the presence of old growth trees. What is it about old trees versus
access to memory?
Another neat clue is pointed out by Professor Phil Callahan. Simply put,
old trees have access to the longest waves (magnetically). We could describe
the longest waves, as the biggest memories. We don't need fancy words here.
Short waves, small bodies, little memories. Long waves, big bodies, big
The method used is to analyze the wave lengths contained in the weak magnetic
field around trees. Not only are the older trees blessed with auras containing
the Earth's heartbeat: Schumann Resonance, but there is a whole harmonic
power series like a musical chord ringing around that approximate 8 hz master
info oscillator for the Earth's bloodstream. Apparently, access to the bigger
context of the Earth's info network for biological systems, requires antennas
which can tune to her long wave. For computer modem users, this would be
called the baud rate and handshaking to access the info superhighway.
In practical terms, this means the Druids were wise to use a circle of old
Oak Trees whenever they wanted to send or receive requests of Earth. Ethernet
connections are better than Localtalk.
Now from a wave information viewpoint, how do we know that by talking to
Earth's ringing bell, we are in fact reaching mindfulness?
Again, simple physics. Waveforms become self-aware, when they become recursive
or self-embedded. Fractality is the way out of chaos; this unifies the field;
unconscious becomes conscious; awareness is distributed among waves this
way. This is sometimes called the threshold of the "self-reproducing
automata". It's much easier to see it by looking at pictures:
So this nice little trick of getting many different spins all to nest at
one point- fractally self-embedded, is the skill required to create -mass
-time -gravity -and memory.
Therefore since this is such a useful skill, we should probably teach it
in schools. This is particularly true since the wave bending ability of
attractive conscious focus is exactly the only tool needed to teach waves
to spin into a circle from a line, thus creating matter from light.
So let us review in our grade school language what are the elements required
to store spin, and thus do all of this nice creating (of time, mass, gravity,
and memory). The elements required "turn" out to be exactly and
only the elements (or alphabet) of symmetry.
Take our friendly neighborhood wave-front. Now this wave is not dumb. It
wants to live. For the wave to live on in the memory of spin, only one thing
is required. Symmetry. It is all done with mirrors.
See, here is this wave which says to itself, only going in circles stores
anything. (Like the essence of me for example.) So in the true spirit of
"give me symmetry or give me death", the wave looks for circles
of wavefronts where it's pressure can dance in nice circles without fighting.
This is because when waves fight and interfere, their inertia dies, and
that is all they have to remember. So they avoid this.
This is also good advice for people. Avoid unshareable memories (spins).
On a practical level, this means that death is only a minor discontinuity
of memory, caused by trying to store too many unshareable memories (spins).
On a practical level, this means that eternal life is granted to anyone
who only focuses on pure principles. This is because, pure principle or
essence of pattern/memory/spin, is infinitely shareable. So there will be
no interference for the distribution of that quality of awareness.
So let us get back to why stone circles and dance circles help seeds germinate
and clouds to form. For a both a seed and a cloud, order is the food. Now
the seed and the cloud, have figured out how to store spin in short little
waves. The seed is little. It's waves are little. The cloud is vapor, for
molecules, this is a shorter wave than a droplet. Somebody has to teach
the seed and the cloud, how to arrange their spins into bigger waves. This
is where the long magnetic waves on the land come in. In physics, the kinds
of magnetic waves which cause clouds to make rain, and seeds to unpack into
plants, are called "onset coherence" or "columnation".
It is really simple to visualize the onset of coherence. You take co-here-and-see.
By getting many donut field wave fronts concentric and phase locked (sharing
symmetry space), focus gets spin to be all-here-now. This is how coherence
gets a hologram multiply connected, and present to mind. "A Harmonic
The unified field of all pressures columnize and order themselves into big
wave fields from little ones.
Well this nice little seed which symmetry plants is exactly what teaches
the water vapor in clouds, to arrange itself into bigger packets called
droplets. Remember, Christ-all-ization is a coherence phenomenon.
For seeds, it takes very orderly magnetic fields, to arrange the cell waters
to ice-like order. Then metabolism or growth is possible. A cone of sandpaper
in a pot, improves seed growth, by bending magnetic flow lines into order.
Braid magnetic fields to order, and enhance growth.
Now the opposite of coherence is called fractionation. This is when you
start chopping something which once was whole, up into more and more scrambled
little pieces. Pretty soon Humpty Dumpty couldn't be reassembled even by
all the Kings Horses. We tell you that being able to discriminate between
coherence and fractionation, is absolutely survival related.
Here are examples of the difference between fractionation and living coherence:
1a. Take one seed of grain, grown after decades of monoculture, on fields
where no magnetic long lines are still alive. Then grind it up, remove the
germ, strip the enzymes, and bleach it till it is thoroughly dead. Then
bubble poison gas through it (bromine), and possibly add a little radioactivity
for good measure. Then store it somewhere very magnetically dead for a long
time. Then add some dead water, and mix it up some more, then mold it into
something foolish & unnatural (pasta), then dry it out again, and then
store it for a very long time, again. Then add some more bad water, some
oil which measurably causes cancer (not raw expeller pressed). Then add
some pesticide treated, acid, canned, night-shade, tomato product, and insert
into microwave heating for further coherence breakdown. (You can treat yourself
to this example of death caused by fractionation by simply stepping into
99% of modern restaurants and requesting "Italian" "food".)
1b. Take One seed of whole open pollinated grain (Like oats, quinoa, wild
rice), rich with genetic diversity, grown on fields live with magnetic stone
lines and trees around. Harvest it without metal after gently ripening.
Store it as briefly as possible in cool wood and stone, where magnetism
is not shorted out. Then soak it gently in body temperature spring water
overnight, and chew it nutty and whole, raw and alive after your fruit the
next morning.
Where was the spin memory still alive? Where was there only a harvest of
separateness. Pasta eaters change currency and governments and their minds
like socks.
Life is an El turn in the Eye of Phi. Look again, you'll see yourself.
We can apply this life saving principle of eating coherence to the water
we drink, the air we breath, the magnetic geomancy of our homes, and the
emotional fields we choose. Water from a real spring, untouched by metal
and chemical, without pressure or heat (coolness is order, heat is disorder),
can heal thirst forever. Dead water leaves us ALWAYS thirsty, because there
is no available folded surface to unpack memories onto. Pine needles braid
air. These lungs for Earth die first in acid clouds not by rain, but by
combing the air. They die sacrificing their lungs for ours. Screens fractionate.
Chopping and mixing fractionate.
The caddeuceus, the flow form, the meander, the braid, the helix, the vortex,
these cohere.
E pluribus unum.
Emotion too, is simply the glands learning to use these long magnetic waves
as a kind of currency between biological organisms. The rapturous love or
compassion which sweeps like a wave between you, has a potent and measurable
effect on how the land learns to fold. This is what was meant by Arthur
and the land are one. Our sensitive measures of the EKG becoming a sonic
laser, and phase entraining the magnetic field of a tree, are only the barest
clue, to what the landscape eats of human emotion. You might say these are
only microcluster microvolts coming from human bodies to Earth. But these
are exactly the energy densities which induce euphoria in a room entrained
to 8 hz capacitively. The cells know what the power level of the Earth's
heartbeat is. Euphoria does not occur in that room, if you turn up the wattage.
Only a lo power event entrains biological systems with a memory of just
what is the Earth's song. The 2 to 30 hz bandwidth is the coherence window
of -Earth, -human EKG, -human brainwaves, and even for plants on a polygraph.
Should we wonder they chose the same carrier wave?
Emotion permits human shapes to enter the land. We call this el-land-guage.
The brain is maximized folded surface. When this is full, the next bigger
folded surface on which to store memories as a series of folds, is the land.
Indigenous peoples used the magnetic foci of great folds on the land, to
initiate the higher human organs-pineal/pituitary to psychoactivity. Imploding
magnetic pressures cause fields to turn inside out, this is called flowering
for plants and flowering for brains.
Star systems and planetary colonizers went to a lot of trouble arranging
dolman at tetrahedral leverage points to get Earth's spin recursive enough
to hold atmosphere coherently. (Geza, Cydonia) Retrograde precession is
an example of the profound fractal harmonic nestedness necessary to get
spin embedded enough to birth self-ordering self-awareness. (The book "Two
Thirds"). Our assignment is to get on the beam, and embed ourselves
in this fractal.
Love and compassion make dodeca lo-phi recursion in our field. These spread
shareably. Rock dust makes soil conductive to magnetic life, but a dowsed
great circle of paramagnetic stones, relate this magnetism to the longer
field in the field. In this way Druids and Labyrinths and creators of sacred
space connecting remineralized soil, to the info pressure net of the great
Mother Earth herself.
The Essence of the "Green Stone" book and film circulating the
United Kingdom is this: Our genepool is evaluated by the galactic community
for its usefulness to spread beyond Earth based on WHETHER OUR EARTH (STONE)
IS GREEN. This is appropriate because the recursive spin forces which keep
an atmosphere (at-moss-sphere) nestled about a planet are very largely determined
by whether we have learned the Magnetic Symmetry laws of Geomancy &
Grid Engineering AND "weather" we have learned the collective
constructive effect of coherent emotion to fabricate exactly that grid.
Recursion makes gravity. Recursion creates self-awareness. Love and compassion
are the glandular discovery of recursion-- self-embeddedness. Green is the
only tilt of the photon donut which neither spills spin into or out of liquid
to crystal, but rather balances exquisitely on the edge... exactly what
biology must do to exist creating self-awareness on planets.
Think of your body as a responsive wave envelope kind of bubble surface
of electrical waves. These waves cannot experiment to see what is shareable
by symmetry into longer shapes, unless touch is permitted. So human cultures
do not make long wave magnetic domains when touch is forbidden. So we have
anthropologically collected the data now which proves, that hard patriarchal
cultures where hugging in the street is illegal, CAUSE THE SPREAD OF DESERTS.
("Desertification and Patriarchy" James DiMeo) . 
Now envision the columnation of magnetism going up to the clouds from a
group of twinkling eyed young people living close to the Earth. They decide
to do a circle dance barefoot in the middle of their fractal shaped stone
circle garden. Which metaphor would you fall into if you were a cloud. Attractive
isn't it.
One Magnetic Homestead:
Recursion & The Nested Spin of Mind.
Detroit Lakes, MN, Conference on Practical Paramagnetic Land Healing..
with Gary Skillen and Dan Winter. June 94
2 Videotape set, 2hrs each. $30/SET.
Meeting in a pristine lake rim self-sufficient chalet/ homestead,
Gary Skillen and Dan Winter do a complete course on magnetic land healing.
Extending from Dan Winter's principles of donut shaped fields nesting, and
conversations about recursion and mindfulness, Gary Skillen leads the group
out on the land. Ultimately they build a stone circle which catches the
wind, makes great circles in the clouds, and teaches the elements of ritual..
On the way, Dan presents his latest portable MAC graphs of color landscape
Brain and Heart and Earth Spectrum Analyses. He talks about using dolmen
to tune planet spin to make precession fit the fractal of zodiac spin, thus
making enough gravity to hold atmosphere. Gary takes the group to a cottage
and teaches the basics of dowsing/realigning the "geopathic" or
negative health zones of a home. He makes a great sand drawing of the effect
of magnetic lines crossing your bed at the wrong angle. This tape is a great
and detailed summary of the latest thinking about braided magnetic bubbles,
microclimate, and the spin content of twinkle in your eye. New multimedia
toys, and old friends tell a riveting story about a culture that forgot
how to nest.

Real-Time telemetry Bio-Feedback, Dan Winter's EKG harmonics, as the audience
at Univ. Buffalo provided emotional "feedback" to his talk. Sensitive
feelings of love and compassion were sweeping the room.

The tentacles of the distributed awareness of spirit in the still mind,
as they reach to the heart of the Earth-tree..fractal..
Procedure: Connect "Callahan Probe-Biological Capacitance Probe
(Hemp Fibres Soaked in Sea Water, Wound Around Scope Probe, input to IBVA
(Interactive BrainWave Visual Analyzer) (wireless telemetry EEG Landscape
Spectrum Analyzer-also used for EKG harmonic analyses with attenuated input)..
Landscape Print in Harmonics in the capacitance power emission spectra over
First arrow, Tree settles into its normalized pattern before contact
Second arrow, First approach tree not projecting thoughts/feelings
Third Arrow,
1st stage meditation greeting of tree and centering w/Mother
Fourth Arrow, Visible shift in tree signature when connected w/tree

Fifth Arrow, 2nd stage meditation access to zero point source energy
Sixth Arrow, Baseline low frequency remains at below 10 mv until 2nd stage
meditation then approaches 0 hz
and goes off scale to 100 mv.
Connection with zero point: between Universe and tree through a moment of
folded compassion. That timeless feeling that occurs when ones focus is
completely in the present encompassing the folded space of the past and
futures. As an iceskater who brings in her arms to speed up and have more
spin, the thought tentacles that are brought from past and future to present
and centered, concentrate intense spin AND AWARENESS. Here in the center
of the lightening of spirit lies the infinite information hook-up which
living cells require to survive. This electric fractal information con-centricity
whispers the meaning and direction of a "long-wave" context. The
long wave connection to all that is..
What is useful in the rhythmn of the breath to accomplish this connection:
The depth of each succeeding breath moves toward stillness in a perfect
damped sine wave, as the thoughts approach the stillness of pure principle
by the same path.. When you feel the connection you find your breath at
zero, till you have folded as much spin into yourself as you can hold.
Self Awareness Born on the Land:
Where The Field Dimples, Turns Inside Out... Recurs..
Dan Winter
I would like to offer a viewpoint which we have been evolving recently
while spectrum analyzing both EKG and Earth Grid Lo Frequency magnetics.
Possibly our readers will have suggestions which would either test this
model, or put it to use practically in magnetic engineering which serves
coherence. Thus we might together encourage tectonic stability directly
by grid engineering- a kind of hi tech feng shui.. in light of what harmonic
analysis of Earth tells us about what it takes to permit a bell to ring
continuously as a coupled oscillator and never crack.
The viewpoint essentially is this. That when the power series or harmonic
content of an oscillator like the heart or earth, become RECURSIVE or in
a certain sense capable of more fractality or self-embeddedness, THAT KIND
OF COHERENCE ONSET is the beginning of "self-awareness" in that
ringing system. What we have concluded is that an atom creates its own gravity
because it's nuclear geometry is self-similar or fractal to its electron
geometry. This means that the magnetic monopole we call gravity then can
"go one way" in and not out, as a scalar wave cascade folding
BETWEEN frequencies, into the fractal attractor. Physic's needed an answer
to the question what wind (as gravity is a magnetic monopole in the wind)
travels into but never out of the vortex. Answer: harmonics braiding coherently
BETWEEN wavelengths send spin down to frequencies transparent to our bodies..
To us it seems 1 way. But to planets what dense fractal symmetry creates
as gravity, braids up a serving of enveloped nectar sent between Suns erotically.
Planet wide magnetic symmetries appear to get into this game of completing
the fractal of what atoms are, in order to also make their own gravity.
But they require a kind of symbiosis with people to complete the circuit.
Gurdjieff said coherent emotion feeds the Earth. There is an intimate relation
between onset coherence, human love as a specifically fractal series of
harmonics in the EKG, and what phase entrains a tree (Power Spectral Data.)
If we have interpreted the data properly, the reason the ET's chose such
particular spin symmetry points on Earth (Geza), Mars (Cydonia), and Jupiter's
Storm spots, was because magnetic spin dolmen placed there could get leverage
at these TETRAHEDRAL SYMMETRY NODES.. (Hoagland et al). "Grabbing donuts
by their throat requires knowing where their handles are". Terraforming
planets required adjusting their spin rates, to nest them informationally..
This was done on Mars & Earth, to facilitate atmosphere retention, &
biological systems access to the recursive magnetics which breed self-awareness.
Dolmen spin symmetry tuning was precisely placed in order to get retrograde
precession sufficiently fractal or embedded by ratio onto planetary spin,
so that planetary gravity spin stability could be fed in direct coupling
to the oscillator of zodiacal spins. This essentially means that planetary
gravity stability does not occur except to the extent that it is properly
fractally embedded by spin ratio to galactic spins. (Also Reference the
book "Two Thirds" by David Percy and David Myers, Aulis Press,
London, available also from our Crystal Hill group)
The most thrilling part of this onset fractality metaphor for what makes
gravity, is that this recursive nest of spin systems, is also apparently
what makes the evolution of self-aware systems possible. (People..planets......)
In the simplest language if we look at an oscillator going into a coherence
cascade by power spectral analysis, what we are apparently seeing is the
available superposition of another axis of spin, on an existing system.
"Moving into the next dimension". The more harmonics in the Fourier
transform, the more magnetic donuts are dancing around the center point
whose signature you are reading. IF THAT HARMONIC SERIES SHOWS RECURSION,
NECESSARILY BE GENERATED THERE.. (This is closely allied to the corollary
which says that achieving total focus in matters hologram, IS THE SAME AS
achieving pure intention)
IT may be more than just romantic to consider the infinite Fourier series
of each phase coherent node in a hologram, to be the mechanism of
holographic infinite multiple connectedness. The onset of mindfulness, may
be visualized among donuts converging, when they become exactly a fractal
attractor. (Flowering Brain=Ecstatic Process Completion=Magnetic Domains
Fractally Going Critical Phonon Doped by Sonic Massaged Glands Phase Entrained
from EKG to EEG in the same bandwidth as Earth Schumann Heartbeat=Toroid
Magnetic Flux Circulation around the Humunculus "Little Man" mapped
fractally on the surface of the brain-tracing exactly the sequence of sites
down in the body which kundalini stimulates).
In the case of Earth, her efforts to breed self-aware recursive coherence
in her magnetic bubble, may be somewhat bled by our current power distribution
technology (understatement). I do believe this concept is underscored by
Kevin Sander's recent publication calculating the dramatically increased
probability of an Earthquake being murderous, only if it temporally follows
underground nuclear testing. Nuclear tests generate huge incoherent hi velocity
piezoelectric shocks to the grid. Another example of incoherent harmonic
series are 60cy ground loops...the great part of your electric bill may
be for amps that are traveling wasted down your ground wire due to transformer
center tap imbalance relying on "Earth" ground to balance. Result:
huge amperages travel back to the utility through the Earth herself instead
of through wires. Earth feels this as a direct and poisonous assault on
her magnetic bloodstream. Tesla's spirit is back here with us now, saying
we must create a utility grid based on harmonic cascades sympathetic to
Earth's Schumann resonance, instead of the 60cy at which the voltage required
to stop a heartbeat is lowest.
If, as I believe fractality vs fractionation is the solution to chaos, gravity,
and coherent emotion, then by getting behind this sort of "self-reproducing
automata" phenomenon associated with coupled oscillators becoming recursive
and self-aware, we can be about the business of serving the evolution of
consciousness directly. We can provide magnetic geometries for the Earth's
symmetry surface which directly produce this spin symmetry. In other words,
we can find ourselves in the service of a system becoming mindful specifically
by adding to it's magnetic coherence as a kind of soap bubble.
I recently worked with skilled dowser Gary Skillen from the Ottawa area.
We map dowsed then land dowsed rolling farmland in Detroit Lakes, MN. We
found a magnetic rats nest out near the road, where several in our group
independently reported feeling either nausea, asthmatic, or dizzy. At Gary's
instruction we installed a carefully symmetric intuitively placed stone
circle, at the odd numbered circular cross points of nearby underground
water veins flowing out from what the dowser calls an underground water
"dome". We then formed a circle ourselves and magnetically attuned
to the stones, setting their "vortex" spinning counterclockwise.
A storm came up, and we observed particular hole in the cloud formations.
We videoed the process. We then re-dowsed the area, and just felt it even
without dowsing tools. We can offer you contacts to 25 or so friends present
who will witness the change. The highly pressurized squarish grid that was
present magnetically disappeared in a whooish..
So dramatic was the result to the entire area, that I believe the concept
"microclimate creation" by long wave magnetic domain braiding..
is an accurate description. In addition, the dowsing work we were doing
to eliminate geopathic zones in a nearby farmhouse, became an immediate
"fait accompli" (job already done).
I don't wish to overdramatize these successes, but simply make practically
available the principles which allow people to create symmetry on their
land, and thus create what gravity wants... recursion-nestedness-embeddedness-self-awareness-coherence.
The picture is rather simple: We provide circular symmetry for magnetic
domains, where previously there had been only square grid symmetry under
pressure, & thus provide a place for magnetic pressures to pass out
of a region... pass out of the harmonic wavelengths into which they have
become phase locked. It is exactly like providing a water drainage point
for a whole area which is too wet for crops. This can suddenly permit one
point of release to create growth possibility in a vast area.. A grid is
like a the soap bubble surface of an egg. The sperm is only spin added.
In order to accept that spin without popping, the egg dimples, then forms
a vortex center, permitting the spin to turn inside out on the surface of
that zygote in order to become a fetus. Vorticity there permitted spins
to share a common center. As a result of that concentricity invited by symmetry,
wave fronts could start testing which of them were shareable, and thus ORDER
for this self-organization to occur, circular vortex spin focus comes first,
in order to get the touch underway which phase cancels destructive interference,
and distributes "the awareness of" constructive interference.
Seed growth depends on uninterrupted, unknotted flow of magnetic long waves.
In the long run, it seems civilizations must come to grips with the way
in which human magnetic activities fabricate gravity's fractality. This
is as true of the magnetic domains exuded by the glands in humans feeling
compassion, as it is of the magnetic domains created by how we fold our
land. Ultimately, this determines whether our planet has a stable enough
gravity bubble to hold atmosphere.
Wars break out measurably where the soil cannot conduct magnetism (Prof.
Phil Callahan). Long wave magnetics are braided by large paramagnetic structures.
Grid engineering makes a circulatory system for the context spin of Earth's
increasingly self-aware memory. For friends interested in modeling the magnetism
of Earthquake's, we would invite them to the whole field of paramagnetic
grid engineering, coherent emotion, and fractality. This might fall more
delightfully in the purview of actively fabricating your tectonic environment,
now understanding better a service which self-aware people can render to
a grid BECOMING self-aware.
We have Power Spectrum of Heart EKG phase entraining a tree's magnetic envelope..
measured and harmonic detail..
For paramagnetic stone advice, contact dowser Gary Skillen (who also presented
in our "Tuning Your Land" video) at Ecological Solutions, P.O.
Box 580, Maxville Ontario,Canada, K0C 1T0, Phone: 613- 527-3060. To learn
of our practical paramagnetic healing of a farm, contact: Barry & Serena
Dossenko, Future Organics, Detroit Lakes, MN, Phone: 218-847-7783, fax 218-847-0671