Rogers Big Picture - Update Feb 05
Hi Dan,
Many things have come into my awareness in the last 8 months
since we
last conversed. So I thought I would send you one final message,
going offline, to update you on the information that I have been
able to
piece together regarding the ET control structure and their involvement
with the Sumerian operation, etc.
First of all, I have come to realize that there are primarily
3 different
ET groups or control structures that can be represented by what
I would
call a "Pyramid Hierarchy". Each of these "Pyramid
Hierarchies" represent
a different "Line of Consciousness". There are basically
7 different ET
races in each "pyramid" control structure. Of course,
the most powerful of
these many races are the 3 races at the top of each of the 3 "pyramids".
Those 3 races have all been involved in controlling events here
on Earth
and in this entire universe, and all parallel universes pretty
much from
the beginning of this entire Creation. They have been constantly
amongst each other for ultimate control, oftentimes forming an
with one of the other 3 races in order to keep any one race from
ultimate control over all the others. But yet, there is one particular
race that seems to have outwitted all the others with their complete
mastery of various mind-control techinques. It may come as a
surprise to you and to most people, but none of these 3 races
are truly
Reptilian. The Reptilians represent a 4th "Pyramid",
and were specifically
created in order to bring about a balance of power, so to speak,
to keep
the other 3 races from destroying everything in their mad attempts
control this entire Creation. So let me try to explain.
First of all, to put all this into perspective, it might
help to draw one
large triangle which would represent the overall pyramid structure.
connect the mid-points of each side of that triangle, forming
3 smaller
triangles within the larger one. After you do that, you might
notice that
there is a 4th, inverted triangle in the center of the other 3
Number each triangle, 1 through 4, starting with the small triangle
at the
top being "Pyramid 1". Then the one on the lower left
is "Pyramid 2", the
lower right is "Pyramid 3", and the inverted one in
the center is "Pyramid
4". I will try to identify each of the 7 races within each
of the
"Pyramids" as best I can from the information that I
have gotten. I do not
get images of what they look like, just a general impression of
the type of
race that they are, and the star system that they currently inhabit.
before I go into that, there is some very basic information regarding
structure of this entire Creation that I need to address in order
to put
all of this into perspective.
I have become aware that there are 9 different parallel universes
altogether make up this entire Creation. Think of this entire
Creation as
being an enormously large sphere. Within that large sphere are
10 smaller
concentric spheres, one inside the other. The very center sphere
represents Source, the true "Center of Creation". The
next outer sphere
represents what I call the "FYL" Universe. I was given
3 letter names for
each of the 9 universes. I have no idea what the significance
is of the 3
letters, they are just the names that I was given for each one.
It is also
important to understand that each outer sphere or universe really
of 2 "spheres", a matter universe and an antimatter
universe. In order to
create something out of "Nothing", or the "Void",
there has to be equal and
opposite components. So there is an FYL Matter Universe, and
an FYL
Antimatter Universe. The same applies to the other 8 universes,
which are
the "MAS", "DFG", "CMW", "ESY",
"DAL", "ASM", "CAM", and "BTL"
in descending order going out from Source. Each universe exists
at a
different energy level, vibration rate, or dimension, depending
on how you
like to think of those things. The "FYL" Universe is
at the highest energy
or dimension and the "BTL" Universe is the lowest.
We currently live in
the "CAM" Universe, or the 8th universe. In terms of
dimensions, the first
5 universes are at different levels of the 5th Dimension, the
remaining 4
are at different levels of 3rd Dimension. Within each dimension
there are
3 different levels that I call "Octaves", and within
those there are 8
different levels that I call "Tones". The highest "Octave"
is the 3rd
Octave, and the highest "Tone" is the 8th Tone. To
put this into
perspective, the Earth is at the 1st "Tone", of the
1st "Octave" of the 3rd
Dimension. So not surprisingly, we are at the lowest possible
level of
vibration. The planets in other star systems within our galaxy
universe generally exist at higher "Tones" or "Octaves".
OK, given those definitions, the top 4 races of each of the
3 "Pyramids",
12 races total, all originated in the "FYL" Universe.
They all have a
silicon-based cell structure, and they can all shape-shift. The
Reptilian Beings of the 4th "Pyramid" first orginated
in the "DFG"
Universe, and they all have carbon-based cell structures. This
is a VERY
IMPORTANT distinction, as I will explain as I go on. Now I will
with trying to identify the different races, and their order in
"Pyramid Heirarchy". So here goes:
First of all, it is the races of "Pyramid 1" who
seem to be the most
powerful of all the groups, mostly because of their mastery of
mind-control. For "Pyramid 1", the Number 1 race at
the top of the pyramid
is a race of Feline Beings from a star known as the "First
Point of Aries".
It is the first star that astronomers would consider to be in
constellation Aries, between Aries and Taurus. These are the
Beings who
built and control the pyramid stargates, like the Great Pyramid,
on most
worlds. They are the ones that in some of my earlier stories
I said came
from what I called the "Home World" in the Andromeda
Galaxy. They
controlled what I called the "Blue Crystal Portal".
Just to put things
into perspective, many of the so-called Ascended Masters are of
this Feline
race. These Beings also represent the "All-Seeing Eye",
the "Eye of Horus"
at the "top of the pyramid" on our dollar bills, etc.
The 2nd race in the "Pyramid 1" Heirarchy is a
race of Beings that I
call the "Changelings", because of their similarity
to the "Changelings" of
the TV show Star Trek Deep Space Nine". They are silicon
Beings who I
think take a humanoid form. They are from the star Zeta Cetus,
also known
as Baten Kaitos. The 3rd race in this heirarchy are the Beings
Alcyone in the Pleiades. My sense is that they are very similar
to the
Cetus "Changelings". The 4th race are Alex Collier's
Andromedans, who are
from a small un-named star in the constellation Andromeda. All
these 4
races originated in the "FYL" Universe. The 5th race
in this "pyramid" are
the Sirians from Sirius A. They first originated in the "ESY"
and are carbon-based humanoid Beings. The 6th race is a humanoid
race from
Bellatrix in Orion, and the 7th race is a race of Beings from
the star
Alpheratz in the constellation Andromeda. These are not the same
race as
Collier's Andromedans. They are similar in appearance as the Zeta
Greys, only they are Blue in color. As I have said, my sense
is that this
group of races seems to be most powerful of all the other races.
I would consider the Beings of the 2nd "Pyramid"
as the 2nd most powerful
group. The top race of this "Pyramid Heirarchy" are
what I have come to
call the "Dragon Beings". They currently reside in
the star system Heka at
the top of Orion. These are the Beings that everyone seems to
think are
the Reptilians. But these Beings are NOT the Draconians. This
is where
that important distinction that I mentioned earlier comes into
play. The
Dragon Beings do look very Reptilian, with yellow eyes and vertical
But they are NOT truly Reptilian, in the sense that these Beings
in the "FYL" Universe and have a silicon-based cell
structure rather than a
carbon-based cell structure like the Draco and other Beings that
I would
call the true Reptilians. The Dragon Beings can shape-shift whereas
Reptilian Beings cannot. This is the race of the infamous "Orion
Queens", who I think are the true top ruling Beings of this
race. They are
indeed a very powerful race, probably second only to the Felines.
The 2nd race of the "Pyramid 2" hierarchy are some
Beings from Barnard's
Star in the constellation Ophiuchus. I get the sense that these
are also a
Dragon-like or Lizard-like race, closely related to the Dragon
Beings of
Heka, Orion. The 3rd race are a race from the star system Alpha
I'm not sure what they look like, but they too are silicon-based
from the
"FYL" Universe. Perhaps they look like the Centaurs
of Greek mythology.
The 4th race are from the star system Omega Orion. This star
lies near the
"heart" of Orion, and forms a triangle with Betelgeuse
and Bellatrix. My
sense is that they are another silicon-based humanoid form, with
connections to the Dragon Beings. The 5th race in this "pyramid"
are a
race of Humanoid Beings from a small star near the star Mirfak
in the
constellation Perseus. Think "Persian" here, as there
is a connection
there. The 6th race are the Beings from Betelgeuse in Orion.
They look
similar to the Greys, but have much larger, more bulbous heads,
and are
much more powerful psychically than the Greys. The 7th race in
"pyramid" are the Greys from Zeta Reticula.
The Beings at the top of "Pyramid 3", are from
the star system Algol, in
Perseus. The Arabs called this star the "Demon Star".
That may be
fitting, as I get that these Beings are Lucifer's original race,
the ones
that are often depicted as the "Devil". They too are
silicon-based and
originated in the "FYL" Universe. The 2nd race in this
"Pyramid" are what
I have come to call the "Bat Beings", because they have
the appearance of
large upright bats. They are from the star system Antares in
constellation Scorpio. Of course, they have been a nemesis of
the Dragon
Beings of Orion, just like in mythology. The 3rd race are from
a small
star system near Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. My sense
is that
they are very black in appearance, and may well have heads that
have a
bull-like appearance. I just refer to them as the Taurians.
The 4th race
in this "pyramid" are the Arcturans, who I sense are
"Amphibian-like" in
appearance. The 5th race in this heirarchy may come as a surprise
to many,
I know it did for me. They are the Taygetan Pleiadians,
of Billy Meier
fame. The 6th race is from the star system Gamma Chamaeleon,
and they do
have a chameleon-like appearance, with large bulbous heads and
large broad,
snout-like noses. The 7th race are a race of cloned "Amphibian-like"
Beings from the star system Tau Cetus.
Now for "Pyramid 4", the true Reptilian heirarchy.
It is very important
to understand that the Draco and other true Reptilian Beings represent
entirely different "Line of Consciousness" than the
Dragon Beings, or any
of the other races for that matter. This "Pyramid"
Heirarchy actually
consists of 12 different races. The top races of these 3 smaller
are not actually Reptilian themselves. They are actually hybrids
of the
top 3 races of the other 3 "Pyramids". The race I am
most familiar with
are a Feline-Dragon Hybrid race that are from a star system from
Galaxy but work closely with the Reptilian Beings from Thuban
or Alpha
Draconis. But as I said, they are of a totally different "Line
Consciousness" from either the Felines or the Dragon Beings.
One of the
top 3 races are the Ciakar. They are a hybrid race between the
Beings and the Algols, Lucifer's original race. I'm not really
sure what
star system they currently reside in. The 3rd "top"
race is a hybrid
between the Felines and the Algols, but I just became aware of
them and
don't know much about them.
The Alpha Draconians are the 4th race in this "Reptilian"
They are a Feline-Dragon-Reptilian Hybrid, with a similar "Line
Consciousness" as the Feline-Dragon Hybrids. This was one
of the first
races in which the Reptilian DNA was integrated. The 5th race
under this
"pyramid" are a Feline-Algol-Reptilian Hybrid race.
They had at one time
resided in the star system Hatsya in the "Sword" of
Orion. But their planet
was completely blown up in the Orion Wars, and I do not know where
reside now. The 6th race in this "Pyramid" are what
I would call the
"Lower" Draco. They are more of a pure Reptilian race
and are from one of
the smaller star systems in the constellation Draco. The 7th
race under
this "pyramid" are a race of Reptilian Beings from the
a star system in the
constellation Camelopardalis. They are a race under the control
of the
Ciakar and are basically a Dragon-Algol-Reptilian Hybrid race,
with the
Reptilian DNA being the dominant genetic strain. The 8th race
in this
"pyramid" are from the star system Rigel in Orion.
They are part of the
Feline-Algol-Reptilian line, again with emphasis on the Reptilian
DNA. The
9th race are a mostly Reptilian race from the constellation Triangulum.
They have sort of a crocodile appearance. Finally the 10th race
in the
"Pyramid 4" Heirarchy are a race of mostly Reptilian
Beings from the star
system Capella in the constellation Auriga.
So that pretty much covers the different ET "Pyramid
Heirarchies" as I
have come to know them. So now the question is, how do these
Heirarchies get reflected in everything that has happened in our
history and down here on Earth? First of all, you have to understand
life first originated in the FYL Universe somewhere between 15
and 20
TRILLION years ago. Beings slowly made their way through the
different universes until they finally came to this one. Humanoids
to ourselves first came into existence in the ESY Universe, and
they fell
under the control of the 12 "higher" races from the
FYL Universe. Many
wars were played out in all those different universes and many
planets were
completely blown apart by antimatter weapons. There were even
a few stars
that were completely blown apart in nova-like explosions by antimatter
weapons. The last star system that was inhabited in the ESY Universe
very much a parallel to our Solar System. There were parallel
planets much
like Malona or Maldek, also Mars, Earth and Venus. An interstellar
took place there just like the one here that completely destroyed
Malona/Maldek and blew the atmosphere off of Mars. But the biggest
difference so far was that the ESY "parallel" Earth
was also eventually
completely blown apart by an antimatter weapon. When that planet
destroyed, it opened a major rift between the ESY matter and antimatter
universes, and the entire ESY Universe was completely annihilated.
However, many races were able to escape through a wormhole to
the DAL
Universe before the explosion, so that life could continue. To
me, that
event truly marked the beginning of the infamous "Fall from
That annihilation literally created a "Void of Separation"
between the
outer universes and Source, and that "Void" was reflected
in the minds and
consciousness of all Beings who survived it.
But the most important thing to understand about all of that
is that
everything that has happened here on Earth in recent history has
been an
almost exact replay of the things that ultimately led to the destruction
that parallel Earth and the annihilation of the entire ESY Universe.
have come to be aware that since the beginning in the FYL Universe,
have been a total of 47 inhabited planets that have been destroyed
rendered unihabitable. The interesting thing about that is that
we have
also dropped through 47 vibrational levels or "Tones"
of physical
existence. If the Earth were to be completely blown apart like
Malona/Maldek, it would be the 48th planet, and the destruction
of the 48th
"Tone". Well, we are already at the lowest possible
level, and the message
that I get is that if this planet is completely destroyed that
it would
open up another rift to the CAM antimatter universe, and this
universe would be annihilated just like the ESY Universe was.
But it would
be more than just this universe that would be annihilated. I
get that
every other universe would also explode in a cascading matter-antimatter
explosion, and this entire Creation would come to an end and cease
exist. That has been the message that I have sent to just about
every ET
race that I have encountered. Many have gotten the message, but
Felines, Dragons and Algols seem to have the attitude that they
rather destroy this entire Creation than give up their control
over it. So
I guess only time will tell.
Anyway, on to how these different races came to exert their
control over
the Earth. I will begin with your favorite topic, the Anu-Enki-Enlil
Sumerian "operation". First I have to admit that some
of the earlier
information I had gotten about that was not entirely accurate.
I have had
a hard time getting good information on this mostly because I
have now come
to realize that several of these top ET "Pyramidal Heirarchies"
involved with what happened. Of course, those Beings don't want
the truth
to come out. But here's what I have been able to piece together
so far. I
will start with AN. He was actually a genetic hybrid of the 3
top races,
Feline, Dragon Being and Algol. But he was not of any of their
"Lines of
Consciousness". He was of the "ONE Consciouscness",
meaning he was
directly connected to the "Oneness" or "Creator
Consciousness". It was
basically his role, as part of the "Higher Plan" to
lead all those races
here to Earth. Anu was actually a lower Aspect of An. His genetic
also included the Cetus "Changelings", the Barnard's
Star "Lizards", and
the Antares "Bat Beings". He was also of the "One
Consciousness". Enki
was one of the Aries Feline Beings. Enlil was one of the Dragon
Beings, as
you have alluded to all along. But I still get that Enlil was
female, that
she was one of the "Dragon Queens". I also get that
the Algols and the 6
other "highest" FYL silicon races were also involved,
including the
Alcyones, Centaurians and the Taurians. But I don't know which
were associated with the different races. So they were all involved
creating the Earth human race. It may come as a surprise to you,
but I get
that none of the true Reptilian races were involved in it. Although
of the Reptilians had been to Earth much earlier and had left
their DNA
"signature", which came into play when our human race
was created. They
also became more directly involved later on.
One very important thing that I have come to understand is
that NONE of
these "Higher" FYL races ever actually came down to
Earth physically. They
have all somehow managed to maintain their 5th dimensional energy
levels in
this 3D Universe. My sense is that they live in or on artificial
or giant "space stations". So their energy levels would
not be compatible
with the lower 1st Octave, 3D energies of the Earth. It was the
Sirius B
Dogon and most likely the Perseans, and possibly a few of the
"lower" 3D
Humanoid Beings who actually came down to Earth to do the cloning
and other
genetic work to create the Earth humans. Contrary to popular
belief, I get
the message that it is still true that NONE of these Higher ET
Beings ever
actually incarnate down here on Earth. However, they have created
a most
ingenious method of mind-controlling all "lower" Humanoid
Beings, and have
been doing so ever since the ESY Universe.
About a year ago, I became aware that most of these 9 "Highest"
use an implant to project their energies and thought-forms into
the brains
of any person that has the implant, essentially transforming the
into a living android or "Borg". The person's consciousness
becomes that of the "Higher" ET Being who controls the
implant. I call it
a "Symbiont Implant" because it works in very much the
same way as the
"Symbiont" in the show "Star Trek Deep Space Nine".
In that show, the
character Jadzia was a human host for the "Symbiont",
which was depicted as
an organ much like the brain that was placed in her abdomen.
It completely
took over Jadzia's consciousness, and she literally BECAME the
Being whose
Consciousness was carried in the "Symbiont". The only
difference is that
the implant that the Higher ETs use is placed in the front of
the brain.
The message that I get on it is that this "Symbiont Implant"
is a
silicon-based form that functions much like a computer chip.
But it is
much more than just a computer chip. It is a "life-form"
of sorts, and
actually integrates itself into the person's brain and entire
system. I get that the ETs abduct the person shortly after birth
and place
the implant in their brains. From the messages that I have gotten
some of the Higher Beings that I work with, once it has fully
itself into the brain, there is no way to completely remove it.
I have
tried to remove it from a friend of mine who has it, but I have
never been
completely successful with that. All I have ever been able to
do is to try
to remove the core "chip", which seems to deactivate
the implant. But the
ETs are able to just put it right back and re-activate it.
The sense I have about how this implant works is that the
creates its own holographic energy field that overlays the person's
auric energy field. When the implant is activated, the ET Being
controls it can literally project their energies and consciousness
this holographic energy field. They can literally "pop into"
the person,
and it is just like that ET Being is present within the body of
the person.
But it is merely a holographic projection, not an actual spiritual
possession or occupation. This explains why so many people have
claimed to
see certain people "shape-shift" into a Dragon Being,
or some other ET
race. What they are actually seeing is the holographic image
of the Being
who is behind the "Symbiont" implant. I know that this
all sounds totally
unbelievable, and I have to admit that I don't fully understand
it myself.
What I have presented here is my best interpretation of something
that my
Guides and the truly Higher Consciousness Beings made sure that
I became
aware of.
This is how they have managed to control the affairs here
on Earth ever
since they first arrived in Sumeria. This was the primary reason
for all
the genetic alterations that have been performed on the Human
DNA since its
original creation. There are certain types of DNA that these
work better on than others, which explains why certain "families"
try to
maintain such pure bloodlines. The interesting thing is that
I get that
these Symbionts do not work very well with true Reptilian DNA,
which is one
very big reason that the Reptilians became enemy number one of
these FYL
races. It is also why these FYL races have tried so hard to literally
annihilate the Reptilian races by blowing up so many planets,
etc. Of
course, they are also the ones who have created the widely accepted
that it is the Reptilians who are to blame for all the problems
here on
Earth and everywhere else for that matter. But the truth is that
it is
really those "Higher" 9 FYL races who are controlling
everything and
causing all the problems.
But it is very important to understand that ALL of those
Higher 12 FYL
races can and do use these "Symbiont" implants. But
it is primarily the
Felines, the Dragon Beings and the Algols who use them the most
to play out
their original games of fighting for ultimate control. I get
the message
that the Ciakar, the Dragon-Algol hybrids, also use these implants
to some
extent. I have gotten the message that a large majority of people
of all
walks of life, including many so-called "Lightworkers",
have these
implants. You can be sure that all top political and religious
leaders of
every country on the planet have the "Symbiont" implants
of one of these
Higher races. But different groups or factions are being controlled
different ET "Pyramid Hierarchies". For example, my
sense is that the
Republican party is pretty much a Feline-Changeling controlled
while the Democratic party is pretty much an Algol-Taurian controlled
faction. The Dragon Beings seem to be split between both parties,
ie. I
get that Bush, Sr. is a Dragon "Borg", and so is Kerry.
The 3 top
"Illuminati" families each represent one of the 3 "Pyramids".
I can't be
completely sure of which is which, but my sense is that the Bilderbergers
are the Feline "Pyramid", the Rockefellers are the Dragon
"Pyramid", and
the Rothschilds are the Algol "Pyramid". You can also
make similar
associations with the different races of different countries.
For example,
if you look at European history, the Greeks were Feline-Changeling,
Romans were Dragon Beings, and the Spaniards were Algol-Taurian.
I get
that the French have Algol-Arcturan connections. The Germans
have Alcyone
connections. I think Britain is like the US, with a mixing of
different factions. For instance, I get that the Queen has Dragon
connections, while Blair has Feline-Changeling connections. I
get that the
Israelis are basically Taurian controlled, but yet the high Jewish
seem to be controlled by the Dragon Beings. The Roman Catholic
church is
very much a Dragon controlled enterprise. Of course, the Arab
races have
strong Reptilian DNA characteristics and are controlled by the
Ciakar and
possibly the other top races of the Reptilian "Pyramid".
So the Iraq war
is the old Feline-Dragon-Algol war against the Reptilian races
being played
out all over again.
I could go on and on, but I think you should get the picture.
Once you
become more aware of who and what these "Higher" races
are, and how they
use these "Symbionts" to literally take over people,
you can begin to see
the connections between them and their human "Borg",
and you can begin to
identify which is which. Then you can begin to see all the political
religious dramas that go on here on Earth from a much higher perspective.
Just remember, everything that is happening now has happened before
on a
different planet, in a different star system, in a different galaxy
and in
a different universe. It is like these Beings who control all
"Symbiont" implants are simply running the same programming
through their
selective "Borg" over and over and over, and it has
always led to
destruction. When you begin to look at our "reality"
here on Earth from
this perspective, you can begin to see how the movie "The
Matrix" really is
a very accurate representation of how things really are here.
You begin to
realize that everything really is huge holographic program, and
it is those
Higher FYL Beings who are the programmers. I know that realization
can be
very demoralizing, but yet I get the message that there is hope
for the
future. I have gotten the message that, just like in the final
movie, the "programming" is being changed from the Highest
levels. How
long it will take before the new "programming" begins
having any noticeable
effect down here is anyone's guess. But I do get the message
that all the
destruction will come to an end eventually and life will go on.
I guess
only time will tell.
So I leave you with this, and I leave it up to you as to
what to make of
it all. This is the best interpretation that I can come up with
for all of
my experiences, and all of the information that has come through
to me from
many different "Higher" Beings. So Believe it or Not!
I give you
permission to share this message as you feel would be appropriate.
As I
said in my short message from yesterday, I will be going offline
tomorrow, March 1st. So I will not be able to answer any questions
you or anyone else. This will be my final message. I have shared
my truth
and now it is time for me to move on. My only hope is that people
think about the things that I have shared here, and allow it to
their own deeper awareness. Then perhaps they will see how it
all fits in
with their own experiences.
Best Regards,