How A "Lophly Little JOYSTICK" works

embedability monitor:

how to connect EKG second frequency signature

to joystick ideas


thoughts from Dan


programming team:

thanks for caring guys!!


Let us suppose for this first example, two people are connected to embedability (locally or over web),

first we have a very miniaturized but continuous rolling landscape for the first frequency signature, closely show this comparison so two people BEGIN to see their line up of harmonics..:


but better, next we have the same rolling landscape of this below second frequency signature..

if we roll this right they should be able to very obviously see if their main peak lines up...

now the way we connect this to their joystick is simple:


the MAIN and simple variables we pick to feed back are the wavelength number of the maximum wave, with some multiple adding weight according to the AMPLITUDE of that peak, AND how sustained it is been..

from this we get a driver for a joystick..


now if only ONE person is hooked up ,they simply pick their favorite goal:

--after a while they learn which goals are fun for them:

2 or root 2= holding in

PHI or powers of PHI are DISTRIBUTING of feeling..

they can pick any goal, whatever rut they are stuck in they can work from,

plus learn to hold ANY feeling of THEIR choice LONGER..


then when 2 are connected, the joystick is powered by HOW CLOSE and how sustained that simple max point is BETWEEN them, if one guy is a .618 and can hold it, then person two says hey I'll try to follow you to where you are feeling!..



when millions of people are comparing over web..

we average the maxima peaks of ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO REACH SOME DEFINED DEGREE OF SUSTAINING POWER, and each person gets feedback on whether they have sustained one place of harmonic long enough to be COUNTED in the averaging... we play with that threshold (if we including everyones noise we would get noise..)

then we play back THAT average as the second player on EVERYONES joystick, and they get to AIM for the FEELING being most held at that moment by the PLANET!!

we could even have a democractic voting before events saying which phi or root two number was going to be the group goal for that occasion..






dan winter