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Unified Field, Waves, Feelings have Shape

Love bears all things

believes all things

hopes all things

endures all things..

love never fails..

1st Corinthians, Ch:13.


Love embeds all things..

Now we know in part.. then shall we know even as also we are known...


I am that I am... (recursion)..

Course Schedule

Introduction & Overview:

  1. Consider that in a unified field everything is waves moving about in a universal jello

  2. In that universal jello or "ether" the only self organizing shape is the donut or smoke ring or torus.

  3. Those donuts or vortex pairs arrange themselves like trumpets into the faces of the platonic solids, and this is called the atomic table (matter).
    (1,3cube,5dodec,7icos donut vortex pair make 2,6,10,14 electron-s,p,d,f subshells:all matter)

  4. When a wave in this jello or ether moves in a line it is called energy, when the same wave is "sucked" into a circle, the slight gyroscopic resistance to change of position, is called "matter". In physics, INERTIA stored is the ONLY definition of mass. The wave moving in a circle creates matter (as opposed to "doesn't matter".) This is called quantum mechanics, because elements of the waves spin can only stand still when meeting themselves from opposing directions. This separates the jello or ether into packets or envelopes of waves, storing spin inertia. So "the creator" (fractal attraction) is the principle of self reference (self/awareness) which steered the wave into the circle, from the line. I am that I am.

  5. Something has to provide "centering force" to hold the wave going in a circle in the same place (widening gyre with a center that will not hold?).

  6. This "centering force" is what happens when waves "collapse", "implosively" toward a center. IMPORTANTLY: this collapse inward function is called many names:

    a. implosion
    b. gravity
    c. magnetic monopole
    d. scalar wave
    e. recursion
    f.  self reference
    g. in PHI knit

  7. Waves get this permission to CONcresce (gather all crests to one point) when they all arrange their distance from that point by PHI or Golden Mean ratio. This is because this allows "recursive" or repeated adding and multiplying of their interference. This perfects constructive interference from many directions at once.

  8. Therefore gravity occurs because the outer waves nest (electron for example on an atomic scale, or long wave ley lines on a planetary one) becomes self similar or recursive to the inner waves nest (neutrons in an atom.) This pattern on the outside repeated in the pattern on the inside is the definition of fractality. This means literally that fractality creates gravity.

  9. When waves are drawn to a focus, they automatically sort out those which cannot pass the laws of symmetry to let them pass the vortex which focus creates. This means that whatever creates focus creates sorting. This also means that the test of perfect symmetry, is the same as the test for what is perfectly shareable (as a wave or idea or emotion or intent or person or feeling or...)

  10. Perfect fractal or recursive or nestable or "embeddable" symmetry is thus literally a test for pure intention.

  11. When waves can agree to meet sustainably this is called "sacred".

  12. The Golden Mean or PHI ratio perfects recursion/embedding/intention/gravity/awareness/response-ability/implosion/mass/sorting..

  13. The role of MIND among waves... is to align the still points... which guides them into the PHI ratio of recursion.. permitting them to stay still. They get permission to stand as wave (called "eck" -or charge- in "stasis" / ecstacy). This creates the tingle in your body in the place you have chosen to place your attention/ you have aligned field effects to "concrescence" or centering. This compression of the ethers is the principle by which matter is created out of light.

  14. When the harmonics of a brain (eeg) or heart (ekg) or planet (schuman series), enter into nesting by powers of PHI, then that (or any) biological oscillator becomes:

    a. self organizing
    b. self aware
    c. eck-static

    examples include the sustainable elimination of addiction and attention deficit in brainwave neurofeedback work using this principle. (see Marty Wuttke links)

  15. The power of placing a limit ("power of limits" by doczi) on any oscillator is that in order to emerge from chaos, IT MUST TAKE THE PATH OF PHI-LO taxis. (Perfect branching based on PHI.) examples include stock market becomes predictable when volume harmonics become PHI / and heart waves become sustainable (all chronic diseases end) when the harmonics arrange themselves into Phi embedability.

  16. EKG harmonics only heartlink/ ASCEND into this perfect fractal or "heart rate variability" when you feel wonder/compassion/truth because this exactly corresponds to what is electrically distributable or shareable.

  17. The reason "only love bends the light, so therefore only love creates" is because this feeling of compassion permits compression which permits centering which draws in the linear light into the circle. The same electrical centering force/literal gravity of glandular emotion, creates steerage among wormholes.. dream.. bardo.. star.. navigating force.


  1. Feelings have shape..

  2. Feeling is made of magnetic lines, folding "nondestructively"

  3. Emotion is magnetism, energy in motion BETWEEN frequencies...this is the scalar wave we have called gravity...

  4. Where gravity is most dense capacitive power spectra is power of phi..

  5. When magnetic lines braid by ratio phi, waves accelerate thru lightspeed, making soul force & ability to lucid dream...(reason to learn hygiene of ecstatic process

  6. That this braid can be influenced by sonic waves from glands (loving ekg) right in the DNA. Carrier wave in DNA is UV thread, braid to string to rope to fat rope, envelope to carrier ratio phi until the inertia of envelope implodes its own carriers making soul.. psychologically this requires sorting more and more ringing in your ears the DNA of your ancestors yearning..

  7. What you see when you close your eyes depends on this penetration of biology's magnetism thru lightspeed..

  8. Genepools survive directly into embedding into planets & stars by this principle, of waves inhabiting or embedding larger waves.

  9. Surviving the solar storm requires this achieving of "scale invariance"..

  10. To Inhabit is to Embed (Incarnate)

  11. Embeddability is Phi-Lo Tactic (Recursion Perfected)


A Physics of Self/Reference as Consciousness Glossary:

"Blue fire": the collected cellular accumulations of coherent ultra-violet or blue light. Because this blue light drives DNA and mediates the most orderly metabolism, it is in a sense an ultimate product of cell biology. When gathered among glands for whole body process or massage, this blue fire becomes the stuff of eros, orgone, and sexuality. Attention/ foreplay/ massage gathers it like a snake charmed, first to the glands around the base of the spine, the so called "blue dish" . Then, if the base of the spine is open, and properly tilted, and if the heart and gland sonics are massaging the envelope sonically, they can be pumped up the spine like a straw, exploding sweetness and growth into the upper brain and crown chakra. In addition to a sweet reward natural feedback, this precipitates a field which feeds coherent nutrient to the larger Earth grid..

Braiding: in the sense of your lover's pony tail, only certain wave(weave)lengths will fit upon the length of the tail compared to the number of hairs. If the number of weaves fit the nest, then you may be able to braid the braid... of the braid. Each time a much longer wave is nested in a disciplined or "phase locked" fashion. On biological surfaces, this means that the information of worlds of much larger size can reach their inertia into the biology which has found a way to integrate or contain wavelengths the size of... whole glands or even continents.. into living cells. This is how emotions program DNA, and even Schumann resonance Earth waves get into trees, informing Earth's biomass of the needs of Earth as a ringing bell inviting tuning.

Ecstatic process: any activity centering mind into body and perception in such a way as to bring all awareness into the present. This results in a concentric wave nesting of the "fractal attractor" of attention. This phase locks or brings to focus at one point, waves of increasing cascades of different length. In quantum or wave terms, this engages the principle of self-organization among pressure waves which occurs whenever they are brought to focus. This is because in wave interference patterns drawn to the focal point attracted by symmetry, order self replicates, and disorder SELF-destructs. Ecstatic process uses the activities of symmetry making in the geometry of awareness, to get attention/awareness so focused or phase locked that worlds within worlds of wave length and "embodiment" converge to share inertia or mind. The symmetry or pattern making activity necessary to attract this critical "mass" of awareness or wave front centers is enacted in the human condition on rollercoasters, in dance and ritual, in sexuality, tantra and kundalini, etc. When we get a handle on the inertia centers of wave fields of increasing size, we can make our feelings felt in larger worlds. The wave geometry or shape of feelings, thus get leverage eventually upon whole bioregions, planets, ... longer waves. When we attempt to gain this symmetry making power among waves externally by adding symmetry to synapse with chemically induced ecstasy we make certain sacrifices. Unable to fabricate our own ecstasy, we induce a fraction of the chemistry which normally just mediates instead of induces the superconduction in the brain. Brain coherence without the resonance linkage and pure intention to the larger mind, is like a top spun up without first balancing the spin point. Only the heart has enough symmetry to lock/touch the pressures and prepare the field. Human cells, and human cultures cannot survive without the informing context of disciplined ecstatic process. Formerly ecstasy was taught only by religion and cults. Now, as cancer and AIDS spread exactly where cultural ecstasy and ritual are forgotten, we must teach this outer and inner spiritual dance because the lives of our children depend on it.

Coherence: (Co-here-and-see). and coherent emotion. Same meaning in math, in hydronamics (wave theory), and in poetry: all the meanings or waves fit one nest in order. Suggestive of columnation, cascading, phase locking or phase discipline. Onset coherence in light is a laser, in emotion is a piezoelectric glandular mediated real felt motion ready to waltz up and down the ladder of wave ratio between worlds. There is a relationship between the poetic, the optical, the mathematical definitions of coherence. Further, it suggests our new technique of second order FFT (frequency signature OF the frequency signature), as a powerful way to access, measure, quantify, feedback, and teach COHERENCE. Consider the heart's distribution of voltage waves as if it were a simple light beam trying hard to become so powerful as to be worthy to be called "a laser". Then our question about measuring heart coherence becomes the same one as a laser optics physicist attempting to predict the moment at which a light beam became "coherent" enough to penetrate distances like a laser. The internal "coherence" or columnation of phases within the single beam would determine how penetrating was that beam.

So too with the heart. We know that the heart electricities effect the immune system and the environment. Therefore the more sustainable these heart "waves", the more effective in bending their environment. So we need a way to teach people to make their heart "waves" sustainable, that is: able to reach further without collapsing as waves. We provide this "heartlink" as a tool to measure this "coherence", and feed it back in such a way as to make it teachable.

The first peak of the second order FFT clearly rises animatedly as a persons heart coherence or heart harmonics rise in the first fft. The key step in realizing the technical meaning of the word coherence, in this regard, is to understand that a SINGLE wave or parameter in a technical sense, does not HAVE coherence.

Note below, in the physics literature: definition of coherence:

"Coherence--A mathematical algorithm expressing a quantitative measure of the spatial or temporal relationships between two or more parameters. Simple coherence is the ratio of the square of the absolute magnitude of the cross spectral density function between two parameters and the product of the power spectral densities for each individual parameter. (For a generalized definition of coherence, including multiple and partial coherence, see Goodman, 1965.)"

Two parameters usually are compared to talk about coherence. So, we could not describe the ekg as a wave as having coherence IF we think of it as a single parameter. However, if we were to consider each of the sine waves arranged in the complex series we call the frequency signature or power spectra or FFT (of the heart voltage), then we could talk about the coherence between those internal harmonics. This is indeed what I believe this second order frequency plot (fft) does for the heartlink. Specifically, that the height or amplitude of the first peak of that plot, is a measure of whether those harmonics of the first FFT are evenly spaced (or literally phase disciplined or coherent). What indeed is powerful here is that this technique of taking the second order FFT of any oscillator, now can be understood as a way to quantify the internal harmonic coherence of any oscillator. What happens practically, is that the second FFT checks to see if the space or phase between the harmonics of the first FFT are even or disciplined. If yes, then the amplitude of the first peak of the second FFT measures that phase coherence. In effect, this becomes an elegant tool to quantify and teach coherence.

Embeddability (Idealized Recursion): The ability of a short wave to embed or nest non-destructively in a larger one. Similar to Fractality. See how this is immersive, in the sense it allows one biological oscillator to enter another. To begin the process is self re-entry, optimized by PHI, the Golden Mean..

Similar to: Wave geometry which can survive compression nondestructively. This is a geometric wave picture of empathy and compassion. To Inhabit is to Embed, which is the same as "getting inside of" in order to steer. This empathic path actually starts with the electricity of the heart learning to make the fractal which starts with the electrical dimpling or turning inside out.

Fractal (fractality/fractal attractor): when the small part of a pattern contains a miniature of the whole pattern, it is said to be self-embedded, or recursive. This kind of symmetry among waves, permit the long, to cascade right into the same pattern in the short wave, creating a cascade or vortex or attractor. This is the ability to embed. EMBEDDABILITY is the wave mechanic skill to center yourself in a wave form and steer it.  Steer = TO INHABIT. (mathematically identical to compassion/empathy)

The self-sameness of the symmetry of the nucleus to the symmetry of the electron shell, for example permits the scalar spin vortex "translation of vorticity" (turning from long to short wave) we call gravity. The inertia which passes inside out through center, gives us identified in the wave lengths out here, the illusion that gravity's cascade goes only one way. In reality what has been folded inside out into finer order in the center of atoms and planets, in the unified field of gravity's wave cascade, becomes the bloodstream passed between planets in erotic play. This self-same scalar wave cascade "fractal attractor" by symmetry, also makes up the field nesting we call consciousness, which is born of and defined by recursion itself. The more we are occupied in our attention by the at-first-in-principle of self-embedded I AM THAT I AM, the more the fields of consciousness nest and are leveraged by our "mind". The purpose of the oneness when present in one node of the hologram, draws the inertia of all to it. Thus true power is self-limiting by pure intention (or symmetry) inside itself.

Fractionation: (opposite of fractality)  When the order of a complex woven kind of self organizing.. anything.. is chopped up into little pieces... which all the kings horses and all the kings men can't put back together again. Your best picture has no meaning when rendered into little pieces. How can we be nourished after we chop up all the order in our grains and vegetables before we consume them. The long wave order IS the food. Apple sauce has no tingle, only biting into the whole apple adds that kind of spin to you. Among waves, spin is the only catchment for memory. The context of the long wave is not present after the air or the water is passed through a screen or a sieve. It becomes fractionated, unbraided, and lifeless. Fractionation in cultures is called: a-part-meant, and it occurs when the long magnetic grid braids of earth are chopped up by cities where geomancy and grid engineering are unknown. The skin of Earth becomes cancerous this way.

Geometry of Pressure: since the unified field tells us of only one essentially compressible medium, then the universe is literally one contiguous folded surface and a "geometry of pressure". Tesla called voltage simply tension or pressure. Electromagnetic voltage modulates the three other supposed "separate" and "fundamental" forces of physics. (Even gravity becomes magnetic in the monopole- cascade by ratio). We should not permit our physics to fractionate our awareness into the schizophrenia of imagining more than one substance to our universe. No data ever truly supported the hypothesis that more than one compressible unified field existed in the universe. We can see and feel that we the medium, are the message.

Grok: in the sci-fi sense of to encounter an idea, surround it with your beingness of attention, "consume it's perspective", and understand it all at once "of a piece".. this is the "long wave" way of knowing, as opposed to atomized, piecemeal, fractionated dissections of knowing.. short waves.

Inertia: the tendency for movement to continue in its path. We measure the amount of inertia stored by waves when persuaded by symmetry to go in circles, and we call this mass or matter.

Lo-phi (love). When the nest of electrical and sound pressure fields around the heart converge in golden mean ratio wave nests, then unlimited information transfer between worlds can cascade. Waves find this arithmetic and geometric heterodyne or beat note non-interference pattern, most touch permissive. EL-(the turn or phase shift) (in)LO-(frequnecy)PHI-(ratio). The PHI or golden mean ratio has been found in the frequency between harmonics of the heart at the moment of sending love, and (in the "Sentics" measurements of emotion) in the ratio of the moment of maximum pressure in the shape of the hug or squeeze you give to send love. The soft V sound in love suggests the fiveness from whose square root PHI is derived, and from which the wave softness or touchability of love radiates.

Recursion/Embeddedness/ Fractality: Suppose a short little wave would like to nest cozily and non-destructively on a larger carrier wave. The ratio of that "embedding" or braiding of a short on long wave would be something like the Phi-lotactic branching algorithm of tree ness. In fact the first fractals looked like fern trees. The ratio of a short wave which can best embed on a long is in Phi or Golden Mean proportion. This is the best nesting algorithm for waves to share spin non-destructively.

In a computer program, a "do loop" which can nest inside another, inside another, infinitely, could produce infinite recursion, or self-iteration. Irving Dardik calls this expression of a turn inside a turn: "super-looping". In a geometric sense when pattern or foldedness can nest inside itself layer in layer, this becomes the fingerprint of fractality.

Non-Destructive Interference: As all waves or frequencies cross each other in the universe, they are not just ships passing in the night. Each time they truly cross paths and "share spin", they have kids. The making of children among waves is called (appropriately) "conjugal" relations. This means they coming into the touch or focus point for two waves, creates a continuous system of interference. This is called "heterodyning" or beat note interference. What's neat is that each time waves do this crossing and touching, they must add each others wave lengths repeatedly, if the wave lengths of those children waves is to still fit the pattern of the wave nest and not fight. When the continuous repeated adding of the wave lengths is recursive (able to always recur), this effectively means that in addition to adding each others wave lengths (AND velocities), that the waves begin to both add and multiply each other at the same time. This produces the perfection of this embedding or nesting, which is a branching pattern which is repeatedly pent (re-pents), in all PHI RATIO. This perfect branching in all PHI ratio in nature is called "PHI-llotaxis, and it the way leaves unfold in plants based on the Golden Mean, to perfectly share the light. (Later this branch was called SCION, or the Priori de scion.. jon, john.. perfect branching in the blood). So as all waves pack, they must arrange themselves into a symmetry (a pattern) where their inertia, their "nodes" do not cancel each other. In order to get the maximum number of wave nodes or peaks "nested" in all constructive interference, branching by Golden Mean ratio- eliminates  destructive adding and multiplying of those waves. The result is "in-PHI-knit" all constructive interference which in the long wave phi ratio (lo-phi wave) is called: "permission to touch" for waves! Note that the wave form for love on the HeartLink and in the Sentic music literature appears to both use the Golden Ratio interval.

Recursive or recursion: (see also non-destructive wave interference): When any system or wave is taught to re-enter itself in such a way that it keeps coming back to the same center point, that steerage for spin pattern, is said to be "able to recur". Thing of the little bit of magnetism coming out the top of your heart like a squeezed beet. When the magnetic squirt gun learns how to send the head of it's energy worm back down around the vortex donut in such a way that it is never lost on the spin path back into itself, it is then "self-embedded", or recursive. (See ANU/Heart/Heart of Sun 7/5 spin perfect implosion slop knot clairvoyance maps

This in-side out skill to steer a wave back into itself is also called self-reference. This is the wave geometry of self awareness. A golden mean spiral is the only way a wave can re-enter itself non-destructively. So to re-cur and thus self-reenter self-aware, is the skill to make magnetism squirt into that perfect Golden Mean valentine.. the EM(bed)PATH.

Self-Not/Self: Has been used to describe the membrane of separateness or the cell wall or the human skin, which make up the immune system. As a wave mechanic, all dividing membranes are comprised of woven fields whose phase coherence or wave order determines how long till the bubble pops. Add spin and you add life to the bubble. The index to which spins can be added to the surface of a bubble, is which spins can be superposed on the surface of symmetry itself. Forests get a sonic skin when the bioacoustic habitat contains ALL frequencies. Emotions missing from the spectra of the cell membranes surface, tell us which wave length doorways are unlocked in the self-not self.

The Mathematical name for the principle that cell membranes are composed of only the waves which "make music"/phase lock, together, is called "Structural Stability and Morphogenesis". In human terms this means that membranes- self/not-self are neat woven blankets which occur when the waves of emotion/feeling nest in harmony. Practically, this means that if there is one harmonic missing from your voice ("Signature Sound Works"), or one harmonic missing from your brainwaves (Marty Wuttke/the end of addiction), or one emotion missing from your choice of what you can feel, then there is a hole in your blanket, or rather, cell membrane.

Self-Reference/Self-Awareness: You were getting angry, then you became aware, that you were aware you were getting angry... then you became aware that you were aware that you were aware.... you were getting angry. Each time you got outside yourself to look at your self, you got more perspective or context in your understanding of your own anger. As a result you had more ability to steer the direction of your emotion with a large horizon of awareness.

The only angle at which a wave can re-enter itself or refer to itself non-destructively is the phi spiral. This then is the optimal geometry of self reference or self awareness. It becomes measurable in the magnetic angle of the hearts "wings" at the moment of compassion or embedding. It becomes evident in the PHI harmonics of the brain and heart at the moments of peak awareness.