great personal dream story about embedding hearts project:


Subject: EarthHeart Date: Wed, 20 May 98 13:31:49 CDT From: Mona or Brad <> To:

Hi! Win, (*________*), I would like to share with you something I am not sure is related to

this project Dan Winter has going or not. It is a vision I had about 2 or 3

weeks ago, or maybe it was yesterday, funny how time has no meaning now days

for me.(*____*)

This is my heart-version of harmonics:

I saw me step out of my body, (I was in my Light body, I am

thinking, as it was like a transparent me stepping out), and then I stepped

into another persons body, to show them I could really feel what they could

feel. (They, could actually see my transparent self step out of me and into

them.) As I was seeing this picture, I was also gettin impressions of the

priciples of free-will also. I asked first if I could show them I could feel

what they feel and show them proof of me being able to do this. Now I step

into them, and I can feel all of them and all the experiences they have ever

felt or experienced, it was like I had their replay of their life before me

and in me at the same time. So, next I step back out of their body and back

into mine. I then ask if they would like to step into my body and feel what

I feel, which if they decide they would like to, then I can thru my heart

channel cosmic energy waves, let them feel the TRUTH of who they are and

thru this they are free to choose to go back to illusion,(which is fear and

seperativeness) or freed of the limitedness

thru the unified field of LOVE. In my thinking, this is like: If I can FEEl

what YOU FEEL, and You can FEEL what I FEEL then are we not ONE and the same.

Win, this is so great, now others will have the chance to really

FEEL and know what they are FEELING without a doubt, they will have the

proof before their eyes, in this new technology game they are working on

going Global with. I only hope my vision will be a confirmation to others,

that this is very possible . I am a sensitive and empath, so I can FEEL what

others feel, I just wish others could feel this wonder-filled cup that

runneth over in my heart to and for others, as well as I can feel their pain

and suffering, in which case they would have no pain and suffering if they

could feel the cosmic LOVE that I feel that flows thru me. That was my major

wish, when I came incarnation at this time, is for others to feel this

beautiful LOVE that is FREE and Heals and perfects everything.

I am still not real sure what this vision was all about, but it went

right along with the information I gathered about bio-feedback and training

the heart and mind to intend what you want to feel. When I was reading about

this, my heart was doing dances, it was so happy and elated. I wanna play

this game. (*___*)

Also somewhere in what I read the word cohersion, had a special

meaning for me, that I also wanted to share. This, I believe was telepathic

information I recieved a few months ago. Light workers are cohersing the

darkness to the LIGHT, it is not like how the dark forces used this to

coherse the masses into the slumber tho. It is more like we are courting the

darkness into the light by the use of gentleness, kindness and compassionate

understanding. How could anyone resist this foursome. (*___~) We are

creating a vacuum of LOVE so powerful it will melt the hardest of HEARTS.

Win, please share this with others, if you feel it would be appropriate.

By Their Fruits You shall FEEL and KNOW them.


dear astara mona..(fr dan winter) thank you for feeling and most of all for making shareable your lovely dream! it is so helpful to give a voice to articulate that your heart is dancing..

to articulate is to turn the awareness back in, the sequence of (articulated) it recurs..

interesting your somehow merging the words coherence and recursion into "cohersion"

coherence is when all the waves line up like soldiers phase locking in step (a laser),

recursion is when that lock step is geometry of PHI nest instead of times 2 nesting..

(the waves never interfere destructively) the nest re-pents and is saved...

sustainable coherence must recur...

so I guess "cohersion" would be a most persuasive kind of coherence...

perhaps it sounded too close to coersion..


on the gentleness possible if we enter the white light:

are we all white light? fr dan w

if color is symmetry tilt arrival angle of photon

donut at phase tilt calibrating retinal cone, then ...


white light would be complete inventory

arrival of ALL tilts or phase angles of arriving

torus photons at once. They summate to white

as long as element of each of the 7 tilts

of tetra are included (rainbow), and they

sort to that on emergence from focal phase lock..

(prism as traffick jam, sorts for shareable tilt

in tetra phases)


to say white, then does not specify optically whether light enveloped packet wave donuts are entering or emerging from the sort (implosion) which creates susainabiity (immortality)

white light which lazes becomes additionally phase coherent and then embeddably geometrically recursive.(implosive).. the wave then penetrates..(see phase conjugate mirror nonlinear optics) QUALITY of white is issue. dan winter

love conversation updated (should we "send" love?), and thank you , at

Subject: thank you, Thu, 21 May 1998 18:14:39 -0700, <>

Mona,  this is james at eartheart. First let me say thank you for sharing.

Ascension is all about TOUCH.

Touch and being touched.

By the macro and the micro.

Your story and the sharing touched me. Thanks

Allowing this rememberance to exist in  awareness is the goal.

I to feel, An empath has a gift, Think of this. "when you feel someones pain or anything joy, bliss, fear whatever. When you are feeling

it,, it is yours. Not theirs."  Allowing your self to be Touched by all is the way the many become one.

We are and have always been connected. the web exists. We are simply remembering, or said another way Allowing the truth to enter

and resonate the fear or destructive waves.

Compassion Remembered to the point where you can index, choise it, at will to the stimulus coming in, is the portal to unit and


We all can learn ,, which is a remembering,, compassion, as a feeling in the body and we are showing A way in which individuals can

learn this on their own. OR with another ,, Or with many.


I honor the light that you ARE.

james EartHeart 2000, Update

Mnoa or Brad <>, To:

Hi! James, (*____*)

I almost didn't share it, as I was thinking I was crazy for doing it

after it was written. I guess Spirit saw different tho, and it got sent

anyway, which if it has touched another and sparked others with the courage

to share their experiences and thoughts and esp. FEELINGS, then I am even

happier than before. As we share our truths and feelings and experiences it

gives hope for others, and confirms for others thing of similarity. It is a

win/WIN situation for ALL this way. I haven' ever thought of this emapth

gift in the way you said, although I have thought of it as the only way to

help others to learn to FEEL again, as this is the only proof or connecting

link we have to experiencing the source first hand, and the only way we know

that we can trust as truth, Sometimes what we even see is not real or the

truth or even what we hear, but the heart never lies, and is a direct link

to others and the source, which is verifiable be each one of us in our own

unique ways. If there is anything I can do to help the Earthart 2000 project

, please let me know. You know there are a few of us in the world who can

step into anothers shoes and feel what they feel, but what you guys are

doing is making it available and accessable to others to see in front of

them a screen and they can learn this way of how to feel again. People are

afraid to feel, because it hurts to feel, for the most part here in this

world right now, but if they would and only could feel the flip side of this

ability, they would never want to turn it off again. This is what I am

hoping for, when I am ready and able to do it where others can see me do

this, and the happiness of joy that I will feel just because I was able to

be a channel for this love for them to feel once again. I wish sometimes I

had some way of measuring this oscillating energy when I am in the higher

vibrations of this love energy, I usually have this after I have had an

empathy experience, and have accepted it and asked for help to process it

thru me, cuz after the tears, comes the rainbow or the extacy(sp) , which

makes me actually cry again when it is changed from darkness to a brighter

light and flows thru me again, releasing me and part of the suffering of

another or the collective suffering, or the earths pain even, most of the

time I don't know when it is coming or where it came from, but it doesn't

matter, it is slowly putting more and more good vibes and thoughts in the

collective, so one day it will weigh heavy of the light side and flip us

into the new world. For many years I didn't know why I was always feeling so

much I thought everyone could feel this, but I guess not. Now I understand a

little better how others could be so cruel and not jurt themselves also.

When I feel others pains you were right I feel their pain and then my pain

kicks in cuz I feel their hurt and want to erase some of it for them so

much, that it kicks in my compassion, which for me is being in sympathy for


Bill sent in a story of what he saw in the new world waiting for us,

and I sent him an e-mail describing a place to him I thought I had created

from fantasy in my mind, but I guess I was going there and I just didn't

know it was a real place, not to mention it being the new world. I will send

it to you if you wish. just let me know, or Bill may send it to the 13th

tribe anyway.

Thanks again for you letter, It gives me more courage now than ever

to share alot of what I am feeling and seeing and experiencing, maybe it is

time for ALL of us to do this, none of us judge, I don;t think. (*_____*)


Blessing to YOU James



>Mona, this is james at eartheart. First let me say thank you for


>Ascension is all about TOUCH.

>Touch and being touched.

>By the macro and the micro.

>Your story and the sharing touched me. Thanks

>Allowing this rememberance to exist in awareness is the goal.

>I to feel, An empath has a gift, Think of this. "when you feel someones

>pain or anything joy, bliss, fear whatever. When you are feeling it,, it

>is yours. Not theirs." Allowing your self to be Touched by all is the

>way the many become one.

>We are and have always been connected. the web exists. We are simply

>remembering, or said another way Allowing the truth to enter and

>resonate the fear or destructive waves.

>Compassion Remembered to the point where you can index, choise it, at

>will to the stimulus coming in, is the portal to unit and freedom.

>We all can learn ,, which is a remembering,, compassion, as a feeling in

>the body and we are showing A way in which individuals can learn this on

>their own. OR with another ,, Or with many.


>I honor the light that you ARE.

>james EartHeart 2000, Update

I checked with mona regarding sharing her story, she said:

Hi! Dan, (*_______*)


Please do, as this is what I feel like Spirit wants anyway. I had

written it all up and then got cold feet and just let it set in my out box,

for awhile, Then somehow it got mailed anyway, as I was trying to decide

whether I should even send it. Spirit works in funny ways to get us moving.

Maybe it will give courage to others, that we are interested in sharing our

visions, dreams and experiences with each other verbally, as when we do

this, we find we are truly the same beings, as we all will eventually have

the same type of experiences sooner or later. I think the recursion ball has

already started to roll Dan. Bill sent the letter Un-Leashing L>O>V>E , and

I responded to it as well, with the description of the same place I had been

many times too. I think he might have sent it on to Win and the 13th tribe

also, if not then I will, so the ball keeps rolling.

Dan, there is one thing I would like to tell you, Neither one of the

experiences I had, was a dream, least not what I consider to be a dream

anyway. These two experiences I shared were visions, as I was not asleep,

and was fully conscious. Unless you was thinking more like day-dreams, then

that would be right also. I thought mostly all these kinds of things, I saw

was my imagination working over time.


Also, when you get the reply from me to Bills vision and think it

may help others to see the visions also of how our new world will be, I

would be honored if you could find a place on your web-site for it to go to

also. The more people that put their vision of the new world in writing,

which then can be accessed by thousands and they add theirs to it, are we

not then in unison weaving this new world into reality.



Hi! James, (*_____*)

I live in Oklahoma. I have something I would like to send to you

that I wrote, well actually it was telepathically given to me, as I thought

about the subject of allowing, which was brought to my mind by a

conversation between me and another, on the subject of a Budhist monk who's

path was the path of Allowing.


This is how I believe the creator/female principle is, and what we can

attain, when balanced to Zero or neutral.


Allowing is the greatest compassion of ALL.

Enough Compassion to Allow FREE WILL

Enough LOVE to Allow ourself to experience All facets of


Enough Wisdom to Feel and Allow our growth to be as our

thoughts and Will's desire

Enough Mercy to Allow others to grow at their own pace

Enough Understanding to Allow ourselves to become L.O.V.E.

Limitless Oscillating Vibrational Energy

Enough Power to allow our FEARS to transmute into a

brighter Light of L.O.V.E. harmonized by the many as ONE


This is a very hard path to do in practice, it always helps me to

keep in mind others aren't always as far along on the path as I or another

might be, and that at one point in time we have or will walk in that

person's shoes and feel how they felt.

With All thy getting, get thee UNDERSTANDING, which is what you need to have

compassion for another in their troubles and makes it easy to forgive then,

cuz if you want forgiveness you have to be willing to give it to self and

others. This is what has helped me to get to the path of Allowing others as

well as myself to make mistakes and observe and not judge. or become neutral

most of the time.


Thanks again for sharing with me.



