Measuring LIFE FORCE by Dan Winter - (compare our original Life Force Measure demontrations of 15yrs )
- Life Force is defined by the fractal ('scale invariant') symmetry which causes plasma fields to implode- become centripetal and negentropic,
the more broad spectral the fractal frequency symmetry- the wider the negentropy- 'mind'- details at:
- Life force is quantized by planck * integer exponents of golden ratio /fractal phase conjugation "Origin of Negentropy" book
- Life force is propagated and becomes self attractive - by coherent longitudinal interferometry - , also see
- 3 ways life force is measured - Our life force measure used worldwide
- 3 ways we have created worldwide solutions using pure fractal implosion to create life force:
Implosion in water: , Implosion / Bliss is EEG : , Implosion in Plasma / rejuvenation at work in 25 countries-
Finally- note how this FRACTAL FIELD Physics of LIFE FORCE and NEGENTROPY- became a global curriculum for teaching PEACEMAKING AS SCIENCE :
As we document in detail below , (with powerpoint and film - about 5k views first week) After showing 3 ways to practically measure life force then we proved by equation in so doing - 2. we proved HOW life force is quantized by planck: Not only did that become the core of our worlds leading curricula for bio architects - but that specific equation ( phase conjugate tuning to planck) === |
---| Life Force Measured & Defined: Key to Nutrition, Architecture AND Lucid Dreaming , with Dan Winter, Lecture in our series with GENERATION ZED . Implosive Charge Collapse: Prelude to Heavenly ARRAY Physics of Lucid Dreaming, Death Success .. and ALL Portals / Stargate -(related our new film: Physics of Stargate & Portals with Elena Danaan - ) 20 years of professional success in measuring life force, and commercializing exactly that globally-( in EEG, in water , & plasma -now in 25 countries) including proof by published equation exactly HOW life force is quantized by fractal conjugation to planck .. SOOOO… what differentiates the (fractal / conjugate) implosive charge collapse plasma vortex which CAUSES and DEFINES / QUANTIZES - LIFE FORCE - …. from: * the cause of gravity, hydrogen spectra vs * cause of color / rainbows visible light spectra vs * cause of perception / vision.. * AND BLISS! - - )ALL the same PRINCIPLE - the difference is… THE FREQUENCY SIGNATURE / SPECTRA:HOW Broad spectral is the phase conjugate/ fractalfrequency field charge collapse… see how in the following- specifically:0 to about 40 hz golden ratio cascade spectra - DEFINES:* Schumann Harmonics for life in nature/ trees /seeds / GAIA* EEG Harmonics for BLISS/ Peak Perception* EKG Power spectra defining LOVE/ Compassion / Coherent Emotion - * AND the Infrasound which drives Theraphi and pyramid wireless global power |
from Ananda Marga tradition: "Microvita (MV) - the tiniest particle of life, emanation of the cosmic consciousness -
corroborate Dan’s equation, with the Planck constant as the threshold -equivalent to billions for a carbon atom or molecule,..
"in fact - a tiny black hole through Planck caused by life force implosion could actually fit that description from their tradition.."
(1 carbon atom has diameter 8 angstrom = 8x 10^-10 M , planck = 1.61 x 10-35 M- ratio - is more than billions) Theraphi & Living Plasma: Measuring Life Force, Rife, Naessens, Bechamp (Somatids/Microzyma)-History of Negentropy in Healing Frequencies with Dan Winter- 4th lecture series with Generation ZED, Lecture Notes: Theraphi physics: Microscopy first slides: Embedding/Fractality of Cancer Membrane: 4 Gaston Naessens articles: “LAWS OF FORM” used simple google images search (nesting/calculus) Good Rife summary (originally French): (used Chrome auto translate) Comparing Gaston Naessens (“Gallileo of Microscope”) with Bechamp : Bearden's deep analysis of RIFE: |
How life force (& negentropy) is quantized by phase conjugation /golden ratio /fractality to PLANCK:
Earlier articles in this series from Dan Winter - - Phase conjugate charge implosion model of gravity: , , tech implementation examples:
Dan Winter: "Compression/rarefaction of the (super fluid) ether (called charge) is quantized to the planck threshold - precisely by phase conjugate golden ratio - to produce longitudinal and superluminal emf charge ACCELERATION (by golden ratio x C) using golden ratio enabled constructive RECURSIVE heterodyning of phase velocities- named THE GRAVITY (the escape route for charge out thru the speed of light into longitudinal emf by phase conjugation is what Einstein missed- tho he was clear that perfecting 'inphiknit' (charge) compression was the cause of gravity- we now know exactly by (my) equation (planck x integer exponents golden ratio) what that is: FRACTALITY"
see below 10,000 hz- also ways Stan Mayer key hydrolysis freqency!
Note added June 2022- see in the above we explain WHY we repeatedly measured 53 hertz in the pyramid at Bosnia.
It is because the phase conjugate longitudinal producing pump wave which is THE function of the pyramid - was adjusted from the frequency signature of PURE FRACTAL PHASE CONJUGATION
= 1.07407407407407
7.83 / 7.29 * 26033
= 27961 HZ
New physics summary: Pyramids- MAKE Longitudinal EMF- as global wireless power AND Biological rejuvenation.
THE function of the pyramids was to implode capacitance/ charge-
by phase conjugate cascade heterodyning -precisely frequency tuned by golden ratio to planck- order to convert incoherent transverse emf- in to COHERENT LONGITUDINAL EMF INTERFEROMETRY (incorrectly called 'scalar').
(re longitudinal fractal array distribution - see also documentaries )
THIS longitudinal compressed emf- would bounce at the fractal array of nodes (Earth grid dodeca / icosa) - enabling
modulate/ demodulate- decouple charge back into to useable heat/ info as transverse emf- ONLY AT THE NODES.
Strong evidence that these longitudinal waves (/gravity waves / 'DNA radio') propagate also at GOLDEN RATIO MULTIPLES OF LIGHT SPEED C - lies in Professor Raymond Chiao's many years of measuring faster than light velocities- whose published results state the vast majority of those measurements were between 1.5 and 1.7 times C light speed- centering rather perfectly around 1.618 golden ratio - which if proven would be another smoking gun for the golden ratio phase conjugate cause of life ( ) and cause of gravity ( )... and all centripetal and negentropic forces.
These are precisely the Earth grid node cross points which Cathie proved reduced nuclear critical mass, and Kozyrev (& Korotkov) proved are the only feasible sites for hi quality telepathy.
This longitudinal fractal array acheivement of efficient charge distribution is the only physics of global wireless power distribution ( see why Tesla failed- he had the node geometry AND the frequency recipe wrong - ).
The coherent impulse implode plasma projection of longitudinal emf (incorrectly called Scalar) - IS the only physics of gravity waves mechanism - AND how biology / fertility / negentropy / rejuvenation is generated. See also Bearden's equations for longitudinal gravity waves- in his book GRAVITOBIOLOGY - discussed - bottom
SO in summary the pyramid ability to focus longitudinal emf compression- progation - IS it's function for - a) global wireless power , and b) biological rejuvenation and seed germination triggering ( as for example longitudinal generation is now being used by agriculture universities for seed growth trigger...)
AND c) the so called 'gravity diode effect' - literally stabilizing (longitudinal emf wave) gravity AND atmosphere
( see - ' Your life depends on MAKING gravity! )
Subnote- we have published elsewhere the related physics function of the mercury found in many pyramids on multiple continents: is was a liquid focal lens concentrating the longitudinal emf pulse progation- exactly in the way mercury functioned in the longitudinal emf field (sometimes called VRIL) gravity making Nazi Bell/ Vimana.
subnote 2: as an example of the cost of ignorance of how the pyramids work- it seems Valery Uvarov - in Russia- regularly includes vast quantities of steel in his pyramid structures- (precisely the opposite of the required dielectric for implosive capacitance) - so much so that Korotkov's / GAIA documentary measuring the effect of those Russian pyramids proved consistent weakening of the human aura. Our guess is also- like Tesla's - those longitudinal devises were not at the correct longitudinal nodes - OR frequency signatures.
Living Cement or Biologic Concrete Origin Concept from Daniel Winter, copyright Daniel Winter The Principle of LIVING - Ceramic is parallel to LIVING CEMENT (below) We add optimized trace mineral- / piezoelectric / paramagnetic materials (they must create hi DIELECTRIC- and they are pre-CHARGED using
Now that we have proven that we can create a bioactive- growth creating zero power input- electric field We can apply that to building materials- especially CONCRETE. We can make a shape of those materials which are fractal and conjugate (see architecture link below) - we know cities which shape themselves like a rose (Prague / Bohemia- see architecture linke below)- create life force- attract money, tourists, vitality and more.. BECAUSE THEY ARE ELECTRICALLY CENTRIPETAL. We propose to apply this directly to shaping concrete (image concrete containers of the correct added materials- shaped like a pine cone- we have seen trace mineral clay in this shape - become a geo-biologic tool for eliminating geopathics!) AND we can 1. replace the metal which has a biological poisonous electric field capacitively- with living capacitance (hemp / bamboo ).. and moreover- - we can add the correct - PHASE CONJUGATE ROCK POWDER.. WHICH MAKES IT ALIVE. To understand how the rock powder addition of the correctly charged piezoelectric materials.. works- see how we accomplished that at PYRAPHI.COM (above). Finally- privately we have a partnership with Pat Flanagan - our partner, who is confident from testing that the correct epitaxially charge CRYSTAL ENERGY WATER- can inexpensive nearly double the strength of the molecular bonds in cement. Note image on the bottom left above- from shows an example of how we use implosive phase conjugate capactive dielectric field 'pyraphi' to pre charge the rock powders.
Imagine everything from small containers- to houses - to giant hospitals- where when you walk inside it FEELS like a cathedral. The possibility of creating living electric fields from concrete materials, exists now only AFTER we have learned in general how to define, create and measure- the fractal or bioactive field effect- which originally was called SACRED. Philosophic background: Biologic Architecture defined- in our global curriculum on the subject: Short intro film:
Abstract: the electric field or capacitive field generated by proper trace materials functioning as dielectric in concrete - produces an electric field called "PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRIC" which has the following properties: (results will generally be optimized when non-metallic re-bar is used- plastic, carbon fibre or ideally bamboo) 1. Increases growth rate, seed germination, and plant, animal and human health- because the charge field induced is charge distribution efficient (see fractality in air measures below) 2. Reduces electrosmog- because the broad spectral conjugating dielectric - eliminates electric fields which are out of phase with biology and planck/ hydrogen- due to the plasma density at field effect focal points (note construction design which actively creates these plasma compression nodes called FRACTAL FIELD- will increase this electrosmog elimination). Philips of Netherlands tried to create electrosmog reducing ceramics- but failed to understand the electrical engineering principle (phase conjugation where 2 pine cones kiss noses in dielectric field lines- is where out of phase field lines are self cancelled). 3. Will reduce radioactivity- similar to the above- when a plasma centripetal force is generated- radioactivity (which from a quantum perspective is fractality bleeding) is reduced. The most famous example of a phase conjugate dielectric capacitor - to non-destructively contain radioactivity is the ARK OF THE COVENANT. A modern example is my invention: -- The primary materials required to create a cement which is a PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRIC- is properly piezoelectric and paramagnetic rock sands and powders- which have been strongly charged in a phase conjugate dielectric cavity- a potent example of which is It is well known that this kind of process produces rock sands which will clear up many forms of polluted lakes and ponds (films at ). Our newer technology to produce this trigger field- uses a stronger charge field (pyraphi) - and understands the electric field measures to optimize this field (see 3 measurement techniques below). A parallel way to create phase conjugate and therefore LIVING CONCRETE is to use 'doping' materials in the concrete which are naturally phase conjugate. To study an example- this author recommends you read our research partner Dr Korotkov site on this material --Dr Korotkov in partnership with us has developed technologies for measuring this created field effect (see below). Another related technique for producing bioactive field- has to do with the (potentially conjugate dielectrically) trace mineral content of certain ceramic and clay materials. For example- edible colloid in edible dirt- an ancient shamic expertise has to do with mineral solubility- and therefore bioavailable fields. More significantly - our Australian partner in this project- Dan Schreiber- is working with friends there who study how the TERRA PRETA soils saved the agriculure of South America. Trace carbon materials- from burnt charcoal played a role. The way in which charge collapse CAN HAPPEN in for example BIOCHAR is instructive in this physics. Carbon CAN approach dodec / icos symmetry (most important new chemistry today: Buckminsterfullerene) and thus become bioactive in a field effect sense. The key new electrical engineering to design the life giving field effect- involves using that radiating symmetry of perfected charge collapse- to create the centripetal field - called LIFE (background discussion - and film on why the Kabbah was the philosophers stone -using Golden Ratio: In summary- when the correct field effect sands are introduced in the concrete mix to create a centripetal charge field- then all of life benefits. See also Davidovits - Ancient Living Geopolymers.. MEASURING SUCCESS: Technique 1: Korotkov's FRACTALITY IN AIR MEASURE The concept is simple- ability for charge to propagate efficiently has long been known to predict biologic growth in liquids My background is electrical engineering - for years I have been pioneering weak electric field measures as predictors of growth Try this as you watch seeds freshly planted in an aluminum cup - die. (Think of your aluminum building as you watch them unhappy). Measure the number of harmonics in its capacitance (very lo) Technique 2: Spectrum analyze the weak electric field generated for harmonic inclusiveness: see example of this technique I have pioneered at The principle in general is the HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS predicts the sustainability or viability of any living thing- specifically including the cavity produced by cast concrete. Read the medical documentation of this principle:
Technique 3: Measure relative seed germination speed, size and success- comparatively in cavities of concrete with and without this electric field. See examples of our progress in this type of measure- for our other Implosion Research: --Measure effect on metabolic rate, fermentation - as we did successfully for ZERO ENERGY INPUT capacitor at (at the link) Sal Giandinoto our group PhD Chemist repeatedly measured a 40-50% increase in fermentation rate: the only variable was the zero power in correct phase conjugate capacitive field. |
update new: May 2003- Using spherical capacitor (gold egg below) IS able to measure life force in water: (ability to radiate charge equals ability to radiate the information which organizes biology by orienting the geometry of water crystallization).. Here we measure power spectra (harmonic analysis) of the weak capacitive field... harmonic inclusiveness / charge density (ability to sustainably radiate charge) = life see-- also see - by comparison - how duration of charge radiation measures the death bardo... how charge radiation creates rain how charge radiation revitalizes cities... how charge radiation measures life force in general : Implosion Group - Newsletter ( on web: ) - from Dan Winter's Lecture Tour ( )
NEW!-Integrating Dr.Korotkov's Ground Breaking LIFE FORCE MEASURE USING GDV- with HeartTuner Life Force Here.. Click here to read:ANALYZING CORONAS OF FRUITS AND LEAVES , exerpted from Dr. Korotkov's NEW BOOK: "MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS. STATE OF THE SCIENCE" Note How these 2 different technologies together - since they both measure CHARGE RADIANCE- can provide the ultimate state of the art- Measure of LIFE FORCE..!
Complements Original Studies Measuring Life Force in Food (below this update)
(Gold Coated Ostrich Egg - weak capacitive field amplified from microvolts then spectrum analyzed) is Able to Discern Charged Water / LIFE FORCE & that Data is Replicable Background: 1. Early Data Showed Harmonic Inclusiveness Predicts Viability / Survival in Heart Data ( ) 2. D.Winter evidences Harmonic Inclusiveness Predicts Viability in Everything Living, and Further that Harmonic Inclusiveness is Precisely Optimized in Golden Mean Ratio . ( , , ) Further that Golden Mean Ratio in Power Spectral Emission identifies
successful compression 3. D.Winter presents repeated evidence that measuring the charge radiance - capacitive field power spectra replaces biophoton technology in more elegantly meauring life force in food ( ) 4. Now (new) - D.Winter presents new data here from repeated samples taken weeks apart - spherical capacitor measuring charge density - can measure life force in water - replicably. - - here- The concept reviewed: It has long been known that the Kirlian Photo and the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) were a way to map the shape of the capacitive field of charge which was providing the orienting function to arrange biological liquids into life. It is also self-evident that the sensitive crystallization (Steiner Technique), water drop experiments, and such techniques as Immoto's work with water crystals shape revealed during freezing - were all techniques to make the shape of the field of charge of the liquid visible. ( It is also clear that the measurably faster than light propagation of the gravity field measured using capacitors - proves the physics of astrology is simply to map the projective geometry of the charge field capacitively.) The resolution of the problem then of quantifying and measuring LIFE is the problem of accurately measuring the order and COHERENCE of the electrical field of charge. The amount of life giving information in the charge field is a) coherence , b) harmonic inclusiveness - which is correlated to c) ability to acheive charge COMPRESSION - which IS information density. It happens that self similarity (think of the shape of a pine cone) perfects the implosive charge sucking in process of compressing charge into the acceleration of charge thru light speed called LIFE ITSELF! (explaining how the egg and the pine cone and the EKG during bliss extract voltage from gravity: gravity IS implosive / non-destructive charge compression which self similarity by PHI turns in to acceleration | ). In summary - while Dr. Popp correctly surmised that the ability to store and emit a photon measures life - (biophoton) - the PROCESS which allows biology to store a photon IS the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT and SELF-ORGANIZE electrical charge. This is why D.Winter extended the Celestine Prophecy definition of LIFE ( All Human Interaction is About CHARGE) - to read more completely - LIFE FORCE EQUALS THE ABILITY TO ATTRACT (Implosive Compression) and Self-Organize Electrical Charge. It is simple to understand that the weak capacitive charge field is what makes the critical orienting decision at the instant the liquid decides in what angle to join the crystal. (for example the physics of rainmaking - , or of restoring life to cities - ). Biology happens when liquid approaches the tight rope of becoming liquid crystal due to the COHEREing of CHARGE. The physics of sensitive crystallization is therefore totally dependant on the ORDER implicate in the ambient electrical field of charge. Thus LIFE FORCE is determined solely by the ability to compress, store and radiate this capacitive field. ( your Glow is your Charge radiance). Further- that life happens - when charge compression at center becomes implosive ( evidenced in the pent 5 sided PHI based - self similarity which symmetry identifies everything living). - more at We here present a brief summary of the newest data showing this measurement of life force applied successfully to measuring vitality in WATER. ( We propose to follow this with a demonstration of corrolation to increased percentages of successful seed germination).
Above: Cliff Pound assisted in measuring the charge radiance comparing the new Aqua Fiji Water .. new Feb 9, 2004. Dark Blue Cascade Shows Excellent Symmetry. Below: We are grateful to Frank- for Data harmonic analysis below - of the above Water data... NOTE: We expect to be able to isolate (and optimize) the charge sources in the environment which contribute to the life force in the water - by looking at their harmonic signatures!
Stated Research Goal - To perfect the biophoton life force measurement concept to pure principle - and greater meaningful sensitivity. Since the ability to store and release a photon - is ultimately the ability to compress the charge called a photon - why not measure the charge attraction and compression process directly - to more usefully and much more sensitively provide a technology to measure and optimize life force. ... and to learn more about the SOURCE of the measureable DC Voltage which appears to consistently predict and perhaps quantify the freshness of an EGG. (Townsend Brown et al. taught us the exquisite non-linearity for example of baked egg white for capacitive dialectric purposes - a precedent perhaps to the ability he along with Searl et al used to build the concave capacitors they used to create gravitational thrust. Altho the builders of Stealth do not want us to know that capacitive fields focused like a lens lay radar hiding technology to waste and make conventional rocket thrust obsolete - biological skill to create sustainable life may require we learn anyway. - see Lifters links below..)
This is intended to provide more accurate physics description to the working hypothesis being investigated by Dan Winter with the lab.
and b.) The fact that the NEGATIVE DC Electrode Regenerates Coral in (Electrolytic) Coral Mineral Accretion - Coral Reef Alliance.
Suggest reading please the background discussion for the research consult at:Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible? Please note numerous additional data samples in that article supplementing those below - the advantage of those depicted here, is that the capacitive fields were perhaps 'focused' usefully by the unique spherical capacitor depicted below - used for the results on this page - and also the data here represents the averaging of far longer periods of data to reduce noise input. Abstract: The concept is inspired from the film we made with Professor Phil Callahan. There we saw him observe with his liquid crystal portable Fluke scope that the more harmonics which were present in the weak capacitive field around a tree - the healthier the tree was. There we learned to use the hemp 'biological capacitive probe' used for the EARLIER data on the above linked page. The point is that the concept - THE MORE HARMONICS PRESENT AT ONCE- THE MORE LIFE IS PRESENT - is PERFECTLY reflected in the EKG literature! Namely that the fractality of harmonic INCLUSIVENESS of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a very reliable predictor of immune health and longevity!. Reference 1:The Origin of Disease and Health Heart Waves Reference 2:Heart Rate Variability Comparison using HeartLink / HeartTuner - The principle is simple: the MORE waves of electrical charge which can simultaneous agree to meet at once - in any biological oscillator - the more ALIVE it is. While this concept seems absurdly simple at first inspection - in fact it makes perfect sense. When a biological structure finds a way to attract waves of charge - it sucks in the energy of its environment. The more waves of charge it can suck in a one time - the more energy and LIFE it absorbs. This is VERY parallel in some ways - to the notion that LIFE FORCE IS ROUGHLY EQUAL TO BIOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE CHARGE DENSITY (Thus explaining for example why most metal structures deplete life force when they even TOUCH food!) The nice thing is - we can now depict exactly HOW a biological structure gathers that charge : It arranges the elements of it's 'nonlinear' dialectric to become fractal or self-similar. In this way - the recursive non-destructive (or re-cursively CONSTRUCTIVE) interference of the charge waves in its interior becomes a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. Or - more specifically - it adds and multiplies the wave lengths and wave velocities in THIS geometry depicted below:
from Dan Winter, Netherlands, Oct 2001.
How we measure life force, make implosion replicable.. and show the biological relationship to self-organization among waves.
Unifying Nations by Unifying the LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT-
"ANU were depicted accurately as small 'self-aware' (even Impish / Mischevious at times - see Mare Zupa paintings) living beings: move thru space by directing the 'jelly fish' suction of their imploding heart. (To have will and to fly both are VOLO / VOLITION / VOLUTION - to enter the V vortex... also 'five-ness' pent embedding. To create vortex is to 'have' direction.)
"Psi-Perception of Quarks" book by physicist Phillips
- UK / Theosophic Press - reveals clairvoyant perception of ANU
fit and added visual richness to contemporary physics. (3 anu
per quark - see pic). An example of Spiritual vision so well focused
as to embed usefully into the most shareable language on the planet.(physics
and science).
This article is about the fractionation of human understanding which happens when many wisdom traditions each invent their own word for LIFE-FORCE / SPIRIT / CHARGE. (table below). In order to mature to the point of using the leverage of mind upon waves, clearly the need is to synthesize a pure (& therefore inphiknitly shareable) principle - which is simply the symmetry of a sequence of turns of mind (alphabet)- in order to see how we get to steer the tornado. Otherwise our children are left with the impression that a dozen different wisdom traditions (one of them is physics) each are describing a SEPARATE (and therefore very schizophrenic) reality.
What I am suggesting with the table below, is that physics can usefully add rigor and resolution to each wisdom tradition by completing their descriptions of life force with the unifying language of measureable charge and the charge density which results from the hygiene of acheiving embedding / self-similarity. (Reference 1: 'All Human Interactions are about CHARGE' - and "LIFE FORCE is the ability to fractally attract and self-organize CHARGE"). And further that physics as a pure language of wave symmetry can grow to more accurately teach our children as waves to embed themselves more immortally and blissfully by seeing the agreement and oneness that exists between virtually all wisdom traditions... This as each finally agree that the ultimate language to create fusion of mind(s) is the pure language of wave symmetry sustained by the slip-(k)not - self-similarity. '
Much more on the SEVEN ARROWS- physics of the perfect ANU / slip knot of quantized LIFE FORCE- see
We confuse ourselves with names, when we forget that a name is merely a waveguide (lens) to steer waves into a stable enough pattern to EMBED in (to become the object to which we point).
1. Origin of Alphabets is ONLY the symmetry of donut waves. (symbols make object when their wave shape embeds: therefore PHI / Golden Ratio is the most powerful symbol maker & origin of Alphabets)
2. Alphabet as a sound hologram = inventory of the envelope ratio (plicative) limits defined by the ratio of the length of the vocal chords to the oral cavity: SANSKRIT.
3. Alphabet as sonic hologram picture which MATCHES the optical hologram.
4. Alphabet (Sumerian) as the optical wave guide to focus laser in such a way as to MAKE biology (George Merkel MD Microscopist: Sumerian Elixir et al).
With this in mind - let us notice the problem of the multiplicity of the names for spirit and life - and how we can be nourished by PURE PRINCIPLE instead of fractionating confusion.
Let us ask the question: could it be that there are many different elephants for the ants to crawl over, OR - do we happen to agree with Christ and Einstein that our field is UNIFIED - and THEREFORE that there is only one elephant for all these ants to crawl over, and that ultimately all their perspectives must be consumed into ONE!?!?!
If this is so, then a unified field made of waves in a universal compressible medium - means that the ONLY ULTIMATE definition of LIFE FORCE would be a simple but totally resolved (detailed) description of the SYMMETRY OF HOW WAVES TURN IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MAKE LIFE (recur sustainably/ infinite recusion).
So WHY did each new spiritual visionary who glimpsed the essence of what makes life NEED to each time invent a new word - and thus CONFUSE us? The reason is simple, until the pure principle is understood - we have the TOWER (MAGDALA) of B'aa b-el. The ultimate language for pure principle is the pure symmetry of waves - something like the skill to love which requires the measureable electrical symmetry skill to turn inside out / recur.
Each tradition had it's own separate (and therefore divisive) language for life force, because two ideas which are ONE were both NOT understood. That is - the pure principle of what language is (symmetry map to waves becoming recursive) and the pure principle of what life is (symmetry map to waves becoming recursive).
Understanding the univeral symmetry language of reciprocal charge solves this fractionation of both language and culture. Capacitive charge is persuasive in its ability to orient liquid into crystal geometrized by the pervasive field effect. That is why the voltage gradient (related to the 'current of injury') at the site of the wound determines the rate of healing. ("Body Electric" by Robert O. Becker).
This is why the shape of the charge field orients the light in the Kirlian photograph to map life force, and orients the growth space and direction as liquid is magnetized into crystal for life growth. Essentially, and clearly, capacitive density is both the definition of life force, and the physics of astrology. The reason why charge density predicts life force is because 1., charge is measureably superluminal and therefore able to acheive the dense multiple-connectedness required to synchronize the genetic recursive wave communion we call life , and 2, that con-cresence of wave nesting produces the necessary synchronization of fields to align living biology to the faster than light metabolism required to choreograph biology.
So better understanding the living physics of CHARGE - let us try to integrate what we know of diverse wisdom traditions to create a whole and vibrant personal AND practical understanding of how to create life force - as ONE unfied collective mind. (L'esprit de COEUR).
Here is WHO invented the new word. |
Pro's and Con's |
Spirit / Grace | Universal / Christian etc. | Literally - to SPIRAL -IT..
-SPIR-IT - exactly what waves of charge do! Capacitive fields fill all the requirements to qualify as THE descriptor of spirit: superluminal, multiply connected, orienting and therefore 'creating' most every other field. Furthermore capacitive / charge density appears to be directly measureable as life force. Again as in the EKG, harmonic INCLUSIVENESS (fractality) predicts biological sustainability (immortality). |
Pros: The Christian idea of spirit / grace enabled billions to be taught some basics of capacitive hygiene to sustain life. Cons: By teaching billions that grace and spirit come from outside - their idea of God became profoundly parasitic / disempowering (Facilitating the deadly miracle and personality worship). Grace is identical to life force: earned by choosing charge- INSIDE OUT. |
formative forces (/ projective geometry - Steiner) |
Steiner /Anthroposophic |
Charge waves propagating thru (the now reborn in physics concept) ETHER are formative. |
Pros: Related sacred geometry in profound visual clarity to life's generative forces - "PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY" Cons: Failed to explain that all projective geometry is a map to where charge waves converge. Neither the concept of WAVE or CHARGE is integrated. - Complete failure to teach the critical role of BLISS. |
The "ANU" 1., 2., | Theosophy |
Charge map shape of hydrogen's/human/&solar heart. IF the tornado learns the SYMMETRY to feed itself: THEN you get the recipe for the slip-knot (life): ANU- (symmetry at core of hydrogen , of the human heart, and of the sun). also see: Leadbeater's made up idea of an 'etheric body' is inconsistent / illogical. |
Pros: Proved Clairvoyants could focus to sub-atomics and CONTRIBUTE to physics. (ref: ANU in 'Psi Perception of Quarks". - revealed a profound 7/5 symmetry structure to the charge recursion slip-knot identifying life force - hydrogen / heart / sun. Cons: Never really accepted in quantum physics probably due to failure to accurately DESCRIBE the ANU 7/5 slip-knot in the detailed symmetry language now identifying subatomic particle hadrons. |
Orgone | Reich | Capacitive Charge Accumulator by Concavity. (Layered organic/inorganic charge dialetric). |
Pros: Helped teach us that capacitive charge can be bent and focused like a lens - which when geometrically recursive feeds life force and creates gravitational thrust. - illustrated the effect of charge columnation (long wave coherence) on precipitation (rainmaking)etc. Cons: Complete failure to integrate with the physics of charge measurement- alienating most all of the scientific community. |
Rod Theory - Link 1, "Giant Squid uses propulsion mechanism similar to ROD" . Discussion at Link 2. | Psychotronics | Fast moving - Coherence cocoon 'worms' of magnetic flux penetrating partially to optically visible spectra emerging from leaking power transformers or in places of charge density ('ectoplasm') showing up on video cameras of appropriate shutter speed. Their sometimes p'terra'dactylic shapes are hypothesized to harken back to ancestral reptilian forms - recurrent in the DNA morphic field. |
Pros: Illustrated role of bad astral hygiene - the poor choice of 50/60 cycle for the utility grid - creating magnetic pollutants and magnetic parasites. Cons: Failure to identify the fundamental cause of the weak worm magnetic parasite 'RODS' visible on video cameras coming off poorly designed power transformers / or in caves-places of magnetic isolation (lack of biological embedding and biologic intent). |
Self-Reproducing Automata : "based either on (dew/do) loops - hint-RECURSION (descended from Langton's loop) or worms." | Johnny Van Neumann - Famous Mathematical model for life's self organization. |
Very incomplete mathematic model of the nature of wave self organization - initiated the idea of recursion - but like Einstein never arrived at the idea of compression by self-similarity being key. -Von Neumann's mechanistic lack of biological intent became the sad backdrop for his dubious role at Montauk? |
Pros: Nicely primed the pump for mathematic thinkers to link recursive looping to the principle of LIFE FORCE. Cons: A seeming disregard for the role of psychology and biological intent in shaping the recursive 'self organizing' wave symmetry. |
Egregor and Tourbillion "The Egregor acts as one, and in the One the individual is lost and is of no consequence. Many are the egregors, for in this day they interact and diversify with Fractal Beauty until they expire their part of the pattern. Only those patterns which emulate in their microcosm the whole fractal of the macrocosm. Inside as it is outside." |
Mouni Sadhu - "The Tarot" & elsewhere. | Egregor: the amount of coherence in a group biofield - even the collective coherence of a group prayer which can last thousands of years. Significant portions of the fields coherent inertia in order to be sustainable in time, MUST be superluminal. (The role of group bliss in ensouling soul groups ability to penetrate the Sun and thus survive Earth - see "Amenti Principle") AMENTI as Harmonic Implosion Bubble for Genepools... The Only Way Home? |
Pros: Provided early hint to the principle of group ensoulment as requiring coherence and fractality of collective field effect. Cons: No attempt to integrate to the teachable science and mathematical model of coherence and fractal embedding. (no apparent invitation to include physics and science.) |
Somatid Cycles | Gaston Naessens | The largely ultraviolet - mutating coherence envelope around cellular genetics. UV drives cell biophysics - reaching toward the superluminal ('salvation'). By creating accurate microscopic images of that shapeshifting cycle of both parasite and symbiote, Naessens teaches us to identify with the wave as shape envelope instead of 'shoot the bug' Pasteur-ism. If you ate dead food (or idea) be grateful and learn from the parasites (or priests) willing to eat it out of you. |
Pros: Excellent optical images of the stages of evolution of the coherence worm surrounding genetic material's phases of implosive self-organization. -Great service to science of healing discovering that steering wave envelopes empowers mind more than externalized chemical industry medicine. Cons: No model yet evolved to measure and predict the sustainability of the field effect microscopically seen - based on onset coherence and harmonic inclusiveness (fractality of charge compression predicts life length). |
ECstacy / Bliss / Euphoria / Enlightenment | Many Traditions | Biologically generated charge implosion. |
Pros: Created an image of positive reward for proper lifestyle in hygiene. Cons: By shrouding the simple physics in surrealistic myth, practical attainability was ignored. Their necessity for immune health and immortality was ignored medically. |
ECToplasm | American and European 'Spiritualists' | Ultraviolet Coherence Cocoon around genetic biology in charge excitation / maxima. |
Pros: Assisted spiritual science to begin to grapple with the practical logistics of making their blue fire cocoons navigable - ultimately necessary for star penetration and survival of planet earth. Cons: Ridiculed by physics due to the sad lack of understanding of how implosion renders biology's energy cocoons into steerable and sustainable structures / necessary for ensoulment. |
Waves of ECK | Eckankar | Capacitive field lines biologically steered by intent and charge rich environment. Limited by hygiene skill to retain that charge. |
Pros: Introduced many to the need to have hygiene around leaking biological charge. Cons: Marginalized socially for failure to truly integrate pure and shareable intention? OR physics. |
Negative Green Energy | Biogeometry group and others | Capacitive field whose harmonic symmetry becomes HEX (6 sided) and therefore not charge recursive - inhibitory to all life. (the green crystallographic illustrations are all hex / 6 sided) |
Pros: Helped some recognize how certain electrical enviroments and biological decay structures decreased life force. Cons: Failure to self empower which requires teaching that all principle is pure symmetry - allowing mind it's role among waves. With the resulting total failure to integrate virtually any science (become shareable and disciplined). |
Bovis | Frequently used in Europe to confuse people into thinking that life force has been measured. | A failed attempt to quantify life force as charge density - because dowsing (intuition) is neither replicable nor in general precise. (putting a dowsing pendulum on a measuring ruler does not make the dowsing into measurement). |
Pros: Teaches that intuition is valuable to recognize life force. (But intuition is not the tool to quantify life force.) Cons: Creates profound and life threatening confusion about the difference between intuition and measurement. |
Chi / Barrakah / Shaktipat - | Islam and Oriental | Capacitive Radiance |
Pros: Dramatized the role of geometrized focused ATTENTION in steering the direction of charge (bio-plasmic streamers). Cons: Oriental languages terms indulged themselves in almost total isolation from phyics and therefore - measureable rigor - encouraging a kind of cultural schizophrenia: science versus spirit instead of science IS spirit. |
Microvita - Positive and Negative Microvita - | Ananda Marga |
Slip knot of capacitance self organized by recursion to the point of self direction. (charge implosion). I would say- negative microvita means capacitance/charge which cannot ultimately embed (frequently hex etc ). Their word positive microvita means charge waves in phase for completion of implosion / compression - therefore susceptible to LIFE process. (because charge progation in a fractal is faster than light - and perfect distribution with zero storage. This field of charge waves self organized is sometimes called: A MIND). (Naming your health problem negative microvita was as marginally useful as the shaman telling you your disease was bad spirits. Scientists fall for this trap when they use the word 'instinct' to mean 'I can't admit I don't know at all'. Or when they use the word 'gravity' which most often means - 'I don't have a clue WHY objects fall to the ground'. Sadly creating a word without pure symmetry as root, as label often is used specifically to hide and deny total ignorance.) |
Pros: Connected ideas of life force to practiceable hygiene. - Language hinted at pure principle - Sutra- means -'to stitch or to braid'. Cons: Lacking language explicitly of pure symmetry. No apparent success in describing anything measureable. "Million Microvita per Carbon" discouraged actual study of true sub-atomic symmetry. -Tendancy to lead to particle thinking instead of the mindful role in the inertia it takes to move a wave packet.. |
Life Force Attracts and Self Organizes Charge (Capacitance) - Measureably by Compressing Constructively (Implosively). - using Self-Similarity (Fractality ) of Charge Symmetry | Dan Winter |
Language I prefer because it offers precision, is measureable, and yet allows rich space to describe the ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL INTENTION - to steer the waves of charge. Examples: capacitance orients optical waves in Kirlian - charge orients the liquid into the crystal (healing) - charge oriented into recursion becomes astrology and the physics of gravity. |
Pros: Enables scientific inquiry into formerly only spiritual topics with profound resolution / detail. Cons: Can be misinterpreted to assume that the richness of love and biological intention are less important. When in fact physics can teach us MORE about the pivotal role of pure (shareable) intention - setting the tornados direction. |
Torsion Wave vs Scalar Wave, | Russian vs. US Psychotronics | Field effect inertially moving with some sustainable coherence BETWEEN frequency scales. (Gravity for example is a scalar wave of capacitance compressing / accelerating charge efficiently by self-similarity heterodynes). |
Pros: Psychotronic building of simple caddeuceus produced both nausea AND gravity (instructive). Cons: Total ignorance of the role of emotion in human glands to most efficiently launch that cascade. - Tom Bearden Scalar Wave depends on an internal RC resonating circuit whose tuned recursiveness he apparently ignores the perfect Golden Ratio factor. |
The first principle of diet (food) for bliss is that it takes LIFE FORCE to make LIFE FORCE.
-- So you see = while it is creative to invent words like positive or negative microvita - in order to communicate with more rigor (become shareable) one requires science. Science uses terms like- a field effect of CHARGE which moves faster than light - and when compressed (due to implosion) the connectivity of this field effect is called LIFE. Field effects which contribute to life process (what they call POSITIVE MICROVITA) show up in a spectrum analyzer as harmonics of charge which by phase discipline to fusion process - can EMBED or nest well. Failure to embed (for waves of charge) is not only the correct electrical definition of NEGATIVE MICROVITA or NEGATIVE GREEN energy- which enables that finally to be measured - - it also finally allows us to define evil (something George Bush could take a lesson). Positive microvita - is a name for the time charge waves get sorted into phase by implosion - literally a shareable emotion. Digestion is the process of bringing charge into phase with implosion - this is true both of physical and emotional digestion. Obesity is an example of failure to bring waves of charge into the shareable (implosion) the flame of life. To call this negative or positive microvita is only a first step- to call it phase relationship by symmetry to implosion - allows MEASUREMENT. Here is an example of measuring how capacitors communicate faster than light - and prove charge radiance is the physics of astrology.. - clue to the charge nature of spirit itself. If science understood better how capacitors communicate - then cellular intelligence could be understood.
This field effect of capacitive charge waves moving faster than light speed.. cannot be shielded by faraday cage or glass enclosures - etc. This explaiins why viruses can communicate thru quartz shields etc. where light cannot. This is much clearer than using terms like microvita. The measures we make for life force using the gold egg (spherical capacitor- is a spiritual transducer as Steiner said).. |
postscript: Transcript of Dan Winter video produced by Marc K on Microvita:
"17 september 2001-09-17 Hi, I am Dan Winter and this little video segment is about whether the living cell squirts or emits a field effect or presence that should be called either a microvita or a orgone or a somatid or in rod-theory or is it an ultraviolet bubble or is it the blue fire of tantra and kundallini? All of these languages which we had over the years describe what biology might squeeze out by compressing properly needs rigor, needs clarity, needs a factual application. It is really quite useful to have the conversation to have a name to this presence of a field effect that appears to be self organising. Mathematically Von Neuman called it the selfreproducing automata.
We believe we now have the theory for why this compression becomes self organising: we think it has to do with the nature of implosion. When we look at a model of how waves might converge non-destructively, based on the pentagonal symmetry of all of biology and DNA, called the dodecahedron, we think we have a clue of the nature of perfect infinite compression, which was Einstein's missing link to his theory of gravity and the unified field. What we think happens is, that when waves converge non-destructively by adding and multiplying by golden mean ratio, they implode in such a way that all wavelength, because they can nest constructively by golden ratio, there is no destructive interference.
For example when Schauberger said, 'my water vortex is about to become a generator for power, voltage out of gravity', the moment when it was about to happen was when he could measure the water getting colder. Clearly when the vortex loses destructive interference and gets colder, it is imploding. We believe that that is a moment of self organisation. A moment when wave effects nest in such a way that they appear to become self-steering. So we learned from tools for measuring that, based on this Heartlink technology here, where when we spectrum analyse a persons heart, going into the feeling of love, then we see a particular geometry of harmonic cascades, when the intervals between contained harmonics become a whole multiple of the golden mean ratio, then what we belief is happening is, the electrical field, around the heart, around the EKG has imploded. It has become selforganising.
Another example would be, when the volume harmonics of the stock market from moment to moment begin to oscillate by their log multiple of golden mean ratio, called Practor or Elliot wave, it appears the next move is then predictable. We believe that this extrapolates to mean that we have a theory of selforganisation in general among waves. That is the only path out of chaos is perfect embedding or nesting or fractallity based on perfect compression. So where does all this get practical? Where is gets practical is, - let's take the microvita conversation - is this mythology about this kind of blue fire ultraviolet bubble around living cells - it is really quite useful, there have been many names for this in history for this phenomenon, because light obviously goes to harmonic multiples before it lands with enough inertia to be called mass. And those other layers, whether you call them etheric body or harmonic multiples of the speed of light, or an ultraviolet shadow, or blue fire or microvita, the name does not matter much, what matters is the hygiene and the skill to make that field effect selfsustaining. Because it would appear that biology, DNA, genes and living cells are quite aware that they are mortal. That is, condemned to die, unless they can sustain that tornado through the speed of light.
So what appears to be the case is, we can have all the instruments in the world that will measure when the DNA goes superluminal, - and we have measured that - and when the living cell makes an ultraviolet cloud at the moment of miosis and mitosis, - and we have measured that - and when the EKG implodes, all these measurements are quite fine, but where they translate into something very practical is when they teach us the hygiene to go through the speed of light ourselves in our very DNA.
My contention is that the experience of dying, which only becomes necessary when we store memories that are unsharable, and therefore uncompressible. The experience of dying is an example of compression in that DNA is a device for squeezing charge through the speed of light, necessary to make the implosion, or fractallity of capacitors, which we call gravity. So DNA is a device for making the gravity to steer stars. How about that for new information? Maybe this means that the hygiene to make your DNA ignite and be on fire, is the ultimate moral lesson of all these stories about microvita and ultraviolet cocooning and blue fire tantra - if this is foreplay, we're in trouble - maybe the issue is, 'come on baby, light my fire!' How do you ignite the fire, the implosion in your own DNA. Clearly is has to do with passion, is has to do with compassion, is has to do with compression, and it has to do with the hygiene which makes lifeforce maximized. Obviously life food, life springwater, living in a place where magnetism is compressible, fractal, like in the centre of a tree, the centre of a den or the centre of a cave.
That kind of place we call sacred, we now understand what it means. It is a place where compression is successful. So my suggestion is, yes, we need the language of measurement to refine the conversations about microvita, and orgone and blue fire and cocoons, but more then that we need to translate the language of measurement into a hygiene. The hygiene will translate into life choices we make to maximize the lifeforce in our own body. When you feel that little burning tingling on the top of your head and you realize that your own DNA has decided it want to go somewhere, my suggestion is, the direction it is going is, in the compression wave, into the gravity centroid at the heart of the sun. And that will be the subject of our next conversation, which will be, how we inhabit the sun to steer our way into stars and why that is the secret of how soulgroups survive and live for ever. So until then, thank you and thank you Marc for making this possible. --------- "
3 of 51
Update on Brahma Cakra and MV No 2
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 05:52:50 +0800
"Intuition List" <>
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Ba'Ba' <||<||
Post-No.: Intuition List--2002-07-27/173
Subject.: Update on Brahma Cakra and MV No 2
Quote for the Day>
"Brahma Cakra is the most universal way to describe how schizophrenia
is part and parcel of creation as we know it. It first facilitates
a temptingly charismatic "pointe" and hopefully then
generates enough frustration to look out for a less
schizophrenic alternative."- Pankaj
1. Viveka comments on relation of gravity in BC to Dan Winters
2. Tiki shares some ideas and quotes on Time, Space and Person
Interesting URL:
Farming the Future: Sarkar's Unique Contributions to Agriculture,
by Satyaki
>From: Viveka >
I want to express my appreciation for Pankaj's efforts to combine
the concepts of Brahmacakra and microvita with Dan Winter's ideas.
My comments below are meant to help facilitate this integrative
process, but this integrative process should be done without injustice
to either approach.
1) Pankaj wrote>
"The problem is: it does not explain where gravity comes
from, and it does not explain how Ba?ba? could talk about "living
celestial bodies" (as "living" means, it should
be in prati-saincara)."
Self-organizing is not the same as living or self-aware.
Atoms that form from the effect of nuclear and electro-magnetic
forces among elementary physical particles can be said to
be self-organizing. Stars that form due to gravitational attraction within promordial
gas clouds and then ignite and shine due to their nuclear
forces can also be said to be self-organizing. But neither atoms
nor stars are individually alive, aware or conscious, though they
are part of the Cosmic Mind or Macrocosm. Their life is the
cosmic life of the Macrocosm as a whole . Stars are not individual
living beings in the same way that microvita, plants, animals
and humans are individual living beings or jiivas. The first stars
are in saincara. "Living" as used by Baba in the case
of individual stars should be understood as being functioning
and not burned out, as opposed to 'dead' and 'dying' stars
whose nuclear fuel is exhausted or nearly so. Stars, as inanimate
beings, have neither awareness nor self-awareness:
Baba: "The major difference between animate beings and inanimate
beings is that animate beings have an existential feeling whereas
inanimate beings do not. An inanimate piece of iron and a grain
of sand are not aware of their existence, but an undeveloped living
creature like an earthworm has self-awareness. The mighty Himalayas
do not know that they exist, but for a tiny fly existence is quite
What is true of the Himalayas about lack of self-awareness is
certainly true for stars also. Some people like Alice Bailey associate
awareness with stars, galaxies etc. If this has any truth,
it is because human beings evolved in pratisaincara have associated
their expanded minds with stars or galaxies, not that the stars
and galaxies have individual self-awareness in the absence of
evolved human minds.
2) Pankaj wrote>
"S-1: the common explanation is: gravity (such a explained
by Isaac Newton). This is the mass-implosive interpretation
of saincara. This interpretation is mostly used in the naive explanation
of Brahma Cakra, and places celestial bodies completely in saincara."
Brahmacakra is a metaphysical theory and should not be equated
with a physical theory like Newtonian gravity or Einsteinian gravity
or quantum theory. Every physical theory has an underlying metaphysical
theory, either stated or implied. For example, Newton believed
in absolute space and absolute time and that God set the universe
in motion like a clockmaker winding up a mechanical clock and
letting it run by itself, and perhaps intervening to correct the
clockwork-universe from time to time. Einstein believed in relative
space and time and that God does not 'play' dice with the universe
and that an action cannot propagate its effects at a speed greater
that the speed of light. Quantum theory (which Einstein didn't
like) rejects causality of quantum events and indicates that events
can be correlated at speeds much greater than the speed of light.
Brahmacakra supports both wave theory and causality and so a new
scientific causal wave theory is necessary if Brahmacakra is to
become the metaphysical theory behind future scientific theories.
What is Dan Winter's metaphysical theory? It seems to be that
geometrical or mathematical forms based on PHI (as well as PI)
underly physical reality and individual life forms. His theory
could be called micro-PHI-ta theory. Is this compatible with
Brahmacakra? Both PHI and PI help to explain and
predict different aspects of the natural world. As such they should
be compatible with Brahmacakra which the rhythmic play of Prakrti
on Purusa.
"Microvita" is a scientific
concept which has not been proved scientifically. It is not a
metaphysical concept any more than "electron" is a metaphysical
concept. No one has seen an electron, but its existence is
considered to be scientifically established. But only its effects
are experimentally observed. "Mind" is also scientific
concept (since its action supposedly causes observable physical
movements due to the action of the nervous system of the
brain and body) but which has also not been proved scientifically
due to its lack of physical properties.
What does it mean that microvita are
created "in" pratisaincara? It means that they are part
of the process of crude solid matter transforming itself
stagewise into pure consciousness through the media of living
beings and unit minds. If some microvita were also created "in"
saincara, it would mean that they were part of the process of
pure consciousness transforming itself stagewise into crude solid
matter. So far there is no need to invoke microvita in the
saincara process, since a consisent description of Brahmacakra
with microvita created only in pratisaincara seems more consistent
with what Baba said about the creation of microvita, as well as
being not only scientifically more plausable but also
more likely to lead to practical results.
No matter how much scientific understanding
advances, it will never replace the need for metaphysical theories
like Brahmacakra which go beyond physical or mental science but
which can be consistent with science. A newer metaphysical theory
is desirable when a previously accepted metaphysical
theory loses its practical utility for providing human beings
with meaning and direction in their lives.
3) Pankaj wrote>
"Hence, it is not the right approach anymore to say
celestial bodies exist only in saincara. They exist in saincara
and pratisaincara as well."
Saincara and pratisaincara cannot be both occurring to the same
object at the same time. Saincara represents crudification in
the initial phase of Brahmacakra and pratisaincara represents
reduction of crudity in the returning phase Brahmacakra.
For one object to be part of both at the same time would be like
a car travelling in two opposite directions at the same time.
So Pankaj can only be correct here if he is talking about celestial
bodies at two different evolutionary stages--when they first evolve
in saincara, and later when they are filled with microvita evolved
in pratisaincara and are part of pratisaincara. Saincara and pratisaincara
are however both going on in the universe at the same time in
different places. Baba: "Perhaps you remember that I said
that there won't be any thermal death of the universe, there won't
be any pralaya, there won't be any kyamat (?), the universe will
remain forever. In certain portions there will be introvert, in
certain portions there will be extrovert, in certain portions
there will be jadasphota, in certain portions there will be manasasphota,
in certain portions there will be caetanasphota, but the universe
>From: Tiki < >
Here are some quotes on what Baba says about time, space and person
which as we know start functioning at Shambhuliunga. From AM Ideology
and Way of Life Pt 12 pgs 730-731. On the latter page the word
"abstract" is used. Hence this is not a new microvita
"In this universe nothing can stop moving: absolute pause
or absolute speed simply do not exist. Pause and speed are relative.
the cessation of movement is contrary to the principle of relativity,
because between these two stages the relative factors (i.e. time,
place and person) are ever-active. IT IS THESE FACTORS WHICH CAUSE
"The nature of time, space and person is such taht when they
work on a subtle level they automatically work in a subtle manner.
In the subtlest stage, space is not like this terrestial earth,
time is not like the nads of a watch, and person is not like the
human form as we know it. Rather in that stage teh relative factors
assume immense proportions: sapce is the vast spatial expression
which even accomodates Consciousness; time becomes capable of
reckoning the Cosmic Mind, and person. In a well-ordered environment
of time, space and person, the finite objects maintain closest
link with Parama Purus'a."
It is important not to just discuss concepts from the materialistic
level of lower Pratisaincara simply because this is the domain
of materialistic science. Baba's concepts must be discussed at
all levels of Brahmacakra because this is the way in which He
discusses them.
<<add on>>
Tiki, do you have any idea what Ba'Ba' is talking about here as
"three realms of time"? turiiya
"As the diverse forms of all the fundamental factors exist
within the three realms of time, the Macrocosm knows them
all. And that which still exists as the subtle Macrocosmic mind-stuff,
that which as not yet taken the form of cruder mind-stuff, He
Knows, for He is fully aware of the budding state of the dormant
Paos'ii Pu'rn'ima' 1959, Darbhaga, Bihar
Subha's'ita Sam'graha Part 7
Dan wrote>:
"more immortally "
ah... let's become a little immortal now... :-)
We confuse ourselves with names, when we forget that a name is
merely a waveguide (lens) to steer waves into a stable enough
pattern to EMBED in (to become the object to which we point).
I like the "become" here. Tantra says, as you think
so you become. Tantra teaches the hygiene (high gene) and technique
to become one with the "goal", that is, simply One.
Not just to "understand" It. For smaller objects, like
a teaspoon, first we become
it ("citta"), later we say "I" ("mahat")
"did see" ("aham") "it" ("citta"
or "ectoplasm") (well, spiritual philosophy simply includes
and denominates schizofrenia as the modus vivendi of Creation
AND freely shows the way out - a benevolent astral milkhouse
to create a plot for those lacking the real science of Peace?
, or selling the way out is the turn it took in priest cult).
The Tantric personal mantra received within initiation spirit
(ah... using the same philosophy) does cohere the mind from scizofrenia
to normal (or abnormal?) which is called one-ness, or Nirguna.
Opposed to Saguna, which however was never mentioned
"schizofrenia". Think Dan wants to say the LIFE-force
that created the stars is OURS.
Is this the face of life force taking 'shape'
(at least "a" face - question: is their any pure principle
evident especially in somatide cycle?).
I'd like to over-specify your note here: Is this the face of life
force expressing among particles? (notably atoms and
molecules) while the same (agreed!) life-forces that sculpted
those same atoms and molecules exist assumingly
(clearvoyantly) below that microscopic event-horizon. This is
the bluntly practical face of life-force playing in matter
(in responsive matter - carbonic atoms forming pencils are not
hosting life in my country, though some manuscripts
on these topics seem to suggest otherwise). Without schizofrenia
is there nothing more to talk about...? or in pure
math? Ok, Dan, I'll drop my "particles" if you can prove
that chaos and/or (super)complexity do NOT excape math
(like they do escape physics I would say). Symmetry-operations
are fascilitating Creation, right, but is a "facilitation"-
language alone sufficient? For now I say pure principle is fascilitating
an out-of-control situation (so that God can
really enjoy His Creation and surprise Himself), AND pure principle
is not the CAUSE, but the REASON that
chaos reconciles... out of its own vertile soil. This is LIFE,
or LIFE-FORCE sculpting and inhabiting matter, or
implosion-symmetry embedding (in) complexity (the way to escape
from blind law or "Prakrtii"). Would you say
this is particularly visible in somatid cycle? I can understand
this in the sense that somatid-cycle is the essential
emerging cycle / eco-oscillator based upon implosion symmetry-in-matter
Ananda Marge saying millions of 'microvita'= 1 carbon - ignore
detailed contemporary sub-atomic
symmetry mapping) -
No, no, the millions of pixel (position / color annotations) creating
a picto-plasmic image on your monitor (or: abstract
expressing in responsive matter - not complexity but electronics
though) does not at all ignore, rather UTILISES the
grid symmetry. We can call this "mutual concommittance"
[Sarkar] (not firm causal bondage) an instance (or facility or
inborn quality) of pure principle as well, if you like. From a
bit different angle Sarkar says: "Shaktih sa Shivasya Shaktih".
"Shakti" is the Force of "Shiva" - there is
no nominal difference, but do note that facilitated chaos is damned
real chaos never-
theless. I agree that the (hypothetical) full-implosive universe
is our ultimate (wave) guide in the science of Peace, but less
in the science of Creation. Microvitum is the unitary harmonic
registration of (multilateral) mutual concommittance. Apparently
(following Sarkars intuitive suggestions) the cosm allows this
perspective, while fully recognizing, even utilising symmetry-
operations at the same time.
symbols make object when their wave shape embeds
... in Nature, (creating cakras), in Consensus, or in universal
principle, yes, and this going on all the time we (they) call
it "mind",
no? (Cosmic symbols embedding to be Cosmic objects... going on
all the time... Cosmic Mind!). Symbols-not-yet-embedded are
they molded in waves, or Abstract? Plato's "Object-an-sich"?
With pure principle Alone (not-yet-having-facilitated-chaos or
there is no dis-embedding, somehow I get a sense there is in fact
nothing... I think this is really about our, or rather cosmic
Intention, abstract symbols tested out, self-embedding strategies
creating the shape of Life. Better is to say, symbols make entity
when their wave shape embeds. Only we turn symbols into teaspoons.
In Tantra this is "ota / prota yoga". "Ota-yoga"
with the whole
of Creation, "prota-yoga" with an atom, or a butterfly.
The Cosm does not remember the shape of a teaspoon, inside a teaspoon
Shiiva and Shaktii are not very happy with eachother, or, the
collective atoms are NOT embedded, this is called "Fundamental
Factor", floating loose, not anchored in microvita. So here,
OUR mind is(:) flipping this symbol into object. The role of mind
among waves nicely avoids silly cognition theories.
Dan (regarding microvita)>
-Tendancy to lead to particle thinking instead of the mindful
role in the inertia it takes to move a wave packet..
Yes, this is only too evidently true, insofar the microvita themselves
are concerned. This is not what we want, but we do want to
see and measure an entity existing "on the silver lining
between matter and abstract [Sarkar]. Some crucial points about
I feel you have not assimilated (or more likely not seen) - don't
be toooo quick and easy :-). I feel "microvita" does
not one-to-one
fit in your Life-Force list, but it does fit into your Life-Force-Organising
list... which appears to be the same list. The specialties
attributed to microvita by Sarkar hint at a far subtler entity
than somatides alone, though somatides could (like "real"
virus) be
a form of microvitum (essentially implosive material entity, thus
essential morphogenetic entity).
Dan (regarding microvita)>
Slip knot of capacitance self organized by recursion to the point
of self direction. (charge implosion).
Ah... some particle thinking in disguise here... ?:-). I like
it except for the slip-knot-thingy. DNA is not a slip-know either,
but it
may be a big (unmoveable) microvitum, pivoting the Macrocosm upon
itself creating a semblance of biological life. Zooming
further down the cascade of Life, microvita steering the Macrocosm
creating a semblance of atoms. Now it is, seeking the proper
Naming your health problem negative microvita was as marginally
useful as the shaman telling you your disease was bad spirits.
Well, making nonsense measurable, consensus will make it real!!!
Rather, the play of mutual concommittance (no firm cause /
result) between perception and consensus (object vs. embedding)
we call: "conception in the form of perception" [Sarkar],
simply: Reality. This is how the universe keeps her health. Funny
still that this may assume a more scientific "particle"-form
called micro-vitum.
Summarizing, waiting for the pure principle of: chaos and of:
somatides and/or microvita, and some nice math and a good
microscope to start with.
Dan - take care, looking forward & thanks for jumping in!
Namaskar didi,
thank you for your comments. Don't be surprised, the word "microvita"
was expected to be used as a bumper-
sticker. Besides the points you already mentioned, the article
as a whole reads just silly and childish. It
might be that this is one of Mr. Richardsons earlier writings,
but I'm not so sure as a matter of fact. In Mr.
Richardsons interpretation, the word "Microvita" can
be replaced by virtually any popular term for "good"
"bad" energy. Mr. Richardson analyses the subject in
terms of highschool physics and simplistic psychology
and likes to go public with that. By his papers he could have
non-introduced readers easily digesting his ideas.
No need to mention that the original subject is of a different
significance. Also the common understanding is
evolving, shaded and refined, and, although far from a flawless
presentation, becoming more and more shareable.
It is not exactly "good news" that this is published,
in Washington DC notably. The original spirit of Sarkars work
will however find its way into the scientific community and to
the public, quite likely without the need for a bumper-
Pankaj / Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
From: "Didi"
Organization: Proutist Universal Global Office, Copenhagen, Denmark
Reply-To: "Didi"
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:35:42 -0400
To: <>
Subject: >prOut< Re: Microvita - good news report
I am sorry to point out that the article itself, even though written
by a
PhD-holder, says things that are contradictory to Ba'ba's original
words (as
found in the "Microvita in a nutshell").
For example, that microvita are smaller than anything known (according
Ba'ba', they vary in size, and some DO come within the range of
a highly
developed microscope) including viruses (where, in Ba'ba's words,
microvita of crude order, visible by a microscope ARE nowdays
viruses... even though He considers that a rather vague term);
that they are
positive or negative (when Ba'ba' says that they are neither positive
negative, but according to their influence, we consider them as
I believe it would be far better to arrange publishing of Ba'ba's
(His introductory discourse "Microvitum - the mysterious
emanation of Cosmic
Factor" is a very nice piece from scientific, pshychological
or linguistic
point) rather than something misleading like in this case.
Although Mr Richardson may have a PhD (in physics), that doesn't
mean that
he either understands microvita (even on a verbal level) or is
able to
present it well.
With best wishes to all,
----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Goldberg <>
To: proutglobelist <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: >prOut< Microvita- good news report
> Namaskar,
> I have been able to get an article on Microvita published
in a major
> magazine called Pathways. They distribute 40,000 copies for
free in the
> Washington DC area. Maybe you can see if you submit the article
to similar
> magazines in your area.
> BNK,
> Raghava
> Microvita, -Biology and Cosmic will
> By Richard Richardson
> Biologists don't have a good understanding about the nature
> of life and the cause of evolution. The materialistic view
> of life is that things just happen by chance, that atoms
> just come together by chance to form living beings, from
> simpler to more complex chemical combinations. The existence
> of life and human beings can be just a "lucky accident"
> this universe. But the view in Yoga is that there are no
> accidents. Everything is happening according to the cosmic
> will. This still leaves the question of exactly how life
> comes into existence. And how does it evolve, if it is not
> by chance? Another way to ask this is "How does the
> will create and evolve life?"
> One answer was proposed in 1986, through the concept of
> microvita. Microvita were described by P.R. Sarkar as very
> small living beings. They are smaller than any atom,
> electron or proton. And these microvita are created by the
> cosmic intelligence or the cosmic mind. The work of these
> microvita is to organise and evolve individual lives and
> minds in the universe. These microvita have certain physical
> qualities. The simplest variety move through physical space.
> They have different wavelengths and vibrations. But they
> carry a certain mental force and information as well. It
> means they are conscious living beings, thought smaller than
> any known physical particle. Scientists have not discovered
> these microvita yet in their physical laboratories. Now it
> is a new scientific idea, and later it can be tested in the
> laboratory.
> In science, often an idea comes first, and later it is
> scientifically demonstrated in the laboratory. For example,
> the Greeks were talking about atoms (meaning "indivisible")
> about two thousand five hundred years ago. But it was only
> about 100 years ago that the existence of atoms was actually
> demonstrated scientifically in the laboratory (though later
> it was shown that they were not indivisible.) In another
> example, a physicist proposed about 30 years ago that
> protons and neutrons and other heavy elementary nuclear
> particles are made up of smaller particles called quarks.
> During the past 20 years those quarks have been demonstrated
> to exist through laboratory experiments. So science advances
> both through new concepts and new experiments.
> Microvita (in singular, microvitum) are described as living
> beings. They exist, they reproduce and they die. But they
> are smaller than any bacteria, virus or any physical
> particle. There are three main classes of microvita. The
> first kind move more in the physical world. They are carried
> by different physical vibrations. Vibrations of sound and
> light can carry microvita. Or microvita can travel with the
> vibrations of smell, touch or taste. All the five physical
> vibrations can carry this type of microvita. For example,
> bio-dynamic agriculture talks about certain subtle energies
> coming from the moon or the sun, that help plants to grow.
> According to the microvita concept, this subtle energy is
> not just energy but it is also microvita carried by the
> light. So these microvita are travelling throughout the
> universe, carried by light waves and sound waves and other
> physical vibrations. Wherever they go in the universe, where
> conditions are right they create living bodies and minds.
> Microvita are the carries of life in the universe. This
> means that not only on the Earth but also in many places
> throughout the universe, living beings are evolving, growing
> and developing with the help of microvita. And these
> microvita are working according to the cosmic desire. The
> cosmic mind has created this physical universe. Then it
> creates microvita in order to evolve individual lives and
> minds.
> This first kind of microvita can be either positive or
> negative. Negative microvita carry disease vibrations. And
> positive microvita carry health-producing vibrations. What
> we call virus diseases are actually being caused by negative
> microvita, which are much small that physical viruses. And
> these negative microvita can actually travel through outer
> space, from one star to another, carrying different
> diseases. Certain virus diseases came to the Earth at
> different times. They did not exist on the Earth earlier.
> Many of these virus diseases were attracted from outer space
> and were carried by negative microvita. These negative
> microvita are attracted to negative physical or mental
> vibrations. Positive microvita are attracted by positive
> vibrations. After the first World War, there were millions
> of soldiers dead in Europe. All these dead bodies created
> negative physical vibration, and according to P.R. Sarkar,
> negative microvita were attracted from others stars,
> creating the virus disease called the Spanish flu or
> influenza. That influenza then spread through other parts
> Europe and millions of people died from it. This is one
> example of how negative microvita work.
> Some disease microvita can travel, carried only by the smell
> vibrations of the disease. Other negative microvita travel
> through forms or shapes. When you are sick your body has
> too many negative microvita. When you take normal allopathic
> medicines, these medicines suppress and concentrate the
> negative microvita causing the disease, but they don't kill
> these microvita. Later the negative microvita can become
> active in a more powerful way and can cause new and more
> serious diseases. This is what is happening today. Many
> diseases are being caused as a result of the medicines that
> people are getting for other diseases. But negative
> microvita can be defeated by positive microvita. The body
> has its own source of positive microvita and can get more
> from outside. Normally, this is how we get well--the
> positive microvita defeat the negative microvita.
> Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body's positive
> microvita, which fight the negative disease microvita.
> The second class of microvita acts more on the mental
> level. They carry ideas from one mind to another. If you
> a new idea or if you hear of a new idea, that idea has come
> into your mind carried by microvita. Microvita enter your
> mind, vibrate it and create ideas in your mind. So if you
> can control these microvita, you can spread your ideas to
> many people. Microvita will help you to spread the ideas.
> you have negative thinking, this will attract negative
> microvita to you. And your mind will become even more
> negative. If your mind is positive, if you are thinking in
> positive way, your mind will attract more positive
> microvita. So your mind will become even more positive.
> One type of microvita in this group gives people the desire
> to get as much money as possible. They are called Yaksha
> microvita. When these microvita influence your mind, you
> only think about getting more and more money, and you won't
> care where the money is coming from. You'll try to get the
> money by any means. Desires like this, strengthened by
> negative microvita, create all the different kinds of
> imperialism and exploitation in the world. People try to
> take wealth away from other people just because due to
> Yaksha microvita they have so much desire for money.
> Mental illnesses are also created by negative microvita.
> Different mental diseases like schizophrenia, severe mental
> depression, or suicidal desires are all caused by too many
> negative microvita. These negative microvita directly affect
> the five lower yogic chakras (the psychic centres in the
> body controlling different desires.) And because the chakras
> affect the mind, the negative microvita influence the mind
> indirectly. Negative microvita cannot enter the mind
> directly, but indirectly they affect the mind through the
> chakras. Again, the treatment for negative microvita is
> positive microvita. A person has to find a way to attract
> many positive microvita to fight the disease-causing
> negative microvita. You can get positive microvita from many
> different sources: from a good vegetarian diet, from good
> music, from association with good people, from reading good
> books that inspire you, and from meditation on a positive
> idea. It's a simple rule, anything that makes
> the mind positive is attracting positive microvita.
> Negative microvita have more of a physical character, while
> positive microvita are more mental in nature. Our bodies
> filled with both positive and negative microvita, more or
> less in balance in a healthy individual. Positive microvita
> tend to concentrate in the upper chakras, which control more
> subtle feelings, And negative microvita concentrate more
> the lower chakras, because the lower chakras are more
> associated with the physical world. We need negative
> microvita to keep connection with the physical world. So
> life requires a balance between positive and negative
> microvita. But if we get too many negative microvita we get
> sick or have other problems. Then we have to attract more
> positive microvita to fight these negative microvita. If
> get an excess of positive microvita, this helps our mind
> body to progress. But too many positive microvita at once
> may also be harmful.
> There is a third class of microvita which is the most
> subtle. These microvita carry subtle spiritual ideas and
> values. To experience this kind of microvita a person has
> have a relatively high level of conceptual and spiritual
> development. Then they can catch these more spiritual
> microvita. There is one kind of microvita that carries
> musical ideas into the minds of people. So if a person is
> open to musical ideas, their minds will attract this type
> subtle microvita. Other subtle microvita put ideas into your
> mind that help you to progress in your meditation. Maybe
> are thinking, "Today I don't want to do meditation."
> thought can be caused by negative microvita. Then another
> thought comes into your mind "Oh, I should meditate.
> going to meditate." Here you are getting the help of
> positive microvita to encourage you to do meditation. So
> both positive and negative microvita are all around us, not
> only in human beings but also in animals and plants and the
> physical world. And they are working to help us progress
> to keep a balance in the universe.
> In agriculture, microvita can play a important role.
> Certain fertilisers work because they carry more positive
> microvita. Biological fertilisers especially are strongly
> concentrated in positive microvita. And these microvita are
> transferred into the seeds and sprouts of growing plants
> make them grow even better. You can even have two chemical
> fertiliser samples, with exactly the same chemical formula,
> coming from different places, where one sample contains more
> microvita and therefore is a better fertiliser than the
> other sample, which contains less microvita. Future
> agricultural scientists will study how many and which types
> of microvita are contained in different fertilisers.
> Even music can help plants grow more, because music also
> carries microvita. Some music carries more positive
> microvita and some carries more negative microvita. So you
> can even do experiments with plants by giving them different
> kinds of music and see which music they like.
> The subject of microvita is quite new, so more study and
> research are required to understand microvita better. By
> understanding microvita, many things can be explained that
> are not presently understood. So microvita are the way the
> cosmic mind maintains ecological balance in the body, the
> mind and the universe. If we can understand microvita, we
> can also help maintain the ecological balance in the world.
> Today the ecological balance is very disturbed as a result
> of too many negative microvita. The selfish minds of certain
> human beings have attracted many negative microvita and
> spread them into the society. Many dogmas have been spread
> in the society with the help of negative microvita. So those
> negative microvita can be fought with the help of positive
> microvita. And step by step our society and ecology have
> be restored to a healthy state. We can do this if we get
> good understanding of positive and negative microvita.
Special Request for Proofreading Microvita Article by Dan
Dan Winter wrote>
Please preview (also intuition list if appropriate)
Part of new article
I am very open to ways which put a more positive spin on microvita...
Perhaps I have missed something..
(is anything measureable in microvita
Can negative microvita mean anything to a scientist..
Thanks for your advance feedback
Before we share with implosiongroup 4000
Mayatiita writes>
Dear Friends,
since some time I am trying to discuss the microvita theories
with Dan Winter. That is, I try to raise his interest for the
subject, but he is critical. I lack some fundamental knowledge
to attune my conversations so that Dan might see the importance
(for him) of accepting microvita theory in his perspective. In
many respects he relates it to other exisiting theories, and does
not see why it would be a new and better alternative. This is
a challenge to all of you, to place microvita theory in such perspective
that he, as a scientist, wanting to have things measurable, can
work with it. I know you can.
Recently he wrote a piece where he also includes some things about