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Dan Winter, founder of Crystal Hill Farm and driving force behind exciting work
in sacred geometry with physical applications for healing, has now written a book, One
Crystal's Dance: The Star Mother: Geometric Keys to the Resonant Spirit of Biology. He
presented some of his ideas at the "Love's Light is Awakening" International Conference in
Geneseo, New York, during the week of August 2, 1987. During five sessions, offered one a
day through the week, Dan developed a basis for understanding the role mind plays in
metabolism, from atomic to cellular to planetary level. Information for this article is based
on notes from one day's workshop on "Planet Healing," plus numerous informal discussions
with Dan over the course of a year.
Dan's multidisciplinary training has no doubt been key in his ability to synthesize
material which is catching the attention of physicists, biologists and mystics all over the
globe. Born in Eden, New York, Dan began his school days at a Franciscan high school. At
the Jesuit-run University of Detroit, he studied electrical engineering and psychology, and
later, psycho-physiology, polygraphy (he was a polygraph operator in graduate school) and
Dan's work with world-famous biophysicist Albert Ax, who was able to discriminate
between the emotions of anger and fear electrically, laid the basis for Dan's understanding of
Sentics (wave forms describing emotion). Dan worked in crystallography at a steel company
in Detroit. He also worked as an income-tax consultant.
IBM hired the young graduate as a systems analyst. Learning programming languages
later sparked his study of the history of languages and origin of symbols. Eventually this lead
to spectroanalysis of the ancient sounds of letter forms to reveal the morphic resonance of
language shapes. One of Dan's teachers at IBM had been a student at the Gurdjieff School in
West Virginia. Their discussion of the spiritual significance of geometry in the musical scale
inspired Dan to leave his enviable position at IBM to pursue the study of Sacred Gymnastics
and movement as a path to ecstasy, at the Gurdjieff School. There, Dan began to understand
the power of shape in the massaging of emotion.
Following those years of training, he lived with a spiritual community in Marshfield,
Massachusetts. He also worked in an X-Ray astronomy lab at M. I. T. at the invitation of Ph.
D. physicist John Richardson, who is now involved with weather studies. The graphics
plotter in that lab (which was receiving information from one of the first known X-ray
sources, Cygnus X-1,also known as Scorpio) was used to draw out the ten phased spirals of
the golden mean, which forms the pentagonal nest, thus forming the nest of the
dodecahedron........which is the geometric design published on the cover of each Network of
Light issue


And as you will see, the dodecahedron and the golden mean are central to Dan's work and
A 3-D model of the dodecahedron, which Dan built years ago and hung in his living room, has fascinated him and inspired his search for the significance of that shape. The dodecahedron, nested within an icosahedron, nested within yet another dodecahedron, exemplifies golden mean ratios. That is to say, the ratios thus established can be used to infinitely extend the figure to any scale, small or large.
As Dan explains, it is the perfect shape for conservation of energy, because the harmonics-sum and difference heterodynes, or "children of the waves, created where the waves meet"-do not interfere with each other; they are ONLY constructive.
That means they conserve order, memory, and mind( momentum), and in a universe made
of only one substance (Mind), this is the perfect shape for conservation, creation and
replication; we now recognize it in the pattern of DNA.

Dan showed how the ratcheted dodecahedron can be mapped onto DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid, the blueprint for life, found within the cell). "Ratcheting" is the
illusion you get when you see a spinning top in blinking light. It appears to stop in quantum
steps along the way. This synthesis, which eventually connects emotion to cell metabolism,
forms the basis for understanding the function of the dodecahedron and DNA. This form
functions as a wave guide between frequencies-thus between worlds, the seen and the
unseen- from the range of visible light to the invisible dimensions. Emotions are measured
as COHERENCE in the long (ELF or sonic wavelengths). Genetic material permits these to
couple the shorter wave which drive cell metabolism, because it is a heterodyne or resonance
path BETWEEN frequencies.

During a recent conference in Denver, Colorado, Dan delivered details on how emotion
gets into matter and genetic material via this wave guide. The core of his paper reveals how
the dodecahedral spin describes the action within the DNA double helix (see figure 3). The
angle of turn, the angle of spacing, and the angle of distance can be derived from the golden
mean, the golden mean squared, and the golden mean cubed, respectively- this translates into a perfect conservation of length, area, and volume along the genetic pathway. Dan's work with these shape-relationships has important implications for healing at many levels.
It has long been known, for example, that there are emotional correlates to disease, such as cancer. Now, science is learning to recognize the SHAPE of emotion.The Sentics
material by Manfred Klein shows that emotions have a simple, long-wave frequency signature-"electronic fingerprints"-which are the same cross-culturally. A finger touch of
anger always generates the same basic wave form......and a finger touch of love likewise has its own characteristic shape. The long and the short of it is that emotion's waves nest onto
the cell's life by dancing this inFORMation-conserving spiral between scales.
Thus the dodecahedron provides a language, a model, to describe how the long waves of emotion precipitate into cellular metabolism. The nested geometry shows how the long
wave slipknots of emotion get into the short wave slipknots of light, matter and genetic material.
Operations within genetic material (DNA) can be visualized as taking place along the wave guide of the ratcheted dodecahedron. During replication, an "harmonic cascade" moves along the spiral-patterned double-helix, which reaches infinitely across scale.
This means an integral unit of frequencies, or information, can move across long
distances without destructive interference.......which implies that information about
anything can reach any other place in the universe without stopping! One's thoughts and emotions can literally travel through the geometry of the universe. Our thoughts not only travel through but also have an effect on all that they touch-which is EVERYTHING. So what we think affects not just our own health, but that of our planet and beyond.

Here are the basics of Dan's recent presentations. Since the picture they attempt to
describe is the entire multidimensional universe, you may wish to reread them several
times, since an understanding of one is based on an understanding of all the others.
1. The universe is made of one substance.
The compressibility of this universal medium stores form and memory in wave shape.
Einstein's famous equation E=MC2 shows that energy and mass are the same
thing, in different forms.
2. The universe has one wave shape, the sine wave.
This principle of frequency signatures called "Fourier" means that even the most
complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves of different lengths.
3. The universe can be described as a geometry of pressure. Geometry produces
symmetry, which allows waves proceeding from opposite directions to meet each other and
stand (to phase and phase-lock.) Standing waves give the illusion of stability, segregation of
momentum, and make possible the birth of matter. Pressure occurs where waves meet.
Ratio is sacred; scale is profane. If the geometry of replication is embraced in a seed
of any scale, ratio has the power. Size is unimportant where information is concerned, since
that information can travel to any scale via the wave guide, and be manifested. The universe
is a hologram; even the tiniest part contains information about the whole.
4. Focus is the only medium that creates, in a universe made of waves. Focus
creates a pathway, or gravity, for waves to meet. According to the "Attractor" theory in
mathematics, focus converges the harmonics (waves which fit into each other) into nests
which stand, called matter.
5. Shape is the only thing the universe has to conserve. Naming, and memory ring
out only from differences in shape, not substance.

6. The only way to conserve shape along a path is to maintain the ratio of length,
area and volume ( a nest of ratios.)
7. The best pathway to maintain a nest of ratios is the golden mean (Phi), Phi
squared, and Phi cubed, represented by the ratcheted dodecahedron. This pathway enables
information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind.) The closer a material
comes to forming this shape and path, the greater its conductivity. Think of
superconductivity; that is super-coherence.
8. Coherence at any level is coherence at every level. An orderly relation between
wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields, which cannot persist
unless it resonates to ALL frequencies and fields. This harmonic cascade (Jacob's Ladder)
establishes the connectedness called holography, and also ecstasy.
9. DNA is a four-dimensional dodecahedron, in the sense that adding one spin to
three dimensions adds a harmonic and a nest for memory. (The pressure envelopes of the
little bubbles of light which make up the matter of the gene are enfolded or enveloped with
another harmonic, with each successive axis of spin, or symmetry.)
The DNA double-helix keeps a set of wavelengths evenly spaced on a path through
time and space, thus conserving the wave shape.
10. Light, when folded back on itself, comes to know itself.
The spiral-within-a-spiral-within-a-spiral creates genetic material at all levels.
Light causes an extra axis of spin, which superimposes a harmonic of frequencies upon a
nest of frequencies in an envelope of pressure we call light as matter. This creates extra
mind, because the universal mind* meets itself at every wave intersection....... so the denser
the intersections, or nodes, the greater the self-knowingness, or sense of identity.(*See
Arthur Young's book, Reflexive Universe.) Thus identity in the cell (immunity) and
coherence are the same thing, metabolically and emotionally.
Just as light(ning) set the first dodecahedron to spinning and replicating in the
original protein soup, so light is reaching the earth via an alignment of planets which has
not occurred for nearly 26,000 years. The Harmonic Convergence refers to the coming
together of certain necessary frequency harmonics as Earth prepares for her next major
step: the birth of Christos.
In his workshop, Dan described the function of shape participating in universal
order, from the smallest atomic particle to the celestial bodies. At each level, we see
increasing axes of symmetry, therefore increasing dimensions of mind (remember, as the
waves meet, they can contain more memory, more mind.) And at all levels, disorder
represents pain; order represents joy.
In atoms, the unconditional exchange of electrons between shells can be thought of
as love, or joy. DNA is an ideal crystal, for it connects long waves onto short waves,
facilitating and giving order to nourish the connection between atom, cell, gland, body,
planet. "Coherence" is the name for this orderly connection between the frequency scales
called metabolism and biology.
This identity in the cells is coherent ability to make self- and not-self decisions, and
determine whether or not a harmful virus will be able to enter the cell and do damage. At
this level, one begins to see how emotions have a direct effect on cellular metabolism. Dan's
biofeedback research project with Millard-Fillmore Hospital suggests that this coherence can
be learned.
This new model of emotion points to the glands as "tuning resonators". Glands are
pressure-massaging envelopes of wave towards joy. They, like DNA, preserve the frequency
relationship, or shape, of waves. And humans are like crystals in that we have fields. We
move these fields with waves of emotion.
Intentional relaxation, as in meditation, adds order-which means no destructive
interference-and mindfulness to the field of our feeling-nest (emotions). Intentional
relaxation causes acoustic coherence, cross-hemispheric coherence, in the brain. The long
waves of EEG (electroencephalogram)/emotion make a net, or home, for the short waves
(light, matter). This nests mind/emotion between frequencies, thus between worlds.
Coherence increases storage capacity for information, because more fields can be
superimposed, relating distant harmonics. Thus the brain becomes an antenna, like a
microwave dish, for distant signals. We can reach out into the universe and connect with the
frequencies we need, for greater harmony with the universe.
The Earth also seems to be participating in these order-loving activities . The Gaia
Hypothesis contends that our planet Earth displayed intentionality in maintaining the
conditions necessary for biology to develop. The Earth sustained narrow windows of
temperature and pressure for eons, long enough to allow the formation of complex protein
chains. Such an occurrence contradicts the information we have about what would have
happened if all the gases, etc. were left to "random" interactions.
In fact, there are many indications that the planet is preparing for a birth. Dan feels that
we can participate in this event by aligning ourselves with the heart of the planet. The
doughnut "twister" shape of primal particles has the same shape and frequency ordering
function as the human heart; a mathematician might call it an "attractor" of the first order.
The range of our compassion defines the horizons of our identity. Thus, the greater the
reach of our empathy, the greater the scale with which we can resonate and manifest. With
pure intent and "good heart," humans can as a whole incarnate, or focus, into the body of the
The nature of this "Harmonic Convergence" for Earth is a wave alignment into
form. The shape of the planet's new form is a living wave envelope. Gravity's flow is really
ordered emotion. The wave shape of the gravity grid being born (see fig. 4) is dodecahedral,
like DNA before it. David Childress, in Anti-Gravity: The World Grid shows the tectonic grid
in this shape. This is the shape for Biblical Jerusalem, Ezekiel's wheel, and Merkabbah. The
Planet gathers our memories into this archetype of form, to carry them between worlds.
Agreement to form together this body of epic togetherness is "the heart of the matter."