Galactic Tree of Life, Aug 11 Eclipse, & The EYE OF THE SUN

linked from



also reference

3D animation of tree of life at


 You may want to take a look at Joan's site: The Cross, the Tau, the Total Solar Eclipse

She had an experience in 1982 during an eclipse, which led her to
the 1999 solar eclipse. She has done a lot of very good research,
and has written a book about the event, called "The Lost Covenant."

This is a paste from one of her pages, where she speaks of the eye:
In the Secret Book of John, it is stated regarding Noah, [it is] not as Moses
'He hid himself in an ark,' but he covered himself in a Place. Not only
Noah, but other
people from the generation which does not waver, went to a Place and
covered themselves
with a cloud of light. And he [Noah] recognized the authority from
above, together with
those who were with him in the light which shone on them; for the
darkness was poured
out over everything on the earth. Forewarned of an impending cataclysm,
members of
an ancient and superior race might have taken refuge in Aghartha,
sustained by its
paradisiacal gardens, flowing waterfalls and a glowing internal Sun.

The name Aghartha consists of an Ag plus an hartha and translates, The
Eye of the
Hearth (Earth): the interior Central Sun - the heart center. Seated at
this hearth or
Central Flame lies the Indwelling Christ, the Lion of Judah. The names
Mary and
Martha whom Jesus visited in the town of Bethany (Beth = House, Anne =
resemble the words Ares (Mars) and Artha (Earth).
[end of paste]
In her book, she makes a case that the sign of God's Covenant is the
bow of an eclipse, rather than a rainbow. This involves Genesis 9:8-17.
She shows that the staff of Iris bears an "OC" at the tip, the circle and
the crescent. It portrays the Sun and Moon preparing to align to create
a solar eclipse. This is OCular and OCcult, the eye as the window to the
Soul, none other than an image of a total eclipse of the Sun.

Here are a few excerpts from her book:

"The English letter "O" is derived from the Phoenicians and other Semites who
gave it the name "aiyn" meaning "eye" and used it for an emphatic laryngeal
consonant "c" which is not found in English or any other Indo-European
language. Aiyn + OC is Enoch - the Eye of OC - the Seer with the Open Eye."

"The force of Osiris, Plutarch says, is exercised through the Moon. The word
"iris" is found in the name Osiris, the father of Horus whose famous Eye -
the Utchat - was and continues to be the most widely producted amulet in
ancient and present-day Egypt."

"Unsurprisingly, the appearance of a total eclipse of the Sun remains the
most persistent sign of Judgement Day. When the Eye is seen in the sky,
Yahwey peers into the soul of humanity. 'Behold, I, I myself will search for
my sheep, and will seek them out . . . and I will rescue them from all the
places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick dakness
[Ezek. 34:11]"

On August 11, 1999, the Blazing Eye in the Sky will appear in the aspect of a
Total Eclipse of the Sun auspiciously joined to a planetary cross - the mark
of redempition, as well as a planetary Tau, the badge of initiation. Symbols
of the past, as Eliphas Levi observed, are prophecies of the future. We
stand on the brink - the precipice of a great and awesome change."

"Symbolically, and physically, our planet will undergo a crucifixion in space
- its side pierced by a heavenly lance - the pointed cone of eclipse shadow.
This remakable portent is a harbinger of upheaval and denotes the
disintegration of old, worn out forms. Yet, it promises, paradoxically, the
influx of a Sublime Quintessence and initiation into a new life. As Christ
was crucified long ago, so too will the Earth bear its cross as the third
millennium draws near."

[end of excerpts]

Keeping vigil,

Joe Mason

Eye Of The Sun - Note From Joe Mason
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 06:22:16 EDT

Dear Dan, Damon, and Miguel (Aum),

Dan, I received your e-mail (see below) and took a look at your Eye Of The Sun
Page. Very good! Thanks for the link. I will link your page from my Eclipse page.

I found Aum's vision of the spherical chamber populated by great mythic
personalities who sat as judges after death, quite significant.

I then read my next e-mail, which happened to be from Aum/Miguel (see
below). So, I am combining the two e-mails and my response here.

I wanted to let you know about other significant developments. I received
this e-mail a few days ago:
<< Subj: Your inspired drawings and the Tree of Life in a Sphere
Date: 7/20/99 8:59:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Child93
To: JMason4557

J. Mason writes:

Prior to 1993, I had a series of dreams and coincidences which led me to create various drawings. They finally all came together when I realized that the shapes could be combined from four triangles with circles at each corner, similar to the great Barbury Castle crop formation of 1991. They can be positioned to match three basic diagrams -
The New Jerusalem Plan, a Teutonic Cross, and a pyramid as viewed from above
with a special cross upon it with five circles, one at each corner and one at the apex.  

Four wheel-like shapes (the circle with two rings in the Barbury formation) are upon each face of the pyramid.  The number codes involved include - 3, 3, 3, and 9; or 3, 6, 9; and 5-4 or 4-5 -

Thank you for your work. My given Name is Michael. I am an Adept Magickian of the Gnostic Current, and then some. You may find the link below
fascinating. Your drawing is not only related to the MerKaBa, the Pyramid, and "New JeruSalem" but it also is the 2-dimensional rendition of most of the Southern Celestial Hemisphere when the Tree of Life is progected onto the Celestial Sphere. (The drawings may also be the
beginings of the Northern Sphere. It is difficult to say with out the 6th Sephera being drawn, which, coincidentally, is Tiphareth, the Center and Heart of the Tree, as you may well know). Each "wheel" or circle being a sephera of the Tree.
Other initiates , along with myself, have been proforming this projection
Highly focused, extremely powerful Ceremonies upon the Equinoxes.
Particularly, the Equinoxes between 1998 and 2002. The 10 Equinoxes between these times have much
to do with Building the 11 Pillars in the Khemetic Duat, or Egyptian Underworld,

it relates also to the "in between" years , prior to the last 10 years of the Mayan Calendar,
and it also has much to do with working with the Holographicly dispensed information and Co-Creative work with certain Ophanic Intelligences, (also known as Enochian Angels). Anyway, I thought you might want to see this, if you don't know about it already."> Galaxtic Tree of Life

Frater C.'.A.'.
Michael's e-mail starts with an excerpt from my "">SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999 -
FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL</A> article. The drawing is displayed
on the page. It is this one:

"">Four Barbury Castle shapes as
Ezekiel's Vision - Four Living Creatures

The site Michael mentioned has a diagram showing the Tree of Life
projected on the Northern and Southern Celestial Hemispheres. He
pointed out that my drawing is quite like the central portion of the
Southern Hemisphere diagram.

My diagram came from experiences involving dreams, coincidences,
and the study of crop circle formations. It is formed by four triangles
similar to the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation. See:">Barbury Castle Pictogram (jpg on Spirit Web)

I later found that my drawing matched VERY well with Ezekiel's
description of the Four Living Creatures and their Four Wheels.

The same four shapes can be rearranged to form the New Jerusalem
Plan, by overlapping them on center. In the process of forming various
diagrams, I was led to see connections between certain ones. Another
connected diagram is the Sri Yantra star. Much of the story is told in
this series of articles:">Humanity On The Pollen Path

Part Five of the series explains the drawing that matches Ezekiel's

I was also led to see that the 1991 Triangular crop formation is the
"consciousness unit," the basic building block of creation. A dream,
followed by an immediate coincidence, suggested that the earth
change involves a change in the basic consciousness unit, which
will change our perception of every particle in creation. Miguel/Aum
seems to see things in a similar way.

This new (for me) connection to the Tree of Life is quite significant.
It relates to a chain of crop circle events. In 1997 the Tree of
Life appeared as a crop circle formation in the same area as the
1991 triangular formation, in the same type of plant, oil seed rape
(or canola). It is impossible to bend these plants without breaking
them, yet in these formations the stalks are bent at 90-degrees.
Another formation also appeared at the location, which seemed to
match Tiphareth, the 6th Sephera. The "chakra" connection to the
Tree of Life has been pointed out.

After the 1991 crop circle season, it was reported that the triangular
formation at Barbury Castle resembled the lower Triad of the Tree of Life.
It was also pointed out that the Mandelbrot Set crop circle formation was
not regular, and that it fit with the Tree of Life, except for Kether, the
It was suggested that Kether was moving into Daath, to impart new
knowledge to mankind.

A very coincidental dream, told to me by a young man, seemed to
confirm this, with "baseball" as the metaphor.

The Mandelbrot Set formation appeared on August 11, 1991, eight
years to the day, from the Solar Eclipse/Grand Cross. A Sun
Wheel crop formation also appeared in the area, which I believe to
be symbolically related.

I was led to see that the Scarab Beetle is a symbol related to the
Mandelbrot Set, and I sent the idea to crop circle researchers around 1992.

On May 31, this year, the Menorah crop circle formation appeared,
along with a Scarab Beetle formation. Again, this was at Barbury
Castle, and the plant was oil seed rape. The Menorah formation
is clearly related to the Tree of Life.

At the end of 1993, I had a dream in which a voice said, "The Merkabah
will not come for another five years." I did not know the meaning of the
word, but found that it is related to a four wheel chariot and to the Four
Living Creatures. That is when I read Ezekiel for the first time, and
realized the seeming connection to my drawing.

In the following months, I learned of the 1999 solar eclipse and Grand
Cross alignment of the planets. I knew that the Living Creatures are
related to the same Zodiac signs. This seemed to confirm my 1993
dream voice message.

My drawing seemed to be related to the Tree of Life, as the basic
triangle could be the lower or upper Triad. The "baseball" geometry
suggested another possible connection. Now, thanks to Michael
and his associates, I see that the drawing is related to the Tree of Life
in yet another way.

I wrote an article about the Tree of Life crop circle formation in
1997, and recently revised it:">The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation

Dee and I wrote about the chakra connection to the crop formations,
also in 1997. It is also revised now:">CROP CIRCLE FORMATIONS AS CHAKRAS

More recently, I wrote an article about the Menorah crop circle formation,
and showed the Tree of Life connection:">THE MENORAH CROP CIRCLE FORMATION

Thank you Dan and Miguel/Aum for adding confirming puzzle-pieces.
The "picture" is becoming a bit clearer all the time.

Regards and best wishes,

Joe Mason
[Dan's message]

<< Subj: eyeofthesun
Date: 7/24/99 1:16:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time




dan winter

respond to

aum's note, and a nice link to your great dreams added to the

suggested rites for aug11


danwinter >>

[Miguel/Aum's message]

<< Subj:
Date: 7/24/99 10:19:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Aum Ananda)


As the momentous moment approaches, I must tell you about something relating
to your site.

About the "Earth energy which fuels life" and the payment of karmic debt, I
have had two visions which apply.

Two years ago about this time, I percieved the existence of a spherical
chamber populated by great mythic personalities who sat as judges after
death. The Soul Force would pass through the heart of the chamber and any
soul which could not navigate this circuit between sex and death would be
consumed. The vision was fairly detailed, including the energy devices used
in the chamber.

Now, just last night (and this is the first time I have read your material)
I had the realization that the Centromere (central mother), a spherical
molecule whose magnetic emaninations choreograph the division of cells,
could be powered by this large energy chamber. What if those whose energy
debt remained unpaid (essentially thru honor and love for the earth) Would
lose energy on the cellular level ?

It could mean that those who have gained power thru dishonor will have thier
bio-energy turned off. This would be a sort of kill-switch to deactivate
dangerous entities, and it may happen periodically in history.

-Miguel Cassidy (Aum Ananda) >>