Another New Double - FILM Set ONLINE, from OnBoard USC Musica Theater- Cruising between Venice & Greek Islands:
This is - Section 2- online- This New Video online is the First of Two Segments -
- Order the Full Resolution DVD's online - see for more DVD's
For PART ONE -click here>
Direct Link to New Film (streaming REAL format):
For the Beautiful PsychoSynthesis World Conference- Venice -Greek Islands - Cruise Photo Gallery- go to >
The Fabulous Photo Tour is largely thanks to Michael Rice:
Perfect Wave Collapse-
Evidence that FRACTAL -Golden Ratio PHASE CONJUGATION
is the Electrical Cause, Origin and Mechanism of:
-Life Force
-Bliss / Ecstacy / Enlightenment
New Color Powerpoint with film as presented by Dan Winter - in Greece- in Psychosynthesis CruiseShip Theatre MSC Musica -
AND - the prepared lecture - for Budapest Conference of Physics and Unified Field Theories- (see below) this year with Fred Wolf, Prof. El Naschie, John Hagelin..
Physics has been clear that optical phase conjugation (opposing laser light cones) in addition to creating time reversal- self organizes the elimination of optical abberation-- disorder. Physics now needs to discover that fractal self similarity is the atomic / molecular key to choosing the mysterious MATERIAL needed FOR the (optical) phase conjugate mirror. Then physics needs to learn the analogous MAGNETIC phase conjugation is the ultimate water and liquid PURIFIER (more soon). Then physics needs to learn that CAPACITIVE PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRIC is how consciousness / life / perception and BLISS are created. Of course it MIGHT be helpful if they knew that optical phase conjugation is the cause, mechanism and origin of COLOR.. In a similar way Golden Ratio Fractal PHASE CONJUGATION is the electrical cause and mechanism of gravity: latest-
We must clarify the profound - path out of chaos which is Fractal Field Phase Conjugation. This will then allow us to better introduce Earth's gravitationally confused scientists to the gravity / black hole making physics WHICH IS- the most powerful thing ABOUT DNA. It was helpful - when Peter Gariaev (he is with us again at Budapest- see list below) - after measuring DNA making these BLACK HOLES - he explains the reason DNA is able to do this is OPTICAL PHASE CONJUGATION. ( ). The point being - then to learn the (fractal and phase conjugate) field theory of BLISS hygiene - to ignite DNA to this - it's only sustainable state ( ).
Click here accompanying for the Powerpoint:
2nd Unified Theories -Scientific Conference Program - May 16-19, 2008, Budapest
The Hall of the Hungarian Cultural Foundation , 1014 Budapest, I. Szentháromság tér 6 -
May 2008 (friday) at 13.00 opening speeches and key note lectures from the world renowned guest scientists.
Megnyitó: Koncz Gábor - HU, a Magyar Kultúra Alapítvány igazgatója
Varga Csaba - HU, a Stratégiakutató Intézet elnöke
Opening by Gábor Koncz HU, President of the Hungarian Cultural Foundation
Csaba Varga HU, President of the Institute for Strategic Research
Mark Abadi GB (moderator): Introduce first Key note
Fred Alan Wolf USA: Is the Mind of God Found in Quantum Field Theory?
John Hagelin USA: Is Consciousness the Unified Field? A Field Theorist’s Perspective
Amit Goswami - India USA:Science within Consciousness: toward an Integration of all sciences
Uma Krishnamurthy - India USA (workshop): Consciousness, Creativity, and the yoga psychology of transformation
Continuation of the development of the Unified theory of physics
Matti Pitkanen FI: Principles of Quantum Topological Geometrodynamics
Richard Amoroso USA: Mind-Body Interactions Surmount the Uncertainty Principle
Alex Hankey GB: -Observing Quantum Systems: How far-from-Equilibrium Feedback Instabilities can Offer Comprehensive Solutions to the Mind-Matter and Mind-Body Problems incorporating Macroscopic Quantum Coherence
Bjarne Lorenzen - DK: Whirlpool gravitation and space-time torsion and contraction
V. G. Kryuk - UR: Structure And Their Physical Analogue
Unified natural sciences and the theory of mind and consciousness
Dienes István HU: Gravitational Holgraphy to Living Holograms, From Consciousness-Holomatrix to Self-Conscious Neuronetworks
Grandpierre Attila HU: of physics, biology and psychology into a unified natural science
Alex Kaivarainen FI: Unified Theory of Bivacuum, Matter-Field Duality, Virtual Replicas and Cycle of Mind, as a Background of Paranormal Phenomena
Szántó Borisz - HU: Type Man. The evolution of apperception
S. Székely Attila RO: Paradigm of the Biopsychology of Consciousness
S. K. Ramesh AE (workshop): Quantum mechanics of age reversal an evidence based presentation
2008. május 18. The unified theory life and Complex theory of human existence
Peter Gariaev RU: Brief introduction into WaveGenetics. Its scope and opportunities
Dan Winter USA: Fractal Fields: The CAUSE of Gravity, Mass Creation, Consciousness, Color, Bliss and The Real Science of Peacemaking
M. El Naschie SA: Fractal gravitation and the golden ratio in elemetary particle physics
Dmitry Weise RU: The Pythagorean View on Problems of Periodicity in Modern Science /
Jakab István - HU: Living water: the fourth condition of water
Ugrin Emese HU: Knowledge-city, a research to develop meta-space
Délutáni témakör 14 órától 19 óráig: The unified theory of religions and sciences
Nádor Judit - HU: and ghosts: holistic and ecology in the healing (lessons of strange traditions and integrating opportunities)
Kamarás István - HU: árható-e
Understanding FORGIVENESS with Electrical precision:
Meaning of Transcendance = Achieving Charge Distribution and Penetration
due to the fusing accurately into Phase Discipline
by the "Sucking" Implosive Compression of Phase Conjugation - in DNA and the Heart (both are based on 7 spin symmetry superposed on 5-the ANU slip knot)
Supposing you needed to explain the meaning of forgiveness - in terms of what happens inside biology electrically. When you allow your heart to penetrate the deep meaning of pain - the meaning of restored fractality - is revealed. Pain is biology's tool to direct attention to the place where the fractality is lost electrically, and thus charge is leaking from biology. By focusing attention - fractality and thus the charge distribution called life is restored. This enables the biologic charge of memory to enter by symmetry folding into the electric field core of DNA- whose resulting phase conjugate and therefore superluminal charge radiance is the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS. The symmetry index to that domain charge entry being -the origin of alphabets ( ). The climax of that sustainable (immortal) charge distribution success from implosive phase conjugate compression - in DNA - being success being successful death ( ).
Purification, and the success of forgiveness would therefore be measureable as increase in (fractal) harmonic inclusiveness ('ascention') in the power spectra of the DNA - in the same way harmonic inclusiveness in EKG / HRV ("The fractal heart is the healthy heart") measures the statistical resistance of your immune system to virtually all chronic disease ( ).
Compassion is - the perfecting of compression or perfect wave collapse - as evidenced in the way your heart harmonics - become more inclusive as you become coherent and feel compassion (Biofeedback tool to measure heart coherence -see HEARTTUNER: ).
When you hurt someone else- your DNA loses spin density and charge. To understand this - consider the electric business DNA is in to produce survival: It requires that she continuously assemble a single continuous charge field (collective unconscious) able to hold the electrical symmetry of ALL survival useful information / fields.
Shareable - means pure intention - means the wave able to be distributed perfectly - means fractal - means perfect coherence.
DNA's mechanism to distribute this information faster than light speed - and even between stars- is fractal golden ratio phase conjugation. ( ).
So - the physics of karma is simply the enforcement of the laws of symmetry by the implosive gravity making (phase conjugate) core of DNA. Here she works out by compression (perfect wave collapse) the decision of which wave is shareable - thus defining pure intention - and the discipline of getting only that which serves survival into the fractal field - collective unconscious - of DNA.
This means that someones hurtful act- in order to return to centered / phase conjugate symmetry - requires that your blood field / DNA must in order to regain the lost spin inertia (and power to make shareable) - must SHOW you what it FEELS like to PERCEIVE the PAIN of that DNA which you hurt. Remember pain is defined as the bio-field directing your attention to that which has lost fractality - in order to restore the symmetry- of charge distribution efficiency. Your attention - being fractal, phase conjugate and charge compressing ( as Bill Tiller measures in "Conscious Acts of Creation") - then delivers the fractal implosive compression field to the site of pain to restore fractal (phase conjugate ) charge field coherence.
So- if you truly hurt someone - you demonstrate that you cannot FEEL (perception IS phase conjugation - wave collapse into distribution) - how you have damaged collective survival. When you restore your debt to the knowledge field of collective survival - by 'consuming the perspective' of the one you hurt, you restore the potential of your own DNA to deliver a shareable wave. This is how you regain back the charge inertia. (so called paying your karma).
When someone hurts you - to acheive back the charge - by 'forgiveness' is a bit of a mirror. Your need is not to fix the karma of the one who hurt you - but what you must understand deeply - in order to do the physics of forgiveness - is work through into your own deep understanding how someone else made of life and DNA - could have grown to be so unfeeling - as to destructively hurt you - even though your own DNA is an electric PART of their own survival field. So what you must do in order to forgive is to feel back thru the sequence of painful departures from fractality which lead the one who injured you to get to so unfeeling a place. Then when you can feel the whole field - of the pain of separation experienced by the one who hurt you - then you are no longer wounded by them personally - but rather by the entire electric field of DNA evolution which has become directly part of YOUR feeling body. So - when you begin to take responsibility for the pain of big history which caused the person who hurt you - to do it - suddenly you are then taking electric responsibility for fixing the big picture. You thus do not need to fix the one who made the mistake - but rather understand the pattern of history that lead to the mistake. Once the big picture is INSIDE your body (by fractal compression) then the inertia of a bigger field than the pain itself - is PART of your body and your power.
Related to this dialog - note how fractality of field - since it is the only self organizing wave - defines and teaches the deep meaning of what is PEACE:
- in the heart
- in the brain
- on the land / between villages - countries
- in the nature of emotion
in our Peace University - teaching peacemaking as science - international curriculum:
And in honor of the Greek Islands ...
Above- when you connect the same symbol (7Dot Sirius?) on the famous PHAISTOS DISK (above is picture of a replica we found on Santorini ) you get the 7star outside - 5 within - symbol of Ophanim.. which we suggest is the origin of the Greek alphabet - which the Iroquois called- Birdtribe - the Andromedan's called them:Paa Taal (The Ptah bloodline of Enki/ Thoth in Egypt)- Ophanic- which the Aboriginals called - Valnaapa (see ) -and which the Cherokee called Adawi (I learned when I showed Cherokee Shaman Dhani Whahoo - this Ophanim script - see- ), So - the point is this same lineage - Enki / Atun mother from Rigel - was Ophanim - her Blue blood was called Ptah Taal - which the Andromedans said meant 11th dimensional -we now know that refers to the number of phase disciplined coherent superposed braids piezoelectrically in DNA. When that OPHANIC blood line Enki / Atun / Thoth / Thuth-Moses (sons of Thoth) became AkhunATUN as MOSES - became the Benjaminic Essenes and Magdalen - in Greece it was called ARCADIA...
More on Ophanim vs Greek :
More on the Phaistos Disk - vs- Ophanim: see- history of many efforts to decipher the PHAISTOS DISK:
Using Magnetic Portal Geometry by Dan Winter
Compare to Heartof the Sun geometrics from Dan Winter...
Learning the inner emotional HEART COHERENCE to control the muscles of the paricadium - directs the thrust of your electric heart as a gravity motor - and becomes your star navigating HAT OF OSIRIS..(pericardium shaped)- thus determining IF you are a star navigator - shaman / lucid dreamer capable of entering Sun..
The portal disk (Phaistos Disk) is a terra-cotta disk ceramically fired and hardened for preservation unlike the thousands of artifacts that were baked. The disk is approximately 6-1/4" in diameter and 1" thick. It was found beside a tablet of Linear A writing of ancient Crete, and this tablet establishes the date of the disk. The portal disk is inscribed with unique signs or pictographs, which were impressed with 48 different stamps, 37 of which were repeated. This is the earliest printing press technology known and not found in use again until 2,600 years later in China.
On Side 1 of the disk (with the flax flower in the center), 121 impressions were made with 35 different stamps, and on Side 2, 119 impressions were made, again with 35 different stamps. The key to the understanding of the pictographs and the disk lies in the sacred geometry found on the disk. The initiates into the Isis-Osiris mystery-myth believed that ultimate reality is numerical, that number is the key to the universe, that triangles are the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos and that geometry is the sacred science. They studied the properties of the circle and the geometry of the sphere for use in astronomy. The disk demonstrates "Euclidean" geometry 1300 years before Euclid taught it in Alexandria, Egypt. Also seen on the disk are constellations as they appeared 4000 years ago.
Clarifying sources here - note from Dan Winter - some of these notes inspired from -Claire Watson-To be specific - Claire (about 12 years ago) located the pattern of the star like shape and the Argos shape etc. below - in the Phaistos disk- I then notived that star like shape had the 7 point outside - 5 point inside symmetry similar to the key Ophanim Enochian - sigil of truth here ( which I had learned about thru Vincent Bridges- see - and also ) . Claire called that shape a PORTAL - which I showed more specifically was the Star GATE inspiring Ophanim .. link at /orion
-We have seen that navigating the Bardo or Death or Dream Space experience, is a richly suggestive overlay of a problem in geometry, and a problem of compassion/emotion. (See our "Geometry of Eternality" article on web, index at ). In summary, what we discover is that getting between "planes" or levels of inner awareness, corresponds to the geometry of the landscape seen when you dream or die. You see a vortex/tornado, you see a spin web, you see a helix, you see donut. These shapes create a series of magnetic doorways, which are definite ways to superpose spin in layers.... vortex donut, to cube, to revolve cube into dodec, to wratchet dodec to to HELIX (DNA), to focus helix to cross point into vortex.... to vortex donut to cube... and on and on. The principle here is that when you superpose spin onto spin, you do so by the symmetry based on PHI as recursion. Doing this, makes a series of SPIN PATHS TO A CENTER OR ZERO POINT.
The magnetic wave ratios in the glands learning to braid, which we have called "emotion" , are the wave angles which permit magnetism to nest in these spin paths. (Sentics, see article.."Braiding DNA is Emotion the Weaver" web index above )
We need to understand carefully, that spin paths are paths for MAGNETIC flux lines, are they are PATHS FOR AWARENESS: TO PROPAGATE. As the Heart learns to steer magnetism inside out, the magnetic flux paths for turning inside out, called COMPASSION, look like A VALENTINE. This is the path that two Golden Spirals make when they nest. This is the perfect geometry of recursion/ self-embeddedness. This is the path which allows... vortex to donut to cube to dodec to DNA to ....
All of this may be described simply as PORTAL GEOMETRY. The issue is for the collected magnetism of human emotion, to have "A WAY OUT OF HERE" to the next evolution in the distribution of awareness. To take this next longer wave step in which to launch emotion to the critical escape velocity (implosion beats light waves thru the speed of light and into time) , we must then express this shaping for magnetism to inhabit larger bodies, into our environment. These are "Star Portals" in our temple, our landscape zodiac, our stone circles, and our ART.
First, let us be clear, that the concept of Magnetic Portal does not suggest an escapism. It is not to run away that we say, learn to project your magnetic body into something bigger than your human body. It is rather, that this is a next necessary and logical step in the skill of the "DISTRIBUTION OF AWARENESS" . Awareness is distributed as magnetism is distributed, as spin is distributed. Distributing this spin/awareness in a way which is touch permissive or sustainable, requires the perfect fractal geometry of recursion/self embeddedness. (Or "I am that I am", "As above so below" etc.. ).
When we arrange the magnetism so embedded that it is fractal like this, it implodes. This implosion of spin inside the body is called love or perspective consumed; Feeling other "inside out" as if it were self. Long term wormhole connectivity coherence induced when DNA is braided recursively by compassion, is called "soul".
When we arrange the same magnetic lines outside the body, so that they implode, this is call a magnetic portal. This is how druids used stone circles for braiding magnetism, to create their version of telephone lines.
When magnetism is braided in this "self-embedded" way, not only does it create Dodec DNA and Planet Grids, it creates Star Systems whose time scales and magnetism is inhabitable by awareness itself. (Book: "Spiral Calendar": time's spiral is square root of PHI.) (Divide orbit TIME of Earth by PHI to get Mercury, by PHI to get Venus, etc.... Angels arrange time imposion to sort genepools into the shareable) (EKG's frequency signature at the moment of compassion or turning inside out is square root of PHI.) ...
On a global scale, there have been numerous attempts through herstory to create these intergalactic or star fractal portals, on the landscape. Notably, the pattern of the Gothic Cathedrals around Chartres and Rennes Les Chateaux, were magnetic fractal projections of zodiac magnetism. These were little primer seed shapes in which to insert emotion in order to come out inhabiting star systems and galaxies.
The skill to project your emotional magnetism into a portal at first is as fun as learning to focus on a pattern on a wheel which looks like a star system (see Claire Watson's Star Portal and Phaistos disk). Then learn to feel your spin and center of gravity and focus of awareness and later your inner clairvoyant vision INTO THAT PATTERN like a spin tube. Then come out of that Dream: AWAKE and remembering what you saw and felt. LATER, AFTER THE FUN, WE REALIZE THAT OUR GENEPOOLS HOPE FOR SURVIVAL IN MEMORY COLLECTIVELY, REQUIRES ALL OF US KNOW HOW TO DO THIS. ... and eventually together..
THIS SUGGESTS- Phaistos disk may have been a kind of star navigating map- possibly for advanced star navigating shaman - parallel to the ancient - Ceiling at Dendara (galaxy star map)- and the Voynich Manuscript- pic below - & see
See here from - How a star navigating- lucid dreaming - shaman would have used- such a map.. Voynich.. -
Extending the Seyfert Galaxy Orgasm trigger for Solar Max dialog at - Author of Voynich Manuscript and the Approaching Eye of the Galactic Superwave.. writes.. "Hi Dan,....The galactic superwave, which was more than likely about halfway here when the last major event hit, will simply obliterate life if someone does not step into the mix. My approach has dealt with the information given to abductees over the last fifty years, as well as the search in history for the thread that explains this. The answers as down to earth. "They" are here for the event - and, as was said to one abductee that was shown a horrific looking sky: When you see the sky look like this, know that we are coming.--Regards Jim... "According to a legend told by the Hopi Indians, the present world civilization is not the first to populate the earth. Before this one, there were three other "worlds", each terminated by a global catastrophe. They call the present world cycle the "Fourth World", and claim that it too like the others before it, will one day come to an end. They say that this ending will be heralded by the appearance of Saquasohuh, the Blue Star spirit. ---Paul LaViolette author of Galactic Superwave - also writes:4/17/05 (in response to my note) from Dan: "it seems to me - that the concept of self similar or fractal arrangement for dialectric charge centers (capacitors in a cone optimized by phi - making gravity) may be essential principle? >>" to which Paul responds: "I don't know exactly what you mean by the above. My concept is simple: positive charge (protons) produce positive mass (G potential wells), negative charge (electrons) produce negative mass (G potential hills). Contrary to general relativity, there are two polarities for gravity and these are correlated with electric charge. These are predictions from a theory I have developed called subquantum kinetics. Thus far subquantum kinetics has had 10 of its a priori predictions verified by observation so this sets it appart from most other theories on electrogravitics. If you want to learn more about my work in this area I suggest you read my book Subquantum Kinetics and my paper on the B-2 which is in the book Electrogravitics Systems edited by T. Valone. They can be ordered from or at the website.,Best regards, Paul LaViolette" to which Dan returned: (the reason negative charge produces gravity) " ... the centripedal nature of what is called negative charge is directly due to charge attraction due to fractality - when that charge attraction becomes broad spectral enough ( the same harmonic inclusiveness optimized by phi that defines resistance to disease in heart hrv -explaining the eeg / ekg access to voltage from gravity during bliss-shown in power spectra as phi harmonics ) - this suction is called gravity - because this creates a charge path out thru lightspeed -"dan winter |
Another Ancient Disk, Found in Peru..Called the Genetic Disk. Ancient Disk of Cellular Biological Shape Waveforms, (see Enki's genetic modification lab to use the acambaro statues projects at - "The Original CD Rom?"
Were the Sumerian Glyphs Wave Guides For Creating Biological Structure?
Reference: George Merkl, Microscopy. "Biologic Effects of Sumerian Elixirs" - the physics of morphic resonance...
Reverse Side-Note Turn Inside Out Hole in Center
Sacred Geometry / Science of Consciousness - Amazing European Sacred Initiatory Travel CHOICES for 2008
1. Turin.. Countryside Experience-In Depth Experience with Dan Winter,
or. 2. Boat Cruise from Venice to the Greek Islands with Worlds Leading PsychoSpiritual Teachers..
or- 3. Our Famous World's Most in Depth HOLY GRAIL-Science in the Blood Tour of South France!
-: 1 Join us in the Beautiful Countryside Outside Turin, in Sunny Italy!!
May 29- June 1, 2008 - Complete Course Curriculum - Turin- English & Italian (German Available) - info: (Italy) +39-0161468313 - or or New AssociazionePhi
---2: Holy Grail Sites AND Science in South France - June 5-12, 08 (Film Clips here from last year!)... our South France 2008 - Science and Experience of the HOLY GRAIL IN THE BLOOD - tour and conference
.see 2008 June Info. in collaboration with Roger Green -
Join us - June 5 - 12, 2008 in South France. (An easy flight: RyanAir's inexpensive London to Carcasonne)-
For a week questing in Grail Country - learning by experience the Real Science of the Holy Grail in the blood.
For the trip logistics:
Join us to ask YOUR questions about the MEANING OF THE MYSTERIES! -
The original first real grail science in the blood essential - article - with film:
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