Welcome to PiezoPhire.com ( goldenmean.info/piezophire )
from Dan Winter and Patrick Botte our programmer

Special note here to all who may have found the Piezophire instructions too detailed or difficult:
Help files updated> - for our NEW PIEZOPHIRE QUICK START GUIDE!

Important update: see PiezoPhire Updated Instructions , Legal Disclaimer
and More from Patrick at:

Also, the most detailed manual for Piezophire users - is at the cloud link from Patrick - we provide to all Piezophire buyers - which also contains the WAV sound driver files - playable from most any device.

Note - Piezophire product launch at FractalU.com event:
ALL about the history, the science, the hardware, the application....


>Feb 18 -2pm NY time- Patrick Botte and Dan Winter : Breakthru's in Biofeedback and Implosion Harmonic Devices- Announcing PIEZOPHIRE.com , New releases FLAMEINMIND.com (Now IOS AND Mac) and Plasmaphire.com

PiezoPhire is the most powerful phase conjugate implosive device we have made,
anecdotal reports are dramatic- rapid pain reduction , healing , circulation gains.

It is a way of focusing a centripetal implosive capacitive field - like a lens.

The core concept involves - using a specialized piezoelectric radiant resonator / 'piezo speaker'
mated with a super dielectric disk of shungite to implode and lens effect the charge field.

Then a pair of these precise implosive piezo resonators- are fed- precise 'implosion sound'

phase conjugate to planck tuned harmonic cascades- at 180 degree conjugate phase shift -

fed by our world leading bliss binaural sound app- Flameinmind.com or Flameinsound app.
( You can use special audio files to feed the device from Patrick -no IOS required
- or Flameinsound app - with - IOS / ipad/ iphone)
This is based on Dan's equation. This infrasound implosion cascade also successfully drives theraphi.net , theraphi.net/quantaphi , plasmaphire.com , and phivibes.com

Sound drivers: you only need the flameinmind app (flameinmind.com ) if you want to also measure brainwaves, the cheaper (around 30-40 ) flameinsound app works fine.. - to drive piezophire.com , also patrick will send you audio files after purchase which require no app ( but more choices available in flameinsound ). The part of the apps which drive the hardware are released only to those who buy the hardware thru us. see the film - above here.

Physics review of this implosive negentropic principle: planckphire.com

This creates the implosive 'pine cone pair' conjugator effect WHICH RESTORES ELECTRICAL COMPRESSION
(which is the electrical opposite of pain, for example).

June 12, 2024: Our friend Russ S: Kindly wrote: "PIEZOPHIRE: Astonishing technology. As an adept lucid dreamer and astral projector, practitioner of the alchemical, I’ve used a lot of things to test my body. Piezophire reminds me of when I took monotomic gold, within 8 minutes my heart area (chakra) felt like it was open, cleansed and vibrating at a very high frequency.
I put the Piezophire on my chest and instantly got the same effect, my heart started vibrating, it was almost like a laser straight through my body. Definitely felt the effects!"

Piezophire review, brief instructions, and early testimonials.. thanks to Hanna!

Demonstrating the Negentropic principle of 'restored centripetal force':

Tip of the Hat- to our good friend DanMac - just got his new Piezophire-
reported at our Mar 3- Fractalu.com premeeting..
- DanMac said he indeed found the 'sweet spot' between the 2 Piezo Discs..
placed them across a pain issue- in his foot - he had for some time - reported great results - the pain was gone..
( quoting Dan's report:" I ran this test for 10 minutes to see how it affected the aching pain in this part of my foot.  After about 90 seconds the aching started to subside in my foot and by the end of the session the aching pain had stopped completely. ")

'where the pine cones kiss noses'..

Remember the 'centripetal' conjugate implosion is best directly in the center Piezo zone between the discs..

In our original product development we had similar success with hernia pain..
Localized issues appear to respond well...

Emmanuel, a professional musician-cohosting our S.France conference- who had fallen on his shoulder- (Mar 12 tests) - repeated 'how much more powerful than Theraphi - the Piezophire felt-' reporting the Piezophire was so helpful- he clearly gained 'range of motion' in his shoulder.

Electrically- it is even intuitively obvious- symmetric compression is simply 'the opposite of pain'..

There is a deep meaning here...
Pain - we suggest is where charge is bleeding due to broken fractality...

ref goldenmean.info/pain .. (image below here)

HOW TO USE PIEZOPHIRE - Hanna Spence shares with Elasa how to use the
PiezoPhire is the most powerful phase conjugate implosive device we have made, anecdotal reports are dramatic-rapid pain reduction, healing, circulation gains. It is a way of focusing a centripetal implosive capacitive field - like a lens. The core concept involves - using a specialized piezoelectric radiant resonator / 'piezo speaker' mated with a super dielectric disk of shungite to implode and lens effect the charge field. Then a pair of these precise implosive piezo resonators- are fed- precise 'implosion sound' phase conjugate to planck tuned harmonic cascades- at 180 degree conjugate phase shift - fed by our world leading bliss binaural sound app- Flameinmind.com or Flameinsound

PiezoPhire - complete set with 4 transducers
-including shungite
is available for -

699 Euro
-including trackable shipping-

Due to demand -
Shipping time currently is about 3 weeks.

Please >email: lophi618@gmail.com
& specify if you prefer paypal (choose EURO or equivalent USD) or
- Iban or Swift or btc

Dan Winter's new book- Fractal Charge Collapse -THE Compelling Science of Conscious & Gravity!: planckphire.com

Return to Dan Winter's - Original Index Options
350 lectures, 3 million views
FractalField.com TheImploder.com FlameinMind.com Theraphi.net FractalU.com Goldenmean.info Facebook.com/fractalfield .......new!


Welcome to PiezoPhire.com ( goldenmean.info/piezophire )
from Dan Winter and Patrick Botte our programmer

Important update: see PiezoPhire Updated Instructions and More from Patrick at:

Note - Piezophire product launch at FractalU.com event:

>Feb 18 - Patrick Botte and Dan Winter : Breakthru's in Biofeedback and Implosion Harmonic Devices- Announcing PIEZOPHIRE.com , New releases FLAMEINMIND.com (Now IOS AND Mac) and Plasmaphire.com

PiezoPhire is the most powerful phase conjugate implosive device we have made,
anecdotal reports are dramatic- rapid pain reduction , healing , circulation gains.

It is a way of focusing a centripetal implosive capacitive field - like a lens.

The core concept involves - using a specialized piezoelectric radiant resonator / 'piezo speaker'
mated with a super dielectric disk of shungite to implode and lens effect the charge field.

Then a pair of these precise implosive piezo resonators- are fed- precise 'implosion sound'


Note here - OPTIONAL : Patrick suggests.. if you wish to radiate and fill a room with the Piezophire resonance- the use of a Shungite sphere.. ( -placed on the Piezo/ or Coil disk - see film above) - He suggests a 5cm Shungite Sphere.. (You don't need a special mount- can just set on top of the Piezo device using a simple small rubber band.) Remember this is not needed to radiate into the body- either Piezo or Coil- only for radiating into a room filling / room clearing field. Here optionally - is a link to a vendor which Patrick suggested.

  https://youtu.be/hF076kHYams Piezophire.com Origins, Science, Suggestions, for Pain reduction, Circulation, Inflammation...Water & ALCHEMY. New Q&A w/Dan Winter, Patrick, Tufan http://www.piezophire.com Dan : http://www.planckphire.com Tufan http://www.geometricmodels.org Patrick at https://www.craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/piezo-phire.html , Our conference http://www.fractalfield.com/2024 The plasma http://www.plasmaphire.com New frequency maps also at http://www.pyramidwirelesspower.com Water implosion also http://www.theimploder.com
Piezophire.com comparison / results...

Note from Dan Winter: we are so often asked now:
Could the Piezophire really REPLACE the Theraphi??

Regarding the power of Piezophire- we have to acknowledge how much we learned from our professional musician friend Emmanuel here..
So he had tripped and fallen very hard on his shoulder - during his work. He could not move his shoulder- very painful- used a sling.. seriously worried - and had multiple medical scans.. showing possible separation / gap inside. He had avoided surgery recommendation and had come for at least 2 Theraphi sessions.

He did feel some help- but really wanted more- we then applied the Piezo discs from Piezophire with the implosion sound drivers
(Full chakra cascade optimized to Schumann). With the Piezophire he said he felt an amazing tingling that really went up and down his full arm.
This is the kind of charge compression, 'tingling' we are so familiar with - in our view clearly a 'feeling' and 'circulation' - 'return from numbness' kind of trigger.
The point was that after 2 of 10-20 min Piezophire sessions- he really began to feel significant relief in his arm- and specifically very nice return to range of motion.

After about 3 more Piezophire sessons- next few days- he described almost complete relief- ( kindly insisted he wanted to buy the device) - and got back to us with a dramatic success - report on his next medical scan.

Clearly - this was a happy camper. Thank you Emmanuel for your diligence.

(He did say - he felt Piezophire much stronger than his first 2 Theraphi sessions. - altho later in a 3rd Theraphi session- he also felt useful response there ) .

Storal to the Morey: Remember it is still early trials (experimental and anecdotal): My (Dan Winter's) hypothesis is that for specifically LOCALIZED and not full body - issues-
that Piezophire may well be a replacement for - at least very synergetic too.. other Plasma therapies (Theraphi etc). With localized issues- circulation / pain - numbness etc..
we DO hypothesize that PIEZOPHIRE appears to be an amazing and inexpensive - and safe and non- hazardous tool (restoring 'implosive' charge negentropy). -Witness multiple anecdotal reports (I was there) - hernia pain issues dealt with in relatively short order?!

For large field effect issues - we are experimenting with full room radiance ( even overnight) as reported below- using Shungite spheres to radiate the charge conditioning.
There are significant reports- even dreaming effect. I do believe this is most useful approach- but weather this can generate potent full body 'conditioning ' / saturation - I don't know.

One more note here - COMING SOON! - ( phirecrystal.com !) - we soon expect to announce a synergy device - a phase conjugate pump wave -IN A DESIGNED PUMP WAVE PIEZO CRYSTAL-
to indeed focus the longitudinal output of Piezophire - into water and much more!

Dan speaking at FractalU.com on April 14 ." with the piezophire.com , we are victims of our own success, we're still getting more more orders so fast that we're queued three weeks or so but we're improving .. catching up .. it's amazing the interest we've had ,
.. Dan Mack just told us he's been using it again on his foot ..:

ONE Piezophire Disc under the foot- one on upper calf : "it takes the cramping and just the soreness and everything it just takes it away."

DanMac speaking: "well I have hammer toes, it's a genetic thing . I used to just do EP magnesium chloride baths and stuff .. it's because I have to do a lot of driving and ..my right foot is the gas pedal foot so I it's bent out of it , that's just how it is,

SO I use the piezo disc , (not the Tesla coil) and I attach it to my upper calf over the the tendon that goes down to those toes around my ankle and then uh put the the other disc uh in my slipper and then put my foot on top of that and then run the
the Cascade , -for the foot area right - I just run that ,

The problem I had before was I had the the one disc on the bottom of the sole of my
foot and the other disc on top of my toe area right so it's like and that was
very uncomfortable it worked really well but I you know it just that it was too close (too powerful),

So now that I spread it out, it takes the cramping and just the soreness and everything it just takes it away. .. I'm doing it well mostly every day - when I work, I manage 17 buildings .. So it's the driving part because my foot is
is chipped over to push on the gas and that it that puts tension on that tendon
and that and my foot cramps up - and by using the PIEZOPHIRE it just takes it
right away .. you know some days I can go for like two days maybe three days depending on my driving and it just works !
... also I I do a ace bandage and then do the piezo on the pineal
gland and and I do that uh not every day but every other day or every 3 days and
uh you before meditation and I've been getting the GDV
Aura photography really and I have just seen phenomenal. (results).
and you know it's just that great .. so really .. thank you"

Dan W. "so what we're learning is not only for pain reduction and as he said
de cramping but also triggering the pineal, really fires the light. it's
all about compression of charge where the charge can get Centripetal enough to get dense
... which is perfect because that is the intro to the intro to the intro to tonight's conversation
(..how Lucid Dreaming is precipitated course: FractalU.com

This version of the film-(from above)
here thanks to Patrick
is edited with sections labels (right




Powerful Audio Implosion Driver Files- Available - Will be provided with your hardware order.

See related Sound Files info in FlameinMind and FlameinSound IOS Apps- from Patrick and Dan

Main site for FlameinMind and FlameinSound - apps is flameinmind.com - note how inexpensive the FlameinSound app is- has ALL the audio driver capabilities - just not the brainwave inputs.


Detailed FlameinSound Sound File Generator Instructions: craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/flameinsound/plasma_vibes/

Binaural Sounds Generator : craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/flameinsound/binaural-sounds/

Physics of CHAKRA Sound generation: craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/flameinsound/binaural-sounds/f_chakras.html

PiezoPhire Early Testimonial

Anna's report:

(original) Piezo Coil

  1. Used on a hand burn (used ice but still in pain)– feeling of dissemination of my pain. The pain moves in centrifugal waves, fading within a short period of time. After 1 min I could feel the pain subsidizing slightly. Within next 3 minutes the pain was mostly gone. Only slight sensation was detectable. Could not touch the burnt area before, after 10 minutes I was able to touch the hand. It was sensitive but did not hurt. After 1 hour all was back to normal
  2. Ganglion cyst on a wrist- after using it for the first time, after about 1 min a feeling of a wider channel opening up for the blood to flow freely in my wrist.

(original) Tesla Coil

  1. Used 1st on a burn – I felt the pain compressing and the burn becoming more painful. I saw it as a cross section of a turritella.
  2. Ganglion cyst on a wrist- my whole hand started aching. After few years of having the ganglion cyst I stopped feeling any pain or sensation when doing things with my hand. After the session with the Tesla coil, my hand and arm started aching, perhaps it was a wake up for my muscles. I kept using the device ( Full chakra cascade) for a few days. The pain would come back and go away. The size did not shrink.
  3. Intestinal issues- effective. Be it uneasiness or pain in the appendix. After using the device and some time the pain  lessened.
  4. A cut- the healing occurred surprisingly much faster than usual.

Piezo+ Shungite  (new)

  1. 1st session (full chakra cascade) on ganglion cyst- the sensation was very strong. My head felt overwhelmed. I had to stop after 2 minutes. It has to be done gradually so that the body can get used to it.  My hand and shoulder reacted to this the same as Tesla coil- my body started remembering the pain from the past when the cyst was forming. No change in the shape.
  2. Shumann cascade – using during the day for few hours. Leaving for the whole night on occasions. The observation still continues. I ‘see’ the frequencies as curved waves moving left and then right:


Some initial feedback reports with Piezophire -thanks to Shelley Evans of theshareablewave.com


The perfect companion to PiezoPhire is Plasmaphire.com

Plasmaphire.com perfect with Piezophire