Film subtitles - for Dan Winter- Ascention Film - automatically generated- 1 00:00:00,380 --> 00:00:13,429 I really agree with them to emphasize 2 00:00:11,059 --> 00:00:15,950 Neal's point here that we need a 3 00:00:13,429 --> 00:00:18,589 practical and scientific meaning 4 00:00:15,950 --> 00:00:21,159 rigorous language to understand the 5 00:00:18,589 --> 00:00:24,259 spiritual ideas about ascension and 6 00:00:21,159 --> 00:00:26,419 moving up the spiritual ladder as it 7 00:00:24,259 --> 00:00:29,239 were and I have really dedicated my life 8 00:00:26,419 --> 00:00:30,679 to that mic my background is Electrical 9 00:00:29,239 --> 00:00:34,450 Engineering University of Detroit 10 00:00:30,679 --> 00:00:37,070 systems analysts or with IBM and 11 00:00:34,450 --> 00:00:39,020 psychophysiology graduate work and I 12 00:00:37,070 --> 00:00:42,710 work with a lot of people that invented 13 00:00:39,020 --> 00:00:45,080 biofeedback so and now we have turned 14 00:00:42,710 --> 00:00:47,120 our sort of sacred geometry and physics 15 00:00:45,080 --> 00:00:49,850 of consciousness teaching rather 16 00:00:47,120 --> 00:00:51,650 successfully into technology and once 17 00:00:49,850 --> 00:00:54,710 you have technology that confirms the 18 00:00:51,650 --> 00:00:57,350 idea for example in plasma and in 19 00:00:54,710 --> 00:00:59,090 biofeedback then you have a kind of 20 00:00:57,350 --> 00:01:00,260 success that no one can deny you don't 21 00:00:59,090 --> 00:01:03,500 need to wait for governments and 22 00:01:00,260 --> 00:01:05,089 universities to agree because it's a 23 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:07,549 commercial success means that you're 24 00:01:05,089 --> 00:01:08,539 doing something that's real and we're 25 00:01:07,549 --> 00:01:10,069 finding that you don't wait for 26 00:01:08,539 --> 00:01:11,600 universities and governments what you do 27 00:01:10,069 --> 00:01:13,670 is you make use of the scientific 28 00:01:11,600 --> 00:01:15,200 information and create technology that's 29 00:01:13,670 --> 00:01:18,170 breakthrough and our biofeedback 30 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:20,659 technology in our plasma technology our 31 00:01:18,170 --> 00:01:23,509 examples the plasma tech I'm referring 32 00:01:20,659 --> 00:01:25,939 to is theraphy net we're now in about 15 33 00:01:23,509 --> 00:01:27,939 to 20 countries and its global and we're 34 00:01:25,939 --> 00:01:30,950 going to take that frequency signature 35 00:01:27,939 --> 00:01:32,829 which we're using terrify and talk about 36 00:01:30,950 --> 00:01:36,590 it today in terms of what creates 37 00:01:32,829 --> 00:01:38,119 Ascension in DNA and then the some of 38 00:01:36,590 --> 00:01:39,770 the biofeedback websites we're gonna be 39 00:01:38,119 --> 00:01:43,009 furring - I will type them in the chat 40 00:01:39,770 --> 00:01:45,319 window as well flame in mind calm which 41 00:01:43,009 --> 00:01:47,779 is a brainwave biofeedback which applies 42 00:01:45,319 --> 00:01:51,170 this frequency signature of implosive 43 00:01:47,779 --> 00:01:53,719 ascension also in brainwave analysis and 44 00:01:51,170 --> 00:01:56,779 reinforced biofeedback and binaural 45 00:01:53,719 --> 00:01:59,840 beats for bliss and I'll type in that 46 00:01:56,779 --> 00:02:02,060 plasma looks like this terrified net our 47 00:01:59,840 --> 00:02:04,729 basic instructional website is fractal 48 00:02:02,060 --> 00:02:08,360 feel calm which all the links includes 49 00:02:04,729 --> 00:02:10,580 our facebook chat and our fractal neucom 50 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:12,770 which is a parallel to what Neal does 51 00:02:10,580 --> 00:02:14,150 here with an online university is 52 00:02:12,770 --> 00:02:16,970 fractal you 53 00:02:14,150 --> 00:02:18,200 so we have we have many many projects 54 00:02:16,970 --> 00:02:20,570 that are parallel to what Neil's doing 55 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:25,280 here today and we're happy to be part of 56 00:02:20,570 --> 00:02:28,280 it so let's see if we can start it 57 00:02:25,280 --> 00:02:30,350 rather the beginning here we're trying 58 00:02:28,280 --> 00:02:33,740 to understand the spiritual idea of 59 00:02:30,350 --> 00:02:35,600 Ascension or even very basically simply 60 00:02:33,740 --> 00:02:38,030 calling it what is spiritual evolution 61 00:02:35,600 --> 00:02:40,610 how would an electrical engineer which 62 00:02:38,030 --> 00:02:43,220 is what I am how would an electrical 63 00:02:40,610 --> 00:02:46,640 engineer define spiritual evolution or 64 00:02:43,220 --> 00:02:49,010 ascension and it turns out there's some 65 00:02:46,640 --> 00:02:50,720 very practical and useful answers to 66 00:02:49,010 --> 00:02:52,760 these questions from an electrical 67 00:02:50,720 --> 00:02:55,130 engineering viewpoint that I not only 68 00:02:52,760 --> 00:02:58,280 define the process of evolution and 69 00:02:55,130 --> 00:03:00,860 ascension but make it more teachable and 70 00:02:58,280 --> 00:03:03,530 more achievable and so that's why today 71 00:03:00,860 --> 00:03:06,110 in today's presentation we're going to 72 00:03:03,530 --> 00:03:08,090 start with yes a bit of the theory of 73 00:03:06,110 --> 00:03:09,920 what is conscious evolution and 74 00:03:08,090 --> 00:03:14,240 ascension but we're going to conclude 75 00:03:09,920 --> 00:03:16,160 with a major section also on how to do 76 00:03:14,240 --> 00:03:18,140 it and in fact the conclusion of that 77 00:03:16,160 --> 00:03:20,240 will be I will try to get personal and 78 00:03:18,140 --> 00:03:22,310 say well what's been my experience in 79 00:03:20,240 --> 00:03:26,050 this regard for example with Kundalini 80 00:03:22,310 --> 00:03:29,120 so I hope to get up close and personal 81 00:03:26,050 --> 00:03:31,370 not perhaps out of ego but simply to 82 00:03:29,120 --> 00:03:33,650 make this shareable we need to be 83 00:03:31,370 --> 00:03:36,500 personal and present to these ideas and 84 00:03:33,650 --> 00:03:39,440 so I'm willing to be an experiment in 85 00:03:36,500 --> 00:03:43,460 sharing which it actually is a bit of a 86 00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:47,480 description of my life so the science 87 00:03:43,460 --> 00:03:49,250 the physics now I'll put a pull up the 88 00:03:47,480 --> 00:03:51,620 graphics in a minute but I'd like to 89 00:03:49,250 --> 00:03:54,530 kind of look you in the eye for a moment 90 00:03:51,620 --> 00:03:58,210 and share my passion about these things 91 00:03:54,530 --> 00:04:00,590 you see I think that the the 92 00:03:58,210 --> 00:04:04,960 understanding the universe as a unified 93 00:04:00,590 --> 00:04:07,820 field as we often say was so much the 94 00:04:04,960 --> 00:04:10,520 commitment and passion of Einstein and 95 00:04:07,820 --> 00:04:13,580 Jesus they both believed in oneness you 96 00:04:10,520 --> 00:04:15,380 know and and although Einstein didn't 97 00:04:13,580 --> 00:04:17,090 finish his unified field that he didn't 98 00:04:15,380 --> 00:04:21,140 ever figure out why an object falls to 99 00:04:17,090 --> 00:04:24,500 the ground for example the the concept 100 00:04:21,140 --> 00:04:26,540 of a unified field is is the opposite of 101 00:04:24,500 --> 00:04:28,670 the kind of schizophrenia 102 00:04:26,540 --> 00:04:30,440 which thinks of the fundamental forces 103 00:04:28,670 --> 00:04:32,240 of gravity and electromagnetism for 104 00:04:30,440 --> 00:04:34,070 example as being separate thinking of 105 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:36,380 those things as separate I consider to 106 00:04:34,070 --> 00:04:39,740 be schizophrenic and unhealthy in the 107 00:04:36,380 --> 00:04:43,160 same way that it is very unhealthy in my 108 00:04:39,740 --> 00:04:46,160 view to think of your spiritual life as 109 00:04:43,160 --> 00:04:48,920 separate from your physics and your 110 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:50,620 matter in your body so people who think 111 00:04:48,920 --> 00:04:54,470 that their spiritual body is somehow 112 00:04:50,620 --> 00:04:56,900 separate from their physical body create 113 00:04:54,470 --> 00:04:59,210 problems serious problems for one thing 114 00:04:56,900 --> 00:05:00,500 religion works for another people who 115 00:04:59,210 --> 00:05:02,680 think their spiritual body is somehow 116 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:05,390 separate often fail to take 117 00:05:02,680 --> 00:05:08,120 responsibility for their physical body 118 00:05:05,390 --> 00:05:10,460 and the fact is that only a super happy 119 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:12,740 healthy physical body even cares the 120 00:05:10,460 --> 00:05:15,110 possibility of making a spiritual body 121 00:05:12,740 --> 00:05:18,500 which we now realize is simply a 122 00:05:15,110 --> 00:05:20,450 coherent ball of charge that's what your 123 00:05:18,500 --> 00:05:22,580 spiritual body is it's measurable 124 00:05:20,450 --> 00:05:24,110 it's real we have the power spectrum we 125 00:05:22,580 --> 00:05:26,060 have the pictures we know what a 126 00:05:24,110 --> 00:05:28,310 spiritual body is without any doubt at 127 00:05:26,060 --> 00:05:31,640 all and it's a weak electric field 128 00:05:28,310 --> 00:05:34,580 correctly called cold plasma and it 129 00:05:31,640 --> 00:05:36,980 becomes projectable and to project that 130 00:05:34,580 --> 00:05:38,630 ball of plasma we know exactly how it 131 00:05:36,980 --> 00:05:40,670 happens why it happens when it happens 132 00:05:38,630 --> 00:05:44,240 we know where it goes after death and 133 00:05:40,670 --> 00:05:47,330 why and and these physics are teachable 134 00:05:44,240 --> 00:05:50,510 and it's sorry but it is not a mystery 135 00:05:47,330 --> 00:05:53,000 now describing this is physics I insist 136 00:05:50,510 --> 00:05:56,270 does not decrease the beauty and wonder 137 00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:58,490 of these things rather it increases the 138 00:05:56,270 --> 00:06:00,860 beauty in magic and wonder to see it as 139 00:05:58,490 --> 00:06:03,140 physics for example learning how a 140 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:05,390 longitudinal wave goes through just 141 00:06:03,140 --> 00:06:06,950 about anything and it's exactly what 142 00:06:05,390 --> 00:06:09,680 we've been talking about is God in the 143 00:06:06,950 --> 00:06:12,170 divine gives you all kinds of beautiful 144 00:06:09,680 --> 00:06:14,180 ideas of how to participate in what you 145 00:06:12,170 --> 00:06:16,880 used to call God and a divine for 146 00:06:14,180 --> 00:06:19,480 example what we call remote-viewing or 147 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:22,610 ask for projection we now know exactly 148 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:24,440 exactly how it works that you must embed 149 00:06:22,610 --> 00:06:26,060 in a longitudinal wave and how 150 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:28,220 longitudinal waves act at a distance 151 00:06:26,060 --> 00:06:30,410 what used to be called scalar or 152 00:06:28,220 --> 00:06:32,540 torsional waves for example and this is 153 00:06:30,410 --> 00:06:34,970 an interesting lesson for our friends at 154 00:06:32,540 --> 00:06:37,610 the Monroe Institute for example so now 155 00:06:34,970 --> 00:06:40,070 we have a language that can teach us 156 00:06:37,610 --> 00:06:41,660 exactly how to participate in 157 00:06:40,070 --> 00:06:44,480 these things we used to call divine 158 00:06:41,660 --> 00:06:47,030 using excellent excellent precise 159 00:06:44,480 --> 00:06:48,710 measurable power spectrum electrical 160 00:06:47,030 --> 00:06:51,260 engineering and that's a good thing 161 00:06:48,710 --> 00:06:53,390 because it does it eliminates the need 162 00:06:51,260 --> 00:06:55,430 for religion Wars it eliminates the need 163 00:06:53,390 --> 00:06:57,290 for personality worship and miracle 164 00:06:55,430 --> 00:06:59,420 worship which I consider a kind of 165 00:06:57,290 --> 00:07:02,000 disempowering poison their childish 166 00:06:59,420 --> 00:07:04,610 frankly and they condemn our planet to 167 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:07,220 to religion wars so that's one of many 168 00:07:04,610 --> 00:07:08,960 reasons why it's good to think about 169 00:07:07,220 --> 00:07:12,140 spiritual things with a pretty 170 00:07:08,960 --> 00:07:15,170 discipline science in mind and you know 171 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:17,060 it isn't that we want to criticize or in 172 00:07:15,170 --> 00:07:19,430 any way lessen the beauty of the people 173 00:07:17,060 --> 00:07:21,830 we used to worship as Saints or 174 00:07:19,430 --> 00:07:23,360 spiritual beings but once we understand 175 00:07:21,830 --> 00:07:26,240 the physics of what creates the 176 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:28,580 spiritual beings being that makes us 177 00:07:26,240 --> 00:07:31,130 their equal and that's exactly what they 178 00:07:28,580 --> 00:07:33,500 want so we know exactly what a large 179 00:07:31,130 --> 00:07:36,050 spiritual being is it's a loud large 180 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:38,390 cloud of plasma which has an implosive 181 00:07:36,050 --> 00:07:40,100 Center and it can be steered exactly 182 00:07:38,390 --> 00:07:42,620 like a tornado can be steered by a 183 00:07:40,100 --> 00:07:45,020 shaman by focusing that center of low 184 00:07:42,620 --> 00:07:47,510 pressure and moving it so the larger the 185 00:07:45,020 --> 00:07:49,610 cloud of plasma you you can you can 186 00:07:47,510 --> 00:07:51,680 throw your weight around in the bigger 187 00:07:49,610 --> 00:07:55,700 you are is a spiritual being and I 188 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:58,760 emphasize this is not subjective no it 189 00:07:55,700 --> 00:08:00,890 is objective the gdv against discharge 190 00:07:58,760 --> 00:08:02,900 visualization Caritas tools for 191 00:08:00,890 --> 00:08:05,420 measuring the aura are just a beginning 192 00:08:02,900 --> 00:08:09,160 for making real and concrete the 193 00:08:05,420 --> 00:08:11,540 measurement of spiritual evolution so 194 00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:14,150 we're saying the universe is comprised 195 00:08:11,540 --> 00:08:15,830 of a single contiguous substance it used 196 00:08:14,150 --> 00:08:18,110 to be called the ether I think more 197 00:08:15,830 --> 00:08:20,660 accurately it is the compressibility of 198 00:08:18,110 --> 00:08:22,940 electric charge where plus and minus 199 00:08:20,660 --> 00:08:25,640 compression and rarefaction of the ether 200 00:08:22,940 --> 00:08:28,100 is exactly what is defined as plus and 201 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:30,830 minus charge most physicists don't know 202 00:08:28,100 --> 00:08:32,540 that but in fact it works beautifully as 203 00:08:30,830 --> 00:08:35,330 an introduction to a unified field 204 00:08:32,540 --> 00:08:37,580 theory for example then if you know what 205 00:08:35,330 --> 00:08:40,460 can implode charge toward center and 206 00:08:37,580 --> 00:08:42,830 make centripetal force then you unlike 207 00:08:40,460 --> 00:08:44,780 Einstein and NASA could know why an 208 00:08:42,830 --> 00:08:46,400 object falls to the ground because you 209 00:08:44,780 --> 00:08:49,580 would know that when waves form a shape 210 00:08:46,400 --> 00:08:52,040 like a rose they create acceleration of 211 00:08:49,580 --> 00:08:53,190 that charge wave towards center which we 212 00:08:52,040 --> 00:08:55,579 call the gravity 213 00:08:53,190 --> 00:08:58,170 because the wavefronts add and multiply 214 00:08:55,579 --> 00:09:01,920 recursively constructively on their way 215 00:08:58,170 --> 00:09:03,930 toward that Center as I proved by in my 216 00:09:01,920 --> 00:09:06,509 new equation for the radii of hydrogen 217 00:09:03,930 --> 00:09:09,720 golden ratio integer exponents times 218 00:09:06,509 --> 00:09:13,560 plunk length and time so I prove that 219 00:09:09,720 --> 00:09:16,410 hydrogen is fractal and that also proves 220 00:09:13,560 --> 00:09:18,629 how hydrogen makes gravity something 221 00:09:16,410 --> 00:09:19,920 that Einstein did not know and when you 222 00:09:18,629 --> 00:09:22,050 know that you have about a dozen 223 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:24,029 different technologies for making 224 00:09:22,050 --> 00:09:26,610 propulsion by the way which we already 225 00:09:24,029 --> 00:09:28,560 have as we laughs humorously at a planet 226 00:09:26,610 --> 00:09:31,170 running around in vehicles propel 227 00:09:28,560 --> 00:09:33,089 propelled by dinosaurs farting because 228 00:09:31,170 --> 00:09:36,389 basically they they don't know what 229 00:09:33,089 --> 00:09:37,980 propulsion is and it isn't it isn't it 230 00:09:36,389 --> 00:09:39,629 is an arbitrary that you need to know 231 00:09:37,980 --> 00:09:44,370 what propulsion is because the same 232 00:09:39,629 --> 00:09:47,639 physics for propulsion which is a vector 233 00:09:44,370 --> 00:09:50,339 system is how you will steer after death 234 00:09:47,639 --> 00:09:52,790 and in the lucid dream you know how do 235 00:09:50,339 --> 00:09:55,500 you steer when you are a ball of charge 236 00:09:52,790 --> 00:09:59,519 hello we have the physics for that as 237 00:09:55,500 --> 00:10:01,920 well I remember when know when korotkov 238 00:09:59,519 --> 00:10:03,600 will dig out the pictures later it's 239 00:10:01,920 --> 00:10:05,819 that the golden mean that info / 240 00:10:03,600 --> 00:10:07,709 immortality maybe I should put that up 241 00:10:05,819 --> 00:10:12,329 I'll put that picture up now so I'm 242 00:10:07,709 --> 00:10:13,740 gonna start on some of the images so so 243 00:10:12,329 --> 00:10:16,139 here is that I'm gonna get up a new 244 00:10:13,740 --> 00:10:18,300 little site here this is from one of our 245 00:10:16,139 --> 00:10:22,439 articles golden mean dot info / 246 00:10:18,300 --> 00:10:25,079 immortality and we're talking about how 247 00:10:22,439 --> 00:10:27,569 do you steer this ball of plasma for 248 00:10:25,079 --> 00:10:29,160 example after death you know there you 249 00:10:27,569 --> 00:10:32,459 are you're the astronaut you have to 250 00:10:29,160 --> 00:10:35,370 vector navigate and I'm a ball of charge 251 00:10:32,459 --> 00:10:38,069 and how am I going to steer so here is 252 00:10:35,370 --> 00:10:40,620 here is dr. Karaka Frank here looking at 253 00:10:38,069 --> 00:10:42,720 relative young with his gdv device 254 00:10:40,620 --> 00:10:45,540 proving that the Tibetans were right 255 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:48,149 that 30 10 hours and 36 hours after 256 00:10:45,540 --> 00:10:52,290 death is when the capacitive field of 257 00:10:48,149 --> 00:10:53,939 your body leaves your body and if you 258 00:10:52,290 --> 00:10:56,240 had a peaceful death and you really need 259 00:10:53,939 --> 00:10:59,550 a peaceful death because you need to 260 00:10:56,240 --> 00:11:02,579 charge propagate you need to plasma 261 00:10:59,550 --> 00:11:05,120 propulse you know propulsion for that 262 00:11:02,579 --> 00:11:07,460 plasma is remote-viewing and action 263 00:11:05,120 --> 00:11:08,960 this and anyway just above here yeah 264 00:11:07,460 --> 00:11:10,550 maybe you can see my cursor here's the 265 00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:13,070 picture which in German was called D 266 00:11:10,550 --> 00:11:14,810 Sayla the soul and this is Carrasco 267 00:11:13,070 --> 00:11:17,390 saying this is what your soul looks like 268 00:11:14,810 --> 00:11:22,190 after death in his book here light after 269 00:11:17,390 --> 00:11:25,370 life and he later goes on to show where 270 00:11:22,190 --> 00:11:28,370 this soul goes after death and why and 271 00:11:25,370 --> 00:11:30,890 the short answer the question is the the 272 00:11:28,370 --> 00:11:34,870 the plasma ball that you are when you're 273 00:11:30,890 --> 00:11:37,700 lucid dreaming and when you are dead is 274 00:11:34,870 --> 00:11:40,070 exactly like a negative-ion wind which 275 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:43,790 is so healing in a hospital it is very 276 00:11:40,070 --> 00:11:46,640 fragile and therefore the plasma ball 277 00:11:43,790 --> 00:11:49,550 that is a spirit for example is very 278 00:11:46,640 --> 00:11:51,980 unable to propagate in a steel strong 279 00:11:49,550 --> 00:11:53,690 enough structure with dead air because 280 00:11:51,980 --> 00:11:55,820 the capacitance will dissipate that 281 00:11:53,690 --> 00:11:58,010 plasma for the same reason you will not 282 00:11:55,820 --> 00:12:00,440 photograph orbs in that room of 283 00:11:58,010 --> 00:12:02,150 electrosmog dead air and steel and 284 00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:05,210 aluminum for the same reason that 285 00:12:02,150 --> 00:12:08,060 verified net the plasma of our healing 286 00:12:05,210 --> 00:12:10,400 technology is less effective if the room 287 00:12:08,060 --> 00:12:14,330 does not have natural material and live 288 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:16,690 air so this negative ion wind which we 289 00:12:14,330 --> 00:12:18,770 know is fractal and inclusive which is 290 00:12:16,690 --> 00:12:21,440 medically proven to be powerfully 291 00:12:18,770 --> 00:12:24,020 healing is the same as the plasma ball 292 00:12:21,440 --> 00:12:26,630 that comes from theraphy net in twenty 293 00:12:24,020 --> 00:12:28,480 countries and can heal pain very 294 00:12:26,630 --> 00:12:30,950 dependably among many many other things 295 00:12:28,480 --> 00:12:32,810 at least I can't claim that it feels 296 00:12:30,950 --> 00:12:37,520 pain but other people tell us that and 297 00:12:32,810 --> 00:12:40,190 so um we need to understand what it is 298 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:42,560 that enables that propagation of that 299 00:12:40,190 --> 00:12:45,620 healing feel effect in order to do it 300 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:48,500 better and we now know as we all had 301 00:12:45,620 --> 00:12:50,900 intuited before that living architecture 302 00:12:48,500 --> 00:12:53,420 is better if your building - your house 303 00:12:50,900 --> 00:12:57,110 is made of biologic materials you know 304 00:12:53,420 --> 00:12:59,930 living wood living stone living fabric 305 00:12:57,110 --> 00:13:02,089 etc that the more biologic material in 306 00:12:59,930 --> 00:13:04,070 your house and the less steel and 307 00:13:02,089 --> 00:13:06,470 aluminum for example of electrosmog and 308 00:13:04,070 --> 00:13:08,990 dead air the happier you feel that's 309 00:13:06,470 --> 00:13:10,910 obvious it is biologic architecture we 310 00:13:08,990 --> 00:13:12,800 wrote the curriculum golden-maned on 311 00:13:10,910 --> 00:13:14,930 info / architecture but the new 312 00:13:12,800 --> 00:13:18,140 information is now we know exactly why 313 00:13:14,930 --> 00:13:18,970 in physics it is that life force and 314 00:13:18,140 --> 00:13:22,149 therefore your 315 00:13:18,970 --> 00:13:25,810 Aurra cannot grow in a steel and 316 00:13:22,149 --> 00:13:28,000 aluminum dead box it is because the 317 00:13:25,810 --> 00:13:29,860 dielectric constant does not allow the 318 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:33,819 efficiency of the capacitance to 319 00:13:29,860 --> 00:13:35,170 resonate in other words if you place an 320 00:13:33,819 --> 00:13:38,259 insulator between the plates of a 321 00:13:35,170 --> 00:13:41,500 capacitor like living material versus of 322 00:13:38,259 --> 00:13:43,180 dead material living material has a 323 00:13:41,500 --> 00:13:46,329 higher dielectric constant which means 324 00:13:43,180 --> 00:13:48,250 that when you wring the metal plates of 325 00:13:46,329 --> 00:13:51,009 that capacitor like a bell with a hammer 326 00:13:48,250 --> 00:13:52,810 called voltage the longer it rings the 327 00:13:51,009 --> 00:13:55,029 higher the dielectric constant and if 328 00:13:52,810 --> 00:13:57,459 you if you hit a capacitor with a hammer 329 00:13:55,029 --> 00:13:59,230 called voltage and it rings forever that 330 00:13:57,459 --> 00:14:01,209 means it's a zero point energy device 331 00:13:59,230 --> 00:14:03,069 and it has a very high dielectric 332 00:14:01,209 --> 00:14:05,620 constant well what it means is it 333 00:14:03,069 --> 00:14:08,980 imploding its environment well all that 334 00:14:05,620 --> 00:14:10,839 means is that it can propagate a weak 335 00:14:08,980 --> 00:14:12,670 charge field efficiently without 336 00:14:10,839 --> 00:14:15,579 dissipating that charge field 337 00:14:12,670 --> 00:14:18,339 that's why Steiner correctly taught the 338 00:14:15,579 --> 00:14:20,350 children should never touch steel and 339 00:14:18,339 --> 00:14:22,779 plastic or synthetic they should always 340 00:14:20,350 --> 00:14:25,509 only touch living material because they 341 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:27,910 cannot become part of your body unless 342 00:14:25,509 --> 00:14:30,550 your capacitance your weak charl charge 343 00:14:27,910 --> 00:14:33,370 field called cold plasma can propagate 344 00:14:30,550 --> 00:14:36,069 through them so this is going to begin 345 00:14:33,370 --> 00:14:39,670 to introduce us to the conditions for 346 00:14:36,069 --> 00:14:42,129 the survival of living charged example 347 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:44,170 elemental forces the undines the norms 348 00:14:42,129 --> 00:14:46,269 the suits the ferries these things do 349 00:14:44,170 --> 00:14:48,819 very fine in nature this is gonna tell 350 00:14:46,269 --> 00:14:51,910 you the physics of why Luke Skywalker 351 00:14:48,819 --> 00:14:54,209 had to go underground in a cave with 352 00:14:51,910 --> 00:14:56,800 lots and lots and lots of nature around 353 00:14:54,209 --> 00:15:00,730 before he could learn from you yeah 354 00:14:56,800 --> 00:15:05,170 before before he could learn how the 355 00:15:00,730 --> 00:15:06,879 force could be with you so the the to 356 00:15:05,170 --> 00:15:09,009 have the force be with you 357 00:15:06,879 --> 00:15:10,509 do not try to do it in a steel and 358 00:15:09,009 --> 00:15:13,269 aluminium building full of electrosmog 359 00:15:10,509 --> 00:15:15,519 sorry the force is not going to be with 360 00:15:13,269 --> 00:15:17,050 you there and my job is to teach you why 361 00:15:15,519 --> 00:15:20,379 so you can do the right home work 362 00:15:17,050 --> 00:15:27,550 another one another example of this is 363 00:15:20,379 --> 00:15:29,679 the famous story that so many of the so 364 00:15:27,550 --> 00:15:31,420 many of the documented Yogi's in India 365 00:15:29,679 --> 00:15:32,800 who have lived to be you know two to 366 00:15:31,420 --> 00:15:34,660 four hundred years old 367 00:15:32,800 --> 00:15:37,529 that not one of them to did in a 368 00:15:34,660 --> 00:15:41,500 building no no they all did it in a cave 369 00:15:37,529 --> 00:15:45,399 why it was the capacitance you see or 370 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:48,279 when know what mogollons the daughter 371 00:15:45,399 --> 00:15:52,089 Sarah the Egyptian blue black Madonna 372 00:15:48,279 --> 00:15:55,860 gave birth to trophy Mia's John in 373 00:15:52,089 --> 00:16:00,399 southern France and he woke up in his 374 00:15:55,860 --> 00:16:04,149 grave and lifted the cup the stone cover 375 00:16:00,399 --> 00:16:07,120 of his gravestone of the platen and his 376 00:16:04,149 --> 00:16:09,040 knee melted that stone just like Thomas 377 00:16:07,120 --> 00:16:11,800 and Father's hand melted the stone many 378 00:16:09,040 --> 00:16:13,990 times on his cave in India it was his 379 00:16:11,800 --> 00:16:16,209 plasma being so strong and they all 380 00:16:13,990 --> 00:16:17,709 accomplished it in stone caves and not 381 00:16:16,209 --> 00:16:19,660 one of them did it in a steel and 382 00:16:17,709 --> 00:16:21,790 aluminum building so you could be 383 00:16:19,660 --> 00:16:24,310 beginning to get it that there is a an 384 00:16:21,790 --> 00:16:26,680 electrical engineering dynamic which 385 00:16:24,310 --> 00:16:29,019 allows the propagation of living charge 386 00:16:26,680 --> 00:16:30,399 and it's real and practical and then 387 00:16:29,019 --> 00:16:33,970 there's a whole other level to this 388 00:16:30,399 --> 00:16:36,279 which is called how we embed in a 389 00:16:33,970 --> 00:16:38,170 longitudinal wave which is the faster 390 00:16:36,279 --> 00:16:40,899 than light goes it goes through just 391 00:16:38,170 --> 00:16:42,820 about anything which is the essence of 392 00:16:40,899 --> 00:16:46,180 all spiritual energy spiritual 393 00:16:42,820 --> 00:16:48,040 literature spiritual tradition action at 394 00:16:46,180 --> 00:16:50,740 a distance all these stories they all 395 00:16:48,040 --> 00:16:52,300 depend a longitudinal wave embedding so 396 00:16:50,740 --> 00:16:54,850 we're going to talk about that because 397 00:16:52,300 --> 00:16:56,770 if you know that you need to embed in a 398 00:16:54,850 --> 00:17:00,220 longitudinal wave you can do it right 399 00:16:56,770 --> 00:17:02,829 for example why does Agnihotri's your 400 00:17:00,220 --> 00:17:05,439 hair stand right up only at sunrise and 401 00:17:02,829 --> 00:17:07,059 sunset and and cause fertility and he'll 402 00:17:05,439 --> 00:17:09,370 just about everything because that 403 00:17:07,059 --> 00:17:11,260 plasma that flame ball and the Agni 404 00:17:09,370 --> 00:17:14,860 hopeful pyramid which is a implosive 405 00:17:11,260 --> 00:17:18,400 capacitor is lit at the right angle to 406 00:17:14,860 --> 00:17:20,650 the solar plasma called conjugate for 407 00:17:18,400 --> 00:17:22,150 wave mixing in other words if you get 408 00:17:20,650 --> 00:17:24,850 lined up with what the ancients called 409 00:17:22,150 --> 00:17:26,199 the four directions correctly in physics 410 00:17:24,850 --> 00:17:28,480 that's called four wave mixing how 411 00:17:26,199 --> 00:17:30,970 accurately the lasers have to converge 412 00:17:28,480 --> 00:17:34,450 in a cube in order to phase conjugate or 413 00:17:30,970 --> 00:17:37,570 implode where the pine cones kiss 414 00:17:34,450 --> 00:17:40,120 noses accurately called conjugation of 415 00:17:37,570 --> 00:17:42,100 phases perfect implosion and at the 416 00:17:40,120 --> 00:17:44,919 center of those pine cones kissing noses 417 00:17:42,100 --> 00:17:46,580 there is a universal wavelength that 418 00:17:44,919 --> 00:17:49,279 visualized the symbol for the 419 00:17:46,580 --> 00:17:51,260 that that wave like the symbol Center 420 00:17:49,279 --> 00:17:52,880 the symbol for the dow is at the center 421 00:17:51,260 --> 00:17:54,830 of those pine comes kissing and that 422 00:17:52,880 --> 00:17:57,049 wavelength is called Planck length and 423 00:17:54,830 --> 00:17:59,929 time and it's very interesting that it's 424 00:17:57,049 --> 00:18:01,789 the musical key signature of every wave 425 00:17:59,929 --> 00:18:03,080 physics has ever measured and it doesn't 426 00:18:01,789 --> 00:18:06,080 matter if you go a thousand light-years 427 00:18:03,080 --> 00:18:08,210 in any direction it's still the same 428 00:18:06,080 --> 00:18:10,159 there is some agreement here and the 429 00:18:08,210 --> 00:18:13,159 nature of that agreement is caused by 430 00:18:10,159 --> 00:18:15,140 longitudinal waves which are gravity 431 00:18:13,159 --> 00:18:17,480 waves and very few people know that and 432 00:18:15,140 --> 00:18:19,760 we're gonna have that conversation but I 433 00:18:17,480 --> 00:18:21,350 get over enthused so we're gonna start 434 00:18:19,760 --> 00:18:22,820 here this is the longitudinal wave 435 00:18:21,350 --> 00:18:25,220 section but let's not something more 436 00:18:22,820 --> 00:18:28,820 basic we're gonna start with using the 437 00:18:25,220 --> 00:18:30,620 metaphor of DNA to understand ascension 438 00:18:28,820 --> 00:18:33,169 so in this process I'm going to be 439 00:18:30,620 --> 00:18:34,639 referring to three of my earlier books 440 00:18:33,169 --> 00:18:36,769 this is alphabet of the earth heart 441 00:18:34,639 --> 00:18:39,289 credit to Vincent and this is the early 442 00:18:36,769 --> 00:18:42,769 alphabet of the heart and this was the a 443 00:18:39,289 --> 00:18:45,500 later book implosions grant tractor in 444 00:18:42,769 --> 00:18:47,389 my recent newest book on this science is 445 00:18:45,500 --> 00:18:49,850 called origins of biologic negentropy 446 00:18:47,389 --> 00:18:52,120 which you can see at fractal field calm 447 00:18:49,850 --> 00:18:57,289 so these are the books I'm referring to 448 00:18:52,120 --> 00:18:59,149 okay so what is a section or as someone 449 00:18:57,289 --> 00:19:03,470 in facebook said what is it that really 450 00:18:59,149 --> 00:19:07,490 ascends anyway well let's see if we can 451 00:19:03,470 --> 00:19:10,100 answer that question remember now we 452 00:19:07,490 --> 00:19:11,590 have said that everything in the 453 00:19:10,100 --> 00:19:14,000 universe is made of a single 454 00:19:11,590 --> 00:19:15,980 compressible substance nothing but 455 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:18,260 motion nothing but waves and that 456 00:19:15,980 --> 00:19:20,600 compressible stuff substance behaves as 457 00:19:18,260 --> 00:19:23,210 a compressible liquid and what is 458 00:19:20,600 --> 00:19:26,120 compressed and rarefied called the ether 459 00:19:23,210 --> 00:19:28,100 sometimes is in fact charged and when we 460 00:19:26,120 --> 00:19:29,690 have compression versus rarefaction 461 00:19:28,100 --> 00:19:31,820 that's plus or minus charge quite 462 00:19:29,690 --> 00:19:34,130 literally yin and yang and that is the 463 00:19:31,820 --> 00:19:36,529 origin that is the root descriptor of 464 00:19:34,130 --> 00:19:39,230 centripetal forces centrifugal forces 465 00:19:36,529 --> 00:19:42,110 that plus and minus charge toward charge 466 00:19:39,230 --> 00:19:44,330 impression versus Chatard rarefaction so 467 00:19:42,110 --> 00:19:48,470 that's our description of a unified 468 00:19:44,330 --> 00:19:50,570 field and now we want to understand what 469 00:19:48,470 --> 00:19:52,940 causes that to become naegen trophic 470 00:19:50,570 --> 00:19:55,059 which is to say the opposite of entropy 471 00:19:52,940 --> 00:19:56,929 which is say self-organizing and 472 00:19:55,059 --> 00:19:59,220 ultimately what causes it to become 473 00:19:56,929 --> 00:20:00,750 alive and intelligent 474 00:19:59,220 --> 00:20:02,760 first we're going to use the metaphor of 475 00:20:00,750 --> 00:20:04,710 the geometry of DNA to talk about that 476 00:20:02,760 --> 00:20:06,809 and then we're going to use hard 477 00:20:04,710 --> 00:20:08,610 harmonics in brain harmonics to finish 478 00:20:06,809 --> 00:20:11,159 that conversation and the link between 479 00:20:08,610 --> 00:20:13,740 the DNA geometry and the heart harmonics 480 00:20:11,159 --> 00:20:15,900 is when when I suggested the first 481 00:20:13,740 --> 00:20:19,140 measurement be made that coherent heart 482 00:20:15,900 --> 00:20:20,789 harmonics cause DNA to braid measurably 483 00:20:19,140 --> 00:20:22,230 Glenn Ryan made the measurements we're 484 00:20:20,789 --> 00:20:23,570 gonna look at that in a moment at my 485 00:20:22,230 --> 00:20:28,470 suggestion 486 00:20:23,570 --> 00:20:30,809 so the braiding algorithm in DNA is a 487 00:20:28,470 --> 00:20:35,000 good introduction to the concept of 488 00:20:30,809 --> 00:20:38,880 Ascension remember we are saying that 489 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:41,970 the number of dimensions is never 490 00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:45,030 anything more than the number of axis of 491 00:20:41,970 --> 00:20:45,990 spin symmetry of charge which can be 492 00:20:45,030 --> 00:20:49,020 superposed 493 00:20:45,990 --> 00:20:51,600 rotating in other words if you rotate 494 00:20:49,020 --> 00:20:53,940 charge in three axes let's visualize 495 00:20:51,600 --> 00:20:55,919 this cubic for the moment although tetra 496 00:20:53,940 --> 00:20:58,590 coolio seven boats talked about three if 497 00:20:55,919 --> 00:21:00,630 you had three axis of spin in a tetra 498 00:20:58,590 --> 00:21:03,270 cube and then you wanted to superpose 499 00:21:00,630 --> 00:21:04,890 another axis of spin around that cube 500 00:21:03,270 --> 00:21:06,960 oops I forgot to bring out my star 501 00:21:04,890 --> 00:21:08,820 mother kit and golden mean that info 502 00:21:06,960 --> 00:21:11,429 such kit but you all know that if you 503 00:21:08,820 --> 00:21:13,799 rotate acute if you tilt the cube up 32 504 00:21:11,429 --> 00:21:16,350 degrees and rotate and point five times 505 00:21:13,799 --> 00:21:19,049 you see a pentagonal dodecahedron edge 506 00:21:16,350 --> 00:21:23,490 length 0.618 golden ratio to that cube 507 00:21:19,049 --> 00:21:25,650 well in my view that is the only 508 00:21:23,490 --> 00:21:28,710 possible real definition of the next 509 00:21:25,650 --> 00:21:31,260 dimension because if that standing wave 510 00:21:28,710 --> 00:21:34,559 which was tetra cubic for example the PI 511 00:21:31,260 --> 00:21:36,809 sub orbital is tetra cubic and the D and 512 00:21:34,559 --> 00:21:40,679 F sub orbitals which are superposed in 513 00:21:36,809 --> 00:21:44,039 the electron array are five ten I'm 514 00:21:40,679 --> 00:21:46,350 sorry five seven electrons spin pairs 515 00:21:44,039 --> 00:21:48,419 which is ten fourteen electrons so the 516 00:21:46,350 --> 00:21:51,840 DNS sub orbital superposed around the PI 517 00:21:48,419 --> 00:21:54,390 sub orbital Eric 10 14 electrons which 518 00:21:51,840 --> 00:21:56,190 is exactly dodeca a cosa and we'll get 519 00:21:54,390 --> 00:21:59,039 to those graphics maybe later point 520 00:21:56,190 --> 00:22:02,330 being that the PI sub orbital which is 521 00:21:59,039 --> 00:22:05,190 obviously touch cubic as a chemist knows 522 00:22:02,330 --> 00:22:07,649 it goes to the next dimension in the dsm 523 00:22:05,190 --> 00:22:09,330 orbital by rotating another axes a spin 524 00:22:07,649 --> 00:22:11,789 around the cube you take the existing 525 00:22:09,330 --> 00:22:12,870 cube you kill to 32 degrees the famous 526 00:22:11,789 --> 00:22:15,120 chin angle is saying 527 00:22:12,870 --> 00:22:18,930 and you rotate and now that cube is the 528 00:22:15,120 --> 00:22:21,210 next dimension it has ascended in the 529 00:22:18,930 --> 00:22:24,960 sense that the number of axis of spin 530 00:22:21,210 --> 00:22:27,000 are superposed and therefore when you 531 00:22:24,960 --> 00:22:28,950 did a frequency analysis of the charge 532 00:22:27,000 --> 00:22:31,530 at those nodes you'd find another 533 00:22:28,950 --> 00:22:34,440 harmonic so the presence of the next 534 00:22:31,530 --> 00:22:36,870 harmonic in the cascade indicates how 535 00:22:34,440 --> 00:22:41,280 many axes of spin of charge are rotating 536 00:22:36,870 --> 00:22:44,190 superposed that's why a doctor finds out 537 00:22:41,280 --> 00:22:46,320 if you have an immune system and how 538 00:22:44,190 --> 00:22:48,720 long you're going to live it's the it's 539 00:22:46,320 --> 00:22:50,760 the most directive way to find out the 540 00:22:48,720 --> 00:22:52,620 health of your immune system and predict 541 00:22:50,760 --> 00:22:54,780 whether you're going to live or die the 542 00:22:52,620 --> 00:22:56,370 most direct way to do is you take the 543 00:22:54,780 --> 00:22:59,010 harmonics of your heart rate variability 544 00:22:56,370 --> 00:23:01,110 HRV and if the harmonics are inclusive 545 00:22:59,010 --> 00:23:02,790 you have an immune system if the 546 00:23:01,110 --> 00:23:04,770 harmonics are exclusive your heart is 547 00:23:02,790 --> 00:23:06,480 stuck at one frequency you're toast 548 00:23:04,770 --> 00:23:09,030 you're gonna be dead within days it's 549 00:23:06,480 --> 00:23:11,820 very simple mathematics so harmonic 550 00:23:09,030 --> 00:23:14,820 inclusiveness is medically proven to 551 00:23:11,820 --> 00:23:17,670 measure immune health in heart rate 552 00:23:14,820 --> 00:23:19,980 variability very few medical doctors who 553 00:23:17,670 --> 00:23:21,929 apply that every day know that harmonic 554 00:23:19,980 --> 00:23:24,450 inclusive predicts the viability of 555 00:23:21,929 --> 00:23:26,820 everything in the universe Adams babies 556 00:23:24,450 --> 00:23:28,830 and galaxies the more harmonics included 557 00:23:26,820 --> 00:23:30,900 the longer they're going to sustain it 558 00:23:28,830 --> 00:23:33,000 for example bio acoustic habitat theory 559 00:23:30,900 --> 00:23:35,130 Bertie Kraus proved take the harmonic 560 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:36,929 analysis of a forest you have harmonic 561 00:23:35,130 --> 00:23:40,050 inclusiveness that force has an immune 562 00:23:36,929 --> 00:23:41,850 system if the harmonics are leaving the 563 00:23:40,050 --> 00:23:44,610 sound of that forest that means that 564 00:23:41,850 --> 00:23:46,200 forest is dying quite literally and you 565 00:23:44,610 --> 00:23:50,220 can apply that to DNA and babies and 566 00:23:46,200 --> 00:23:53,640 galaxies and the point is that harmonic 567 00:23:50,220 --> 00:23:55,530 inclusiveness is perfected by golden 568 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:58,410 mean ratio called phase conjugation 569 00:23:55,530 --> 00:23:59,970 because those harmonics when they 570 00:23:58,410 --> 00:24:02,580 interfere with each other will do so 571 00:23:59,970 --> 00:24:03,990 constructively only if their ratio is 572 00:24:02,580 --> 00:24:05,250 gold to me otherwise there will be 573 00:24:03,990 --> 00:24:06,900 destructive interference 574 00:24:05,250 --> 00:24:09,540 that's why golden ratio phase 575 00:24:06,900 --> 00:24:11,040 conjugation perf ex charge implosion and 576 00:24:09,540 --> 00:24:12,780 harmonic inclusiveness because it's the 577 00:24:11,040 --> 00:24:15,300 only way a lot of different frequencies 578 00:24:12,780 --> 00:24:17,880 can move to one place and constructively 579 00:24:15,300 --> 00:24:21,750 interfere called implosion or pinecones 580 00:24:17,880 --> 00:24:24,630 casinos so back to DNA so here's our 581 00:24:21,750 --> 00:24:26,670 pretty picture you see that the length 582 00:24:24,630 --> 00:24:28,410 area and volume 583 00:24:26,670 --> 00:24:30,930 the DNA ratchet helix it's a 584 00:24:28,410 --> 00:24:32,790 dodecahedron down in a hukill stairway 585 00:24:30,930 --> 00:24:34,860 the vertical increment of Turner's 586 00:24:32,790 --> 00:24:36,420 golden ratio the radio radius of 587 00:24:34,860 --> 00:24:38,100 Turner's golden mean that's looming 588 00:24:36,420 --> 00:24:40,260 cubed and the horizontal independence 589 00:24:38,100 --> 00:24:42,600 goal being squared so basically when the 590 00:24:40,260 --> 00:24:44,910 when the Pinto Decker ratchets down a 591 00:24:42,600 --> 00:24:49,830 helix you take that fourth axis of spin 592 00:24:44,910 --> 00:24:53,490 and 1/5 superpose acts as a spin in that 593 00:24:49,830 --> 00:24:56,370 thread of dodeca ratchet called the 594 00:24:53,490 --> 00:24:58,380 thread of DNA so now you have five axes 595 00:24:56,370 --> 00:25:00,690 to superimpose charge rotation in the 596 00:24:58,380 --> 00:25:03,810 thread that is DNA all based on golden 597 00:25:00,690 --> 00:25:05,880 ratio notice at the center of the the 598 00:25:03,810 --> 00:25:08,730 DNA here's one ladder of the rung of the 599 00:25:05,880 --> 00:25:11,160 DNA 10th hex and a golden rectangle 600 00:25:08,730 --> 00:25:13,680 golden rectangle of each ladder rung 601 00:25:11,160 --> 00:25:16,050 core of the codons of DNA the golden 602 00:25:13,680 --> 00:25:18,660 ratio rectangle the center bond there is 603 00:25:16,050 --> 00:25:21,060 hydrogen and when I did this slide I 604 00:25:18,660 --> 00:25:24,360 didn't know that the radii of hydrogen 605 00:25:21,060 --> 00:25:27,030 are golden ratio to plot so you have the 606 00:25:24,360 --> 00:25:30,180 perfect black hole in the center of this 607 00:25:27,030 --> 00:25:32,400 thread of DNA and that zipper that black 608 00:25:30,180 --> 00:25:35,010 hole at the center that code I run that 609 00:25:32,400 --> 00:25:37,890 fractal conjugate hydrogen bond at the 610 00:25:35,010 --> 00:25:41,130 center there right there is the black 611 00:25:37,890 --> 00:25:43,980 hole zipper to making a soul that's what 612 00:25:41,130 --> 00:25:46,020 happens and what happens there is when 613 00:25:43,980 --> 00:25:47,550 the waves conjugate when the braids on 614 00:25:46,020 --> 00:25:50,070 the braid and the braids of the braid is 615 00:25:47,550 --> 00:25:52,380 phase coherent the long wave embeds in 616 00:25:50,070 --> 00:25:54,900 the short efficiently and constructively 617 00:25:52,380 --> 00:25:57,240 then all the way down to the Planck 618 00:25:54,900 --> 00:25:59,760 length in that hydrogen atom the pine 619 00:25:57,240 --> 00:26:02,220 cones kiss noses accurately and spit out 620 00:25:59,760 --> 00:26:04,260 that inertia from transfers to 621 00:26:02,220 --> 00:26:06,090 longitudinal compressional and we're 622 00:26:04,260 --> 00:26:10,260 going to show the graphic about that in 623 00:26:06,090 --> 00:26:13,770 a moment so this is the study that clan 624 00:26:10,260 --> 00:26:17,340 Ryan did at my suggestion after I showed 625 00:26:13,770 --> 00:26:19,410 Hart math Institute how to do this we 626 00:26:17,340 --> 00:26:21,630 took the harmonics of a coherent heart 627 00:26:19,410 --> 00:26:24,570 someone feeling love here this is from 628 00:26:21,630 --> 00:26:27,720 about 0 to 40 Hertz here low frequencies 629 00:26:24,570 --> 00:26:30,600 of a heart feel love and exposing DNA to 630 00:26:27,720 --> 00:26:32,130 heart coherence before and after and I 631 00:26:30,600 --> 00:26:34,740 invented the term heart coherence and 632 00:26:32,130 --> 00:26:37,740 how to measure it he measured this 633 00:26:34,740 --> 00:26:40,220 distance right here in this graph in the 634 00:26:37,740 --> 00:26:42,260 oume the presence of the enzyme 635 00:26:40,220 --> 00:26:44,900 responsible for the zipper which is to 636 00:26:42,260 --> 00:26:46,580 say how much braiding was happening how 637 00:26:44,900 --> 00:26:49,010 much the short way was embed in the long 638 00:26:46,580 --> 00:26:50,690 wait how much nesting of the short wave 639 00:26:49,010 --> 00:26:55,070 in the long was happening in DNA so 640 00:26:50,690 --> 00:26:57,950 basically your DNA helix braids like a 641 00:26:55,070 --> 00:27:00,289 thread into string into rope into fat 642 00:26:57,950 --> 00:27:02,240 rope coherently a braid within a braid 643 00:27:00,289 --> 00:27:04,549 and here's a little animation we have of 644 00:27:02,240 --> 00:27:06,799 this and if you can see that okay we'd 645 00:27:04,549 --> 00:27:14,000 see that there's a thread but when it 646 00:27:06,799 --> 00:27:17,030 braids now that short wave that short 647 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:19,730 wave embeds in a longer and longer wave 648 00:27:17,030 --> 00:27:21,590 in DNA and this is a model of them 649 00:27:19,730 --> 00:27:23,480 bathing or nesting where you have the 650 00:27:21,590 --> 00:27:26,120 short wave and the long wave the long 651 00:27:23,480 --> 00:27:28,400 wave you see how that's fractality that 652 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:31,220 particular graphic the same graphic that 653 00:27:28,400 --> 00:27:33,110 describes embedding in DNA is also used 654 00:27:31,220 --> 00:27:34,940 to teach heart rate variability 655 00:27:33,110 --> 00:27:36,799 embedding of the heart rate in heart 656 00:27:34,940 --> 00:27:38,809 beat in and of breath and the day and 657 00:27:36,799 --> 00:27:40,760 that week and that same graph is also 658 00:27:38,809 --> 00:27:43,970 used in feng shui to teach perfect feng 659 00:27:40,760 --> 00:27:47,659 shui it's perfect embedding so this 660 00:27:43,970 --> 00:27:50,809 cascading creates this if you model this 661 00:27:47,659 --> 00:27:52,549 cascade here as a golden ratio spiral 662 00:27:50,809 --> 00:27:55,640 down that sixty degree cone in the 663 00:27:52,549 --> 00:27:58,190 pentode eka it looks like a caduceus and 664 00:27:55,640 --> 00:28:00,770 if you rotate those you have a pinecone 665 00:27:58,190 --> 00:28:03,260 kissing noses right at the center and so 666 00:28:00,770 --> 00:28:05,919 that cascade or caduceus creates the 667 00:28:03,260 --> 00:28:08,900 symbol of hermes and that implosion 668 00:28:05,919 --> 00:28:11,480 launches the longitudinal wave embeds 669 00:28:08,900 --> 00:28:13,970 all of that transverse inertia into 670 00:28:11,480 --> 00:28:15,919 compressional longitudal inertia right 671 00:28:13,970 --> 00:28:16,429 at the center of the pinecones kissing 672 00:28:15,919 --> 00:28:18,530 noses 673 00:28:16,429 --> 00:28:21,620 we're basically DNA radio is then 674 00:28:18,530 --> 00:28:23,450 engaged and when the brain and the brain 675 00:28:21,620 --> 00:28:26,120 in the braid is coherent to the longer 676 00:28:23,450 --> 00:28:27,890 and longer waves that braiding becomes 677 00:28:26,120 --> 00:28:30,289 broad spectrum and we're going to talk 678 00:28:27,890 --> 00:28:32,419 about what that means basically when the 679 00:28:30,289 --> 00:28:35,210 longer waves get into DNA then you have 680 00:28:32,419 --> 00:28:37,700 you have bigger things embedded in the 681 00:28:35,210 --> 00:28:39,860 wave mechanics of DNA like ride the long 682 00:28:37,700 --> 00:28:43,220 wave Uncle Joe so we have many pictures 683 00:28:39,860 --> 00:28:45,470 about that and most if you've seen this 684 00:28:43,220 --> 00:28:47,600 this slide where we teach about the fact 685 00:28:45,470 --> 00:28:51,559 that if you look at the electrical 686 00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:54,130 origins of the heartbeat here honestly 687 00:28:51,559 --> 00:28:56,600 we can show this here 688 00:28:54,130 --> 00:28:58,370 this is from the when time breaks down 689 00:28:56,600 --> 00:29:00,770 the geometric origins of cardiac 690 00:28:58,370 --> 00:29:02,720 arrhythmia by Arthur T Winfrey very 691 00:29:00,770 --> 00:29:05,510 technical book in which he's describing 692 00:29:02,720 --> 00:29:07,309 where does your heartbeat come from 693 00:29:05,510 --> 00:29:09,380 electrically if you are looking at the 694 00:29:07,309 --> 00:29:11,809 shape of the wave a voltage differential 695 00:29:09,380 --> 00:29:13,700 converging to cause your heart to be and 696 00:29:11,809 --> 00:29:15,830 make a map of that what it would look 697 00:29:13,700 --> 00:29:17,929 like well not only does it look like a 698 00:29:15,830 --> 00:29:20,710 doughnut in a doughnut but it looks like 699 00:29:17,929 --> 00:29:23,770 a spiral within a spiral that's turning 700 00:29:20,710 --> 00:29:27,799 learning to dimple or turn inside out 701 00:29:23,770 --> 00:29:29,840 recursively so when we said I would turn 702 00:29:27,799 --> 00:29:32,240 myself inside out for you darling what 703 00:29:29,840 --> 00:29:35,419 you meant was you would teach your heart 704 00:29:32,240 --> 00:29:38,149 to implode and gather centripetal force 705 00:29:35,419 --> 00:29:41,390 called long-wave Phi ratio or low Phi or 706 00:29:38,149 --> 00:29:43,730 love for short and actually that's real 707 00:29:41,390 --> 00:29:46,340 that embedded in charge implosion in 708 00:29:43,730 --> 00:29:48,470 your heart is a rush and the feeling of 709 00:29:46,340 --> 00:29:52,159 love is a rush and it's centripetal and 710 00:29:48,470 --> 00:29:54,980 love does move mountains if you properly 711 00:29:52,159 --> 00:29:57,320 understand how that impetus but actually 712 00:29:54,980 --> 00:29:59,450 there's some suggestions here do not 713 00:29:57,320 --> 00:30:01,940 attempt to fall in love with a metal 714 00:29:59,450 --> 00:30:04,039 with an aluminum or steel building 715 00:30:01,940 --> 00:30:07,250 because if he tried to implode the 716 00:30:04,039 --> 00:30:09,559 charge there it ain't gonna work so good 717 00:30:07,250 --> 00:30:12,500 and another way of talking about it is 718 00:30:09,559 --> 00:30:15,110 that if you want to try your bliss 719 00:30:12,500 --> 00:30:17,000 process basically your body needs to 720 00:30:15,110 --> 00:30:19,549 implode the charge of its environment 721 00:30:17,000 --> 00:30:21,799 like a zero-point energy device in the 722 00:30:19,549 --> 00:30:23,809 same way that the theraphy plasma system 723 00:30:21,799 --> 00:30:25,760 implodes the charge of its environment 724 00:30:23,809 --> 00:30:28,640 and if the environment is dead air and 725 00:30:25,760 --> 00:30:31,520 electrosmog and then you're imploding 726 00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:34,250 poison so do not attempt to sustain 727 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:36,470 bliss process in a bad electrical 728 00:30:34,250 --> 00:30:38,990 environment you can do it for a short 729 00:30:36,470 --> 00:30:40,700 term if you need to heal someone or do 730 00:30:38,990 --> 00:30:42,740 something in cetera but generally it's 731 00:30:40,700 --> 00:30:44,919 easier to take a bridge than to walk on 732 00:30:42,740 --> 00:30:47,750 water 733 00:30:44,919 --> 00:30:49,549 so this perfect embedding is called 734 00:30:47,750 --> 00:30:51,049 super looping or perfect nesting this 735 00:30:49,549 --> 00:30:53,270 the super looping term is used in the 736 00:30:51,049 --> 00:30:56,059 heart rate variability literature thanks 737 00:30:53,270 --> 00:30:58,309 to dr. Irving dart dyrdek famously in 738 00:30:56,059 --> 00:30:59,960 his book making waves where increasing 739 00:30:58,309 --> 00:31:02,799 harmonic inclusiveness and heart rate 740 00:30:59,960 --> 00:31:06,559 variability also creates the DNA braid 741 00:31:02,799 --> 00:31:07,820 is the way he healed many many diseases 742 00:31:06,559 --> 00:31:10,580 by simply teaching people 743 00:31:07,820 --> 00:31:12,950 you know if you're sitting for four to 744 00:31:10,580 --> 00:31:14,840 eight hours a day and you don't move you 745 00:31:12,950 --> 00:31:17,600 know your heart rate loses variability 746 00:31:14,840 --> 00:31:18,740 and that means you're toast so you know 747 00:31:17,600 --> 00:31:20,390 he makes a graph of the heart rate 748 00:31:18,740 --> 00:31:22,340 variability of your day and then 749 00:31:20,390 --> 00:31:25,190 analyzes it and tells you when you need 750 00:31:22,340 --> 00:31:26,840 more variability and by doing that he'll 751 00:31:25,190 --> 00:31:29,240 so many diseases it was practically 752 00:31:26,840 --> 00:31:31,580 illegal and there was a 2-hour BT BBC 753 00:31:29,240 --> 00:31:33,620 special on overnight long-term heart 754 00:31:31,580 --> 00:31:36,230 rate variability analysis and it used to 755 00:31:33,620 --> 00:31:41,180 cost hundreds of dollars to do that but 756 00:31:36,230 --> 00:31:47,240 now thank goodness I thrive calm our HR 757 00:31:41,180 --> 00:31:48,620 VF IT HRV II I thrive calm you can do 758 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:50,480 overnight long-term heart rate 759 00:31:48,620 --> 00:31:51,860 variability analysis and find out when 760 00:31:50,480 --> 00:31:54,350 your heart is learning variability and 761 00:31:51,860 --> 00:31:58,640 it's cheap so we're gonna talk more 762 00:31:54,350 --> 00:32:00,230 about that so this is the this that 763 00:31:58,640 --> 00:32:02,540 we're talking about this the secret of 764 00:32:00,230 --> 00:32:05,840 inhabiting tornadoes you know if you 765 00:32:02,540 --> 00:32:08,570 watched a shaman steer a tornado you 766 00:32:05,840 --> 00:32:10,520 would see that the bioplasmic streamers 767 00:32:08,570 --> 00:32:11,930 from the belly of the shaman who is 768 00:32:10,520 --> 00:32:14,450 eating the hooch I would just say 769 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:16,670 feeling the pain of the tornado and the 770 00:32:14,450 --> 00:32:18,680 pain is only where fractality is 771 00:32:16,670 --> 00:32:20,660 bleeding it's the only definition of 772 00:32:18,680 --> 00:32:22,970 pain so where flight allottee bleeds 773 00:32:20,660 --> 00:32:24,920 charge you call that pain if you restore 774 00:32:22,970 --> 00:32:27,500 that impulsive compression pain goes 775 00:32:24,920 --> 00:32:30,080 away and that is a summary of Thera 776 00:32:27,500 --> 00:32:32,270 fidonet plasma where short-term pain we 777 00:32:30,080 --> 00:32:33,110 can deal with often minutes and 778 00:32:32,270 --> 00:32:35,780 long-term paining 779 00:32:33,110 --> 00:32:38,210 I don't know 5 to 15 sessions in many 780 00:32:35,780 --> 00:32:39,350 but not all cases but we're able to help 781 00:32:38,210 --> 00:32:41,450 people with that simple principle 782 00:32:39,350 --> 00:32:44,120 restore it impulsive charge compression 783 00:32:41,450 --> 00:32:47,480 is the electrical opposite of pain so 784 00:32:44,120 --> 00:32:49,970 you know as the Andromeda said the only 785 00:32:47,480 --> 00:32:51,500 pain you feel is love you withhold well 786 00:32:49,970 --> 00:32:53,630 it's also the only thing you feel is the 787 00:32:51,500 --> 00:32:56,150 embedding with all the implosion you you 788 00:32:53,630 --> 00:33:00,080 the failure to see everything as inside 789 00:32:56,150 --> 00:33:01,610 you which is say imploding so this 790 00:33:00,080 --> 00:33:04,340 brings up this conversation about there 791 00:33:01,610 --> 00:33:06,980 is no junk DNA in fact the spacing 792 00:33:04,340 --> 00:33:08,750 between the braiding is what was called 793 00:33:06,980 --> 00:33:11,660 junk DNA in fact it's critical because 794 00:33:08,750 --> 00:33:14,600 it's how the DNA actually creates the 795 00:33:11,660 --> 00:33:16,820 charge implosion by that musical phase 796 00:33:14,600 --> 00:33:19,250 discipline lacking the short way in the 797 00:33:16,820 --> 00:33:21,140 long wave which is why grammatical man 798 00:33:19,250 --> 00:33:21,549 information entropy language in life the 799 00:33:21,140 --> 00:33:24,309 same is 800 00:33:21,549 --> 00:33:26,080 Jeremy Campbell proved that the context 801 00:33:24,309 --> 00:33:28,330 richness of DNA was the braiding 802 00:33:26,080 --> 00:33:30,820 algorithm hello it's music it's 803 00:33:28,330 --> 00:33:33,580 embedding it's certainly phase coherence 804 00:33:30,820 --> 00:33:36,610 along so this is an introduction to 805 00:33:33,580 --> 00:33:37,059 implode how does DNA implode and why is 806 00:33:36,610 --> 00:33:38,799 that 807 00:33:37,059 --> 00:33:42,759 ascension that's the question on the 808 00:33:38,799 --> 00:33:44,379 table that as your DNA gets longer and 809 00:33:42,759 --> 00:33:46,360 longer wavelengths with that completed 810 00:33:44,379 --> 00:33:49,779 braiding process you see here the longer 811 00:33:46,360 --> 00:33:52,179 wave on the right so as those longer 812 00:33:49,779 --> 00:33:54,580 waves become present in the DNA that 813 00:33:52,179 --> 00:33:56,200 means there's more the phase conjugation 814 00:33:54,580 --> 00:33:58,149 at the at the center of the pine cones 815 00:33:56,200 --> 00:34:00,190 kissing noses gets more and more broad 816 00:33:58,149 --> 00:34:01,840 spectral as it is in theraph I what we 817 00:34:00,190 --> 00:34:03,429 do the plasma take very long ways 818 00:34:01,840 --> 00:34:06,549 modulated on the megahertz all 819 00:34:03,429 --> 00:34:07,929 accurately and we create perfect broad 820 00:34:06,549 --> 00:34:09,819 spectral phase conjugate function even 821 00:34:07,929 --> 00:34:11,589 optical phase conjugation in the plasma 822 00:34:09,819 --> 00:34:13,389 we create charge implosion and it's 823 00:34:11,589 --> 00:34:15,460 Negin tropic it's rejuvenating its 824 00:34:13,389 --> 00:34:16,990 powerful it's a simple principle and 825 00:34:15,460 --> 00:34:19,929 it's the drawing of the caduceus from 826 00:34:16,990 --> 00:34:22,119 ermese and it works so that charge 827 00:34:19,929 --> 00:34:23,679 implosion you know we can help with 828 00:34:22,119 --> 00:34:26,649 external plasma which is what their fire 829 00:34:23,679 --> 00:34:29,859 is but nature intended that you do it in 830 00:34:26,649 --> 00:34:32,319 your own DNA by learning to make bliss 831 00:34:29,859 --> 00:34:35,770 actually that's what nature intended and 832 00:34:32,319 --> 00:34:37,119 that is what we intend to talk about and 833 00:34:35,770 --> 00:34:38,770 this is an early slideshow so we have 834 00:34:37,119 --> 00:34:40,419 lots of pictures of how this works in 835 00:34:38,770 --> 00:34:42,309 DNA you've got this implosion way and 836 00:34:40,419 --> 00:34:43,990 you see the braiding algorithm it's an 837 00:34:42,309 --> 00:34:45,720 introduction the celtic knot and there's 838 00:34:43,990 --> 00:34:48,369 a part of it that turns inside out 839 00:34:45,720 --> 00:34:52,119 recursively which is called pal last 840 00:34:48,369 --> 00:34:54,220 raishin which is how you make a climb 841 00:34:52,119 --> 00:34:56,530 bottle for example and the DNA actually 842 00:34:54,220 --> 00:34:58,839 turns inside out becomes toroidal DNA 843 00:34:56,530 --> 00:35:00,819 circular DNA years from the circular DNA 844 00:34:58,839 --> 00:35:05,079 it's actually the seventh axes of 845 00:35:00,819 --> 00:35:07,450 superposed spin so remember we had five 846 00:35:05,079 --> 00:35:09,790 spins literally in the thread that's DNA 847 00:35:07,450 --> 00:35:12,490 the dodeca ratchet 5 axis pin symmetry 848 00:35:09,790 --> 00:35:14,530 five dimensions and then you ascend as 849 00:35:12,490 --> 00:35:16,450 the number of harmonics become phase 850 00:35:14,530 --> 00:35:18,339 coherent or you have the braid of the 851 00:35:16,450 --> 00:35:22,329 braid of the braid on the braid thread 852 00:35:18,339 --> 00:35:23,950 to string to rope to fat rope etc and 853 00:35:22,329 --> 00:35:26,380 that braid of the braid of the braid on 854 00:35:23,950 --> 00:35:28,299 the braid happens seven times KO defined 855 00:35:26,380 --> 00:35:30,250 by the seven spin symmetry axes of the 856 00:35:28,299 --> 00:35:32,349 tetrahedra the Tetra cube the cube of 857 00:35:30,250 --> 00:35:34,809 space it's all seven arrows the seventh 858 00:35:32,349 --> 00:35:35,380 seven signs you know opening the sewed 859 00:35:34,809 --> 00:35:37,450 of the sea 860 00:35:35,380 --> 00:35:39,070 that's what it is at the seventh time 861 00:35:37,450 --> 00:35:41,560 your DNA you opened the Seventh Seal 862 00:35:39,070 --> 00:35:43,870 it's really true and your DNA implodes 863 00:35:41,560 --> 00:35:45,400 and you embed in that longitudinal and 864 00:35:43,870 --> 00:35:47,380 you can be everywhere at once and that's 865 00:35:45,400 --> 00:35:51,460 called Lord of the Ring and that's where 866 00:35:47,380 --> 00:35:54,250 we're going with this so this field of 867 00:35:51,460 --> 00:35:56,830 coherence made by your DNA weak electric 868 00:35:54,250 --> 00:36:00,040 field is called a cold plasma field 869 00:35:56,830 --> 00:36:04,900 remember plasma is just it means a cloud 870 00:36:00,040 --> 00:36:07,150 of charge and physics is clear 99.999% 871 00:36:04,900 --> 00:36:09,310 of the universe is plasma we just say a 872 00:36:07,150 --> 00:36:11,140 cloud of charge we just say a cloud of 873 00:36:09,310 --> 00:36:13,240 compressed ether the compression 874 00:36:11,140 --> 00:36:15,040 rarefaction so basically everything is 875 00:36:13,240 --> 00:36:16,870 plasma sort of not surprising everything 876 00:36:15,040 --> 00:36:18,760 your aura is made of the same stuff as 877 00:36:16,870 --> 00:36:21,130 everything it's just if it's coherently 878 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:22,750 imploding then that tornado will be 879 00:36:21,130 --> 00:36:24,490 sustainable and you can throw your 880 00:36:22,750 --> 00:36:25,360 weight around but if you're not coherent 881 00:36:24,490 --> 00:36:27,880 you're toast 882 00:36:25,360 --> 00:36:30,400 you dissipate and so that coherence of 883 00:36:27,880 --> 00:36:32,590 that or a field is called your car your 884 00:36:30,400 --> 00:36:34,240 boat into your underworld and the amount 885 00:36:32,590 --> 00:36:37,360 of coherence there is measurable and 886 00:36:34,240 --> 00:36:39,880 teachable so it is true that spiritual 887 00:36:37,360 --> 00:36:41,470 evolution and ascension is simply not 888 00:36:39,880 --> 00:36:43,900 just how many harmonics in your aura but 889 00:36:41,470 --> 00:36:46,540 even more simple that it is how big is 890 00:36:43,900 --> 00:36:47,890 your aura because it won't implode from 891 00:36:46,540 --> 00:36:49,930 the short waves a long wave 892 00:36:47,890 --> 00:36:51,730 cascade coherently unless it's golden 893 00:36:49,930 --> 00:36:55,180 ratio phase conjugate implosive so your 894 00:36:51,730 --> 00:36:59,380 aura can't get big unless you use golden 895 00:36:55,180 --> 00:37:01,450 ratio so this is from the biophysics 896 00:36:59,380 --> 00:37:02,890 literature showing how golden ratio is 897 00:37:01,450 --> 00:37:04,750 implemented in DNA and it's everywhere 898 00:37:02,890 --> 00:37:06,430 you look of course and this is talking 899 00:37:04,750 --> 00:37:08,320 about how that creates an implosive 900 00:37:06,430 --> 00:37:13,030 tornado a throat and this is actually a 901 00:37:08,320 --> 00:37:14,980 photon micrograph of toroidal DNA DNA as 902 00:37:13,030 --> 00:37:16,240 the doughnut for example and then we we 903 00:37:14,980 --> 00:37:17,830 talk about we're not gonna do the 904 00:37:16,240 --> 00:37:20,500 alphabet stuff today but actually the 905 00:37:17,830 --> 00:37:22,150 spiral on that tourist if you look from 906 00:37:20,500 --> 00:37:24,160 the different viewpoints of the seven 907 00:37:22,150 --> 00:37:26,860 heirs of tetra that is what Hebrew and 908 00:37:24,160 --> 00:37:28,750 Sanskrit are which you see that goes 909 00:37:26,860 --> 00:37:31,360 back to our conversation how do you 910 00:37:28,750 --> 00:37:34,540 steer when you're dead so it turns out 911 00:37:31,360 --> 00:37:36,910 that if you pump a liquid in a spiral on 912 00:37:34,540 --> 00:37:39,280 a tourist accurately with high inertia 913 00:37:36,910 --> 00:37:43,270 it could be a liquid or it could be flux 914 00:37:39,280 --> 00:37:44,830 magnetic flux you create propulsion you 915 00:37:43,270 --> 00:37:48,350 know NASA and Einstein didn't figure 916 00:37:44,830 --> 00:37:57,170 that out but okay you sound 917 00:37:48,350 --> 00:37:59,210 the vimana and the Nazi bell so when you 918 00:37:57,170 --> 00:38:02,600 visualize a single Hebrew alphabet 919 00:37:59,210 --> 00:38:05,780 letter and here's a couple of them here 920 00:38:02,600 --> 00:38:08,750 this is how they're indexed in 72 921 00:38:05,780 --> 00:38:11,240 permutations names of God when you 922 00:38:08,750 --> 00:38:13,880 visualize a Hebrew alphabet letter 923 00:38:11,240 --> 00:38:17,360 you're simply controlling the angle of 924 00:38:13,880 --> 00:38:20,150 the Taurus by controlling the tilt angle 925 00:38:17,360 --> 00:38:22,580 of that toroidal delaying the Torah the 926 00:38:20,150 --> 00:38:26,410 domain Dominus vobiscum domain means God 927 00:38:22,580 --> 00:38:26,410 for very good reason it's a charge to me 928 00:38:26,590 --> 00:38:31,780 so by controlling the tilt angle of the 929 00:38:29,300 --> 00:38:33,650 Taurus magnetic doughnut which is 930 00:38:31,780 --> 00:38:36,920 competing the electric field as your 931 00:38:33,650 --> 00:38:39,890 optical cortex the whole grain from 932 00:38:36,920 --> 00:38:41,570 Carroll premium by focusing on a single 933 00:38:39,890 --> 00:38:45,040 Hebrew letter you're putting that 934 00:38:41,570 --> 00:38:48,050 doughnut at a particular tilt angle and 935 00:38:45,040 --> 00:38:49,940 if you throw those Donuts accurately 936 00:38:48,050 --> 00:38:52,190 there's a bunch of things that happen if 937 00:38:49,940 --> 00:38:53,870 you visualize two symbols exactly 938 00:38:52,190 --> 00:38:56,660 opposing like the asain of Enochian 939 00:38:53,870 --> 00:38:58,250 ritual to cast a spell in a room what 940 00:38:56,660 --> 00:39:01,550 happens is those donuts from the four 941 00:38:58,250 --> 00:39:05,180 direction he left babe in Rhode Island 942 00:39:01,550 --> 00:39:08,000 or that Aaron I the names of God the the 943 00:39:05,180 --> 00:39:09,980 donuts converge and implode at Center 944 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:12,260 and they change the air pressure in the 945 00:39:09,980 --> 00:39:14,540 room enough that you could you can blow 946 00:39:12,260 --> 00:39:15,950 the doors off quite literally and people 947 00:39:14,540 --> 00:39:18,080 get dizzy when these rituals are done 948 00:39:15,950 --> 00:39:19,550 properly there's a charge implosion is 949 00:39:18,080 --> 00:39:22,280 casting dreams 950 00:39:19,550 --> 00:39:24,410 it's what a spell is you created a 951 00:39:22,280 --> 00:39:26,390 centripetal field but more importantly 952 00:39:24,410 --> 00:39:30,620 even perhaps is that you need to know 953 00:39:26,390 --> 00:39:33,500 that when you are an angel which is a 954 00:39:30,620 --> 00:39:35,390 cloud of plasma maybe or size or when 955 00:39:33,500 --> 00:39:38,240 you are dead for example or when you're 956 00:39:35,390 --> 00:39:41,090 dreaming you are a cloud of charge 957 00:39:38,240 --> 00:39:42,800 that's what you are and if you're if you 958 00:39:41,090 --> 00:39:44,600 hear loud charge and you want to steer 959 00:39:42,800 --> 00:39:46,130 you better understand it understand 960 00:39:44,600 --> 00:39:47,780 something about vector navigation and 961 00:39:46,130 --> 00:39:51,140 vector navigation is simple it means 962 00:39:47,780 --> 00:39:56,210 well if I tilt donut at a particular 963 00:39:51,140 --> 00:39:57,410 angle I will create propulsion a 964 00:39:56,210 --> 00:39:59,990 particular direction because when you 965 00:39:57,410 --> 00:40:00,710 pump that inertia down that spiral on 966 00:39:59,990 --> 00:40:02,450 the torus 967 00:40:00,710 --> 00:40:04,130 it actually makes propulsion you can 968 00:40:02,450 --> 00:40:05,960 make gravity very efficiently that way 969 00:40:04,130 --> 00:40:09,589 that was called a hmm 970 00:40:05,960 --> 00:40:11,869 impulse drive versus a warp drive in 971 00:40:09,589 --> 00:40:14,390 Star Wars or Star Trek the work ride 972 00:40:11,869 --> 00:40:17,000 uses another related principle which is 973 00:40:14,390 --> 00:40:18,800 a phase conjugate also so here's the 974 00:40:17,000 --> 00:40:23,359 conversation about toroidal DNA very 975 00:40:18,800 --> 00:40:26,089 famous papers on toroidal DNA top-down 976 00:40:23,359 --> 00:40:27,680 view decagon we'll go through these 977 00:40:26,089 --> 00:40:29,569 slides quickly and this is this is the 978 00:40:27,680 --> 00:40:33,940 star mother here's that five cubes in 979 00:40:29,569 --> 00:40:38,329 the dodeca we were talking about and and 980 00:40:33,940 --> 00:40:40,280 here is rotating dodeca uh-huh our 981 00:40:38,329 --> 00:40:42,710 little animation of the rotating dough 982 00:40:40,280 --> 00:40:44,089 deck of any model of the universe and 983 00:40:42,710 --> 00:40:47,270 the earth grid being cell similar in 984 00:40:44,089 --> 00:40:51,290 fractal and here is this if you this is 985 00:40:47,270 --> 00:40:55,119 how to visualize that waveform 986 00:40:51,290 --> 00:40:57,619 impulsively converging at center and 987 00:40:55,119 --> 00:40:59,809 then here is that we call this solution 988 00:40:57,619 --> 00:41:01,609 wormseed see how these pine cones 989 00:40:59,809 --> 00:41:03,890 implode they take you in the center this 990 00:41:01,609 --> 00:41:06,520 dodeca turning inside out and look at 991 00:41:03,890 --> 00:41:09,319 see how the double pine cones converge 992 00:41:06,520 --> 00:41:11,270 and the conversion is dodeca symmetry so 993 00:41:09,319 --> 00:41:13,130 this is an animation of what later 994 00:41:11,270 --> 00:41:14,869 became an equation for the radii of 995 00:41:13,130 --> 00:41:18,619 hydrogen actually which is at the center 996 00:41:14,869 --> 00:41:20,569 of DNA and this is a little introduction 997 00:41:18,619 --> 00:41:22,250 to the brick how you might visualize 998 00:41:20,569 --> 00:41:24,740 abrading notice that that's actually a 999 00:41:22,250 --> 00:41:26,510 dodecahedron down a helix and if you go 1000 00:41:24,740 --> 00:41:28,460 up the center of DNA this is what the 1001 00:41:26,510 --> 00:41:33,290 view might be like the womb with a view 1002 00:41:28,460 --> 00:41:36,430 as it were and this we played that 1003 00:41:33,290 --> 00:41:39,049 animation unless this is the story of 1004 00:41:36,430 --> 00:41:40,520 jodie foster and will be contacted and 1005 00:41:39,049 --> 00:41:43,400 remember the vehicle she used was the 1006 00:41:40,520 --> 00:41:44,630 dodeca which came from a montauk 1007 00:41:43,400 --> 00:41:46,099 actually and it was basically an 1008 00:41:44,630 --> 00:41:48,680 implosive vehicle and that's what would 1009 00:41:46,099 --> 00:41:51,260 a markup is about and this is how that 1010 00:41:48,680 --> 00:41:53,720 becomes a jew the grail etc we've talked 1011 00:41:51,260 --> 00:41:57,190 about that that that actually becomes 1012 00:41:53,720 --> 00:41:59,809 the green Cup and the fractality implied 1013 00:41:57,190 --> 00:42:01,549 broccoli and living things and so this 1014 00:41:59,809 --> 00:42:03,740 is the top-down view that's like this is 1015 00:42:01,549 --> 00:42:05,240 a good view the top-down view of DNA you 1016 00:42:03,740 --> 00:42:06,980 have the ten spirals and they add and 1017 00:42:05,240 --> 00:42:09,500 apply recursively constructively and 1018 00:42:06,980 --> 00:42:13,040 there's a slipknot of implosion at 1019 00:42:09,500 --> 00:42:14,390 center so that's the wormhole now i 1020 00:42:13,040 --> 00:42:19,579 think we want to talk more 1021 00:42:14,390 --> 00:42:21,349 here about how the wave goes propagates 1022 00:42:19,579 --> 00:42:23,750 from that Center what we're calling 1023 00:42:21,349 --> 00:42:29,450 longitudinal in more detail but first 1024 00:42:23,750 --> 00:42:31,069 just to show this slide you see the 1025 00:42:29,450 --> 00:42:32,420 longitudinal wave mechanics the 1026 00:42:31,069 --> 00:42:37,160 compressional wave let's see if we can 1027 00:42:32,420 --> 00:42:39,200 see this here the longitudinal wave 1028 00:42:37,160 --> 00:42:41,299 mechanics I don't see I was just 1029 00:42:39,200 --> 00:42:46,010 checking the check move this way sorry 1030 00:42:41,299 --> 00:42:48,410 about that the longitudinal wave 1031 00:42:46,010 --> 00:42:50,990 mechanics are like billiard balls on a 1032 00:42:48,410 --> 00:42:53,059 string that if the balls touch each 1033 00:42:50,990 --> 00:42:56,180 other and you pick up one at one end and 1034 00:42:53,059 --> 00:42:58,519 bounce it then a billion billiard balls 1035 00:42:56,180 --> 00:43:00,799 down the row one billiard ball will 1036 00:42:58,519 --> 00:43:02,690 bounce off at the other end potentially 1037 00:43:00,799 --> 00:43:04,910 faster than the speed of light but now 1038 00:43:02,690 --> 00:43:07,849 if those if those billiard balls are 1039 00:43:04,910 --> 00:43:09,980 slightly moved apart by one millimeter 1040 00:43:07,849 --> 00:43:11,630 then when you bounce one off at this end 1041 00:43:09,980 --> 00:43:14,119 it can take light years for a billiard 1042 00:43:11,630 --> 00:43:15,980 ball to bounce off at the other end so 1043 00:43:14,119 --> 00:43:18,319 it's that perfect stillness of that 1044 00:43:15,980 --> 00:43:20,150 touch locked into that crystal geometry 1045 00:43:18,319 --> 00:43:22,460 that allows that efficient propagation 1046 00:43:20,150 --> 00:43:24,650 propagation of velocity and the only 1047 00:43:22,460 --> 00:43:26,150 geometry that allows that is the only 1048 00:43:24,650 --> 00:43:29,029 possible three-dimensional fractal is 1049 00:43:26,150 --> 00:43:30,920 dilated pent dodeca DNA earthgrid zodiac 1050 00:43:29,029 --> 00:43:33,500 which we have in our star mother kit 1051 00:43:30,920 --> 00:43:36,230 picture to the bottom right now that's 1052 00:43:33,500 --> 00:43:37,880 an introduction to why not just why the 1053 00:43:36,230 --> 00:43:40,130 earthgrid and the zodiac and the 1054 00:43:37,880 --> 00:43:43,640 universe are science now knows for sure 1055 00:43:40,130 --> 00:43:46,609 there Pat dodeca but that if you want 1056 00:43:43,640 --> 00:43:48,380 your spiritual energy if you want your 1057 00:43:46,609 --> 00:43:49,789 plasma in which it's terrifies you want 1058 00:43:48,380 --> 00:43:52,190 you to ritual as watch your birth or 1059 00:43:49,789 --> 00:43:56,240 death if you want your Agnihotri's 1060 00:43:52,190 --> 00:43:59,150 to work good you go to wear one of those 1061 00:43:56,240 --> 00:44:01,910 magnetic lines cross in that Pinto deca 1062 00:43:59,150 --> 00:44:04,039 because it enables you to embed in the 1063 00:44:01,910 --> 00:44:05,839 longitudinal wave mechanics for example 1064 00:44:04,039 --> 00:44:08,509 when we do remote healing with the 1065 00:44:05,839 --> 00:44:10,609 theraph I work the plasma any kind of 1066 00:44:08,509 --> 00:44:13,279 ritual it works a lot better if you are 1067 00:44:10,609 --> 00:44:16,160 at a magnetic line cross call degenerate 1068 00:44:13,279 --> 00:44:18,440 etc and the person receiving is a 1069 00:44:16,160 --> 00:44:20,630 magnetic line cross it's a DNA radio 1070 00:44:18,440 --> 00:44:22,910 it's druid radio that's how it works 1071 00:44:20,630 --> 00:44:24,440 it's in for example I'll give another 1072 00:44:22,910 --> 00:44:27,859 very practical example that you can 1073 00:44:24,440 --> 00:44:30,349 understand this the very famous 1074 00:44:27,859 --> 00:44:32,930 a military-grade telepathy from the 1075 00:44:30,349 --> 00:44:34,549 Kozyrev mirror for Russia and karakov 1076 00:44:32,930 --> 00:44:37,130 wandered around the planet within 1077 00:44:34,549 --> 00:44:40,190 thousands mile apart they put these very 1078 00:44:37,130 --> 00:44:42,739 accurate microwave active metal 1079 00:44:40,190 --> 00:44:44,390 cylinders and they would wreck this mic 1080 00:44:42,739 --> 00:44:46,489 that'll sell it we later knew that it's 1081 00:44:44,390 --> 00:44:49,220 because it's a microwave conductor a 1082 00:44:46,489 --> 00:44:51,289 tune and that it's like we've active to 1083 00:44:49,220 --> 00:44:53,930 ADP by the way in your DNA inside 1084 00:44:51,289 --> 00:44:55,640 diphosphate and in order to get 1085 00:44:53,930 --> 00:44:57,890 military-grade telepathy when two of 1086 00:44:55,640 --> 00:44:59,900 these are like thousands miles apart the 1087 00:44:57,890 --> 00:45:02,210 first thing they do is they take out 1088 00:44:59,900 --> 00:45:03,829 their nano nano Tesla Gauss meter and 1089 00:45:02,210 --> 00:45:05,900 measure whether they got a magnetic line 1090 00:45:03,829 --> 00:45:08,480 crossed then they set them up and sure 1091 00:45:05,900 --> 00:45:10,759 enough every time military quality 1092 00:45:08,480 --> 00:45:12,579 telepathy better than you know better 1093 00:45:10,759 --> 00:45:15,230 than expensive radio but it only works 1094 00:45:12,579 --> 00:45:17,930 where the magnetic lines cross 1095 00:45:15,230 --> 00:45:20,779 why because of longitudal and bidding 1096 00:45:17,930 --> 00:45:23,119 now this is instruction this is this is 1097 00:45:20,779 --> 00:45:24,859 an introduction to remote view EXO 1098 00:45:23,119 --> 00:45:27,470 travel you know places of power 1099 00:45:24,859 --> 00:45:33,470 Castaneda it's all about longitudinal 1100 00:45:27,470 --> 00:45:40,339 emitting okay I think this is a the last 1101 00:45:33,470 --> 00:45:44,960 site we might do from this series this 1102 00:45:40,339 --> 00:45:46,509 is showing why to get phase conjugation 1103 00:45:44,960 --> 00:45:50,089 in optics 1104 00:45:46,509 --> 00:45:52,940 you must have those lasers precisely in 1105 00:45:50,089 --> 00:45:54,890 four wave mixing this is the only way 1106 00:45:52,940 --> 00:45:57,859 the pine cones kiss noses accurately 1107 00:45:54,890 --> 00:45:59,329 remember making lasers phase conjugated 1108 00:45:57,859 --> 00:46:03,170 optics is the first place they ever 1109 00:45:59,329 --> 00:46:05,150 measured negentropy self-organization 1110 00:46:03,170 --> 00:46:07,069 time reversal and remember what they 1111 00:46:05,150 --> 00:46:09,380 meant by time reversal it wasn't now 1112 00:46:07,069 --> 00:46:11,690 backwards and no nose very specific what 1113 00:46:09,380 --> 00:46:14,920 they meant was you could take disorder 1114 00:46:11,690 --> 00:46:18,369 back to an earlier state of order only 1115 00:46:14,920 --> 00:46:21,019 in other words you could time reverse 1116 00:46:18,369 --> 00:46:23,569 rusted steel to unroasted but you could 1117 00:46:21,019 --> 00:46:28,549 never do the reverse you cannot return 1118 00:46:23,569 --> 00:46:31,670 in time to disorder no no you can only 1119 00:46:28,549 --> 00:46:34,730 time reverse to increase order very 1120 00:46:31,670 --> 00:46:36,829 profound idea here when we when we make 1121 00:46:34,730 --> 00:46:39,410 stem cells with the stare verify for 1122 00:46:36,829 --> 00:46:41,510 example you need to know that returning 1123 00:46:39,410 --> 00:46:44,150 things to there 1124 00:46:41,510 --> 00:46:46,430 only works if that was increased order 1125 00:46:44,150 --> 00:46:50,119 in that decrease order so Nagin trippy 1126 00:46:46,430 --> 00:46:51,619 is a code definition of time reversal 1127 00:46:50,119 --> 00:46:52,940 they're very interesting but anyway the 1128 00:46:51,619 --> 00:46:54,470 first time that was measured in physics 1129 00:46:52,940 --> 00:46:57,260 phase got chickened out this is when 1130 00:46:54,470 --> 00:46:59,300 they did this with lasers now the 1131 00:46:57,260 --> 00:47:00,920 material within which they caused those 1132 00:46:59,300 --> 00:47:04,070 lasers to interfere called a phase 1133 00:47:00,920 --> 00:47:05,930 conjugate mirror this is how Nostradamus 1134 00:47:04,070 --> 00:47:08,030 is coating on the bottom of his cup 1135 00:47:05,930 --> 00:47:09,859 worked and this is how the show stone of 1136 00:47:08,030 --> 00:47:12,680 John D worked to call the angels so you 1137 00:47:09,859 --> 00:47:14,930 might want to pay attention here the 1138 00:47:12,680 --> 00:47:17,980 coating at the bottom of nostradamus of 1139 00:47:14,930 --> 00:47:20,240 scrying cup and and John D's show stone 1140 00:47:17,980 --> 00:47:22,100 were phase conjugate dielectric 1141 00:47:20,240 --> 00:47:23,859 materials that means super high 1142 00:47:22,100 --> 00:47:27,050 dielectric constant that means 1143 00:47:23,859 --> 00:47:29,720 capacitively they were implosive highly 1144 00:47:27,050 --> 00:47:32,810 efficient capacitive results and they 1145 00:47:29,720 --> 00:47:34,970 are that is the secret the secret of 1146 00:47:32,810 --> 00:47:37,640 making a phase conjugate mirror time 1147 00:47:34,970 --> 00:47:39,770 reversal Nostradamus john d all this fun 1148 00:47:37,640 --> 00:47:41,600 stuff starts with understanding what 1149 00:47:39,770 --> 00:47:43,970 it's super high dielectric constant is 1150 00:47:41,600 --> 00:47:45,830 which is what you have to assemble very 1151 00:47:43,970 --> 00:47:47,900 mutant human barium titanate barium 1152 00:47:45,830 --> 00:47:49,400 strontium titanate etc in the face 1153 00:47:47,900 --> 00:47:51,710 country mirror literature the magic 1154 00:47:49,400 --> 00:47:53,540 stuff that makes the magic mirror the 1155 00:47:51,710 --> 00:47:56,300 magic coating the zero-point energy 1156 00:47:53,540 --> 00:47:58,750 device is this super resonant material 1157 00:47:56,300 --> 00:48:02,330 and what does it do it's very simple 1158 00:47:58,750 --> 00:48:04,310 because it's so charged resins perfect 1159 00:48:02,330 --> 00:48:06,140 environment for charge resonance 1160 00:48:04,310 --> 00:48:07,520 propagation efficient charge resident 1161 00:48:06,140 --> 00:48:11,300 propagation the definition of high 1162 00:48:07,520 --> 00:48:13,940 dielectric constant means that that is 1163 00:48:11,300 --> 00:48:17,480 what allows the pine cones to complete 1164 00:48:13,940 --> 00:48:19,280 their kissing noses accurately the media 1165 00:48:17,480 --> 00:48:21,140 for the phase for the phase conjugate 1166 00:48:19,280 --> 00:48:22,880 mirror now this is an introduction to 1167 00:48:21,140 --> 00:48:24,770 why you need to build your house with 1168 00:48:22,880 --> 00:48:26,630 biological material and how you make the 1169 00:48:24,770 --> 00:48:28,490 magic cave and how you make the magic 1170 00:48:26,630 --> 00:48:30,320 terrify the magic plasma in the magic 1171 00:48:28,490 --> 00:48:33,740 place and the definition of sacred space 1172 00:48:30,320 --> 00:48:36,230 is ever is a perfectly charged resonant 1173 00:48:33,740 --> 00:48:39,350 material which means perfect charge 1174 00:48:36,230 --> 00:48:41,510 distribution efficiency this is why you 1175 00:48:39,350 --> 00:48:44,240 got a credit those hopeiess almost went 1176 00:48:41,510 --> 00:48:46,130 to war at the at the US government the 1177 00:48:44,240 --> 00:48:48,859 day the US government said they're going 1178 00:48:46,130 --> 00:48:51,500 to put metal sewage pipes on their 1179 00:48:48,859 --> 00:48:53,510 burial ground uh-huh no no no those 1180 00:48:51,500 --> 00:48:55,269 hoagies they knew better because charge 1181 00:48:53,510 --> 00:48:59,559 distribution efficiency in that 1182 00:48:55,269 --> 00:49:03,429 burial ground is ancestral memory that's 1183 00:48:59,559 --> 00:49:05,439 why when character followed the Kogi 1184 00:49:03,429 --> 00:49:07,689 around to find out where they could make 1185 00:49:05,439 --> 00:49:09,640 phone calls to ancestors and measured 1186 00:49:07,689 --> 00:49:12,279 the capacitance of the air it was very 1187 00:49:09,640 --> 00:49:14,109 clear yeah you know you're not making 1188 00:49:12,279 --> 00:49:16,630 any phone calls the ancestors if the air 1189 00:49:14,109 --> 00:49:18,789 is not fractal which is a highly charged 1190 00:49:16,630 --> 00:49:21,579 distribution or fractal error which 1191 00:49:18,789 --> 00:49:22,989 means air that rings like a bell very 1192 00:49:21,579 --> 00:49:25,659 practically this means if you make a 1193 00:49:22,989 --> 00:49:28,599 little spark electric spark a little 1194 00:49:25,659 --> 00:49:30,789 spark gap in very dead air say in a 1195 00:49:28,599 --> 00:49:33,339 metal building that spark will dissipate 1196 00:49:30,789 --> 00:49:36,159 immediately and so will your aura and so 1197 00:49:33,339 --> 00:49:39,609 will the soul of your child in a metal 1198 00:49:36,159 --> 00:49:42,699 school building versus if you make a 1199 00:49:39,609 --> 00:49:45,339 little spark of charge in a sacred stone 1200 00:49:42,699 --> 00:49:47,619 circle or a very good wooden building 1201 00:49:45,339 --> 00:49:49,630 and good proportion that spark can 1202 00:49:47,619 --> 00:49:52,059 propagate and propagate infinitely and 1203 00:49:49,630 --> 00:49:54,429 your aura can grow and grow and grow and 1204 00:49:52,059 --> 00:49:57,779 your aura can get big it's that simple 1205 00:49:54,429 --> 00:50:01,209 and that's called dielectric constant 1206 00:49:57,779 --> 00:50:02,649 and this is a little compassion grayling 1207 00:50:01,209 --> 00:50:04,569 we have science the magnetic field 1208 00:50:02,649 --> 00:50:07,029 Donuts around the heart so that that 1209 00:50:04,569 --> 00:50:09,699 nest dodeca I costs a perfect embedding 1210 00:50:07,029 --> 00:50:11,529 self not self scouring tiny eclairs are 1211 00:50:09,699 --> 00:50:13,899 through the speed of light into tiny 1212 00:50:11,529 --> 00:50:15,849 pine cones kissing noses there's a real 1213 00:50:13,899 --> 00:50:18,249 coughing path to zero point in the blood 1214 00:50:15,849 --> 00:50:20,439 we get the Holy Grail which has no 1215 00:50:18,249 --> 00:50:23,709 inside or outside solves the problem of 1216 00:50:20,439 --> 00:50:26,169 separateness contains self embeds a Sufi 1217 00:50:23,709 --> 00:50:29,229 heart within heart feminine reproductive 1218 00:50:26,169 --> 00:50:31,599 organs into that 3d fractal you can zoom 1219 00:50:29,229 --> 00:50:34,119 in forever and always see the same thing 1220 00:50:31,599 --> 00:50:36,729 heart within heart perfectly 1221 00:50:34,119 --> 00:50:41,440 self-contained self embedded compression 1222 00:50:36,729 --> 00:50:48,150 I think 1223 00:50:41,440 --> 00:50:50,619 of my voice there was much younger and 1224 00:50:48,150 --> 00:50:52,420 then if you just revolve that Grail cup 1225 00:50:50,619 --> 00:50:55,089 you see the origin of this last here 1226 00:50:52,420 --> 00:50:59,950 mm-hmm that basically just looking at 1227 00:50:55,089 --> 00:51:03,160 the different views in the spiral okay 1228 00:50:59,950 --> 00:51:05,890 so then I think um we are supposed to 1229 00:51:03,160 --> 00:51:08,740 conclude this part of this lecture by 1230 00:51:05,890 --> 00:51:11,410 talking about how this becomes a model 1231 00:51:08,740 --> 00:51:16,599 for what's happening during Kundalini 1232 00:51:11,410 --> 00:51:18,819 and because conbini is a description of 1233 00:51:16,599 --> 00:51:22,060 when your aura starts to get really big 1234 00:51:18,819 --> 00:51:24,579 really fast and it's a real example of 1235 00:51:22,060 --> 00:51:27,250 ascension and what it is is that in 1236 00:51:24,579 --> 00:51:30,579 shortwave field of coherence in your DNA 1237 00:51:27,250 --> 00:51:33,280 then goes the ultraviolet made by the 1238 00:51:30,579 --> 00:51:36,760 coherence cell metabolism goes up your 1239 00:51:33,280 --> 00:51:39,099 tailbone and is mediated by the spine 1240 00:51:36,760 --> 00:51:41,170 liquid pumping in a phonon wave and 1241 00:51:39,099 --> 00:51:43,270 causes an explosion of sweetness and 1242 00:51:41,170 --> 00:51:45,609 growth in the crown of your head and 1243 00:51:43,270 --> 00:51:48,160 this has been a dominant theme of my 1244 00:51:45,609 --> 00:51:50,470 life because I started to have a 1245 00:51:48,160 --> 00:51:56,109 Kundalini when I was about well my early 1246 00:51:50,470 --> 00:51:58,300 20s and pretty intense and at that time 1247 00:51:56,109 --> 00:52:00,520 I was adopted here by a choc bent off 1248 00:51:58,300 --> 00:52:02,800 who wrote the stalking the wild pendulum 1249 00:52:00,520 --> 00:52:04,540 on the biomechanics of Kundalini and I 1250 00:52:02,800 --> 00:52:06,310 had just completed electrical 1251 00:52:04,540 --> 00:52:08,770 engineering in psychophysiology and 1252 00:52:06,310 --> 00:52:10,780 graduate work so I was a prime candidate 1253 00:52:08,770 --> 00:52:12,940 to begin to model what's happening in 1254 00:52:10,780 --> 00:52:15,190 Kundalini and we now know it's a very 1255 00:52:12,940 --> 00:52:17,829 good example of a mechanism of Ascension 1256 00:52:15,190 --> 00:52:20,130 one example of way the way that is 1257 00:52:17,829 --> 00:52:23,079 ascension is in the way the low 1258 00:52:20,130 --> 00:52:26,170 frequencies in the spine liquid pump are 1259 00:52:23,079 --> 00:52:28,869 precisely braided on in the ultraviolet 1260 00:52:26,170 --> 00:52:30,970 and later which comes from that blue 1261 00:52:28,869 --> 00:52:33,280 fire of the cell metabolism the new 1262 00:52:30,970 --> 00:52:35,349 light which is literally the sex juice 1263 00:52:33,280 --> 00:52:38,230 of the cell massage of the spine liquid 1264 00:52:35,349 --> 00:52:40,540 pump and also later we measured with Bob 1265 00:52:38,230 --> 00:52:42,910 Gracchus helped the microwave component 1266 00:52:40,540 --> 00:52:46,810 of Kundalini we're able to actually map 1267 00:52:42,910 --> 00:52:49,300 the the places of trauma on the spine by 1268 00:52:46,810 --> 00:52:52,329 the microwave emissions tuned largely by 1269 00:52:49,300 --> 00:52:54,319 adenosine diphosphate ADP ATP the 1270 00:52:52,329 --> 00:52:57,709 universal wavelength of cell metabolism 1271 00:52:54,319 --> 00:53:00,259 and which I later prove that a DP bond 1272 00:52:57,709 --> 00:53:02,179 length about 1.9 angstroms is precisely 1273 00:53:00,259 --> 00:53:04,969 integer golden ratio phase conjugate to 1274 00:53:02,179 --> 00:53:06,739 plunk in other words negative impulsive 1275 00:53:04,969 --> 00:53:08,779 phase conjugate collapse it's not just 1276 00:53:06,739 --> 00:53:10,579 inhabiting DNA and hydrogen but it's 1277 00:53:08,779 --> 00:53:13,900 inhabiting your spine liquid above and 1278 00:53:10,579 --> 00:53:18,169 later you're gonna see brain waves and 1279 00:53:13,900 --> 00:53:22,880 heart frequencies so now I'm going to 1280 00:53:18,169 --> 00:53:24,499 turn this off for a moment let's see the 1281 00:53:22,880 --> 00:53:30,199 next section here I'm going to stop it 1282 00:53:24,499 --> 00:53:31,369 screaming chair okay so let's see 1283 00:53:30,199 --> 00:53:33,349 there's questions here do we actually 1284 00:53:31,369 --> 00:53:35,949 have more than two strands of DNA okay 1285 00:53:33,349 --> 00:53:38,929 we just can't see or prove them well 1286 00:53:35,949 --> 00:53:42,529 what we're saying here is that the 1287 00:53:38,929 --> 00:53:46,759 double helix that is DNA you could call 1288 00:53:42,529 --> 00:53:49,309 it two strands does not change the 1289 00:53:46,759 --> 00:53:50,929 number of strands in DNA does not change 1290 00:53:49,309 --> 00:53:53,029 your increase that would be childish in 1291 00:53:50,929 --> 00:53:54,769 any biophysicist would laugh at a new 1292 00:53:53,029 --> 00:53:58,400 age woohoo saying are there all strands 1293 00:53:54,769 --> 00:54:01,339 in your DNA via that's crap no but it is 1294 00:53:58,400 --> 00:54:04,999 very accurate inappropriate to say that 1295 00:54:01,339 --> 00:54:08,059 as your DNA measurably responds to the 1296 00:54:04,999 --> 00:54:10,309 sound phone incoherence of your heart 1297 00:54:08,059 --> 00:54:12,739 feeling bliss and love it's a phone on 1298 00:54:10,309 --> 00:54:15,169 waving sound in the liquid the DNA 1299 00:54:12,739 --> 00:54:18,049 braids braids braids within the braids 1300 00:54:15,169 --> 00:54:21,559 recursively embedding creating very long 1301 00:54:18,049 --> 00:54:26,569 wave coherence in the DNA now if you 1302 00:54:21,559 --> 00:54:29,509 were to take the thread that is you know 1303 00:54:26,569 --> 00:54:32,059 in if you take a thread inside a string 1304 00:54:29,509 --> 00:54:34,339 braid it into a rope braided into a fat 1305 00:54:32,059 --> 00:54:37,159 rope when you started with that thread 1306 00:54:34,339 --> 00:54:39,169 and you call that thread had five axes a 1307 00:54:37,159 --> 00:54:40,640 spindly so we said quite clearly but now 1308 00:54:39,169 --> 00:54:43,459 if you took that thread and you braid it 1309 00:54:40,640 --> 00:54:45,439 into string you added one X is a spin 1310 00:54:43,459 --> 00:54:48,409 symmetry then if you braided that string 1311 00:54:45,439 --> 00:54:51,229 into rope you added another the sixth 1312 00:54:48,409 --> 00:54:53,150 the seventh the eighth etc so wet by the 1313 00:54:51,229 --> 00:54:56,179 time you're done and there was very fat 1314 00:54:53,150 --> 00:54:58,759 thick rope you had a much longer wave 1315 00:54:56,179 --> 00:55:00,949 which was now coherent in your DNA which 1316 00:54:58,759 --> 00:55:03,739 didn't exist before now that you could 1317 00:55:00,949 --> 00:55:06,589 call that adding a strand it's more 1318 00:55:03,739 --> 00:55:08,320 accurately adding a long wave coherence 1319 00:55:06,589 --> 00:55:10,300 so the presence of that 1320 00:55:08,320 --> 00:55:12,640 long wave did not exist in that DNA 1321 00:55:10,300 --> 00:55:14,170 until it got braided and the braiding 1322 00:55:12,640 --> 00:55:17,710 didn't complete itself until you had a 1323 00:55:14,170 --> 00:55:20,470 lot of bliss and I mean recurrent bliss 1324 00:55:17,710 --> 00:55:22,270 is the mechanism to do that and the very 1325 00:55:20,470 --> 00:55:28,440 much the conclusion of this conversation 1326 00:55:22,270 --> 00:55:32,560 is how to do and sustained bliss process 1327 00:55:28,440 --> 00:55:35,680 so you know there's we could go on and 1328 00:55:32,560 --> 00:55:37,590 on about the theory of what is ascension 1329 00:55:35,680 --> 00:55:40,900 and that was just a little intro a taste 1330 00:55:37,590 --> 00:55:43,030 it more fun maybe more powerful or 1331 00:55:40,900 --> 00:55:50,590 perhaps more useful here would be to try 1332 00:55:43,030 --> 00:55:53,830 to say to try to say how to do it and 1333 00:55:50,590 --> 00:55:56,140 what does it mean to achieve ascension 1334 00:55:53,830 --> 00:55:58,960 in terms of hygiene so the idea in the 1335 00:55:56,140 --> 00:56:01,000 last little section here was to a to try 1336 00:55:58,960 --> 00:56:02,140 to make some suggestions about how you 1337 00:56:01,000 --> 00:56:04,570 actually do this 1338 00:56:02,140 --> 00:56:06,160 practically terms of hygiene and then 1339 00:56:04,570 --> 00:56:08,590 finally maybe I would tell a little bit 1340 00:56:06,160 --> 00:56:10,030 more of my story just to tell you one 1341 00:56:08,590 --> 00:56:12,310 example I won't say I was entirely 1342 00:56:10,030 --> 00:56:17,170 successful I wasn't but I had I had some 1343 00:56:12,310 --> 00:56:19,120 fun so the how to do this part of this 1344 00:56:17,170 --> 00:56:23,800 conversation is quite simple it is 1345 00:56:19,120 --> 00:56:26,470 achieve bliss or die you know Bliss 1346 00:56:23,800 --> 00:56:28,930 means simply charge radiance and bliss 1347 00:56:26,470 --> 00:56:32,860 is when your body implodes let's see I'm 1348 00:56:28,930 --> 00:56:35,980 gonna turn on the screen share one more 1349 00:56:32,860 --> 00:56:38,230 time here and I'm going to show some of 1350 00:56:35,980 --> 00:56:39,970 the ways we measure bliss in brainwaves 1351 00:56:38,230 --> 00:56:42,700 I'm just gonna show a little bit from 1352 00:56:39,970 --> 00:56:45,790 flame in mind calm here so if I go to 1353 00:56:42,700 --> 00:56:47,980 flame in mind calm here yeah this is a 1354 00:56:45,790 --> 00:56:50,650 graph I wanted to show you and I'm gonna 1355 00:56:47,980 --> 00:56:53,740 bring up this preview one yeah it's good 1356 00:56:50,650 --> 00:56:57,640 so I have on the screen from our newest 1357 00:56:53,740 --> 00:57:00,130 brainwave for bliss technology some 1358 00:56:57,640 --> 00:57:01,690 examples of me in this case adding some 1359 00:57:00,130 --> 00:57:04,000 pretty good bliss experience that's 1360 00:57:01,690 --> 00:57:05,710 actually me in the morning I had a good 1361 00:57:04,000 --> 00:57:07,750 breakfast had some fruit and it's quiet 1362 00:57:05,710 --> 00:57:09,220 and sunny and pretty and you know I was 1363 00:57:07,750 --> 00:57:11,110 having a good morning and I sat there 1364 00:57:09,220 --> 00:57:14,200 and I hooked this up and I was saying oh 1365 00:57:11,110 --> 00:57:15,880 our new brainwaves for bliss technology 1366 00:57:14,200 --> 00:57:17,680 is actually working and so I was 1367 00:57:15,880 --> 00:57:19,000 blissful realizing that our brain wave 1368 00:57:17,680 --> 00:57:20,880 technology for measuring bliss is 1369 00:57:19,000 --> 00:57:24,239 measuring bliss and that maybe 1370 00:57:20,880 --> 00:57:27,269 so that's you see measuring here I had 1371 00:57:24,239 --> 00:57:30,960 on the right I had one two three four 1372 00:57:27,269 --> 00:57:34,190 five harmonics in the EEG in golden mean 1373 00:57:30,960 --> 00:57:39,359 ratio this is the Alpha here at about 1374 00:57:34,190 --> 00:57:41,999 8.5 Hertz and here's the the theta very 1375 00:57:39,359 --> 00:57:43,440 strong and around five Hertz and so and 1376 00:57:41,999 --> 00:57:46,109 here's the beta and so that was a 1377 00:57:43,440 --> 00:57:48,059 cascade that I was having a rush my 1378 00:57:46,109 --> 00:57:50,519 brain was imploding the pine cones were 1379 00:57:48,059 --> 00:57:53,700 kissing noses and I was inventing in the 1380 00:57:50,519 --> 00:57:55,470 longitudinal I was imploding charge and 1381 00:57:53,700 --> 00:57:57,329 therefore radiating church what I'm 1382 00:57:55,470 --> 00:57:59,460 saying to you is this is teachable this 1383 00:57:57,329 --> 00:58:02,700 is measurable this is not subjective and 1384 00:57:59,460 --> 00:58:07,200 further in the flame in mind calm here 1385 00:58:02,700 --> 00:58:10,589 we have a wonderful technology for using 1386 00:58:07,200 --> 00:58:13,039 audio cue to help trigger the bliss so I 1387 00:58:10,589 --> 00:58:16,890 go to the help instruction section here 1388 00:58:13,039 --> 00:58:19,769 and if you look down here we have a a 1389 00:58:16,890 --> 00:58:21,809 binaural beat sound technology one of 1390 00:58:19,769 --> 00:58:25,259 the world's most powerful binaural beat 1391 00:58:21,809 --> 00:58:29,279 technologies for creating bliss in sound 1392 00:58:25,259 --> 00:58:30,960 built into the flame in mind calm 1393 00:58:29,279 --> 00:58:33,210 by the way flame it might become uses 1394 00:58:30,960 --> 00:58:35,249 the muse headset for brainwave 1395 00:58:33,210 --> 00:58:37,410 measurement for the just the input and 1396 00:58:35,249 --> 00:58:39,329 then we do the spectrum analysis and the 1397 00:58:37,410 --> 00:58:41,309 instructions are there but the point is 1398 00:58:39,329 --> 00:58:44,369 that if you if you make the right pan 1399 00:58:41,309 --> 00:58:46,499 cone of implosion sound you can induce 1400 00:58:44,369 --> 00:58:48,930 bliss experience very powerfully we 1401 00:58:46,499 --> 00:58:51,299 think this is the most powerful binaural 1402 00:58:48,930 --> 00:58:52,469 beat for bliss there is actually I we 1403 00:58:51,299 --> 00:58:54,089 encourage you to try and we did this at 1404 00:58:52,469 --> 00:58:56,009 our international terrify conference 1405 00:58:54,089 --> 00:58:57,779 here this summer in South France and I 1406 00:58:56,009 --> 00:58:59,400 think almost everybody who tried it had 1407 00:58:57,779 --> 00:59:00,690 a bliss experience actually although 1408 00:58:59,400 --> 00:59:03,119 many of the people who tried this were 1409 00:59:00,690 --> 00:59:05,759 also using our new kit which we're about 1410 00:59:03,119 --> 00:59:08,460 to come out with which is a very precise 1411 00:59:05,759 --> 00:59:10,589 made copper pyramid frame which is 1412 00:59:08,460 --> 00:59:12,089 designed electrically to increase that 1413 00:59:10,589 --> 00:59:13,799 implosion and if you put that of course 1414 00:59:12,089 --> 00:59:18,210 at a magnetic line cross thought that 1415 00:59:13,799 --> 00:59:20,339 your chances of bliss are etc etc so 1416 00:59:18,210 --> 00:59:23,999 this story goes on now I'm going to turn 1417 00:59:20,339 --> 00:59:26,039 off the screen share now okay so we have 1418 00:59:23,999 --> 00:59:28,289 two questions in front of us what are 1419 00:59:26,039 --> 00:59:30,630 the practical steps for making bliss and 1420 00:59:28,289 --> 00:59:33,150 hey them if you're so good at this did 1421 00:59:30,630 --> 00:59:34,130 you succeed these are the final 1422 00:59:33,150 --> 00:59:38,420 questions on our tape 1423 00:59:34,130 --> 00:59:40,730 today though here I'm looking at the 1424 00:59:38,420 --> 00:59:42,619 questions in the chat window this is fun 1425 00:59:40,730 --> 00:59:44,390 can you dovetail you research within the 1426 00:59:42,619 --> 00:59:45,440 same hair amine or images how do you get 1427 00:59:44,390 --> 00:59:46,970 this level understanding in the 1428 00:59:45,440 --> 00:59:49,880 knowledge base of the mainstream science 1429 00:59:46,970 --> 00:59:51,829 oh they're very good actually Nasim did 1430 00:59:49,880 --> 00:59:54,109 some great work by the way proving that 1431 00:59:51,829 --> 00:59:56,559 golden ratio is how you cascade down 1432 00:59:54,109 --> 00:59:58,339 into black holes in the and the proton 1433 00:59:56,559 --> 00:59:59,690 what we just learned 1434 00:59:58,339 --> 01:00:01,549 is a lot more than the seam though we 1435 00:59:59,690 --> 01:00:03,200 learned why you need golden ratio to 1436 01:00:01,549 --> 01:00:05,960 cascade which is to say it's conjugate 1437 01:00:03,200 --> 01:00:07,700 and we learned that phase conjugation is 1438 01:00:05,960 --> 01:00:10,069 the structure of hydrogen so we went a 1439 01:00:07,700 --> 01:00:12,289 lot further than it seemed it and we 1440 01:00:10,069 --> 01:00:13,940 might say I'm not picking the seam it's 1441 01:00:12,289 --> 01:00:16,670 wonderful I'm glad he interested so many 1442 01:00:13,940 --> 01:00:18,769 people it's a good thing but well I 1443 01:00:16,670 --> 01:00:21,069 think we can also claim successes now we 1444 01:00:18,769 --> 01:00:24,109 have applied this into plasma and 1445 01:00:21,069 --> 01:00:25,130 succeeded Thera fighted net and we have 1446 01:00:24,109 --> 01:00:27,200 a plant we're applying this now to 1447 01:00:25,130 --> 01:00:29,029 propulsion and energy and wait till you 1448 01:00:27,200 --> 01:00:31,309 see what's coming out soon implosion 1449 01:00:29,029 --> 01:00:33,980 group now we have global partners we're 1450 01:00:31,309 --> 01:00:35,180 having lots of fun here so actually my 1451 01:00:33,980 --> 01:00:36,500 answer to question is how do you get 1452 01:00:35,180 --> 01:00:38,809 this knowledge base in the mainstream 1453 01:00:36,500 --> 01:00:41,509 scientists I have a very simple answer 1454 01:00:38,809 --> 01:00:44,299 and it's kind of funny actually my 1455 01:00:41,509 --> 01:00:46,220 simple answers do not wait for them to 1456 01:00:44,299 --> 01:00:47,900 publish it in their journals and do not 1457 01:00:46,220 --> 01:00:48,680 wait for governments and universities to 1458 01:00:47,900 --> 01:00:50,900 invite you 1459 01:00:48,680 --> 01:00:53,630 uh-huh no that's crap no what you do is 1460 01:00:50,900 --> 01:00:55,759 build something that works and sell it 1461 01:00:53,630 --> 01:00:58,250 and they come marching at your door 1462 01:00:55,759 --> 01:01:00,140 right and left and it does it works fine 1463 01:00:58,250 --> 01:01:02,569 my philosophy for years is forget about 1464 01:01:00,140 --> 01:01:03,920 this patenting business and applying to 1465 01:01:02,569 --> 01:01:06,440 journals and publishing and waiting 1466 01:01:03,920 --> 01:01:08,569 University governments to to take 1467 01:01:06,440 --> 01:01:11,000 interest now no that's crap the measure 1468 01:01:08,569 --> 01:01:13,130 of success is the measure of human 1469 01:01:11,000 --> 01:01:15,349 energy called money it's appropriate 1470 01:01:13,130 --> 01:01:16,849 money is not evil and then you use that 1471 01:01:15,349 --> 01:01:18,619 money to do some good work and we're 1472 01:01:16,849 --> 01:01:21,890 using it to do good work we're sharing 1473 01:01:18,619 --> 01:01:23,960 and so that's how this is you said we're 1474 01:01:21,890 --> 01:01:26,599 building stuff and when we see what's 1475 01:01:23,960 --> 01:01:28,460 next it's energized calm we have energy 1476 01:01:26,599 --> 01:01:29,990 contracts all over Asia and we have the 1477 01:01:28,460 --> 01:01:32,299 red Sun battery all kinds of cool stuff 1478 01:01:29,990 --> 01:01:34,279 is happening a thermal battery it's a 1479 01:01:32,299 --> 01:01:36,380 it's a molten nickel battery that you 1480 01:01:34,279 --> 01:01:38,450 can power a tractor-trailer for a month 1481 01:01:36,380 --> 01:01:40,220 in the size of a suitcase and you put 1482 01:01:38,450 --> 01:01:42,650 that with a new energy generation system 1483 01:01:40,220 --> 01:01:44,359 which we think is just the contract 1484 01:01:42,650 --> 01:01:45,950 practically written to replace the power 1485 01:01:44,359 --> 01:01:47,390 supply city of San Diego 1486 01:01:45,950 --> 01:01:49,700 oh no weird 1487 01:01:47,390 --> 01:01:51,350 there's gonna be a tension to mainstream 1488 01:01:49,700 --> 01:01:55,070 science and I haven't even got to the 1489 01:01:51,350 --> 01:01:57,740 part about the carbon nano so yes yes my 1490 01:01:55,070 --> 01:02:00,350 short answer is you understand this well 1491 01:01:57,740 --> 01:02:02,600 you build the technology and that puts 1492 01:02:00,350 --> 01:02:04,220 you in a place of leverage and power and 1493 01:02:02,600 --> 01:02:05,960 it's not about waiting for governments 1494 01:02:04,220 --> 01:02:08,210 and universities it's about building it 1495 01:02:05,960 --> 01:02:10,760 and distributing it and being successful 1496 01:02:08,210 --> 01:02:12,290 and that is the leverage and that gives 1497 01:02:10,760 --> 01:02:13,910 you the privilege than of teaching 1498 01:02:12,290 --> 01:02:15,770 because people can't ignore you when 1499 01:02:13,910 --> 01:02:17,660 it's working and we're having some fun 1500 01:02:15,770 --> 01:02:20,660 right now so I'm a happy camper but 1501 01:02:17,660 --> 01:02:23,330 let's get back to your theme on the 1502 01:02:20,660 --> 01:02:28,490 table which was what is the hygiene to 1503 01:02:23,330 --> 01:02:30,350 do the Bliss process and you know okay 1504 01:02:28,490 --> 01:02:31,640 Dan did you succeed yourself and these 1505 01:02:30,350 --> 01:02:36,200 are the final questions we've got a few 1506 01:02:31,640 --> 01:02:40,660 minutes left here so the generalized 1507 01:02:36,200 --> 01:02:44,660 instruction is simple get a big aura 1508 01:02:40,660 --> 01:02:46,520 there is no it is not it is not 1509 01:02:44,660 --> 01:02:47,960 complicated ascension is simply a name 1510 01:02:46,520 --> 01:02:49,280 for process where the number of 1511 01:02:47,960 --> 01:02:51,770 harmonics are charged rotations 1512 01:02:49,280 --> 01:02:53,960 superpose increase and therefore your 1513 01:02:51,770 --> 01:02:56,180 aura gets big because the rotations 1514 01:02:53,960 --> 01:02:58,460 become longer and longer wave and so the 1515 01:02:56,180 --> 01:03:00,920 tornado around you gets bigger it's very 1516 01:02:58,460 --> 01:03:02,600 simple you need a big aura you need a 1517 01:03:00,920 --> 01:03:04,580 big order if you have an immune system 1518 01:03:02,600 --> 01:03:06,350 and it need a big or if you're lucid 1519 01:03:04,580 --> 01:03:08,030 dream which will tell you if you're 1520 01:03:06,350 --> 01:03:09,590 going to take memories through death so 1521 01:03:08,030 --> 01:03:11,150 you need a big order to take memory to 1522 01:03:09,590 --> 01:03:13,220 death you need a big order to become 1523 01:03:11,150 --> 01:03:15,200 what you used to call God which is 1524 01:03:13,220 --> 01:03:17,270 simply a big plasma field which gets 1525 01:03:15,200 --> 01:03:22,640 around so you need a big aura it's 1526 01:03:17,270 --> 01:03:25,370 simple now remember what we said about 1527 01:03:22,640 --> 01:03:27,980 the the most electromagnetic waves are 1528 01:03:25,370 --> 01:03:30,140 transverse they go up and down but when 1529 01:03:27,980 --> 01:03:32,420 the pine cones kiss noses the transfers 1530 01:03:30,140 --> 01:03:33,770 up and down component of most of all 1531 01:03:32,420 --> 01:03:36,170 your communications devices are 1532 01:03:33,770 --> 01:03:37,790 transverse wave but if when you were 1533 01:03:36,170 --> 01:03:39,710 down the pine cone the up and down 1534 01:03:37,790 --> 01:03:41,420 inertia is translated continuously 1535 01:03:39,710 --> 01:03:43,310 called optimized translation vorticity 1536 01:03:41,420 --> 01:03:45,620 when it comes out the end it becomes 1537 01:03:43,310 --> 01:03:48,770 longitudinal compressional or a scalar 1538 01:03:45,620 --> 01:03:50,750 wave and that longitudinal EMF is how 1539 01:03:48,770 --> 01:03:52,750 for example Ingo Swan heated the 1540 01:03:50,750 --> 01:03:55,400 thermistor with his mind at a distance 1541 01:03:52,750 --> 01:03:58,340 through a Faraday cage repeatedly in a 1542 01:03:55,400 --> 01:04:00,950 laboratory the same way every Cherokee 1543 01:03:58,340 --> 01:04:02,720 and bonpo initiate ever had to 1544 01:04:00,950 --> 01:04:04,550 light a flame with their mind Eckstrom 1545 01:04:02,720 --> 01:04:06,410 to their bottom so the and this is why 1546 01:04:04,550 --> 01:04:08,120 I've called flamin light calm in the way 1547 01:04:06,410 --> 01:04:10,550 that's done is when the longitudinal 1548 01:04:08,120 --> 01:04:12,710 waves converge like this and when they 1549 01:04:10,550 --> 01:04:14,840 converge in a conjugate geometry they 1550 01:04:12,710 --> 01:04:16,370 can create action at a distance this is 1551 01:04:14,840 --> 01:04:20,390 the solution to plans but containment 1552 01:04:16,370 --> 01:04:22,460 the the the the fusion energy initiative 1553 01:04:20,390 --> 01:04:24,440 is now solved as soon as they understand 1554 01:04:22,460 --> 01:04:26,060 how longitudinal waves create action and 1555 01:04:24,440 --> 01:04:27,500 this is because plans for containment is 1556 01:04:26,060 --> 01:04:30,170 longitudinal interferometry and 1557 01:04:27,500 --> 01:04:32,350 longitudal interferometry is scaring 1558 01:04:30,170 --> 01:04:34,490 tornadoes and steering ghosts and 1559 01:04:32,350 --> 01:04:36,200 psychokinesis and all this stuff so 1560 01:04:34,490 --> 01:04:37,910 learn how longitudinal constructive 1561 01:04:36,200 --> 01:04:40,340 interferometry works and you will know 1562 01:04:37,910 --> 01:04:42,080 the secret to every military you'll know 1563 01:04:40,340 --> 01:04:43,760 the secret to every psychokinesis you'll 1564 01:04:42,080 --> 01:04:45,740 know the secret to searing tornadoes and 1565 01:04:43,760 --> 01:04:47,630 after that it's all about longitudinal 1566 01:04:45,740 --> 01:04:51,650 the compressional waves converging 1567 01:04:47,630 --> 01:04:54,020 constructively at a distance so back to 1568 01:04:51,650 --> 01:04:57,140 the bliss process so what's happening 1569 01:04:54,020 --> 01:05:00,950 then is as your aura becomes more and 1570 01:04:57,140 --> 01:05:03,200 more large and coherent the inertia 1571 01:05:00,950 --> 01:05:05,920 makes the L as an Elohim or phase shift 1572 01:05:03,200 --> 01:05:09,860 from up and down to lunge doodle 1573 01:05:05,920 --> 01:05:11,330 epicenter and this enables you to loose 1574 01:05:09,860 --> 01:05:13,480 a dream and take memory through death 1575 01:05:11,330 --> 01:05:16,100 and this is the beginning of all 1576 01:05:13,480 --> 01:05:17,810 psychokinesis all astral travel all 1577 01:05:16,100 --> 01:05:20,510 remote viewing which is why 1578 01:05:17,810 --> 01:05:23,090 understanding how you embed your aura in 1579 01:05:20,510 --> 01:05:25,490 longitudinal fields by gaining inertia 1580 01:05:23,090 --> 01:05:26,870 at magnetic line crosses now there's how 1581 01:05:25,490 --> 01:05:31,130 to find the sacred space or place of 1582 01:05:26,870 --> 01:05:32,480 power to grow your aura so it's all 1583 01:05:31,130 --> 01:05:34,520 about growing your world and we've told 1584 01:05:32,480 --> 01:05:36,440 this story before that you know every 1585 01:05:34,520 --> 01:05:37,970 time you eat a piece of broccoli here 1586 01:05:36,440 --> 01:05:40,700 every time you pick out something at the 1587 01:05:37,970 --> 01:05:42,200 grocery store you say do your food when 1588 01:05:40,700 --> 01:05:44,300 was the last time you felt genetic 1589 01:05:42,200 --> 01:05:45,500 diversity and actually what you're 1590 01:05:44,300 --> 01:05:47,750 saying is how many harmonic 1591 01:05:45,500 --> 01:05:50,240 inclusiveness which is a hazard DNA bet 1592 01:05:47,750 --> 01:05:52,070 set free is your DNA imploding do you 1593 01:05:50,240 --> 01:05:54,590 have a soul it's all the same question 1594 01:05:52,070 --> 01:05:57,410 so it's simple every time you make a 1595 01:05:54,590 --> 01:05:59,540 basic decision about your life but the 1596 01:05:57,410 --> 01:06:01,670 most important question probably to ask 1597 01:05:59,540 --> 01:06:04,880 is is this going to make my aura 1598 01:06:01,670 --> 01:06:07,430 bigger or smaller that's not a 1599 01:06:04,880 --> 01:06:10,550 complicated question you know am I gonna 1600 01:06:07,430 --> 01:06:11,930 take a 20-hour drive in the car probably 1601 01:06:10,550 --> 01:06:14,190 this is not going to be good for your 1602 01:06:11,930 --> 01:06:16,530 aura that's a metal box no if 1603 01:06:14,190 --> 01:06:18,990 as simple Wishon am i gonna eat this 1604 01:06:16,530 --> 01:06:20,549 junk food and fried votes no it's gonna 1605 01:06:18,990 --> 01:06:23,640 turn me into a mud puddle my aura is 1606 01:06:20,549 --> 01:06:25,530 gonna get little versus learning how to 1607 01:06:23,640 --> 01:06:27,450 meditate and focus and be at the still 1608 01:06:25,530 --> 01:06:30,270 point and eat live food full of charges 1609 01:06:27,450 --> 01:06:32,099 I'm sorry so growing your aura defines 1610 01:06:30,270 --> 01:06:35,549 ascension growing your aura is 1611 01:06:32,099 --> 01:06:38,520 measurable remember you can teach your 1612 01:06:35,549 --> 01:06:40,079 kids not to use recreational drugs by 1613 01:06:38,520 --> 01:06:42,420 measuring their aura because you will 1614 01:06:40,079 --> 01:06:44,460 see the holes because asymmetry in the 1615 01:06:42,420 --> 01:06:46,619 implosion at the center caused by 1616 01:06:44,460 --> 01:06:49,890 recreational drugs is measurable as 1617 01:06:46,619 --> 01:06:52,470 holes in the aura jdv so aura hygiene is 1618 01:06:49,890 --> 01:06:54,329 the new science of spirit it's real it's 1619 01:06:52,470 --> 01:06:57,119 practical it's measurable and it's 1620 01:06:54,329 --> 01:07:01,079 teachable so we had previously divided 1621 01:06:57,119 --> 01:07:05,520 the the hygiene for bliss into 4 1622 01:07:01,079 --> 01:07:07,280 categories we called it diet and a yoga 1623 01:07:05,520 --> 01:07:10,079 that is the kinesthetic of bliss 1624 01:07:07,280 --> 01:07:12,420 recognizing the simple physics that if 1625 01:07:10,079 --> 01:07:14,760 you move your finger in a spiral 1626 01:07:12,420 --> 01:07:16,799 correctly that when you reach the center 1627 01:07:14,760 --> 01:07:18,599 that spiral if you did it correctly you 1628 01:07:16,799 --> 01:07:20,940 should feel a little tingle in your 1629 01:07:18,599 --> 01:07:22,650 fingertip and the reason you feel a 1630 01:07:20,940 --> 01:07:24,809 tingle in your fingertip if you complete 1631 01:07:22,650 --> 01:07:27,539 the spiral motion with the quality of 1632 01:07:24,809 --> 01:07:31,020 charge implosion called the quality of 1633 01:07:27,539 --> 01:07:33,359 grace the finger of God touching man is 1634 01:07:31,020 --> 01:07:35,339 were the reason you feel that spark is 1635 01:07:33,359 --> 01:07:38,010 because you imploded charge called Chi 1636 01:07:35,339 --> 01:07:41,130 or going Baraka Shakti pot or grace it 1637 01:07:38,010 --> 01:07:42,450 is it is cold plasma quite literally so 1638 01:07:41,130 --> 01:07:45,420 once you understand that physics you can 1639 01:07:42,450 --> 01:07:46,529 design your yoga you can move with the 1640 01:07:45,420 --> 01:07:47,910 quality of grace because you know 1641 01:07:46,529 --> 01:07:50,220 exactly what you're doing you are 1642 01:07:47,910 --> 01:07:52,380 imploding charge you're attracting the 1643 01:07:50,220 --> 01:07:54,359 universal collective media of charge 1644 01:07:52,380 --> 01:07:56,849 which will come to you only when it's 1645 01:07:54,359 --> 01:08:01,230 convinced that when those waves land on 1646 01:07:56,849 --> 01:08:02,760 you you will immortalize them by by 1647 01:08:01,230 --> 01:08:04,710 having pure intention which is to say to 1648 01:08:02,760 --> 01:08:06,270 be a shareable wave so when you're 1649 01:08:04,710 --> 01:08:08,069 walking by the mountain if you're 1650 01:08:06,270 --> 01:08:10,140 thinking about pure principle and you 1651 01:08:08,069 --> 01:08:12,089 had a Eureka the whole charge of that 1652 01:08:10,140 --> 01:08:14,579 mountain will jump onto your body and 1653 01:08:12,089 --> 01:08:16,679 may the force be with you Luke because 1654 01:08:14,579 --> 01:08:19,380 that charge bubble around that mountain 1655 01:08:16,679 --> 01:08:22,020 knew very well that by joining your aura 1656 01:08:19,380 --> 01:08:23,520 it would get immortal only if you had 1657 01:08:22,020 --> 01:08:25,650 pure intention pure intention 1658 01:08:23,520 --> 01:08:27,100 electrically measurable as increased 1659 01:08:25,650 --> 01:08:31,000 phase coherence 1660 01:08:27,100 --> 01:08:33,450 ekg and EEG that's why I'm so hung up on 1661 01:08:31,000 --> 01:08:35,770 this idea of measuring heart coherence 1662 01:08:33,450 --> 01:08:37,390 and our newest article on heart 1663 01:08:35,770 --> 01:08:39,010 coherence and measurement tool I thrive 1664 01:08:37,390 --> 01:08:44,320 calm I'll put the link in the chat 1665 01:08:39,010 --> 01:08:47,020 window HRV - slash real heart 1666 01:08:44,320 --> 01:08:49,180 coherence we have beautiful film and all 1667 01:08:47,020 --> 01:08:51,280 the examples they're the very famous 1668 01:08:49,180 --> 01:08:53,410 part madness take all that story is 1669 01:08:51,280 --> 01:08:55,690 right there about what real heart 1670 01:08:53,410 --> 01:08:58,510 coherence is why you can measure the 1671 01:08:55,690 --> 01:09:01,060 increase in phase coherence in your EKG 1672 01:08:58,510 --> 01:09:03,190 just at the moment you said I love you 1673 01:09:01,060 --> 01:09:06,520 if and only if you were telling the 1674 01:09:03,190 --> 01:09:09,030 truth because your heart's ability to 1675 01:09:06,520 --> 01:09:11,560 radiate coherence is a biological 1676 01:09:09,030 --> 01:09:14,020 interpreter of whether that wave is 1677 01:09:11,560 --> 01:09:16,240 shareable so you cannot tell a lie 1678 01:09:14,020 --> 01:09:18,580 without your heart coherence go down 1679 01:09:16,240 --> 01:09:20,800 it's electrical it's a way to measure 1680 01:09:18,580 --> 01:09:22,210 kinesiology I discovered that I have 1681 01:09:20,800 --> 01:09:24,820 discovered how to measure it the 1682 01:09:22,210 --> 01:09:26,200 second-order power spectra yes is this 1683 01:09:24,820 --> 01:09:28,780 in relation to Hartman yes 1684 01:09:26,200 --> 01:09:31,000 Rana crazy at heart math Institute did 1685 01:09:28,780 --> 01:09:32,680 not know how to take an EKG before I 1686 01:09:31,000 --> 01:09:34,660 taught him and then he did not know how 1687 01:09:32,680 --> 01:09:37,570 to take heart harmonics to measure her 1688 01:09:34,660 --> 01:09:39,280 coherence to measure emotion until I 1689 01:09:37,570 --> 01:09:41,050 taught him it's all at that article and 1690 01:09:39,280 --> 01:09:42,430 then even when I tried to teach them 1691 01:09:41,050 --> 01:09:44,950 what heart coherence was they got it 1692 01:09:42,430 --> 01:09:47,320 completely wrong so a heart mass idea of 1693 01:09:44,950 --> 01:09:49,480 car coherence is simply one frequency 1694 01:09:47,320 --> 01:09:51,580 point one Hertz which is called the 1695 01:09:49,480 --> 01:09:53,800 heart math mistake you can read about it 1696 01:09:51,580 --> 01:09:55,540 there because harmonic exclusiveness is 1697 01:09:53,800 --> 01:09:57,550 a way to kill your heart harmonic 1698 01:09:55,540 --> 01:09:59,410 inclusiveness is the only way your heart 1699 01:09:57,550 --> 01:10:01,270 gets healthy and her monic inclusiveness 1700 01:09:59,410 --> 01:10:03,100 is the opposite of what heart math 1701 01:10:01,270 --> 01:10:05,800 teaches and that's called the heart man 1702 01:10:03,100 --> 01:10:07,420 mistake and that's how they they they 1703 01:10:05,800 --> 01:10:08,890 screwed up the definition of coherence 1704 01:10:07,420 --> 01:10:10,420 which I tried to teach them it's all 1705 01:10:08,890 --> 01:10:12,400 there at the article it's a fun I 1706 01:10:10,420 --> 01:10:14,230 enjoyed teasing roll in the crazy over 1707 01:10:12,400 --> 01:10:17,170 there it's a fun little hobby of mine 1708 01:10:14,230 --> 01:10:20,050 but the real metaphor is harmonic 1709 01:10:17,170 --> 01:10:21,490 inclusiveness fractality is the opposite 1710 01:10:20,050 --> 01:10:23,080 of what hard math teaches so teaching 1711 01:10:21,490 --> 01:10:25,510 you to breathe at just one frequency 1712 01:10:23,080 --> 01:10:27,490 really is not the solution and you can 1713 01:10:25,510 --> 01:10:30,040 discover that all at I thrive calm which 1714 01:10:27,490 --> 01:10:32,590 is what that article I have linked here 1715 01:10:30,040 --> 01:10:36,430 HRV ditch app calm slash real heart to 1716 01:10:32,590 --> 01:10:39,100 yours so that's that story now I see 1717 01:10:36,430 --> 01:10:40,600 that there's but maybe about 10 minutes 1718 01:10:39,100 --> 01:10:45,430 left here or something like that 1719 01:10:40,600 --> 01:10:47,260 and uh you know we can go on and on 1720 01:10:45,430 --> 01:10:50,320 about the physics and how powerful it is 1721 01:10:47,260 --> 01:10:52,360 to understand the science but I thought 1722 01:10:50,320 --> 01:10:56,020 maybe the last question you should ask 1723 01:10:52,360 --> 01:11:00,490 me is Dan well you're if you're so good 1724 01:10:56,020 --> 01:11:03,190 at this stuff did you succeed and uh and 1725 01:11:00,490 --> 01:11:06,340 how far did you get well you know am I 1726 01:11:03,190 --> 01:11:09,400 an example of what I'm teaching and so I 1727 01:11:06,340 --> 01:11:12,070 wanted to by trying to make this a 1728 01:11:09,400 --> 01:11:13,990 little bit personal make it maybe a more 1729 01:11:12,070 --> 01:11:17,970 shareable wave and what I can tell you 1730 01:11:13,990 --> 01:11:20,050 is that after I when I finished 1731 01:11:17,970 --> 01:11:22,690 undergraduate school and went to the 1732 01:11:20,050 --> 01:11:24,310 verge of school I was I was double 1733 01:11:22,690 --> 01:11:27,310 Scorpio and at that time still a virgin 1734 01:11:24,310 --> 01:11:30,430 actually and I had a lot of stinging 1735 01:11:27,310 --> 01:11:31,600 energy and a long story karma my mother 1736 01:11:30,430 --> 01:11:33,760 might have been in the Grails 1737 01:11:31,600 --> 01:11:36,250 story from alsace-lorraine and my father 1738 01:11:33,760 --> 01:11:39,160 was a wonderful good-hearted farmer from 1739 01:11:36,250 --> 01:11:41,530 and and so I started having intense 1740 01:11:39,160 --> 01:11:43,450 Kundalini symptoms doing the sacred 1741 01:11:41,530 --> 01:11:46,120 gymnastic at the Girja School in 1742 01:11:43,450 --> 01:11:50,260 Charlestown West Virginia Claymont org 1743 01:11:46,120 --> 01:11:52,150 and luckily I was sort of adopted as I 1744 01:11:50,260 --> 01:11:54,130 said by Ben talk and I turned my 1745 01:11:52,150 --> 01:11:56,350 Kundalini experiences into a study of 1746 01:11:54,130 --> 01:11:58,090 the physics of Kundalini which led me 1747 01:11:56,350 --> 01:12:00,670 into psychophysiology and biofeedback 1748 01:11:58,090 --> 01:12:02,530 and all this fun stuff now what did that 1749 01:12:00,670 --> 01:12:04,900 mean on a practical level well what it 1750 01:12:02,530 --> 01:12:07,090 meant was that when you set really still 1751 01:12:04,900 --> 01:12:08,380 for a long time in a charged space and 1752 01:12:07,090 --> 01:12:10,450 you're well nourished and reasonably 1753 01:12:08,380 --> 01:12:13,810 healthy and your glands have a certain 1754 01:12:10,450 --> 01:12:16,060 level of evolution then this process can 1755 01:12:13,810 --> 01:12:20,170 kind of go to completion and you begin 1756 01:12:16,060 --> 01:12:23,110 to feel this electric or I and if you 1757 01:12:20,170 --> 01:12:24,910 have it's related to sexual energy the 1758 01:12:23,110 --> 01:12:26,650 ultraviolet component begins to go up 1759 01:12:24,910 --> 01:12:28,840 your tailbone actually actually can feel 1760 01:12:26,650 --> 01:12:30,520 it right now a little bit and it begins 1761 01:12:28,840 --> 01:12:32,650 to feel like a kind of a red-hot poker 1762 01:12:30,520 --> 01:12:34,300 going up your tailbone and we actually 1763 01:12:32,650 --> 01:12:36,040 know what that is those vestigial horse 1764 01:12:34,300 --> 01:12:38,110 hairs there and then there's this fine 1765 01:12:36,040 --> 01:12:40,180 liquid pump which pumps that ultraviolet 1766 01:12:38,110 --> 01:12:41,650 coherently which is the sacral cranial 1767 01:12:40,180 --> 01:12:44,380 mechanism of Kundalini it's all been 1768 01:12:41,650 --> 01:12:48,490 measured ventas capacitive accelerometer 1769 01:12:44,380 --> 01:12:50,110 exciting is lab with him so in my case 1770 01:12:48,490 --> 01:12:52,540 that meant that after a while I could 1771 01:12:50,110 --> 01:12:54,340 begin to feel like there was a a burning 1772 01:12:52,540 --> 01:12:55,840 fire like a red-hot poker 1773 01:12:54,340 --> 01:12:58,150 went for my tailbone and coming out the 1774 01:12:55,840 --> 01:13:00,099 top of my head and it was erotic it was 1775 01:12:58,150 --> 01:13:03,670 fun it was powerful and it was dangerous 1776 01:13:00,099 --> 01:13:05,500 it's dangerous because it stresses the 1777 01:13:03,670 --> 01:13:07,599 mineral water bond in your body it 1778 01:13:05,500 --> 01:13:10,270 accelerates metabolism past the point of 1779 01:13:07,599 --> 01:13:11,739 and even terrified net are plants are 1780 01:13:10,270 --> 01:13:13,389 used as those same frequencies and it 1781 01:13:11,739 --> 01:13:14,920 does it accelerates going to Leaney and 1782 01:13:13,389 --> 01:13:16,960 it accelerates metabolism and it 1783 01:13:14,920 --> 01:13:18,969 accelerates heart rate and you know a 1784 01:13:16,960 --> 01:13:20,949 little is good and a lot can be tricky 1785 01:13:18,969 --> 01:13:22,659 and that's true Kundalini that's true of 1786 01:13:20,949 --> 01:13:26,199 plasma that's true sacred space there's 1787 01:13:22,659 --> 01:13:27,639 a work that's called hormesis so I began 1788 01:13:26,199 --> 01:13:30,010 to notice that there was some effect on 1789 01:13:27,639 --> 01:13:32,260 the environment you know on your good 1790 01:13:30,010 --> 01:13:33,790 days with Kundalini you do have an 1791 01:13:32,260 --> 01:13:35,349 effect on cloud formations it's 1792 01:13:33,790 --> 01:13:37,000 practical it's real it's nothing it's 1793 01:13:35,349 --> 01:13:39,489 the same thing well I'm right discovered 1794 01:13:37,000 --> 01:13:40,929 and you have an effect on lots of things 1795 01:13:39,489 --> 01:13:42,849 in your environment people around you 1796 01:13:40,929 --> 01:13:44,710 might get headaches more often because 1797 01:13:42,849 --> 01:13:46,780 you're imploding and the phonons are 1798 01:13:44,710 --> 01:13:48,369 propagating and bliss is electric the 1799 01:13:46,780 --> 01:13:51,670 contagious I mean there's a lot to this 1800 01:13:48,369 --> 01:13:53,500 bio physics but in effect when you have 1801 01:13:51,670 --> 01:13:55,270 intense bliss your DNA becomes more 1802 01:13:53,500 --> 01:13:58,599 coherent and you begin to notice things 1803 01:13:55,270 --> 01:14:00,940 you notice that you can feel magnetic 1804 01:13:58,599 --> 01:14:03,040 lines better so the more bliss you have 1805 01:14:00,940 --> 01:14:04,630 the easier it is for you feel magnetic 1806 01:14:03,040 --> 01:14:06,699 line so I began to be able to feel the 1807 01:14:04,630 --> 01:14:07,869 ley lines and got interested in geo 1808 01:14:06,699 --> 01:14:10,119 biology and worked with the leading 1809 01:14:07,869 --> 01:14:11,500 geology here is Stefan Cardinal in 1810 01:14:10,119 --> 01:14:12,880 Lausanne it's ever sir 1811 01:14:11,500 --> 01:14:15,159 so you'd be in to feel these things and 1812 01:14:12,880 --> 01:14:18,219 then various they call it cities in my 1813 01:14:15,159 --> 01:14:19,719 case it was clairaudience in many cases 1814 01:14:18,219 --> 01:14:22,270 it will be clairvoyance I even had a 1815 01:14:19,719 --> 01:14:24,639 discussion with my mother near the time 1816 01:14:22,270 --> 01:14:27,489 of her death where she was my mother's a 1817 01:14:24,639 --> 01:14:29,980 famous artist Thelma winter calm and she 1818 01:14:27,489 --> 01:14:32,199 was very notably clairvoyant she you 1819 01:14:29,980 --> 01:14:34,030 know you could see it in her and whereas 1820 01:14:32,199 --> 01:14:35,949 I inherited a little that clairaudience 1821 01:14:34,030 --> 01:14:37,900 but not the clairvoyance and I can tell 1822 01:14:35,949 --> 01:14:40,810 you what we know what it is the ringing 1823 01:14:37,900 --> 01:14:42,310 in your ears called Sangre all that that 1824 01:14:40,810 --> 01:14:44,409 you feel when you're having these bliss 1825 01:14:42,310 --> 01:14:45,550 experiences is actually minutes in in my 1826 01:14:44,409 --> 01:14:47,530 book in the latest book you there's 1827 01:14:45,550 --> 01:14:48,909 actually a chart so bent off measured 1828 01:14:47,530 --> 01:14:53,949 the ringing in the ears heard by 1829 01:14:48,909 --> 01:14:56,710 meditators sangre all sound current the 1830 01:14:53,949 --> 01:14:58,000 song in the blood and those harmonics if 1831 01:14:56,710 --> 01:14:59,500 you tuned it all you ask later and have 1832 01:14:58,000 --> 01:15:01,270 the Bliss meditators you can actually 1833 01:14:59,500 --> 01:15:02,530 measure the frequencies of the ring in 1834 01:15:01,270 --> 01:15:03,909 your ears and we now know that their 1835 01:15:02,530 --> 01:15:06,130 face God you at their clothing and the 1836 01:15:03,909 --> 01:15:07,800 phone on ventricles are imploding in 1837 01:15:06,130 --> 01:15:09,900 your ventricle horns are because 1838 01:15:07,800 --> 01:15:12,630 Kohn's in your skull getting horny but 1839 01:15:09,900 --> 01:15:16,020 it's conserved sexual momentum as a 1840 01:15:12,630 --> 01:15:19,350 phone that way and that is voices of 1841 01:15:16,020 --> 01:15:21,630 ancestors you know my friend knows you 1842 01:15:19,350 --> 01:15:23,970 know which ancestor is calling by which 1843 01:15:21,630 --> 01:15:24,930 ear is ringing it's why is that the 1844 01:15:23,970 --> 01:15:27,960 voice of ancestors 1845 01:15:24,930 --> 01:15:29,220 well ancestral memory is this stuff 1846 01:15:27,960 --> 01:15:31,860 that's the point 1847 01:15:29,220 --> 01:15:34,950 every Aboriginal can tell you that they 1848 01:15:31,860 --> 01:15:36,630 live for ancestral memory there's a 1849 01:15:34,950 --> 01:15:38,880 survival reason for that 1850 01:15:36,630 --> 01:15:40,830 it's a collected survival information 1851 01:15:38,880 --> 01:15:43,230 library an ancestral memory is available 1852 01:15:40,830 --> 01:15:44,700 in certain places ley line song lines 1853 01:15:43,230 --> 01:15:48,660 and if you sing to him you can embed in 1854 01:15:44,700 --> 01:15:51,150 it so for example my clairaudience we 1855 01:15:48,660 --> 01:15:52,680 were living in clay pit Waynesville 1856 01:15:51,150 --> 01:15:55,350 North Carolina and we found out our 1857 01:15:52,680 --> 01:15:57,600 community was actually built on a sacred 1858 01:15:55,350 --> 01:15:59,490 Cherokee burial ground which was a sin 1859 01:15:57,600 --> 01:16:03,330 and my hair stands up right now talking 1860 01:15:59,490 --> 01:16:04,980 about it and and um so the first thing I 1861 01:16:03,330 --> 01:16:06,870 heard was Cherokee ancestors actually 1862 01:16:04,980 --> 01:16:09,150 and they were talking about the Trail of 1863 01:16:06,870 --> 01:16:11,370 Tears and I you know and so a little bit 1864 01:16:09,150 --> 01:16:12,720 of clairaudience and I never was 1865 01:16:11,370 --> 01:16:14,940 disciplined you need to be very 1866 01:16:12,720 --> 01:16:17,580 disciplined to to interpret these things 1867 01:16:14,940 --> 01:16:20,040 in Hindi so I never really developed 1868 01:16:17,580 --> 01:16:21,900 that discipline well enough so I was in 1869 01:16:20,040 --> 01:16:25,890 the busy being stuck in my head and 1870 01:16:21,900 --> 01:16:27,860 doing the sights also but yes because of 1871 01:16:25,890 --> 01:16:30,630 intense Kundalini I can talk fast 1872 01:16:27,860 --> 01:16:32,730 because of intense Kundalini I can feel 1873 01:16:30,630 --> 01:16:34,530 very big ideas I'm pretty good at that 1874 01:16:32,730 --> 01:16:36,660 and it's all because I began to get a 1875 01:16:34,530 --> 01:16:38,400 larger aura it's all because I paid 1876 01:16:36,660 --> 01:16:40,560 attention to some of these things now if 1877 01:16:38,400 --> 01:16:41,670 I had paid more attention to diet and 1878 01:16:40,560 --> 01:16:43,410 some things like that I would have 1879 01:16:41,670 --> 01:16:48,260 probably done better but at least I'm 1880 01:16:43,410 --> 01:16:51,300 here talking to you today so I would say 1881 01:16:48,260 --> 01:16:55,040 maybe one final thing about this as we 1882 01:16:51,300 --> 01:16:58,740 conclude here in terms of using 1883 01:16:55,040 --> 01:17:02,040 Ascension and your bliss big aura to 1884 01:16:58,740 --> 01:17:06,990 communicate with your environment I make 1885 01:17:02,040 --> 01:17:09,450 some final comments we know that it's 1886 01:17:06,990 --> 01:17:12,960 it's it's very well known that elemental 1887 01:17:09,450 --> 01:17:14,940 forces are angry with humans for not 1888 01:17:12,960 --> 01:17:16,980 communicating with it's real you talk to 1889 01:17:14,940 --> 01:17:19,800 anybody who communicates with elemental 1890 01:17:16,980 --> 01:17:21,269 forces elemental forces are like orbs 1891 01:17:19,800 --> 01:17:23,039 their plasma balls that 1892 01:17:21,269 --> 01:17:24,359 survive only in certain environments 1893 01:17:23,039 --> 01:17:26,760 that it will never be a steel or 1894 01:17:24,359 --> 01:17:28,379 aluminum building never know they can 1895 01:17:26,760 --> 01:17:31,079 survive in iron environments with the 1896 01:17:28,379 --> 01:17:33,359 dielectric acid the elemental forces are 1897 01:17:31,079 --> 01:17:36,719 things like tornadoes and hurricanes 1898 01:17:33,359 --> 01:17:40,559 hello this is a big plans of all who is 1899 01:17:36,719 --> 01:17:44,010 steering them hello nobody why because 1900 01:17:40,559 --> 01:17:46,409 we so stupidly actually the large 1901 01:17:44,010 --> 01:17:48,809 elemental forces consider the humans to 1902 01:17:46,409 --> 01:17:50,699 be drunk because we don't talk to them 1903 01:17:48,809 --> 01:17:52,589 actually and we don't talk to them 1904 01:17:50,699 --> 01:17:54,689 because we don't know what living plasma 1905 01:17:52,589 --> 01:17:56,760 is we have all these mystical ideas 1906 01:17:54,689 --> 01:17:58,559 about scouting the divine but you can't 1907 01:17:56,760 --> 01:18:01,799 walk out in your backyard and see a 1908 01:17:58,559 --> 01:18:04,260 plasma doughnut like a undies or an 1909 01:18:01,799 --> 01:18:06,479 elemental feeding the life force to your 1910 01:18:04,260 --> 01:18:08,189 plants so if you can't talk to them and 1911 01:18:06,479 --> 01:18:10,349 work with them and first of all they're 1912 01:18:08,189 --> 01:18:12,510 not even gonna exist if you're you know 1913 01:18:10,349 --> 01:18:15,539 in electrosmog nightmare in the big city 1914 01:18:12,510 --> 01:18:17,159 but if you're somewhere in nature start 1915 01:18:15,539 --> 01:18:18,899 working with the elemental forces 1916 01:18:17,159 --> 01:18:21,389 because that is what's going to 1917 01:18:18,899 --> 01:18:24,179 eventually steer a tornado the size of 1918 01:18:21,389 --> 01:18:27,209 our planet as the solar wind goes up so 1919 01:18:24,179 --> 01:18:28,979 ascension means effectively eventually 1920 01:18:27,209 --> 01:18:31,319 you will see through the eye of the Sun 1921 01:18:28,979 --> 01:18:33,119 and I did want to end with that actually 1922 01:18:31,319 --> 01:18:35,069 that you know we started this group 1923 01:18:33,119 --> 01:18:37,379 called the solar heart community at 1924 01:18:35,069 --> 01:18:39,749 yahoogroups calm with all these shamans 1925 01:18:37,379 --> 01:18:41,369 who had literally literally seen to the 1926 01:18:39,749 --> 01:18:43,319 eye of the Sun we know the geometry 1927 01:18:41,369 --> 01:18:44,909 neither Sun it's the I know Slipknot 1928 01:18:43,319 --> 01:18:47,399 seven strands inside five spins outside 1929 01:18:44,909 --> 01:18:49,109 same as the heart of hydrogen and we 1930 01:18:47,399 --> 01:18:50,819 know that every Shaolin has ever looked 1931 01:18:49,109 --> 01:18:52,499 for the eyeball of the Sun has agreed 1932 01:18:50,819 --> 01:18:54,179 that the heart of the Sun is cool and 1933 01:18:52,499 --> 01:18:55,909 inviting it's not warm at all we know 1934 01:18:54,179 --> 01:18:58,229 why because it's called cold fusion 1935 01:18:55,909 --> 01:19:00,510 fusion actually is what creates that 1936 01:18:58,229 --> 01:19:01,649 mega entropy self-awareness and that's 1937 01:19:00,510 --> 01:19:04,679 part of why the Sun is the most 1938 01:19:01,649 --> 01:19:07,559 self-aware being in our solar system and 1939 01:19:04,679 --> 01:19:11,279 the only way in and out of our solar 1940 01:19:07,559 --> 01:19:13,260 system and every extraterrestrial can 1941 01:19:11,279 --> 01:19:14,939 tell you if the et arrived as a plasma 1942 01:19:13,260 --> 01:19:16,919 ball through the heart of the Sun then 1943 01:19:14,939 --> 01:19:18,599 have a conversation but if you're et 1944 01:19:16,919 --> 01:19:20,479 arrived in heavy metal you know they're 1945 01:19:18,599 --> 01:19:23,699 from the wrong side of the tracks and 1946 01:19:20,479 --> 01:19:25,589 probably you should dock so the plasma 1947 01:19:23,699 --> 01:19:28,559 beings who can who can get it through 1948 01:19:25,589 --> 01:19:31,019 the heart of the Sun are the ones who 1949 01:19:28,559 --> 01:19:32,399 actually can grow up and remember going 1950 01:19:31,019 --> 01:19:34,769 out through the heart of the Sun is not 1951 01:19:32,399 --> 01:19:35,459 escapism no it's called graduating from 1952 01:19:34,769 --> 01:19:37,709 kinder 1953 01:19:35,459 --> 01:19:40,199 that's why they called them Sun gods and 1954 01:19:37,709 --> 01:19:42,059 that's why the ANU was both the name of 1955 01:19:40,199 --> 01:19:43,619 an Kees father I knew as what was the 1956 01:19:42,059 --> 01:19:46,530 heart of the Sun because basically a 1957 01:19:43,619 --> 01:19:48,709 plasma big enough to inhabit a star is 1958 01:19:46,530 --> 01:19:50,999 the only way to grow up 1959 01:19:48,709 --> 01:19:52,739 and it see it's the reason to use a 1960 01:19:50,999 --> 01:19:53,729 fractal of Orion and almost every 1961 01:19:52,739 --> 01:19:56,130 ancient star map 1962 01:19:53,729 --> 01:19:57,749 it's called plasma projection and plasma 1963 01:19:56,130 --> 01:19:59,909 projection is the only real definition 1964 01:19:57,749 --> 01:20:02,280 of remote viewing national travel which 1965 01:19:59,909 --> 01:20:05,369 is why you know the Egyptians believe 1966 01:20:02,280 --> 01:20:07,979 that their Pharaoh had to be fired if he 1967 01:20:05,369 --> 01:20:09,719 couldn't make rain well and which is why 1968 01:20:07,979 --> 01:20:11,429 Tutankhamun learned how to make rain and 1969 01:20:09,719 --> 01:20:13,499 I have a fragment of that soul memory 1970 01:20:11,429 --> 01:20:16,829 and I can make rain out of my good days 1971 01:20:13,499 --> 01:20:19,530 I cannot stop it but I you know I have 1972 01:20:16,829 --> 01:20:21,419 ended a few droughts in my day my 1973 01:20:19,530 --> 01:20:23,189 friends can tell you yeah and I'm not 1974 01:20:21,419 --> 01:20:24,689 very disciplined about it I think 1975 01:20:23,189 --> 01:20:28,380 rolling rolling thunder' could do better 1976 01:20:24,689 --> 01:20:30,630 but the point would be that Tutankhamun 1977 01:20:28,380 --> 01:20:32,340 was a Rainmaker because after a hundred 1978 01:20:30,630 --> 01:20:34,380 generations the yearning of their 1979 01:20:32,340 --> 01:20:36,719 ancestors at the moment of death was if 1980 01:20:34,380 --> 01:20:39,059 I can't make rain I'm gonna get fired as 1981 01:20:36,719 --> 01:20:42,659 Pharaoh so eventually your kids learn 1982 01:20:39,059 --> 01:20:44,820 how to make rings and and they used his 1983 01:20:42,659 --> 01:20:46,260 DNA for that and and the elementals are 1984 01:20:44,820 --> 01:20:47,459 attractive it has through the physics of 1985 01:20:46,260 --> 01:20:49,559 precipitation it's quite an interesting 1986 01:20:47,459 --> 01:20:52,619 story about the term but remember the 1987 01:20:49,559 --> 01:20:54,749 Egyptian believe that if they're Osiris 1988 01:20:52,619 --> 01:20:55,739 didn't inhabit the Sun the whole thing 1989 01:20:54,749 --> 01:20:59,090 was gonna fall apart 1990 01:20:55,739 --> 01:21:04,469 well they were right do you see that 1991 01:20:59,090 --> 01:21:07,889 stars do not make us as a whim no stars 1992 01:21:04,469 --> 01:21:10,169 need something we make centripetal force 1993 01:21:07,889 --> 01:21:12,989 which is why the solar flare has changed 1994 01:21:10,169 --> 01:21:14,760 so dramatically 11 times measured when 1995 01:21:12,989 --> 01:21:17,669 more than a million children same this 1996 01:21:14,760 --> 01:21:20,519 sang the same song at the same time why 1997 01:21:17,669 --> 01:21:23,059 because we made a center people 1998 01:21:20,519 --> 01:21:25,800 something that our star her needs 1999 01:21:23,059 --> 01:21:29,010 so invitation to become Sun God the real 2000 01:21:25,800 --> 01:21:29,760 meaning of ascension I'm gonna say thank 2001 01:21:29,010 --> 01:21:31,590 you very much 2002 01:21:29,760 --> 01:21:35,449 any questions happy to be here Neil and 2003 01:21:31,590 --> 01:21:35,449 I hope this is shareable a thing 2004 01:21:36,970 --> 01:21:43,419 you 2005 01:21:38,350 --> 01:21:43,419 [Music]