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"Dan Winter's background includes: graduate studies in psychophysiology and biofeedback, specifically the relationship of our heart's harmonics to love. He spends most of his time traveling globally teaching Sacred Geometry. His current teachings teach the nature of Embedability and Compassion - symmetry of the Heart's turning. A short biographical shetch of Dan Winter shows that he is a respected physicist, psychophysiologist, author, musician, computer wizard, and polygraphic researcher. Graduating with honors in psychology from the University of Detroit, Dan pursued graduate studies in psychophysiology and the Origin of Languages. In addition to his academic background, he has worked as a Systems Analysts with IBM, industrial metallurgist and Crystallographer. He has undertaken many diverse studies, from quantum physics to modeling at the MIT space lab. Dan is an accomplished keyboard artist, and was once a church organist and choir Director, all before reaching high school. Dan's work in recent years has focussed on demonstrating through a stunning array of computer graphics, the way in which the musical waveforms associated with emotions (called sentics) turn out to embed pure geometry. Among his many projects, Dan is developing a new breakthrough theory on gravity. His theory may provide clues on how to arrange magnetic long waves to repair the gravity fabric and retain Atmosphere. Currently Dan is a consultant on multimedia and virtual reality computer animation projects and travels and lectures around the world. He teaches Heart COHERENCE with HeartTuner ( ) - and the role of BLISS and PASSION in creating immune health, and sustainable DNA.
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About Dan Winter
Dan Winter's background is as multi-faceted as his viewpoint.
Graduating with honors from the University of Detroit, Dan pursued
graduate studies in psychophysiology and the origin of languages.
In addition to his academic background, he has worked as a Systems
Analyst with IBM, an industrial metallurgist and crystallographer.
He has undertaken many diverse studies, from quantum physics to
modeling at the MIT space lab to developing the early biofeedback
prototype equipment as Dr. Albert Axe's protégé.
Widely traveled, Dan has sojourned to study at the Gurdjieff School
of sacred gymnastics, in Florence with Buckminster Fuller, the
Gizah pyramids, Israel, the Andes and at Findhorn.
Dan is an accomplished keyboard artist, and was once a church
organist and choir director, all before reaching high school.
He delights in playing computer keyboard music using sonic samples
taken from biological events -- heart sounds, whale and dolphin
songs, etc. His creative side emerges as playfulness with ideas
which can be shared at different levels.
In the 1980's, he founded an alternative newspaper entitled the
"Network of Light". He established a learning center
experiment in collective bio-harmony called "Crystal Hill
Farm." At Crystal Hill, Dan's extensive network grew as he
hosted conferences with a prolific list of presenters on varied
topics from sacred geometry to sustainable ecosystems. He maintained
an elaborate computer/music/video facility where his computer
animated videos on sacred geometry and "new age" physics
evolved. While directing Crystal Hill, Dan was Vice-President
and Technical Director of S-S Electric, Inc. in Buffalo, which
markets his engineered 3 Phase Conversion motor technology around
the country.
By the early nineties, Dan relocated in the Blue Ridge Mountains
and founded the San Graal School of Sacred Geometry and the Biodome
Healing Center located in Waynesville, North Carolina. He has
helped inspire many projects, including the group Planet heart
biofeedback; the "Timeless Architecture" conference
series with Henry MacLean; The Reviving Ancient Wisdoms Conference
and Compendium with The Fifth Way Mystery School.
Through the years, Dan has lectured on the evolution of consciousness,
sacred geometry and coherent emotion at many national and international
conferences. His theories in coherent emotion inspired the notable
research at Millard Fillmore Hospital in Buffalo and the Heart
Math Institute in California in the mid-nineties. Results published
by Dr. Glen Rein provided conclusive evidence supporting Dan's
heart entrainment theories. The effect of coherent ordering of
the Heart harmonics during the feeling of compassion was measured
replicably effecting the braiding/ the programming of DNA.
The "Heart Beat Earth Project" for global coherence
is a dream which Dan believes can "teach self awareness"
using the internet as a tool. Through the use of a biofeedback
devise connected to a home computer, the heartbeat at the moment
of compassion registers a specific frequency signature that possesses
very special properties. This frequency, or wave, can add and
multiply itself infinitely and non-destructively, and can be experienced
outside oneself. His experiments with humans sending love to trees
have shown that the trees respond at a distance by entraining
and aligning in phase to the heart, capacitively, at moments of
peak emotion. This indeed tends to confirm that our choices to
FEEL coherently may be our best leverage on fabricating ecoystems,
perhaps ultimately surpassing the strength of bulldozers in shaping
our world!
As thousands of hearts are connected, a database records and displays
heartbeats registering the signature for compassion (via the Internet).
By focusing our collective intention through compassion around
the planet, the evidence suggests many possibilities, such as
atmospheric repair and stabilization. This concept demonstrates
the collective power of how hearts entrained with the feeling
of compassion can reshape our world, a truly empowering phenomenon
and perhaps a turning point in our conscious evolution. Dan is
seeking investment capital for developing the "Heartbeat
Earth Project" and a suite of interactive biofeedback computer
games for children using this principle.
Dan draws on many sources, including science, mythology, popular
culture, and even channeled information, looking for ideas about
the deep connectedness of all things and how the profound nature
of our oneness can be approached from architecture or art, math
or biology, electronics/computers or myth. With a powerful sense
of the bridges between worlds, Dan has a talent for both poetry
and rigor in his language and his twinkling eyes energy.
Among his many projects, Dan is developing a new breakthrough
theory on gravity. He believes recursive nesting in field geometries
is what creates the implosion "magnetic monopole" wind
centering force we call gravity, and thus provides the clue on
how to arrange magnetic long waves to repair gravity fabric and
restore atmosphere retention. This also suggests how ONLY LOVE
of the heart's electricity accompanying the learned and teachable
skill of choosing compassion, ay indeed be the centering force
which ultimately makes even star birth's self-referrent and therefore
Currently, Dan is a consultant on multimedia and virtual reality
computer animation projects and travels and lectures around the
world. He has produced over 50 videotapes on numerous subjects.
Lecture/Workshop Topics
Dan travels with multimedia presentations available for young people or advanced students, on...
Sacred Geometry & The Physics of Consciousness,
The Musical Shapes of Emotion,
The Unified Field as Symmetry,
Grid Dynamics and the Evolution of a Planetary Consciousness.
Currently he uses the worlds most advanced travelling multimedia presentation tools. He brings real time heart harmonics sprectrum analysis. Groups can watch the change in the hearts music interactively
as feeling fills the room. He brings over 15 gigs of cd animations.
He tells the story of recursion or embedding being the precise geometry of compassion, and being the genesis of gravity, and being the wave nature of self-awareness itself. He shows how harmonics in the body and in planets create this fractal nestedness, in order for human emotion to gain specfic wave mechanical leverage on ecosystems, and eventually starsystems!
The Physics of Consciousness a one day workshop with Dan Winter
psychophysiologist, physicist, author, inventor, lecturer
featuring...the sacred geometry of love, time travel & zero point, wormholes & songline, fractals & chaos, DNA Grail archetypes, ET DNA origins, phase coherent heart harmonics, earth grid engineering, ecosystem regeneration ,compassion & self awareness, angels, magnetism & the , formation of galaxies, immortality through recursion, new gravitational theories, some info is preliminary, email for details on specific events in your area (
Dan Winter - Sacred Geometry and Magnetism: The Wind on Which Love Travels.
A scientist might explain Feng Shui to an eight-year-old by saying,
"Wherever magnetism gets dizzy, so do the flowers and the people." It turns out that magnetic lines are what teach cells how to braid DNA into shape, and human glands how to make the fires of passion. Sacred Geometry shows how each time two lines cross, they have to either figure out how to distribute and share their pressures or self-destruct. The result of this test for "shareability" is called symmetry. Dan will be demonstrating these principles with over 15 computer-generated animations.
Dan Winter is a physicist, psychologist, sacred geometry teacher, author, musician, computer wizard, and polygraphic teacher. His teaching aids include fascinating multimedia animations. He produces internationally distributed videos on topics including sacred geometry, electromagnetic fields, ecosystem regeneration and geomancy.
Dan working with Professor Phil Callahan of "Tuning in
to Nature"
PSYCHIC KIDS!, 11yr old Llael, Channels Dolphins on Earth Changes Web page from Llael for "star children"kids who are waking up spiritually to find each other, and also for dolphin and earth change channeling
The Mathematics of Self-Awareness: - A Proposal For A Global Media Self-Awareness Feedback Project.
Dan Winter is a physicist, psychophysiologist, sacred geometry teacher, author, musician, computer wizard, and polygraphic researcher. A former systems analyst with IBM, he is well known for his computer animations of sacred geometry. At Crystal Hill MultiMedia, he produces internationally distributed videos on topics including sacred geometry, electromagnetic fields, geomancy, the physics of consciousness, and coherent emotion to mention a few. He has measured the EKG power spectra becoming musical at the moment of love, and then braiding environments by entraining a tree! Through his work, Magnetic domain "donuts" and fractal "recursive nesting" have become a new model for gravity and self-awareness.
Lecture/Workshop Topics
Geometry and Magnetism: The Wind on Which Love Travels.
A Talk on Earth Energy and Feng Shui by Dan Winter
A scientist might explain Feng Shui to an eight year old by saying:... "wherever magnetism gets dizzy, so do the flowers and the people". It turns out that magnetic lines are what teach cells how to braid DNA into shape, and human glands how to make the fires of passion. A great magnetic house healer friend of mine, Gary Skillen in Canada is famous for figuring out who is sick in the house before anyone tells him, by just making a little magnetic map of the lines crossing each persons bed!
Sacred Geometry comes in because, each time two lines cross they have to either figure out how to distribute and share their pressures, OR self destruct. The result of the test for "share-ability" is called symmetry. Did you ever wonder why dowsers always find only an ODD number of magnetic lines cross, never an EVEN number? It is the same reason that on all the "Platonic Solids".. you know those octas and dodecas and icosas and such.. you will NEVER find an even number of stick edges connected. Here we play our famous "star mother" computer animation showing ALL the solids nested one inside the other. It turns out that the ratio between the edges of the outer pent based solids.. re-penting to be saved.. is ALL Golden Mean ratio. (.618 etc..) This is a key to magnetism as well.
This nesting turns out to be a very loving embrace, because it is the same for the "dodecahedral" shape of DNA's "wratchet" down a helix, the shape of earth grid, and zodiac..(animation here). And what's more, when we look at the frequency music coming from the human heart at the time people feel the rush of compassion, it has the SAME ratio's! Here we demonstrate our new ekg biofeedback heartlink, it's called "EMBED-ABILITY" Monitor. We named it because all waves, and eggs, and people, and stars, survive in their world to the extent they learn how to embed themselves. We now know the exact geometry of perfect embedding. It is teachable, and it a real key to Feng Shui.
Perfect nesting or embedding is like the layers of an onion, or a heart within a heart. When our dna, and glands, and back yards, and earth grid, become "embedable", their magnetism becomes compressible and shareable. Here we play an animation showing the Medical literature on how when a heartbeat becomes "fractal" or well nested or embedable, it actually treats most EVERY chronic disease (Irving Dardik MD.). This heart music has magnetic lines which look EXACTLY like the Sufi Heart with wings rotating (animation), and looks like a magnetic map of sacred places (Templar etc.) all over Europe! (animation).
So the word "sacred" is just a name for a wave that is so shareable that it lasts forever. Making a map to this "sustainable architecture for waves" is really in principle, the true HEART of Feng Shui.
Grail in the Blood: The Geometry of Implosion in DNA
Compassion induced genetic braiding vs. "Her-storicity" of the Holy Grail/Orion queen/Magdalenic bloodline. A pilgrimage of ET recombinant family ties which circles the globe examining the Reverend Mother Myth, (Dune & queen memory transmission) as well as the meaning of "skull and bones" and the "grail" as a "golden fleece" container for spin in blood.
Emotion, Magnetism & Music as a Lexicon of Shape
Understanding the projective wave geometry of human emotion shows us how to reach between worlds. A look at the Sentic literature and the massaging of emotion in music, this lecture is also a humorous history of psychophysiology's endeavor to electrically describe emotion.
Sacred Geometry of Planetary Grids: Creating Gravity by Imploding Charge
Magnetic spin alignments use dolmen (pyramids etc.) at tetra symmetry points to phase lock the planet's spin fractally into the zodiacal spin -- stabilizing gravity and holding atmosphere. This demonstrates the role of emotion in feeding and creating gravity systems. Templar zodiac fractal landscape design and the Ophanim agenda of repairing the fabric of time -- inhabiting time requires recursion, as in the spiral calendar.
ET's, Logoi, & Angel Stories: A Brief History of Time Cocoons
Aku vs. Draku in the history of Egypt. The Ophanim, "whirling ones," "lords of time" or "bird tribes", are the common indigenous roots of an angelic agenda -- Lucifer vs Ahriman, reptile vs monkey, humanoid vs draco. Gene splicing, UFO abductions and the attempt to get soul tornadoes braided into DNA. How the evolution of time tunnel, and solar nexus, occurs at Earth, during phase lock of the galactic great cross, and the need for the DNA Diaspora to regather here to test if they can emerge from their quarantine time bubble.
Sacred Geometric Keys to Lucid Dreaming, Dowsing, and Bardo Navigation
Role of DNA coherence in those who could navigate "factor" the time chair at Montauk. Geometry of eternality and the symmetry operations in the "Kluver" form constants reported by psychedelic & near death experiencers and their parallels in Jung. Intent vs. the physics of steering waves in the dreamspell: How the synaptic harmonic density participates in the field effect of the dream's spell. How the practical ability to move remembered senses in the lucid dream determines memory survival during time implosion. And what this has to do with the spin your DNA eats each time you choose to feel joy and compassion.
Physics, Chemistry & Quanta as Recursion Geometry in Jello.
Looking at the unified field as one long squeeze function. A Platonic history of the atomic tables, focusing on Leadbeater, Illert, and Moon. Moving toward valence recursion highlights the fractal relationship of electron to nuclear arrays, and the creation of gravity by the resultant implosion. Meaning of magnetic monopole as the scalar cascade to gravity and why modeling recursion/implosion is the key to understanding Einstein's dilemma: how hole black holes bend time. Five spins inside seven spins as the inside out symmetry of: Anu & therefore hydrogen, heart, the heart of the sun, Solomon's temple, the Enochian Sigil of Truth, and dodeca/icosa systems in general.
Story of Gold: The Geometer of Pure Intention.
Exploring gold in the blood, "manna," and valence implosion vs. immune health. The fractality of atomic shell structure reveals a geometric history of alchemy. Gold veins and atmosphere retention; gold as the arbiter of pure intention, and the psychological initiations required for gold eaters are also examined.
Computer Animation the Geometries of Creation.
Confessions of a multimedia addict. Internet propagating, 3D software, perspectives on "Flicker" and the Templar origins of filmmaking. The web and the CIA (Collective Intuitive Awareness.) The eye is fooled from many to one at just over 16 frames per second. When do Many become One in general? And is the medium the message? Spiritual advice for Computer Users.
Practicum for Emoting.
Breath of tetra into dodeca, making a merkabbah, the meaning of 32 degrees to the mark of pressure, the breath of perfect damping spin path to zero point. One breath ratio: the path from fear to love in a gasp. Alternating nostrils -- the male/female hot/cold of right/left hemisphere breathing.
Touch: the Sentic Squeeze -- joy, anger, and love in the human hug.
How to touch a violin string so that it makes you cry. Introduction to heart harmonic biofeedback. The feeling of turning yourself inside out, feeling outside self as if it were inside, revealed in the music of the EKG. When does the charge around your heart inhabit a plant or a tree, and why?
Daniel Winter, multi-disciplinary inventor and former Systems Analyst at IBM with a clinical background in the psychophysiology of emotion, offers an unique viewpoint in his lectures and workshops. Dan's insightful use of word play and unusual ideas from a wide variety of sources makes science come alive. Dan currently is a mullti-media producer of 3D computer animations for educational videos.
Earth may never be more hungry than now for detailed ideas from science which bridge mind and matter. Medicine and biology are needing to understand more than ever how emotion and feeling effect immunity and health.
Fundamental physics in the quandry of charm and resonance MUST ask what is the role of mind in a universe woven of wave. From "Chaos Management" to "Catastrophe theory", we need to know: is every bridge between a tiny world and a vast one, a fractal? Is consciousness that "attractor", that "vortex"?
What is it about focus and stillness, which make stability in a universe of flow? Does attention/mind create in wave, by focus alone?
We can now have compassion for a universe of wave which as "chaos" is not just "managed" but "sensitive". For when the feedback of symmetry among the pressure bubbles we call matter dances into focus, in that " nest", order is self-replicating, disorder is self-cancelling.
One other shape is self-organizing: the golden mean spiral.
We have the clues to imagine how the optical hologram we call vision in the higher cortex gets enough phase-discipline/coherence/density to bend light and make matter.
Ecstatic process and emotional coherence, are the mechanics of conductivity for this creative light-bending activity, this biological kindergarden for great beings.