History of the Council of Six
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 13:45:03 -0600
Roger Kerr <>
dan winter <>

(really nice personalization of the history story..

really takes some of the polarization out, leaving room for more
compassion hopefully..dan)

this is an update to:

Draco's Last Stand..

Hi Dan,

Well, I finally wrote up the story of Elora's and my Council of Six,
along with a "brief" sketch of my incarnational history. I have had a lot
of awarenesses come through in the last few weeks that filled in a lot of
the missing pieces. So here it is. I guess I would prefer not to send
this out to the Lists. But if you think that it would be worthwhile, I do
give you permission to post this to your web site. It is long, but then it
covers a LOT of history. Enjoy.

Love and Peace,

by Roger Kerr and Elora Gabriel

This story is about a group of Souls who began an adventure into the
Universe of Duality a long, long time ago, in a distant Galaxy, far, far
away. No, this is not 'Star Wars', although that might not be such a bad
comparison. It is the story of Remembering the distant past, of
Remembering the Beginning of a journey that would ultimately affect
countless billions of other Souls. It is a story of six Souls who formed a
'Council of Six' to fulfill a Mission that was formulated at the Highest
Realms of Creation. It is also a story of how two of those Souls, Roger
Kerr and Elora Gabriel began to open their awareness and reach back into
the depths of their Consciousness to discover their Beginnings. It began
taking shape when Elora and Roger first came into email contact with each
other in August of 1997. Elora had already gotten some information on this
Council of Six in some earlier past life regression sessions. Bits and
pieces of information have been coming into our awareness little by little
over the many months since that time. This information was obtained from
connecting with our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides, who helped us
connect to many of our past/alternate Selves. Many lifetimes have come
into our awareness, but this story is about the most pivotal life of our
long journey. It obviously contains many gaps, and in some portions,
educated guesses. So what follows is the best compilation of information
as of June 1999. Is this story of our journey true? Well, it is our
truth, and we invite you to come along and judge for yourself, to see if
our story may mirror your own truths, or at least help you to find your own
deeper truths.

We live in a Universe of Duality, particularly here in the 3rd dimension.
Our whole world is based on duality: Light/Dark, Love/Fear, Good/Evil,
Male/Female, Higher Consciousness and Lower Ego Consciousness. But
probably the most important aspect of this Duality is the existence of the
Humanoid and Reptilian races of Beings. It is this aspect of the Duality
that is the focus of the story of the Council of Six. There are many races
of Reptilian Beings in this Universe, whom many people would consider as
being 'Dark'. Because we have been immersed in this Duality so long we
have lost the distinction between Energy and Consciousness. In my way of
thinking there are only three things that exist in this Universe: Light
energy, Dark energy and Pure Consciousness. Many people think that the
Ascension process is about becoming or returning to Beings of Light, but we
were never truly 'Light' in the first place. We must come to the
awareness, and truly REMEMBER that we are neither Light nor Dark, but
Beings of Pure Spirit and Consciousness who inhabit bodies composed of both
Light and Dark Energies. There is a huge distinction here. Of course
Beings that exist in the higher dimensions have bodies that contain more
Light energy than those such as ourselves in the lower dimensions. As our
Spirits Descended into the lower dimensions and denser realms of the
Universe, our Spiritual or Etheric bodies had to take on more and more Dark
energy in order to lower our vibration rate so that we could incarnate into
these physical bodies. The lower the dimension we descended to, the more
Dark energy we had to take on. How did we take on that Dark energy?
Through our emotions of fear, hate, anger, grief, guilt, etc. So as we
took on more and more Dark energy, we began to identify ourselves with the
different levels of Light and Dark energies. We forgot that we were the
Beings of Consciousness who merely embodied those different levels of Light
and Dark energies. So it would appear that those Dark energies we took on
through our emotions merely clouded, or veiled our Conscious awareness of
who we truly were. So while it is true that in order to Ascend back to the
higher dimensions we have to release these 'Dark' emotions and allow more
Light energy into our Beings, we must not confuse Light with Consciousness.

So in this respect, since the Reptilians exist in a higher dimension than
we do, they would not be as 'Dark' as we are. The Reptilians just have a
different way of being, a different state of Consciousness than we have.
But Consciousness is neither 'Light' nor 'Dark', there are just different
levels of awareness, some higher than others. The Ego Consciousness or
Intellect tends to block the Higher Consciousness from coming through, and
as a result causes us to hold on to more of the 'Dark' emotional energies.
So in this sense, the Ego blocks the flow of the Light Energies in our
bodies. So the Ego Consciousness may affect energy but it is not energy,
so it is not 'Dark'. It is merely a lower level of Consciousness. The
Reptilians seem to be completely immersed in their Ego Consciousness, the
Intellect. But does that make them 'Dark' or 'Evil'? Who are we to judge
them? There are just as many Humanoids who are totally immersed in their
Egos, and they can be just as 'Dark' and 'Evil' as the Reptilians. So
being 'Dark' or 'Evil' has little to do with whether you are Reptilian or
Humanoid. But the Reptilians are masters at survival, and they are some of
the oldest races in this Universe. They are very aggressive, fierce and
determined warriors, and can be very intimidating to say the least, of that
you can be sure.

Roger began having psychic contacts with members of the race known as
Draconians in late March of 1997. He also began experiencing some rather
unpleasant psychic attacks about the same time, as they tried to control
him through these fear tactics. He attempted to communicate and work with
them for much of that year. Later he began having contact with the Sirius
B Anunnaki Reptilians, then with the Orion Reptilians, and finally with
another race from Alcyone in the Pleiades. The various Reptilian races are
very wide-spread throughout this and other Galaxies. The group which he
became most familiar with are the Draconians from Auriga. He has only had
limited contact with the Greys, and he suspects that they are a hybrid
race, part Sirian Humanoid, part Reptilian. There are also many other
Humanoid races such as the Sirians and the Taygettan Pleiadians. Roger has
had several telepathic contacts with some of the Pleiadians, and Elora had
some connections with a group of Sirians. But for the most part, the story
of the Council of Six seemed to revolve around the Reptilians.

Recently, Roger realized that several different meditation experiences
he has had over the last two years all seemed to fit together, and were
important parts of the story of the Council of Six. So the following is
his account of how things all came together.

Two years ago, in January 1997, I met my Twin Flame Soul Mate through
email. The Love and energy rushes I felt when we first connected was
unlike anything I had ever felt before. I will call her Sarah, although
that is not her real name. Shortly after we connected I was taken on an
Astral journey back to the Andromeda Galaxy, to what I began to call the
'Home World'. I saw the two of us in a wedding ceremony where we each
pledged our eternal Love to one another. We were presented with a small
Blue Crystal and we anchored the Love that we had for each other into that
crystal. Next I saw the two of us in what I would call a briefing meeting.
The man leading the meeting asked for volunteers for a very dangerous
mission. Many people raised their arms, as did Sarah and myself. We
looked at each other and gave each other that look that said "we can do
this". Slowly everyone else in the room put their arms down, except for the
two of us. We were then taken into a private room where we were told what
we would have to do. I was not given all the details in the meditation,
but I knew that my part of the mission was to go down into the very depths
of the 'Dark' World, the World of the Reptilian Beings. I would be like an
Eagle, I would have the ability to dive down into the depths of Darkness,
but yet be able to come back out to return to the Light and be able to soar
to Spiritual heights. Sarah would be there for me to give me the Love and
support I would need to help pull me out of the Darkness. After receiving
our instructions for this Mission, we went inside of a huge pyramid and
were led to a chamber where there was a gigantic Blue Crystal. We took our
personal crystal and again pledged our Love to each other into it, and then
I placed it in a small receptacle in the huge Blue Portal Crystal. It was
like this crystal contained the programming for every life that we would
experience. In each life, one of us would be given a crystal that would
contain the program for what needed to be done in that particular life.
This Crystal was the power source for a huge interdimensional portal or
energy vortex. After placing our personal crystal inside the huge Blue
Portal Crystal, I saw myself incarnating into a physical body on a
different planet in a different Galaxy.

When Elora and I connected in August of 1997, she told me that she had
become aware of a life a long time ago, in which she was a member of a
Council of Six, and the events and ensuing Karma that she took on from that
life had been paramount to her whole existence. In reading her story about
that life, I became aware of one of my own past lives that I had been
unaware of. I was a female by the name of Shandrasi, and I too was a
member of the same Council of Six along with Elora. When I tuned into this
life, I realized that it occurred on a planet in another neighboring
Galaxy, probably two or three hundred million years ago in Earth's time
frame. My sense is that this was one of the Local Cluster of Galaxies, but
it was a different Galaxy than either Andromeda or the Milky Way. I
recently was taken on a journey to that Galaxy, which confirmed this. It
seemed as if this was one of my first 'physical' incarnations, although I
think it was at a much higher dimensional level than this 3rd Dimensional
existence we now know.

Then in November of 1998 I had a meditation where I was shown another
life I had that occurred in the Andromeda Galaxy, on the Home World. I was
female, and I was one of a group of Beings that have become known as the
Golden Ones. I had been one of the portal 'operators' of the Blue Crystal
Portal. Again, this would have been probably hundreds of millions of years
ago in Earth's time frame. The sense I had was that this life was just
prior to Shandrasi's life and the Council of Six, and seemed like a higher
dimensional level than the Council World. Everything seemed to be still
pretty much in Balance, and I had the impression that this was just before
the Beings of the Light and Dark Consciousness really began to separate.
Or, in other words, before we began incarnating as separate Reptilian and
Humanoid Beings.

In late 1997, Elora had a meditation where she saw the two of us as these
huge Beings. She said that things seemed pretty stagnated, not much
spiritual growth or excitement. She and I had been part of a group of
Beings that also included Lucifer. He had left us and had Descended into a
lower dimension to experience life in a different world on a different
planet. He had planned to incarnate as one of the Reptilian Beings and
then return. But when he didn't come back as planned, the rest of us
became pretty concerned. Apparently, we started looking at possible future
timelines and saw some rather disturbing developments, as the worlds of
Light and Dark Consciousness, of Humanoid and Reptilian grew further and
further apart. We saw a lot of chaos and destruction, with the Reptilian
Beings conquering world after world, and many wars with the Humanoid
Beings. So we decided that some of us would have to go down after Lucifer
and bring him back, and try to bring things back into Balance. A master
plan was drawn up to accomplish that. So it would seem that this was the
purpose of the Mission Briefing I had been shown earlier, and this was what
Sarah and I had volunteered for. Elora was also to play a key role in the
plan. I now know that this was the same life that I had been shown a year
later, as the Golden Ones . So it was really here that we began our
journey into the 'Darkness' of Forgetfulness and Separation, into the
separate worlds of Humanoid and Reptilian Beings. It was as a result of
what happened in this life that we began to forget who we truly were, and
began believing that we were all separate Beings, and that we were separate
from God/Goddess and Great Spirit. We fell into judgement of other races
of Beings and of each other, believing that one was 'Good' and one was

So after placing the programming for my part of the Mission into my
personal Crystal and then into the Central Blue Crystal, I too descended
down into that lower dimension and incarnated as a humanoid female. I
sense that we were not human as we know it today, but similar. I am not
sure what dimensional level this was. My guess is that it was on the 11th
Dimension, but my understanding and awareness of the different dimensional
levels is not very clear. I get that this was in a different Galaxy. So
thus begins the story of my life as Shandrasi and the Council of Six.

When I, as Shandrasi, was six years old I was playing with my sister and
my boy friend, who it so happens had been my mate in the previous Golden
Life. In fact I had just met this person, again through email, only a
couple weeks before I had the meditation about the Golden Ones. This was
not Sarah as she had chosen to remain at the higher dimensional level as an
Observer and a Guide to me. Anyway, somehow I was knocked unconscious and
remained in a comatose state for 3 days. During this time I was shown a
vision of how life in this Universe of Duality would unfold. So I was
shown or re-minded in a 'physical' Conscious sense all the future
probabilities that we, as the Golden Ones, had foreseen. Also, it turns
out that Sue Potter had been my sister in that life. She was 2 years older
than me, and she too had been shown a vision when she was 6. It turns out
that the age of 6 would be critical times for both of us in many of our
subsequent lives. We each had been shown different aspects of the
'Descension' Plan, and the roles that each of us were to play in it,
including what we would have to do to end the Descension process and begin
our Ascension. I do not know all the details of what Shandrasi was shown
in that vision, but the essence of it was that there was going to be a time
in the very distant future, on a planet in another Galaxy that would prove
to be a critical turning point, a point of 'No Return', for all Beings who
chose to experience this particular timeline. To make a very long story
short, that time is NOW, in the Milky Way Galaxy, right here on Earth.

Part of what Shandrasi had seen in her vision was a scenario of wars and
destruction involving several Reptilian races. When Lucifer had left our
group of Golden Ones, he had gone into the 'World' of the Reptilians, in a
different Galaxy, and had become the leader of one of the races that we now
know as the Draconians. They currently reside mostly in the constellation
Auriga. These are not the Orion Reptilians, who are a separate race. I
have become aware of six major Reptilian races, which include the Draco,
the Orions and the Sirius B Anunnaki. These six races have fought against
each other, and against various Humanoid races for aeons. The infamous
Orion Wars was only one example of this long history of battling for
ultimate control. I have had the sense now for about a year and a half,
that Shandrasi also saw the Earth being destroyed somehow, and that it
involved the Reptilians. Somehow a rift or Black Hole would be opened
between this Universe and a Parallel Anti-Matter Universe and the Earth
would be totally annihilated when it encountered her Anti-Matter
counterpart. This enormous explosion would rip through the space-time
fabric ultimately consuming the entire solar system and surrounding star
systems in a gigantic series of explosions of matter and anti-matter,
annihilating everything in its path. Eventually the entire Galaxy would be
destroyed. Apparently she was also shown the cause of this rift being
opened in the first place, and it had to do with all the wars and use of
nuclear weapons, and the higher dimensional wars being waged by many other
ET races who were fighting for control of the Earth. In early January 1999
I became aware of the fact that a tremendous amount of Anti-Matter Energy
and the Consciousness and Astral Bodies of many Beings from the Parallel
Anti-Matter Universe were coming through into our world through a Stargate
Portal at Mt. Kenya in Africa. I and a very psychic and spiritual young
lady whom I had met a couple months earlier, did a meditation where we
connected to the Blue Crystal Portal in Andromeda and were Guided to do
some things that placed a protective seal around that Stargate to prevent
any further merging of the Anti-Matter Energies. But recently, as I write
this, I have sensed that barrier breaking down again. Since that time I
have become aware of some other smaller portals where similar Anti-Matter
Universe Energies were coming through. My friend did some work to seal up
one of those here in Denver, Colorado. So what Shandrasi had seen in her
vision is becoming a possible, and certainly a more probable, reality. So
this is indeed a critical time.

So when I/Shandrasi regained consciousness I shared my vision with the
local shaman or holy man. The result of that was that I swore an oath of
some kind to take a course of action that would lead me on a journey to
begin the fulfillment of my part of the Master Plan that the Golden Ones
had designed. It would ultimately put all of us who took part in this
Mission in a position, with all the knowledge and wisdom that would be
needed, to help prevent that future possibility of annihilation from
happening. Part of that plan was the formation of the Council of Six.
There were actually seven of us who had volunteered for this particular
Mission, but Sarah, my Twin Soul, did not incarnate with us in that life.
She would act as a spiritual Observer and Guide for us, particularly for
me, to help me through the rough times that would lie ahead. She would
also have an important role to play in subsequent lives, in the fulfillment
of this Mission. The 6 of us who had agreed at that Mission Briefing
Meeting to be a member of the Council of Six were: myself, as Shandrasi;
Elora, who was a male by the name of Deidriel, and would become my mate;
Elora's Twin Soul, who I will call Andre (not his real name), was her
sister; John Armitage, who was female in that life and was one of my
sisters; the 5th member is a male acquaintance of Elora's, who I will call
David (also not his real name) and was also male in the Council life; and
the 6th member is a woman whom I will call Teresa (again not her real
name), who was male in the Council life and the brother of David. It is
interesting that all of us except David were the opposite sex in the
Council life as we are now. Later in that life the six of us also paired
up as mates: Elora and myself, John and Teresa, and Andre and David. Each
couple had two children, who would also play important roles in this

Sue Potter, one of my sisters, was involved in the same Mission Plan, but
was not a member of the Council of Six, as she had died at a very early age
in that life. She had been killed in the same accident in which I was
knocked unconscious. She was to play a critical role in the overall plan,
and had to re-incarnate into a different life, as one of the Reptilian
Beings, whom I would meet later in that life. It is interesting that
Shandrasi actually had 6 other sisters. Out of the 7 of us, there were 3
sets of twins. With each pair of twins, one went into the 'Light' and one
went into the 'Dark'. Sue and I were two of those who went into the
'Dark'. The third sister who went into the 'Dark' is someone that Sue
knows very well. It turns out that my twin who went into the 'Light' was
Sananda, Sue's twin was Ashtar, and John, who was one of the third set of
twins, was Melchizedek. The seventh sister, who was the oldest of all of
us, was Athena. So is it possible that we were the original 'Seven

I also find it most interesting that either Elora or I have met each of
the other Council members either directly or indirectly. Elora met her
Twin Soul, Andre, several years ago. She also met David in person, and
talked to Teresa over the phone through her business. I had the great
pleasure of meeting John in June of 1997, and met my Twin Soul, Sarah,
through email. I have also met Sue in person and three of the children
from that life, two of whom were Elora's and my children, a son and
daughter. The third one is a wonderful woman whom I know very well and
will call Mary (again, not her real name). She was male in that life and
the son of David and Andre. She was to play a critical role in what
transpired. Of course it is not coincidence that all of us would incarnate
here on Earth at this critical time and be drawn together in the way that
we were. We had an important mission to complete. I do not mean to imply
that our group were any more significant or important than anyone else, as
there were many, many Beings who also came into this physical Universe on
similar missions to help restore the Balance and to bring people's
awareness back to Love and Divine Consciousness. I only know that we were
chosen for a very important mission, and this is a small but significant
part of our story.

During Elora's and my work in mid-September of 1997, we were taken on an
Astral journey back to the Council World. We saw ourselves and the other
members of the Council sitting around a circle of stones with a fire
blazing in the middle. It was night time, and I, as leader of the Council,
was leading a ceremony in which we each pledged our allegiance to each
other and said some vows dedicating ourselves to this Mission, that we had
all agreed to participate in. I thanked and honored each member of the
group for taking part in this Mission. Each of us had our own secret
covenant with 'God/Goddess' that none of the other five knew about. This
was necessary because certain actions that had to be taken would impact the
others in what would appear to be a negative way. But it was all a
necessary part of the plan. Before incarnating into these Council lives,
each of us had our entire 'program' for our particular roles for each
lifetime for the entire Plan placed into a kind of "Soul Capsule". This is
what I had done in the ceremony at the Blue Crystal Portal. In fact these
Capsules were sealed and stored in a vault inside the Pyramid that
contained the Blue Crystal. Each of us was sub-consciously linked to our
Soul Capsule, so that we would each know what had to be done, whether it
was Consciously or Un-Consciously, to complete our entire Mission. Part of
the programming was that this Capsule would be Consciously accessed just
before the final stages of the Plan. Elora was Guided to have a shaman
retrieve her Capsule in January of '97. Synchronistically, at about the
same time that I really started becoming aware of my own role in this
Mission. She was the first of the group to have her Capsule retrieved, and
then in September of '97, she helped me retrieve my Capsule. In fact we
did this just moments before we were taken on this Astral journey to the
Council Fire Ceremony.

Our Council of Six became one of the higher orders of the governing body
for the entire planet. At some point the following scenario began to
unfold. There was another person involved, a man that Elora has met in this
life, whom we will call Sam. He was male in that lifetime. Apparently
Lucifer and the Draconians had made their way into our planetary system.
The Dracos had very high levels of technology and we believe that Sam had
made a business deal with them to acquire some of that technology. The
Dracos most likely offered many inducements in exchange for their highly
evolved technology, but we suspect that their real agenda was the complete
conquest of our planet. Apparently Sam got David, a member of our Council,
involved in this deal, and David tried to convince the rest of us to agree
to their plan. We think that the majority of our Council decided it was
not a good idea, but David secretly went in on the deal without our
approval. Mary, who was then a young man and David's son, also got involved
in it. What we suspect is that David and Mary may not have been aware of
the real motive of the Dracos until it was too late. So this deal gave the
Dracos an opportunity to come onto our planet. Of course, they tried to
take complete control of the planet, and eventually a war broke out. Most
of the planet was destroyed and nearly half of the population, about 60
million people, were killed. Most of us and our families survived the war,
but our lives would be drastically changed, and the foundations laid for
the remainder of our life journeys.

We suspect that David left the planet once the war broke out. Anyway, the
responsibility for settling a peace treaty fell on Deidriel (Elora), as the
Dracos, who are a male dominated race, would not deal with me as the leader
of the Council because I was female. So the burden fell on Deidriel as he
was second in command. As part of the settlement, the Dracos demanded that
they be given many female captives, or they would destroy the rest of the
planet. So given that choice, Deidriel agreed to their terms. Ultimately,
the three females (myself, John and Andre) were all taken captive by the
Dracos, and taken back to their home world. I believe that we may have
sacrificed ourselves in order to save our children and some of the others.
I'm not sure how many females were taken in all, but it would make sense
that many were. Deidriel (Elora) shouldered all of the blame for us being
taken prisoner, when in fact it was not solely his decision, and there was
no other acceptable choice. It turns out that because of his overpowering
feelings of guilt and remorse for having to make that decision to betray
those that he loved to the Draco in order to save the planet, Deidriel
(Elora) took his own life. That guilt has weighed heavy on Elora's Soul
ever since. She has spent much of her current life releasing this guilt
and healing all of the Karma that she took on as a result of what happened
in that life.

The three of us females, as well as others, were used as breeding stock
for the Draco's genetic experiments. There was much sexual abuse and
torture. And I am sure that there was a lot of resentment on our part
towards the men of the group, Elora, David and Mary amongst others. But the
message that I got was that the 'cross-breed' offspring from these forced
matings between ourselves and the Draco were the ancestors of the Anasazi
or Native American race. When I was in Mesa Verde in June of 1997, some of
the Anasazi began 'talking' to me, and told me that the Dracos and the
Anasazi had common ancestors. They also told me of my own Anasazi
connections. I had known that I had connections to the Native Americans,
but had not realized that this included the Anasazi. Thus, many of the
pieces to this gigantic puzzle began falling into place. So when I became
aware of Shandrasi's fate at the hands of the Draco, I began to understand
the reasons behind it all. This was all part of the Divine Plan to bring
the Light and the Dark Sides of Consciousness, the Humanoid and Reptiloid
Races into Balance and Peace and Harmony with one another. So creating a
race that was part Reptilian and part Humanoid was part of the Plan. It is
not coincidence that the Native American people have held that energy of
Balance here on the Earth for many thousands of years.

I have the impression that this captivity lasted many years, and during
that time I get that the three of us, me, John and Bill, had placed many
curses on some of our captors as well as those whom we felt had betrayed
us. Prior to the Draco take-over, Elora and I (Deidriel and Shandrasi) had
been schooled in the shamanic arts, as this too had been part of the
overall Plan. I have come to realize that I had become quite adept at
Black Magic and was a master at placing curses. But even that served the
purpose of placing the 'Veils' on people's psychic awareness, so that they
would forget their true origins, which again was all part of the Descension
Plan. I have also just recently become aware that I had had a major curse
placed on me prior to this entire scenario unfolding. So curses and
implants were used by many Beings as tools of the process of Descension
into denser and denser realms. Finally, after many years of torture and
abuse, Mary made another deal with the Draco to have me released into 'his'
custody. But by that time I was totally beaten down, literally. I get
that I suffered more sexual abuse at his hands, and I too finally took my
own life. So this very critical life set the stage for all that was to
follow in our many incarnations since that time.

Elora agreed to take on the Karma of all those people of that planet who
died in the war with the Draco. As such she would have many difficult and
painful lives. For the most part Elora's and my Paths followed different
courses, but we did cross paths on several critical occasions. She had
many, many lives here on Earth from the beginning of civilization on this
planet. We believe that David followed a similar path as Elora.

During her captivity, Shandrasi had met Lucifer and also her sister, Sue,
who had died at an early age, and had subsequently incarnated as one of the
Draco. My Mission was to also follow Lucifer's Path and go into the world
of the Reptilian races and to become one of them. I just recently got the
message that Lucifer had been my Father in my first Draco life. Thus began
a long string of incarnations as Draconians and several other Reptilian
races. I have come to realize that I had about 140 lifetimes after
Shandrasi's life prior to coming into this Galaxy and all of them were as
various races of Reptilians. Although there were many different races of
Reptilians, there were six predominant races that seemed to dominate all
the others. I had lives as all six of these different races. In a recent
meditation I was shown that each of these races originated in a different
Galaxy within the Local Cluster of Galaxies, of which there are at least 28
separate Galaxies. It turns out that I played a role in bringing each of
these races into our Milky Way Galaxy, as it was all part of the Divine
Plan that the many different Reptilian and Humanoid races of this sector of
the Universe, be brought together. After all, part of our lesson is to
recognize that we are all One Great Big Family. I will try to identify the
six races according to the Constellation they currently reside in. There
has been much confusion as to their identity and the name Draconian has
been used for all the different races. However, I classify the Draconians
as just one of these races, the ones who now reside in the constellation
Auriga and the Capella Star System. There is another race who reside in
several star systems in Orion. A race from Alcyone of the Pleiades, one
from Taurus, one from the Triangulum, and finally those from Sirius B, who
I believe are Zecharia Sitchin's Anunnaki. Each of these races are a
distinct race, with strikingly different appearances. Also, none of these
races are the Greys. From the information that I have been able to get,
the Greys are a hybrid race who were 'created' by the Aryan Sirians to be
used as 'combat drones' against these other Reptilian races. They are part
Humaniod, part Reptilian and part Insectoid, who are another entirely
distinct race of Beings.

Each of these Reptilian races had a Supreme Ruler that I have come to
call the Six Lords of Darkness, or 'Dark Lords'. These six are Lucifer,
who is Lord over the Draco; Asaru, Lord of the Orions; An, Lord of the
Sirius B Anunnaki, Damsowzulvitz (Damsow for short), Lord of the Alcyones;
Natas, Lord of the Taurians; and Sulzekiwuztuplep (Sulzek for short), Lord
of the Triangulums. Sue and I each worked our way up into the Elite and
became one of these six Dark Lords. Sue was Natas, and I was An. These
six 'Dark Lords' were to play an important role in the Descension process.
The message came through that these Beings knew, or at least I did, that a
time would come when we would reach a point of 'No Return', regarding the
descension into density. The Descension had to be reversed at that time,
or we would continue to Descend into the darkness until we had completely
destroyed ourselves, possibly by causing this rift between the matter and
anti-matter Universes. We think that the projected time of this event is
in our near future, possibly sometime between now and 2012.

An was what was considered to be a 'Sun God', meaning that he had the
ability and the power to open and close and transit the interdimensional
Wormholes and Portals that exist within many Stars or Suns. I had several
lives as a Draco 'Sun God', or 'Soluruous', which was the Draco name for
them. I also played the 'Sun God' role for each of the other four races.
Except for An, these 'Sun Gods' served directly under one of the other Dark
Lords, as the Commander in Chief of each particular race. Each of them had
12 'Officers' who made up the High Command. My first few Reptilian lives
were as Draco Sun Gods, and I kept going further and further into the
'Dark' realms. Finally I became Belsazar, who was like the ultimate Dark
Lord. He had somehow brought all six Reptilian races under his control and
became like an Emperor of all Reptilian races. He was much like the
Emperor in the Star Wars movies. It was under his rule that the combined
Reptilian forces began invading many different Star Systems and also
spreading throughout many of the Local Galaxies. He unleashed a brutal
'Reign of Terror', and created a Reptilian Empire that eventually spread
from one Galaxy to another. It was through my many 'Sun God' roles that I
helped lead each of these six races from one Star System to the next, and
from one Galaxy to another. They waged all out war on all Humanoid and
many other races. But yet this was all part of the Divine Plan to Descend
into the denser and denser realms of the Universe. The message that I get
is that when my Soul agreed to play this role, that the Collective
Consciousness wanted to experience the emotions of fear, terror and hate.
So Belsazar definitely struck fear and terror into everyone's hearts and he
gave all Beings someone to REALLY Hate. But it was something that all
Souls had agreed to, everyone just forgot. So most likely, it was Belsazar
who became the model for the 'Devil' or 'Satan', as the Humanoid races were
looking for a central figure on whom to place all the blame for all that
had gone 'wrong'. So this got passed down through all the religions, and
the entire Reptilian race soon became the symbol for all that was
considered 'Evil'.

But even though all the Reptilian races had been brought under one
Supreme Commander, there was an ongoing struggle amongst them for power.
So these six races waged almost constant war on each other and on many
Humanoid races. They went on to conquer many, many worlds in many
different Galaxies. Two years ago, I had an Astral journey where I was
shown many different worlds that had been conquered by the Reptilians, and
the different ways in which they accomplished it. Of course at that time,
I hadn't realized that I had been directly involved in many of those
conquests. At the end of my journey I asked how many worlds were there
that had been taken over by the Reptilians. The answer I got was millions.
Then I asked how many worlds were there that were still free from their
control, and got hundreds. In that Astral journey I was shown that they
eventually made their way to the Andromeda Galaxy where they conquered the
Home World and took control of the Blue Crystal Portal, which is a major
intergalactic portal, and went through it to come here to the Milky Way
Galaxy. I was one of the Draco High Command who was involved in that
conquest and then led them from Andromeda into this Galaxy. I get that
they first came to Lyra through a major portal there. But they did not
remain there and moved on to Capella, in the constellation Auriga where
they still reside. I get that the Draco were the first of the Reptilian
races to enter the Milky Way Galaxy, soon to be followed by the Orions,
Anunnaki, the Alcyones and other races.

When I first arrived in this Galaxy, I continued my role as a Draco Sun
God. But now would come a critical turning point for me. One of my most
important Draco Sun God or Soluruous Selves was known as Sansiruous. He
could see where all this war and destruction was going to lead, and he
began slowly departing from the traditional Draco ways. He was the first
to empower the females of his race as Warriors. He also planted the seeds
for what would later become a Draco Rebellion against the rest of the
Empire. He would also play a major role in my current life, in helping
remove many etheric implants from me and Elora, and in making some critical
connections with some of the Draco. His Capellan female Warriors would
also play a critical role in the events that took place in the Fall of 1997.

I had a later Draco Soluruous life, when the Rebellion took full force
and became an open Civil War between the various Reptilian races, and of
course I was one of the instigators behind it. This Civil War eventually
spread throughout this entire sector of the Galaxy and involved many
Humanoid races as well, and eventually became known as the Orion Wars.
Most people have considered the Orion Wars as the beginning of the control
of the Orion Reptilians in this sector of the Galaxy. But in truth, it
represented the beginning of the break-up of the Reptilian Empire. Again,
it was all part of the Great Plan to begin the slow process of restoring
the Balance of Power, and bringing the Reptilian and Humanoid races back
together in Peace and Harmony. Of course we haven't reached that point
yet. But this was the Mission of our Council of Six. You have to
understand that this whole process had been evolving for hundreds of
millions of years just to get to the point of the Orion Wars. So it is not
surprising that it would take a long time for the process to resolve
itself. How long ago were the Orion Wars? I really don't know for sure,
but probably hundreds of thousands or possibly several million years ago in
Earth's time frame. But what is important to understand is that this
process of the races coming back together IS happening.

It was after my life as Sansiruous that I began a series of incarnations
in Human form. Part of my Mission was that I had to form a 'Bridge'
between the Reptilians and the Humanoids, to bring them back together in
Peace and Harmony. I had to remind both races of our true origins as ONE
FAMILY, ONE BEING. As such I needed to experience both forms of life, and
so I began alternating between Reptilian and Humanoid form. But most of my
lives after this point were as Humans. I had been fully immersed in the
Reptilian way of Being, now I had to become Human and to embrace that way
of Being as well. But in doing so, I entered a sort of no man's land, as
the Humanoid Beings still sensed my Reptilian energies, at least on a
sub-conscious level, and they judged me as being 'Dark' and 'Evil'.
Starting with Sansiruous's life, the Reptilians began to see me as a threat
to them, and they considered me a traitor to their cause. Now when they
saw me as Human, I really became a threat to them. So I began to be
attacked from both sides. But this was all necessary to attempt to bring
things back into Balance and Peace and Harmony. But this would prove to be
a most difficult, and nearly impossible task.

My first 'Human' incarnation was in the Lyra Star System on a planet we
called MU. This was the original Lemurian civilization. There were at
least two other planets in that system that were inhabited. The original
Atlantean civilization was on one of these. I had several lives on MU, but
then the Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations went to war with each other.
The Beings from the third planet were what I would consider to be the
ancestors to our Illuminati. They manipulated both sides in this war. The
Reptilians were also involved in this war. Finally a huge 'comet' or more
accurately a brown dwarf, or burnt out 'Dark' Star came into this planetary
system. The 'Illuminati' Beings were able to use their powers to 'steer'
this Dark Star into a collision course with MU. My sense is that they saw
that the Reptilians were about to take over MU and they chose to destroy
the planet rather than surrender it to the Reptilians. A few years ago I
had several vivid dreams about my last life on MU. I had been a scientist
and we knew that this Dark Star was going to collide with our planet.
Later I had a couple of past life regressions to this same life. I had
lived on the shore of one of the oceans and huge tidal waves came ashore as
this Dark Star approached due to its gravitational effects. Another group
of scientists sent out a group of explorers into interstellar space to find
another planet that we could inhabit. They found a suitable planet in the
Sirius Star System, and many of us evacuated the planet. However, most
people refused to believe that this Dark Star would really destroy the
planet. Perhaps they believed that God would not allow it to be destroyed.
But the Dark Star did indeed collide with MU and it was destroyed. The
'Atlantean' Planet was not destroyed, but it was thrown into a different
orbit and it too had to be evacuated. Close to two billion people died in
that catastrophe. MU was indeed a beautiful planet, a paradise. I suspect
that this is where the legend of the 'Garden of Eden' originated, and the
belief system set in place that God punished us and threw us out of the
Garden of Eden. But once again this was all part of the plan, for the
Human and Reptilian races to spread out throughout this sector of our

My next 'Human' lives were on a planet I call Senayaga in the Sirius B
Star System. Again I had several lives there, and after a time of relative
peace, another war broke out. I believe that this war was a separate
conflict from the 'Orion Wars', but may have been a result of it, as I get
that it involved the Orion Reptilians, the Draco and the Anunnaki, and that
they were all fighting for control of this planet. I had been a military
commander and was involved in this war. This war also involved a planet in
our Solar System that many people know as Maldek or as I prefer to call it,
Malona. I ended up being injured and captured and was held prisoner on
Malona. I have gotten the message that the Sirians ended up losing that
war, and that the Anunnaki Reptilians took over Senayaga, and that planet
later became known as Nibiru.

Next I had several lives on Malona or Maldek. Some of my lives there were
as Reptilians again. Again there were quite a few lives there, then one
more time a major interplanetary war broke out. This war was between the
'Lemurian' descendants from MU who had settle on Malona, and the Atlantean
descendents who had settled on Earth. The Reptilians and the Sirius A
Humanoids were also involved in this war. I was was a male by the name of
Gustav, and I was one of the Anasazi race of mixed Humanoid and Reptilian
genetics. This particular life was a very important life for me, and I
have been reminded of it many times through past life regressions and past
emotional 'memories'. I had left my native people and had gone off to
again study the sciences and was involved in a battle in this war at the
age of 18. Later, a close friend of mine had a vision of the whole planet
being blown apart, as a result of this war. So once again we made our
plans to evacuate and to come to Earth. We had realized that Ashtar and
the Sirians had planted crystals all over the planet and had planned to set
up some kind of energy grid or shield. Once again, a Reptilian take-over
of the planet appeared imminent, and the Sirian Humanoids were attempting
to make the planet uninhabitable for them. Whether or not they truly
intended to destroy the planet I do not know, but I would like to think
not. I had had considerable spiritual powers in that life, and I believe
that I had attempted to intervene in their plans to try and save the
planet. So I attempted to re-program these crystals to try and deflect the
energy back to the Sirian ships, but was not successful, and may have
inadvertantly contributed to the problem. Because when the Atlanteans and
Sirians energized these crystals with some kind of high energy beam, the
energy was too strong and it destabilized the planets energy grids and it
was completely blown apart, and again a couple billion people died in that
explosion. The remnants of Malona or Maldek formed the Asteroid Belt.

But before Malona exploded, a group of us had evacuated and came to
Earth. I had met Elora at some point and she was part of our group. As
far as a time frame for these events goes, my sense is that Malona was
destroyed about 13,000 years ago. I was made aware of the fact that when
we left Malona to come to Earth we had done some time traveling. First we
went about 8500 years into the future to about 4500 years ago. We brought
several of the 'Anasazi' tribes with us and dropped them off at various
sites in North and South America. One of these sites was at Mesa Verde in
southwestern Colorado. Then we went through the Portal at the Great
Pyramid and went back in time to about 389,000 years ago. There was
another very important phase of our Mission that had to be accomplished.

According to Semjase of the Pleiadians, in her contacts with Billy Meier
in Switzerland in the mid-70's, the Lyrans had first come to Earth about 20
million years ago. Over time they had made many trips to Earth and had
attempted to establish many different colonies. Elora had been one of the
original Lyrans that first came here, and had many incarnations here over a
long period of time. She knew that there had been a time when the Anunnaki
Reptilians came to Earth and began a series of genetic alterations that
would have serious consequences for the Human race. So part of our Plan
was to go back in time before that genetic experiment began so that we
could try to stop it, or at least prevent the effects from becoming
irreversible. In a later life, we were both involved in a Mission to
accomplish that. I had incarnated as one of the Anunnaki Reptilians again,
and I managed to infiltrate their team of geneticists. My sense is that it
was the Orions who were in charge of the whole operation. We could not
stop the experiment entirely, but my 'team' had determined a critical point
where we could convince the Orions that we had achieved their objective,
but yet stop it at a point where there was still a possibility of a
recovery for the Human race. I managed to convince the Orions that we had
indeed achieved their goal, and then Elora and others of our team blew up
the labortory, destroying all the records so that they could not know what
we had done, or repeat the experiment. Of course they figured out that I
had been part of the sabotage efforts and tortured me trying to get me to
tell them what I had done. But I never revealed my secret and was slowly
tortured to death. I guess whether or not we really stopped the experiment
in time remains to be seen.

So we each had many more incarnations here on Earth. But the life on
Malona as Gustav was a pivotal one for me. I have often gotten the message
that I have now come full circle, as this was the life where I first came
to Earth to begin the final phase of my Mission. Now we are at that
critical time for which we of the Council of Six had prepared for.
Everything that had happened was building up for the events that were about
to happen in our lives now. Elora and I have each realized how the many
things that have happened to us in our current lives have been leading us
down a certain path and have been slowly preparing us for what was to

Elora has been compelled to work on herself for her whole life. She has
done a great deal of exploration in the psychic and energy healing realms
and has developed some pretty strong clairvoyant abilities. This was all
necessary to prepare her to carry out the last part of her mission in her
work with me. She was faced with many challenges and had some very
traumatic and emotional experiences. She has also been dealing with some
chronic health problems. In fact, by the spring of 1997 she had reached a
point where she could no longer connect with a reason for being on the
planet. Then after a period of seeming inactivity, in late August of 1997
Elora responded to a message that I had been guided to post to one of the
email Lists. After that, events began moving with blinding speed, probably
because we were behind schedule. Within a few days we began to remember
our joint history. Soon we became aware that needed to pool our energies
and talents in order to complete this mission together. During the first 6
months after our reunion, we had many profound experiences, also some very
painful experiences. But with the assistance of our Guides, we covered an
incredible amount of territory in a very short time, and did an incredible
amount of healing. We removed lots of curses and the corresponding etheric
implants we had placed on each other. Also, with lots of help from our
Guides, the Archangels and other Light Beings, some of the Pleiadians, and
even Sansiruous, my Draco Sun God Self, we removed many implants from both
of us. I had close to a hundred etheric implants from my various Reptilian
lives and from the abductions in this life. All of these energy blockages
had to be removed and healed to prepare us for some extremely important

Over the last several years I have had lots of chronic low back
problems, and I suffered from mercury and aluminum toxicity due to my
dental fillings. As a result I have had a lot of holistic healing work
done on me, both physical and energetic. With the help of my Spirit
Guides, I have done lots of meditative and energetic work on myself, slowly
clearing all my Chakras and Auric layers. But I soon discovered that this
was a dual edged sword, as I found myself being wide open to other people's
energies and to psychic attacks. A psychic I had consulted one time told
me that I should stop doing what I was doing because I could not be
protected. But this was the Path that my Guides and Higher Self were
leading me down, so I continued. Quite a bit later, and after lots of help
from several spiritual healers, I finally realized that as a result of the
many abductions I experienced as a young child, my Auric protective layer
was somehow ripped away. As such, my energy field is like an open portal,
there are no boundaries to it. This condition leaves me wide open to
psychic attacks from many different Beings, both Reptilian and Humanoid,
and I have been affected by Dark Entities almost continually for the past 2
years or more. But this condition also gives me the ability and the power
to access and do energy work on any portal or energy vortex on the Earth,
just by my conscious intent. I have come to realize that this is the same
ability my Reptilian 'Sun God' Selves had. I had used those powers in
those lives to help facilitate the Descension into density. Now I was
learning to use those same powers to end the Descension and to help start
the Ascension process. The work that Elora and I had been doing was all
part of the process of learning to access and develop those powers. This
was my gift from the Creator, from Great Spirit, that has been both a curse
and a blessing, truly the Duality in action. Little did we know at that
time what we were being prepared for, and how those powers were to be used.

The first major event occurred in late September of 1997, shortly after
the Stargate opening at the Equinox. We had done some important work with
a couple of our Past Selves, in particular our Warrior Aspects. One day, I
did a meditation where I called in the Female Warrior Aspect of Elora, and
one of my own Warrior Selves. I allowed both of their energies to merge
with my own. This was symbolic of Balancing the Male and the Female Warrior
energies. Then that night I was shown brief scenes from several of my
Draco lives. It was like everything was being shown to me in
'fast-forward' motion, one after the other, all connected in a string of
important events. It basically had to do with me leading the Draco to this
Solar System and to the Earth. I was shown some of the destruction that
resulted along that Path, including Maldek or Malona. But the message was
clear that this had all been part of the Plan, that many different races
had to be drawn here to the Earth for a 'showdown' of sorts. Of course the
intention of that showdown was to be able to restore the Balance between
the Humanoids and the Reptilians. As this was all being shown to me, I
heard a voice say, "Oh my God, Roger." Then the next morning, September
25th, I got the message that the Capellan Draco had finally realized that I
was Sansiruous, one of their Sun Gods, and had finally realized the truth
of this whole Plan. So it was them who had been tuned into me the night
before. Because of what they had seen, they told me that they would be
willing to fight for me and our cause.

Then a little later I tapped into a major higher dimensional battle that
was taking place between a hostile group of Draco from Auriga and the
Taygettan Pleiadians and the Andromedans. I had sensed some ships being
blown up and many Beings being killed. When I asked about what was
happening, the Andromedans told me that the war with the Draco had begun.
I got the message that the Capellan Draco, whose Warriors were mostly
female, had decided to join the Pleiadians and the Andromedans in the fight
against members of their own race. Later I was told that the Draco had
suffered a major defeat, one of the first they had ever experienced, and
they had retreated. I got the message that it was the Capellans who had
turned the tides in this battle. So all that had happened the night before
had been very important in the outcome of this battle.

The next day, the 26th, Elora and I did some major healing work on me and
the issue that came up involved Sansiruous, one of my pivotal Draco
'Soluruous' Selves. We released and healed a lot of his hate and anger.
Then later that day, I was asked to escort the Spirits of the many Beings
who had died in that battle up to the higher Astral realms. I had done a
lot of this kind of Spirit 'Escort' service most of that year. When I
tuned into them, I realized that many of them were the Draco. Then when I
finished doing this, Sansiruous just took over me and made contact with the
leader of the hostile group of Draco. He knew that they were in a
vulnerable state after losing the battle, and he wanted to take advantage
of it to get a message through to them. He told their leader to let go of
his own rage and anger and to see the truth of the situation. The energy
that was released from this nearly blew me away, literally. I collapsed on
the floor and my Guides had to rush to my aide to clear my energy and bring
me out of it. Just a short while later, I got the message that this Draco
leader had approached the Andromedans and had offered to negotiate a peace
settlement. The previous June I had been given the message that part of my
Mission was to get the Draco to come to the Galactic Peace Conference that
was going on, and I thought "how in the world am I supposed to do that?"
So a major part of my Mission had been completed in a flash, literally,
without any prior planning, it just happened.

But the real climax of our work was still to come. In mid November of
'97, I was taken on another Astral journey where they showed me how I, as
one of the Draco High Command, had been involved in the conquest of the
Home World in the Andromeda Galaxy. There was a huge Pyramid on the
planet, that contained a huge interstellar and intergalactic portal or
Stargate. This was the Blue Crystal Portal that I had been shown earlier.
They sent telepathic messages to someone on the planet who was in charge of
the operation of the Stargate. They had convinced this person that they
were 'God' or Angelic Light Beings coming to help the people of the planet.
They directed this person to open the Stargate to allow them to come onto
the planet. When the Stargate was opened their fleet of ships swarmed
through and overpowered the defenses of the planet and took over control.
They then used this portal to come here to the Milky Way Galaxy. So again
it had all been part of the Plan. But my Guides sent me a strong message
that now the same thing was about to happen again with the Great Pyramid
Stargate at Giza in Egypt. This Stargate was scheduled to be opened by a
group led by Chandara on December 20, and the Draco and the other
Reptilian races were preparing themselves for another major assault on the
Earth and were planning on coming through the Pyramid Stargate to
completely take control of the planet.

So for the next month, Elora and I ended up doing a lot more work with
Lucifer and the Draco, and also with the Aryan Sirians. They played a
major role in all that was going on at the time. As a result of this work
we were able to bring the Sirians and the Draco together to come to their
own peace agreement. Also one of the most important things that resulted
from all of our work, was that Lucifer finally made his Ascension. I had
been invited on an Astral journey to the Draco Home World for a celebration
of the new Peace agreement. They were acknowledging and honoring me for
the work I had done to make this possible. Lucifer presented me with a
special gift, a necklace with several small Blue Crystals and some kind of
medalion on it. Shandrasi had given it to Lucifer when she first met him
in that Council life. It was her promise to him that one day she would
return to bring him back out of the Darkness. Now he was returning it to
me as that promise had been fulfilled. Then I watched him shed his Dark
Reptilian skin and he transformed into a Golden Angelic Being. Archangel
Michael joined him and they looked like twins. Then I saw Michael lead him
up a Golden beam of Light back to the Higher Realms of Creation.

During that time we were also Guided to do some clearing work on several
major Earth Portals, releasing and tranforming Dark Entities that were
blocking them. We also had a couple of meditation sessions where we
connected to John Armitage, one of our Council members, as he too was to be
involved in this Pyramid Stargate work. All this preparation culminated in
our work on the Great Pyramid Stargate Portal a few hours after Chandara
opened it. We released many Dark Entities from the Portal, balanced its
energies. I had come to realize that I had been a portal operator at the
Great Pyramid in a life many thousands of years ago, when it was first
built. Elora and John had also been portal operators in that life. These
operators would 'tune' the frequency of the Portal to match the frequency
of the Beings wishing to access it. So we called on those Other Selves and
they showed us what to do to 're-tune' the Stargate. We 'tuned' the
frequency of the Portal to the frequency of Unconditional Love and Pure
Divine Consciousness. This would preclude any hostile ET's, the Reptilians
or the Sirians, from being able to access the Great Pyramid Stargate, which
is the most important of all the Earth's Stargates. Detailed write-ups of
all of this work and all of the happenings from the September battle to our
final Stargate work are contained in the many other messages posted on the
the following web site:

After the Pyramid Stargate work our work turned more inward to complete
the healing on ourselves. Then in March of 1998, Elora and I did a
meditation where we called in all the Council members. I honored each one
for their role in this Mission and thanked them and sent them my Love.
Then I released them all from any further obligations and oaths that they
had taken. I stated that we had completed what we had come here to do and
I officially disbanded the Council. So we thought that our Mission was
really complete. However some events occurred a bit later as a result of
the Machu Picchu Stargate opening at the Spring Equinox that was to change
all of that.

There was some unexpected interference from some very 'Dark' Beings who
came through the Stargate that had just been opened. Elora and I both
experienced a pretty horrific psychic attack. So once we were able to
clear their energies, we did a meditation where we went looking for the
source of this interference, as even our Guides did not know what was going
on. We were able to tune into their energy signature and trace it back to
its origins. Our journey led us to Alcyone, and then out to the edge of
the Galaxy. Then all of a sudden I could sense my Astral body stopping.
There was a strange totally Black object, sort of like a cloaked ship. We
started getting a nervous feeling and then all of a sudden a very black
horrific looking Being appeared to me from inside this ship. It was a
Reptilian-like Being, but one that I had never encountered before. It gave
us a pretty good scare, so we high-tailed it out of there. Later we got
the message that some of the High Priests of the Alcyone Reptilians had
opened a 'Wormhole' to a Parallel Universe and allowed these very 'Dark'
Beings to come through to this Universe. So that event set the stage for
some major interdimensional battles with these Beings, that Jack would soon
be involved in and has reported on in some of his messages.

I had some difficult times with Dark Entities attacking me, and finally
in early May of '98, I had one of these Parallel Universe Beings attach to
me and just sort of take me over. I had called Shakura Rei
(, who is a spiritual/psychic healer who has
done much work with me and has helped me considerably, to have her remove
it. She called in Archangel Michael to remove it, but was told that it
could not be removed. So I lived with this Entity or Being attached to me
for over a week. I tried to work with this Being, trying to educate it
about human life. But it was slowly draining my energy and I was beginning
to weaken. Finally one day I sensed some more attacks from these Beings
and I just got very angry and decided to blast them with every ounce of
energy that I had left. I had blasted a few of these Beings and had
followed them back to one of their ships and was going to blast the whole
ship. But my Guides told me to take it easy, and to back off, as I was
about to get in over my head. Then about an hour later, Elora called to
tell me that Carol Hathor, ( who also does a lot
of spiritual/psychic healing work and Entity removal, had just called her.
She said that my Higher Self had come to her asking for her help in
removing this Being that was attached to me. I could feel the difference
almost immediately.

I had been living in North Carolina temporarily, not far from Elora at
the time, but had been planning on returning home to Colorado at the end of
May. But Shakura had gotten the message from Archangel Michael that I
needed to leave right away. Michael had told her that that something would
happen on my way home, that they had a major surprise for these 'Dark'
Universe Beings, as I began to call them. But I could not be told what
would happen or when or where it would occur. I was told to just follow my
Guidance and my instincts, to do whatever occurred to me. So I packed up
and started my journey home. I was led to several major Earth portals
along the way that I cleared of Dark Entities and re-tuned their energies
to resonate with Divine Consciousness and Unconditional Love. One of these
was a major connecting point or hub for many different Earth portals and
ley lines. This site just happened to be relatively close to New Madrid,
Missouri, the site of the infamous 1812 earthquake. I had planned to stop
and visit Jack O'Brien, who lived in north-western Arkansas, since it was
not too far out of my way, and I had gotten the message that I needed to
clear the portal on the mountain where he lived. I had met Jack in the
summer of '97 and had done quite a bit of correspondence with him regarding
some of his and my work. It was while I was at Jack's that the 'surprise'
took place.

I had gotten the message that I needed to clear the portal there on a
particular day. Although it seemed strange that it would be that
particular day, as I follow the Mayan calendar and the following day was a
much better energy day to be doing portal work. Well that morning I had
another attack from these 'Dark Universe' Beings, as they were trying to
prevent me from clearing this portal. I called Shakura to have her clear
me and asked her about doing the portal work that day, and she got the
message that I should do it the next day. Then later that afternoon a
major higher dimensional battle took place between the 'Light' Forces and
these 'Dark' Universe Beings. This battle is described in detail in the
message "Roger and Jack's Last Stand" on Jack O'Brien's web site: After the battle was over, Jack and I
both got the message that these Beings had been soundly defeated and turned
back. Several days earlier, six of the Draco High Command that I had
worked with back in December had paid me a visit. They told me that they
would help fight to protect the Earth against these 'Dark Universe' Beings.
Well, I got the message that the Draco had indeed played a major role in
this battle, as they had fought side by side with the Taygettan Pleiadians
and the Andromedans. So I thanked them and honored them for being willing
to sacrifice themselves to help the Earth people. They had told me earlier
that Earth Humans were not exactly their favorite race. But they knew how
important this battle was for the future of the entire Galaxy. So all of
my work with them had truly paid off, and I was one step closer to seeing
my Mission come to its final completion.

So our path has not been an easy one. We started out together, and then
we separated. I went deep into the world of the Reptilians, and became one
of the Initiators of this Descension process as one of the 'Dark' Lords.
Elora went into the world of the Humanoids, and played a role in it as
well. Perhaps because in the recesses of her mind she would always
remember the horrors of the war with the Draco, and of the sacrifices she
had to make and the Love that she lost as a result. Our paths crossed many
times, and with each crossing, on some level we would recognize each other
and be reminded of what we had set out to do in that Council life. Elora
always seemed to have Love and Compassion for the Reptilian Being that I
was, as she remembered who I really was beneath that Reptilian skin. That
helped me remember that I had to make my out of the Reptilian worlds and
return to the world of the Humanoids. Each time we were brought together
we would be reminded of our true Mission, which was to bridge the gap
between the Reptilians and the Humanoids, and slowly bring them back
together to be able to live in Peace and Harmony. We knew that someday we
would be able to finally put it all into perspective. Well that someday is
NOW. Our reconnecting triggered these memories and helped us remember what
we had set out to do so long ago, to remember our real purpose for being
here now.

But to me, one of the most important things that came out of all this was
what we learned from all these experiences. The most important thing we
learned was what happens when you live totally from the Ego or Shadow side
of Consciousness, without connecting at all to the Higher Consciousness,
and without expressing any Love or compassion for any other Being, not even
yourself. We learned about the effects of standing in judgement of other
races, and of living in fear of them and hating them instead of honoring,
respecting and Loving them as our brothers and sisters, that they truly
are. We learned about sexual abuse and what happens when one sex tries to
dominate the other. We learned about the fear that this creates and just
how destructive this way of being really is. But the most important thing
that I began to realize is that it doesn't have to be that way. There is
another way, one of Peace and Harmony, of Love and Joy and Thrival for ALL
Beings, not just a few. I believe that our true mission here is to help
restore the balance between the Humanoids and the Reptilians, and between
the Males and Females of all races, to step out of Fear and into Love of
all Beings. This has certainly been my Mission anyway, and after all the
work of the Council of Six members, Jack and Sue and many others, we are
certainly much closer to that realization than at any other time in our
long history.

So it has been a long, difficult and most interesting journey, and we
have learned many lessons. It still continues to be difficult for both of
us, as we are both continuing the seemingly never ending process of healing
all the wounds and emotional scars from all these experiences. But we have
had many wonderful experiences during our work together and we are most
grateful for those. Some of our Astral experiences together were truly
amazing, and the infinite Love and Divine Energies that we felt were beyond
description. We both feel very blessed to have connected with one another
and for having had the opportunity to do the work that we have done to
assist in the Ascension process of this planet. We have shared our story
with you all in the hope that it will trigger your own rememberances of the
journey that you have taken through this Universe of Duality. We hope that
you too will remember your own Mission and purpose for being here at this
time. Perhaps you too came here to help restore the Balance, and to help
create a world of Peace and Harmony amongst all races, and one of Love and
Joy for ALL Beings, to help everyone remember the Divine Beings who we all
truly are.

Love and Peace,
Roger and Elora