From a Scientific Perspective, then.. WHAT IS SALVATION??
Physics Suggests a Cure (Self Empowerment) for the Dying Jesus Myth..

Scientific Language Describing the Creation of An Immortal Electric Body
+More academic proofs of the lies behind the Jesus myth..

Dan Winter discusses a Scientists answer to: "What does one then do with Buddah and or Christ and the need for a Savior?"

"...IF you understand the PHYSICS of what allows a wave to CRYSTAL-ize - (perfect sharing- KHEMistry of ionic/covalent bond as wave fusion) then you know PRECISELY what the CHRIST story is for. There is no higher truth - than pure symmetry as it lives like a fractal rose - in your heart."

below - John Kaminsky -review- "two meticulously footnoted books present the lay reader and professional historian alike with a stark assessment of the outright lies the Christian church has told about its namesake." more on Acharya at"

Implosion Group, Aug 3,05 Newsletter: , main index - Dan Winter reprints -

- as in our last newsletter Physicists redefine gravity LOVINGLY ( ) - we discuss where the Russian Physicists explain:
"the hologram of human memory is situated in the vacuum field and exists in the space after the human death" .
Compare this to the electrical measurement of the spirit / ghost / soul energy field after death:
- here is the real clue to salvation - get your 'self' together - be outstanding (Coherent!) in your 'FIELD'.

1. Dan...(if you have time to answer questions from non-genius folk)... what is your take on 2012 & ascension?
There is so much out there on the subject. Haven't had a chance to read all of David Wilcox's "Convergence" stuff and Ashayana Deane (inset- formerly Anna Hayes) - basically says we have to practice all these techniques ie; the Maharic Seal, to be able to withstand the coming higher frequencies etc. Do you think we're in for a "bumpy ride"? Realize this is a BIG question and understand if you don't have time to respond. Just curious about your opinion. Kindest regards, Marley.

DW: Anna's early work ( our comments : ) I thought had some useful intuitions. Later she really lost the plot when she started making up a whole new vocabulary to cover up a complete lack of scientific language and rigor. Like most of the new age wu wu types - her language of 'dimensions' 'density levels' '12 stranded DNA' etc. is complete drivel until you have a clue that superposing axes of symmetry spin in a charge system (like DNA) adds a harmonic to a power spectrum (adding 'dimension' to your genes and their charge field by braiding - ). This is the REAL physics of 'ascention' - climbing a ladder of symmetry by embedding CHARGE in you DNA. And that only recursive or fractal enviornment produce that genetic ability to absorb charge and therefore grow and evolve. Another example - her word 'Keylonta' is mostly a confused way to point to the pure symmetry origins of alphabets - and covers the fact that she clearly does not know what symmetry is. (The same way Wilhelm Reich hid his ignorance for what a recursive capacitor is by coining 'Orgone'). Not to be too personal - but many have pointed out her lack of hygiene ( and the astral pollution that goes with it) seems largely rooted in a highly addictive personality. Her term Maharic Seal - while possibly rooted in Sirian culture - is no excuse for not knowing that COHERENCE is what makes a biologic field effect impenetrable to attack. (Anna and Swerdlow- both agree these same Sirian's are known for selling hi tech war gear to BOTH sides of a fight - then watching the show). The higher the number of HARMONIC INCLUSIVE frequencies embedded in your EKG and therefore your DNA - the greater the bandwidth over which you have COHERENCE and therefore protection. Simple physics - requires no ET to tell you.

And YES - I definitely think we are in for a bumpy ride - look at the Solar flares this week. Solution - discover what invites compression. This probably includes knowing where there are paramagnetic certain caves - in your bioregion and in your heart. If 'Christians' knew the physics for their much advertised RAPTURE EXPERIENCE - they would study non-destructive charge compression and throw out their obsolete bibles. Your near environment needs to get very fractal very fast. Virtually impossible unless you live in nature.

2. Hi Dan, - I am reading The Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock. It is very good and they mention you also. It was fun to learn some more about your work. (I already have a fundamental concept of the high efficacy your work has culuminated to, yet it is always delightful to learn these deeper understandings. I am relatively new in my Spiritual Journey and continue to be honored by the quantity and quality of people, that have "gone before me" that I have attracted into my life. Amazing!!!!)

Dan, I'm just finishing Dr. Hawkin's book Eye of the I, he wrote how a person at level of 600 or more is considered Enlightened. (Or was that just the stage of Enlightenment? Because I know people who calibrate above 700 and they are not worthy of my following. I also peak above 600 from time to time) For me I am seeking to understand a few of these new paradigms in conjunction with older ones in my Christian background. Please advise as you are inspired.

Hawkin's writes that at 600 or higher the person no longer needs a savior. Is this because the level of Bliss is therefore the point at which a person does obtain "Salvation"

DW(reply): It is helpful to appreciate a bit of electrical understanding about where information density (consciousness) comes from - namely efficient storage symmetry. Once we understand the ability to attract charge is the ability to invite compression - we see more clearly WHY compassion is the ability to make a picture inside so self similar to what is outside- that the outside falls in. This 'fractality' - envision the perfect valentine Heart of love - is what creates the non-destructive flow toward center ( gravity making). Soon we can apply this measureable physics of getting compressible - to how you shine like the Sun!

So it is true - that as you evolve and learn the symmetry skills to inhabit by embedding a larger field effect- that your aura does grow. This of course has a huge amount to do with your hygiene: live food, quiet life in nature, working in a caring profession where your life is about real compassion - and feeling for others. These all will dramatically grow your aura. In general, city life, noise, electrosmog, processed food, fried food, heavy meat, professions that always must cheat people - these will all quickly cause your aura to collapse along with what you call your soul. This is because your DNA is always rather counting how many shareable waves have entered its communion core to add spin. ... HOWEVER...

Folks who go around supposedly measuring your aura, are often on some kind of power trip - telling you supposedly how evolved you are. In fact the radiance field of the human aura - has charge information in probably AS MANY DIFFERENT BANDWIDTHS as the Suns radiance itself. This means that parts of your electric 'spirit' or chi or capacitive field -are Infra-Red (the way Prof.Callahan measures smell), UltraViolet, RF, weak lo frequency charge coupled capacitance ( the way we measure life force and freshness), and microwave (the way he measured kundalini and hospital mapping of metabolic density - before the US feds made that profound spiritual path illegal). etc etc. You get the picture - your aura has elements of charge in literally millions of different wavelength. Many of which are measureable. And each of those bandwidths for charge radiance - has a huge number of membranes of greater and lesser density. ALL of this is to say - if someone comes up to you and says: 'well your aura was out to here, now I fixed you and your aura is this much bigger - see I "MEASURED" it'. My advice is - be very wary. Oversimplifying does not help the clarity of your own inner vision, nor does it serve to allow you to become shareable with others.

Intuitive, dowsing, radionic, and kinesiologic measures have their place. We even describe a technique to more accurately measure kinesiology with HeartTuner. The problem is - that we really do a disservice to creating language that produces agreement (the real function of science)- when we call our aura dowsing MEASUREMENT - instead of the proper term - intuition. The REASON science defines measurement as replicability (something almost NO aura measurement can acheive) - is a good one. If the experiment is not replicable - than the INFORMATION is not SHAREABLE. And SHAREABILITY - (pure intention) - is EXACTLY what DNA by Imploding in its center was designed to test for. This is why the shareable rigor of science - defining MEASUREMENT carefully - really DOES serve spiritual growth. Remember:"The Role of MIND among WAVES- is to pursuade them to AGREE!" The way waves agree begins with the electrical measure of COHERENCE - and climaxes with the IMPLOSION of charge called ATTENTION- CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS itself.

Getting COHERENT enough to get all your charge waves biologically SHAREBLE is exactly the function of COHERENCE ( emotionally - in your EKG etc)- in preparing YOU for successful dying. IF your charge waves are COHERENT - than the electric field physics now agrees is your REAL Spirit body CAN survive death: (more on electrical understanding of 'salvation'- below).

- as in our last newsletter Physicists redefine gravity LOVINGLY ( ) - we discuss where the Russian Physicists explain:
"the hologram of human memory is situated in the vacuum field and exists in the space after the human death" .
Compare this to the electrical measurement of the spirit / ghost / soul energy field after death:
- here is the real clue to salvation - get your 'self' together - be outstanding in your 'FIELD'.

SO- acheiving a level of charge radiance- well defined as bliss- IS an acheivement toward becoming sustainable. HOWEVER using anyones particular subjective scale for this- is probably simplistic. This reminds one of the BRUNLER WAVE SCALE RADIATION - for Measuring Conscious Evolution. Arthur Young spent a huge portion of his later life working with this technique. I really think it a bit wasterful- since it begins with the fundamentally UN-scientific "Bovis" technique. The Bovis technique is basically a method of putting your pendulum dowsing on a sliding scale. In my experience I have NEVER seen this become replicable- and therefore NEVER has it deserved the term measurement.

Sadly - calling this measurement is exactly something that would PREVENT communication with all who claim to use SCIENCE. This is because confusing intuition with measurement actually pretends to a kind of replicability that to scientists is ugly, and alienating. Perhaps this is appropriate because - the way they value precise language is precisely what gives science its valuable rigor. Scientists do not object to intuition - quite the contrary - but they DO object to confusing intuition with measurement. If they allowed this to continue - science would give way to chaos from undisciplined description of phenomenon. (No shareability = no sustainability = no immortality).

 comment from DW> about another - (Brain) Wave Scale Measurement..Brunler: This is an example - of language that DOES NOT SERVE measurement - or science. It IS true that your bodies charge electric field WILL grow as you evolve. (see- GDV - Kirlian scientific measurement- or our capacitive measurement: ). Since the dowsers measurement of the size of the charge field is subjective intuition - and inherently too simplistic - it is not appropriate to see evolution as measureable in this way.

If the Sun suddenly got brighter - it could as well predict it was closer to burnout - and less sustainable.


The human energy field is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body while emitting its own characteristic form of radiation.


Through my research I have come across a method for measuring an individual's position on the scale of the Hierarchy of Human Needs. It was originally developed by Dr. Oscar Brunler and refined over many years up until his death in 1952. The measurement involved the interpretation of the intensity of brain waves which emanated from an individual's electromagnetic energy field.

The ability to measure these radiating waves was originally discovered by a Frenchman by the name of Bovis in the early 1900's. He developed an instrument called a Biometer for the measurement of this radiation which was measured in "degrees biometric".

Dr. Brunler learned that this measurement was, in fact, a measurement of the comprehension or understanding of the individual. It was called the Brain Radiation number. After years of research, including interviews with thousands of people, Dr. Brunler created the Brunler Scale or classification which has been the foundation for subsequent research.

Brunler's concept of sequential development over many lifetimes, first of the physical organism (sensation), then of feeling and intuition, followed by logic with the suppression of feeling, followed in turn by will, makes more sense than even Jung's theory which requires that all of these functions were developed in one lifetime. Also very impressive was Brunler's finding that before the self can manifest the creative genius of the great painters, composers, and spiritual leaders, it has to go through lifetimes of heightened sensitivity, exemplified in clairvoyance or other functioning as a passive or sensitive "medium"; such were the great performers, especially in music, where the creative role is contributed by the composer and its rendition by the performer."

SO .. my opinion is that having someone DOWSE your aura - while it may provide some colorful intuitive commentaries - is clearly NOT a mechanism to find out whether you deserve to teach- OR deserve SALVATION. Note at the GDV link here and pic - how far - medical diagnosis from aura / kirlian charge field imaging - has come.

By extrapolating from carefully replicated studies - the component of each fingertip aura associated with each major gland system - can result in meaningful medical diagnosis (used by thousands of doctors). Repeating study with the SIZE and the FRACTALITY of this aura MEASURE - was one of the early (electrical) definitions of BLISS / ENLIGHTENMENT- correlating with the Golden Ratio + cross hemispheric coherent EEG work which became the concept - BlissTuner.

Dr. K. has shown examples of measuring the exact parts of the aura which develop huge holes after using drugs (like Ayuasca ). It is good physics - because if you use an external psychoactive - to trigger..perception inducing charge implosion - that when the external source loses inertia, that the implosive CORE of your aura - where the REAL sorting must be sustained - becomes porous - unsustainable - the membrane / 'ring pass knot' is limited by how much COHERENCE you can make yourself - inside!

Dowsing measure - offers no such rigor. I always encourage intuitive tools (pendulum etc) to be used WITH measurement tools.

What is Salvation?

DW: We have presented electrical data showing the coherence of the bodily charge field remains in the body space - after death. ( ). Of course the ability to STEER this electric field - whether it is a lucid dream- or the death experience - is determined by a) whether the field effect is COHERENT, and b) therefore - whether the field effect is able to PRODUCE SUCTION TO CENTER (implosion) - the same way a medusa / jellyfish can steer. Every tornado STEERS - if they can suck well. Your body field is a tornado - steering your tornado - making gravity - is the same as steering everything physics can know (string theory / wormhole / vortex - physics is nothing else).

IMMORTALITY / SALVATION constitutes conserving the memory of symmetry (sacred or projective geometry) in the charge field (kirlian / chi / aura / KA / ECK / vital force / ether .. such a pity so many names for spirit have produced a Tower of Babel..) .In other words - everything YOU have to remember and call you - is stored in the charge packing symmetry of your cells and your blood. Death is the process of getting all these charge waves organized in such a way that the DNA implosion compression produces ONLY acceleration ('ascention') - and NOT destructive interference. In practice- as the Doctor heros in the movie 'Flatliners' discover- first step to dying successfully is run out to each person you have hurt - and ask forgiveness. This is because DNA is constantly recording the holy communion of charge for which waves or memories acheive the CORE experiece (lightening test in the core of DNA) - for becoming universally distributed / shareable. THIS is where our word de-VINE, and SCION-ce (to BRANCH well) come from.

Perfect and therefore FRACTAL.. COHERENCE - is always simply the test for WHAT IS SHAREABLE - called PURE INTENTION. DNA - being so gravity making and golden ratio and fractal and implosive by design - is biology's device to testing the tunnel entrance. To enter that wormhole - check first for fear - which is electrical resistance to the spin which provides entry to the shareable wave.

Navigating the bardo after death - has some distinct symmetry aspects which can be plotted scientifically ( death link above). In summary - travel to the next 'dimension' is precisely nothing more than absorbing the spin inertia of the next axes of charge symmetry about the body's field. This becomes precisely measureable as each additional harmonic shows up in the power spectra (harmonic analysis) of your Heart/EKG- and of your DNA ( 'chloridians', 'boson 7' etc.). This is sometimes expressed crudely as spiritual ASCENTION - we now know that what ascends is the number of included harmonics - indicating the {EKG} harmonic inclusiveness medicine now knows predicts statistically your survival of most all disease.

We discuss how the symmetry of the 7 fold recursive braiding process - of a 5 spin dodeca wratchet becomes exactly 12 superposed spins 'strands' in your DNA - exactly as your DNA /blood thickens and becomes toroidal (see micrographs)- at . As exciting as realizing the physics of how DNA becomes implosive, charge radiant, and gravity making from BLISS ignition (A "SOUL"-invitation) - is realizing the PSYCHOLOGY of entering into that which is SHAREABLE ('pure' intent) - which this all implies.

What would a scientist see watching the migration of this KA and BA (the advanced) charge field from the bodies residual aura after death ? From our understanding - there is a role for spirit guides at death - but that indeed your overall progress is limited by how coherent, charge radiant you have become. From a shamanic perspective we migrate this field effect - toward what science would call sustainability (SALVATION!!) . Several aspects of the physics of the solar system - definitely come into play during death survival ( what a nice contradiction in terms - death survival). For one thing- only the Sun has the gravitation implosion and inertial escape velocity to propel souls out of the solar system. (Only way out of here..). This is why every RESPECTABLE 'God' of the ancients (AN-chi-an-ts) - was called SUN GOD. (The AN- in ANnunaki, ANtu, Teuethe de D'ANan, uru-AN, etc.etc..). Extensive dialog about shamanically seeing and navigating thru the heart of the sun- which becomes an organ of perception (you can SEE thru it) - see the many shaman who agree - SOLAR HEART COMMUNITY at

If your favorite 'God' did NOT arrive by squirting their DNA charge field.. thru the SUN - ... then... they are probably essentially parasitic (sorry Whitley Streiber). This is a reflection of what we see as an essential principle: that lo grade DNA (parasitic- not offering its own charge implosion as energy source) is ALWAYS TOASTED in the presence of true genetic IMPLOSION. This is why we so emphasize that a heart held in real bliss - is the ULTIMATE protection from parasites - bodily and auric.

The second aspect of soul navigating at death we should mention- is the limit to the fractality of the solar system. The Solar System gravity bubble (charge envelope) is just like any living body. Wherever fractality and efficient charge compression symmetry breaks down- there BLEEDING takes place.

Physics has finally concluded- that Kepler WAS right- Golden Ratio embedding DOES rule the gravity (implosion) metabolism of our Solar System.

Pic- spirasolaris.


Related discussion: How the ARK Works:

UNFORTUNEATELY - with the Reptilians inclination to inaccurate billiard balls- when they shot the hollow metal parasite ridden artificial planet which became our moon, into the solar system - to kill Mars / Earth - it missed - and the Marduk - wholesale planet destruction that resulted- caused the Van Allen belts. (History lesson: ) This is the bleeding wound / tear in the living body of fractal charge blood of the solar system. This is precisely where large number of dizzy human 'souls' lose navigation ability after death. They NEED the centering force only a FRACTAL solar system can provide.

In Egypt the KA field ( the origin of our Benjaminic / Mag / Grail line later called KAllisto, KAtholic, KAthar, arKAdia etc..) is a residual capactive field which the body projects during remote viewing, lucid dream, and hopefully during coherent dying. Apparently the Egyptians had more info about KA and BA.. MerKA BA..

(Remember the CHEM in Egypt's ORIGINAL name - meaning BLACK hole- and origin of alCHEMy, CHEMistry - was Enki, RA, EA's blue/BLACK - nubian - copper rich Rigelian blood - origin of his lineage + the BLACK Madonna . Scholarship is also finally clear that Akhanaton - Enki's grandchild - IS Moses - the gold powder cook - who knew how to take the capacitor called Ark of Covenant for the necessary voltage to make the gold powder into the white wafer - later misunderstood as holy communion- to the planet's addicted royalty by the Essenes. 3 books here: "Out of Egypt", "Copper Scrolls", and "Sacred Ark"- last one by Lawrence Gardner- see ).

And so - we have an even deeper MEANING OF MER KA-BA-

Mer - was another name for the MERovingian - essentially reptilian blood line / 'Fish God'- as in the MERline (Merlin). The KA was the seed pod or husk - of the charge field emitted by coherent biology - but the BA was the actual silver seed- core of the KA - which was shot thru the speed of light, and heart of the Sun - into the (necessary for immortality) STAR INHABITING.

Advanced ceremonial magic (Ophanim / Enochian - glyphs became 'Star Gate' the movie) - uses the symmetry elements for how charge envelopes assemble into star clusters, black holes and galaxies - as their alphabet. This is a clue to how star bodies can be built and inhabited and steered. ( More on Ophanim / Enochian and star alphabets - John Dee - Golden Dawn etc. - , ). When you are ready to breathe into star bodies- then you learn how their blood circulates - stellar symmetry flow for charge MAKES the living recursive gravity wormholes you animated in the film:"Contact".

I suppose this sounds too Star Trek like for the average reader - but for even the slightly initiated shaman , kundalini, or bliss experiencer - all this is VERY REAL.

SO- to review- from a science of field effect survival viewpoint- WHAT IS SALVATION? It is the ability to escape the absolutely fatal condition of being stuck below the speed of light - and thereby the ability to insert your own charge field into star inhabiting. The SUN - from the point of view of the critical light speed inertial escape velocity - is the ONLY way in and out of here. This is part of why - all ancient "Gods" worthy of respect are called "SUN" gods. ( The same Annunaki medium grade reptilian family with DNA problems - are named in the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pantheon of Gods - there is only ONE set of them- a troubled family - but they ARE our grandparents so lets give them a break).

next question: "With Science like the Bliss Tuner can we actually teach "Salvation"

DW: We teach that the practical hygiene skills to learn to consistently attract and absorb the biologic charge (now measureable capacitively) - formerly crudely labeled spirit,chi,orgone,barrakah,spirit etc.. IS KEY TO THE ACHEIVEMENT OF ENLIGHTENMENT / SALVATION. The biggest part of this is stepping in to the personality hygiene of LIVE FOOD, LIFE IN NATURE, LIFE IN PEACEFUL MINDSET. It is true that ONE tool in helping learn this practically - is EKG coherence (HeartTuner) - and NEUROFEEDBACK - particularly getting the EEG brainwave music cascade imploding. (Please read: ). Clearly acheiving good cross hemispheric ALPHA brainwaves- followed by training in getting Golden Ratio to your Beta brainwaves - IS POWERFUL AND BLISS INDUCING. None of this is sustainable however without a good complement of the other aspects of recommended hygiene. (Live food diet, Life in Nature, Yoga, Avoid Elecktrosmog and cities). No amount of biofeedback is going to help the average white flour and stimilant addicted - angry DNA and enviornmentally poisoned urban dweller - unless they take complement steps to permit their body to do what it is desparate for: to EMBED or DIE. To be supported by your ecology - you must charge embed in its nest. Where urban canyons of electro poison swamp your biology - no whispering spirit can reach your hungry soul.

Teaching BLISS (ananda) making as a science IS about charge absorbtion - but ultimately there is no short cut for simple hygiene. The science informs you how life or death that hygiene choice is- but does not then produce a pill to swallow - or 2 minute electrical zap to fix you. No amount of miracles of modern chemisty can make the right soil for a Rose. Only REAL LIVING Earth can do it. DNA ONLY ignites when consistently embedded in REAL LIFE FORCE.

What does one then do with Buddah and or Christ and the need for a Savior?

DW: The supposed "need" for a savior was always mostly a pathetic stupidity for those who ALWAYS want "GOD" to be NOT themselves. For them - it remains- A PRIVELEGE TO BE ASSIMILATED. Wanting saviors - and therefore NOT to take responsibility for your self direction ( choosing fear not love) is like another vote for the Bush family. You see what that does for you - freedom gone - police state welcomed. Then it WILL be FUTILE TO RESIST.

Your REAL savior is simply the set of PRINCIPLES to teach you to absorb and embed in living charge. IF someone did it all FOR YOU - it could never replace the need for your inner charge field to be implosive / sucking charge and therefore SELF STEERING at the moment of Death or Dream. (It wouldn't be fun that way). The Guru need is similar. The word means- Generation of URu- ancient dragon blood. The ancient dragon blood - the best worm shapeshifter biology can design / implode , being the grail (fractal charge) - knows how to serve its own. Whom does the grail serve? ... Itself! - (Because it is able to self-refer - It / your genes - are self aware! ) The grail is the charge path into fractality which embeds in the blood / DNA during bliss / enlightenment.)

Did Christ come to be our Savior and if so, do we follow him or His Teachings? (As Krishna's Buddah's and Christ's teachings all calibrate at 1000)

DW: Even tho millions of confused books obfuscate the truth - in fact only a small amount of clear study would prove there is no historical existence of the person you call Jesus or the Christ. Most of this myth is the angry result of the Roman governments decision to create a state religion - by merging the most politically in favor religious myths of their day. This was done mostly to reduce the expense of babysitting religion wars. This is why it is called ROMAN KA-tholic. They combined - some stories about a Jewish rebel, and some Egyptian personality worship around the remnant of the Akhanaton / Tut story. ( Lawrence Gardner has adopted the story from the scholarship in "Out of Egypt", "House of the Messiah" , "Copper Scrolls" and to some extent "Bible Fraud".) The real core of the myth reduces to the intent behind the Enki genetic - whom you later called RA as in abRAham (father of all 'religions'). Enki's genetic design radiated from the PaaTaal, Ophanim, Ptah - intent to provide a humanoid remnant with enough psychokinesis to survive the Orion machine cult wars. ( 'Return of Enki'- ) As such the person you dump so much personality worship upon, would definitely not welcome that parasitic approach. As for the high genetic charge you associate with the Christ myth - that radiates largely from the blood behind Tut / Moses / Akhanaton - that is real - but that is rooted mostly in the Sirian genes behind the Ptah / Enki family - who DID and DO love the family they helped create here.

Enki came here because - his family had a nasty genetic problem ( bliss ignition and gravity making was dying in their genes- this "Fallen" condition was named NEPHALIM). He was mostly a pawn of the galaxy wars of his day - and rather a klutz of a genetic engineer. The primary interest in the resultant humanoid family (you call 'Adam & Eve') which he sired was 1) the vital force in the Cro Magnon egg he raped to put in his half sister- Draco NinHursag, and 2) he used his own (Ptah) sperm. So - from the perspective of the Orion borg (Encoder Enlil in Bible Code - Ashtar / HIERARCHY - see Hurtak) cult - this (ours) became an illegal genepool ( any genepool inviting change instead of stasis they define as weak) - something they were DETERMINED to kill ("Terminator" has some truth.). Genepools bred for harvest are not invited to inhabit and steer their local stars!@

Here might be the place to mention thousands of triangular UFO craft sightings Photo- triangular object over Belgium
- Alpha Draconis (shape of Ankor Wat and the arabic letter 'L' as in EL) inverted triangles flag is today the flag of Israel.

The more advanced Galactic Core cultures / Ophanim etc. (on the other hand - those who DID follow the prime directive interest in individual freedoms) were however very interested in maintaining the evolution of the EArth genetic - because this level of genetic diversity - some of the galaxy's best and most valuable - could produce self aware Sun God's (soul seeds) - in a magnificent new way. However - non interference gets very tricky when so many parasites are already interfering from so many stars. And now with the Sun about to toast all DNA ( read ) that cannot itself make gravity - the experiment is up - and the harvest is at hand. For this - the obsolete Jesus myth now is almost entirely a parasite ( useless - as the Andromedan's say - religion as a hygiene instructor became obsolete on Earth about 500 years ago). IF you understand the PHYSICS of what allows a wave to CRYSTAL-ize - (perfect sharing- KHEMistry of ionic/covalent bond as wave fusion) then you know PRECISELY what the CHRIST story is for. There is no higher truth - than pure symmetry as it lives like a rose - in your heart.

....By the way, what is your Take on the importance of ORME to spiritual transfiguration?, In Love, In Respect, In Thanks, David Black, Infinity Consulting, Inc.

--DW: Michael Heleus was describing how the Djin told Gurdjieff of the risks behind the "SOUL STARTER" - Gold Powder. If you make enough charge bubble to be interesting as food to the Djin - you might just get eaten. What makes you stable in the long term - is not what stimulant you eat - but what fire you can hold for yourself. An occassional homeopathic dose could be therapeutic, but the hazards.. of addiction to the Gold Powder are practically the history of every major family fall in the history of Earth (starting with St Germain). Here is a reading list from soulinvitation on Gold Powder. (from many requests).

Detoxifying self-deception - Acharya S can prove Jesus Christ never existed, and your preacher can't prove 'He' did

below Written by John Kaminski ( ) - -- reprinted here for your convenience by Implosion Group-

Once you base your whole life striving on a desperate lie, and try to implement that lie, you instrument your own undoing.
- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death - (DW: insert here - the soon approaching demise of George Bush - will be an excellent confirmation of this symmetry principle )..

It's like taking candy away from a baby. The candy's no good for the kid, but it will take him many years and much learning to realize the favor you did for him. In the meantime he'll whine about how mean you were and how wrong it was to do that. But when he's a healthy adult, because of the very thing you took away, he may actually develop the judgment and wisdom to thank you for what you did. In any case, he'll be much healthier.

So too with beliefs. If you believe in magic, that some special phrase will keep you safe from harm in all situations and even immunize you from death, you can't help but fail to perceive the true reality of the world before your eyes - that all things must pass, even though subtle aspects of us may journey onward through our offspring.

It's a beautiful system when you think about it, one that governs every living thing in the known universe. And every living thing is more than satisfied with it - in fact, prospers in its vital joy because of it - except one. Us.

Humans, normally very discerning in every aspect of their infinitely varied lives, possess absolutely no standards at all when it comes to one subject - death. It is often said that instinct is stronger than reason, and in all the realms of human endeavor, nowhere is this more evident than in the amusingly inventive strategies humans develop to pretend they don't really die.

The secondmost common human trait after survival is the urge to prosper and be secure, so it should come as no surprise that, very early on in our history, perceptive and enterprising people, upon recognizing this universal human need to deny that we die, rushed to develop and market products that satisfied the public demand to alleviate this fear. Every culture ever known to man left significant traces of this spiritual commerce.

You know the argument. Can we live our lives and accept that nothing follows? Or must we deceive ourselves and invent, with the power of our infinite imaginations, a way past this daunting wall of mortality. Well, the answer's in, and the human species has clearly opted for the unprovable hope. But exactly what is the price of this willful self-deception?

This is no attempt to demean many thousands of years of honest effort by sincere people to distill lessons essential to healthy living into practical codes of conduct that reinforce the cause of harmony and provide useful paths to peace of mind. But given the nature of our affliction, of the terror of death we all have that needs to be repressed for our own tranquility, it is not difficult to understand how those who wield these secret formulas for happiness might just be tempted to exploit them for their own selfish purposes. It's called the temptation of power, and I don't think I need to explain it to you.

Furthermore, given that this problem has a higher priority than any other we face in our entire lives, and also that to each of us, the effectiveness of the cure is far more important than the actual legitimacy of the method, this leaves us - as we know from history - with a situation ripe for exploitation.

Lastly, there is the little matter of actually knowing the secrets of the universe. This we consign to the province of priests, and we pay them to make us happy, to make up a story that ties up all these loose, bleak ends which we don't want to think about. But what if these beliefs hurt us in ways we don't realize. Even as they may make us comfortable with simple tales that magically explain everything, do we really understand what the concepts of communion and resurrection really mean in terms of how we relate to our neighbors and our world? What is the danger when logic is subsumed by the magic of religious belief?

First, we must understand the process by which people think.

There is alluring evidence that ancient cultures actually possessed much more realistic religions than our own contemporary society. And they were developed by studying the sky. During the day, it was obvious that all life depended on the beneficent properties of the Sun. And during the fearful night, humans studied the stars for their cues to survival, and projected their own thoughts onto these phenomena. These two things form the basis of all existing religions, according to Acharya S.

How do people think? We anthropomorphize everything. It is how we learned to understand things. We talk to our plants and our stuffed animals. We give them names. Thus is it has always been, with all perceived phenomena. This is how stars became people, or at least animals. From Amun Ra, piloting his boat of heaven across the sky all those centuries ago, to the Great Bear, whom we still see every night.

The Sun became Krishna. The moon Inanna. Their setting and disappearance created new gods reborn daily, or monthly or yearly. They all got names, different ones, depending on where you lived. Osiris. Tammuz. Orpheus. Mithra. Millions of names. Millennia passed. One day, after thousands of years of war and peace, of fighting and loving, of civilizations rising and falling, suddenly, after a Roman conclave of regional movers and shakers, the approved deity's name became Jesus. And he was still the Sun, and his disciples were the stars (the twelve signs of the Zodiac, actually).

Or so Acharya says, and I believe her. Why? Because it's logical. It's actual history. And though still myth, it is empirical rather than manipulative, a causative explanation rather than the magic trick of some unfathomable man who showed up one day and claimed he was God to people who wrote it all down and put it in a book called the Bible.

That's the short version. The long version is two thousand years of suppressed scholarship, kept secret because it simply didn't gibe with the propaganda organized religions produce to attract and addict adherents to their own particular interpretation of cosmic events and everyday life. But this more scientific explanation has always been out there, and reasonable, thinking people, who aren't blinded by their own fear and cowed by their own self-inflicted spiritual gurus, have always known about it.

And Acharya S. has gathered it, folded it neatly and logically into two encyclopedic volumes of scholarly excellence. These are titled "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold" (1999) and "Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled" (2004). Both are published by Adventures Unlimited Press <>

Look at the world today. Endless wars, festering hatreds, a multitude of government lies telling us the world is one way when we suspect that's not really the way it is. We should listen to our own voices and not blindly accept the smug statements of "authority" figures. How did we learn to do that? Guess. Just take a wild guess.

This story is not about taking your God away. Only an idiot would insist that men created the sunset, the orbits of the planets, or baby drool. This story is about analyzing the terminology you use to explain the way you see your life and the universe. And most of all, it is about the lies we have been told to keep us in our mental chains while those who control us - our preachers, priests, rabbis, mullahs, lamas and other assorted "holy" men - reinforce fear, abet slaughter, and profit mightily from the conspicuous lies that they promote as sacred gospel.

Sorry to be so blunt. You need to pay attention to this. The future of human society depends on your understanding what you are reading at this moment, and even that is kind of an understatement.

To our contemporary Christianized Western minds, the most astonishing thing Acharya S. proves beyond doubt in her two scholarly tomes is that the much-revered personality known as Jesus Christ is a completely contrived fictional character, and that Christianity has no substance whatsoever that was not stolen
- created whole cloth out of pagan myths and traditions - from many of the world's more ancient religions.

How does she prove this?

· By telling you about the many other "saviors" who existed prior to the creation of Jesus, many of whom were born in late December of virgin mothers and were of divine origin, most of whom performed miracles, held high morals, healed the sick, were the catalysts for salvation, were called "Savior" or "Redeemer," and were crucified; whose legends all contain elements that were later plagiarized by unscrupulous Roman plutocrats when they got together to construct the Jesus myth as a method to usurp and unify preexisting creeds to better control their diverse and obstreperous masses.

· By analyzing all the contributions of known writers of that ancient time, through decades of study of the works of skeptical historians who have been researching this hoax for centuries, and observing that virtually none of these early historians ever mentions Christ or Christians, except for the works of a special few, and deeper analysis reveals these works to have been tinkered with, or outright fabricated, for the benefit of the manipulative politicians who created the most powerful mindlock human society has ever known.

· And by providing a detailed and accurate portrait of the actual evolution of religious myth, with a clear explanation of how all messiahs are merely anthropomorphic representations of the Sun, and how all the other mythological supporting characters, particularly when they are described in groups of 12, are merely personalities projected onto the stars.

This, not the debunking of the Jesus myth, is the overarching value of the book, and makes Acharya, in my sincere estimation, the ranking religious philosopher of our age, simply because she cuts through the sanctimonious crap and deals empirically and forthrightly with the facts.

But more than that, in this age of deliberate disinformation and mass mind control, the works of Acharya provide those who wish to think deeply about the nature of the human condition with a startling survey of priestly misbehavior and deliberate deception, which is what religion really is - a magic show that exploits people's need for answers to unanswerable questions.

As such, her works furnish us with an essential tool to help us understand why we are powerless against an onslaught of facile mass media that keep telling us things we know are not true. What the state does the church first perfected with threats, violence, and forcing us to believe in our inmost hearts things that were never true.

But it's the Jesus argument that gets everybody's attention.

Or, as Acharya puts it, " ... there is no evidence for the historicity of the Christian founder, that the earliest Christian proponents were as a whole either utterly credulous or astoundingly deceitful, and that said 'defenders of the faith' were compelled under incessant charges of fraud to admit that Christianity was a rehash of older religions."

Let's start with legendary figures of far greater antiquity whose attributes appear to uncannily resemble the much later legend known as Jesus Christ.

"The Jesus story incorporated elements from the tales of other deities recorded in this widespread area of the ancient world, including several of the following world saviors, most or all of whom predate the Christian myth," Acharya writes.

These include (and I'll edit this list, because it's very long)

· Adad and Marduk of Assyria.
· Adonis, Aesclepius, Apollo, Dionysus, Heracles, and Zeus of Greece.
· Alcides of Thebes, divine redeemer born of a virgin around 1200 BCE.
· Attis of Phyrgia.
· Baal or Bel of Babylon/Phoenicia.
· Buddha and Krishna of India.
· Hermes of Egypt/Greece.
· Hesus of the Druids.
· Horus, Osiris, and Serapis of Egypt.
· Indra of Tibet/India.
· Ieo of China.
· Issa of Arabia, born of the Virgin Mary in 400 BCE.
· Jupiter/Jove of Rome.
· Mithra of Persia/India.
· Odin/Wodin/Woden/Wotan of Scandinavia.
· Prometheus of Caucasus/Greece.
· Quetzalcoatl of Mexico.
· Salivahana of southern India, "who was a divine child, born of a virgin, and son of a carpenter."
· Tammuz of Syria, the savior god worshipped in Jerusalem.
· Thor of the Gauls.
· Zoroaster of Persia.

Attis of Phrygia was born on December 25 of the Virgin Nana, and considered the savior who was slain for the salvation of mankind. His body as bread was eaten by his worshippers. He was crucified on a tree, descended into the underworld and was resurrected annually on March 25 as the "most high god," many centuries before Christianity was invented.

Buddha was born on December 25 of the virgin Maya, and his birth was accompanied by a special star, wise men and angels. He was baptized in water with the holy ghost present. He was resurrected and will return in the "latter days" to judge all men. His legends extend back more than a thousand years before Christ.

The Greek god of wine was actually a savior (as any drinker will tell you). Dionysus, born of a virgin, who rode in a triumphal procession on an ass, is considered by some scholars as the prototype of Christ.

The real model for all saviors, according to Acharya, was the Egyptian god Osiris. Quoting Barbara Walker, from "The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets" (Harpers, 1983):

Of all the savior gods worshipped at the beginning of the Christian era, Osiris may have contributed more details to the evolving Christ figure than any other. Already very old in Egypt, Osiris was identified with nearly every other Egyptian god and was on the way to absorbing them all. He had well over 200 divine names. He was called the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, God of Gods. He was the Resurrection and the Life, the Good Shepherd, Eternity and Everlastingness, "the god who made men and women to be born again." (Sir Wallis) Budge (once the preeminent Egyptologist) says, "From first to last, Osiris was to the Egyptians the god-man who suffered, and died, and rose again, and reigned eternally in heaven. They believed that they would inherit eternal life, just as he had done ...

Some claim Osiris lived up to 22,000 years ago. Acharya writes:

As Col. James Churchward naively exclaims, "The teachings of Osiris and Jesus are wonderfully alike. Many passages are identically the same, word for word."

Acharya also exhaustively compares the details of Krishna and Mithra, as well as Prometheus, Quetzalcoatl, and Serapis. The reader soon begins to realize that all these stories the same. Conclusion?

It is evident that Jesus Christ is a mythical character based on these various ubiquitous godmen and universal saviors who were part of the ancient world for thousands of years prior to the Christian era.

Now, once you realize that, you know you have to prepare for the onslaught of true believers, who, when you mention that Jesus was a fictional character, are going to come at you with every verbal weapon they have retained during their misguided and propagandized lives.

The Bible is not a valid historical document. It is work of political and philosophical propaganda, designed to deceive and control, and take advantage of people's need to have answers to questions that really have no answers, as far as human perception is concerned.

Often, fundamentalist Christians try to cite classical historical sources to buttress their unshakable belief that Jesus resurrected and (according to George Bush and the neocons) will return one day to blow up Jerusalem and lead his followers to a pleasant destination in the sky.

This may be the most valuable aspect of Acharya's work. She considers the name of every known historian of the period and explains why what Christian fanatics insist they said can't possibly be accurate.

Using thousands of footnotes from serious scholars over the many centuries, Acharya deftly explains all the revisions, interpolations and forgeries that allow some of the diehard faithful to argue that there actually is historical evidence of the existence of Jesus - when in fact there is not.

All the great first century historians - Pliny the Elder and Younger, Suetonius, Dio Chrysostom, Livy, Petronius, Plutarch, Seneca and many others whose works are still extant - never make any mention of the founder of Christianity.

Even though he lived in Jerusalem during the time Jesus was supposed to have existed, the well-known Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria never mentions Christ or Christianity even once. Acharya quotes religious scholar John Remsburg about Philo:

He was there when the crucifixion with its attendant earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead took place, and in the presence of many witnesses ascended into heaven. These marvelous events which must have filled the world with amazement, had they really occurred, were unknown to him.

The well-traveled Philo had pleaded the Jewish cause in Rome, knew of Pilate, the Essenes and the Therapeuts, yet never once mentioned Jesus or Christians.

As Acharya surmised: "One would think that if ... Jesus had suddenly appeared in Philo's homeland, during his life, when he was a sentient adult, Philo would not only have noticed but would have jumped for joy, and written reams about the glorious event, seeing the promises and prophecies of Israel fulfilled. It could not be more obvious that nothing of the sort happened during Philo's lifetime."

But most Christian apologists don't even know about Philo. The one historian they most often use to legitimize their claims that Jesus Christ was an actual historical personage is Flavius Josephus. And Acharya devotes a considerable amount of space demolishing those claims.

Josephus (37-95 CE) is the most famous Jewish historian of the time. Acharya writes:

... in the entire work of Josephus, which constitute many volumes of great detail encompassing centuries of history, there is no mention of Paul or the Christians, and there are only two brief paragraphs that purport to relate to Jesus. Although much has been made of these "references," they have been dismissed by scholars and Christian apologists alike as forgeries ...

Many scholars investigating the matter believe that single mention of Jesus in all of the works Josephus was forged - interpolated - centuries later by an unscrupulous Christian named Bishop Eusebius.

In her second book, Acharya recounts the analysis of Bible expert Dr. Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768):

Mattathias, the father of Josephus, must have been a witness to the miracles which are said to have been performed by Jesus, and Josephus was born within two years after the crucifixion, yet in all the works he says nothing whatever about the life or death of Jesus Christ; as for the interpolated passage it is now universally acknowledged to be a forgery.

But perhaps the most curious episode Acharya covers involves the Roman historian Tacitus, whose oft-cited passage about Nero persecuting the Christians is revealed as a fraud. And that leads to an interesting story so typical of the questionable construction of the Christian myth.

It seems that this particular mention by Tacitus, who lived in the first century CE, does not appear in literature until the 15th century, because numerous scholars have noted that not even the most ardent Christian apologists ever mentioned it until then. But that's not the worst part.

Perhaps the quintessential bogus reproduction of a classical source for devious Christian purposes resides the famous passage in "The Annals" by Tacitus that describes Nero blaming Christians for the burning of Rome. Unfortunately for the Roman church's propaganda machine, numerous experts have deduced that since neither Eusebius nor Tertullian nor any of the other devoted church fathers knew of the existence of this passage - because they surely would have mentioned it because it was so vividly sympathetic to their cause - it is likely that this entire book - The Annals of Tacitus, which is a staple of some classical libraries - is a 15th century forgery about a 1st century event meant to improve the nonexistent historical veracity of the Christian church.

But the history of real religion, ah, that's a different and happier story. Acharya quotes Indian scholar S. B. Roy from his "Prehistoric Lunar Astronomy":

To the ancients ... heaven was the land of gods and mystery. The sky - the Dyaus of the Rig Veda - was itself living. The stars were the abodes of the gods. The shining stars were indeed themselves luminous gods. Astronomy was the knowledge of not of heavenly bodies, but of heavenly beings.

"Astronomical or astrotheological knowledge reaches back to the dawn of humanity, appearing widespread and becoming highly developed over a period of millennia," Acharya writes, and after a thorough examination of the subject, concludes:

The church fathers and other Christian writers also acknowledged this astrotheology and its antiquity, but denigrated it as much as possible. Why? ... the knowledge about astrotheology would reveal the Christians' own religion to be Pagan in virtually every significant aspect .... the restoration of this knowledge is not to be despaired but rejoiced.


The Christian religion - as well as its monotheistic cousins, Judaism and Islam - are all based on primitive vestiges from a dim past that certainly most of their adherents do not adequately understand and doubtless many of its top officials do not comprehend, either. These are cannibalism and child sacrifice.

The tangent to cannibalism can be clearly seen in the act of Holy Communion, in which the faithful are urged to swallow "the body of Christ." The example of child sacrifice occurs in the myth of "God" supposed sending his only son into the corporeal realm only to be tortured and murdered. This has always sounded to me like deep cover conditioning to indoctrinate believing dupes into being willing to die, or sending their children off to die, for their blessed country.

I don't know of any literature that adequately analyzes the psychological ramifications of these two symbolically barbaric acts. But I do know that billions of people have participated in these crazed rituals and based their lives on the veneration of them. And we see too clearly the results of the belief paradigm in the senseless murder of billions over the century generated by the blind and savage faith in this supposedly holy cause.

Though there are infinite examples, the two that initially come to mind are the centuries of slaughter in the Western hemisphere by Spanish conquistadores and British pioneers who regarded different-looking fellow humans as mere animals eligible for thoughtless extermination. And now, there are the perverse rape- murders of innocent Iraqis by drug-addled and uranium-poisoned American, British and Israeli heroes. Same ballgame, different day - every single bit of it directly attributable to this bloodthirsty Judeo-Christian legacy.

And I also know one other important thing in these matters. When you live your life convinced that reality is a certain way and base your life on it, your life will turn out to be exactly what you believe. I believe there is a direct connection between the great Christian lie that you will survive death if you do what the priest says, and the everpresent reality of violence in the world.

The church teaches you to believe in the infallibility of what its leaders say, and to follow their orders no matter what, or you will roast in the fires of hell. History shows us, clearly, that no matter what denomination, the church fathers have lied terribly and caused billions of needless deaths. This lying, sanctimoniously emulated by government leaders - be they kings or presidents - has transferred this supernatural authority to the secular realm, and allowed our leaders to dupe their populations into endless killing for what our leaders said was right, but for what were ultimately deceitful reasons because they were based on deliberate lies. Just like the Christian religion, and its monotheistic cousins.

The population's willingness to believe these lies relates directly to what their holy men told them - believe this, or you will suffer in hell for eternity.
What you believe is what you become, and this attitude engendered by the Christian church and its maniacal monotheistic counterparts have, with their transparent lies that have been swallowed by millions of gullible people, lived up to the impotent threats of their insincere promises by creating hell on earth to convince you that they are right.

This holy mindlock has never been more obvious - nor more lethal - than it is today, in the year 2005, in which a despotic U.S. president who insists he talks to God has killed and is killing hundreds of thousands people all over the world, for reasons that anyone with a whit of sense knows are lies.

The two voluminous, solidly referenced works of the woman known only as Acharya S - "The Christ Conspiracy" and "Suns of God" - provide a valuable first step for many bewildered believers who have come to disbelieve the doubletalk of their religious leaders in detoxifying the self-deceptive misinformation that most of us have been bombarded with throughout our lives.

This knowledge has always been known, but it has been suppressed by the spin machine that organized religion, conferring its corrupt grace on tyrants for centuries, has always censored. The real picture of our misguided Christian believer was probably best expressed by St. Augustine himself all those long and agonizing years ago, in this passage recounted by Acharya S:

... one of the most famed and respected Christian doctors was St. Augustine, who "stakes his eternal salvation" on his assertion that he preached the gospel to "a whole nation of men and women, who had no heads, but had their eyes in their bosoms."

· · ·

Footnote: Just who exactly is Acharya S and why is she so hard to find? Really, it's because of the persecution she has been forced to endure because of her work. Right now, not even her publisher knows where she is. She has gone underground after several unpleasant incidents during the past few years, one of which was the kidnapping of her son, a crime that was happily resolved after some period of intense stress that may have involved a well-known New Age guru.

A study in contradictions, Acharya S is obviously a nom de plume for an archeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist who has the qualifications, courage, and integrity to so professionally and thoroughly debunk the collective religious spin machine. But to talk to Acharya S is markedly different than reading her work, about the like the difference between a biker chick and a college professor, leading some to speculate if the rough-edged radical and the creator of the meticulously argued and scholarly tomes which bear her name are actually the same person.

Nevertheless, her two meticulously footnoted books present the lay reader and professional historian alike with a stark assessment of the outright lies the Christian church has told about its namesake. You can order the books from or find out more about Acharya at

If you read these books, it's extremely doubtful you'll ever go to church again. And if you do, you must carry with you the reverberating question: What happens to you when you know that what you have believed in the deepest recesses of your own heart is false?

All this time, in the name of a bogus magic formula stolen from others and renamed with lie upon lie, billions have been slaughtered, and billions more about to be. Open your eyes, for the real God's sake, for the beauty of this universe that gives us life, that does not distinguish between man or beast, but gives everything that breathes this exquisite gift, with only one, single string attached - a string attached to everything that lives.


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida and writes essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world. These stories have been collected into two anthologies, "America's Autopsy Report" and "The Perfect Enemy." In addition, "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," is a 48-page booklet written for those who still believe the government's phony version of the events of that tragic day. For information on his books, check out