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Lest we be a burden to our guardian angels when we die..

The below article introduces the Ophanim Enochian Golden Dawn (StarGate Movie Alphabet) Vincent Bridges recently offered more on the story of the origins of the Enochian: John Dee meets ET.

sentiment from a famous religious philosopher named Gillette..

Dear Jan,

The converging myths of world traditions about the shape of spiritual hierarchy struck to the heart again today. An amazing tribal shaman called twice from South Australia. We spent over an hour on the phone. He was quite emphatic that the Ophanim we have been ìopening our phone lineî here to, are quite literally also the great winged guides of the ancient Australian aboriginals. We spoke at length about the great bird shaped angelic body associated with Illuru (Ayerís Rock), and he identified the same winged angelic body coming to incarnate with the Dove shape over North America as depicted in Keys of Enoch.

I began to think about all the years we spent preparing ritual to inhabit the body parts of the great Eagle in the shape of the head of the Appalachin mountains in Pennsylvania, the Keystone State.

Then I remembered Robert MorningSky describing in detail the difference between the great Angelic Aku vs Dracu forces in spiritual history. The Aku translate to bird tribe, Ophanim, a lineage focused on the use of spiritual power of the mind and visualization. The Ophanim appear to be the inspirers of the great body of the bird shape in the Templar Cathedra Zodiac landscape. The Aperture from Sirius to Orion in the transmigration of souls, being again the magnetic issue.

The Dracu translate to Draconian, Reptilian, Set, Ahrimanic forces focused on technological and mechanical evolution, generally associated with control by fear and agression.

In the Gnosis article about John Dee booby trapping the future, the message is indeed that the planting of the Ophanim inspired Enochian letters was leverage to avoid apocalyse. If we translate Apocalyse at one level as an Epoch of the Ellipse as Jay suggests, then Enochian calls become leverage to face the Draconian/Reptilian presence on the Ellipse of Hale Bopp. (The Fourth HorseMan??).

All of this sounds too simplistic at first, but after Vincent and I completed the enclosed 2 hour video on Enochian Physics, we went outside to perform the symmetry operations of ritual to shape Enochian Temple. The presence was powerful, the Thoth/Tehuti energy seemed very present. Later a storm came up and the clouds made a dramtic V pointing right to the site of the ritual. We issued a call to those who could hold the space and call forth the Angels with us, and next day out of the blue the Abortiginal leader calls from South Australia, heard of me, and describes the Ophanim quite explicitly as his guides.

The politics as described by Morningsky, were of an alliance between a more rebellious Sirian Prince geneticist and the Aku- Bird Tribes. The undertow was of a seed to a genepool which could link the heavy emotions and passion of the Reptilian/Draconian, with the high spiritual intention of the Bird Tribes. The result could be a species able to use powerful Serpent Force emotions, in the service of Angelic creation directly. Up to this point, in a sense, we have high spiritual beings, with limited leverage into matter. The human experiment created the possibility of human nervous sytems and emotions, with feeling bodies capable of bending galaxies.

Interestingly, when John McGovern, our Australian shamnic friend, told the Aboriginals he was going to call down the Angelic forces, they responded with fear at the anger the Angelics would have. They believed there would be retribution for not have kept the strict martital breeding laws of the ancient angelic ones. This rang a chord from the Morningsky description of the origins of our sex guilt coming from the early DNA experiments which required strict attention to which breeding pairs were permitted to mate, to preserve the most self-aware self-replicating fores in the genepool. Mating decision were sacred, and required elaborate rubrics for permission. This is still true of Aboriginals today.

Vincent described the attempt of the Shadow government to re-incarnate/ contact the forces of Set. You described the danger of the incarnation of Ahrimann. The parallels are too dramatic to ignore. The terms Draconian, Typhon, Reptilian, Sauroid, Set, Ahrimanic etc.. seem rather interchangeable.

Angelic communication apparently has the pure principle of symmetry operations based on recursion. This would be our way of embedding our lives inside their waveform. According to Vincent, the Ophanim need to know that we have attempted to speak their language. The symbol set they have given us is the Enochian keys. The wave guide shapes of the Enochian alphabet are reminiscent of the black hole geometries which Bentov saw as the cookie cutters aligning the eddies within which galaxies were created (in his Cosmic Book). Their name and shape and waveguide in principle were all one.

The heart of the Enochian script seems to be this pent (5) inside a 7 spin.

(below image from Darlene and Vincent Bridges - more info at Magic Journey site map, OPHANIC MILLENIUM WORKING use COMPLETE ENOCHIAN Handbook with Graphics Link..

This is clearly the 5 cube hypercube in the seven spin tetra inside icosa. The five spin space of the Hypercube/dodeca nests in the seven spin of the Heart muscle, based on the 7 spins of the tetra, note parallel to Enochian:

This is much more fractal than the cubeocta (unpacked tetra) geometric root of the Hebrew symbols. Clearly, the Iburu script for gene spicing the the Hebrew was a more regional and parcochial kind of symmetry set.

John Dee could not or would not shake our world by practicing the Enochian he was taught. Apocalyse awaited. Now with Apocalyse apparently here, the time for ìcalling all angelsî may well be at hand.

Lo it is Phi..

Dan Winter
fr vincent

Notes for Dan/Enochian Info Tape

Dear Dan,

OK, several points to begin with:

A) We do not have enough information to speculate accurately on the system of origin of any of the Ahau rescue team. We are told in Egyptian sources that the 4 million plus Ahau, or spiritual beings, came from a large number of different worlds. On the wall of the transverse vault of the Osirieon, and in the 146th chapter of the Book of the Dead, the worlds then a part of the sentient or Osirian federation are listed along with the Osiris of each system. If we follow Hurtakís information and think of Arcturus as a transit link, then in a sense the rescue team comes from, or through, Arcturus. Playing guessing games about which aliens are from where, and what political leanings they might have, is a distraction from what should be our main purpose. We must develop, individually and as a species, the galactic norm of sentience. Only with that accomplished will we be able to resist any outside influence, good or bad. The Ahau are not interested in fear trips, they only respond to the solid attainment of a stable sentient structure of ecstatic self-awareness.

B) Hebrew is vitally important. As Hurtak says, it is the local control language for this part of the galaxy. On earth, its symmetry set defines the nature of sacred language by generating a cohesive matrix in which the other horizontal and vertical sacred languages can operate. Its unfolding in the form of a cube-octahedron suggests its planetary nature, and allows it to phase-lock with higher organizational patterns. The cube seems to be the basic form in which Hebrew unpacks its space/time locality. As such, it appears to be a 3D construct. In the Sepher Yetsirah and other sources we are told that the Tree of Life is actually a 5D construct. The dimensions are listed as 3 of space, one of time and one of morality, or centropy and entropy. Hypercubal geometry, that is a geometry of higher dimensional organization, is the very root of the Enochian system. The shadow of a 5D cube in 2 dimensions creates a design that embodies the union of pent and hex while organizing the Tree of Life into its ìseedî or closest packing form. The Enochian or Angelic material can not be accessed directly. A channel must be formed of Hebrew resonances in order to open the Enochian itself. The Hebrew forms a link between our consciousness and the non-local consciousness of the angelic logoi; without it the Enochian would simply blow us away.

C) The nature of the Enochian intelligences is an important question. They are, at the most inclusive level, the seven symmetry angles, or angels, of the tetrahedronal quark from which the universe around us is formed. Along with these are the four sub-atomic fields of operation, which we call for convenience the elemental forces. These ìbeingsî are far beyond our comprehension, as pure being. We grip them by their ìnamesî or descriptive titles. Enochian not only supplies powerfully descriptive ìnames,î it supplies a framework through which their operation in the lower worlds, the worlds below the realm of pure being, can be charted. These charts, or hardware chips, are the Four Watchtowers and the Tablet of Union. In these matrices, the forces are personalized and symbolizes so that an operator can steer their consciousness, much like the help balloons or other icons help us navigate our computer systems. These ìbeingsî are what the Tibetans call self-generated, that is they function and exist separate from the individual but they are activated, or animated, only when another mind is present. The deities said to reside the Kalichakra mandala are similar types of self-generated beings. In fact, there are many connnections between the Enochian system and the Kalichakra. (Another book I have planned someday!)

D) In working with the Enochian system for over twenty years, (Yipes! Has it been that long!) I have discovery an important truth. The system itself is as neutral as the electric wiring in our homes. It can be used in both good and bad ways, but the sysytem itself is neither. Enochian opens levels of communication and synchronicty in the same way that the lights come on when I hit the switch, if the components are properly wired together. However, if I am going to design an electric motor, for instance, then I need to understand the theory and equations behind electricty. With the Enochian, we are designing a new type of magickal appliance. It could be one to bring on the Appocalypse, or it could be one to respond directly to the rescue team and avoid the Apocalypse. That choice is ours; and how good we do with the design will determine how, and perhaps if, we survive.

E) The purpose of our Enochian based magickal appliance would be to make contact with the galactic intelligences in charge of the humanity rescue operation. A properly designed appliance would be a matter/energy transmitter/receiver capable of packing and unpacking tremendously coherent bundles of information. This seems to have been the reason why the Enochian material was so thoroughly downloaded, and yet proscribed from actual operations until the timing was right. The material had to filter through enough users to reach a saturation level. This occurred in the mid 1890ís, concurrent with the great airship flaps. For the last hundred years, work on the system has progressed to the point that just now, in the last five years, have isolated groups of magical explorers stumbled on its true value. At the moment, we are at the front of the pack. Because of this, it may be our responsibilty to do something concrete with the system.

F) In learning the basics of how to operate the Enochian system, the participant absorbs and internalizes the Hebrew resonances from the Meta-Progamming Protocol. This, all by itself, is a vast step toward a stable sentience. The abilty to move the subtle elemental forces down the level of densely braided DNA creates a degree of body/mind/spirit coherence that is required for free-will and self-determination. The Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram and the Enochian opening of the Veil generates a highly usable flow of spiritual energy, which is in turn shaped into the basic dodeca pattern required to support the Enochian operating system. As Hebrew is cube oriented, and therefore hex based, Enochian is dodeca based and consequently inclusive of both hex and pent. Just learning the basics, how to hit the light switch so to speak, generates psychic stability. Done properly, this level of training insures against mis-use of the greater forces in the Enochian system.

G) As for the planned working, I have been instructed recently that we have some leeway on when, where and what. Hereís what Iíve been told:

1) The area where we have no slack is who. We must have at least 5 people, 3 of whom must be at an Adept level, that is they must have the basics down cold and have taken their Oath of Obligation, or a similar bodhisatvic vow, to work for the good of all sentient beings throughout the universe. Beyond this, we are limited only by the level of understanding each individual brings to the work. No disinterested observers in other words; everybody works on this one.

2) When is flexible depending on how the group shapes up. Where is anywhere we can find a geomantic plug-in point. Sedona is listed as optimum, along with Mt. Shasta, Mt. Rogers, Sakkara, Swayambunath in Nepal, Samye Monastery in Tibet, and Hawaii. These seven plug-in points are listed as the best, but I was told that thousands of other sites would work, if everything else was up to speed.

3) What we are to do is both simple and exceeding complex. Another book seems necessary to cover this one, but Iíll try to be brief. We have the Egyptian Orb of Ra and its activation module as the center piece of the working. On the grid of the module is the Sigil of Truth. The group generates a full-stack hypercube fully tensioned in all five dimensions and 26 sub-sets. From this metaxic monad, we then build the Watchtower structure through vibratory and visualization experience, and then activate it through the first 18 calls. Then, we generate the Aethers, or thirty edges and vertices of our icosa/dodeca hologramic simulation of reality. We crystalize this hologram by focusing on the silent Tablet of Navalage which controls the 49th Call. We focus at that point on receiving the influx of information and dialing up the rescue team. I am told that if we get this far, guidance will be given in a clear and unmistakable form. We will also be instructed on how maintain the contact and teach others quickly how to reach the same point.

OK, thatís my input/explanation. My feeling is that we are so close that the Ophanim, etc., are holding their breath. We just might get this figured out before everything blows up. Conversely, you can figure that the other side, the Setian forces, know as much as we do and are counting on our inability to get it together in time. They of course are shocked that we would even try it, much less that we have the ability to pull it off. Secrecy is not so important as clarity of purpose and focusing on the essentials. They canít do what we are planning, they can only impede us. From this perspective, the fear angle is useless. We should be afraid only of not getting it done if we know how important it might be.

Use any and all of this you like as an introduction to the Enochian Info tape. Let me know what you think.

Light in Extension,





danís notes:


if we are to belive psi perception of quarks

text by phillips from england confirming the theosophical

clairvoyance into subatomics (occult chemistry)..

then the quark is not so much itself tetra

but rather a trigonal array of 3 anu

whose heart spirulae (tourbillon-scrollwork made of light-

in the style of sadhu's ; the tarot)

are a seven inside braid, 5 outside (I believe)

look at babbit's heart of the sun illustrations..

the braid geometry of the anu is not simply

seven spin tetra, but seven spin inside of 5..

it isn't "codefined by the 7 spin of tetra"..

but rather the deca delta gemmatria

of yod he vau

which cohdefines anu and therefore quark..

clue here to ???????!!!!!

it is the 7 spins of the tetra in the cube

which plots the course of the inside spins of the anu,


the 5 spins of the tetra cube INTO the dodec (next dimension)

which plot the OUTER wraps of the anu..

7 spins inside, 5 more spins outside

inside out

we have

the 5 spin inside 7

of enochian..

enoch key in

if we look at the final phase of the tetrahedra fire breath to Merkabbah,
the seven spin tetra/cube, then is distributed in the spin
when the 32 degree tilt nests the cube in the dodeca, for exactly five MORE spin axes..


reprinted below, the completed assemble of images from Darlene and Vincent Bridges

as at



more from their creators at




The regional magnetic fields spinning through black holes into time (recursion made inhabitable) glued stars together into self aware spin called....


only genepools empowered by compassion get sufficient braid recursion to penetrate the time lines..


These bodies of magnetic arc-angles sewn recursive (breatheable), are indexed by the sequence of turns superset language to Annunaki's simple tetra: the hypercubic symmetry set of magnetic tilts called Ophanim Angel Alphabet: Enochian Keys. (See the symbols on StarGate, see also book: "Enochian Physics..")

The superset of original bible letterform, was the Ophanim "Enochian" language of John Dee. These symbols on StarGate, being the hypercube superset of Annunaki's tetra, solve the implosion and time sustain and soul problem, but require feeling.

(The below images specifically of Ophanim/Enochian are directly from and courtesy of Vincent Bridges and Darlene.)

If I understand the story, John Dee learned most of the languages of Earth, then said I need to understand true Angel language. An Ophanim Angel knocked on his window, handed him of grey green magnetic stone sphere. This egg Ophanic communication device is in the British museum today. Some clarivoyance enabled the perception of a symmetry alphabet inside, which became the true physics of magic (cf Order of the Golden Dawn). Now with Vincent's help we learn that the quantum cookery symmetry implicit here is the true hypercube implosion symmetry. No coincidence these were the symbols on stargate.These are the playdough cookie cutters necessary to thread magnetism non-destructively thru implosion (time and death). They are useful for organizing the magnetism of glands and optical cortex hologram to enable shamanic star penetrance. This would be how Ophanim angels as magnetic clouds recursive enough to be self aware thru black holes, glue star births together sustainably. Note apparent match to the Sirian alphabet (per Robert Morningsky and Claire Watson), also note implications for glyph set on the strut of the Roswell craft. ... Imagine how this more implosive braiding algorhythmn when applied to gene splicing instead of tetra priest annunaki language, would create the superluminal soul force in DNA. But imagine why only feeling compassion as a rush in your blood would enable this psycho-kinesis. This may alos be lang-doc.. language of the bird (tribes) (Ophanim.) Also suggest comparison to Adawi, Bird Tribe Language of the ancient Cherooki.. Chi-Rook-Key (Rookery of Birds)..called Earth Language, thanks to DHYANI YWAHOO.

hyper cube symetrically is the next dimension past 3D for the cube (dodec=cube in 4d)

for more info on the above 4 pictures see their creators, Darlene and Vincent Bridges at

symmetry appearance of star-gate penetrance (star mother kit=theosophy's "greater maze"=implosion symmetry of black holes=magnetic navigation terrain enabled by a true star language (Ophanic)