Master Articles from Dan Winter - on the Subjec:
Galactic Context/ Extra-Terrestrial Genetic DNA History Story
- ET Origins of Religion and Symbol .
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Implosion Group - 07- This article (with images): , Implosion Group Main Index: -new>SiteSearch Our film library.. To Subscribe / Unsubscribe email to: Language Choices- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian| Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! |
Important update on our ET origins of DNA- from Dan Winter:
Dec 15, 2012: Recommend you study the CHEMISTRY OF ALIEN / DRACO BLOOD (with Bill D.) & film- at our new:
Jan 29,09:WHO.. in Physics- is YALWEH?(newFILM- The Name of Plasma Bodies- Became Our Names for "GOD"- Self Empowering Physics: How The NAMING PROCESS - Teaches You How to EMBED In the PLASMA FIELD -Giving your aura leverage on the charge envelope called LIFE- at ANY SCALE!
Nov 15,08: Real Science of Angels:Girku / Vril/Tuoai /Silmarion Memory Crystals...+ the REAL Enki's Voice Recorder..
June 22,08: Ending Religion Wars:4 Dramatic New Films Released-"ET Origins of DNA"-Angels Exist!.. from the Grail Tour..Major Film Series Update- June 08: Ending Religion Wars: Using The True ET History of DNA-
You may want to open the accompanying SLIDESHOW: ET Dragon History of DNA.. in a Separate Window..
Start Here...Mar 3,04: PLANETARY INVASION FORCE: A Reason for Ecstasy? - deeper on Drac Reptilian History of DNA-ref:Montauk /Swerdlow
UPDATE - Dec 27, 06: DNA Manifesto>Political and Scientific Implications today of the Galactic History of DNA Story related: Vincent's Galaxy History (of DNA), and - Roger's Draco History
This section is from the article and important films at:
Remember this Angel GABRIEL character- right out of Dee's TABLET of NALVAGE- is the SAME GUY who narrated -origin of Christianity- to MARY, origin of Muslim- to Muhammed, AND origin of Mormon - to Joseph Smith - so.. (if we want to end these bloody religion wars- it seems we damn well better figure out what- GABRIEL's Seraphim - agenda really was!!- The real start- is a bloodline (the Seraphim- Uru / Dragon) had a genetic problem... (see below film) -
AND their representative (yes the SAME secret agent) name GABRIEL - came and announced some necessary hygiene measures to:
1. The Christians (Mary spoke to Gabriel)
2. The Mormons (Joseph Smith spoke to Gabriel)
3. The Muslims ( Muhammed spoke to Gabriel).
SO ... who were these Seraphim whose message Gabriel brought to ALL religions? What is the story? Where do we fit in??
The simple conclusion is that ALL the religions have the same source: The hygiene information for how we immortalize our Biologic (DNA) Energy fields!
There is a certain stage in the Annunaki tales- when we are informed repeatedly that our genepool has been saved (Enki did love his kids).. by the Lucid Dreaming star ancestor named GALZU (Links below) . We suspect he was of the Ophanim, Bird Tribe (Enki's Mother's Paa Taal line). The fun question is - what made him suspect that OUR genepool was SO important and worth saving - that we might BE the vaccine to those nasty Orion Wars (Hint: Empire Strikes Back!!>!>>!>!)
.. kids this is even MORE fun than STAR WARS!!! And you ARE the hero when YOU choose to ignite your DNA with the (microchloridians) of your own BLISS.
For the real LOCAL / Enki history of the URU / USU - Draco/ Dragon blood (Courtesy ANTON PARKS) :
For detailed- URU-opean (European)- bloodline tracking (Hungarian - etc-thru the language lines/ language crystal)Updated - Sept 26,07: Dragon (Seraph/URU/Annunaki) History inside DNA: Proven in Alphabet Origin- From Hungarian to Seraphic to Magyar-:
For nice example of the origins of the term Yalweh- misappropriated by Enlil >Enki's nemesis / unsuccessful clone attempt:
related update- Dec 15,07:DNA Origins in Ancient (+S.America) Symbol / Alphabet History: DNA-Wave:7/5 Braid Language in S.American CHACANA-Mirroring Hebrew/Hungarian.+Gariev's Latest DNA Physics-WITH NEW MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY FILM:NEW FRACTAL SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS- ONLINE
Enki's Karma Revisited: Sept 12,06: The LESSONS OF EDINBOURG > The EDIN BO UR G- Fractal Lens: Why so many ET's are behind the Gene / Bio Science "phase shift" in Edinburgh.
- originally published with the now update science article - FRACTAL FIELD: Redefining the FIELDS of Healing, Peacemaking, Genetic Self Organization, Bliss, Energy Science..
+note added: Feb 06- see also Many Faces of Gold Powder Addiction (the real source of the 'holy communion wafer) in Earth's genetic history : the Gold Powder Index
Added May 07: The Origins of the BO-Heme blood line - Bo is in Bo-gomite, Bugaresh, BUlgaria -comes from the Greek Arcadia, and the Egyptian Benjamin lineage- all of which point to Enki , Atun- Hermes / THOTH. - This is a short dragon history -
Added May 07: How the Annunaki family names- particularly Enki / and his sons Hermes and Marduk - their names - literally became the different names for God in EACH of the worlds major ancient cultures- Sumeria, then Egypt, Babylon, Greek, Rome etc.. We emerge from schizophrenia when we realize we had too many names - for ONE genetically troubled (and ET) ancestral family.
This Narrated Intro is to accompany the 20 new films at .. or the Real History of Science Behind the GRAIL- REINVENTED.. from Dan Winter- in part - a commentary on Vincent Bridges presentations in Malta.. (Note this summary begins with insights from Anton Parks - see , and - Ages of Uras. Then picks up with many insights from Vincent Bridges- who connects the Vairocana skill- Hermes revolution - to the cave / dolmen building sacred space cultures as they moved from Egypt to Malta to South France. Important to note here- that altho the synthesis in my view - fits together well- Vincent does not accept the writings in general of Anton Parks, although Anton Parks has written what I think are incredible insights into the origin of Thoth / Tehuti / Ningishidda- today:HERMES!...the hero of our story.) Short historical summary: When the Annunaki- Draconian remnant culture arrived here pre-Sumeria (Sommaire="Dragon")- Enki's father An (launching from Pleades- a 'reptilian' stronghold) - was fleeing the Annuna Orion wars- in part because he had cheated on the Draco law which allowed only cloning as the reproductive method. Enki's mother was herself a genetic rebel and teacher of radical cloning techniques. Enki's other name: Nudimud meant 'the cloner' - later to be named the biblical SAMUEL- and origin of the Padma SAMbava..-who also melted the rock-with his plasma aura density- in the cave in the east. The quintessential problem of the arriving Sumerian Annunaki- (Draco .. Annuna)- was biologic decay. That loss of ability to sustain- biologic vitality - is variously expressed- as being 'fallen' - meaning loss of charge attraction in blood and DNA - loss of bliss - loss of immortality.. In terms of how that was reported - in the Sumerian, in Sitchens (controversial) analysis- and now in Anton Parks- what we see consistently described - is their problem with (what they considered) premature aging. SO this was a premiere problem to assign to their head science team. Enki - was with his science leader Tehuti- (later called TWT- which in the bible is called DWD: the LINE OF DAVID- in Egypt his name Thoth- becomes the NAME OF THE LINE OF KINGS..). Today we refer to him as Hermes- and to what he discovered about making the fusion electric field which would produce life and reduce -aging- we call the HERMETIC REVOLUTION. Hermes symbol: the CADUCCEUS is pretty much an accurate physics graph of how you render approaching dielectric field lines- toward CONJUGATION (phase conjugation) and fusion. This is an accurate symmetry physics to describe how to make the electric field- which causes life. The Caduceus- historical inset: To add historical tapestry to the concept Caduceus- (phase conjugate at root- symbol of Hemes / Medicine / DNA)-Has anyone ever given you a real AUrigen root of the word CADUCEUS: Anton Parks has a fascinating story: that while Enki / Sam / Nudimud 'the cloner' was still evidently as much as a genetic klutz as the guy (who ran Rosslyn Chapel- shades of Templar ghosts) who built DOLLY THE SHEEP (what a sad way to die- the sheeple will follow). Point is Parks tells that the teachers - best ancestors of his mothers line- who actually HAD some long term intent - snuck in some real psychokinetic DNA into Enki's genetic cookery - literally WHEN HE WASN'T LOOKING (hint: Ptah-Taal- 12the dimension DNA- means recursive folded braid discipline- shades of 'boson 7' 'micro-chloridians in the blood' luke...) > Those teachers of the GOOD Draco / annunaki - real ancestors of fallen Nephalim Annunaki - (Seraphic / Ophanic?) - were called KADISTU - meaning 'Life Designers' - which HE says is the AUrigen of our word K/CADUCEUS ( do YOU know where the word came from? In biblical terms- the arrangement of particular stone dolmen to function as capacitors- to fabricate that immortalizing field effect- was called- raising a SHEM unto the Lord. Later - that word SHEM (Sitchen calls it "highward fire stone"- meaning in effect FRACTAL OR CONJUGATE CAPACITOR) - was translated to mean THE ALTAR IN CHURCH, and originated our word SHEM-AN (A Shaman is one who knows how to make the field..). The way plasma fields make this SCHEM of SCHEME or symmetry- to create centripetal fusion- is the origin of our term alKHEMy and KHEMistry - as it is the key to FUSION (implosive compression) and ONENESS in general. (Fusion researchers learned from us - that their key element- palladium is profoundly dodecahedral- guess what geometry that makes: golden ratio - phase conjugate). You can see a modern example- of a life giving electric field generator (analogous to the field effect at Stonehenge which causes seed germination) at , along with more electrical engineering description and testing. In order now to introduce - the next segment in our thumbnail view - of the Hermetic history- it is necessary to understand a little bit about what happens to the plasma field around the human body - if you get really good at attracting charge (bliss). The plasma field gets dense. (Read more at ). Dense enough to melt stone. The next heroes in our story are -Padma SAMbave- and John (Traphimius) son of Magdalen- both direct descendants of Thoth / Hermes- (Sam / Jon- meaning - to branch fractally as in Scion.). This is the real history of grail- meaning access to charge fractality / implosion in biologic plasma (beautiful graphic history : ). This is where we pick up the story with Vincent Bridges- historical study (remember- Vincent himself - does not agree with the 'ET' Anton Parks - part of the story above- but his scholarship about more recent history is quite academically powerful.) For this next part of the story -after reading this summary / intro - the reader is urged to view- the 4 films (out of 20) at which are Vincent Bridges- himself narrating this next part of story. Vincent suggests that the lineage- probably of the Thoth / line of David- may well be related to the Doliocephallic (cone-head) skulls. They are often linked to the cone- head image of Akhanaton and Tut. (Twt.- aton- / ATUN- meaning Enki's line). These skulls lead us on a trail... Egypt, Malta, South France.. and later Peru. (My ET opinion of this- not Vincent's view - agrees with Daniel Stewart:"God King Akhunaton"'s view- that the ATUN / Akhanaton - lineage was somehow linked to Sirius.- the 'cone heads') This is the part where the history meets the science. Vincent suggests that ancient cultures- like the Egyptians had learned how to assemble stones to create a life giving initiation field- which gave survival a leap forward. When (piezoelectric / paramagnetic) stones were arranged with the right (fractal) electric knowledge- what was produced was an electric field (phase conjugate dielectric)- which could: - save agriculture during starving times by accelerating germination / growth / metabolism (see our measurements in the Pyraphi) - initiate priests- accelerate mentation - focus thought- ( see how golden ratio phase conjugate EEG for peak perception - - reduce aging / increase food storage- reduce decay - provide an electrically fractal / charge distribution space where memory could be brought efficiently through BIRTH AND DEATH. (note how Korotkov measures the fractality in air - which indigenous people regularly make phone calls to their ancestors). - now later today - in modern physics we now know this centripetal field (see Pyraphi) can be used for things like +bone and tissue regeneration +switching stem cell growth +isolating from ELF pollution / EMF pulses +non-destructively containing radioactive materials -- So the short version of this story - is that the skill to build these kind of dolmen - moved from Amenti / Amarna in Egypt- where Akhunaton in ATUN's line- probably became the Moses who founded the Essene's science.. .. So -the real hermetic revolution is implementing the knowledge of building the fractal field. If you want the longer - more romantic version of the story.. see the films. - more on this science applied - at --PYRAPHI- has a colorful history Important note: from a commercial perspective the history story is a highly forgettable - optional reading- nightmare- which is best and possible to wake up from ONLY when you learn the SCIENCE LESSON! |
* Section 3: Winter's Annunaki / ET Origins of DNA- Dramatic New
Index-> We suspect - Enki was also called the RA or SUN GOD- whose
less descended (less Nephalitic) genetic family was called Seraphim(the
UR - Dragons). Jibril was probably the same draco family that
visited Joseph Smith - also to try to symmetry track DNA reCORDings. |
Does the Golden Spiral Layout
of the Pyramids Point to A Black Hole Near Orion, and Why? (updated Jan 07) So time was imploding locally. The sun is about to burp in response. The bad news is that local planetoids like Earth become toast. The good news is the DNA soul enabled (lucid dreaming, bardo navigable) genepools get to squirt their magnetics thru the imploding
sun, into time
> related- HOW the starmaps make gravity winds:
New July 2003 : Goddess Mystery A New Look at the Science of what Puts a SOUL In an Egg.- Great Mother History
Was that the Papal We? + Was Judism's 'Hierarchy' designed for Enlil/Yalweh's Hungry Ghost?
New late 05- Hellsmouth- The Story of THE NINE - and Shamannic Access to Sun God / Underworld - More on the Enlil / Yalweh Subterfuge..
10/26/98 ORIGINS GenePool Gets Remothered: Self Stinging is Dragonian to Golden ONE: Real Draco History: Magdalen Grail Line,
9/9/99: Does 'Atlantis Rising" Depend on our Soul Group Acheiving the Skill to Embed : Saved by Re-Penting?
7/17/99: ElDorado & The Re-Penting of America:Pictorial Map to America's Geomantic Global Role
6/10/99:GeneHome: Sleepers Awake- To Build a Fire, Solutions to Aug 11 Solar Firing & the X Files
4/24/99 The Archeo-Geometry of America's Spiritual Destiny
Honey of the Queens.. (Orion Queens vs. beekeeping)
Angelic Feelings: The Role of Human Emotional Energy in our Galaxy.
Swept Galactic Neighborhood
Magnetic Wind of the Sun - Testing the Indigenous Dreamspell for the Symmetry of what is Shareable.
5/5/2000:5/5 Pent-UP: Rose of Pressures, &'Sai' among many w(ormes)& Guardian Alliance on Icke?
4/27/2000: The "EL"-'Crossing Over' - THOSE WHO COULD MAKE THE PHASE SHIFT - PASSION in the Reptilian Gene
1/24/2000: Adam's Rib: The Seventh Seal- Dream Dancer of the Seventh Phire..
3/2/2000: FEELING for the Heart of the Sun: How to Become a Solar Being 'Tutankhamun Prophecies' & Solar Limit to Ovulation & Ensoulment, reviewed..
2/28/2000: JOIN THE COLLECTIVE(plz ck individual freedom at the door) Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"? The DOMA / Orion Queen apology for the bible? An update on how to sort the latest PR from 'the collective'.
10/15/99: TaleEating:Lightspeed Ensoulment's Wave W-orme, -dna squirts woim toining into face- "Phantom" DNA AND Draco's and the W-Orme
10/12/99: Mission Ignition: Igniting the Grid: Reviews of what is Newly 'Lit' on a Small Endangered Planet. ,
10/3/99: LionPath, Lion Place, Secret Places of the Lion.. , (Lovely Morph Sumer Queen to Draco Face )
9/26/99 AMENTI as Harmonic Implosion Bubble for Genepools... The Only Way Home? ,
11/15/99: Climbing into and Out of The Great Worm..DNA" Activation" (Shades of Dune... and the Political Squabbles about Ensoulment & access to psychokinetic Alphabets/symmetry maps into Time/Gene-isis..)
9/22/99 newsletter3: On Fire with Phi-re..Kunda vs Rept vs Rapt..the latest ET indicators..
4/19/2000: Thoth Identity Links Annunaki to Orion/Rigel..Keys to Sovereignty Amid Nephi/Drac ET Parasites..His Relatives?(& Germaine notes)
4/18/2000: Moroni's Intent, Getting Genetic Immortality-Pure Principles from Angels & Alphabets How SOUL Groups GET Ensouled.. Immortal... Embedded...& Survive to Spin..
4/14/2000: Tower of Babel Solution: Alphabet of Symmetry Turns to Make a Proper Light Cone?
5/7/99 ShapeShifter: Religions of Earth-SORTING DNA HYGIENE EMPOWERMENT vs A History of ET Manipulation
11/14/98 Niburu Ship Booted? updates Draco's Last Stand?, with background at Origins Story..
1/99 William Buehler, Templar "Repair Fabric of Time" Architecture of Heart on the Grid, Articles Review
9/15/98 Giza Underground:_Secrets, vs Amargi Hunter and the REAL Cocoon!
9/13/98 Dracos Last Stand? "...
Survival's Cost: Be Leaving in..PHI-lo-tactics: the galactic council
7/05/99: St.Germaine accords.. Drakul, Pendragon, Designers of America's Destiny
7/05/99: HISTORY OF THE COUNCIL OF SIX, Draco History Becomes Personal (fr Roger)
Sphinx Gate to 4D: The Function of "Royal Blood" in Regulating Climate
Getting Feeling Centered in A Gravity Lens: A Visual Understanding of Gravity Implosion
Reptilian Brain Learns to Feed the Bird Brain
Deep Meaning of Magdalen: Magdala's Green Stone.
The Deep Psyche of the Middle East: Acupuncture/Moxibustion for Earth's Eros?
Pull your SELF together, Osiris
Galactic History by Thoth,Grid Fractionation vs Substance of We Feeling" by Vincent Bridges
Simulacra:Faces on the Land.. Eagle In Pennsylvania: Spiritual Destiny of "A Mare I Go.
Flight of the Imperiled: Interdimensional Travels Through the Earth Grid System
Impact of Ophanim Angels on History, by Vincent Bridges, San Graal School
ET Parasites & Implants: "They Live"
Is the Sun Art's Bell? A Deeper UnderStanding of Sun "Burping"
Andrei Linde's Fractal Cosmology theory,
Honey of the Queens.. (Orion Queens vs. beekeeping)
STARMAP TO Orion at GIZA, Master Layout with Enochian Hydercube
Is SuperConductant or SuperLuminal DNA What Makes a "Soul", and is Braiding the Mechanism?
nasa images suggest sun flare symmetry may be recursive?.
Earth Changes-ET's, COMEUPPANCE
Swept Galactic Neighborhood
Pull your SELF together, Osiris
Galactic History by
Thoth,Grid Fractionation vs Substance of We Feeling" by Vincent
* Section 1: Two Simple Experiments
to Change the World Forever -
-a)Fractal Charge MAKES SEEDS GERMINATE! , b) Fractal Charge
is an electrically implosive jellyfish like gravity making charge
field that sucks its way thru the Universe growing until it can
choreograph the birth of stars sustainably - from within its own
electrical FIRE! This field effect requires the environment of
fractality electrically - (what you call SACRED) in order to breath
charge and grow. This is because successful charge compression
(the medium of all biologic information) is THE prerequisite to
the efficient charge distribution/ radiance you call life and
Dan Winter's 2 experiments
to change completely Western Culture:
1: Rock dolmen (biologic charge compression from piezoelectric/paramagnetic
stone - like granite) arranged like a pine cone around a dish
of seeds - dramatically and replicably serve germination success ( Orgone friends have shown
30% weight improvement in a replicable experiment - sadly they
fail to correctly describe the field effect electrically: harmonic
inclusive charge implosion due to fractal self similarity-the
same harmonic
inclusiveness which predicts disease survival in Heart harmonics
). By measuring the
capacitive field at the center for harmonic inclusiveness (power
spectra of the weak field- using the technique )- we PROVE the REASON seeds
eat charge is the fractality of the field. (Instead of worshipping Stonehenge like natives worshipping
the coke bottle that fell from the 'Gods Must be Crazy' - airplane
- we could be reproducing the physics to serve and ignite DNA-
a solar fractal capacitor). This
then will immediately require that we COMPLETELY re-invent
agriculture, and re-invent
architecture and urban
design because we will
then know how to build the field that serves instead of poisons
DNA! (+ creates the DNA igniting 'sacred' charge environment necessary
for electrical
bliss process- the
only way
to not die ). Among
other things, in practice this means we will finally realize that
the use of steel and aluminum and electrosmog in our cities is
a direct and major cause for the cancer and soul-lessness of our
children. Everytime we choose a material which was not formed
in the necessarily fractal electricity of biology for our dwelling
- we die a little - because inside there - charge cannot breathe
into efficient and fractal charge distribution (the definition
of life and consciousness). - This also means that instead of
murdering each other by the billions over pointless 'Religion'
wars, we finally realize that the only 'religious' wisdom that
ever had any use was the electrical skill + scientific bliss hygiene
to prepare your bodies charge field or KA for COHERENCE- the only
form immortality ever takes.
2. A similarly shaped pine cone like array of capacitors - triggered by simple single pulse- WILL CREATE GRAVITY measureably. This proves that (charge) self-similarity is the CAUSE and producer of gravity. ref: , This will confirm Einstein's intuition that infinite non-destructive compression - creates gravity from charge. Pity he didn't know that's what a fractal is. This experiment needs to be done immediately - to end the shocking ignorance - and arrogance - of western science not knowing a) why an object falls to the ground , b) how fractal magnetic lines and dolmen stabilize gravity and therefore atmosphere (self organize charge into AWARENESS), c) how and why Golden Ratio based- DNA makes the black holes and gravity (already measured) when excited properly (bliss). --
(gravity) by recursive constructive adding of phase velocites. BECAUSE self-similarity (embedability) enables (non-destructive) COMPRESSION (/ fusion / collapse ) What Dan Winter has done is develop the power spectra tools to optimize / teach this....- The perfectly coherent FRACTAL HEART is self-similar... A HOLARCHY. |
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Section 2: Update on Gold Powder Physics, & also- Wingmakers
loses plot? Chaz, writing about Gold Powder physical's and David Hudson / Lawrence Gardner confusion, below is the alchemist metallurgist , producing the Gold Powder for Path Flanagan (I introduced them). I am sure that Pat's discovery of his dodeca implosive radiacal 'free radical' scavenger - is real potential health service. ( I thank him for introducing me to the concept of water's natural molecular Dodecahedron -Clathrate cage- see below). I am pointing out here that we must not ignore the psychological inner work it takes to make use of these chemistries without personality fractionation and addiction. The message goes especially double for David Hudson - who listened politely when I emphasized to him that offering the chemistry of astral immortality for a price to customers was potentially selling their soul- and then proceeded in his naivte toward his downfall. (Dan wrote) " hi stephanie - happy to hear from you..
here are some of chaz's notes.- re hudson et al.. (Remember - Thoth / Aten / Akanaton - narrates exquisite personal hygiene instructions to help avoid the classic FRACTIONATION OF PERSONALITY that results from Manna / Ormes/ Gold Powder addiction - I have heard personal reports from those mega-dosing on Flanagan's micro-hydrin implosive hydrogen analogs- reporting similar symptoms. It is OK to use the chemistry - IF you do the inner work to use and not be used by the implosive lightening river you squirt into your DNA. ) Germaine may indirectly warn of this selling your soul risk- to addictive implosion chemistry in the occult classic book "Red Lion". While Akhanaton / Moses profited from the sale of the white powder (Gardner's 'Sacred Ark' - presents wide evidence this white powder sales to the global royalty and addicted- is THE major cash cow of the Essenes - read how the electric powder from the Ark produced the gold powder.. ) -at the same time he set up strict hygiene - (originally from thoth) to avoid fractionation of the personality while using the stuff- these practices became the Essenes.. Subject: Laurence, From: Chaz, Sat, 5 Mar 2005 21:27:12 -0700 Subject: ark arc, From: Chaz, Thu, 20 Oct 2005 08:10:36 -0700 Short updates: 2: - losing the plot? vs. the real Ophanim (Reprinted from group : msg 18360) Dan Winter wrote: wingmakers- desire to teach what a portal
is- concerned that claims wingmakers now corrupted...
I checked some of james latest on his site.. What do you read as the intent of the takeover of wingmakers, dan winter" Here is the canned response from - "Dear Dan, Thanks for your interest in the fascinating WingMakers material. I first came upon the WingMakers website in December of 2000. Though I initially had serious questions and doubts about much of the information on the site, I was immediately struck by the depth, clarity, and beauty of the two spiritual/philosophical writings. Tears welled up in my eyes as I had never in my life read anything which resonated so deeply in my soul. As I found this philosophical material to be so deeply moving, I decided back then to download most of the WingMakers website for future study. Over the next two years, I saw the website begin to change from it's original form. It gradually transformed from providing only information and materials for contemplation into a commercial endeavor, making the music, paintings, and other material available for sale. Someone named James appeared on the website claiming that he was responsible for it. Very strange. The discovery of the Lost Arrow site was also changed from 1972 to 1996, and was given a very different story. Two additional philosophical writings were also added (both of which overall did not deeply resonate with me). In addition, I discovered some most surprising and intriguing changes in some of the information, even to the point where in the interviews section some parts were completely deleted, others added, and certain distances of stars mentioned were even changed! I suspect the website was somehow taken over and that the original information was gradually corrupted by powers that did not want this information going out. They have corrupted the site by changing and distorting the information to lead those who want to know back towards hierarchical ways of thinking. I don't trust the James character you mention, though I can't tell you what his agenda is. Yet amazingly, most of the original webpages of the website are still available (see below). You can also explore the evolution of the website on the Internet Archive at*/ It is interesting that despite the many changes, the two original philosophical writings from the original website have changed very little on the new site. This may be because the originals of this philosophy were written in language that is quite esoteric and difficult for the average person to understand. I have worked professionally as a language interpreter for many years, and was able to understand the originals and recognize the beauty of what I read. Using my translation skills, I translated this esoteric language into common, everyday English, which is what you now read on our website at <>. I have lots more on all this. I recommend you start by reading the introduction to the original website, which can still be found at <> and comparing it with the full introduction on the new website at Then I recommend reading the UFO summary at <>. Once you have read both of these, if you would like more information, I'll be happy to provide it. We are clearly in the middle of an incredible planetary shift, and I am happy to help in any way I can. Take care and have a great day! Fred Burks for |
* Section
3: Winter's Annunaki / ET Origins of DNA- We suspect - Enki was also called the RA or SUN GOD- whose
less descended (less Nephalitic) genetic family was called Seraphim(the
UR - Dragons). Jibril was probably the same draco family that
visited Joseph Smith - also to try to symmetry track DNA reCORDings. |
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![]() allowing their pressures to beat or heterodyne recursively infinitely, (at the moment of maximum dynamic pressure, at the moment of maximum feeling/compassion) the resultant "spin path to the zero point" pineal revolve creates the HOLY GRAIL, which is what light sees as it enters DNA which has been braided to the perfect geometry of embedding by the feeling of compassion. Royal blood is so fractal it contains a complete map of the land in it's foldedness, so that when Arthur's love ended, the rain stopped. (Arthur and the land were one, whom does this grail serve... it's self... embedded.) |
Mal G. wrote: > Hi, I had this
experience recently where I was being sucked thru the images
I see you have posted on your web site. (Implosion?) Its
uncanny how close (my experience) resembles your images. Have
you experienced these on the "inside"? I don't know
what happened. I just felt I was falling into the floor and then
I felt I was travelling thru a cocoon of sorts with all sorts
of geometrical shapes spinning like a web around me. I then got
thru that into a space where I saw these huge brillant white
balls. They where awesome. I heard two voices telling me it was
time to cross over. I got scared. I felt all this tension in
my chest like my heart was going to explode. At all times I never
lost body awareness of me lying on the sofa yet at the same time
i sensed i was travelling They said it was inevitable about me
crossing over Dan replied: "Appreciate your encouragement.. Your healthy DNA want's to start this KA coherence field thru implosion and light speed - if you want to steer and make it sustainable- study the hygiene.. Learn from the Shem - An..-one introduction: "Ecstasy & Immortality" book. + Check - Ben Bentov +kundalini story below.. |