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Neurofeedback and Biofeedback
Introduction (under construction)


The HeartTuner is a biofeedback device. The underlying philosophy is a scientific and philosophical analysis of how waves organize and create life and consciousness. The HeartTuner device measures the waves in the body and analyzes their content. This analysis is displayed in several graphical plots suited for biofeedback. Beside the raw signal, a spectrum analysis and a so called septrum analysis, that is a second order Fourier analysis and heartrate variability is displayed. The precalculated data also becomes available for specifically designed biofeedback games and can be shared over the internet.

The hardware part of the device consists of a small white box with the size of a cassette tape with a molded one meter connection cord with a 9-pin female serial connector, two EKG wires with electrodes, two sets of wristbands, white and blue and two head bands in the same colors, a CD-ROM on which is the software and necessary drivers and a printable manual. Optionally one can get a serial-to-USB cord for connection to a USB port, a 'biological capacitor probe for lifeforce measurements. The device is shipped in a convenient plastic box.

The software includes a data monitor which shows the plain data and the mathematically derived data in clear scalable graphical plots. The program has the ability to save and retrieve measured data. A simple game environment has been created to display the biofeedback data more provocative. This program runs on top of the monitor program. Soon to be released is a utility to share the biofeedback data over the internet with many other people connected to a HeartTuner in order to make collective biofeedback experience possible. Updates of the software will be available on the internet website. For developers there is a special software development kit available that can be used to develop games and creative representations of the data.

The manual contains all the necessary instructions for setting up and using the hardware and the basic software. Additionally these is a database of biofeedback related articles for sale. A helpdesk is available to handle customer support and report software requests/needs. The HeartTuner group will provide training and education on the effective use of the HeartTuner. A website will be set up in order to promote the HeartTuner and give customers access to the additional services. The website will also host a HeartTuner server for distributing HeartTuner biofeedback data and communications among groups of users on-line.

We noticed that at the SPECIFIC MOMENT when the relaxing meditator-healer said he was sending LOVE, that the EKG sent a specific HARMONIC cascade (frequency signature) (which looked like completing a caduceus.)

Later we realized that the interval between those harmonics optimized at golden ratio (perfect nesting, kind of romantic), and this made getting in your heart TEACHABLE with feedback:

Checking the literature, sure enough the same caduceus like harmonic cascade in the brain, (in the same 0-20hz alpha, theta window) when learned CREATED ATTENTION, AND EUPHORIA:

Then we realized the PRINCIPLE of this phenomenon:

The principle was simple: Get a GOLDEN RATIO based cascade going BETWEEN contained harmonics, and sure enough you were sending a wave (phi harmonic recursive heterodyne 'chirp') up your kite string to God. (where ALL spins can converge non-destructively/embedably.. perfect sacred compressibility )

Enter the modern classroom. Let's see, we have ..

+ pink fluorescent lights, the exact NON phi interval between light harmonics which precisely DESTROY attention span (see measurable improvement in Attention with full spectrum lighting.. the SUN knows how to embed)

+ steel and magnetic disasters ALL over. (Geniuses in Egypt studied inside magnetic wave fractals called dolmen/temples for a reason). See Measureable improvement in Attention using Labyrinths, old growth trees, and 'Infinity Walk' (book by Deborah Sunbeck).

+ loss of WILL to attend, BECAUSE NO BLISS IS TAUGHT.

Only education as a continuous ecstatic process will cause the DNA to want to align and EMBED with that. (literally this is what makes genes ATTEND the rite.)

I dare some scientist with HEART to measure the affect of Sufi dance on attention bandwidth!

Glossary of Terms

Under Construction

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Under Construction

Textbook and Course Materials

To be Announced

Course Details

Dates, Cost, Place (Online, On location - Netherlands, Australia, Norway, United States), Instructor