Dan Winter (double scorpio)
"The Lords of Form make up the hierarchy of Scorpio... They still continue to teach humanity how to build bodies, but of ever increasing refinement and sensitivity... It is said esoterically that in some future day stellar explorers will be able to penetrate this mysterious nebulae and discover that it is a doorway opening upon far more wondrous universes than the mind of man can now conceive". from the Cosmic Harp, by Corinne Heline.
We have seen that navigating the Bardo or Death or Dream Space experience, is a richly suggestive overlay of a problem in geometry, and a problem of compassion/emotion. (See our "Geometry of Eternality" article on web, index at ). In summary, what we discover is that getting between "planes" or levels of inner awareness, corresponds to the geometry of the landscape seen when you dream or die. You see a vortex/tornado, you see a spin web, you see a helix, you see donut. These shapes create a series of magnetic doorways, which are definite ways to superpose spin in layers.... vortex donut, to cube, to revolve cube into dodec, to wratchet dodec to to HELIX (DNA), to focus helix to cross point into vortex.... to vortex donut to cube... and on and on. The principle here is that when you superpose spin onto spin, you do so by the symmetry based on PHI as recursion. Doing this, makes a series of SPIN PATHS TO A CENTER OR ZERO POINT.
The magnetic wave ratios in the glands learning to braid, which we have called "emotion" , are the wave angles which permit magnetism to nest in these spin paths. (Sentics, see article.."Braiding DNA is Emotion the Weaver" web index above )
We need to understand carefully, that spin paths are paths for MAGNETIC flux lines, are they are PATHS FOR AWARENESS: TO PROPAGATE. As the Heart learns to steer magnetism inside out, the magnetic flux paths for turning inside out, called COMPASSION, look like A VALENTINE. This is the path that two Golden Spirals make when they nest. This is the perfect geometry of recursion/ self-embeddedness. This is the path which allows... vortex to donut to cube to dodec to DNA to ....
All of this may be described simply as PORTAL GEOMETRY. The issue is for the collected magnetism of human emotion, to have "A WAY OUT OF HERE" to the next evolution in the distribution of awareness. To take this next longer wave step in which to launch emotion to the critical escape velocity (implosion beats light waves thru the speed of light and into time) , we must then express this shaping for magnetism to inhabit larger bodies, into our environment. These are "Star Portals" in our temple, our landscape zodiac, our stone circles, and our ART.
First, let us be clear, that the concept of Magnetic Portal does not suggest an escapism. It is not to run away that we say, learn to project your magnetic body into something bigger than your human body. It is rather, that this is a next necessary and logical step in the skill of the "DISTRIBUTION OF AWARENESS" . Awareness is distributed as magnetism is distributed, as spin is distributed. Distributing this spin/awareness in a way which is touch permissive or sustainable, requires the perfect fractal geometry of recursion/self embeddedness. (Or "I am that I am", "As above so below" etc.. ).
When we arrange the magnetism so embedded that it is fractal like this, it implodes. This implosion of spin inside the body is called love or perspective consumed; Feeling other "inside out" as if it were self. Long term wormhole connectivity coherence induced when DNA is braided recursively by compassion, is called "soul".
When we arrange the same magnetic lines outside the body, so that they implode, this is call a magnetic portal. This is how druids used stone circles for braiding magnetism, to create their version of telephone lines.
When magnetism is braided in this "self-embedded" way, not only does it create Dodec DNA and Planet Grids, it creates Star Systems whose time scales and magnetism is inhabitable by awareness itself. (Book: "Spiral Calendar": time's spiral is square root of PHI.) (Divide orbit TIME of Earth by PHI to get Mercury, by PHI to get Venus, etc.... Angels arrange time imposion to sort genepools into the shareable) (EKG's frequency signature at the moment of compassion or turning inside out is square root of PHI.) ...
The angelic logoi/ "Bird Tribes"/Ophanim/ Lords of Time (Time Cops) inhabit these spin domains made recursive and self aware. They regulate the time lines, by the PHI based harmonic velocity modes of light, like we regulate Radio stations, to maintain communications order. They await our waking up into enough emotional awareness coherence/recursion to inhabit those black holes threading galaxies together through time. The same way emotion held tectonics together like wormhole glue for aboriginal song lines, is the way emotional magnetic coherence inside large magnetic bodies glues galaxies together through time. The arc-angles await our learning the language of symmetry enough to steer our emotion through the symmetry operations necessary to thread awareness through time. The syntax of the local star field language, was brought by the Annunaki. The more fractal and galactic Sirian/Ophanic/Enochian language glyph symbols, are based on the hypercube/dodec (Vincent Bridges.) This is a superset of early language brought by the Annunaki. These ancient letterforms, language of the angels/angles are the wave guide shapes like cookie cutters through which magnetism learns the turns to inhabit/braid star systems together. The eddies in the wave forms of light outside of a cellular centriole/ and galactic black holes shaped like Ankh, Aleph, and Omega, are the ripples past the foci of the letterform itself which wave pattern residue in the ethers we then call "a galaxy". The face of the black hole, is the language of angels selectively consuming and spitting out the magnetism making galaxies. The shape algorhythm for this black hole braiding thru time is called the Ophanic Alphabet of the Enochian keys.
On a global scale, there have been numerous attempts through herstory to create these intergalactic or star fractal portals, on the landscape. Notably, the pattern of the Gothic Cathedrals around Chartres and Rennes Les Chateaux, were magnetic fractal projections of zodiac magnetism. These were little primer seed shapes in which to insert emotion in order to come out inhabiting star systems and galaxies.
The skill to project your emotional magnetism into a portal at first is as fun as learning to focus on a pattern on a wheel which looks like a star system (see Claire Watson's Star Portal and Phaistos disk). Then learn to feel your spin and center of gravity and focus of awareness and later your inner clairvoyant vision INTO THAT PATTERN like a spin tube. Then come out of that Dream: AWAKE and remembering what you saw and felt. LATER, AFTER THE FUN, WE REALIZE THAT OUR GENEPOOLS HOPE FOR SURVIVAL IN MEMORY COLLECTIVELY, REQUIRES ALL OF US KNOW HOW TO DO THIS. ... and eventually together...