Biologic Architecture

(Transcript here of the film- main link:

with Dan Winter and Jesse Krieger

Jesse: Hi, this is a talk on biologic architecture with Dan Winter and myself, Jesse Kreger. 

Dan: Hi, I'm Dan Winter and I'm excited to be with you.  We're going to be explaining the real principles behind living architecture and the electric nature of life itself as it applies to architecture.

But first I think it would be good to hear a little bit about Jesse.  Jesse came all the way from California here to South France to make this documentary on biologic architecture and he's working with groups at Stanford who are interested in these principles.

Jesse:  That's correct, thank you Dan, and it's wonderful to be here with you as well.  My name is Jesse Kreger and I'm from San Francisco, CA.  There I run a consulting firm called Kreger Consulting Group, focused on alternative energy projects and sustainability.  And I'm also working with two groups at Stanford, the Sustainability and Energy Project and the Global Climate and Energy Project.

One of the focuses there is on building a student union building based on the biologic architecture principles.  And what were going to be talking about here today plays directly into that.  So maybe a little background on yourself, Dan, and we should get started.

Dan: Great!  I was quite happy to be introduced in a teleconference with that student   group, consulting on the new student center at Stanford interested in biologic architecture.  We have groups doing biologic architecture, real professional groups, we'll introduce you to later in this tape, who are actually using and implementing biologic architecture commercially in four or five different countries. 

But first, let's talk about the pure principles behind it.  Again, since my background is electrical engineering and psychophysiology and measuring life electrically, we have come to some significant insights about what it is that could empower architecture to really serve biology.

And it begins with a very simple idea. And that idea is that everything that wishes to be alive needs to store the information that is life electrically.  Effectively, it's just a model to say that we have been talking about freshness and life force and chi, and orgone, and prana and we've used all those words.

But now, having measured the electric field that tells us that an egg is fresh or that an apple is fresh, we know that, we can say with some confidence, that all those words, spirit, chi, orgone, prana, shaktipat, freshness, vitality,     'ALL of those words' are really descriptions of a charged field.  A dielectric, capacitive, weak electric field. Simple way to understand this:    How do you know if a seed is alive or dead' What a mystery, right' I'm an electrical engineer.  I would like to have an answer for electrical engineers for that question.  Well, if you study a seed in the ground and you're trying to find out if it's alive or dead, what you are essentially doing is'

Suppose you we're watching it in a microscope just at the moment it first germinates .  What would actually make the seed alive is ...if you remember Star Trek now, what is a tractor beam'a tractor beam in Star Trek is when you can change the angle of an approaching spacecraft to suck it in at the angle you want it to arrive. 

And a seed uses a tractor beam which is a capacitive field, an electric field, to

 suck in an approaching water molecule, because therein lies the food, the dissolved mineral.  So in effect, quite literally, the seed is alive if it can make a weak electric field to change the angle of an approaching water molecule.

So life or death is that electric field!  It's not complicated. It's not hairy, it's not difficult. So, where did that electric field get in that seed' How did that seed get an electric field strong enough to change the angle of the coming water molecule'  The drama is, if we look at some pictures, and we have some beautiful pictures'

What makes the   water in the living cell alive, it forms a dodecahedral, which is a five sided cage called a clathrate cage, and this makes water more electrically conductive.  There's a whole famous Nobel Prize on electronic biology and cancer by Albert St. George, of Marine Woodsall Biologic Laboratories, showing that it's the order in water, inside the cell, the electric order of water, that is the difference between cancer and health.  So, again and again, life is the electric field compressed, so it can radiate.  And that electric field is the secret of life.  Now that has implications for architecture.

Jesse:  So you just mentioned something called compression, specifically charged   compression.  Maybe you could talk about what that is and how that plays into the way that architecture is structured so that it could effectively compress charge.

Dan:  That is the right question, thank you, absolutely.  So we're talking about  the fact that everything that you consider the memory of  who is  you,  is in fact the shape of electric fields that have compressed in your body, in your cells, in your DNA, in your blood.  So the ability to have life and survival, and memory, and maybe even memory after death depends on whether electric fields are compressed efficiently inside you, inside your blood, inside your DNA, inside your cells.

So the trick is compression. ( laughter) And if we look at the history of computing'.what's that' Computers are the discovery of non-destructive compression. 

If we look at Einstein, he said what is the secret of the unified field'  His words' Non-destructive compression, or simply, constructive compression of charge.

So, could that be the secret to architecture' 

So, essentially, compression is about whether information, which is charged, can be squeezed efficiently and constructively so that all the waves of charge that contain all that valuable survival information get compressed efficiently.

And it turns out that in pure science, pure physics, pure mathematics, the perfect form of compression is called 'fractal'.  Think- fraction of the all.  Now fractals are not difficult to imagine. Imagine a rose, imagine a pinecone, imagine a fern, imagine an onion'it's something where you could zoom in forever, and the inside always looks like the outside. 

Jesse:  And that's called self-similarity.

Dan:  Self-similarity, thank you.  That's our buzzword.  Yes, so things that are self-similar, where the inside looks like the outside, called fractal, can be compressed perfectly, can be compressed infinitely, can be compressed non-destructively.  It's just like if there is somebody you love and you want to give them the perfect squeeze. It turns out that the perfect squeeze is fractal.    So, there's another secret about perfect squeezing and perfect compression.  And guess what that is'

Dan:  Hint: It's golden.

Jesse:  The golden mean ratio'

Dan:  Yes, the golden mean ratio. YES!

So, it turns out that the golden mean ratio, because this number, .618033989, is the only ratio that allows a sequence of numbers to both add and multiply.  It's called the sacred cut.  The golden mean, and it is literally the geometry, also, of perfect compression. 

So, ALL of biology is based, almost entirely, upon this golden mean ratio.

Jesse:  And for anybody  that's watching that is not familiar with this, aren't some examples that  we can find in the human  body, the distance between our feet to the top of your head  at .618 and .the head down to the feet we find our navel.

Dan:  Yes, that's beautiful. And you have .618 from your little finger to your bigger knuckle'its all the golden mean ratio.  The finger of God touching man.  We have beautiful images of that ..; we'll show some fun pictures.

So, golden mean ratio is all over your body.  DNA is based almost exclusively, entirely on golden mean ratio. Beautiful pictures of that we'll show you here.

Jesse:  So would it be safe to say that biology is based on the golden mean ratio' That life naturally organizes itself in accordance to .618 ratios'

Dan: It's so perfect.  In fact, that is so correct, that the name phyllotaxis and phylo, phyllotaxis, which means perfect branching in the way trees branch and flowers unfold is called phyllotaxis, perfect branching, arborescence, is named for phi, the golden mean ratio.  Because the Fibonacci progression leads to golden mean ratio.  It's called maximum exposure, minimum superposition.   And that becomes our word divine, to branch perfectly, which means sacred; it becomes the word scion, to branch, priori to scion, prior to perfect branching. It just means you might be a chip off your old block.  We like your dad too'.and you're a fractal, right'!( laughing )

So our word science literally comes from scion, which is a name for a branch in tree-pruning.  So branching perfectly, is exactly what describes information distribution efficiency.

Jesse:  So would one illustration of branching in phyllotaxis, perhaps, if we were to reverse engineer a tree, which has grown and has a number of limbs and branches and leaves, if we had a time relapse camera showing that going back in reverse going back to the seed. Would that be an example of compressing charge'

Dan:  That's beautiful.  Because what is at the same time, perfect unpacking, is the definition of what is perfect packing.  And this is our issue'perfect non-destructive compression is what thus enables perfect unpacking or distribution.

So, in a fractal, you have such efficient squeezing, that when it comes time for the waves to unpack, you get perfected charged distribution. And we're hypothesizing that an electrician's definition of consciousness and life is actually perfected charge distribution due to golden ratio fractality.

I'll say again, defining life for electric field engineers'  a new definition of life, hello'this is a little bit radical, exciting, no'  A new definition of life for electrical engineers is the perfected distribution of electric charge permitted specifically by golden mean ratio optimized fractality.

Jesse:  And could it be said that structures or organisms with the absence of this prefect charged compression would be'well, what would you give as a word for that'

Dan: Well that is the right question, again.  That if the electric field made by a structure, is not fractal, then charged distribution bleeds, and life dies.

Jesse:  What can you say about the current state of architecture in the world'

Dan:  Therein lies the problem. Oh my God. It's a very simple experiment.  You could do the experiment for 10 cents in every architecture college on the planet earth.  You take 100 germinating seeds and put them in a little dish.  Now, keeping the temperature and moisture the same, and put that little dish inside a metal cage. Guess what' the seeds die!  Now you take those same seeds and put them in the center of a pattern of paramagnetic stone'like Stonehenge 'and the seeds go bpppp'  And they grow beautifully! Oh, is that a complicated experiment!  Gee, it costs ten cents to do it!   How come they didn't do that experiment in your architecture college' 

Jesse:  And the analogy then, is that the steel cage is equivalent to the steel frame of most modern buildings'

Dan:    Thank you, yes, let's be clear.  So, we need to understand why it is that a metal building kills a germinating seed.  This needs to be taught to your architecture professors, that's why we're here.  So we're here to explain he principle, the physics, the details of why that is so.

Because, we saw that all DNA and all of life is based on golden mean ratio. We know for centuries, that everyone who talked about sacred buildings and sacred architecture was always talking about the golden mean ratio. The Parthenon, golden mean ratio...the Sarcophagus and the Great pyramid, golden mean ratio, the pyramid itself golden mean ratio.

Jesse:  And just to be clear, when you say golden mean ratio, in relation to these different buildings you 're taking about either the curvature  and how if you had lines it would be .618  between each different curve, or in the example of the pyramids, maybe you could  explain how golden mean ration interrelates and interacts with construction.

Dan:  There's a hundred ways that the golden mean ratio appears in the great pyramid.  But the simplest one for now, the width to the length of the Sarcophagus and the Great Pyramid, the width to the length of the Parthenon'.very, very simple, I mean there's lots of ways'we'll do some animations later.

But what we want to explain now, is, that we wish to define that beauty for electricians, for physicists for scientists. We want a definition of what it is that defines beauty in a way that is measurable, so that we can come to a rigorous, meaningful definition of the sacred, definition of biologic architecture.  And that's where we have some clues.  Where I'm going with is...that if you put a capacitor in the center of those structures, like Stonehenge, the great pyramid, the Parthenon, and the King's Chamber'if you put a capacitor in this is the same way we use a gold coated egg, which is a capacitor, a condenser, it condenses charge, just like a pinecone is a capacitor.

If you put an electric field sensor, a capacitor, in the center of the great pyramid, what you measure there is what is called 'harmonic inclusiveness'.  The fact that more and more different waves of charge are able to converge non-destructively in one place. And where charged waves can agree, and fractal compression is permitted, biology gets happy!  Now it's not complicated.  We need to understand that in strict scientific medical terms'and that's where we use the medical literature. It turns out that in the studies on your heart, which is the strongest source of voltage and charge in the body, that the more harmonics, or wavelengths, that are in your heart, called heart rate variability, the more you resist almost all disease.

So literally you can predict the vitality, how long you're going to live, by simply checking your heart. If there's one frequency there only, you're toast man, you're dead, all disease is coming, you might as well write your will and you're going to die.  Whereas, if you check your heart and you find harmonic inclusiveness there, you know that, statistically, all chronic disease is going to disappear.

It's the work of Dr. Irving Dardik, MD, former chairman of the Olympic Medical Committee, the famous, recent best selling book Making Waves. It was originally published in Cycles magazine.  He calls it super looping or perfect nesting. .lovely things...essentially means the healthy heart is a fractal a heart, except now we define that as the heart that can attract the most number of DIFFERENT frequencies at once. Perfect compression, perfect compassion' Pretty romantic, huh'

Jesse:  It is, except that the current state of architecture that you pointed out is not exactly in line with these principles. So maybe you could give an example of what's happening in buildings and structures that are built on proportions other than golden mean ratio.

Dan:  Yeah, are we saying that architects don't have heart' Oh, that might be a little insulting .What we ARE saying is we haven't understood what is at the heart of architecture until we understand what is at the heart of the electric field that can serve all of biology.

So, let's take another example.  In the orgone literature, and we now know, that the word orgone means recursive, self-similar capacities, so, non-destructive charge compression.

So in the orgone literature, it's very common, you take these germinating seeds and measure the weight and if you use what they call an orgone accumulator, you will have 30% increase in the weight of those seeds just germinated, if they're in a recursive capacitor.  And if not, they don't grow so good.  And that experiment is replicable.  And that needs to be   the beginning of the biophysics department at your university.

HELLO! Where's the biophysics department when you need them'  They don't' know that life is'oops! They need to explain why it is that that electric field triggered those seeds to germinate 'then, in my view, they will be ready to invent architecture.  To "tect" an arc is to build an arch'How do you build an arch' You have to build the angle of charged curvature, which creates self-similarity; it's called non-destructive self-reentry for charge, the golden ratio. In physics called the golden mean spiral, optimized translation of vorticity, the best way for a line to become a circle, or vice versa, which is the best way for energy to become mass and vice 'versa which is simply non-destructive compression    of charge'defining creation, defining life itself in terms of how information gets into one place, the bios of the logos.

So now did I ignore your question' Yes, I ignored it.

What you asked was, what is the effect on buildings that are built with out those right proportions.

Jesse: and the effects on those inside in them.

Dan:  Yes' what I am saying is yes, the right proportions are important.  But we must define the reason why you need the right proportions before you can start building. The right proportions are only important to the extent that they create the right electric field.

It's the right electric field that determines whether people are having bliss, whether seeds are germinating, whether people are getting an immune system.  There's a famous story about that called Banking on Nature, the article by Henry McLain, about the famous bank in Netherlands, we'll show some pictures, and the employee absentee rate at this bank went to zero the day they installed sacred architecture and flow forms and negative ions.  Suddenly this building had and electric field where all the employees always wanted to be there. It's a fractal attractor, literally, for people. It attracted charge.

Jesse:  So it could be said that they feel better and more alive being in a structure that was built and retained charge and compressed it in this way.

Dan:  Yes, retaining, that's the key word'if it's bleeding charge, it's bleeding life. Your refrigerator is a square metal cube and food dies in there really quick.   Why'  Because it's a bleeding capacitor.  So this needs to be taught to architects.  They need to understand then that all this bit about well, I put this golden proportion in this room or that room' that's fine and that's romantic, but the fact is the way the architect's paycheck should be determined, would be you put a capacitor and a dish of germinating seeds in the center of the building after they've designed and built it, and see if that building is a biologic capacitor.  See if that building can make an electric field to cause a seed to germinate.  Compress the charge efficiently, then radiate the charge efficiently.  It's true of seeds, and it ought to be true of buildings. 

What does this mean'  It means in the future that buildings will look like pinecones, and they'll have the same materials as pinecones.  Remember the design for the city of Prague'  It's a rose.

Jesse:  Just as you mentioned the pinecone. What exactly is happening with the pinecone over time as the different points of it expand and compact'

Dan: In the famous book Vortex of Life, Fields of Form, and the arthroscopic tradition shows that the pinecone opens and closes very gradually in a gorgeous beautiful arc, just like it's breathing with the seasons over the year.  It's called projective geometry.  Steiner called it a theory of formative force.  We now know that projective geometry and the theory of formative force are names for an electric field capacitively coupled.

So what that pinecone is doing' and remember each seed on the surface of that pinecone is a capacitor'a condenser, to condense charge.  Each seed on the surface of that in the pinecone is deciding how much voltage does this pinecone need to suck out of the gravity field.  It's an electric generator.  Very simple, here's the next little challenge for your biophysics department at your university.

I got this really fresh chicken egg here'and I notice if my voltmeter is high it peaks and I put the voltmeter on both ends and if the chicken egg is fresh then I get four to fourteen millivolts.  I want you to go to the head of the biophysics department and ask him please, where the voltage came from.  Because if they don't know, I think they should get reeducated. That voltage is life!'where did it come from' The fact is, the egg and the pinecone are fractal. They can suck in literally from the gravity field. And that is the secret of life. So all of biology goes lots of work to get fractal in order to suck in charge from the ambient field effect. And that is the secret of being alive. And that is the secret of designing a building!

Jesse:  So let's move on and talk about applying the fractal field to architecture.

Dan:  Yes, we want to look at some practical examples in ancient and modern architecture to help us understand principles.

First I wanted to mention that the single most important concept in biologic architecture, in addition of course making a magnetic map to where buildings lie on the ley lines and the grid and the magnetic fields and measuring the electrosmog and understanding the effects of electric fields on biology.  The most important idea is to understand what is a living material, what is an organic material, and define that in terms where you can present in a physics class.

So what we've done, is we have table which we will share here and we rate all of these building materials according to whether they are fractal or whether they are opposite to fractal which is called fractionating in their charge field or capacitive field.

For example, gold and palladium are profoundly dodeca-icosa in their outer valance electron shell symmetry, which makes them beautifully fractal.  Gold palladium, that kind of thing.  So a thin film of gold is profoundly spiritual and serves biology beautifully.

But on the opposite end of that spectrum, steel and aluminum'aluminum produces an electric field which is opposite to fractal, which is poisonous to everything that lives.

Ask any homeopath, it's well known, put dishes of germinating seeds inside aluminum foil, they're going to die.   Put water in an aluminum cup, you don't want to drink it. It's really that serious.  Look at the health statistics of aluminum foil factories.  This is not good stuff.  It has to do with the physics of the amperage that they use in the electric field to push the bauxite into aluminum.  It's called mis-qualified energy.  In technical, physical terms it means that the harmonics that are then contained in the field effect made by that molecule the bauxite in pane and the aluminum.

The alum is not evil, but when the wave has been pushed into the aluminum   with so much electric heat to make the aluminum in a factory, the molecules are literally are out of phase electrically with everything alive. So the electrical field of aluminum is measurably and physically poisonous to everything alive.

So we even can get a definition of evil, (which George Bush desperately needs).

But the definition of evil is wave that fails to nest or imbed in biology.  So, as a physicist, as an electrical engineer, in terms of defining what fields serve biology, I can tell you from pure physics, that aluminum is evil. Sounds like I'm religious about this'.but you get the flavor.  So this is an example of our chart.

Now, obviously, we can't afford gold and palladium for all of our buildings.  So we look at other materials. So it turns out that    very high on the scale are say a stone, a paramagnetic and   piezoelectric' Stones like calcium based stone, limestones, and your granite and basalt'.these stones are highly piezoelectric, highly paramagnetic.  Paramagnetic means it will treat the electric field like a lens, an organizer. That's good, so paramagnetic stone is good.

Diamagnetic stone is stone that breaks up magnetic fields like a sieve or a strainer.  That's called fractionation as opposed to fractality.  So, diamagnetic stone, like sandstone, for example, is not so good. So you make that as a graph and say fractal or non-fractal'

You can talk about stone, you can talk about wood.  Wood, for example, the  closer the grain the hardwoods , trace mineral content, it's very good'.the soft woods are not quite so good, but still a lot better that most of the metals.

And then you have the fabrics.  The fabrics that have happy DNA and we define happy DNA in terms of access to genetic diversity, hemp and wool, cotton, etc. .  These are mega magnetic fields and are useful to biology.  Whereas your plastic and polyester the electric field is poisonous to everything because they prevent the charge field from breathing.

Just put on a polyester sweater for ten minutes, you feel like shit, basically'the physics is because that electric field of the plastic in the garment is preventing the charge   envelope of your body from radiating capacitance efficiently. Just like if you step into a metal building, you feel like shit.  If you step into a sacred stone circle of ancient trees and stones, you feel like you're orgone and can unpack, it's wonderful.  That's fractality versus fractionation. So we can understand and make a chart for architects based on building materials.

Jesse:  So perhaps that also explains the psychological attraction that people have to places of high fractality, like Stonehenge, Macchu Piccu, maybe there's a few others that have physical beauty but also have the physics and the science of such'that people are attracted to go there for reasons other than just to see it.

Dan:  That's precisely the point .Yes, thank you, what's really attracting people is the fact that their biology can thrive.  So if we, as scientists, can define sacred space electrically as a place that nourishes biology electrically, we could then invent sacred architecture, and that is why we are here.

In this section we wanted to present examples. We mentioned Stonehenge.  Stonehenge is concentric rings of paramagnetic piezoelectric stone that's compressing charge'..Animals want to go to the center.  Now it doesn't mean everyone on planet earth has to worship Stonehenge.  You know, the Gods must be crazy'let's worship a coke bottle.  No, it means we understand the principle and we build it for ourselves.  That's what Stonehenge is about.  Stop worshiping the coke bottles, and build it!

So once we understand that, we can then understand the Amarna complex, which is related to Solomon's Temple mythology, Macchu Piccu, these are examples of solar fractal capacitors. And as we explained in our class, the place where the ancient ones, the Ananaki, the places where they went to get born or to die, is in fact the center of a fractal capacitor.

A very simple example:  if a Cherokee Indian shaman is looking for a place to die, he will find a little hill that's fractal to the mountain behind him. And that fractality becomes the sacred burial ground, and that's a place from which your electric field, your aura, your chi, you ka, your baraka, your boat into the underworld, your soul, can non-destructively unpack and therefore take the memory with you at death.  It's absolutely critical that we stop being schizophrenic to think that our spiritual immortality is different than the coherence of an electric field.

It's because we don't understand that that we have these stupid people going to hospitals to die where the electrosmog could scramble a chicken egg and you don't have a prayer of getting out of there with your spirit memory intact.

So the hygiene for successful birth and death exquisitely depends upon understanding fractal capacitors. And therefore, biologic architecture is the beginning of learning how to help people learn how to help people get born and die successfully.

We have some other examples we'll show you here  we have (vesting bourtange), it's   a pentagonal shaped wonderful geometry in the Netherlands where you see that the growth force, literally the green making power, is compressed at the center, specifically because water land, water land, concentric rings, five sided shape, compress charge.  The same way that Atlantis and Amsterdam were designed. These were charge compressors.

And we use the example of a stupa. A stupa is literally the shape of a capacitor and there was gold there. What is gold' A fractal capacitor. So a stupa, in itself, is a study of biologic architecture because it's a study in learning how to build a living capacitor that can serve and cause to thrive biology inside.