In Conjunction with:
International Institute of Inclusive Science ("I.I.I.s"
is Peace? Freedom from war and violence, working and living together
without violence, the absence of conflict, the presence
of love.
Peace begins in the Heart.
Today's science has ways of
measuring peace in the heart. We are an international group of
educators, researchers, leaders and ordinary people. We
offer online courses, conferences, and workshops devoted
to personal, group and international peacemaking topics.
Our approach is to use science and biofeedback tools to teach
and train individuals and groups how to experience the emotions
of peace, love, and compassion. The
science of peace is the physics of peace. We use scientific
tools to measure the EKG of the heart to show you that the heart
(and the world) become coherent and harmonic when you feel at
health - physical, mental and emotional stems from the heart
and the mind.
Each heart and mind that can achieve
a coherent, peaceful, loving state exerts a positive, peaceful
effect on the environment and those around them. Sacral Cranial
Pulse work involves using human touch with focused awareness,
to align and sort (phase cohere) the waves in the spinal pump.
A therapist traces by a light touch on the skin, the focal point
of pain, and often measurably produce sorting and healing of
the waves in the viscera. Research suggests that depression is
eliminated if the spin liquid pumping becomes coherent. This
field along with the scientific measurement of EKG harmonic analysis
of the heart and emotions led to the idea to teach the Real Science
of Peace.
The convergence of these two
fields, EKG harmonic analysis of the heart and Sacral Cranial
Pulse work, produces an amazing simple science of what it is
to make peace - among waves and among magnetic fields, and among
people. In simple terms, the geometry which allows the lines
of pressure in coherent touch to create stabilization among waves
(healing), is exactly the physics of what allows magnetic fields
in the land to become stabilized and fertile. In many ways this
is an essence of Feng Shui and Geomancy. If we apply this idea
to how you make peace among warring nations, there are some incredible
opportunities to heal our world. Since you can often predict
where a war will break out based on loss of conductivity / symmetry
in the magnetic lines across the land, therefore there is in
principle a way to fix it. Specifically, the science of
making the waves of magnetism "Touch Permissive" (which
is the same as non-destructive compression), is the activity
of making peace. This skill which the touch therapist understands
- coheres the body, and also can cohere villages, and the land
itself. The principle is simple: water follows symmetry, follows
focus (coherence), follows awareness, follows intent. These principles
form the Sacred Geometry for a new science of what it is to make
peace. It is a science, and can be practiced by measurement:
Hearts can be measured to cohere and make peace, touch can be
measured and taught to make peace in the body, and magnetic key
lines can be measured and re-aligned and taught to make peace
in the land. Peace is where waves learn to agree to share. With
modern tools to measure the best way for waves to share space
(coherence), there is no reason why we cannot teach warring generals
to touch hearts, on land that has been healed of magnetically
destructive harmonic interference, as the perfect prelude and
foundation on which to build peacemaking and peacemakers.
Ways we help make peace:
- International:
the Science of Peace talks/proposals, peace science conference/initiative
- Education:
Online courses on the science of peace for individuals, families,
communities, and businesses. Using science and philosophy
we address the personal, environmental, global, economic and
health benefits of training the heart and mind in the emotions
of peace and bliss.
- Political:
We offer hands-on workshops to train leaders in the science of
- Religion/Spiritual:
Our wisdom conferences, workshops and online courses feature
the integration of religion and spirit using the science of love,
bliss and peace.
- Environment: Seminars on using the science of peace to create
environments. Online courses in the design of peaceful virtual
areas and the design of personal and community peace projects.