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 There is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers. There is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers. There is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers. There is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers. There is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers.

Main Conference / Course Calendar: goldenmean.info/course


  • Sacred Geometry and Heart Biofeedback

  • Labyrinth Building and Feng Shui

  • Cranio Sacral - work with Horses and Healing

  • Energy Integration Techniques

  • CranioSacral Practitioners

  • Singing Bowl - Sound Massage. for Cleaning and Healing Body

  • Sweeping Sound and Mediation

  • Bio- Resonance - & Orgone Energy As Therapeutic Alternative - Human and Veterinary Healing. Basics plus Examples in Practice

  • Alexander Technique - also using Horses. Focusing and Balance thru Awareness of Movement - Practicum - Working In Nature

  • Story Telling / Drumming / Open Fire

  • Sacred Dance

  • Building a Labyrinth

  • Intro to Rebirthing - Healing the StillPoint

  • Universal Human Energies

  • Using the Labyrinth to HEAL the Land

  • Labyrinth Walking and Whole Brain Integration

  • Understanding Magnetic Lines and Agriculture

  • Blissful Housing

  • Introduction to "Twinkling Eyes Lifestyle" Hygiene

  • Homework to make Bliss Sustainable

  • and more...

  • Australia- / Perth launches the Science of Peace University at the Conscious Living Expo October 31 to November 3.
    Core Group and Campus Site in Perth - http://www.conscious-living.com.au/ , email - patricia@conscious-living.com.au

    We will have a Peace Dome set up in the centre of the Exhibition hall which will be built along Sacred Geometry Principles in which will be held meditations, harmonic resonance sessions using didgeridoo, crystal bowls and other instruments as well as healing sessions.- all conducted under the auspices of the Science of Peace University. Donations will go towards the projects supported by the Peace University.

    There will be a labyrinth walk - for people to walk with the intention of creating peace in their heart and world harmony. This will be laid out in the hall in the centre of which will be erected a Tree of Life - as per our vision - a 3 D structure . There will be a garden designed along the principles of magnetic flow, A watsu healing water therapy pool, Demonstrations of quantumponics , displays of permaculture, feng shui and organic produce.

    Workshops and lectures on the Science of Peace, the Heart Tuner and your other work. We will have a booth to demonstrate the heart tuner inside the exhibition - with several heart tuners set up for people to experience. This will be an inaugural opening of the Australian Science of Peace University we invite people from around Australia to attend and to include a 2 day Science of Peace Conference after the Expo in which people can experience training as Science of Peace Facilitators . This Conference could be held on Tuesday and Wednesday November 5-6 in our new Conscious Living Celebration Centre in the city.

    We are planning a media launch of the Peace University/CL Expo at the Celebration Centre around October 17th.

    We will have additional public seminars and workshop in the 2 weeks prior to the Expo. with the option of holding the Facilitators Conference on the weekend prior to the Expo ie October 26 and 27.

  • Netherlands, Seeds-of-Wholeness, http://www.seeds-of-wholeness.org/