Trace Mineral Geometry for Dying Trees.

"Homeopathic" Charge Radiance by Perfect Fractal FernLike Embedding

from: Dan Winter, Planet heart biofeedback


prefaced: a 5/98 (from ltr to david yarrow see below:)

Hows this for a proposed mechanism for old growth preventing ice storm damage:

We know pine needles turn brown in acid rain because acidity leaches the minerals which pines use to seed extreme order into cell water.. without cell waters molecules more orderly than ice, cells rupture and turn brown in freeze... We know that capacitive field around older trees has more harmonics extending into fractality embedding... (longer wave phase lock into earth's schumann magnetic heartbeat cascade).. so maybe that field effect can keep the water layer OUTSIDE the trees cells from hard freeze rupture pressure.. since fractality makes compressibility non destructive..

this could be a clue to the embedable feeling charge envelope we need to survive when the Sun compresses our field...


to: Friends Still Committed to Saving Earth

in gratitude for: An inspiring Easter Sunday walk in a dying forest
with a great lady, homeopath & druid.

return to Sacred Geometry master index ../sitemap.html

My friend was pointing out how many of the dead trees fell over
to their death, even in no wind, because of softened trunks. He
called acid rain the AIDS of the forest, permitting opportunistic
diseases natural to each species, to start their internal
consumption of the trees. It is as if natures servant, the tree
infections, get the message that it's time to begin eating the
tree, because only the strong should stand. We shouldn't blame
the infectious disease which has been serving the natural
selection process for millenia. Clearly we must look to the
source of what is weakening the trees... acidity has rich and
profound symbolism:

In "Survival of Civilization" by Hamaker, the chemistry of tree
death due to acidification is traced to the leaching out of
mineral content. He suggests massive remineralizaion of the
forests by grinding up creek bed rocks, to save civilization.

Even this is superficial if we don't stop burning fossil fuels,
and spitting out poison. It's funny how the CIA, as agent for the
oil companies functions as a misinformed immune system for our
culture. By showing up to declare top secret, energy
technologies like Adam Trombly's and other energy devices which
tap the gravitational field directly for energy source, they
prevent any technology which our lowest common denominator
science cannot understand, from being developed. One first step
each of us should undertake is to develop a responsible
understanding of truly alternative energy sources. Public
comprehension is essential, about completely new energy
technology based on gravity as bloodstream for both Earth and
solar system. (This energy, as the gravitational fields order, is
NOT free.) Gravity is field inertia traveling between
frequencies, attracted by order (symmetry). Symmetry.. a kind of
permission for a wave to enter rotation from a line, is the ONLY
way for waves to store inertia, and thus is physics ONLY
definition and measure of mass.

Chemistry, electrical circuits, and optimally.. biology all can
offer the universal field a geometry which cascades momentum
between frequencies, better than the average flux of the Earth's
core, and thus harness the planet's hard earned coherent gravity
field. The key feature which limits our collective permission to
tap this field, is our taking responsibility for the fact that
biology, symbiotically, is also called upon to CREATE the order
of this collective mind/gravity bloodstream/coherence. Which is
why we measure emotion by long wave coherence, which as Gurjieff
said, feeds the Earth.

So step 1, to save the trees.. the lungs of Earth, is to take it
upon yourself to understand an energy metabolism which can wean
Earth. To digest the gravity field for our cultural energy
nourishment, moves toward a charge inherent for biology, which is
to metabolize star light directly. Interestingly, emotional
coherence/ecstacy weaves our bodies larger auric egg/membrane--
the only real therapy for AIDS. And at the same time, is the only
way to braid order into the gravity grid, the only energy net
capable of cushioning the fall from acid rain: the AIDS of the

Clearly, we can't stop emissions until we learn a new more
contextual energy source.

The other step we recommend, is to understand the deep symbolism
of what minerals do for trees. You may be surprised to learn it
has much to do with rampant patriarchy...

Diana, a wise homeopathic physician, had just been explaining to
me why mineral preparations are used for the deepest core
"psoric" conditions in the body. The deepest
conditions rooted in the deep structure of the body, when you
have unwrapped peripheral imbalances, are addressed most
powerfully, homeopathically, from the mineral realm.

Just then we walked by another tree, quite whole looking, but
fallen over. We felt of the wood in the trunk, core, just above
the roots, where the break had occurred. The bare wood edges
felt soft and rounded, even though the break was apparently
recent. We commented how healthy flesh was firmer/harder to the
touch than diseased flesh, in humans.

I recalled the mechanism I had learned for the death of pine
needles due to acid. The acid hydrogen ions (too many protons..
too many filled "shells", not enough electrical SPACE),
poison/distort the tight geometry of the field which is the
membrane of the living cells. The membrane is the sum of the
coherence of the collective molecular fields. Membrane is folded
surface, storing memory of shape of touch. The strength of
membrane is proportional to the order/coherence of the plys of
the fold (phase locked fields, macrodynamically.. cf "Structural
Stability and Morphogenesis" Rene Thom.) It is as if the mineral
content seeds the order around which tight fields can
crystallize-biologically. Without mineral you have weak fields,
weak membrane.. which further permits the leaching of minerals.

In the pine needle, the softer mineral poor cells, lack the cell
wall turgor strength to withstand freeze/ and dry conditions.
Result, rupture, browning, and tree death.

The trees which fall over prematurely, due to soft core cells,
are really manifesting the same phenomena of membrane softening.

(Again membrane/ immune/ identity/ self/not-self.. for the trees
as well as us.)

Another aspect of this phenomena, is the tree finding acidic soil
in the depths, sends roots only to the shallows, further
weakening stability.

The key thing is to recognize the function of mineral to seed the
geometry of field, to harden/stabilize the membrane/& structures
of the cell. The mechanism by which acidity prevents the
geometric unflowering of biology's fields, is the same issue of
lack of space. Atomic shells which have spaces in them, create
envelope cavities in which the play of biology can be unpacked.

With a preponderance of acidic protons, there remains no space
to create the new order, which we call biological growth.

This is why the cost of limestone for agriculture (chemically
basic), increased by many orders of magnitude in recent years. In
Sweden it's use is common to save lakes on a large scale.

Creating space for growth, is the archetype of the womb, the
feminine. (The Power of Limits). The Patriarchical aspects of
Adamic/Atomic Acidic western culture, is losing space to unfold
into. Losing the feminine.


Diana told me that as a Homeopathic physician she often felt it
would be preferable for her to be treating trees. We discussed
appropriate homeopathic remedies for forests. There may not be
will enough amongst to grind up enough bed rock to remineralize
Earth. We need homeopathic science: minimum dose.

The key to reweaving the cells of the trees around the geometric
seed of the mineral, to restore the psoric core, is the presence
of the shape of mineral.. around which to crystallize growth. And
in addition, chemically finding space in which to unpack/unfold.

Radionic machines commonly and effectively broadcast homeopathic
remedies. Resonance means that the symbol does participate in the
life of its object.

It is important to suggest however that the completion of a
feedback loop, is a powerful way of viewing our relation to
forests. As a result, we may conclude that a personal, human,
creative direct interaction with the mind of the forests, will
surely be the highest level of healing to which we may aspire.

George Fisher assures me that this is why Mary Baker Eddy turned
from homeopathy to create Christian Science. We may imply that
the most powerful radionic broadcast devices available for
radiating homeopathic remedies, is the human mind.

One facet of this approach, is to learn to visualize accurately
the shape/geometry of the inner structures of the key forest
healing minerals. This could be done in groups, as part of
ritual, with computer assisted visuals. The process of
visualizing/focusing healthy space for chemistry to unfold in, is
identical to using the creative power of the "dreamtime" to
create/maintain pristine breathing space for people to unfold in.

Collectively, biomass (forests, oceans, people) is a thin film
membrane. This membrane is massaged/switched by the long waves of emotion, and the songs of forests and whales, which are identity..
the mind of Earth.

Re: dragon back, Mon, 18 May 1998 22:39:26 -0700 (PDT)

From: David Yarrow <>

winter's note at >

>driving thru the tree ruin nr montreal

>due to ice storm

>my sense was if there had been

>more older trees, they would have known

>how to save...

>if they can radio how to survive

>pestilence for hundreds of miles

>measureably, surely they have some

>radio around ice..

>do places where the dragon is healthy

>get hit by ice devestation to trees..

>I think knot...

>climate emerges from chaose when phi stings recur..


april 21-23 i observed the devastation from sackett's harbor on lake ontario

to akwesasne mohawk nation near montreal. around canton on route 11 there

was an area that suffered much lighter damage. the focus seems to be an old

wooded cemetery on the east side of town. couldn't get out to walk around

and do a ground survey of earthenergies, but the cemetery definitely feels

like a sacred space -- a dragon center in the region.


and i've been told, but lack data to confirm, that older and old-growth

forests suffered much less damage.

David Yarrow at TurtleEyeland,


Eve, the earthworm sez: "Grow food in soil, not oil."

fr dan:

thanks david..!


hows this for a proposed mechanism for

old growth preventing ice storm damage:


we know pine needles turn brown in acid rain

because acidity leaches the minerals which

pines use to seed extreme order into cell water..

without cell waters molecules more orderly than

ice, cells rupture and turn brown in freeze...


we know that capacitive field around older trees has more harmonics

extending into fractality embedding... (longer wave phase lock into


schumann magnetic heartbeat cascade)..

so maybe that field effect can keep the water layer OUTSIDE the trees

cells from hard freeze rupture pressure.. since fractality makes


non destructive..


dan winter